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Racing Name
Cheerful Star
Date of birth
01 sep 2007
Ear mark


male, 17 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Sparky has had 0 cuddles today (123 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 26 Sep 23:14

So very sad to hear Sparky has gone to Rainbow Bridge. Thinking of his family in France and Angie and Michael who fostered him for quite some time during his time at Daybreaks. He was such a great boy, we couldn't understand why it took him such a long time to find his forever home. However, his home was well worth waiting for. God Bless you Sparky! Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 26 Sep 22:06

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 26 Sep 20:51

Such sad news, love to Sparky's family, RIP sweetheart xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 26 Sep 17:29

Oh my boy, we are devastated to learn of your passing to Rainbow Bridge. Sending big hugs to your Mum & Dad at this very difficult time, we are feeling gutted so goodness knows how they are feeling. Run fast & free and have fun chasing all those small furries over the Bridge! Sleep tight gorgeous. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Sep 22:36

Happy Birthday Angie and Sparky!! :))) Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 01 Sep 14:00

Very happy birthday Sparky or should it be Bon Anniversaire. Xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 01 Sep 11:36

Happy 13th Birthday Sparky, hope you have a super day xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 01 Sep 09:16

13th birthday wishes wending their way across the Channel to my birthday buddy Sparky. We are both a bit greyer now then we were all those years ago when we fostered you prior to your exciting move over to Tracey & co in France - but its great to see you enjoying your life and being spoiled just as you deserve. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 01 Sep 07:41

Sending huge 9th birthday wishes across the water to you my lovely birthday buddy. Have a great day, enjoy your burgers and have fun. Xxx

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by TJ

Tuesday 01 Sep 21:16

Happy birthday gorgeous. Hope you've had a lovely day being very, very spoilt! Big hugs, xxxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 01 Sep 19:29

Happy birthday sparky hope you have had a great birthday we remember when you was at daybreak along with out tinker lots of love to you and a big lick from tinker toooo xx

by patsydior

Tuesday 01 Sep 16:52

Happy Birthday Sparky, stop looking for more treats you rascal. You have your gotcha day soon too so there will be even more and we have a house full on Thursday so there will be plenty of fuss! Sweet little dog.

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by patsydior

Thursday 05 Dec 12:59

Sparky decided that he would help with the Christmas presents this morning. He was caught ragging the Christmas Paper around the living room! Some pressies are wrapped with loving dog slobber on them!

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by patsydior

Monday 02 Dec 22:23

Sparky may have a new name - Spit the dog - he just loves to greet you in the mornings with big licks and tugs on your jumper/t shirt/whatever. I now call him lick and spit. He is still finding his paws and eats like a horse and loves every treat we can give to him. Baguette with butter is a big favourite and any tinned fish. Living room now has 10 shake a fox, two platypuss, and at least six snakes. destroyed city dot com and these were meant to be their Christmas pressies. Got to go and get more! he is a very delicate little boy in comparison to the other big bruisers we have but he is just adorable and so loving but does need to get a bit stronger to muscle in a bit against the others.

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by patsydior

Friday 25 Oct 18:16

Hosted a treatment day yesterday for the ladies at La Provotais so Sparky had lots of new people to meet and didn't he just love it. Tricia and Lorely were mugged and that was their first meeting. He loved all the attention and was very popular with everyone as he is just so affectionate. He is a very lovely boy and so well behaved, well except our neighbour has put goats back in the paddock adjacent to ours and that is a great interest to him!

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 17 Oct 17:04

Its fantastic to read how well the gorgeous Sparky is settling in. Its so good that he has found a friend in Fire, although I hope they don't manage to cause too much mischief between them!! I can just visualise the scene when that bunny crossed his path!! Good boy for leaving the chickens alone now too. His diet sounds yummy and he is obviously thriving in his lovely new home - we're so happy that he found you. Very best wishes to you all. x

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by missfifi

Wednesday 16 Oct 19:03

Sparky is one lucky boy - salmon and pasta. How nice to hear he is doing so well. xx

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by patsydior

Wednesday 16 Oct 16:21

Just a little update. Sparky continues to flourish in France! Yes, he has teamed up with Fire which is good and bad. He has picked up from Fire on nipping on excitement at walkies time but we have found that we don't need a harness for him because he pulls on his walk. Paired him with Fire and he is fine with his best mate, hardly pulled at all this morning, except for when a bunny ran across the path! That caused some excitement I can tell you. I think he likes it here. He pays hardly any interest in the chickens now except to pee up their run but obviously excels in the space to run about and then collapse in a heap in front of the woodburner. I think he is learning new food too. Had Salmon for his treat this afternoon and he likes pasta too. He has learnt too that before breakfast, everyone has their vitamin tablet so waits patiently for his tablet in some beefburger. Oh, he loves sardines too as a mid afternoon treat and the olive oil is good for his coat. Has met loads of new people and is fine and my sister is flying over to see Joe on Friday so he will have more people to meet. He is a very friendly boy, still nosey but a delightful boy who we are very pleased to give a home to.

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 10 Oct 16:42

What a stunning new photo of the gorgeous Sparky in his garden, surrounded by toys and looking up for some fun! Bless him, delighted to see how well he is doing.xXx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 08 Oct 16:36

Hi Michelle - he is doing really well and settling in nicely, apparently him and Fire have teemed up and become the dynamic duo!! It is strange not to have that lovely face looking up at us, but he is definitely in the right place for him now and he will flourish. All well here, hope all's well with you & yours. Angie x

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 07 Oct 19:57

Hi Shanesmum
I bet it feels quite without sparky around , have you heard how he is doing ???perhaps you could go to France for a visit !!! Hope you are we'll love Michelle and Bertie x

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 25 Sep 08:09

So pleased to hear Sparky has arrived safely. Wishing him and his new family lots of great times together. Xxx

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by missfifi

Wednesday 25 Sep 07:45

That's so good to hear. Daisydog and I will miss seeing Sparky on our morning walk but how lovely to read that all is well. xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 25 Sep 07:24

The beautiful boy has arrived safe and sound in France and by the looks of it is starting to settle in already. Sending special hugs to him as he begins his new life, and grateful thanks to Tracey, Richard & the gang for taking him in to their lives. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 20 Sep 19:52

I am sure he will miss you too....Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 20 Sep 17:09

Well, it's almost time for the lovely Sparky to go off on his journey to his amazing new life. When I got home from being at the kennels this afternoon, he came to greet me as usual, then put his head in my bag and very gently pulled out my fleece and carried it to me!! Didn't chew or play with it, almost as if he was saying "Here's your jacket Mum now can we go for a walk??!!". His personality is really starting to come out now and when he gets to his new home with lots of space and friends to play with - I can see him being a really cheeky boy!! Bless his paws, he really is my cheerful star and we shall miss him. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 10 Sep 20:52

Michael and Angie brought Sparky to visit this evening to see how he got on with multiple dogs! He was such a good boy considering how overwhelming it must be with 9 others to play with!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 01 Sep 21:26

Happy Birthday to Sparky, sounds as though he has had a great day! Xxx

by RedDuke

Sunday 01 Sep 18:01

Sparky has had a lovely birthday, and is now crashed out in his basket completely exhausted from all the activity! He was so good with all the new people he met, and so well behaved all afternoon. He was so inquisitive & just had to greet everybody to see if they had anything for him! The pilchard cake was a huge success, he has been very spoilt with lots of presents - but he is worth it! It certainly sounds like his spoiling will continue when he arrives with you patsydior, such a busy and exciting time all round. We will miss this boy so much, we have been fostering him since 17th June and he now feels like part of the family, but we are so happy for him to be going to a fabulous new life in France, and he will be more than happy to join in the celebrations by helping out with those burgers!

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by patsydior

Sunday 01 Sep 16:19

By the way Sparky, just in the process of ordering a new two and three seater sofa and a chaise longue so you will have your own space in the living room but there are two dog beds too!

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by patsydior

Sunday 01 Sep 16:15

Sparky, do you realise you will arrive 1 year to the day after Joe arrived here and if you settle like he has then you are going to be a very happy puppy. Joe's birthday burger day is fast approaching and then we have Fire's Gotcha Day on 15th Sept and then Joe's on 24th Sept, same day you arrive so I think burgers all round!

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by patsydior

Saturday 31 Aug 18:27

Happy Birthday Sparky, enjoy your birthday and next year you will be with us for a birthday burger!

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by Danny'smum

Friday 30 Aug 17:12

I agree Blue is Sparky's colour. I'm actually getting pretty excited on his behalf, one very lucky dog. As it was said for Fire all good things come to those that wait :D

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by missfifi

Friday 30 Aug 16:29

Daisydog and I will miss seeing you Sparky when we are out on our walk. Please let us know when you arrive en famille en France. We shall think of you and wish you golden times. Expect you are counting down the

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by patsydior

Friday 30 Aug 15:43

So Aunty Kate is picking you up on 23rd and you will be here in France on 24th. Everything will be ready for you to get settled in with your new bed, duvet and fob for your collar. Going to commission a cushion with your name on for a sofa too and I think in honour of you arriving we are going to order a new sofa or two! I think foster Mum and Dad are going to miss you though.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 30 Aug 10:43

Sparky would like to say "Well, I is counting down now and is getting exciteds. First though I have to have somefink called a Birfday party - as I share my birfday with foster Mummy and we are having cake & all sorts!! I thinks I look handsum in blue so I will ask Aunty Ruth for a blue coat, but then again I IS handsum so any colour is good - heehee!! Be seeings you soon, big woofs, Sparky"

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by patsydior

Tuesday 27 Aug 19:29

OK Sparky, Foster Mum and Dad have your date now so you really are on countdown to come to France. What colour coat is Aunty Ruth going to send for you I wonder? Cannot wait now for you to get to us and we can take loads of photos and videos for your foster parents to show them how you are settling in.

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by Looobs

Thursday 08 Aug 20:00

Weve been watching Sparky's progress since we have had Melody, who was sharing a kennel with him. Its nice to see he now has a new home x

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 08 Aug 17:13

We took Sparky to get his passport today, and what a good boy he was. He stood patiently for his health check & injection and we're pleased to report he is a fit and healthy boy, even if he has put on some more weight and is now 30kg!! He had the waiting room in hysterics with his antics, whilst we were waiting for the vet to complete the passport we stood by the reception desk, and Sparky spotted the long handled feather duster on the floor under a chair. Well, he obviously thought it was going to make a run for it and it was his job to stop it! His ears went up, head cocked on one side & he tried to get round behind the desk to it, and every time we pulled him away, he tried to get back! Bless him he wouldn't be distracted from his task! Anyway, all is well with him and he's ready for his big adventure in September. Can't describe how much we will miss this treasure after all this time, but are truly delighted for the lovely life he is going to. xx

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by missfifi

Friday 02 Aug 08:08

Daisydog and I have been following your exciting move to France. How lovely that you will have lots of chums and new adventures. It just shows that good things come to those dogs who wait that little bit longer. I'm thinking that with that English accent all the girls will be saying 'Bonjour Sparky' xxx

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by patsydior

Monday 29 Jul 20:31

We are just so looking forward to Sparky arriving in France and living the good life with us and our other four greys, We hope you will be very, very happy

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by BrooklynMannie

Monday 29 Jul 18:16

Woohooo Sparky. Live life to the full and have a fantastic time in your forever home

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by Spanner

Monday 29 Jul 12:47

Congratulations Sparky. France too, you lucky boy.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 29 Jul 07:21

Sparky would like to say " I is learnin me French 'Je m'apelle Sparkee' and I will be coming to the kennels for a few days soon whilst foster Mummy & Daddy go somewhere called the seaside so don't worry skinnyme - there will bes cuddles before I go!" XxX

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by skinnyme

Sunday 28 Jul 22:31

Oh beautiful, handsome boy I am so happy to read this news, I need some happy news at the moment, your mum Betsy was a wonderful dog and I am sure you take after her, I so hope I get a cuddle from you before you go off on your new adventure xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 28 Jul 20:29

So happy for lovely Sparky! Will he be taking French lessons before he goes to his new home?! Xxx

by Shanesmum

Sunday 28 Jul 17:41

It's official - the red sign is up!! Sparky we are so, so happy for you, what a lucky boy you are. We know it will be strange to begin with, but you are so adaptable that you will soon settle in and enjoy your lovely life en France! You know it's true, good things come to those who wait. XxX

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by DivasMum

Sunday 28 Jul 14:59

I am sooo pleased for you. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 26 Jul 23:24

Absolutely over the moon for my beautiful Sparky! What an adventure he is going to have and what an amazing life. We are so happy that this gorgeous boy is getting his chance at last. Be happy my sweetheart and bonne chance! X

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by michelleandbertie

Friday 26 Jul 22:33

Oh Sparky this is the best news ever, I am so happy for you !! I am sure that you and Fire will have a wonderful time together ( fire is one of my all time favorites ) and I think about him quite often !!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 26 Jul 21:25

Oh Sparky, how exciting!! Xxx

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by patsydior

Friday 26 Jul 19:09

Well Sparky, if all goes well, mid-Sept it looks like you will be coming to France to live with Fire, Joe, Hope and Noble. Fingers crossed for you x

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 24 Jul 17:55

Pleased to report that Sparky had no problems with the recent thunder storms. He slept through the one overnight Monday (!) and just kept glancing around occasionally during the morning yesterday to see where the noise was coming from! He had us in hysterics this afternoon - he was lying dozing in his basket when suddenly he shot up, ears alert and quivering and started growling, tilting his head on one side. For a moment we couldn't understand what was wrong, then we spotted a collared dove strutting up and down along the top of the fence outside the kitchen- he really didn't know what to make of it at all and reacted in typical Sparky fashion!! He does get very excited by fluffy things moving bless him, and we have been trying a bit of training with him to try to calm him down when he spots cats, bunnies etc and have taken to walking him on a harness again. He seems a lot happier and responds so much better to you.
We are loving fostering this fabulous boy, but having had him here for 5 weeks, my worry is he is getting too used to us and our routine. We are so hoping that his forever home comes along before we go away on our hols and have to send him back to the kennels. Fingers crossed my sweetheart. XxX

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Jul 21:07

Lovely photo of Sparky in his "cool" coat very smart! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 21 Jul 11:06

As his foster time with us nears its end, I have been jotting down a few thoughts to put with his kennel notes when he goes back to give the heads up to anyone thinking about this fabulous boy. ****
"Sparky here - I haves looked at dem fings wot foster Mummy has written & dis is my interpretashion! Me good points - housetrained, sleeps all night, don't pesters for food (tho you cans give me tweats cuz I lov em!!), can be on me own for bits of time, loves to play toys, learns me routine & likes to stick to it. Me bad points, I DOES NOT like cats, bunnies and any fing small and furry what moves!!! I likes to pull & bark and try to get to them, but foster mummy says I can be trained to be less excitable with time. Hope you like readin' me report, as I luv being in a home so much that I would rather go to me own new home when foster Mummy & Daddy go on their hols than back to the kennels (although theys is luffly Arntie Roof X).Big woofs, Sparky"
I can't believe that we have had this sweetheart for 5 weeks and there has been no interest at all, I'm not sure what more we can do for him to help him find the home that he is so deserving of. Keeping fingers crossed for you my gorgeous boy. XxXx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 15 Jul 17:19

Sparky would like to say: " Well, I have been in my foster home for a whole month now and I have learnt lots of new things. I am a very good boy, and can be left on my own for short spells as I like my own company and am quite happy to lie and snooze in my basket. I don't pester when there's food around, but I do like a treat now and again (especially bits of cheese or chicken!!). I'm getting much better at being out in the big world, although when I go somewhere new I have to stay standing up so I can see what's going on around me, but foster Mummy & Daddy say I have grown in confidence already and this will get better with time. I met a big, black, long haired German Shepherd dog today, he lives next door down the road and I saw him through his garden gate - we went nose to nose and had waggy tails and Daddy said I was such a good boy, yay! Mummy & Daddy are hoping that my forever family are coming for me soon, because they are going to the seaside in August and would like me to be settled before they go. Hope you are all keeping cool in this heat wave, big woofs to everyone - Sparky". xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 13 Jul 17:24

Haha Michelle - 'fraid not, we must content ourselves with being foster parents!! He's been so good in the heat, content to lie in the cool & snooze and have a little play when it gets cooler, and his appetite certainly isn't suffering!! Hope Bertie's doing ok, see you soon. x

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 13 Jul 15:48

ummmm sounds like Sparky may have found his forever sofa !!! I just love this boy , I log on every day to read his posts !!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 12 Jul 18:33

I am SO proud of the beautiful Sparky today. I have been at the kennels all day, so Michael dropped me off early this morning. Then he had medical appointments for himself and my Dad, then had to come back to the kennels to pick me up at 4.00pm. Sparky was left on his own several times today, and behaved like an absolute star. He was so delighted to see us this afternoon his tail nearly wagged itself off! I bought him a "Shake a Fox" toy from the kennels which he absolutely loves and set about trying to "dead" as soon as he saw it!!! I can't describe just how special this boy is turning out to be - he really just needed his chance, and is definitely making the most of it. I so hope his forever home happens for him soon, as we are falling under his spell!! xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 11 Jul 17:20

More new experiences for the lovely Sparky today. We took him out for lunch down to the golf course and sat in the shade on the terrace by the lake - it was incredible. The gulls were wheeling and calling, golfers were out in force pushing their golf carts or riding about in those brilliant buggies - and Sparky was having sensory overload bless him!! He honestly didn't know where to look first, and thought the golf carts were some form of big animal he had to chase!! As seems to be the case with him with any new place, he didn't sit down all the time we were there as he had to check everything out, and couldn't be persuaded away from his vigil! It must have been quite daunting for him to view this huge wide open space full of strange new things making strange noises! We sometimes forget how things we take for granted will appear to a dog that has spent his life in kennels. Again, he was so happy to get "home" and is now crashed out in his basket after such an exhausting time. We have been fostering this beautiful boy for almost a month now and, although we absolutely love having him here and he is a pleasure to be around, he is ready for his forever home where he can settle into his permanent routine and blossom as we know he will. Xx

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by RedDuke

Tuesday 09 Jul 13:28

Today I left Sparky indoors behind the dog gate {he could see outside the back door} while I had a go at hacking back the front hedge. He was on his own downstairs for over one and a half hours with just a short glimpse of me after about half an hour as I collected a broom from the greenhouse. He was waiting by the dog gate when I finished and had not barked once. As I type this he is now curled up in his basket fast asleep. He is a pleasure to foster and it is nice to see his character starting to come through, he loves a quiet life.
Greys need time to settle in to home life and with patience, understanding and perseverance they make wonderful pets/companions. However not all homes are suitable for all dogs, or vice versa, this is why when adopting, prospective owners need to consider asking for advice, as no two Greys have identical temperaments.

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 07 Jul 18:13

Phew, what a scorcher! Sparky has spent most of the day lying on his back with his legs wide open letting the air flow round his bits!!! He is now modelling a wet tea towel to aid cooling, it's even hot indoors today! I am so proud of the way this beautiful boy has changed over the 3 weeks he has now been with us. We visited my sister again on Thursday, his 3rd visit, and this time he wandered around until he found a cool spot, then flopped down and lay until we were ready to go. Yesterday we went up early to the garden centre for our tea & toast at the patio café and, although still interested in passing people, he actually sat down and waited patiently. I am so impressed with the way he doesn't pester at meal times and takes any treats offered so gently. Not an overly demonstrative boy, he is starting to come to you for a fuss, and we are definitely getting a waggy tail in the morning!! He is quite content to lie in his basket and let you come and go, I feel with time he could be left on his own for short spells. Ok, so he gets excited at cats & furry things (he is a greyhound after all!!), but to us this isn't an issue and he does come under control well. This boy is so deserving of his forever home very soon, bless his paws. XxX

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by RedDuke

Wednesday 03 Jul 19:25

We took Sparky to the Vets today for his annual booster, he was so well behaved. The Vet was very pleased with him, he even remarked on how good a condition his teeth were in.
Sparky is now in his third week with us and is settling in very well, totally house trained, takes stairs in his stride, does not pester at meal times, sleeps through the night, enjoys his walks , likes his basket but ignores the settee! He is such lovely boy I find it hard to believe he has been in the kennels such a long time. Granted he gets excited at the sight of a cat, squirrel etc. but we have not found this a major handicap (our Shane, who is sadly no longer with us, was far worse) .
In my opinion he will flourish in a quiet home where he is the only dog.I hope someone out there will consider this beautiful boy as he has much to offer.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 01 Jul 18:25

Sparky spent the day at the kennels yesterday while we helped out at the Open Day. He was a bit perturbed at first because it was so far out of the daily routine he's got used to, but he soon settled down and waited patiently for his walk and food whilst we got on with the enjoyable task of taking people's money!!! What an amazing day it was, very long & tiring but SO worth it. It was so lovely to see how happy Sparky was to get "home" at the end of the day, he leapt into the car and when we got back, had a mad play with his toy for quite a while, throwing it around and pouncing on it, bless him! He is such a beautiful boy who does seem to prefer his own company, he will spend time on his own and he doesn't pester you. He's been clean every night since he's been here and is a very quick learner - just hope the right home for him is out there somewhere very soon. Bless you my lovely boy. XxX

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 26 Jun 17:28

Sparky's progress continues, he is really gaining in confidence now and he responds well to you. His personality is starting to emerge a little too - we had some shopping delivered from Sainsbury's this afternoon, and he decided he would help us unpack. After sticking his head in every bag, he found the one with the tins of pilchards in - and helped himself to a tin, carrying it proudly off to his basket!!!!! I know we should have been cross, but it was so cute and funny to watch that we couldn't get worked up over it, and the lesson is - don't leave bags on the floor! In his favour, he gave it up without any grumbles or problems. After that excitement, he's now resting in his basket ( probably dreaming of pilchards!). Michael told me about his meeting with Daisy this morning and how good he was, bless him. We will be bringing him to the kennels on Sunday whilst we work at the Open Day, and are keeping everything crossed that this sweetheart finds his very own sofa soon. xXx

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by missfifi

Wednesday 26 Jun 16:13

Daisydog and I met Sparky today when he was out for a walk and we were getting straw for the chickens. What a lovely boy. Walking really well on his lead and interested in a good way in Daisy. He looked all bright and happy. Paws crossed for a lovely forever sofa for him really soon. xx

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by RedDuke

Tuesday 25 Jun 17:19

We have been doing some training with Sparky, he now takes the stairs confidently and is starting to walk on the lead without pulling ( thanks Robbie for your demonstration!). He has settled in extremely well over this first week and spends a lot of time chilling in his basket. He enjoys his walks but can get rather excited if he sees anything small & furry (or even a hedgehog!). We took him to Angie's sister's again today and what an improvement - he settled down on the floor after a short time, and now travels much better in the car after we removed the parcel shelf, put his duvet in the boot and he jumped right in and settled himself down after a while. He just has to see what's going on around him as he is very nosey! He is a lovely boy who is no trouble in the house and sleeps through the night after going out at around 10.15pm. He gallops to the back door in the morning when we get up around 7.00am ready to go out. He will make some lucky person a lovely companion.

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 22 Jun 19:28

Hi sparky I'm glad you are a good boy for your mummy and daddy you have settle down well my nanna loves you when she came to see me she also looked at you she keeps looking on the site to see if you have found your sofa yet you have been at daybreackkennels along time hope someone will take you home soon your friend tinker and my nanna xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 22 Jun 16:11

"Hello all, Sparky here. Well, I've been in my foster home for 5 days now and I think I am doing very well. My mummy & daddy keep calling me a good boy 'cos I am clean every night and I sleep nice and quietly. They also like the way I wait patiently for my food and never pester them while they are eating - (I sometimes get a biscuit so it's always worth being good!). I have been in to the Garden Centre today and to the outdoor café where we had tea & toast. It was a little bit scary 'cos there were so many new sights, sounds & smells, so I was on alert & stood up all the time we were there! There is so much I need to learn about the outside world, but mummy & daddy say I will get better as time goes by and I get a bit more confidence and I will learn to relax. At my foster home I love snoozing in my bed, I don't play with toys much at the moment but I did have a go with a roll 'n' treat ball - but the treats wouldn't come out properly, and mummy wouldn't let me chew the end off, so I gave up!! Big woofs to you all - Sparky" xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 20 Jun 12:40

A new photo of Sparky enjoying the evening sunshine in the garden yesterday. Today, he had a great time on his walk, on full alert sniffing for the bunnies again, and trying to stick his head down the rabbit holes! We then went out visiting and, although he was very well behaved, obviously everything was new & strange again and he was a bit wary, so he decided not to sit down at my sister's, bless him! Back "home" now and back in familiar surroundings he is spark out in his basket after such a busy morning. xx

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by LizzyB

Wednesday 19 Jun 10:52

Sending Sparky my hug today. Hope your forever home comes along soon Sparky. Sounds like you have fallen on your paws in the meantime x

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 19 Jun 08:34

Happy to report another clean and settled night from the lovely Sparky. We had a wildlife encounter in the garden when he went out for his final "visit" before bed last night! There was a young hedgehog trundling across the lawn & Sparky was completely fascinated by it, and naturally it was much more important to try to follow it than have a wee!! He thrives on routine, and learns quickly (the stairs are a prime example, he soon worked out the best way for him to go up & down our strange cottage stairs!) We're looking forward to taking him out visiting tomorrow, and continuing to watch this lovley boy's personality start to emerge. xx

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by RedDuke

Tuesday 18 Jun 18:40

Sparky has had a really good day today. He was clean overnight and had quite a settled night considering it was his first night in a strange place. Today he enjoyed his walk and sniffing for bunnies in the field! He is such a good boy at meal times and sits quietly in his basket while we eat and he seems to like a bit of time to himself occasionally. All in all he has settled in remarkably well, I can't believe he came home with us only yesterday.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 17 Jun 19:48

So pleased lovely Sparky has been fostered. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Monday 17 Jun 17:33

I am THRILLED to see this Shanesmum and RedDuke!
He was so lovely at the Stratford Walk yesterday - I think he really enjoyed his day out.
Being with you 2 is going to be so good for you say he has been in kennels for such a long time and it takes a bit of time to get used to living in a home and all it's rules.

Make the most of it're a lucky boy! xxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 17 Jun 16:41

I'm delighted that we are back in a position to foster again, and so the lovely Sparky has come home with us today for a little holiday. He's been in the kennels for such a long time that he was, understandably, a bit bewildered and overwhelmed by "home", but he has had a good investigate of everything and ate his dinner without any problems at all! Unfortunately, next door's barking terriers are unsettling him a bit (they're not doing much for me either!)so we're hoping they stop soon, and keeping fingers crossed for a good night. x

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by caroline&Fred

Monday 17 Jun 13:11

what a dream boy SPARKY was on our Stratford walk, such a lovable boy, loved all the fuss and treats that he had. come on must be someone that wants a love bug for a friend ,good luck Sparky hope you get your forever home very soon xxx

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by Spanner

Tuesday 11 Jun 16:19

Oh Sparky you obviously need a new gimmick to get yourself a forever home. Keep your chin up and shows us those lovely eyes.

by SamA

Sunday 09 Jun 20:35

If we had room for another you would have come home with me today Sparky, you are so lovely, we had a really nice cuddle in your kennel and you were so calm and relaxed. Hope you find your forever home really soon. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 09 Jun 16:58

Oh my lovely Sparky, not your weekend again sweetheart. What can we do to get you onto your own sofa? Keep smiling, I'll come and give you a big hug on Wednesday. Xxx

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by Deb

Wednesday 05 Jun 19:57

Hi Ruth no training this week so if he is not being viewed do you think he would benefit from being out of kennels for a few hours on Saturday - could take him for a bit of a walk let me know

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 05 Jun 18:22

The fabulous Sparky is still with us and I really feel for this beautiful boy. He enjoys cuddles, and walks really well on his harness now. He walks nicely with the group, but can get a bit vocal if he sees doggies moving about outside and he's inside his kennel! This little treasure really deserves his chance and I hope someone sees his potential soon. Big cuddles sweetheart. xxxxx

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by missfifi

Sunday 02 Jun 19:35

Oh Sparky, if only I could have another dog I think you would be snuggling up with Daisy. I so hope someone perfect for you finds you very soon. xxx

by conman

Friday 31 May 22:29

I really hope this is Sparky's weekend. Sadly, we went to look at him last weekend but he had been reserved and we took Rooney home instead. But we had a chat with Sparky and he is a lovely lad and so hope somebody falls in love with him in the next few days. If we could fit another in he would be here now, believe me Jane & Joe xx

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 31 May 20:33

I think sparky needs an update on his photo xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 May 19:50

So sad for Sparky....hope the family who reserved him will maybe visit the kennels again when the time is right for them. xxx

by Tinker'sNan

Monday 27 May 18:20

Io I see sparky is back what a shame but there is another family who thought they might like him I do hope that they come back and have a look at him he is so cute good luck jackie x

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by conman

Monday 27 May 12:51

Oh what a shame, I so hope Sparky gets snapped up very quickly xx

by Shanesmum

Monday 27 May 12:43

Oh Sparky this is such a shame, as rumblesmom says - let's hope that it is only a temporary thing and that your very own sofa is waiting for you somewhere very soon. Big cuddles sweetheart. xxxx

by rumblesmom

Monday 27 May 12:03

Oh sparky what a shame I really hope that this situation is only temporary - please somebody take this lovely boy into your hearts and give him the home he so badly needs and deserves xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 27 May 11:40

Sadly Sparky is unreserved as the new owners have decided it is not the right time to have a dog. I totally respect their decision and I am sure a home for Sparky must be just round the corner..... x

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 26 May 14:45

Well done sparky you so deserve this, but I had to laugh there you were all that time and in the end two families would have had you and they are lucky people because you are a real superstar be happy xx

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by conman

Sunday 26 May 11:43

We went to the kennels yesterday to look for a boy and Sparky was top of my list, but we said hello to some people as we walked in and they were walking out and it turned out they had just reserved him! Absolutely delighted for him and hope they all have a lovely new life together. Jane xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 May 21:31

Brilliant news for Sparky! xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 25 May 18:40

got to say..... I am OVER THE MOON at Sparky finally being reserved...... it has made my day :-)

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by susy

Saturday 25 May 18:32

Sparky you lovely boy, your sofa has arrived. Love to your new family.
LoveThe New Icemaid Clan XXXXX

by skinnyme

Saturday 25 May 17:49

Way to go my special boy, xxx

by bentleybarks

Saturday 25 May 16:15

So p.eased to see this gorgeous boy has got a new home ????. Well done Sparky ???? x

by michelleandbertie

Saturday 25 May 15:32

well done sparky !! this has made my weekend !! I will be in tomorrow to give you last big hug and kiss !!!

by Shanesmum

Saturday 25 May 13:48

I can't believe it - a red sign at last!!!! Oh Sparky I am more than delighted for you my sweetheart, not long now until you'll have your very own home. Big cuddles. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 24 May 17:42

I have told Sparky to put on a big smile this weekend and I really hope that this time he will find his forever home. He is such a special boy and I am keeping everything crossed for him. xxx

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by RedDuke

Wednesday 22 May 17:27

I had a very enjoyable walk with the lovely Sparky today. He walks very well on a harness, and walks nicely with the group. I think he is just a bit fed up of kennel life and needs a place to call his own, he is a friendly boy.

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by DivasMum

Tuesday 21 May 23:20

Now Sparky why are you still there my lovely? Been a few weeks since I was here & I can't believe such a handsome boy hasn't been snapped up. Sending you my hug today x

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by Shanesmum

Friday 17 May 17:30

Sparky seemed a bit brighter today - to the point of playing with and destroying a cuddly toy!! He spent the day in the kitchen run with the lovely Ella and came up for regular fusses throughout the day. He is a lovely boy who just needs to be in a home environment. Keeping fingers crossed for him this weekend. xxx

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by BrooklynMannie

Wednesday 15 May 19:23

What a gergeous face you have Sparky. Really hope someone will fall in love with you and give you that forever sofa you deserve. Giving you my cuddle today. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 May 20:40

Sparky still seemed down in the dumps today.....he really, really needs a sofa of his own. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 May 20:08

Really hope someone will fall in love with gorgeous Sparky this weekend. xxx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Thursday 09 May 14:47

You get my cuddle today Sparky, fingers crossed that you find your forever home very soon, however, should I win lottery the weekend I'm coming to get ya!! xxx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 08 May 20:10

You,ve got a lot on your plate at the moment shanesmum and while I agree he would have loved being with you and michael he,s just lucky to have you on his side and I,m sure if we keep mentioning him enough someone will give him a second glance x

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 08 May 17:05

Sparky doesn't seem to be quite so lively at the moment, I think the poor boy is just a bit fed up of kennel life and really wants to be on his very own sofa. He is loving and friendly and just needs a bit of socialising and getting used to the big, wide world. Just wish we were in a position to have you for a while sweetie.xxxx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 08 May 16:35

Sparky you get my hug today as shanesmum says you are feeling a little bit low at the moment. He is such a gorgeous loving boy he really needs someone to give him a chance. It always seems to be the black boys who get left behind but let me just tell you they are the most loving xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 07 May 06:52

Thank you Shanesmum. He is a lovely boy that deserves a chance. X

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by Shanesmum

Monday 06 May 18:11

Clareb, what a lovely report from Sparky's first venture out into the big world. I can imagine it was a bit scary for him, after all it is so completely different from anything he's used to, so well done to him for behaving so well. Sounds like he just needs a bit of socialising into the real world, and then he'll be ready for his own forever home. He is such a lovely boy who deserves a chance. xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 04 May 21:12

I took Sparky, Daybreaks current longest stayer, to training this morning. He jumped straight in the back of the car and travelled really well. He seemed interested in watching what was going on at training. He was pretty overwhelmed which is completely understandable as it is a new experience and he has only ever been in kennels. He was anxious but did not bark or growl, all he tried to do was head for the door.
He was good with the greyhounds he met and did not seem bothered by any of the other breeds of dogs there. He did not eat his treats as he was too interested in watching what was going on. Thank you to everyone who tried their tasty treats with Sparky but I think it was all too new for him. Sparky's body language did change over the two hours and he was definitely more relaxed towards the end. Sparky needs someone to show him the world is not a scary place. He will need someone to reassure him it's safe out there. I am so proud of him for his first big event out of the kennels. I really hope someone will give this lovely boy a chance very soon. Good luck Sparky.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 03 May 19:16

Hi that's great! Looking forward to seeing you all. X

by Bess&Reene'smum

Friday 03 May 13:57

You get my cuddle today Sparky, you sound lovely, hope its YOUR weekend this weekend x x x

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by Spanner

Friday 03 May 12:48

Sparky, you can have my cuddle today. You look so sad in your 2nd pic. Hope you get on alright at class tomorrow.

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by LindaPaul

Friday 03 May 10:55

Hi Clare......Paul & I should be at Julie's class tomorrow with Lola & Lena so look forward to seeing you xx

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by skinnyme

Wednesday 01 May 22:47

Clare that would be great give us a call to arrange, thank you.

by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 01 May 19:43

I'm free Saturday morning and happy to take Sparky to training. If you already have a volunteer I'm happy to come and help out at the kennels. Just let me know what works best for you. X

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by skinnyme

Wednesday 01 May 13:47

Sparky would really benefit from going to training also it would give him a chance to get out of the kennels for a while, if anyone is willing to take him to Julies class on saturday please give us a call.

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 30 Apr 08:53

Poor old Sparky why are you being overlooked, such a lovely boy, our longest stayer, please someone choose him soon.

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by susy

Sunday 14 Apr 10:54

Oh, Sparky, the sofa has to be around the corner. Speak to Ruth and ask for some lovely ears like Sarah's, that may do the trick. Otherwise I will have to speak again too hubby!!!!!
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxx

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by skinnyme

Sunday 07 Apr 21:42

Oh I do hope your forever home is around the corner.

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by BrooklynMannie

Friday 05 Apr 15:56

He's a handsome looking boy hope he gets a home soon xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Apr 21:51

Met Sparky today, he is a very lovely boy. Hope he doesn't have to wait too much longer for his forever home. xxx

by Shanesmum

Friday 29 Mar 17:11

Had a lovely cuddle today, and now keeping fingers crossed that this weekend is your weekend lovely boy. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Mar 22:09

Sparky, I will keep everything crossed for you too! xxx

by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Mar 19:03

Oh wow - that is brilliant news! I shall now keep everything crossed that he and Katie can become the best of friends! What an incredible day it's been. x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 23 Mar 18:10

Now Shanesmum - I wouldn't speak to soon - the lovely Jason and Lucy who came to view and reserved Katie have said that if Sparky gets on well with Katie - he has found himself a home! :-)

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Mar 17:45

Not your lucky day today either Sparky - never mind poppett, keeping fingers crossed that your new home is just around the corner. xx

by missfifi

Tuesday 19 Mar 08:33

Gosh I hope someone lovely finds Sparky soon......he gets my cuddle today and a kiss from Daisy too. xx

by BrooklynMannie

Wednesday 06 Mar 17:48

What a gergeous looking boy. Hopefully he'll be snapped up soon what with his lovely looking face. Good luck xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 03 Mar 12:11

Sparky is quite a small boy, just not good with cats. But there are lots of homes without cats xx

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by Honeypen

Sunday 03 Mar 11:06

I met sparkey twice & he is utterly adorable. The way he looks at you with his big, soft, gentle eyes shows me he will be great in a family home. He was gentle with my 3 year old son through his kennel bars &, if I weren't full at the inn, I would have snuck him out with us! Very gentle dog who I recommend to meet.

by skinnyme

Friday 01 Mar 22:36

Sadly Sparky likes cats a little too much! Which means I will have to love him from afar.

by rumblesmom

Friday 01 Mar 20:28

I think Betsy,s baby boy would definitely squeeze in with you no problem and it almost seems as though it,s meant to be xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 28 Feb 06:56

Erm - I am sure you could! Thanks for covering the kennels yesterday x

by skinnyme

Wednesday 27 Feb 22:37

Well now we have met I love you all the more, sorry for crying all over you this morning, erm wondering if I can squeeze you in! Hugs my lovely boy xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 27 Feb 13:33

Another handsome boy! xxx

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 26 Feb 23:24

I can't stop looking at you without a tear in my eye, I so wish you could have been reunited with your mum, sadly she went to the bridge last year.
If you are anything like her you will be a wonderful companion.

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 26 Feb 18:32

Oh my I have waited for you to come in, my darling Betsy's baby. Lots of cuddles tomorrow then xxxxx

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by LizzyB

Tuesday 26 Feb 14:54

Welcome Cheerful Star, another lovely black boy to munch x