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About Me

Racing Name
Chaotic Pearl
Date of birth
01 may 2007
Ear mark

Sadie (Shiran)

female, 17 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Shiran is a sweet little girl. She has been in a home for a week but has been returned as her owner cannot cope with house training her. She is adorable and will happily sit on your lap for cuddles!

Sadie (Shiran) has had 0 cuddles today (8 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 10 Oct 20:47

Happy Birthday Sadie. Lots of birthday treats today no doubt! Mand, Gent & Emily xxxx

by Emma

Wednesday 10 Oct 13:30

Happy 6th birthday to my gorgeous little Sadie-bum, I know the date is wrong on here but that's what you get for being an unraced girlie! Always my baby girl xxx

5 others liked this

by skinnyme

Monday 10 Oct 10:05

Happy birthday little girl xxx

by Emma

Monday 10 Oct 08:46

Happy 5th birthday to my gorgeous little Sadie-bum (I know the date on her page says May but her trainer got her DOB wrong!). Can't believe where the time has gone, I still think of her as the little pup we picked up from Daybreaks so long ago. She might be a bit grey now but she'll always be my precious baby girl xxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 14 Jun 19:12

Happy gotcha day little Sadie. X

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 14 Jun 16:37

Happy Gotcha Day! xxxx

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 14 Jun 14:02

Woohoooo Sadie, many happy Gotchas days :)

by Emma

Tuesday 14 Jun 14:00

Linda, Sadie said she loves cuddles, but if you don't mind she'd rather have some of Paul's pate sandwich ;0)

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Jun 13:41

Happy Gotcha day Sadie! xxx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 14 Jun 13:20

P.S. Paul and I will skip the sniffs bit though ;) How about a nice cuddle instead....!! xx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 14 Jun 10:51

Happy Gotcha day Sadie! Love'n'sniffs from Lola & Lena xxx
(and from their mum & dad too xx)

by Emma

Tuesday 14 Jun 09:53

Happy Gotcha Day Sadie! 2 years ago today I was knocking down the door of Daybreaks at dead on 10am to come and collect her - we'd not even unpacked from our holidays! Such a special sweet-natured little grey, and although my mop, bucket and washing machine didn't know what had hit them, I wouldn't change her for the world! xxx

by Emma

Saturday 23 Apr 21:33

Hi there, Sadie-Sadie-Pretty-Lady here! I've just come back from a FAB holiday at with my peeps and grey siblings. I've asked mum to type this because, to be honest, I'm absolutely knackered! We've been walked so much I reckon my legs are a good 2 inches shorter now, and for such a tiddly grey like me, well, that's quite a concern! I was as good as gold (as usual) but Kevin and Moo were sooo embarrassing - Kev has discovered his bark and plucked up the courage to bark at anybody who walked past our cottage, even the owner! And Moo barked at all the other dogs, even the lovely greys in the next cottage! We all liked the horses opposite though, and we spent a lot of time sniffing each other and sharing carrots. We explored the countryside, beaches and even castles (Pembroke - mum kept going on about the Chooders?) so I feel very cultured now.

I promise to pop in soon and say hello to all my friends, of both the 2 and 4 legged varieties! Sadie xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 05 Nov 15:47

I bet she had a great time! xx

by Emma

Friday 05 Nov 12:29

Well it was a long time coming as I had to get my exams out of the way first, but Sadie made her first ever Pets As Therapy visit to a care home today. She was so good and made so many people smile - I'm so proud of her. I feel very lucky that I have such sweet natured pets and that I'm in a position to be able to share some of her love around, well done sweetie xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 13 Sep 09:32

Well done Sadie, have lots of fun in your new job! xx

by LindaPaul

Sunday 12 Sep 21:20

Congratulations to Sadie and her proud mum!

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 12 Sep 10:14

Well done Sadie, that's fab!! xx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 12 Sep 10:09

Hi Emma, that's fantastic news. Sadie is such a beautiful little girl, I'm sure she's going to make some people very, very happy in her new role. Congratulations to you both, see you soon. Mand x

by Emma

Sunday 12 Sep 09:56

Hi there, I've not yet contacted the area co-ordinator to get a placement yet, but St Bernards Rd would be perfect for me as it's only down the road. Is it St Bernards Grange? I would love to go there as my nan was there for quite a while and it would be nice to give something back. Tell them to go to, then on the main page click on ' Our Hospital/Residential Home would like a Pets As Therapy visit', then follow the instructions from there. Then, I'll tell the area co-ordinator that that's where I want to go! If you have any probs/questions, you can contact me via here or xxx

by vallyp

Sunday 12 Sep 08:45

My mother's care home have shown some interest in having a PAT dog go in during the day on a regular basis. Who would I put them in touch with? It's on St. Bernards Road.

by crackercharlie

Saturday 11 Sep 12:03

Well done little Sadie. Your gonna b a brilliant PAT dog n ur gonna luv all the extra attention. I'll giv u a big cuddle wen I c u in a couple of weeks. Lol x

by Emma

Saturday 11 Sep 09:11

I am sooo proud at the moment I can't contain myself! We found out this morning that my beautiful, sweet, clever little Sadie has just been accepted to be a PAT (Pets As Therapy) dog!!! Sadie retired having never raced at the grand old age of 2, but since coming home with us 15 months ago she's found her real vocation in life - meeting people at roadshows and watching them go ga-ga over her! So, her PAT job is something she'll absolutely love! Well done Sadie, love you lots baby girl! xxx

by kallie

Wednesday 17 Jun 17:24

what a lovely photo of Kevin and Sadie, she looks well settled already, bless her. xxx

by Emma

Sunday 14 Jun 18:46

Hi everyone!

I finally went home today and so far so good! I have done all my business outside (apart from one accident when my reflection in the mirror made me jump!) I have been following my new mum, dad and human sisters around, and have had some great fun playing with my grey brother Kevin in the garden. He's a bit boring though as he only wants to play for a short while then goes inside to have a snooze. I'm too busy nosing around to snooze! Mum says I'll definately sleep tonight as I must be worn out! Wishful thinking...

I've had a walk around the park, scoffed all my dinner and even had a bath with Kevin this afternoon and my tail hasn't stopped wagging yet! I met one of the cats who didn't look very impressed when I barked at him, but that was only because I wanted to play! I heard another cat hiss at me from beneath the bed, but I haven't actually seen her yet.

Anyway, gotta go, have people to check up on...

Love and licks

Sadie xxx (Shiran)

by Emma

Tuesday 02 Jun 15:18

Oh Sadie - if only you knew about the big box of pigs ears I've just bought for you and Kevin! Can't wait to bring you home! xxx

by Ann+Kya+wolfy+pixie

Friday 29 May 19:20

aww she is such a sweetie and we are so glad that little sadie(shiran) has a home with her new family and kevin have a great time sadie!...x
love ann,kya,wolfy and little pixie (used to be babe)

by Emma

Thursday 28 May 21:07

We went to see Shiran (now Sadie) today and fell in love with her - so too did Kevin our grey! They make a comical pair as he is so big and she is so little! It sounds awful, but we can't wait to get our holiday over and done with so we can bring her home!

Thank you so much to everybody at the RGT who have always been there to help, advise and guide us. They make such a difference to the lives of these lovely animals, and of course the people privileged enough to have these gentle souls as part of their family :0)

by PamD

Thursday 28 May 20:28

Lucky little girl reserved by a fab family a 'sister' for Kevin, she will go home when they are back from holiday in two weeks time. The family can't wait. Emma (her new mum) said it will be a 'very long' two weeks holiday. She will help us on many roadshows. Her first will be at a garden party in a few weeks time which her new mum is organising. Her new name will be Sadie.

by Amy&Monty

Thursday 28 May 16:24

It's great that she's been reserved again so fast! I hope she gets on well with her new family!

by Ann+Kya+wolfy+pixie

Thursday 28 May 11:03

aww how beautifull i am going to look at her today and i am looking at having another grey for wolfy soo we will see how it goes!....x

by cazzey3542

Wednesday 27 May 21:11

My mother tried but was unable to cope with shiran last week. I dont think she thought it through enough, but I have to tell anyone considering shiran that she is a beautiful girl who in a short week learned her new name (Kia), how to be nice to my yorkie, two rabbits, two cats, and two kids. For someone able to help her with a slight seperation/excitement bladder issue she will be the perfect addition to any family. If the rules had allowed I would have kept her myself.

by Willow&Ann

Wednesday 27 May 11:00

Oh poor thing, Pam told me what a complete poppet shiran is, I'm sure she'll find a forever home very soon, especially being such a little dot. I really should stop looking at this website, I'd love to adopt them all (but not 100% sure what Willow would think of that!) Good luck Shiran, hang on in there - the right home for you is out there!

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 27 May 07:54

She is a little dot! About 24kg...... she is sooooo sweet!

by janet12000

Tuesday 26 May 22:10

how tiny? would she be able to fit in with my lot of pets?

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 26 May 20:05

Oh thats such a shame! I hope she finds a new home very soon! She seems lovely.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 16 May 09:33

Shiran is the sweetest little girl - she is tiny! She loves to play and is very affectionate.