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About Me

Racing Name
Cabriol Blessed
Date of birth
01 oct 2010
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


female, 14 years old, Black

Added by Emma-Rae

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Sarah's trainer tells us she is good with older children and loves to be fussed. She has retired as she just does not want to run!

Sarah has had 0 cuddles today (16 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by LindaPaul

Thursday 11 Jul 10:19

Lovely homing picture. Our best wishes go to Sarah and her new mum. Hope you have many happy times ahead.....
Love from former fosterers Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 08 Jul 07:36

When is Sarah being adopted??

by Deb

Tuesday 25 Jun 22:25

hi Ruth you forgot to add Robbie to the list.

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by fatharry

Monday 24 Jun 17:37

Think your new lighthouse is lovely Linda!

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by LindaPaul

Monday 24 Jun 16:09

Dear Wispa'sMum
I can't beat your creature head count so I'm going to measure my animal responsibilities in kilos and then mine will outweigh yours!! Tee Hee!!
Linda xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 24 Jun 14:17

Come on LindaPaul! I have 9 greys, 5 ducks, 4 chickens, 2 bantams and the kennels to run...... I am sure you can squeeze an extra in!!!!!! :-)

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by LindaPaul

Monday 24 Jun 10:25

LOL!!! I'm keeping my head well below the parapet now Shanesmum ;) With Paul away on the coast to coast walk, I've got enough on my plate with Lola & Lena, our 2 horses (Sonata & Hugo) and a full time job!!! xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 24 Jun 08:23

LindaPaul that's such exciting news - keeping everything crossed for her. So, whose next then??!! lol.x

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 23 Jun 21:08

And then there were just 2 again! The house is very quiet without you Sarah and I hope you are being a really good girl for you potential new mum. Love from Linda, Lola & Lena xx

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 22 Jun 14:50

Sarah has had a busy day so far.....up early to see Paul off and then a walk with Lola & Lena. Then while I popped next door to bag myself a hanging basket from the residents association plant sale, she must have managed to sneak past the clothes airer blocking the stairs and got herself upstairs but wouldn't come down. So she had to be carried....Then we went to Julie's training class and she had a great time saying hello to everyone (dogs and especially the people). She did a fantastic recall, had a go at Julie's agility for beginners over the little jumps and I think (fingers crossed) she is starting to get the hang of 'down'. She's at Daybreaks this afternoon in case anyone is shopping for a little black girl who is as cute as a button and very very clever. We had our first quiet night last night as well. She's not terrible by any means but she objects to being left downstairs at bed time, even though she has Lola & Lena for company. Since arriving on Monday, she's barked on and off for a period of up to 15 mins after she's put to bed. Last night.....silence. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet especially as the dynamics will change with Paul away, but I'd say it's promising and a step in the right direction. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Jun 22:51

Lovely new photos of Sarah. Like her new friend! Xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 21 Jun 20:11

fatharry....... what can I say!!!!!! erm.... except look into my eyes - tee hee! x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Jun 19:08

Hi fatharry, you know Ruth so well! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 21 Jun 18:19

Bless her, she sounds like such a little treasure - I bet she was miffed when the statue didn't give her a fuss!! It's lovely to watch their personalities emerge as they settle in isn't it? Sparky goes on "red alert" when we walk in the bunny field, he hasn't seen one yet, but he knows where they've been and that's enough for him! x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Jun 17:21

What a special girl Sarah is, would love to have seen her trying to talk to the statue of the waiter! Xxx

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by fatharry

Friday 21 Jun 17:00

Oh no linda uve been boswelled again! As soon as I read I don't know how it happened I knew she had struck again! Please read my top tips on going to Daybreaks without coming out with another greyhound.
1. Don't give prior notice your going ,as this will give her time to plan.
2. Buy food in bulk to cut down on your visits.
3.Wear a disguise or a mask so she doesn't recognise you.
4.Go on your bike so you cant take a grey home.
5.Tell her you've moved into a light house (loads of steps)
6.Bake more cakes (less time to go).
7.Dont look her in the eyes too long.
warning -these tips may not work but there worth a try.
Joking aside well done Linda,Paul & Ruth for giving these lovely dogs the best chance of finding a loving home.

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by LindaPaul

Friday 21 Jun 10:51

Discovered several things about Sarah yesterday:
1. I needn't have been worried about her getting into the back of my car (it's quite high) - I had to hold her back as I opened the tailgate and she was straight in there as soon as I said OK :)
2. She can sit! Paul and I and the 3 girls went for a walk last night round one of the horse fields and didn't take waterproofs for any of us. We got caught in a deluge and took shelter under a tree. Eventually Sarah got fed up and positioned herself very tidily between Paul's legs and just quietly sat down with her bum on his feet. Clever girl - no need to sit on wet grass! We'd suspected she might be a sitter, but now we know, we can have a play with training....
3. The sight of rabbits running in the fields gets her excited... (guess she's normal then!)

We did also have a funny moment with the statue of the waiter outside the cafe at Earlswood Lakes Craft Centre...Sarah thought it was a real person and went up to it wagging her was one of those really cute moments!xx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 19 Jun 21:21

Shanesmum ..... that Boswell woman has a lot to answer for! I honestly don't quite know how it happened. No sooner has Bunny departed on trial (we still have everything crossed there as well) and then we end up with Sarah! And oh yes she is definitely a bundle of energy :)) She has been tearing round the garden on her own tonight just for the sheer fun of it! Not up and down this time but in a big circle round me - she was having a terrific time. Then she's been with Lola & Lena to visit my dad and wish him happy birthday as he is 83 today. She wandered round his place for 5-10 mins checking everything out and then settled down for a rest which already we see as progress. She is so bright and picks things up very quickly. She seems very friendly too - we walked to my dad's place and called in at Sainsburys on the way and she just had to say hello to the nice man who smiled at her as he came out of the shop! That's Sarah..... what you see is exactly what you get! xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 19 Jun 16:25

You appear to have a revolving doggy door LindaPaul, one out one in!! Isn't Sarah just a bundle of fun & energy, and she really does like to be amongst humans. Hopefully Lola & Lena can show her that everything is still ok even when there's no humans around. Good luck with her. xx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 19 Jun 09:14

Paul tells me that Sarah spent the day in the garden yesterday 'helping' him cut the lawn and the hedges. She's a real character but seems quite dependent on human company for her personal entertainment! We have started to work on this and right now she is with Lola & Lena in their room and I'm working in the conservatory and all has been spookily quiet for the last 40 mins or so. She is house trained just as Ruth told us so no problems there either. She had a lovely long walk round 2 of the Earlswood Lakes last night and then a chance to potter round the stables and barn while we sorted out the horses (who she found fascinating by the way). xx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 18 Jun 12:01

Bunny has moved out (keeping everything crossed for her) and Sarah has moved in....
Now you couldn't get 2 more different personalities than these 2 girls ......More news when we've had chance to get to know her a little better. Lola & Lena are so good with all of the comings and goings x

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by Bernadette

Monday 17 Jun 08:41

That's great news I'm sure she will be snapped up soon big loves Riley xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 16 Jun 19:52

Great to hear Sarah is enjoying herself! Xxx

by crackercharlieX

Sunday 16 Jun 18:26

Sarah is doing really well. She's been staying with me for a few days to help Ruthy out! She is such a character n so loving n has bundles of energy. Even after a 2 .hr walk to the kennels n a walk back home she still wants to play n follows me everywhere! She hasn't mastered the stairs yet so I'm carrying her up n down lol! She is totally house trained, great with my non grey Charlie n great with all other breeds we've met in the parks although she does get excited n wants to be off lead playing with them! She really is a lovely girl but a bit of a stress hard at the mo although learning everyday to chill out a bit more. She's gonna make a great addition to some lucky persons family although they will need to be understanding n give her plenty of time to settle in as this won't happen over night but she is defiantly making progress. I really hope she finds her forever home soon because she has so much love to give! I think she is best homed with another dog for support n company. Love this girlie! X

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by Bernadette

Sunday 16 Jun 15:49

How's Sarah getting on xx

by Bernadette

Thursday 13 Jun 18:39

Bless her if I didn't work I'd have her in a heart beat she's so lovely I hope someone comes along very soon for her thank you for helping her x riley sends kisses x

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 13 Jun 07:12

Sara our volunteer kindly took Sarah home on Tuesday night, the day she was returned as she was not settling in her new home. I brought her home last night and I am starting some serious training with her. She is an adorable little girl but can get very anxious by pacing in circles even when you are around.

She has her thunder coat to help her anxiety and about an hour after she arrived, I was able to leave her for 15 minutes downstairs where she settled quietly with our 6. I think she will need a home with other dogs for company as she picks up on their behaviour. Luckily for me - Foxy was on his best behaviour last night and was very calm and gentle around her.

I did let her sleep upstairs and she slept like a log - only waking once to get up, turn round and settle straight back down. She has been very clean, taking herself outside with ours to toilet and she has a fantastic appetite!

She will come to the kennels today but back home with me again tonight. I am appealing for a very understanding foster/permanent home for this little girl who just needs serious training. She is not too bad with cats and fine with other breeds. Please give me a call if you need any more info - Ruth 0121 782 7702 x

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by Bernadette

Wednesday 12 Jun 18:45

How's Sarah x

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Jun 21:38

Sad to see Sarah back today; I am sure her forever home will be along soon. Xxx

by Bernadette

Tuesday 11 Jun 20:21

Poor Sarah hope Ruth can work her magic so love Sarah beautiful girl so sad she didn't settle with us either she would be just the right size for us big huggssss x

by Shanesmum

Tuesday 11 Jun 11:57

Oh dear Sarah, so sad for you my lovely girl. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 11 Jun 10:06

Sarah sadly is not settling in her foster home and is coming back today. I am going to take her home tonight and see how she gets on......

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by Bernadette

Sunday 09 Jun 15:33

How is Sarah getting on in her foster home love Riley x

by LadyVictoria

Friday 07 Jun 21:03

Really hope Sarah gets on well in her foster home. Xxx

by Shanesmum

Friday 07 Jun 20:24

Sarah I am delighted that you have gone off to a foster home. Be a good girl and learn all about life out in the big world. Big cuddles precious. Xx

by Shanesmum

Wednesday 05 Jun 18:12

Although its' sad that Sarah is back at the kennels, it was lovely to see her today and have plenty of cuddles and leans! She really does enjoy human contact and company, and is very affectionate. Fingers crossed for you my lovely girl. xxx

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by Bernadette

Monday 03 Jun 08:44

I have to say Sarah is a sweetheart if you have time to spend with her to get her over her nerves she will melt your heart I can't express enough how she just needs time and patience she is clean in the house and loves cuddles hope someone comes along soon Sarah xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 02 Jun 22:34

Sorry to hear things didn't go we'll for Sarah this time. Xxx

by Shanesmum

Sunday 02 Jun 18:02

Oh dear Sarah, how sad. So sorry it didn't work out for you this time. Get that tail better sweetheart and then you'll be ready to try again. Big cuddles. xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 02 Jun 10:38

Sarah has been brought back to the kennels this morniing. She became quite distressed and ended up splitting her tail. She is a lovely girl who was clean overnight but needs a home where someone will be around to help her with her nerves whilst she settles.

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 01 Jun 22:34

So pleased to see Sarah has been reserved. Xxx

by Dingo'sMom

Saturday 01 Jun 18:32

Well done Sarah. Xx

by Shanesmum

Thursday 30 May 17:53

This little girl is so sweet, she loves a cuddle and when I was grooming her, she just leant against me and probably would have stayed there all day if I'd let her!! She is small, cuddly and affectionate. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 May 21:41

Sarah is such a very sweet girl, so pretty. xxx

by FreddieandBella'smom

Sunday 26 May 16:35

Ha ha so what if you don't want to run Sarah you walk darling girl hopefully into your forever home what a lovely girl. Xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 22 May 17:05

Sarah is absolutely gorgeous! She is a friendly, cuddly girl and quite dainty. xx

by BrooklynMannie

Wednesday 22 May 09:40

Ahh just seen the comment about she doesn't like to run!!! So sweet. Another beautiful black girl

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