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About Me

Racing Name
Magical Russell
Date of birth
18 mar 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Ms FirecrackerIE-OCT-04-BK
Family tree & race history

Merlin (Russ)

male, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

A lovely friendly boy, his trainer says he is good with other dogs.

Merlin (Russ) has had 0 cuddles today (37 all together).
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by Terry

Monday 21 Jul 13:33

I would like to reiterate the comments made by muddypaws - I am sure that as responsible greyhound owners we all agree and know how injust this has all been - both to Merlin and his loving family - we all know what wonderful dogs greys truly are. My sincere thoughts are with you in this very sad time and think you were very selfless in your decision and did not want Merlin to be in an unknown place for an indefinite time with people he did not know. He is running now at Rainbow Bridge with all of the other animals and knows how much you love him. I am so very very sorry. All my love XXXXXXXXXX - Mrs muddypaws.

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 19 Jul 13:17

Hi ina just to let you know my heart go,s out to you I am thinking of you at this sad time don't people relize it was an accident while I feel sorry for the other dog I feel this person was going for compensation anyway they must of seen pounds shillings and pence coming their way the same thing haperned in Redditch not long ago but the two party's sorted it between then this lady didant want the other dog put to sleep she to said it was a accident and while dogs are off their leads this will hapern I do hope she is happy with the out come ones dogs life for another poor merlin run free now beautiful boy be happy bless both you and merlin Jackie tinkers nanna xxxx

by conman

Saturday 19 Jul 12:39

Your courage in having him put to sleep before he was taken away from you is amazing. I hope I could be that brave in the same situation but I'm not sure I could. So so sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful boy who deserved better from the justice system xx

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by kallie

Saturday 19 Jul 06:23

thank you all once again for your kindness, thank you Dawn for lighting the candle, it was a lovely thing to do...I just feel so empty right now but I shall in time write about this event so it can be published for all others to see to act as a warning on how the law has changed and how it can affect every one of us to such devastating effect....the only consolation I have now is that my boy does not have to be leashed and muzzled where he is now and that he can run free to his hearts content...just wish I could be with him....

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 18 Jul 22:36

An ABSOLUE atrorocity. My heart goes to ina and her family. I have had to take a few says before I comment. I am so upset angry and discussed at this horrendous outcome. I cannot put into words how I feel. I hope I never have to find out who these people are or who the heartless judge was who passed this awful sentence. I think he should meet some greys. After all how many "normal dogs" have killed or injured kids. No A GREY. Better stop now before I really get started and really spsak my mind

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by skinnyme

Friday 18 Jul 21:34

Ina, my dear friend, words cannot express how I'm feeling for you, all I can send you is lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxxx

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by muddypaws

Friday 18 Jul 20:00

Dawn....what an incredibly kind and thoughtful thing to do.
l'm sure Ina wont mind. l am not religious either, but your gesture but a lump to my throat. Thank you for your kindness.X.

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by muddypaws

Friday 18 Jul 19:17

l know at some point we will need to draw a line under this heartbreaking story, but the more details l am hearing....and not hearsay or rumours.....the more incensed l feel. Although l feel terribly sad for the other dog, any sympathy l had for its lowlife owners has completely evaporated!!!! lt looks like the compensation culture is here to stay!!! l am just dumbfounded as to how any court could find in their favour!!!!! We must have the most laughable justice system in the world, and the biggest bunch of morons masquerading as judges.....why don't we just go completely back to the middle ages, and start putting animals on trial for witchcraft and devil worship...or maybe we still do??? It's a pity the police and courts are not as efficient in catching and convicting animal abusers and dog fighting rings!!! But then again, l suppose responsible...loving...caring dog owners are a much easier target!!! Hang your heads in shame PC Plod...the CPS...and last but not least...the old farts sitting on judges have been duped yet again by a sob story!!! To the money grabbing family...
l hope the blood money that you receive brings you nothing but misery!!!!!!!!
Sorry if my rant has offended anyone...but it needed to be said.

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by Foggie

Friday 18 Jul 18:09

Ina I have just read this devastating story. It is hard enough when you lose your dog through illness but when it is a case such as this it is particularly heart breaking. Sending love and strength. x

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by susy

Friday 18 Jul 16:14

We have just seen the posts, its devastating. I just don't know what to say. Love to Ina and both will be in our thoughts.
Love Sylv, John & The new Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxxx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Friday 18 Jul 13:18

I am not a deeply religious person, but felt the need today as I passed Birmingham Cathedral to pop in and light a candle for Ina and Merlin and hope Ina won't mind me doing this. I am so moved by this tragic and unfair story xx

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by PamD

Friday 18 Jul 13:10

I just can't believe the outcome of this. I am devastated for you Ina. Lots and lots of love Pam xxx

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by Deb

Friday 18 Jul 08:29

Merlin came to training classes a few times and those that knew him knew him as a gentle giant.This is a tragedy for all concerned.Ina life must have been unbearable for you over the last few months but you have done right by your beautiful boy.Looking at newspaper and social media coverage I can see the other owners are devastated but appear to be fueling an anti greyhound campaign in your area.I wont repeat what is being said but it is unfounded .I hope things with time settle down so you and all the other greyhound owners in your area can enjoy your dogs. Everyone's thoughts are with you.Love to you all.

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by Peppa'smom

Friday 18 Jul 01:53

Of course no one judges or condemns you - this could potentially happen to any dog owner. I have struggled with what to say as I am so sad and angry at the injustice of this. I should feel sympathy for the other family who lost their dog in such terrible circumstances but what kind of people would pursue such vengeance? I am so sorry for what you are going through but despite the outcome it was worth the fight - you had to fight for your boy. It takes a brave person to take on the establishment and we should all be very proud of you. You could not have done any more for Merlin, this was not your fault. A truly terrible tragedy. Debbie xx

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by lovegreys

Thursday 17 Jul 23:28

So very sad and sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. Our thoughts are with you all. X

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by crackercharlieX

Thursday 17 Jul 22:35


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by Snipe

Thursday 17 Jul 22:31

Speechless. So very sorry for you. Thus should never have got to this stage.......:-( Thinking of you all xx

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by kallie

Thursday 17 Jul 22:10

thank you to all of you for your lovely kind means so much that there are people here who do not judge and condem me for what was an accident that I wish to goodness had never happend...I miss my beautiful boy so very much and his memories of him will stay with me and help me through other three are quiet today, missing him and realising that he is not coming can be very sad and unfair but it is made more bearable by people like all of you. xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 17 Jul 21:50

My heart is bleeding xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 17 Jul 21:45

So sorry for the loss of your Merlin run free at the bridge baby xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 17 Jul 19:41

I can only echo what most have put on here what a truly terrible decision to have to make. Please do not beat yourself up over this, I know you will! Accidents happen and life is sometimes very unfair but you did your absolute best for your boy but we're beaten by a very unjust system. My heart goes out to you.

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by ginger

Thursday 17 Jul 18:45

this is so sad and upsetting to read today I am sending you Ina a cuddle also merlin electronic cuddle and thinking of your family.

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by abbiesdad

Thursday 17 Jul 18:14

I'm so sad for Merlin and very very sad for you Ina and your family we are all thinking of you

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by rumblesmom

Thursday 17 Jul 18:11

my dear dear ina my sarah has just told me the devastating news-ina anybody who knows you will just want to put their arms round you- this was just a tragic accident which was no way your fault and knowing merlin i can only say he was the most wonderful dog who was devoted to you- i am just glad that you were able to be with him to the end

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 17 Jul 17:37

My family have asked do,s this mean you can't have another dog through this accident which is what greyhounds do is chase or is this person please with what as happened money should not have come into this thinking of you and your family Jackie tinkers nanna xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 17 Jul 17:32

Inai am so sorry for you today as I read this story it made me cry knowing you have lost your beautiful boy merlin sorry you had to go through months of not knowing the other person should not have the right to take his life it was an accident humans don't get treatment if she had her dog on a lead this might not have haperned the law says dogs should be on leads at all time or did she not know that a beautiful dog has lost his life run free merlin at rainbow bridge our hearts go out to you please take some comfort knowing you his lovely mom was with him to the end such a you gage bless you and beautiful merlin xxx

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by Braveboy

Thursday 17 Jul 16:58

So very very sorry to see this all our thoughts are with you all at this sad time .

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 17 Jul 16:06

I'm so sorry Ina, he was such a lovely boy xx

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by TJ

Thursday 17 Jul 16:03

Giving my electronic cuddle to Merlin today... run free gorgeous boy and sending a massive cuddle to Ina. Txx

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by NMD07

Thursday 17 Jul 15:44

Heartbreaking. Xxx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Thursday 17 Jul 14:55

I have given my cuddle today to Merlin, however, I think half of it should go to his poor Mum. This is one of the saddest stories I have ever read on here. It does make you lose your faith in human nature. 'Your dog killed mine so your dog should die too' attitude, is appalling. What an awful ordeal for someone to have to go through, I hope Merlin's Mum takes some comfort from all the caring and supportive comments on here and that compassion still exists in this world. God bless you, you are such a brave woman xxxx

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by beryltheperil

Thursday 17 Jul 14:13

Can hardly believe what I've just read, it's just heartbreaking. Hugs to you all, in our thoughts.xx

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by sebby

Thursday 17 Jul 13:50

Having been involved with greyhounds for most of my life, I have never read such a heartbreaking accident. My heart truly goes out to you Ina and to merlin who is now running in those green, green fields above. I sincerely hope Ina that you are surrounded by huge emotional and financial support at this dreadful time. Shine brightly down merlin for your mom.

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by cinders

Thursday 17 Jul 13:45

This is one of the most heart-breaking things I have ever read. It must have been complete torture for the past few months. Your decision is undoubtedly one of the hardest you have ever had to make but it is also one of the most courageous and selfless things I have ever heard of. Much love x

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by maddoglady

Thursday 17 Jul 13:30

How terribly sad. This is a situation that we all dread, but you must never blame yourself for giving your boy a wonderful new life and for being so brave and so honourable as to let him go in the worst way imagineable for you but the best and kindest way for him. Its a great pity that there aren't more dog people around like you. I know its no comfort at all but my thoughts are with you and so are the thoughts of many others. I'm sending today's hug to Merlin at Rainbow Bridge and also to you, your selflessness is inspiring.

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by helenanddave

Thursday 17 Jul 12:42

Oh my god, I just logged on and am now sitting here crying. I cannot believe what I have just read and my heart is breaking for you and the decision you had to take. And you did take the right one - the alternative was too terrible to contemplate. Merlin will run free at the bridge knowing he was immensely loved and cherished. This tragic story will stick in my mind for a long long time. Sending you love and hugs and also to merlin at the bridge. Xx

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by Winniethepooh

Thursday 17 Jul 09:19

Hello Ina

I logged on this morning and had to do a double take to try to believe what I was reading. This really is a very sad story and I am really truly truly sorry for all concerned in this. I think that you did the right thing for Merlin at this time, it really is heart breaking and I don't know how you are managing to cope with this. I send my best wishes to you.

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by DuleekDandy

Thursday 17 Jul 09:03

Ina, I don't even know what to terrible for you to have to go through all of that but to ultimately have to lose your boy in that way is the most heart breaking of all.
Faced with what would happen, you certainly made the right decision.
I am so very sorry.....thinking of you and sending much love xXx
Run free precious boy xxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 17 Jul 08:38

Run free Merlin. Kissez n snugguls toz yous famibleee
Mwah mwah xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 17 Jul 07:47

I am so, so sad that it came to this sweet Merlin. Ina,I cannot even begin to imagine how it has been for you these past months and how hard it was to make the decision to let Merlin go yesterday, although at least the last thing he knew was that his loving and caring Mum was with him. We are thinking of you at this awful time & sending love and prayers . Sleep tight lovely boy, much love Michael & Angie xxx

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by spencer68

Thursday 17 Jul 07:23

Ina am so sorry to read what has happened to your beautiful merlin. Such a tragic accident. Life can be so hard at times, there isn't enough words to say. Sleep tight merlin. Ann xxxx

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by Melysa

Thursday 17 Jul 06:44

Just tragic. So, so sad. Big, big hugs xxx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 17 Jul 00:53

l am finding it difficult to put my feelings into words. Such a tragic set of circumstances, and an impossible situation to be placed in. My heart really goes out to you. l know this will probably not be of much comfort at this sad time, but given the made the decision that you felt was right for Merlin, and he went to Rainbow Bridge knowing how much you loved him and in your arms.l realise how terribly distressing it must have been for the other owner. but to seek retribution is unspeakable and will not bring their dog back. Compassion is a wonderful thing.....but you need to have a heart to feel it. Run Free beautiful boy...the angels will watch over you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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by Fairy

Wednesday 16 Jul 22:49

I cannot begin to imagine how you must be feeling tonight. All I can say is that my heart is breaking for you and me and my brood send our love and are thinking of you and your family at this very difficult time xxx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 16 Jul 22:34

Speechless and so very sad. xxxx

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by SamA

Wednesday 16 Jul 22:08

So sad that a tragic accident ends like this. Run free Merlin you will be sadly missed. Sending all our love to your family, thinking of you at this sad and difficult time. xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 16 Jul 22:03

Merlin you will not be forgotten, you were much loved by everyone, run free beautiful boy, just so devestating x

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by Sarahphe

Wednesday 16 Jul 22:03

Words cant begin to explain my sadness for your loss. Why is it dogs are sentenced to death when they dont understand what they are doing is wrong but humans who know the difference get to live. We live in a very backwards world. Thinking of you all and Merlin has my cuddle tonight xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 16 Jul 21:58

Run free Merlin. So, so sad. Sending love to your family. X

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 16 Jul 21:36

God bless Merlin...lots of love to Ina and her family. So, so sorry for you all. Kate Xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 16 Jul 21:27

Run free with the rainbows - a tragic accident which ended up taking your life. My beautiful boy - I am so sorry x

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by kallie

Wednesday 16 Jul 20:04

Today at 5.40 pm I had to say good bye to my beautiful darling boy Merlin, not because he was ill but because of an accident way back in March. Merlin managed to squeeze out of the gate and ran into the local park and killed a small dog. The owners decided to procecute and took me to criminal court, despite having statements from Daybreaks Kennels, the RGT head office, the Petbloodbank Vet, Merlin's previous owners and many more the judges condemed Merlin to death, I was to take him into a police station tomorrow and he was going to be put into some holding kennels somewhere unknown until they would have put him to his death some time in the future without me being able to be with him. I could not live with this uncertainty and the knowledge that my beloved boy is somewhere cold and strange without me so I went ahead and let him fall asleep in my arms with my voice to soothe him. I won't have to tell any of you how devasted I am...I fail to understand how any dog owner can do this to another. I have now got a criminal record, have to pay a huge sum im court fines, penalties, and compensation for the other owners. Had they taken me to civil court the insurance would have kicked in but it does not apply in criminal cases....sometimes justice is not what it should be and in this case it was a travesty....Run free my darling darling boy, I shall forever blame myself for a few seconds of inattention which ultimately caused your death...I love you Merlin....

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 19 Jun 13:38

ina that is such a lovely pic, i,m so happy for you and merlin and i know mckenzie is wagging his tail from above xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Jun 21:42

So sorry for Merlins owners; at least they know he will be very happy living with Ina and her lovely Greyhounds. Xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 11 Jun 17:38

I simply could not part with him...I really do believe that my beloved Mckenzie sent him to me to help me get over losing him...Merlin is a treasure and has fitted into our lives so well...and the wonderful thing is that his previous family will still be able to come and visit him as they do not live many miles away :)

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 11 Jun 15:50

Such a shame for the lovely family that they had to return Merlin. Ina I'm so sorry to hear about Mackenzie, but delighted that your guest has now turned out to be a permanent resident! I sometimes think certain things are just meant to be. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 11 Jun 13:42

Sadly the family who adopted Merlin had to return him as their son developed an allergy to him.
Ina kindly took him and fostered him to avoid him coming back into the kennels and guess what....... he is there to stay! Ina recently lost her beloved Mackenzie and perhaps it was meant to be as Merlin's birthday was the date the lovely Mackenzie passed over to Rainbow Bridge. x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 May 21:33

What a scare for you...can't believe he eat the bag too! What a little tinker, so happy to hear he is ok. xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 28 May 09:11

Lovely Merlin as Russ is now called is staying with his auntie Ina for a week...he really is a credit to Kat and David as he is such a lovely easy boy to have as a guest....slotted straight into my pack....alas he is a foodie and managed to scoff a whole pack of beef jerky including the bag which did result in a quick trip to the vets....just keeping me on my toes lol....thankfully it was only collic and not what I thought it was....phew....

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by Deb

Saturday 11 May 13:58

What a difference a few weeks in a loving home can make.This lovely big boy has been coming to training for the last 3 weeks you can see his skin and coat are getting better and better every week.Great to see.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 26 Apr 15:59

Russ my beauty, be so very happy in your lovely new home. All good wishes to you and your new family. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 25 Apr 23:03

Wishing Russ a very happy retirement with his lovely new family. xxx

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by BlackSheep

Thursday 25 Apr 22:08

He's home and flaked out :) We're all really looking forward to getting to know each other...

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by LizzyB

Thursday 25 Apr 13:43

Hey Russ, when are you off to your new home? x

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 13 Apr 22:19

I met Russ today, he is absolutely adorable. So pleased he has been reserved. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 13 Apr 17:24

Russ I am delighted to see you reserved - well done my gorgeous boy. Wishing you every happiness in your new home. xx

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by Deb

Saturday 13 Apr 16:27

Brilliant - we were talking about this boy at training this morning and saying with the right TLC this boy will be a stunner.

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by kallie

Saturday 13 Apr 15:58

when i saw you last week i really wanted you to come with me as you are about the same size my beautiful McKenzie was, however now i have the pleasure of doing your home check and hope that you will have a wonderful home to call your own very soon. xxxx

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by LizzyB

Thursday 11 Apr 15:58

A gorgeous boy with 'take me home' eyes. Hope you don't have to wait too long Russ x

by skinnyme

Sunday 07 Apr 21:39

Words cannot express how I feel about this gorgeous boy, he is FAB! Sooooo adorable, quiet and affectionate, please someone choose him soon, I can feel number 8 on the horizon!

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 03 Apr 17:22

Russ is the most gorgeous, big boy who walks beautifully on the lead and is so gentle, quiet and friendly. He is in need of plenty of TLC, and I really hope he finds his forever home very soon. Special cuddles for a lovely boy. xxx

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by Jenwren

Tuesday 02 Apr 17:44

Awwww Russ, you like other dogs eh......interesting and my fav colour too! lol ;) xxx