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About Me

Racing Name
Westmeath Angel
Date of birth
01 may 2009
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Swift N SlickIE/UK-MAR-06-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Angel has had 0 cuddles today (33 all together).
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by susy

Saturday 05 Apr 11:42

Well I hope you are both well and recovered, and your three grey's are well. No more wallet taking.
Tessa is so laid back you would not think she was here.
Love Sylv, John and the Clan xxx

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by susy

Sunday 05 Jan 16:44

Lovely to hear from you, well the grey's are doing what comes, hope you are both well and over your problems. Love Sylv & John x

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by susy

Sunday 05 Jan 10:50

Hi To you both, hope you have a great 2014 and Angel is behaving herself. Well Tessa no 4 is so great and well behaved, as to Sheena she's another thing. Hope all's well in the Village, may meet up the Rec. Love Sylv, John & The New Icemaic Clan, xxxx

by Foggie

Friday 18 Oct 21:01

As we walk the familiar paths of our village we usually come across at least one other dog, yesterday it was 5, and a couple of cats. Lucy still goes barking mad when she sees another dog and jumps and flies and twists but we can see some improvement in that she is starting to calm down a bit quicker after these incidents. But not today as we went somewhere different for a walk and the greys met their first SQUIRREL. All 3 got very excited!!

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by susy

Thursday 26 Sep 09:39

Hi Foggie, Well still working on no 4 but they walk excellent together and no trouble. Tessa (the foster girl) is so laid back. Well all I can say I hope your both well soon. Angael looks lovely. Sylv xxx

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by Foggie

Wednesday 25 Sep 16:29

Hi Sylv, yes Douglas is on the mend now, just waiting for physio. Unfortunately it's my turn now and I have a bad back. Still managing dog walks...just, with help of a walking stick. How do you manage four? xx

by susy

Tuesday 24 Sep 13:03

Hi Foggie, Hope Douglas is on the mend and the dog walkin in the local rec. still goes on.!!!! If even in batches.
Sylv & John xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 Sep 22:55

So sorry to hear Douglas has torn his Achilles Tendon, it sounds very painful. You will be so fit with all the extra walking you are doing! We will look forward to seeing you at the kennels when Douglas feels better, hope it heals quickly. Hope Angel Lucy is being a good girl! Xxx

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by Foggie

Tuesday 03 Sep 20:55

Hi Ruth and Kate. When we collected Angel Lucy after our holiday I mentioned to Kate that we would try to come on a Thursday to help with dog walking but I am afraid we will be out of action for a while as Douglas has torn his Achilles tendon and is now hobbling about on crutches. I am having fun walking the dogs in batches as the two girls can go a bit mental together if they get spooked by something. x

by Foggie

Friday 30 Aug 13:09

Hi Ruth, meant to reply earlier...thanks for card and Angel Lucy's vaccination paper. x

by susy

Saturday 24 Aug 12:21

Sorry I should have referred to Lucy not Angel, for give this.

by susy

Saturday 24 Aug 12:19

Hope all is well at your end, and Angel is behaving.
Sylv, John & and the New Icemaid Clan & extra xxxxx

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by Foggie

Friday 23 Aug 17:56

Lucy (Angel) has been teaching Misty a few new tricks--like dashing up and down stairs like a rocket and eating left over cooked veggies, something Misty always turned her nose up at before, until Lucy gobbled some down with relish.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 Aug 21:15

Be happy little Lucy! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 20 Aug 17:30

Enjoy your new life Lucy, all the best! xx

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by susy

Tuesday 20 Aug 16:58

Well what do we and The New Icemaid Clan & extra say,
but 'GREAT NEWS, hope all this is cost effective and saves money the wallet??'
Love Sylv & John

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by Foggie

Tuesday 20 Aug 16:39

Collected Lucy (Angel) today as soon as we got back from holiday. She growled a bit as we came into the house to a welcome back from Misty and Larry (who had been in pre-arranged kennels) but has quickly settled on the settee with a contented sigh. Nice to have them all home. xx

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by Melodysmum

Wednesday 14 Aug 13:34

This is the best news ever! Congtas Foggie and family! Here's hoping she doesn't give Larry and Misty too much grief lol. Love you Lucy xx

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by beryltheperil

Tuesday 13 Aug 11:08

Foggie, welcome to the FFPC (Failed Foster Parent Club) it seems to be growing in numbers which is great for the dogs involved. Have a lovely life Lucy. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 Aug 18:13

So pleased you failed miserably as foster parents! It was lovely to see you again today and little Lucy. Fantastic to know she has a wonderful forever home with you to look forward to. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 12 Aug 17:34

Foggie this is such lovely news for Lucy (love the new name), she is obviously very happy with you and has decided it's where she'd like to be permanently - good job you agree with her! Seriously though, she's a lucky little girl and all the very best for the future to you all. x

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by rumblesmom

Monday 12 Aug 17:24

Oh ho ho ho those little angels eyes did the trick after all as I knew they would she's had you all hooked for weeks , but seriously you have done a great thing she is such a lucky girl I,m so pleased for you all xx

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by Foggie

Monday 12 Aug 16:21

We are officially total failures as foster parents. On taking Angel (now definitely Lucy) back to daybreaks for her week's holiday, she froze at the bottom of the drive so had to be carried in by big softie Douglas who said the only way he could leave her was if we reserved her, so she will be back with us soon. We have succumbed to her charms! xx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 06 Aug 19:10

still keeping everybody on the runaround you little minx- you sure sound as though you are having lots of fun i,m very happy for you little girl xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 Aug 20:20

Angel what a cheeky girl...! Xxx

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by Foggie

Monday 05 Aug 17:47

After 3 weeks here being fostered little Angel Lucy has found her feet and is pushing the boundaries a bit. We just heard the tinkle of money and found her playing with Douglas' wallet which she had taken very quietly off the table. She had removed a £20 note and was just about to shred it. She doesn't bother with any of the doggie toys in the toy box....she keeps us on our toes! x

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by Melodysmum

Thursday 01 Aug 13:18

22.5 kilos! wow I'd love to see her little round tum lol. She raced at 19 kilos, the smallest greyhound i've ever seen. As well as her sister Coole Whisper, who still runs at Perry Barr and is just as lively! It sounds like you're doing an amazing job with her Foggie x Just one thing, will you be sending any photies to put on her page...

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 30 Jul 21:08

Angel it sounds like you are having a lovely time in your foster home and really learning lots. I'm with you, I'm not too keen on crowds in town either! But well done for going along and being such a good girl - the outside world can be a bit strange at times can't it, but you are doing so well. Keep up the good work Foggie, all the best to you all.x

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by Foggie

Tuesday 30 Jul 13:46

Angel discovered upstairs today and no sooner had I left my bed than she was curled up happily on my pillow 'purring' as loudly as any cat! We called at the vets to get her weighed--only 22.5kg--then went into town. It was market day and busy with people but I was surprised at how well Angel coped. We passed a few dogs, one of which barked fiercely at her but Angel ignored them all, in fact since last Friday all our walks have been peaceful, I'm amazed at how well she is doing. At one point she became a bit overwhelmed by the number of legs and refused to move so had to be carried to a less busy spot where she was fine and continued walking. Such a good dog xx

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by Foggie

Sunday 21 Jul 15:35

Have left Larry, Misty and Angel on there own a couple of times and all well. Thinking that perhaps Angel should be renamed Lucy (short for Lucifer!)...only kidding!! She's a lovely little dog...still some way to go with getting her used to passing other dogs and cats. She doesn't like wearing her muzzle for walks and managed to 'lose' it this morning and then walked much better although we had to retrace our steps to find it. She's a real cutie. x

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by Bernadette

Sunday 21 Jul 08:40

Thank you for reply Riley's got a small intestine problem which will never go but can be treated some people think it would stress him to much to have another dog come into our home but thank you angel will get her forever home I'm sure your doing a great job xxx

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by Foggie

Thursday 18 Jul 20:30

Hi Bernadette, yes Angel is still looking for a permanent home. We brought her home to foster for a while because she was a bit depressed and had stopped eating in the kennels, she's been in since May. She's perked up since being here and is eating very well. She enjoys her walks and has improved each time in how she reacts to little dogs we meet. We are coming to Daybreaks on Sunday morning to help walk the dogs so can bring Angel if you are interested. xx

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by Bernadette

Thursday 18 Jul 17:12

Is angel still looking for a forever home xx

by Bernadette

Wednesday 17 Jul 17:17

Will angel be at the kennels the weekend x

by rumblesmom

Wednesday 17 Jul 08:09

angel is a smart cookie what she is actually saying to you is i love it here and i want to stay forever, the cute eye look is to seal the deal lol

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by Foggie

Tuesday 16 Jul 10:58

Little Angel may be the smallest greyhound I've ever seen but she has the biggest greyhound purr! She looks so lovingly into your eyes with her teeth doing that special little chatter they do when they're happy. She is definitely a people person and loves fuss and attention. She's also happy to lie and relax, just giving a tail wag as you go past. Am falling I love....xx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 15 Jul 18:08

just looked in to see how angel was doing and found she has her feet well under the table at her holiday home although i do wonder if she may be there a little longer- well done little girlie xx

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by Melodysmum

Monday 15 Jul 13:30

In the nicest possible way Foggie, I really hope you fail at fostering (which basically means you keep little Jelly). Knowing her throughout her racing career I believed she needed an experienced Greyhound owner (if only because of her keeness for smaller species (which i'm sure she'll grow out of). That aside she's so much fun and no doubt will love playing with your G's and you! Enjoy x

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by Foggie

Monday 15 Jul 10:42

Angel had a quiet night. She does all her toileting outside. She has eaten very well too. We set off to the park this morning in 'Battle of Britain' formation with giant Larry flanked by smaller Misty and tiny Angel (Jelly Bean/ Jelly Baby). Angel was fine until we spotted a small dog off lead chasing a ball on a rope at which point she pretended to be a helicopter. This wound Misty up who tried to tell her off, but hey ho all good training opportunities.

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by Bernadette

Monday 15 Jul 07:26

This is great make the most of it angel xx

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by bonnie

Sunday 14 Jul 20:56

yippee I love her and so happy she is in a home....she loves her walks.....xxxxxxxxx

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by susy

Sunday 14 Jul 20:06

Well great news for Angel, hope she behaves herself.
We may be on to doing the same thing but later in the week.
Love Sylv, John & The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 14 Jul 18:19

How lovely for Angel! Thank you so much for fostering her; she has been very down in the dumps for the last week or so, I am sure spending some time with you will really cheer her up. She is such a sweet little girl. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 14 Jul 17:54

Oh Angel I am so happy that you are getting a little holiday from the kennels and a chance to see what life in a home is all about. Be a good girl and enjoy yourself, but learn things too. Thank you Foggie for taking her, she is a real live wire but so cute and she will definitely benefit from being with you. x

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by Foggie

Sunday 14 Jul 16:42

Well we went to the kennels today to do our first bit of volunteer dog walking, leaving Misty and Larry at home in the cool. I drove in my small car so there would be no danger of us coming home with number 3. That didn't work did it! After seeing little Angel returning from her walk and refusing to go back into her kennel (she had to be carried) we agreed to fostering her so she could get used to being in a home. We are first time foster parents. Once home I took Angel or Gelie--pronounced Jelly) to the park where our two came to meet us. Jelly has settled down well after a few instances of growling at Misty and Larry. She is such a tiny girl she is probably feeling she needs to make her presence felt somehow. She has a very waggy tail! As soon as we got home some unexpected visitors arrived but Angel wasn't fazed at all, just making herself comfortable on the visitors feet.

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by bonnie

Friday 12 Jul 21:58

this gorgeous little girl is so loving and so good...she loves people and needs a comfy lovable home...I love her wish I was in a position to home her....I take her out sometimes to kenilworth always loves her paddle in the stream xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 05 Jul 18:16

The heat certainly wasn't slowing this pocket rocket down today! Angel was so good on her walk, the barking Labs were out at the farm and although she got a little excited, soon came under control. On the way back past them, she walked nicely close to me and we walked straight past without any incident - such a good girl. She has been taken out to the park by a volunteer who reported she was very well behaved - a bit excitable to begin with, but she will respond to you. The outside world is so new & exciting for these boys and girls you have got to expect some sort of reaction, but I was pleased with the way Angel came under control. This tiny little girl with a waggy tail is adorable, xx

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by bonnie

Tuesday 02 Jul 18:02

took angel out to abbey fields and walked around the little town she loved it had lots of fuss......she is a total angel. xx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 28 Jun 07:26

totally agree shanesmum ,angel is a real little pocket rocket she is so amusing to watch in action love her to bits -surely somebody will fall for her charms soon see you later little one rain permitting xx

by Shanesmum

Thursday 27 Jun 17:57

Ah Angel I love your new photo. You're such a tiny little girl with a huge personality, a real live wire indeed. Bless you sweetie, hope your very own sofa is just around the corner. x

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by bonnie

Tuesday 18 Jun 21:55

met angel today she is gorgeous and likes her ears massaged. xx

by kallie

Tuesday 11 Jun 18:35

Angel is a really tiny sweet little girl but she definitely should have been called little miss mischief...:) xx

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by Deb

Sunday 09 Jun 19:06

She is such a character a tiny girl with bags and bags of personality a real pocket rocket who will give hours of fun to some lucky family.

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 26 May 20:30

It,s always the smallest ones with the most to say and do but although she is a lively bundle when she jumps up and licks your face it melts your heart see you soon sweetie xx

by skinnyme

Sunday 19 May 22:47

Angel met a small fluffy dog today, sadly she was very interested and became very excitable, she is a little pocket rocket who just loves people.

by Melodysmum

Monday 13 May 13:24

i used to walk Angel at the Trainer's kennels and she is a little livewire! Some lucky adopter is going to have so much fun with this little girlie x love you Angel Xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 08 May 16:49

Angel is such a tiny, dainty little girl who has an incredibly waggy tail. She's still adjusting to her surroundings at the minute, but is an absolute sweetheart who loves a cuddle and is keen to get out on her walk! Cuddles beautiful girl. xx

by rumblesmom

Wednesday 08 May 16:28

Have just met angel and she is a teeny weeny little girl and has just the cutiest face you are definitely my second fav but I,m afraid ebony has my heart xx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 07 May 19:12

You certainly look like an angel with any luck l, ll get a peek at you tomorrow xx :-)

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 06 May 20:00

Little Angel is SO tiny! Xx

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