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About Me

Racing Name
Roundabout Jack
Date of birth
01 oct 2010
Land of birth
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Mr Daniel Robinson
Family tree & race history


male, 14 years old, Black

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Thursday 04 Jan

Jack has had 0 cuddles today (37 all together).
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by Sarahphe

Saturday 31 Jan 19:06

Jack has been with us just over 13 months now and I can't believe where the time has gone. We can't imagine our lives without him now. Its meant big changes in our routine but we are fitter for it and have met some many lovely people because of Jack. He is excellent with every breed of dog however he would still love to eat a cat! We have recently removed the gate between him and the chicken run and he has been an absolute star! When he has shown interest it only takes me telling him to leave and he walks away. He is my best friend and keeps me company when mark works away. He loves the vets (strange animal!) and is now a blood donor which he seems to think is the best night out ever!! It has been amazing to see his personality develop. We have now learnt that if he doesnt sit by the kitchen waiting for his breakfast/dinner then it means he doesnt want feeding so we dont bother (rarely happens now) and that he gets bored of the same food very easily. He lets me clean his teeth without fuss and I am always proud when he shows of his pearly whites :) he is the most cuddly dog i have known. To all those thinking the males are too big then think again. They give so much love and fuss, you won't be dissapointed. Anyway they curl up really small!!! We really wouldnt be without him and i have to admit Jack now gets more kisses than me or mark :)

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 02 Oct 21:51

Happy Birthday Jack....sure you have had a lovely day! Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 02 Oct 21:13

Happy Birthday Handsome! We've been following your holiday snaps in Twitter and it looks like you had a fabulous time. I hope you've had a wonderful day. X

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 02 Oct 10:16

Happy Birthday my gorgeous boy! We have been on holiday camping round the west coast of scotland. We visited lots of different sites, pubs and places and Jack was perfect the whole time. I think he is glad to be back in his own bed and home now though! I can't believe he has been with us 9 months already. He makes us laugh every day and is never a trouble (except when we let him off the lead on the beach for the 1st time and he legged it!!). So pleased to have him in our family, he completes us :) xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 12 Jul 20:15

Jack...your new toy didn't last very long at all did it?! It was lovely to see you again. Looking forward to hearing all about your next camping trip. Thanks again Sarah for all the tins of food you gave for the trust dogs. So kind of you. Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Saturday 12 Jul 12:28

Well that was a new record, bought Jack a New squeeky toy for being a good boy whilst having his nails cut and he killed it within 2 minutes! That last one survived 10 days!!

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 10 Jul 07:56

They look great, thank you DuleekDandy

by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 09 Jul 08:05

So nice to hear that Jack is getting on so well.
I have bought things from here before - good quality & very reasonable....they have some fleeces that cover 'baldy bellies'

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by Sarahphe

Tuesday 08 Jul 20:03

Just got back from Jacks 4th camping trip of the year in Yorkshire. He has really got into the camping routine now and sees the tent as his home. He loves his walks but the second we're back he stands by the tent waiting to go to bed, the same goes after dinner. He was perfectly behaved as usual even enjoying a fuss from the toddlers in the next tent. We have overcome the fussy eating with canagan food and he is looking fit and healthy. He really is amazing, i can't believe its been 6 months but he has changed our lives for the better. Only problem is now we're selling our bell tent to get the next size up ready for our big camp in september/october to scotland. We want to get him some pj's that cover his belly to keep him nice and toastie, anyone got any ideas?

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by lovegreys

Sunday 08 Jun 23:26

I agree Lady Victoria - a lovely picture of Jack. This gorgeous boy was my 'first love' when I started as a volunteer at Daybreaks. I know that Sarahphe wanted him so much. He was definitely worth the wait. Happy days. Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 08 Jun 22:10

Lovely photo of Jack in the Bluebells...he is a very handsome lad. Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 08 Jun 21:19

First weekend being looked after by the grandparents and Jack was as good as gold. He didnt bat an eyelid we we left! He is now scoffing his food since we changed from burns, we wanted to keep him on it but he wouldnt eat and yes he poos more but he is perfectly clean so this isnt a problem and we havent noticed any behavioural changes. Tried sneaking half burns in with his food but he's sussed this out and eats round it. He is a cuddle monster and loves everyone he meets. Jack was a long stayer and overlooked but I can honestly say he has been perfect in every way and we are lucky to have him. Don't let being in kennels a long time put you off, you will get a wonderful family member who has had to wait longer than most to show off their charm and love

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 04 May 22:19

So pleased Jack enjoyed his pigs ear...thanks so much for the tins of food, so kind of you. Kate Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 04 May 15:17

Jack says thank you Aunty Kate for my pigs ear, it was yummy! We hope all his brothers and sisters at the kennels enjoy their food x

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 20 Apr 14:57

Just got back from our first camping adventure with Jack. He was a little anxious for the first couple of hours about where we both were but soon settled. He made us SO proud! He said hello to all the dogs, kids and adults on the site and loved every second. He never barked and calmly walked past dogs who were barking at him. He also made friends with lots of terriers including a yorky who he felt asleep next to in the pub. He was so impeccably behaved that lots of people were genuinely interested in rehoming a grey with one couple wanting to take him home with them (which Jack would have happily done!) i can honestly say he was probably in the top 3 best behaved dogs on the site and there were lots there. We can't wait to take him again but for now he is exhausted and hasn't moved from his bed since we got in. Well done my gorgeous boy, you have made us so proud and happy to be your parents!!

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 09 Mar 17:35

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone on the stand at crufts, we were both made to feel very welcome and had a lovely time. Jack is exhausted but loved all the attention. It was nice to speak to so many people who are interested in rehoming a greyhound and to be able to give them an insight into what gorgeous dogs they are. Jack behaved so well, i cant believe how good he is after just 2.5 months, he really is amazing and we wouldnt be without him. He said hello to lots of other breeds and was perfect with them all. Thanks again to everyone , we look forward to seeing you all again soon! Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 26 Feb 21:12

Great to hear what a happy lad he is! Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Wednesday 26 Feb 21:09

Jack continues to be a star. He has settled in to our routine so easily and is happy left all day (we have camera so we can check in him and he never leaves his bed!). He has become a fussy eater as he has been so spoiled and now turns his nose up at pilchards until he thinks no one is watching. He always eats it if he gets a bit of cheese or gravy is added though ;) he is getting so good with little dogs now and will say hello and be bored within 5 seconds. Every day he makes me laugh and he is a pleasure to have in our lives. He is still trying to get used to his dad being away overnight for a night or two each week and waits at the door for him but eventually settles. He doesnt even notice the chickens now and waits patiently at the gate for me whilst I shut them away at night. Our quiet boy has turned into a nutter at times and does laps of our very small house when he is excited! He really is perfect and wags his tail when we come home and when he's out walking. We love him to bits :)

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 09 Feb 21:00

Hi everyone its Jack here. Had a lovely weekend with mum and dad and even went back to the kennels for a pamper session with aunty Lorna. I now look and smell gorgeous! I even got to see aunty ruth and some old friends which was lovely :) i have had a great walk to nana and grandad Jukes tonight and am now back home. I have decided these hoomans will make alright parents and the food isn't too bad either, so i think i will stay here for a while. I hope all my fellow brothers and sisters find new families soon and will keep my paws crossed for all of you xxx

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by Sarahphe

Friday 24 Jan 15:43

Jack is on his holidays in Devon and has had a very tiring day. We have been on a lovely walk which involved a pub (its not a real walk unless a pub is involved!) where he met a labrador and a cockapoo. He was a star as usual with both even when the cockapoo tried to get him to play. Everyone commented on what a good boy he is and how well behaved all the dogs were together, we were very proud parents! He is now snoring wrapped up in a blanket by the fire. Tomorrow will be much of the same and looking at him now i think Jack will be happy with this plan :) xx

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 16 Jan 20:46

Oh jack this has made my day, I think it's so funny and you are such a clever boy !!! Got to be honest my two are not tv orientated, they prefer chess ha ha only joking !!! Good for you Jack xx

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 16 Jan 20:18

I know every mum thinks their baby is clever but I think Jack really is! He watches TV all the time it is on and hates it if you get in between him and the TV. Doesn't have to be animals, he loves cookery programmes and anything else thats on. We have to turn it over if he see's an animal (of any kind!) as he tries to find it in or behind the TV. He also recognises cartoons of dogs and photographs. He went to the vets and was fascinated by a poster of a dog. I tried to remove a small piece if glass from his foot last night and he didn't even notice because he was watching rick stein! Does anyone else''s dog do this? Its more than noticing a dog or something running on the screen, it's a complete fascination. He watched the whole of the Kings Speech with us the other night

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 05 Jan 23:06

Sounds as though Jack is having a wonderful time! Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 05 Jan 18:22

We have had an action pack weekend. Jack mets lots of dogs, big and small at sutton park and was perfect with all of them, even two barking Newfoundlands! Today has went for a run off lead at the farm and was so tired he slept all the way home. He also discovered the chickens tonight which he found extremely exciting, they are in a completely enclosed run and we hope with time the interest will change to indifference. He is still a star in the house and starts training classes tomorrow :) its good to see him putting on weight and starting to play

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by Michele

Tuesday 31 Dec 18:38

Jack was a star at our house today. Made friends with 1 of our dogs max and took lots of rubbish/ domination from our other dog Zak. Towards the end he was starting to stand his ground and I was glad. Zak was really pushing his luck too far. However, they are both so similar with their love of toys/ snuggling up that I am positive they will be firm friends once they get used to each other.
Well done Max and Jack xx

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by Michele

Tuesday 31 Dec 11:56

Being trusted to 'babysit' Jack briefly whilst my daughter/ son-in-law are visiting. He's being a very good boy although a little unsettled which is to be expected. It's all so new and strange!

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 29 Dec 21:29

We cant believe Jack has been with us a week already. He has settled so quickly and is perfect in the house. He is so much better on his walks now and gets on great with other medium/large breeds. Still a little excited with small dogs but this is improving every day and there is no aggression. Will his status be changing to rehomed soon? We certainly have no intention of letting him go :)

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by Sarahphe

Wednesday 25 Dec 17:39

We have had a fantastic day with Jack, he has been completely spoilt and is now watching toy story in bed. He gave us the best present ever... A perfect nights sleep! He slept in his own bed downstairs all alone and never made a sound, even when the neighbours turned up at 3am! He has been completely clean in the house and has met lots of little dogs which he has been very good with. I couldn't ask for more, we love him so much already :) Merry Christmas everyone, love from Sarah, Mark and Jack xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 24 Dec 16:39

Hi it's your friend tinker here glad you are well I'm wishing all my friends that have got new moms and dads and all those who are waiting at the kennelsavery happy christmas and I hope you will all find new mommy sand daddy's it's my 2nd year with my dad mom nanna papa I love them all well IV got to go now to get ready for Santa to bring me lots of treats and a prises love all my friends have a great time tinker xx

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by markphelan

Monday 23 Dec 20:21

Jack has been "helping" me at work today. He's been very well behaved and only barked once - I think he just wanted to talk to a customer I was on the phone to!
He has set himself up a Twitter account - or @roundaboutJack. He's obviously very clever!

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by Sarahphe

Monday 23 Dec 08:51

What can I say other than what a star Jack has been! He slept all night (with me on the sofa but i dont think he noticed i was there), ate all his dinner, has had 2 lovely walks and loves his new bed. He is reactive to anything fluffly but he is very intelligent so I am sure with patience we will be just fine. It feels like he's always been here :)

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 22 Dec 20:30

I think Jacks favourite hobby will soon become watching TV in bed! He is fascinated with Harry Potter and is desperately trying to stay awake xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 22 Dec 15:13

Jack tinker and her nanna are so pleased you have got your lovely home just in time for sata to bring you lots of nice treats you have waited so long for your new mom and dad don't forget to give lots of kisses and cuddles like I do and you will wrap them round your paws ha ha be happy my friend woof woods to you tinker xxxx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Sunday 22 Dec 12:12

They say best things come to those who wait ! 6 yrs is a long time,have the best xmas ever sarahphe xx

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by NMD07

Saturday 21 Dec 20:56

Sarahphe, hope you andJack have a great time together. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Saturday 21 Dec 19:42

I am sure he will be sarahphe. I think he is a very special boy. Happy Christmas to you all. x

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by Sarahphe

Saturday 21 Dec 19:15

@lovegreys, I have waited over 6 years to have my own greyhound. He will be so loved and spoilt. Words can't describe how happy I am to be bringing him home, I just hope he is happy with us as his mum and dad!

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by lovegreys

Saturday 21 Dec 18:16

Bye Bye Jack. Sounds like you've chosen a lovely family, who want you so much. You and they are both very lucky. Fingers crossed for you all. I imagine it's going to be a very Happy Christmas in this household. x

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 19 Dec 19:46

Only 3 more sleeps until you are home with us Jack! We are so excited and can't wait for you to be part of the family just in time for santa! Xx

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by Michele

Monday 16 Dec 16:25

This is a dog who has truly landed on his feet. He has a home for life and will want for nothing. Looking forward to being his grandmum and granddad.

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by rumblesmom

Monday 16 Dec 11:14

yes yes yes jack has got a new home- sooooooo happy for you georgeous boy i hope you,ll be a very happy boy xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 15 Dec 21:54

Well done Jack! Xxx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Sunday 15 Dec 20:00

Brilliant news jack,all the best to you and your new family x

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by lovegreys

Sunday 15 Dec 18:23

Lovely, lovely Jack - I am so happy for you. Hope everything goes well for you and your new family. x

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by Michele

Sunday 15 Dec 17:42

Finally met up with us and our dogs today. You were a star, so well behaved, lets hope you can teach ours a thing or 2 , not quite so well behaved. Am sure you will all become good friends in time, see you soon x

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 15 Dec 16:20

So pleased that everything went well today. We're very excited (and a bit nervous!) about bringing you home with us Jack. We promise you will have a forever home and your first Christmas dinner will be waiting for you :) xx

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by blueangel

Sunday 15 Dec 15:50

Well done Jack xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 15 Dec 13:24

Jack this is just THE best news, has really cheered up this gloomy, rainy old day! Well done poppet. xxxx

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by Michele

Tuesday 10 Dec 17:34

I think life could just be about to get lucky for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for Sunday xx

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by blueangel

Monday 09 Dec 18:57

Jack nice to see you, your so handsome someone going to be lucky to get you! x

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 08 Dec 16:23

We met Jack today and have a soft spot for him! My husband has even fallen for him which is amazing!

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by lovegreys

Saturday 07 Dec 22:19

p.s. I know my husband would love to bring you home with us, but I don't think Oscar the cat would ever forgive us. Love you, Jack. x

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by lovegreys

Saturday 07 Dec 17:31

Jack joined us at Stratford upon Avon Garden Centre today. I think he missed the lovely Ellie, as he seemed happiest when leaning his head on his female companions. Not surprisingly, he had plenty of fuss and attention from the Christmas shoppers. As usual he was perfectly behaved in the car (chilled out in the back) and thoroughly enjoyed a brisk walk after the event. I confess to having a real soft spot for this gorgeous boy. Wishing you a forever home soon Jack. xx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 07 Dec 10:38

oh jack so sorry for you and all concerned but you are still a lovely lad and your forever sofa is just round the corner i,m sure xx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Friday 06 Dec 20:23

oh jack,sad news x

by Bess&Reene'smum

Friday 06 Dec 17:12

My cuddle today goes to Jack xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 06 Dec 13:47

Very sorry for all concerned. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 06 Dec 12:14

Very sadly things haven't worked out for Jack and he has been returned today. The family were very upset at having to make the decision to return him.

by LadyVictoria

Sunday 01 Dec 19:48

Wishing Jack and his new family lots of happiness together. Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 01 Dec 17:35

Have a wonderful life Jack xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 01 Dec 16:56

All the best in your new life lovely boy - be happy. xXx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Thursday 28 Nov 21:52

Well done jack,good luck to you and your new family xx

by steve'n'sue

Thursday 28 Nov 12:44

Super news Jack,hello to whoever has reserved Jack,you are getting one fantastic Greyhound. Good luck in your new home

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by blueangel

Wednesday 27 Nov 21:40

Well done jack meet your new dad today sounds like your be a lucky boy x

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 27 Nov 20:13

What a wonderful day to see jack, pumpkin and Carroll all reserved !! Well done to everyone this is just fantastic x

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 27 Nov 17:52

Wonderful news for lovely Jack! Xxx

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by lovegreys

Wednesday 27 Nov 17:37

Jack, I'm so happy for you. You are such a beautiful boy, in every way. The family who will have the pleasure of your company are so lucky. Wishing you and you new family the best of times. p.s. I know you will miss Ellie, but i'm sure she will find a lovely home soon too. xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 27 Nov 17:08

Yay - the lovely Jack's reserved! Absolutely delighted - be happy my gorgeous boy. xXx

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by LongdogLover

Wednesday 27 Nov 16:48

Well done Jack - it's taken awhile but atlast you have a couch waiting for you. Good on you son.

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by steve'n'sue

Monday 25 Nov 12:25

What a lovely chap Jack is - he had a day out at Tesco's roadshow on Saturday,very calm and enjoyed all the attention he received,hopefully he will be snapped up very soon xx

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by lovegreys

Saturday 23 Nov 20:29

Sorry Jack, you should have the same amount of kisses as Ellie. So here are the extra two. xx

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by lovegreys

Saturday 23 Nov 19:59

Spent the day with Jack and the lovely Ellie at Tesco, Stratford. He was fabulous. Such a gorgeous laid-back boy. Happy to 'lean' on everyone who gave him the attention he so deserved. So well behaved and a perfect ambassador for Daybreaks. Thank you Jack for being such a good boy. xx p.s. I think I'm in love.

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by DuleekDandy

Saturday 23 Nov 19:52

Didn't get to see you for long gorgeous boy, but long enough to have sneaky snuggles and to see what a good boy you are.
I could also see 'the family resemblance' are related to Bob.

Sooo hoping to see 'Reserved' beside your picture very soon poppet. Lots of love and kisses xXx Licks from Bob & Orla

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 16 Nov 19:07

Please give jack a new home he is such a good boy Elle is also a beautiful girl to they would make a nice mr and mrs together I love jack but I have a grey called tinker Jackie xx

by Sean58

Saturday 16 Nov 15:17

I love jack but if i had him id have to have ellie

by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 14 Nov 19:11

Oh jack you are still at kennels don't know why you are such a beautiful black boy I love you loads I don't know what it is with black ones they don't seem to go very quickly the are all so beautiful but I love the black ones best kisses and cuddle to all these beautiful greys tinkers nana xxxxx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 13 Nov 20:53

Jack did the same to me today keep jumping around when i tried to fix his bed putting his head under mine really coming out of his shell he will make really lovely edition to a family x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 02 Nov 17:17

Jack is such a handsome and affectionate boy. A bit playful too I think - after our walk yesterday we went back into the kennel and I tried to straighten out the bed for him, but he decided this was a fun game and jumped up onto the bed and kept diving onto the blankets I was trying to tuck in!!!! He then stood with his head pressed into me (just like my Shane used to) for a long while enjoying a bit of fuss & contact. Bless this handsome boy, hope his forever home finds him soon. xx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Sunday 27 Oct 22:23

jack was the 1st grey i seen when we came and got wilf,he is so friendly and loving,good luck jack your a handsome lad xx

by KAandStef

Sunday 27 Oct 18:57

Jack is a lovely lovely black boy with fantastic big ears! he is very handsome. hope he finds his forever home soon. x

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by blueangel

Friday 25 Oct 20:01

jack such a lovely chilled out boy xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Oct 20:32

Jack is a very handsome boy, Happy Birthday! Xxx

by Shanesmum

Tuesday 01 Oct 14:03

Happy Birthday to the lovely Jack. xx

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by Spanner

Tuesday 01 Oct 09:55

Have a lovely day. Enjoy a treat if you can have one. Love Gemma & Stanley