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About Me

Racing Name
Say Boo
Date of birth
02 oct 2009
Ear mark


female, 15 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Thursday 04 Jan

This little girl raced at Harlow and is coming to us on the instruction from Head office.

This little girl arrived today, she is a little shy at first but is adorable, an absolute poppet.

Bunny has had 0 cuddles today (35 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by bluespriest

Thursday 10 May 19:50

I am so sorry, God bless you and God bless Bunny, love from Carol xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 10 May 19:00

Thinking of you all. Xxx

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by PamD

Thursday 10 May 15:06

So very sorry for your loss
Run free with all our angels at The Bridge

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 10 May 12:48

Devastated to read this. My Stevie had the same thing just over a year ago. We too decided to try and give him a chance, and sadly a week after the operation his poor body shut down and we had to say goodbye. Such an awful situation. Bunny was much loved by you, as was Stevie by us. It is never easy to make these decisions. Run free little princess, another beautiful angel, run free. xxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 10 May 10:05

I am broken hearted to hear about Bunny.... precious girl..... run free little one xxxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 10 May 07:15

How very sad for you all. It is clear that you loved your little girl dearly, brought a tear to my eye, run free Bunny with all our other angels at the bridge xxxxx

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by steveandwend

Thursday 10 May 06:31

So very sorry for your heartbreaking loss x

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by loveheart

Wednesday 09 May 22:22

So sad for you and Bunny. Our lad Dylan had a very similar diagnosis and operation aged 9 1/2 to give him a chance of staying with us for a while longer. He recovered well and was very happy for another 3 1/2 years without further treatment, which was much more than any other hound the vet had treated Its hard making the decision as it is a big operation but we agreed that he should have the chance. So sad that it did not work out for your loved Grey but you did the right thing and she ended her life as a pet and very loved. God Bless her x

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 09 May 22:20

I am in bits having read the saddest news about lovely Bunny. I’m devastated for her owners she was obviously loved so very much. Paul and I fostered Bunny for a while as she was so unhappy in kennels and she was such a beautiful little soul and was great with Lola and Lena. We both loved having her with us and were over the moon when she went to her new home. I have shed some tears tonight for your lovely girl and we send you all our love at this saddest time. But most of all we want to say thank you for taking this special little lady into your family and your hearts. Run free Bunny we will always remember you xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 09 May 22:15

So very sorry to hear your sad news. I remember Bunny during her stay at Daybreaks, she was such a sweet girl. God has gained a very special angel today. Thinking of you all. Xxx

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by Mucklebigpie

Wednesday 09 May 21:22

Tonight we said goodbye to Bunny.

Last week she was found to have a tumour on her femur. It had erodoed the bone to the point of breaking. As there was no sign of cancer anywhere else the decision was made to amputate her leg in order to give her a chance.

She came home on Friday and was doing well. But by early Sunday morning it was clear that Bunny was starting to struggle. We took her back to the vets and despite their best efforts she continue to weaken with complications.

We sat with her this evening and, while she was full of pain killers she recognised us, greeted us and asked for strokes by waving her front leg (this has always been her way). We sat with her until the end, which was hard but very serene.

She has been a greatest addition to our family who has slowly but slowly gotten under our skin. A quiet and unassuming little lass. Thanks Bun

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 09 Jul 07:14

Well done Bunny, so happy for you. Have a great life with your new brother & family. All the best. xx

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by BrooklynMannie

Sunday 07 Jul 21:56

Well done lovely Bunny. Good luck in your forever homex

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 07 Jul 11:21

Well I am just over the moon that Bunny is now officially rehomed. What better news could I have wanted for a beautiful weekend? I am sure that Bunny is incredibly happy in her permanent home. She is a gorgeous girl and I am sure she already much loved by the whole family including her greyhound brother Luke. Lots of love from Linda, Paul and foster-sisters Lola & Lena xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Jul 19:44

So happy for lovely Bunny! Xxx

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by Deb

Saturday 06 Jul 18:09

YIPEE Fantastic news for this wonderful little girl your foster mummy Linda will be over the moon X

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 23 Jun 21:02

Hi... Bunny's former foster mum here. It really made my day reading your news that she is doing well and is getting on well with Luke. She's a very special girl to me and I am so looking forward to seeing that blue 'Fostered' sign turn to red and then to green very soon. Linda x

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by Mucklebigpie

Sunday 23 Jun 14:00

Bunny is doing really well and has discovered a squeaky toy that she is finding difficult to leave alone.

She enjoys her walks and comes to heel really well. She loves (highfire) Luke and follows him around where ever he goes.

Looks like a keeper - especially now she has found her favourite place on the sofa.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 20 Jun 08:11

Hi Bernadette - no Bunny is still in foster. We are waiting to hear if all is going well and if she is - she has found herself a permanent home :-)

by Bernadette

Wednesday 19 Jun 18:42

Is bunny back at kennels xx

by LindaPaul

Saturday 15 Jun 18:48

Bunny has been at the kennels today and I heard that someone looked at her and fell for her but unfortunately she failed the cat test today, and to get this prospective home she had to be cat friendly. Over the last week at home with us, her personality has really begun to show and her confidence levels are on the up. I'm sure this explains her variable reactions to cats in the past, but at least we know for sure now that she is definitely not cat friendly. Never mind Bunny, I am sure there is a cat-free home out there for you. Anyone who wants a really loving girl who is already used to living in a home need look no further than this little sweetie.
She will be at Daybreaks again tomorrow (Sun 16th June) xx

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by BrooklynMannie

Thursday 13 Jun 18:52

Its so good to see Bunny coming out of her shell more now. Hope her forever sofa is just around the corner.

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 13 Jun 18:04

Oh Bunny, what a strange thing to take exception to!! Might have something to do with the smell, it may have unpleasant associations for her - or it could just be a really weird phobia! Bless her it sounds like she is doing so well, and definitely benefitting from her time with you and some doggy companions. All the best. xx

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by fatharry

Thursday 13 Jun 17:48

that's me out I love lamb!

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 12 Jun 21:00

Bless her.... Bunny has started to play with the toys! She watched Lena chasing round with her long-legged monkey in the garden yesterday and then had a little go herself once Lena had finished. Then later on she watched Lena go and get her snowman out from the toy pile in the lounge, and Bunny went and helped herself to the furry father christmas toy! How clever of her to continue the Christmas theme :) !
Now a really weird one.....Bunny dislikes it when we grill anything other than bacon! She stands in the room next door to the kitchen and does little barks and growls and will then run out into the garden and bark to get the other 2 out there with her. OK so it's been lamb both times - the first time lamb steaks and then some home made lamb burgers. Bacon grilling at breakfast time has no effect on her at all. Last night after the burger episode, I coaxed her into the lounge and gave her a sniff of some calming essential oils (Paul has been to a seminar on zoopharmacognosy and we got some to try to help Lola with her fear of fireworks - I'm sure he'd happily talk to anyone who is interested) Anyway... Bunny settled down for a nap, we ate our spicy lamb burgers and all was peaceful once more! We'll have to see how this strange phobia pans out....not sure why she can't just be worried about the vacuum cleaner or something more 'normal'!!
Bunny is really starting to come out of her shell and I'm so keen to find her a home of her own. She is clean in the house, walks beautifully, mixes well with our 2 girls and has been left for several hours with Lola & Lena for company. To round it all off she is a real cuddle monster and is such a loving little girl. If anyone is interested, please talk to Ruth and we can arrange to get her to the kennels for a viewing, or she is usually there during the day Sat & Sun. Linda xx

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by Deb

Sunday 09 Jun 19:05

Bunny is just a lovely girl,she is shy but does love her cuddles, she nuzzled into me yesterday and left her head on my lap for ages.I think she will adore being in a loving home and it will be great for someone to see and help her develop her confidence

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 05 Jun 22:21

Bunny has been busy having a few new experiences. On Monday (Lola's 8th birthday) they dropped in at granddad's place for a treat or two! She's met my dad before but has not been to his flat, but she coped very well. She had a good look around and then settled down for a rest, following the lead of the other two who were comatose within a minute of finishing their treats!
Tonight she's been round Wythall Park and really loved it. She was out in front of the other 2 trail-blazing her way was so good to see. OK, so I know it might not be that difficult to be out in front when Lola spends ages micro-analyzing each blade of grass :)) but she was so up for it tonight! Go Bunny! xx

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 02 Jun 21:13

Bunny paid the cats another visit today, and after initially not reacting, we brought Lena in, and under her influence Bunny showed a little too much interest in them.
However, walking in Elmdon Park this morning, we met lots of dogs from very small ones upwards...who were both on and off-lead an Bunny was a little star, and was generally much more confident that when we did the same walk last weekend.
Now snoozing in front of the tv and we expect some dreams very soon ! x

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by Deb

Sunday 02 Jun 17:24

What lovely new pictures- having met her at training must say she is a little poppet and loves lots of cuddles.

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 01 Jun 17:45

Bunny has not been reacting to cats while we are out walking. She's been at the kennels this afternoon and as the cats were there also, she met them and did not react. She's going to the kennels again tomorrow and will meet them again,so keeping everything crossed.
She went to training again this morning and although she was still a bit over-awed by the experience, this week she was taking treats which is a big step forwards. She now jumps in and out of Paul's car on her own as well so we have seen quite a change in this little girl in the 10 days or so she has been with us. Of course she continues to be a little sweetie around the house. xx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 30 May 23:06

Bunny is transformed in a home environment and is a different dog than you see in kennels. She is growing in confidence daily, especially around the house and is settling nicely into our routine. To see her now bouncing round in the garden is a complete joy! In the park this morning she met young Wilf who is a Beagle/pug cross. She sniffed him and then just looked away which is real progress as she was initially very interested in other breeds. It's early days but I am thinking maybe she was just curious about these strange-shaped dogs she saw in the first few days she spent with us. We have also found that she can be left for several hours and is still clean in the house. All in all she is being a little sweetie. I hope that someone will read this and think that Bunny might just be the dog for them. She should be at the kennels at the weekend and I soooo hope someone will fall for her xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 26 May 20:46

Love the photo of Bunny drinking out of the bird bath. xxx

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 26 May 20:13

Bunny has had an eventful weekend. She went to Julie's training class yesterday but without her friends Lola and Lena. She was quite stressed like most newbies are, but made friends with Daisy and met a few of the other greys and their owners. Then she spent the afternoon at Daybreaks just in case....she was shattered last night which wasn't surprising.
Today we all had a lovely morning in Elmdon Park. She saw quite a few other dogs and although she was interested, she doesn't lunge or bark (hmmm unlike Lena....) Running dogs get her a bit more excited at the moment, but we will get her out and about more to see how this pans out. She spent the afternoon at the kennels again as we are so close by. She did seem glad to get back to ours and her 2 friends though.
Hope you all like the new photos of Bunny looking less sad :) Paul got lucky and managed to snap her sneaking another slurp from the bird bath! That's a habit she has learned from Lola! xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 24 May 21:56

Emily wakes us every morning anywhere between 4.30-6.30 am. Could I book her in for a spot of rehab a yours, you seem to have the magic touch!!!! Mand (yawn!,) xx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 24 May 13:05

Just a quick update on Bunny. She's settling in nicely, eating well and has been completely clean in the house. She follows the lead from Lola and Lena, and is learning from them about home life. I think the garden was a bit scary for her at first so I expect it may be some time since she has been left to her own devices in such a big open space, or that possibly has never happened. She's gradually getting better though, and the sight of her running down the garden to greet either Paul or me is lovely to see. We are working on getting her out and about and she's definitely at the 'tourist' stage at the moment on our regular walking routes, gawping at everything and everyone :) Seems to have totally embraced the laziness of our other 2 and for Bunny there's none of this early rising that we hear about from other owners!
Oh.... I also must add that she's a real cuddle monster!
Linda x

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by missfifi

Wednesday 22 May 17:04

Daisy soooooo excited that there will be a new chum on saturday. We are attempting kenilworth castle again tomorrow. Paws crossed.
I had my two boys Bouncer and George in a nissan micra - which meant I could only ever have one passenger. Worked for me! xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 22 May 16:56

Ah Linda, I'm delighted that you have fostered Bunny and it sounds like she is going to have a lovely time with you. Your 2 will show her what family life is all about, and it's just what she needs to bring her out of her shell. xx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 22 May 11:37

Bunny has come to stay with us for a short while for a spot of tlc and to see if we can perk her up a bit. The last time she stayed with us she was post-op and it's like she has just picked up where she left off! She even settled in the lounge last night when she didn't manage it before, so I was really pleased. She definitely follows the lead of the other 2 - you can see her taking her cues from them on what to do, including watching Lena rolling on her back last night for a cuddle, so Bunny had a go to see what happened.... And what do you know... result...!! Again not a squeak out of Bunny (or the other 2) overnight and she's so obliging when you take her into the garden for a pit-stop. Hoping to get her out and about a bit and work out what makes her tick. I'm expecting to take her to Julie's class on Saturday morning as well. Lola and Lena can stay at home this week so at least Daisy's mum won't get talked at and harassed by Lena for treats! Linda x

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by LindaPaul

Monday 20 May 15:25

Had a lovely cuddle with Bunny yesterday when we dropped off the duvets & stuff picked up at Sutton Walk. She is so very sweet and it was lovely to see her little tail wag when Lena came to the kennel door to say hello to her. Bunny had a very quiet way of asking me to keep fussing her whenever I stopped!
I hope someone will see past her initial shyness and make space in their home and their heart for this little poppet. I'm sure that over time she would blossom in a home environment. Our Lola was very quiet when we first had her but once she started to open up we had a very different dog. She's still and always will be much quieter and less busy than Lena, but nevertheless has a strong personality, with very definite opinions on what she likes and what she doesn't (anyone who has witnessed her greyhound police routine at Saturday training will agree I'm sure) I can imagine Bunny gradually emerging from her shell in a similar way so I'm keeping everything crossed that there's someone out there for her xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 18 May 19:31

Bunny, hope you're not too lonely now your kennel mate Laddy has gone to his forever home. Let's hope it's your turn next my pretty. xx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 17 May 11:53

Dear Bunny, I've sent you my cuddle today because you are such a sweet girl and I really want you to find a loving home xxxx

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by bonnie

Thursday 09 May 17:38

o bunny you look so sad I do hope your forever home is coming soon. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 02 May 19:55

Bunny is a very sweet girl, so gentle. xxx

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by bonnie

Tuesday 23 Apr 19:25

bless you xxxx

by farah:-)

Saturday 20 Apr 18:30

bunny is beautiful! She's quiet and very shy but once she gets to know you she becomes a bit more relaxed with you, she would make a great addition to a family. X :-)

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by LindaPaul

Monday 15 Apr 10:06

Well Bunny, there will be a home out there for you with no cats so hang on in there and you will get your own home very soon.....
Lots of love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 14 Apr 18:42

Hi LindaPaul - sadly Bunny wasn't cat friendly xx

by rumblesmom

Sunday 14 Apr 16:52

Oh bunny girl what happened

by LindaPaul

Saturday 13 Apr 19:56

Oh dear Bunny....not reserved any more. What happened?
Sending you a cuddle xxx

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 10 Apr 18:05

Well done! Xx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 10 Apr 17:00

Yay!!! Our little Bunny is Reserved. If I wasn't in the office I'd be jumping up and down for joy :) xxxx

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by fatharry

Wednesday 10 Apr 16:19

Well done Bunny!

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by skinnyme

Sunday 07 Apr 15:31

Bunny has settled really well since coming back to the kennels.

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by DelphysMum

Saturday 06 Apr 18:18

Ha ha, they were probably all chasing bunnies in their sleep!! I hope Bunny finds a home soon. She sounds like a real sweetie and being clean is always a bonus!! xx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 05 Apr 18:48

Bunny is going for a check-up at the vets tomorrow morning and should be back at the kennels around mid-day. She is a real sweetie and has been totally clean in the house and is golden with our two. She is eating well and today we've had the first tail wags as she came to say hello to me and Paul first thing. We've also seen tail wags while she was dreaming in the conservatory today :) In fact all 3 of them were wagging their tails while dreaming at one time this morning - it was like a Mexican wave of wags round the room! Happy Days! xx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 04 Apr 19:38

Hurrah..... Bunny has eaten a small dinner earlier this evening with her antibiotics in it. Will give her a bit more in a little while so she can have her pain relief medicine. She has been a good girl spending a penny in the garden several times today and now has her preferred bed in our conservatory. She is really quite shy but very sweet with it and it was nice that she wandered over to me this afternoon to say hello before settling back down to sleep.
She should be going back to the kennels at the weekend and I hope she finds a new home very soon. xx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 04 Apr 08:49

Little Bunny is staying with us for a short time while she recovers from her spay. Paul picked her up from the vets Wed evening and she had a very quiet night snuggled up in a big comfy bed in the crate. Lola and Lena have been absolutely fine with her, in fact they have been very quiet and gentle arounf her. I think they know she's feeling a little below par. She's been out into the garden last night and this morning and has done what she has to do out there - clever girl. Just got to persuade her to eat something now. xx

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by bonnie

Wednesday 03 Apr 18:44

lucky bunny coming to ruth and co.........lovely name hope you find a lovely home bunnyxx

by Coxycrew

Tuesday 02 Apr 20:56

Aw bless her, looking a bit worried on the photo x Love her racing name though.