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About Me

Racing Name
Soviet Marco
Date of birth
01 nov 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Soviet CheyenneIE-MAR-07-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Marco is a lovely gentle boy who is cat friendly. He belonged to Bob who owns the kennels and is on the waiting list to 'officially' arrive at Daybreaks.

Marco has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
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by fatharry

Monday 06 Jan 23:17

Sorry to hear about Marco, Rob and Evan, I hope in time you remember the good times you had with him,and all the new friends he helped you meet,we are thinking of you Dave & Maria x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 05 Jan 22:59

So sorry to hear such sad news. God Bless Marco...thinking of his family. Xxx

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by tiggersmum

Sunday 05 Jan 19:27

Dear Rob and Evan, you must be devastated at losing your wonderful Marco .. try to take some comfort that you and Evan gave him a loving home for his retirement and he loved you deeply too, Saturdays will not be the same and we'll all miss him. Sending you lots of love and hugs at this dreadful time. Julie xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 05 Jan 17:19

This is such sad news - so very, very sorry to hear it. Run free beautiful boy, far too soon for you to go but I know you will never be forgotten, not only by your family who must be devastated at the moment, but by so many who loved you at the kennels. xx

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by DuleekDandy

Sunday 05 Jan 17:02

So sorry to hear thoughts are with all who loved him
Run free Marco xxx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 05 Jan 16:46

So very, very sorry to hear about Marco. I remember meeting this lovely boy at kennels. Gone far to soon. Our thought are with his family. its been a sad few weeks for our greys. Run free at the Bridge with all the other greys fella.XXX.

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 05 Jan 16:19


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by missfifi

Sunday 05 Jan 16:05

I feel so sad when I read about Marco. He was one of the first dogs Daisydog and I met when we first went to training and both he and Rob made us feel so welcome. Words don't help but please know that you and all who loved Marco are in my thoughts. Run free and forever Marco over the Bridge. xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 05 Jan 15:46

No!! I can't believe it, such a wonderful boy. I'm so upset goodness know what his family is thinking. As Linda said he is such a popular boy. My heart goes out to everyone that knew him especially Marcos family. Sending you lots of love at such a sad time. Run free handsome over rainbow bridge. XX

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by Custard74

Sunday 05 Jan 15:01

Thank you, we are devastated to lose such a part of our family so suddenly. He will be missed x

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by rolohound

Sunday 05 Jan 14:54

So sorry to hear this news. He was a lovely boy & so good at training. Thinking of you at this sad time.

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 05 Jan 13:59

Paul and I are devastated to read this news. Marco was a really lovely laid back hound and was loved by all of us at Saturday class. Our thoughts are with Rob and Evan at this sad time. Sleep tight big fella. We will all miss you very much. xxxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Sunday 05 Jan 13:49

Oh Marco, I'm devastated! Run free beautiful boy. My thoughts are with your family. xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 05 Jan 13:43

I am so sorry to hear about Marco, so young, very sad for Marco and his family, run free beautiful boy x

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by Deb

Sunday 05 Jan 13:27

oh Rob I am so very sorry your beautiful big boy will be missed by everyone.Thinking of you and please come and see all your friends at DebbieX

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 05 Jan 13:06

I am absolutely heartbroken to hear that Marco passed away very unexpectedley yesterday. Crying......

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by Custard74

Thursday 28 Mar 09:26

A few days in & what a chilled out hound Marco is! Loves to say hello after you have been out, only one little accident but in the kitchen, he is great with the cat. Love his walks, loves his sleep, and loves his food! Next stop some further training for us both!

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by Honeypen

Saturday 23 Mar 20:43

Hi Rob & Evan. Ah yes, I'd forgotten how he likes to rub & roll in snow! So glad he's had a good afternoon. Give him time & he will blossom. Can't wait to see a picture & hear updates. He will be so quiet tonight you may well forget you've got him!

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by Custard74

Saturday 23 Mar 18:26

We have had a lovely afternoon with Marco,he is settling in brilliantly, he loves a game of fetch it seems, and seems happy to ignore fatty the cat, even she is getting braver with him, happy to be near but not too close yet , mussel still on obviously, but no signs of wanting a large furry meal on Marco's agenda so far! He's also enjoyed a roll in the snow! Mad dog! Thank you everyone, Rob & Evan

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by Honeypen

Saturday 23 Mar 08:55

Enjoy your new home Marco. Hx

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by Honeypen

Thursday 21 Mar 20:39

Hee hee! He was just a character & my 2 are much more trained now so there are few crazy moments with them anymore. Marco had never been inside a house before so, as we told you last Saturday, he did funny things like pinch my sons ham sandwich right from his fingers. The look on my son's face was priceless. He raced Henry (our greyhound) around the garden & the winner would leap onto the patio & woof-loudly! He was like a lunatic when he smelled vimto. Just funny things like that which you miss when they're gone. My youngest gone to bed with his photo tonight. We wish you all the best for Saturday, he's such a loving dog, you miss it when he's not there. Think we all ended up loving him too much! Oh, look out for when you send him to his bed whilst you're eating-occasionally he would inch forward, doggy comando style to try & pinch a bit of food! :-D

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by Custard74

Thursday 21 Mar 11:42

Roll on Saturday when we can pick him up & welcome him to his new sofa! Should I be nervous if it's quiet without him lol?

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by Honeypen

Wednesday 20 Mar 16:26

Sending Marco a family hug. Not long now til he's in his new home. Still quiet here without him! Hx

by Honeypen

Tuesday 19 Mar 14:25

Brilliant news Rob! Keep in touch-its still odd here without him! Helen

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by Custard74

Tuesday 19 Mar 09:00

We passed the home visit so hopefully Marco will be all snug in our house by the weekend :)

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by Honeypen

Sunday 17 Mar 16:35

Well, Henry (our greyhound) spent most of this morning looking for Marco. It was very quiet without him & we hope he's been ok at kennels with so many visitors this weekend & watching all the comings & goings. Can't wait to hear news about how he's doing. Helen

by Honeypen

Saturday 16 Mar 23:46

Hi Rob & Evan, If ever you need any help or advice just ask any number of us. If you need anything just ask & we will always do our best for you. If you ever need a chat about Marco (& his penchant for vimto!) then I'm more than happy to help where I can, if I don't know the answer I will direct you, straight away, to someone who will. Although American, I found retired greyhounds for dummies a good starter book-you can get on amazon 2nd hand for few pounds. It's strange here without him but we're so pleased he's met you two today. Fingers crossed for home visit-keep me posted. Helen

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 16 Mar 22:25

Wishing Marco lots of happiness in his new home. xxx

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by Custard74

Saturday 16 Mar 18:01

Helen, thanks so much for your time this morning with Marco, fingers crossed for the home visit & we can get him settled with us on a big comfy bed next weekend. I'm sure we will have loads of questions too so bear with us!
Rob & Evan

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 16 Mar 16:34

Brilliant news Marco - well done. So happy for you. x

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by Honeypen

Saturday 16 Mar 12:47

Well done Marco. You taught us so much about retired greyhounds. I hole we did ok for you. Thank you for learning & loving us. Helen & family x ps-any queries about Marco please call or message here x

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by Honeypen

Friday 15 Mar 08:27

Good morning! Marco had another good day yesterday & is learning to go in his bed when we are eating. He loves food so is very easy to call & teach because he loves his tid bits! If anyone would like to meet Marco & have him snuggle his head into you, you may well have found your friend for life. Helen x

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by Honeypen

Wednesday 13 Mar 21:38

That is certainly how it felt & I'm glad to have shared that time with him. He does still keep himself to himself but is straight up when you walk into a room, tail wagging & jumping on the spot whilst nitting me (giving me doggy nibble kisses. He's learning bed command today & doing well. He's still very food oriented hence the bed command. The main thing I discovered about him today is that he has a thing for vimto! The smell of it sends him bonkers. We've obviously not given him any but he tries hishardest to get to it so no more vimto when Marco about! Helen x

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 13 Mar 08:58

Oh Helen, what an amazing story. It must have been awful stuck outside in that dreadful weather, but what troopers the boys sound to have behaved so well and waited so patiently in the cold. Henry on watch and Marco providing protection and comfort - just goes to show how incredible and special Greys are. Maybe Marco is still getting used to being part of a big pack and this is why he prefers to keep himself to himself at times? He sounds just wonderful and I'm delighted that he is blossoming with you and your family.x

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by Honeypen

Tuesday 12 Mar 08:23

Something happened yesterday that made a stronger bond with me & Marco yesterday. I took Henry & Marco for a walk yesterday lunchtime & got caught in that horrible wind & snow. We arrived back home & I realised I'd locked myself out. I had no keys, no phone & my parents who live very near were out. Eventually I walked to my children's school to ask them to call my husband. We had, by now, probably travelled over 3 miles in very cold weather. Both dogs had fleece & coat on but I was still anxious. They coped very well at the school, didn't make a sound & walked so well back up a steep hill of about half a mile to home. We then had to wait 45 minutes until my husband arrived back from work. I tried to keep the boys out of the direct wind & it was Marco who stood with me-his face on my face, curled around me, to keep me warm. Henry stood, ears up, keeping watch whilst Marco & I spent the entire time together. Marco is such a loving dog &, as I've said before, if you don't stroke him he will bop your bottom with his snout or nudge your tummy until you tickle him. He is still nervous in the evenings, Henry & Jasper snuggle up &/play & Marco pops in & out but is still prefering to sleep in a more quiet area on his own. I wonder if Marco would prefer a more quiet home to mine & one without a puppy. That said, its all about a perfect match with the right person. Yesterday I saw something in Marco that tells me he's got a certain extra special something & will make a very loyal companion who will lie at your feet & put his head in your hands. I know he isn't at kennels & so you're missing him but if you call Daybreaks I can bring him to meet you. Personally, I feel, he will like his bed in a cosy corner & live with a female greyhound or by himself but, again, he may well meet a perfect doggy match-its amazing when it happens. I can't stress how much people need to meet Marco-you'll understand when you see him. Helen x

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by Honeypen

Sunday 10 Mar 08:41

Good morning! It's Mother's Day today &, I feel, that includes more people than purely the mothers of children. There are so many people at Daybreaks who work tirelessly for all in their care, they give comfort when a dog is nervous, provide care after an operation, go to Daybreaks come rain or shine, in the freezing cold, when experiencing personal problems & heartache & when they are feeling unwell. They raise money to provide food & shelter for the dogs, they visit homes to ensure an animal will be well looked after in a home & are always there to support when needed. We thank all who are connected to Daybreaks-you make a difference in the world.
I've not much to report about Marco yesterday because I swanned off to Crufts for the day! As each day passes he relaxes a little more. I highly recommend you meet Marco-he is lovely. Helen x

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by Honeypen

Thursday 07 Mar 20:14

Super day with this lovely boy today. He really is a wonderful dog. He's gentle & loving & so quick to learn basic commands. He's a joy to walk & listens to everything I chat about with him when we are out!! He sat for a long time today with my 3 year old son being told all about his kiddizoom camera & then nodded off! The super patient & knowledgeable Beryl came to see how he was getting on today. Without people like Beryl et al rgt would be nothing. Thank you Beryl.
Marco is a wonderful dog & will make someone a loyal & loving companion & if you don't fuss him enough he nudges your bottom with his snout-its very funny. I hope someone will come to meet him soon because they will fall in love with him. Helen x

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by Honeypen

Tuesday 05 Mar 10:52

My husband found some footage of Soviet Marco racing. I've not had chance to see it yet, however, my husband said watching him was breathtaking.

by Honeypen

Monday 04 Mar 22:50

Marco has had another great day & is settling in well. He did very well this evening at greyhound training-his recall very good apparently. He's got a bit fed up with silly Jasper today-was extremely tolerant of his rude behaviour until enough was enough & jasper was shouted at & bopped on his snout. This is typical whippet puppy behaviour-finds it hard to pick up on get off my face messages & keeps pushing it until he's firmly told. Thank you to all involved in offering advice in this area-I am learning every day & its super to be able to pick up the phone & know there is such a large network of support for anyone who needs it. Marco has been learning quickly today & is beginning to relax ever so slightly. He likes to lie by the tumble drier when its on but is now choosing to join us all & lie in the lounge doorway. This is super to see & we hope he's feeling ok here. Helen x

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by Honeypen

Monday 04 Mar 17:07

Ha ha! I'd not thought of his name like that! I thought a Marco was someone a bit like the characters on TOWIE :-D

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by LizzyB

Monday 04 Mar 12:14

I think Marco is a good name. Maybe he's a bit of an explorer like Marco Polo, or a characterful ladies man like Marco Pierre White? :)

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by Honeypen

Sunday 03 Mar 22:08

A super day with Marco today. He's met lots of new people & a few more children. He's had super walks & is picking up house rules very quickly. Spotless in the house still too. Next week I will be teaching him to climb stairs but I'll let him settle in a bit more first. He is a super relaxed, friendly & loving dog & its a pleasure to have him to stay.
He is learning very quickly & is pretty much ready for his forever home-once stairs are conquered! I'll let you know how he's doing tomorrow. Good night all. Helen & family x

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by Honeypen

Sunday 03 Mar 10:41

Hi. I'm Marco's foster mum. What a super dog he is. Super clean in the house, great with my two dogs &, as you know, totally cat safe. I saw him with the cats yesterday & he's great. He's super with young children, slept the whole night without a wimper & is such a happy, waggy dog. I would really like to give him a different name. Any suggestions welcome as Marco not the greatest name. As soon as he is awake ill take a picture of him but he's black with white speckles around his eyes & bit of white on his chest & tiny patches of white on his paws. The smallest white tip to his very curly, very waggy tail.
No food aggression, relaxed in his crate (chooses to go in their to sleep) & clean as a whistle in my home. Likes to poo outside in one place too which is brilliant! Marco will make superb new addition to a family, he's a big gentle giant.
Thoroughly enjoy having him here. I'll keep you updated.

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