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About Me

Racing Name
Browny Points
Date of birth
18 oct 2004
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 20 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

James has lots of character, will jump around whilst you try to put a collar on him but then he is good on his lead. Good with other greys - OK but cautious with other breeds.

James has had 0 cuddles today (15 all together).
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by blueangel

Saturday 29 Aug 20:27

Run free baby xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 27 Aug 10:43

So very sorry, run free James x

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 25 Aug 19:30

So sorry. Run free James. Xx

by TJ

Tuesday 25 Aug 15:55

Run free beautiful. Big hugs to your family. xxxx

by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 25 Aug 14:53

We are sorry to hear James has gone to rainbow bridge we ask sending you and your family big hugs to you all run free James with your friends they were all waiting for you tinker's nana and tinker xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 24 Aug 21:37

I am so very sad to hear your news. Sending you big hugs x Run free fella xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Aug 21:35

So very sad to hear you have lost your lovely James. God Bless him. Thinking of you all. Xxx

by Winniethepooh

Monday 24 Aug 20:56

Our beloved James passed away at home late today. We and Rose and Tom are going to miss you so much. You are so loved dear friend. You are now with little Curtis xxxxx.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Aug 22:18

Sorry to hear James has Arthritis, do hope the medication helps him to feel more comfortable. Xxx

by Winniethepooh

Friday 21 Aug 12:01

Our big boy James has been diagnosed with Arthritis, the last few weeks he has been under the weather and not eating as much as he used to. He finds it difficult to get up and lie down and the tops of his lower legs swollen up. He was a good lad at the Vets this week and we hope he will feel better soon with his medication and glucosomine. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 18 Oct 22:26

I am sure James had a lovely day....hope he liked his cake! Xxx

by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 18 Oct 21:09

Happy Birthday James. X

by Hartstone

Saturday 18 Oct 09:03

Happy birthday James

by Winniethepooh

Saturday 18 Oct 07:56

Happy Birthday to our big happy boy James, a big ten today. We will be getting you a cake later today.xxxx. :)

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 08 Jul 09:16

Oh that is great news that you have these, my problem is that we don't travel near the kennels very often. Is there anyone in the Dudley area that can drop me one off sometime?.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 07 Jul 14:08

Hi Winniethepooh, yes we do have single bowl feeders at £20 each x

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by Winniethepooh

Monday 07 Jul 12:52


I am looking for a single bowl raised feeder, do the kennels have these?. So far, I have tried many places but cannot find one. If the kennels have them I would rather buy from you. Thanks.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 14 Nov 18:46

Tom (red collar) and James (blue collar) are the best of friends - thank you to Alison for sending in this photo :-)

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by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 06 Nov 09:09

Good Morning

Thank you for your comments on how we can help with James fear of fireworks. Another bad night last night but luckily the fireworks finished at 9pm.

James finally sat on his bed in the kitchen and was so tired he fell asleep until early morning.

Thanks for the advice on the thunder shirt, we shall certainly consider this for him as well.

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 05 Nov 20:35

Oh James I know how you feel I have a thunder shirt for tinker but she is so scared we take her for a walk in the afternoon feed her in the afternoon shut the curtains put the music on but she still shaking wobble legs hot head panting can't rest we have tried everything but to know avail we had tinker thunder shirt from pets at home but it seems not to work for tinker anyone have any more advise please Tinkers nan xx

by rolohound

Tuesday 05 Nov 20:16

Rolo here. I love my thunder shirt too it gives me a big constant hug and makes me feel safe. I still get scared outside if big ones go off but the little ones don't frighten me anymore. My humans take Star & I for a really long walk (nearly 7 miles in sutton park this afternoon). We even had to go to Costa for refreshments. Then we get a huge bowl of chicken pasta & kibble so our bellys are full to bursting. The only thing we are then capable of doing is collapsing & sleeping. I also had a little makeshift tent out of my favourite blanket when I got scared at new year. Humans found Strictly on surround sound helped on sat & sun. Masterchef not having the same effect tonight. Hope you are coping.

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by tiggersslave

Tuesday 05 Nov 13:42

Try TTouch, you may also find a Thundershirt helps(developed from TTouch).


by LizzyB

Tuesday 05 Nov 12:59

Hi Winniethepooh. Have you tried James with a Thundershirt? I am a recent convert. Silla is terrified of fireworks and every year we have weeks of her refusing to go out for a wee after dark, and being petrified on the worst nights. She used to hide under a blanket, not able to close her eyes or rest. I was quite sceptical about the Thundershirt, but had read some good reviews and thought we had nothing to lose. The change in Silla is remarkable. The other night during a hefty display she was fast asleep, and obviously not stressed. She does still open her eyes when the huge ballistic ones go off, but goes back to sleep again. We take her out the front of the house on the lead for a late night wee, when we think it is safe. Daybreaks stock them, and I honestly think it's the best £30 I have ever spent. No guarantees but must be worth a go. She even seems a little calmer on the lead, which as Ruth will testify really is a miracle!!

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 05 Nov 09:16

I know every year I post a comment about the fireworks, I really wish there were only organised displays and not the what seem like rockets going off all night from teatime.

Our James does have his firework CD which does help, we leave this on replay for most of the night but he can still hear the big noisy fireworks.

We close the curtains and feed him his tea in the afternoon as he will not eat once he hears a firework. He has his soft bedding to lie on and Rose and Tom to keep him company too but he gets so upset panting, gets hot, eyes wide open and he will not lie down.

Does anyone know of anything else we can do to help him as it upsets me seeing him in distress.

by Winniethepooh

Friday 18 Oct 13:30

Happy Happy Birthday to our boy James, nine years young today.

I hope you will enjoy your birthday cake with your buddies Rose and Tom.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Feb 13:20

Poor James, sorry to hear he has lost a tooth. Hope he is ok today. xxx

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 05 Feb 09:22

Our boy James has lost one of his front big teeth, I got home from work last night to find a tooth on the floor and blood on the rug.

He has been such a brave boy and with the Vets advice he will be on antibiotics for a week with a visit to the vets next week.

He had a few teeth out and a deep clean a few years ago but has anyone else experienced their dogs tooth just falling out like this?.

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 14 Nov 14:21

I also read the sad story about how frightened the dogs at Birmingham dogs Home were of the fireworks. Poor things. Twiggy is also very scared of them. She now has a place where she always sits when she is spot on the sofa. She feels safe there and after a while will calm down. I hope you find something to help James. xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 09 Nov 14:16

After the news I heard today about Birmingham Dogs Home and the dogs there who were very stressed due to the fireworks I hope the Daybreaks residents are ok.

I am truly fed up this year with fireworks, they have been going off by where we live since 2nd November.

Our James has been stressed every night since then.

We have tried everything we can think of to make it better for him: Turning up the tv and radio, closing the curtains, feeding him early in the afternoon, he then cannot go out to toilet until late at night when the fireworks have eventually finished.

He usually is in the lounge with us where it is warm by the fire but when he is stressed even after hearing one firework he pants, stands up sometimes for four or five hours, he is very warm, drooling, eyes wide open. He will not eat either. Eventually after the four or five hours, obviously very tired he falls asleep.

The other night he managed to jump over the child gate to get upstairs, he has never done that before.

We don't leave him on his own an evening at this time of year as it is a very upsetting time for him, having Rose and Tom who are not worried about the fireworks doesn't help him.

Is there anything else we can do that may help him, New Years Eve is not so bad as it is all over in half an hour but we need some advice for next year.

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by Winniethepooh

Saturday 27 Oct 20:05

The fireworks have started where we live
And our poor James has gone into panic
Mode, he has never got used to them but he
Finds it best to stay in the lounge by the fire.

Our Rosé and Tom don't bother about fireworks
At all and James looks to Rose to look after him
As he hops on her bed to sit with her.

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by Winniethepooh

Thursday 18 Oct 07:09

Happy Birthday to our boy James, eight today.

There will be lots of treats to have when
You come back from your holiday at Bark Inn

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by PamD

Friday 09 Oct 12:56

So so glad James found you both

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 08 Oct 18:51

Writing this while James sitting in his favourite place by the fire. His progess has been remarkable over the past four months, it is an illustration for anyone with "problem" greyhounds. It hasn't been easy at all but with a bit of time, training and love it makes all the difference. He is still not perfect when he sees other dogs but we had an example yesterday on one of his favourite longs walks over Kinver Edge where a dog was two feet away from him and he hardly reacted.

Around the house James is perfect, he is a model example of how any dog should be around the house. He has learnt to wait for his tea, to lie down to have his collar put on, he also waits before he entering a room and told to come in.

He is lovely when he goes to visit our Mother-in-Law who was really worried about big dogs, he behaves so well. He is so lovely with Rose our other greyhound, he is so courteous with her, a proper gentleman.

The advice we can give other owners is not too wholly focus on the dog but it is more about how you concentrate on yourself when you are controlling and looking after the dog.

Alison, Richard, Rose and James

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 01 Jul 07:26

Thats wonderful news, you are doing amazingly with him.
It's so great he's found the perfect home at last.

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 30 Jun 20:57

James is trying hard to overcome his "keeness" with other dogs, cats etc.... We have been using the clicker method along with sausage treats, he has had some good days and not so good days but he is so lovely we are determinded to see him through it.
It has taken a while to get him into the lounge to sit with us but we finally did at the weekend so he can spend some time with us and Rose.
The most memorable moment was at the weekend we managed to get James up the stairs, he got on the bed and fell asleep. Rose was downstairs but when we got James back downstairs a few hours later Rose was clearly overjoyed to see James, we have never seen her so excited. We are so pleased that Rose has taken to James, although she doesnt like him getting in her bed.
They are such lovely greyhounds and we hope to go on one of the walks with them soon.

We hope the birthday celebrations go well on Saturday.

by kallie

Wednesday 17 Jun 17:13

Isn't James doing well, i am so happy for him and i am sure it's great for him to have Rose by his side to keep him company. hope to meet up with you all sometime soon.
Love Ina

by PamD

Wednesday 17 Jun 14:15

James will get over his 'keeness', some take a little longer than others. Even the 'keenest ' dog will detrain eventually . They all do. With a little training love and understanding which I know he will get from you he will respond well. Thank you so much for giving him his chance in life.

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 17 Jun 09:34

James is enjoying his new home especially his walks in the park with Rose, yesterday they had a good walk through a wild meadow field and James was in his element. Especially when he saw rabbits and squirrels which he was very interested in. He is getting better when we see other dogs, we have been trying different approcahes to help him with this and he responds well. We are not sure he will get over this completely but it is manageable.

He particularly likes any toy that squeaks and has managed to break most of them so far.

Last week we went to visit a relative who was very worried of meeting James for the first time as he is quite big. It turned out he was a perfect gentleman and was better behaved than Rose.

He is great around the house, not a bit of trouble and we are so pleased he is a good companion for Rose, they just get on so well and follow each other around, especially when they both want some fuss.

by PamD

Saturday 06 Jun 09:47

Thank goodness James has found you. We all new that he was a lovely loving lad and needed that chance in life. Everyone is asking how he is getting on please keep us informed. Thank goodness he has found his 'forever home'

by Winniethepooh

Saturday 06 Jun 07:37

Firstly we would like to thank everybody at the kennels for giving us a chance to have a wonderful young gentleman with James. James`s progress can only be described as outstanding, he has had a new harness for when he`s out walking and his tendancy to scream at other dogs has gone down to a quiet whine and last night he saw 3 dogs on seperate occassions he didn`t react at all. He is a pleasure to walk now. Around the house James is absolutely beautiful and has settled in really well with Rose, where both look after each other. He enjoys all his meals and stands patiently while we put his lead on, finally its lovely at night when you hear him snoring his head off...

by kallie

Friday 05 Jun 16:57

i am so thrilled to hear James' progress, he's a clever boy and i am sure he'll make a wonderful companion to Rose who is such a sweetheart. hopefully we'll all meet up soon, i'd love to give them a cuddle, and my boys say hi also. love Ina Monty Rossi and Toby xx

by funky

Friday 05 Jun 10:38

I am so pleased for james. so glad he has found his forever home!

by welovegreys

Tuesday 02 Jun 23:18

Well done James its great to see you have found a fab home hope to see you at one of the shows .

by Emma

Tuesday 02 Jun 20:18

Ooh James you lucky boy! I can't tell you how pleased we all are for you! Hopefully we'll see you and Rose on a walk sometime xxx

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 02 Jun 20:13

Thats wonderful news! It's so great he's found a loving home to go to at last.

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 02 Jun 19:38

James has been with us now the past four days and he is absolutely wonderful, he has settled in really well. He has proven to be a big softie.

He is really good around the house, sometimes you wouldn't know you have got him. James has made friends with Rose our other greyhound who keeps lying on his new bed! He been eating really well including pasta, rice and treats.

He walks very well on his lead and is working really hard on his morning and evening walks to overcome his problem with other breeds of dog.

He did really well this morning when he saw cats and foxes.

He is going to be looking forward to telling you all about his progression.

by Ann+Kya+wolfy+pixie

Monday 01 Jun 21:11

well done james,its been worth it i knew there was a right home for you googd luck...x
love,,ann,kya,wolfy and pixie(babe)

by sas

Monday 01 Jun 18:23

well done sweetheart, i told you someone would come for you soon, be happy clever boy xxx

by Emma

Sunday 31 May 20:56

Well done James you lucky boy - it was worth the wait!

by kallie

Sunday 31 May 19:22

James, you've got a new home!!! we are thrilled to bits for you and hope that you'll have the happy life that you deserve and that you'll give your new owners many hours of greyhound happiness. much love from Ina Monty Rossi and Toby xxxx

by skinnyme

Sunday 31 May 19:08

well done James, you deserve a lovely new home, enjoy your retirement.

by Chloee

Friday 29 May 11:38

I don't understand why this Beautiful lad hasn't found a home yet?
Good Luck James

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Friday 29 May 09:36

James what a great new photo. We hope you find your forever home SOON! xx

by jacksmum

Thursday 28 May 22:26

Let's hope James soon finds a family to love and care for him. If only Jack would let him share his settee. I know that his time spent at Daybreak will make him even more special when he finds a home. Our lovely boy is a shining example of how the dedication of Ruth, etc can help the most cantankerous of hounds become the ideal companion. Love to all at Daybreak from Jack - (Williams Dream)

by Emma

Thursday 28 May 21:14

James really has to be seen to be believed - he is such a handsome and graceful chap! We first saw him back in February (when we ended up Kevin) and if he was cat-friendly we would have snapped him up there and then - he is so lovely! We love you James xxxxxx

by Amy&Monty

Thursday 28 May 17:05

What a handsome new picture of James, i really hope he finds a loving, forever home soon. Best of luck to you James!!

by kallie

Sunday 24 May 20:24

just like Pearl our James was still there and had a big hug and lots of fuss and treats from his 'auntie Ina' but he so wants to have a home of his own and i hope he'll find one soon. xxxx

by fastdogsmom

Monday 18 May 21:24

James you look so cute i hope someone special rehomes you soon,you have the most beautiful brown eyes and I can see you curled up by the fire eating a nice pigs ear.Please consider James he needs a home just the same as his colourful friends.Black greyhounds make wonderful pets.

by leannep88

Wednesday 06 May 11:08

James looks gorgeous from the photos, hopefully we will be visiting the kennels on saturday, cant wait to see him

by welovegreys

Saturday 02 May 23:17

James you have waited a long time We hope you are rehomed soon Black dogs make wonderful companions what they lack in colour they make up in character.We are sure with understanding he will enjoy meeting other dogs.

Pete and Eve

by kallie

Sunday 12 Apr 20:13

i simply can't understand why James is still at the kennels, he's such a lovely boy and enjoys people's company so much as well as being a very handsome young man. somebody is missing out somewhere and hopefully the right person is going to come along for him soon.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 01 Apr 08:12

James is such a sweet boy. He is so very gentle and loving but does get excited when he sees other breeds so we are doing a lot of training with him. He is our longest stayer at Daybreaks (which we don't mind because we all love him) but I am sure he longs to be someone's special boy as he has so much affection to give.

by Vicky

Wednesday 25 Mar 20:58

Surely it's got to be James's turn to be chosen soon! Hope someone falls for those big brown eyes before long...

by skippy

Monday 02 Mar 08:46

this boy is so handsome.