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12 nov 2002
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IE Ireland
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IE Ireland
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Bobby (Pumpkin)

male, 22 years old, Fawn

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

This beautiful boy has been in a home for approx 7 years and has been brought in due to a relationship break up. He was not homed by Perry Barr RGT but was a Perry Barr racer, who retired in 2006.

Bobby (Pumpkin) has had 0 cuddles today (69 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Friday 19 Dec 23:50

Bobby Pumpkin....thinking of you, God bless. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 19 Dec 17:59

Mr & Mrs Muddypaws. You know you gave Bobby Pumpkin the best 7 weeks of his life. He had never known a love like yours before. God bless you both and most of all God bless the gorgeous Bobby P. Love and hugs to you all. Xxxxx

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by Melysa

Friday 19 Dec 15:25

Beautiful, lovely poem x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 19 Dec 15:18

Remembering gorgeous Bobby Pumpkin..... always in my heart xxxxx

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by missfifi

Friday 19 Dec 14:11

How wonderful to be reminded of Bobby Pumpkin. The love shines out from your words and clearly he knew more love in the last few weeks of his life than many do in a lifetime. I am sure he can hear you saying them and is just waiting patiently by the bridge. They are always with us, wherever we go, just a heartbeat away. Xx

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by MrsMuddypaws

Friday 19 Dec 11:47

My wonderful Bobby, I miss you so much. You left me a year ago today to join your friends at Rainbow Bridge. You fought so hard to stay I know. I will love you and remember you for the rest of my life. Run happy gorgeous boy. My heart is with you. XXXXXXXXXXXX

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by muddypaws

Friday 19 Dec 11:30

One year ago today, Bobby left us to make his journey to Rainbow Bridge. We think about him every day...and we miss him so much. He was a very special boy to us. A few days after he left us...l wrote down a few simple verses and put them in a draw. l haven't read them since ...until today. l hope that you will not mind if l share them with you all.

Now you have your Angel wings
l always knew you would one day
Though l hoped it would be longer
l prayed that you could stay

Now you have your Angel wings
l hear them flutter just like a sigh
How my heart is now so broken
For l never got to say goodbye

Now you have your Angel wings
So soft and smooth and pristine white
l felt them gently brush my skin
When you stood beside my bed last night

Now you have your Angel wings
l know that you are always near
You were here again tonight
lt was you who wiped away my tear

Bobby 12.11.2002 - 19.12.2013
Always with us and in our Hearts.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 31 Oct 23:04

Sending my cuddle to Bobby tonight...Xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 31 Oct 19:12

Giving bobby pumpkin my cuddle today and sending hugs to his family. Xx

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by sebby

Friday 31 Oct 15:32

Oh this has made me weep, I remember following dear bobby's story, and was so shocked and sorry at the horrible circumstances that you lost this precious boy, Bobby, it has made me weep for mine also, who are up there in the green, green fields above, waiting till I meet them again, they take a piece of your heart with them. But you never, ever forget them and the love that is shared with this beautiful breed. God bless Bobby.

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by Terry

Friday 31 Oct 13:37

Dedicated to my Bobby (Pumpkin) on the anniversary of the day you entered my life and enriched it with your love and character. You only stayed with me for 7 weeks and I will always cherish the memory of your head on my knee or pushed under my arm! For such a short time we loved each other so much before you sadly left me on 19 December 2013 to join my other dogs and hamsters at Rainbow Bridge. You were so thin and sad when we met but with all the love we shared you fought bravely through everything before you were so unexpectedly and cruelly taken from me during a dental. You will be with me forever Bobby and one day we will meet again at Rainbow Bridge – wait for me with all my pals who are already there. Until that day Bobby, run free and happy. As always, tonight at bedtime, I will say goodnight to you and my other pals who I love and miss so much too. 7 weeks with you was not enough but I would not change my decision to home you – every moment was worth it. I love you Bobby. Terry XXXXXXX

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by muddypaws

Friday 31 Oct 11:05

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments. And for all your likes. l hope that l may have made everyone look at their dogs in a different light. Most people lead busy lives, and we sometimes take our dogs for granted. Please don't....we don't know what tomorrow may hold. lf you have a spare cuddle today....maybe could give it to Bobby.Thanks Ruth...for allowing us to share his final weeks.X. I know Terry is going to post her own tribute to BP today, l hope that you like it. made me cry X.

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by helenanddave

Thursday 30 Oct 18:13

Your words made me cry, but I am sure that Bobby Pumpkin knew how much he was loved and cherished by you and that his last few weeks were very happy ones. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow. love and hugs. xx

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by DuleekDandy

Thursday 30 Oct 17:33

What a wonderful tribute to the lovely Bobby. He was so lucky to find so much love with you.
My thoughts are with you. xx

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by Hartstone

Thursday 30 Oct 08:43

Beautiful words Muddypaws and our thoughts are with you on Friday. Hugs and Kisses from Mr and Mrs H xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 29 Oct 21:37

This is so lovely. I m Having trouble writing this as I have tears in my eyes. I remember reading all about Bobby and was absolutely devestated to see how this all turned out. You at least gave him happiness and you should be proud of the short time you gave him. God bless you all and Bobby Pumpkin too. I really do know how such a loss feels, as do a great many of us do. Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 29 Oct 21:25

Muddypaws...thanks for sharing your feelings for your beautiful Bobby Pumpkin; he was such a lovely boy and it was so unfair he didn't have more time with you, finally enjoying the love he so deserved. I know how lucky I am to have Twiggy and Skip and after reading your comment have just given them both an extra big hug. Lots of love. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 29 Oct 14:12

One year ago this week, Bobby came into Daybreaks...and into my life.... on Halloween last year. He was an abuse and neglect case. I was going to post this on Friday, but l know that l will be too emotional then to write this, so l have to do it now, because Friday will be my time with Bobby. Ruth named him Pumpkin, but l called him became ...Bobby Pumpkin. Bobby was almost eleven, and had never known love, only sadness. He was only with me for seven weeks before l lost him to Rainbow Bridge. l spent this time sleeping downstairs with him, on the sofa, or on his bed. He was so very special, and l miss him so much. l hope that you will read his story and will love your dogs... just that little bit more. l have written remember him. l would not usually share my feelings...but if it should bring some comfort to those who have lost their best friends, then l hope it may help.
To Bobby.....I miss you with every beat of my heart. l am so sorry that l did'nt have the chance to say goodbye...but l will never forget sweet and gentle boy.X
This is for you Bobby.

If my tears could turn to raindrops ...
and my pain could halt the sea...
lf my love could move a mountain...
then l would bring you me.

If my sorrow could dim the heavens...
and my grief could bend a tree...
lf my heart could still a river...
then your face...l'd always see

If my dreams could make you better...
and the angels could set you free...
lf my soul could move an ocean...
then together... we'de always be.

lf ... X.

l hope that l brought some love into your life.
l will see you Friday. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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by rumblesmom

Friday 20 Dec 16:23

dear terry and paul this is my first opportunity to tell you how sorry i am to hear the very sad news but i have to say what you did for him in the last few weeks of his life was truly wonderful -he couldn,t have asked for a better mom and dad and he is happy and carefree running over that bridge with the rest of his angel greys now all the best to you both and also of course i must also mention the wonderful ruth who took him into her heart and made him feel such a special boy thanks ruth xxx

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Friday 20 Dec 10:03

Me and my husband had the pleasure of chatting to Bobby's owners late last Saturday afternoon at Daybreaks. I could clearly tell the devotion and commitment they not only gave to Bobby but to all their other dogs. They stick with their dogs through better and worse and I have the greatest respect for this couple. I feel so sad for them, but they should find comfort in knowing what a fab home they gave to Bobby in his twilight years and that we are all thinking of them. Bless you. I have to give Bobby my cuddle today.xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 20 Dec 06:51

I'm so so sad to hear this news. My heart goes out to Paul and Terry. I can only echo the comments of everyone else that it is wonderful to know he had so much love and care in the last few weeks. Run free handsome over Rainbow Bridge. Xx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 19 Dec 23:56

Thank you to everyone for all your kind words, it means so much to us at this sad time. We are devastated to lose Bobby, after he fought so hard, to something so totally out. of our control. Thank you to Ruth for allowing us to share his last few weeks, he really was a very special boy. I know how upset you were today when we spoke, you really do care so much for these beautiful dogs. To Bobby...we wlsh we could have had more time together... but you will live in our hearts forever. Oh how you fought so bravely...but sadly you could not stay...for the angels came from Heaven, and they took you far away...they wrapped their wings around you, and they asked us all to pray,now a new star burns so brightly, as we look at the sky today. R.I.P beautiful boy - we will meet again one day ! All our love... mom & dad. XXX.

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 19 Dec 22:00

What to say that has not already been said? They say that our dogs live in the moment, and it's a comforting thought that Pumpkin's moment was in the warmth and security of his home with Paul & Terry. Sleep tight precious boy, you have touched us all xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Dec 21:31

Sending my cuddle to Pumkins family today. God bless him, so very sad. At least the last few weeks he knew what it was like to really be loved. Xxx

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 19 Dec 20:34

Such sad news, poor pumpkin xx

by Robdog's-dad

Thursday 19 Dec 20:17

Such a shame that we never got to meet this beautiful boy. Have been following his progress on the site, thank you to Paul & Terry who have given Bobby some much needed TLC over the last few weeks, sleep well, run free Mr Pumpkin x x

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 19 Dec 19:42

Like so many others I to was following pumpkins progress I am so sorry to her this news tonight my thoughts are with pumpkins family your hearts are broken but you can get some consolation knowing you gave him all the love and care you could give to him after his very sad story run free pumpkin you are now at rainbow bridge lovely boy xxxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 19 Dec 19:19

Such sad news for everyone. Sounds like he's had a marvellous home in the last few weeks and has been loved very much. Thinking of you all. Mand x

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by conman

Thursday 19 Dec 19:14

So so sorry for Pumpkin's family and all at Daybreaks who helped this poor lad. He must have thought he was in heaven being in such a loving home for the past few weeks. Jane xx

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by lovegreys

Thursday 19 Dec 19:03

So sorry to hear the news about Pumpkin. I feel the same way as others - Pumpkin's family gave him so much love and care during his time with them. x

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by Snipe

Thursday 19 Dec 16:56

So sorry. At least he had plenty of tlc in the last few weeks xx

by Aries

Thursday 19 Dec 16:44

So sad to read about Pumpkin, run free beautiful boy and when you get to rainbow bridge look out for Dot who we lost on 24/1/12, she was your double, and tell her we love her and miss her

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by missfifi

Thursday 19 Dec 16:16

What a sad day - Ben sounds like a special boy too - what a wonderful age to get to. Xx

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by missfifi

Thursday 19 Dec 16:13

Am so upset to read about Bobby. The sky will be extra bright tonight. Don't count the days, make each day count. And now he will be running free forever. Jo and Daisydog xx

by jacks-mum

Thursday 19 Dec 16:10

Such sad news but at least he had a loving home with people who helped him and loved and cared for him. Sending love to Paul and Terry and Ruth. Run free over the rainbow bridge pumpkin xxxx

by mary/john

Thursday 19 Dec 15:51

so sad to hear about pumpkin.... our old dog Ben had to be put down today... a beautiful collie/cross Heinz 57 varieties... nearly 15 years old...Patch our lovely grey will miss him a lot..... john/mary great barr.... x

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by susy

Thursday 19 Dec 15:46

I do not know what to say. Such sad news and with the loose of Pippa also this week, so near to Christmas. My heart goes out to Paul & Terry and thank you for what you did for Pumpkin.
Thinking of you at this sad time.
Love Sylv, John & The New Icemaid Clan xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Thursday 19 Dec 15:37

What very sad news, especially at this time of year, I am so sorry. Sending best wishes to the family.

by michelleandbertie

Thursday 19 Dec 15:08

This is heartbreaking for everyone , as shanesmum said he paased away having had the the best love and care in his last few months, I know myself and lots of others have been following Pumpkins progress, he was a very special boy and he will not be forgotton, run free beautiful boy, my heart goes out to his family x

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by sebby

Thursday 19 Dec 14:58

Am so, so, sorry, run free up above in those green, green fields, and shine down brightly pumpkin. So sorry for his recent owners, must be devastated, but they KNOW he was loved at the end. God bless pumpkin x x

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 19 Dec 14:53

This is just so,so sad. The only consolation is that his last months were filled with love, kindness and care. Thinking of Paul & Terry who must be devastated, but can take comfort in the knowledge that they were there for this beautiful boy. RIP Bobby boy - run free.xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 19 Dec 14:41

My heart has just broken - I have just had the news that Pumpkin sadly died whilst having his dental....

Run free fella..... shine bright tonight - you have gained your angel wings xxxxx

My love and hugs go to Paul and Terry who have given him everything I could of wished for.... so much love, TLC to help him gain weight and be part of a family. Thank you so much - I cannot put into words how much this means to me and I know how heartbroken you will be. Thank you for giving him the best few weeks of his life - I will always be in your debt x

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 30 Nov 22:06

Congratulations this is fantastic news !!! So lovely to read that Pumpkin is now officially rehomed !!!! :)

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by rumblesmom

Friday 29 Nov 20:36

Oh yes my little pumpkin you are going to stay put then well done to you and to your wonderful mom and dad xxxx

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by Julez1

Friday 29 Nov 14:37

Its quite an expanding club this FFG i am also a member of it ...twice lol xx

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by susy

Thursday 28 Nov 15:21

Love to Pumpkin and yourselves for reserving him. I take it your joining the FFG of which we are one. Love The New Icemaid Clanxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 27 Nov 17:52

Brilliant! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 27 Nov 17:07

Over the moon to see a lovely red sign for this special boy. xx

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by tiggersslave

Wednesday 27 Nov 09:00

Gerat news :) Well done Pumpkin and his Mum and Dad :)

Julie xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 26 Nov 21:26

So happy Pumpkin is back at home with you. Please give him a hug from me. Xxx

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by Robdog's-dad

Tuesday 26 Nov 20:26

Pumpkin, great to hear you are home safe, time to get that weight back on now. Hope to see you at a walk or roadshow in the new year. We will have your pot at the walk in Sutton on Sunday, if anyone wants to contribute to your vet fund. Muddypaws you're a star keep up the good work! xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 26 Nov 19:23

I'm so pleased to hear Pumpkin is back home with his tail wagging again. It sounds like you are doing fantastic with him. X

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 26 Nov 16:57

Delighted to read that Pumpkin is back in his lovely foster home and is over the worst - what a scare that must have been for you muddypaws. With your continuing love and care I'm sure this trooper will regain that lost weight -thank you for being there for him. x

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 26 Nov 13:37

Pumpkin has been back home with us since saturday evening. Fortunately, the bloat did'nt progress into a gastric tort, unfortunately, he has lost 2.5 kilos in weight!! So, it's back to square one! Still, never mind, at least he's still here to fight another day!! His diet is back to little & often. He is bright eyed & happy & his waggy tail is fully functional once more!!! Fingers firmly crossed that he does'nt suffer any more setbacks, otherwise we are going to change his name to Sicknote!!!!!! Luv & Licks XXX Pumpkin. ( and his knackered foster mommy & daddy !! ) lol.

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by LizzyB

Tuesday 26 Nov 12:25

Any update on Pumpkin please? Hope all is well x

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 24 Nov 19:52

How is the lovely Pumpkin? Is he back home with you? I hope his recovering well. X

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 23 Nov 13:30

Sending our love to you pumpkin we do hope its good news for such a beautiful boy like you tinkers nana xx

by muddypaws

Saturday 23 Nov 10:37

Pumpkin has recovered well from the anaesthetic & all his vital signs are looking ok. The vets are still unsure as to the cause - they think it may still have been a gastric tort or a partial tort or a rapid build up of trapped gases.They are going to feed him several small meals throughout the day & monitor him. If he does'nt bloat again he may be able to come home this evening or tomorrow. Thankyou for your comments! For such a fragile looking boy, he really is a tough old boot! He really does deserve a happy ending! X.

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Saturday 23 Nov 10:33

My cuddle today goes to Pumpkin xxxx

by michelleandbertie

Saturday 23 Nov 09:19

I echo what everyone else says , come on pumpkin be strong and get through this everyone is routing for you x

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 23 Nov 09:00

Cum on Pumpkins, kissez mwah mwah
Lub Goldie n Ruby Roo

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by DuleekDandy

Saturday 23 Nov 08:58

Sending positive thoughts for Pumpkin. Come on big've just GOT to get through this! xxx
The update sounds quite positive thank goodness

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by missfifi

Saturday 23 Nov 08:17

Paws crossed for Pumpkin. Hope he is feeling better today. xx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Saturday 23 Nov 08:12

Oh poor lad, let's keep everything crossed for him x x
hopefully nothing more than a bit of indigestion and perhaps a bit of wind

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Nov 08:10

Come on Pumpkin...Please, please get through this. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 23 Nov 07:43

Pumpkin latest. last night the vet passed a catheter through his gut & into his stomach & emptied food out to release gases. did not appear to be a twist in his gut ( gastric tort ). this morning so far he is standing, his tummy has gone down & he appears ok - so far, so good! will update when we learn more.ud

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 23 Nov 06:36

Oh no! I'm keeping everything crossed for you. X

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by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 23 Nov 00:36

oh no Pumpkin, I have everything crossed for you too boy.xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Nov 23:36

I am keeping everything crossed for Pumpkin tonight - Terry and Paul who are fostering him telephoned me a short while ago to let me know he is a very poorly boy with suspected bloat. He has been admitted and is on a drip and I hope to hear in the next hour how he is doing.

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 12 Nov 22:34

Great to hear how well he is doing. Xxx

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by themartins

Tuesday 12 Nov 14:28

Thanks to Muddypaws for his birthday wishes to Ruby. Not only do Ruby and Bobby/Pumpkin share a birthday, they're also both beautiful fawn hounds. We've been following Bobby's journey since he was returned to the kennels. Thanks for everything you're doing for him, I'm sure Bobby and Ruby will both enjoy being spoilt on their birthday (and every other day too!) x x

by Terry

Tuesday 12 Nov 13:28

Happy 11th Birthday Bobby - you are a very lovely boy, and as Paul said, you have calmed down with your 'fascination' for Millie and Nell - especially Nell. It is lovely to see you changing day to day and to see your tail wagging now. You still run like Scooby Doo !!! but maybe you have always run like that (must have looked very funny on the track if you did) - it is very cute anyway so I wont mind if you carry on doing it! All our love on your very special day. XXXXXX

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 12 Nov 12:36

Happy birthday handsome. I'm sure you are going to have a wonderful day being spoilt by your lovely foster family. X

by muddypaws

Tuesday 12 Nov 12:32

Oops!! Hit the send button to quick!!! Bobby sends his luv & kisses to Ruth for taking him in & making an old boy very,very happy!!! Luv - Bobby Pumpkin XXX.

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 12 Nov 12:16

Birthday wishes to beautiful Ruby! You share your birthday with our foster boy Bobby Pumpkin who is 11 today! After his check up at the vets, he has gained his first half a kilo. not a massive gain, but we are trying to resist. the temptation to try & fatten him up to quickly & risk him possibly suffering a twisted gut. So far he has been eating quality rather than quantity, but now that his tummy has become accustomed to food again, we will increase his portion sizes, so hopefully his weight will start to increase a little quicker in future. His ribs are gradually starting to cover over & his legs are gaining some muscle definition! We know at his age every day is precious, but to recover from this level of neglect will not happen overnight. At least he is in a happy place now & is becoming stronger each day! After his initial excitement, he has become a very calm & chilled out boy. His ardour towards our 2 grey. girls has cooled ( good job really - he was this far | | from getting his name on the dex offenders register !!! ) He's a gorgeous, loving boy who adores fuss & cuddles!! He will continue with his B12 jabs for another 2 wreks & if he has gained a bit more weight by then, the vet will run some more bloods to check his protein levels, & all being well he should be ready for his dental!! Yippee !!! Amazingly, his rotten teeth dont seem to bother him - but it will be greyt to get them sorted ! Well - Thats all for now Folks !!!

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by susy

Tuesday 12 Nov 12:09

Have a lovely Birthday Pumpkin (Bobby) Love from The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

by Spanner

Tuesday 12 Nov 11:34

Happy Birthday love Stanley & Gemma and humans. xxxx

by michelleandbertie

Tuesday 12 Nov 08:31

Happy Birthday georgeous boy !!! x

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 12 Nov 07:14

Big Happy Birthday wishes to Pumpkin (Bobby) - so happy to hear how well you're getting on in your lovely foster home. Have a great day, and don't eat too much cake!!!! Big cuddles. xxxx

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 12 Nov 06:28

Happy Birthday Pumpkin.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Nov 22:36

Wishing Bobby-Pumpkin a very Happy 11th Birthday for tomorrow. I am sure he is going to be a very spoilt boy! Xxx

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by Terry

Monday 11 Nov 13:49


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by muddypaws

Thursday 07 Nov 15:30

My mum always wantted me to become a touch typis. butt would i listenn to her!!!

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by muddypaws

Thursday 07 Nov 15:12

If anyone is still trying to undrrstand my inane rambling & appaling grammmar, i can only appologide and blame this piggin new touchscreen phonne & qeerty keyboard!! hav'nt touched a drop of the hard stuff -honestley. P.S. Pumpkin is doing fine. X.

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 06 Nov 13:13

such good news for pumpkin and well done to terry and paul who are helping to make this lovely old gent feel secure and loved and happy to be here xx

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by sebby

Tuesday 05 Nov 15:19

Delighted about vet news, am sure when you've had them nasty teeth done you will feel million times better and start putting on a little weight.

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 04 Nov 22:25

oh my appologies muddy paws , you probably started the club ha ha, I always have a special place in my heart for the old fawn boys, my charlie looked so like Pumpkin, it is just so heat wrenching, but he looks so contented curled up on your chair, just marvellous that he is with you !!

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by muddypaws

Monday 04 Nov 20:10

Still reckon those kennels did'nt see a lick o paint!! eh Mrs B!

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by muddypaws

Monday 04 Nov 19:47

Afraid we are already fully paid up members of this club! Nell (molly) only came to stay for the day while the kennels were painted in June - guess what - yeah- you got it first go!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Nov 19:46

Fab news from the vets for Pumpkin....Bobby! Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Monday 04 Nov 19:43

We'll Ruth this is great news pumpkin looks a bit better hope he will continue to improve thanks to his foster parents who are so good with him with your love and kindness he will be in good hands thanks to all concerned I'm glad he found daybreak were he is well loved Jackie xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 04 Nov 18:53

Great news..... I went to the vets this afternoon with Paul who is fostering Pumpkin. In a nutshell his kidneys are ok, his liver results show slightly high levels but nothing worrying. His protein level is a little low which could be affecting his weight - it could be that he has been underfed or he has an underlying bowel problem. He has been started on Vitamin B12 injections to help which will be weekly along with a weight check and we are keeping our fingers crossed he starts to improve. (I am hoping I have got all this right as it was a lot to take in!) Although he hasn't gained weight according to the scales, it was obvious from looking at him that he had put on a little weight. I am so grateful to Terry and Paul for looking after him for me.

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 04 Nov 17:08

ummmm Bobby !!!! when you start to change thier names its harder to let go !!!!! lets hope you join us al at the FFP club very soon ( failed foster parents club ) xx
ps you are doing a marvellous thing :)

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by bonnie

Monday 04 Nov 13:20

that is years of could anyone do this to a beautiful animal....vile ....thank goodness for daybreak...hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by tiggersslave

Monday 04 Nov 08:25

Thank God he's in Daybreaks and being fostered by the wonderful Terry and Paul ...I'm sure if he'd gone to most other rescues they'd have put him to sleep due to his age and his appalling condition :( I'm sure he'll flourish with all the TLC and greyt thoughts from all at Perry Barr RGT. J xx

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by chickman

Sunday 03 Nov 20:49

i hope this helps tinkers nan i have just lost my beloved greyhound of 9 years who was frighted off fireworks we had to empty the cupboard under the stairs put her bed in and a new toy so she was in her own den in the dark, i wish they would have them only on the 5th

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Sunday 03 Nov 19:58

My cuddle goes to Pumpkin today. I really hope his tests come back ok, and we have a happy ending xxx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 03 Nov 15:57

Hi all. just a quick update on Pumpkin (aka Bobby). He is eating really well - chicken,fish,minced beef,rice,pasta,veg,Burns,rice pud - not all in the same meal though - he wishes!!!!! He's getting a little stronger each day. still a bit wobbly on his back pins. but is managing to have a little trot round the back garden. long way to go yet though! Keeping our fingers crossed his blood tests come back ok. He's loving the fuss & attention & is a really loving boy! He sends a big sloppy.smelly kss to Aunty Ruth for being there for him when he needed her most !!! XXX Luv - Pumpkin

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by Robdog's-dad

Sunday 03 Nov 14:23

Have made a new game for the roadshow at Erdington on the 16th Nov called the Pumpkin game. All funds raised on the game will go towards his vet bill, so if your in the area come and play. Sie x

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 03 Nov 11:30

I am looking at our baby girl tinker and thinking how can you do this I know we couldn't we love her to much they could have got him to kennels to get his teeth cleaned how disgusting is that bless him how are all the greys doing with the fireworks going of our tinker is so fright and we don't know what to do she has a thunder shirt also we have a plug in to try and calm her but that didant work we just don't know what else to do any advice would be more than wecolme tinkers nana xx

by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 03 Nov 11:19

I can't believe the state of pumpkins teeth this week it's a cruel case of neglect how could this so call owner have much love for this beautiful boy my heart is breaking for him let's hope he will spend the rest of his years being so happy and he is not suffering anymore thank goodness we are all not like his owners we all love our beautiful baby's with all our hearts Jackie xx

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by littlemoe

Sunday 03 Nov 11:06

It's funny you should say that Lady Victoria, it's made me do the same with Walter and he is unimpressed too but tolerates it as he gets a dentastick afterwards. I only do his once a day and sometimes I have to confess to forgetting but I am going to make a concerted effort to make it a twice daily routine having seen how sore Pumkins mouth must be. Poor Pumpkin, i don't understand why anyone would re-home a dog just to do this to it. To repay these loving dogs with cruelty is unforgivable. They deserve so much better and I take comfort in knowing Pumpkin is safe now. Thanks to all at Perry Barr RGT who do so much to make it better. Claire, Rew & Walter. X

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Nov 23:27

After seeing the sorry state of Pumpkin's teeth this week, it has made me more determined to make sure I take as much care as possible of Twiggy's teeth. I have been cleaning her teeth twice a day for the last six months and I have really noticed a difference. She is not impressed but I tell her sometimes you have to suffer a little to be beautiful! I use the meat flavoured toothpaste we sell at the kennels. We have lots of teeth cleaning products for sale including the excellent Petzlife spray and gel, which is really easy to use. Please take a look next time you are visiting the kennels. Xxx

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by sebby

Saturday 02 Nov 21:08

How is pumpkin doing, he looks very contented in top fostered picture, cant get him out of my mind, keep looking at my four and still cannot believe how unfair it is for some others sending hugs x

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by SmokeyJoe06

Friday 01 Nov 21:40

Surely the owners can be done for neglect. That poor, poor boy. I really hope he's feeling better soon and gets a lovely home. Big kisses for pumpkin xxx

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by Terry

Friday 01 Nov 14:00

This lovely lad is at home with us now and Paul is feeding him 4 times a day and he is loving the food. We are giving him lots of love as well and he is sleeping and resting well. Waiting for the results of the blood tests from Ruth and our 4 greys, Paul and myself are all keeping our legs crossed hoping it is good news. He is a lovely lad and we cannot believe someone would let a dog (or any animal) get into this condition - it is criminal. Everyone send good vibes for the results please! We will keep you informed of his progress. Terry.

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by conman

Friday 01 Nov 13:07

Poor boy, he reminds me so much of our beautiful Joey who was a similar age when we adopted him and sadly, in similar condition although his teeth weren't as bad. But just like Joey in a month or two he will be well covered and gleaming and I'm sure snuggled up in a loving home to live out his twilight years. Jane x

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by caroline&Fred

Friday 01 Nov 11:16

The new photos make you just want to munch him LOL xx

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by jacks-mum

Friday 01 Nov 10:15

You get my cuddle today as you deserve it xx

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 01 Nov 09:20

Dear Pumpkin you get my cuddle today, so very sad to see him that thin and teeth in a state. I am wishing him all the best in gaining some weight, he is lighter than our Rose who is older than Pumpkin.

I love the oldies so much it is heart breaking to see them in this way.

He looks a lovely boy curled up asleep.

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by Spanner

Friday 01 Nov 09:04

Poor lad. Hopefully things will get sorted. xx

by LongdogLover

Friday 01 Nov 09:04

I cannot believe this - it is a case of total neglect. The owners only needed to get off their lazy butts and visit the kennels twice a year for a tooth scrape and this sad situation would never have occured. Poor little chap. I am too upset to say more and what I think of the owners is not printable!

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by missfifi

Friday 01 Nov 08:43

Daisydog has been making special spooky spells for Pumpkin and they seem to be working already. Excellent. xx

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by Katie14

Friday 01 Nov 07:51

Poor boy :-( He gets my cuddle today xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 01 Nov 07:17

Sorry for the delay in updating you all on Pumpkin. I took him to the vets yesterday afternoon and the vet was horrified at his condition. He desperately needs his awful teeth removing but he is too weak to undergo anaesthetic as he is only 26kg. Christian has advised that he is fed 3 to 4 times a day to help him put on some weight and has taken blood for tests which I should hopefully get the results later today. He has been wormed and is on antibiotics.

He came back to our house and he scoffed a bowl of food, toileted outside and then settled down quickly and fell asleep....

My grateful thanks go to Paul and Terri who came to fetch him last night to foster him until he gains weight. Paul is at home and able to keep a constant eye on him, feed him and give him much needed TLC. He will going back to Fivelands for regular checks as needed until he is deemed fit for surgery.

Thanks also go to Caroline and Jill who also offered him a foster home.

Although the Retired Greyhound Trust Head Office have agreed to fund his treatment we would prefer to pay this ourselves as a branch and if anyone is able to donate towards his care we would be so very grateful. xxxx

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by skinnyme

Thursday 31 Oct 22:41

My heart is breaking, I am looking at all my babies and realising how lucky they, and me, are. I just want to swoop you up and give cuddles and love. Xxxx

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by missfifi

Thursday 31 Oct 21:32

This is shameful. But out of bad comes and care and love and the prospect of a better life. It's the future for pumpkin that matters now, not the past. Find him someone fabby auntie Ruth. Xx

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by blueangel

Thursday 31 Oct 21:24

words fail me xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Thursday 31 Oct 18:41

Oh goodness me! My heart is breaking for this poor lad....he must be feeling terrible with teeth like that. Hope the vet was able to do something to make him more comfortable.

This has really upset reminded me of when Jim came to Daybreaks and collapsed in the bath, but then I thought about when I saw him in the Best Rescue Class at last year's show at Solihull Riding School and he looked AMAZING!

I'm sure that Pumpkin will soon flourish with plenty of TLC now he has found his way to work, good food and worming treatment should help him put some weight on.

Thinking of you, BIG (((xXx))) Pumpkin....such a handsome boy

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by rumblesmom

Thursday 31 Oct 18:04

oh my babby those teeth are grim even if it,s haloween today but the rest of you is truly beautiful and auntie ruth will sort you out and good news because the oldies always seem to pull at the heart strings and find homes quickly good luck and hugs and kisses xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 31 Oct 15:52

Pumpkin is a very friendly lad, he has a beautiful face and gorgeous eyes. Hopefully after lots of tlc he will feel much better too. Xxx

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by spencer68

Thursday 31 Oct 13:03

oh dear god! what a sorry site to see. so upsetting , glad you are in a better place pumpkin you will get lots of love from everyone, if there is anything i can do to help let me know. ann. xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 31 Oct 13:02

Oh my the poor lad. I'm so pleased his found his way to you he'll get lots if TLC now. X

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by Danny'smum

Thursday 31 Oct 12:54

Those owners should be ashamed, it is pretty obvious to see he is underweight (or something wrong with him if he does indeed "eat well") and I dread to think what his breath smells like and how sore his mouth must be. He looks a very handsome boy and I hope he finds a quiet lovely home quickly.

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by sebby

Thursday 31 Oct 12:35

Dear god, poor pumpkin, words absolutely fail me, 11 years of age and now not wanted after 7 years in a home. Hope he finds a wonderful new home for his twilight years.

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by caroline&Fred

Thursday 31 Oct 12:09

OMG poor thing, im so pleased he is with you, safe and sound, he will get all the love and care that he needs . big hug for you Ruth and Pumpkin xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 31 Oct 11:45

This poor fella has been brought to us after being in a home for 7 years. The owners are no longer able to keep him due to a partnership break up.

He is booked to go to the vets this afternoon as his teeth are in a horrific state and he is extremely underweight (the photos do not do justice) despite the owner telling me he eats well :-(