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About Me

Racing Name
Barracuda Jed
Date of birth
14 apr 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 16 years old, Black

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Wednesday 10 Jan

Jed is ok with older children (never has had much to do with smaller ones) his trainer tells us. We are told he has a lot of love to give and all he asks for is kisses back.

Jed says - my (racing) mum says I will make a nice pet and I hope I get a nice home as I have been with my (racing) mum and dad all my life and I know I will miss them as they have always loved me and I get a kiss every morning.

Jed has had 0 cuddles today (29 all together).
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by rubytwoshoes

Sunday 07 Mar 07:08

Remembering your handsome boy. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Mar 22:12

Thinking of your lovely lad. Xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 06 Mar 07:22

I can’t believe it’s a year since you crossed the bridge you are still very much missed Jeds my super cool boy.

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by shanishoo

Saturday 07 Mar 07:37

Just so very sorry to hear that your boy has gained his wings, so sad for all concerned, keeping you in my thoughts, love to Lottie xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 06 Mar 22:53

Very sad to hear you have had to say Goodbye to you beautiful Jed. God Bless him. Sending lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 06 Mar 22:53

So very sorry to read this news. Really feel for you and your poor Lottie.
Run free Jed with all our old friends who will be there to greet you xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Friday 06 Mar 22:06

So sorry to hear the sad news. Run free Jed. x

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by helenanddave

Friday 06 Mar 21:43

So sorry. Run free Jed. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 06 Mar 20:54

So very sorry to hear this sad news. Run fast and free beautiful Jed. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 06 Mar 20:00

So very sorry to hear your news. Keeping you all in our prayers. Xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 06 Mar 19:28

I am so terribly saddened to hear this. Another angel gains his wings. Jed, run fast and free with all our hounds at the bridge. Love, thoughts and prayers to Wendy and Lottie. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 06 Mar 19:19

I'm so sorry to read that you have lost little Jed. I hope poor Lottie is coping without him. Another bright star shines. Remember happy times from his wonderful life with you. Take care xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 06 Mar 18:41

Oh no. I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your lovely friendly boy with great affection. I know you gave him a great retirement filled with love. X

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Mar 18:08

Jed we is soz sads to heers yous gond hup toz da bridje, we hopes yous wings bes sooopa helpin yous fleye heye. Toz arnti Caro we duz send yous mega snugguls n kissiz. Pweese memba dat yous woz da most mayzins howndy muvva eba, wel part from awrs hobs.
Lubs n snugguls forzeba
Miss Goldie ns Ruby Roo Pearce
Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah

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by Caro

Friday 06 Mar 17:03

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to say Jed gained his wings this afternoon. He was one of the most gentle dogs I have ever had the privilege to have in my life and he has left an enormous hole. Thank you Jed for opening up the world of greys to me run free fella until we meet again.

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 06 Mar 07:02

What a terrible worry for you. Everything crossed for Jed,Lottie,and you Caro. Xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 06 Mar 07:02

What a terrible worry for you. Everything crossed for Jed,Lottie,and you Caro. Xxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 05 Mar 22:04

Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 05 Mar 19:13

Jed update still at the vets, still on a drip. The report this morning said he wasn’t as bright as yesterday and not so keen to eat I went up in my lunch break to find a bowl of uneaten chicken in with him as soon as I went into the kennel he jumped up and ate his food!!! He may be going home tomorrow Lottie still not keen to eat and quite unsettled.

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by shanishoo

Thursday 05 Mar 07:34

Wishing Jed a speedy recovery, and he is soon home with Lottie xxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 04 Mar 22:11

Praying Jed recovers soon and is reunited with Lottie. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 04 Mar 19:05

Now have a poorly Jed been at the vets three days on a drip with haemorrhagic enteritis. Went to see him this evening and he seems a little brighter. Vet thinks may have been caused by his anti inflammatory tablets. Lottie however is really missing him and not eating at the moment didn’t realise they were that close never really showed it.

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by Caro

Monday 17 Feb 17:59

I do feel sorry for my oh so tolerance boy Jed not only does he have to put up with Lottie’s exploding bottom (which is slowly improving but could be weeks according to the vet) and truly dreadful wind he now has to endure Lottie bolting her gold sprinkled ultra expensive exclusion food (which fortunately she loves) so fast that this subsequently gets sprayed all over him whilst he quietly trys to eat at a sensible pace. Welcome to my greyhound world! Still love them loads thankfully!

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by Caro

Sunday 19 Jan 09:28

Wising everybody at Daybreaks a fabulous launch day unfortunately won’t be attending due to really bad cold and chest infection but will get over to you for a visit at some point this year.

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by Caro

Wednesday 25 Dec 09:19

Jed, Lottie and myself would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Well done to all the Daybreaks team for another successful year you truly are outstanding and I wish you all the very best in your new venture in 2020. Ruth I hope this year brings you good health you deserve it.

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by rubytwoshoes

Saturday 29 Jun 06:58

Despite his lack of teeth, I bet Jed still gives lovely lickey kisses!! Love to all three of you. Xx

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by Caro

Friday 28 Jun 20:08

Jed is now the toothless wonder having had his last three canines removed. He has temporarily lost his Concorde nose much to his disgust. I have to say I am amazed at how far he is capable of propelling boiled rice across the kitchen .

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 03 Jan 21:52

After much searching and various trials we have one from ealderton12 on eBay. £17.99 and they will adapt to your measurements, they did for Florence. Best we have had. Please get in touch if you need any more info. Klaire xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 03 Jan 20:26

That should have said Therapaw x

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by shanishoo

Thursday 03 Jan 20:25

Therapy are supposed to be good made four Greyhounds xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 03 Jan 08:50

Jed needs a boot for his rear pad can anyone recommend one please.

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by Caro

Saturday 17 Nov 17:08

I have been in contact with Burns who were really helpful they have advised that as my two are classed as seniors I should be feeling an amount of 8gms per kg body weight this seems a very small amount! Now my two are by no means over weight Jed comes in at 27kg and is quite petite Lottie is 34kg and is a much bigger grey. I don’t mean to doubt Burns but I would be interested in knowing the amounts others are feeding my two have two meals a day plus a few treats at lunchtime. Burns say the reason mine may not be eating the whole meal is that they are full.

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by Caro

Thursday 15 Nov 12:44

Thank you everyone as always collective mine of information. I have spoken to Burns and they have asked for the batch number of the feed and a sample for testing. They are going to send me some samples to tempt them with. Tiggersmum Jed does still limp but it comes and goes, he is well in himself and has regular sessions with Helen Clarke Three Counties Canine Massage which definitely helps him. I also have him on Flexidin which seems to help as well. Jed has always been a fussy eater but Lottie could also be called Dyson with her food so I am going on the fact that she is not happy with this bag of food.

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by Jembob

Thursday 15 Nov 11:40

My Casey is a picky eater. He has never done well with Burns or other kibbles. We have most success with raw meat from TPMS although it's horrible stuff to handle. Recently we have tried Platinum dog food - we had some samples from the show in October and have now tried both dry and wet versions and he seems to enjoy it. It's only available on line but delivery is prompt and it's very high quality.
If a hound could survive on scrambled egg and sausage, it would be much easier.

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by tiggersmum

Thursday 15 Nov 09:42

Hi Caro I've heard of dogs going off their food usually if the receipe changes but I'd guess Burns would have told you (they are a great, ethical company). You can add a little raw or cooked meat to it and see if he'd eat it of all mixed up tho if you add too much really yummy stuff he could prefer his treats and leave the complete :( . Is he still limping? After all your vet checks you could try a McTimoney chiropractor too - they release tweaked muscles which (like with us) can cause pain and discomfort, if he's had a corn for a long time he would have probably compensated for that while walking and may need to be 'straightened up' :) I use Wendy Lymer in Bromsgrove, she's been keeping my dogs healthy for years, has worked with a lot of Greys and has whippets herself - her no is 07790 464321. She'll need your vet to know that your taking him so I just call the vets and say I assume you have no objection having my dog checked out. xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 15 Nov 08:16

Caro, my boys still loving their Burns, they are both good eaters, I'm sure Douggie is crossed with a Dyson the speed it gets eaten, we feed Pork & Potatoe Sensitive, maybe give that a try, hope you get it sorted soon xxxxxxx

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by Caro

Thursday 15 Nov 07:09

Has anyone experienced their greys going off Burns recently? Jed has always been a fussy eater but not Lottie who usually inhales food but the last couple of bags they have both picked at. The pet shop haven’t had any feed back, mine have the Burns Alert lamb and rice they have always done really well on it not sure whether to start looking for another make or to just try a different flavour.

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 24 Aug 19:52

Caro, we went though a similar experience with Florence and she is not yet 4. I was sure that I could see a mark on her pad if I used a magnifying glass. As a last resort the vet got a microscope on her paw because of what I had said, saw the mark and dug a foreign body out. Florence still limps! But is not in pain until a corn grows...... Xx

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by NMD07

Friday 24 Aug 09:02

Having made tough calls ourselves not to long ago. We all know that Jed and Lotties well being would be the only consideration. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 24 Aug 07:20

Caro, I absolutely think you are doing the right thing, I wouldn't put my 10 year old through anything like that, as long as Jed is pain free,m happy and still eating that's the main thing, just enjoy your boy and hopefully you will have lots more happy times to come. Xxxxx

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by Caro

Thursday 23 Aug 20:13

Well the vet is not sure why Jed is limping, X-rays show nothing, no tumours, arthritis etc. Jed had another extensive examination in which the vet pressed very hard on spine, legs etc not a whimper. The only option open is a CT scan but I have to be prepared to go with the findings. To have a CT scan means a GA which Jed is really poor with and if it is spinal that could mean surgery and 6 months post op recovery. Jed is 10 and half and I have decided not to proceed with course of action but to keep him pain free on anti inflammatories and pain relief and let him enjoy his twilight years rotating from bed to bed which he has done for the last 5 years I have had the privilege of being his hooman. If he feels like a decent walk then we take one if he only wants a short potter then that’s what we do. I know some may disagree with this course of action but this decision has been taken with a lot of thought and discussion with my vet who supports this. I have tried to put Jed’s best interests first. Jed apppears happy is eating and maintaining his weight.

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by NMD07

Monday 20 Aug 07:52

Hope Jed is better soon. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 18 Aug 14:46

Poor lad, hope he feels better soon xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 18 Aug 11:04

So sorry to hear Jed is still limping and has hurt another leg too! Poor lad. Xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 18 Aug 06:33

Spoke too soon I’m afraid once the sedation was out of his system Jed back to being as lame as ever despite the corn being removed. Spoke to my vet back in on Monday but he has said he will probably refer him. Just to make matters even worse Jed managed to rip a claw off his foot on his good hind leg god knows how so he doesn’t now know which leg to limp on! Not looking forward to next week.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Aug 22:16

Great news for Jed! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 15 Aug 22:00

Such fantastic news, what a relief for you and Jed of course xxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 15 Aug 21:12

Ha ha That's your Jed for you Wendy Hugs to your phoney ! Poor lad Great news tho Lol X

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by rubytwoshoes

Wednesday 15 Aug 20:53

Enjoy your pain free walks Jed. Delighted for you. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 15 Aug 20:28

Thank goodness for that Jed! I get corns and boy they can be painful. Xx

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by Caro

Wednesday 15 Aug 18:55

Well what can I say Jed is a phoney! He had a very small corn on his pad which I didn’t think could possibly have made him virtually non weight bearing and was convinced it was his lumbar sacral disease diagnosed about 7 months ago. However new X-rays show no tumours but also no lumbar sacral disease either and this vet is a specialist in radiography! In defence of the previous vets there was a lot of debate as to if he had it or not and marginal decision. Now off all medication corn taken out during procedure and an almost sound Jed. No excuses now for a short walk we have had weeks of just pottering!!!

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 15 Aug 12:32

Fingers and paws crossed for lovely boy Jed Hope it's positive news These hounds certainly put us through it Keep us all updated We miss seeing you on those walks :( X

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Aug 11:59

Do hope all is ok with Jed. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 15 Aug 11:17

Keeping my fingers crossed for your boy, hope he is OK xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Wednesday 15 Aug 10:47

Everything crossed for good news for your lovely boy. Xx

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by Caro

Wednesday 15 Aug 07:00

Have an extremely lame Jed off to the vets today for an X-ray. Keeping my fingers crossed it’s nothing too serious! Jed not impressed as mo breakfast this morning.

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by Caro

Wednesday 04 Jul 13:45

Thank you Ruth for removing Jed’s corn he is walking better already. Sorry about the noise Lottie made whilst cutting her nails.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 04 Jun 19:52

Oh Jed, I do hope this helps with your creakyness. Enjoy. Xx

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by Caro

Monday 04 Jun 19:16

Well poor Jed’s racing past is catching up with him along with his advancing years, diagnosed with lumbar sacral disease he is now quite stiff and creaky so we are going on Wednesday to try canine massage to see if this will help to loosen him up, they did warn me that he may be so relaxed that he could fall asleep, now for those of you who know Jed and how chilled he is I doubt I will notice any difference in that respect!!

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by Caro

Friday 02 Mar 08:44

Had the fastest walk with Jed this morning, out did what he needed to do and back in the house at high speed, he hasn’t ventured off his bed since, nice and cosy under a warm blanket with is bed next to the radiator and the heating on.

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by Caro

Saturday 10 Feb 17:31

Like other comments recently I am in pieces at some of the sad cases I don’t know how Ruth and her team do this but thank goodness you do you are stars. Let’s not also forget the great number of hounds that found their homes this Christmas. I know it’s tough at the moment but you are an amazing team.

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by Caro

Friday 09 Feb 21:25

Well one owner not quite awake this morning, couldn’t work out immediately what was wrong. I had put Jed’s coat on Lottie and vice a versa. Now there is quite a difference in build Jed was looking at me as if to say “are you sure about this” and Lottie “my bum is going to get seriously cold in this”

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by Caro

Wednesday 07 Feb 21:03

It’s always so distressing to see returnees and I know that in almost all cases it will have been the toughest descision their owners will have had to make. None of us know what is round the corner when I took redundancy from a job I had been in 11 years that meant relocating and facing the prospect of having to commute to work instead of walking down to the office my overwhelming priority was my two greys, My solution was a friend who works part time in the village I live in who has her lunch at my house and lets my two houndies out for a run in the garden and gives them lunch. They now have a second “mum” who loves them as much as I do. Solutions are out there sometimes you have to be inventive. May be an elderly neighbour that would welcome the company of grey for the day whilst you are at work, a fellow dog owner in your village. Solutions are out there.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 14 Jan 16:57

Caro, know how you feel, finally went to doctors after suffering for over a week to be told sinus and chest infection. Antibiotics for 5 days (finished yesterday) and feel no better. Thank goodness our hounds seem to avoid it! Back to doctors tomorrow, although should not complain after what our lovely Daybreaks Sara has gone through, bless her. Xx

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by Caro

Sunday 14 Jan 13:45

Feel really guilty have hardly walked Jed or Lottie this weekend thanks to a nasty chest infection. So sorry guys

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by Caro

Sunday 31 Dec 12:01

The suspense is killing me how many new members are there going to be in the ffc!

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by Caro

Monday 11 Dec 14:34

Well I decided I didn’t like the white stuff on the ground that it made my feet cold and that I wasn’t so eager for a wee it could wait. Mum looked very weird running around in the white stuff waving her arms about and calling mine and Lottie’s name! Lottie also thought the white stuff was to be avoided as it was really cold on her bum when she ventured out for a wee.

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by Caro

Thursday 16 Nov 21:23

Jed had a check over by the vet this morning and seems to be recovering albeit slowly. It would appear that he had a severe reaction to something in the anaesthetic which is quite alarming given he was only under for such a short time for an X-ray. The most shocking is that he has managed to loose nearly 3kgs in weight in less than a week and for those who know him he is on the petite side he looks so thin at the moment and I can’t feed him up too quickly even though I would like to.

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by lisaBaker

Thursday 16 Nov 19:57

I hope Jed continues getting better. Always horrible when they are ill but it’s good that he was feeling brighter. Sending you lots of love xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Nov 22:35

Do hope Jed continues to improve, sure he will be happier being at home again. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 15 Nov 21:43

Jed is home again from the vets and looking a little brighter but still has some way to go we are back to the vets tomorrow for a check up. We have had to stop the anti inflammatories until his stomach fully recovers. Fingers crossed he continues to improve.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Nov 20:46

How is Jed today? Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Nov 21:28

Oh no, so sorry to hear Jed is back at the vets again. Poor lad. Xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 14 Nov 19:56

Loves to Jed. Also you and Lottie. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 14 Nov 17:29

Wendy we are gutted to read that gorgeous Jed is back at the vets It's so upsetting and stressful when our furbabies are so poorly It's strange both of your have had a similar problem..think I would be changing my Vet ! Seriously tho maybe a chat with Kate at the kennels would help you ? Sending positive thoughts to you all and sending Jed a big GET WELL messg Take care Luv Pam Alan and Paddypaws x x

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by Caro

Tuesday 14 Nov 07:36

Spoke too soon he has deteriorated over night and is going back in this morning. I really don’t know what to make of it I took a healthy dog into the vets for an X-ray of his back and this has happened, Lottie went in for a dental about 8 months ago and the same thing happened to her I am holding onto the fact that she made a full recovery but Jed is worse than she was. Does anyone else have similar experience post GA?

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by shanishoo

Monday 13 Nov 21:57

Wishing Jed a speedy recovery, bless him, chicken is the way forward (so my 2 greys say) xxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 13 Nov 21:35

Great to hear Jed is back at home with you and Lottie Xxx

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by Caro

Monday 13 Nov 19:39

Jed home at last off his anti inflammatories until his guts settle down then back to the vets on Thursday. So happy to have him back. However it would appear that he will only now eat chicken!!!!! Hmmh think he is going to have to have a rethink on that.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 12 Nov 21:39

Good news to hear there is improvement in Jed's condition today. Hope you get more information tomorrow. Sending a big cuddle for him and Lottie to share tonight. Xxx

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by Caro

Sunday 12 Nov 18:03

Jed update still in the vets on a drip but some improvement when I visited him this morning. The vet thinks it haemorrhaging enteritis cause unknown could have been the GA, the drugs or just a bug. I have to ring tomorrow for an update. Lottie has started to eat a little but not happy without him she seems to loose confidence when he’s not around.

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by NMD07

Sunday 12 Nov 17:39

Sorry Jed is suffering -poor lad, Archive has calcified disc in his back - he started taking Nutraquin + ages ago which was great for him and he was fine for ages but in the summer he got worse now he is on Rimifin and Gabapentin now he is also having acupunture which is helping him and he seems to enjoy, he gets lots of cuddles from Hannah his vet. Also he gets a massage to warm him up before we go for a walk. Hope he is better soon. Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 12 Nov 08:03

Poor Jed. Hope he is soon feeling better and back home with you. It’s awful when our fur babies are not well. Such a shame too he reacted to the Gabapentin. Our Lena who is 11 is now on this as part of her pain management and it’s made quite a difference to her quality of life.
Keeping everything crossed for Jed as I’m sure you and Lottie miss him lots xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 11 Nov 23:47

So sorry to hear your lovely Jed is not too good. Sending him lots of love...hope you and Lottie are doing ok. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 11 Nov 22:25

Oh no Wendy So sad to read this Thinking of you and Lottie You must be so worried Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts from us and Paddypaws Keep us updated With love x x

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 11 Nov 21:50

Sending you lots of’s horrible to see them so Ill, I hope Jed has a speedy recovery xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 11 Nov 20:55

Fingers crossed for your boy Jed, I know how worrying it is when our hounds are poorly, I do hope he gets well soon xxxxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 11 Nov 20:31

Omg I sincerely hope all is well with your lovely Jed. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Love to you allxxxxxx.

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by Caro

Saturday 11 Nov 20:08

I have a really poorly Jed he went into the vets for a X-ray regarding a possible disc problem in his back. X-rays showed some slight changes and he was sent home on Metacam which he had had before and Gabapentin which although a human epilepsy drug is also a neurompain killer as they suspected he might have some nerve pain. Unfortunately Jed had a reaction to the gabapentin which had to be stopped and then developed severe diahhorea, followed by dehydration and vomiting he has now been hospitalised on a drip. Poor Lottie has now decided she does not want her tea as Jed has come back with me.

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by Burnspet

Monday 16 Oct 09:04

Hi Caro, that's really strange! Yes please do contact us so we can look into it further and hopefully find something they will like!

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by Caro

Friday 13 Oct 19:47

Thank you for your response however Jed and Lottie are actually on Burns Alert lamb and rice. I will try the contact number but I have to say at the moment I am throwing away more food than they are eating.

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 13 Oct 19:25

Florence has been the same, we have tried Skinners, she will eat it - most of the time- so am currently on the 2 week £1 trial (as recommend on here a couple of weeks ago). So far we have no problems. Bowl is cleaned so no throwing most of it away and poops have improved. Early days yet but we are hopeful! X

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by Burnspet

Friday 13 Oct 16:04

I am sorry to hear you have recently been having problems with the Sensitive Pork & Potato food. We moved to a different factory in February and although our recipes have remained the same, the food is now being made on a different machine so has been varying in consistency. With the Pork & Potato in particular it has been difficult to get the kibble right as it is quite a sticky mixture and has been varying in colour and some kibbles have been quite large. The density has also been an issue which can mean there is more air pockets than usual in the kibble, or even less air pockets than usual! This can mean than more food is feeding into a measuring cup than was previously so can result in the dog getting more food a day than they were on the previous bag. We don't use chemical stabilisers in the food which makes it tricky to get the consistency to be perfect but the factory have been working on this in great detail and we changed our pork supplier in September so we are now a lot happier with the newer bags coming through.

The reason we moved factories as the new factory is a smaller family run business and we have created a number of jobs for them, we believe this fits more with the ethos of Burns. If you have any questions please contact our free nutritional helpline on or call on 0800 083 6696 and we can look into it further and hopefully sort out any problems!

Many thanks, Laura, Nutrition Supervisor

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by NMD07

Friday 13 Oct 08:45

Have a look at - you can try for free. My three are doing really well on it, it's so easy they bring it to the door. You can tailor it to both dogs, Archive is a fussy git even he has eaten this for ages, he also when first moved on to it was able to cut out his nutraquin for his back pain. we don't have hardly any upset tummys, all three are shiny, and their teeth are getting claimed on it to. Xxx

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by PamD

Thursday 12 Oct 22:09

This is the answer from Burns that I received today after asking them if the ingredients had changed

Thank you for your email, we have not changed the recipe of the Pork & Potato food but we did move to a different factory in February. We did find that the kibbles were larger and more pale in colour so we changed to a different pork supplier in September. We are now much happier with these bags of food and hopefully they will suit your dog better

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by shanishoo

Thursday 12 Oct 22:01

We are having the same problem with the Burns, one of our boys will eat anything but the other one seems not to like it anymore, and is not finishing his meals anymore, we need a low protein as our boy Jack has borderline kidney failure, I have spoken to our petshop guy who is brilliant and we are trying to find an alternative, if you lower the maize content it pushes the protein content up apparently. We may try Autarky lite as this has a lower protein content but natural ingredients, just confused as to what to do!!!!! Xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 12 Oct 21:54

Skinners do a variety of foods, my 4 love it. When I had Stevie he lost weight on Burns and Skinners was highly recommended. They have a variety of protein options and All of them are readily available from Fetch if the kennels don't have the one you want, although I am sure that they will get whatever you want. Mine have had no tummy problems with this, even new boy Flloyd, who has steadily put on weight! X

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 12 Oct 21:11

Hi Wendy We have also noticed that Paddy seems the same.. pushing the Burns around and also has bouts of the runs now and he normally eats anything We tried Skinners but also gave him the runs We were always told max protein should be 20% but difficult to know what to try ourselves Going to look round & scrutinize all the bags in the pet shops lol We always gave Ele Wainwright's mature lamb dry food Other brands are available as they say lol Let us know how you get on X x

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by Caro

Thursday 12 Oct 20:57

What food are the kennels using at the moment?

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by skinnyme

Thursday 12 Oct 20:22

Yes 25 is too high for a grey, have you thought of trying skinners?

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by Caro

Thursday 12 Oct 19:44

My two are not really enjoying Burns anymore Lottie who normally inhales her food is pushing it round the bowl. Can anyone tell me the percentage of protein the dry food should have Burns is 18.5 and I have seen a natural dry food but the protein is 25 and I am thinking this is a bit high. Incidentally my pet shop have spoken to Burns and they have confirmed they have changed their manufacturing.

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by NMD07

Friday 06 Oct 09:14

Oh Wendy - no problems with my two - if that's not tempting fate, although at the moment the only place I take mine (in different combo's) is the vets. Hope you all are good. Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 05 Oct 16:49

I thought the Burns food had changed have to agree definitely smells different although so far no problems with my two, incidentally though I did have to return a bag when I opened it a large amount of the crumbs were fused together and it really didn't smell right.

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by Caro

Thursday 24 Aug 20:01

Jed in disgrace we were at the Greyhound walk at Stratford on Avon last weekend when Jed weed into the raffle bucket thankfully no tickets were in there at the time!

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by Caro

Saturday 10 Jun 14:43

Well Jed's been to work again this Saturday at the local care home where he is fast becoming quite a celebrity. I am always amazed at how this gentle breed of dog can so easily adapt from the race track to walking so calmly through a care home and accepting cuddles, kisses and hugs. I know he is my dog but I think he's a star and I am so proud of him. Please prospective owners do not be put off by their racing past they are very adaptable to home life.

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by Caro

Saturday 06 May 14:17

Well Jed has had more teeth removed including one canine so is now a very gummy boy! The good news was that his bloods came back normal and his slightly elevated CK result has not changed in the last three years. Boy is his breath better!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 14 Apr 21:14

Wishing Jed a very Happy Birthday! Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 14 Apr 08:33

Happy birthday Jed, I'm sure your mommy will be spoiling you today as always with Lottie. Hope you have a great day luvs from Paddy xx

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by Caro

Friday 14 Apr 06:46

Happy birthday Jed, love you loads the best decision I ever made taking you home.

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by Caro

Friday 10 Feb 20:32

Well as most grey owners know it is a constant battle with their teeth, brushing can be messy and not their favourite past time. So when I replaced my own electric tooth brush and was just about to throw away the old one, I thought, I wonder! Well I have just used it on both Jed and Lottie and guess what they loved it! I could not believe it I have never brushed Jed's teeth so easily. Lottie was not as sure as Jed but we still managed to brush them.

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by Caro

Thursday 05 Jan 19:09

Well Jed has had a busy day he did his usual visit to a local care home and on exiting the lift we came face to face with the homes resident cat!!! Thank god I hadn't taken Lottie this week as it was my reactions just about saved the day, I haven't moved so fast in ages!! We then went to a dog friendly cafe and had lunch by an open fire followed by a meeting at my place of work when he had to negotiate stairs! He went up but I ended up carrying him down! Well done Jed.

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by Caro

Thursday 22 Dec 06:43

Happy fourth gotcha day Jed love you loads best decision I ever made!

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by Caro

Friday 16 Dec 22:29

Well Jed has done it again! Tripped whilst attempting to stop his squeaky ball in the house and cracking his nail right at the top by the nail bed. The vet has had to remove said nail so now he is on three legs and very sorry for himself, Lottie in the mean time has contracted kennel cough so I am in for a fun time!

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by Caro

Monday 24 Oct 06:35

10 votes cast for the re-wiring

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by Caro

Friday 07 Oct 18:44

Just a mention to Daybreaks please check the serial numbers of the new £5.00's being donated for the re wiring fund raising if they start AA001 collectors are paying more than the face value as they are the first printed batch.

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by Caro

Monday 12 Sep 20:00

Well we had an interesting walk at the weekend it should have been a quiet walk but we stumbled upon a War of the Roses battle enactment! To say that Jed and Lottie didn't appreciate the cannon is an under statement!

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by Caro

Sunday 14 Aug 21:16

Well poor Jed has been in the wars, first the vets thinks he had some sort of allergy attack which meant uncontrolled hiccuping, prescribed Piriton and warned it could make him sleepy!!! For those who know Jed he couldn't get more sleepy!! Sadly we missed the Stratford fund raiser which we were looking forward to. Now he manages to hurt himself getting off the sofa too quickly for his breakfast so is now limping on his left hind leg and to make matters worse Lottie barrels into his right hind whilst having zoomies in the garden this afternoon, you could not make this up if you tried!

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by Caro

Tuesday 02 Aug 22:57

Well one half of the intrepid duo, namely Jed came in from the garden looking really pleased with himself, I am sure he thought he smelt divine covered in fox poo, I could not agree. So half an hour later I have one very fluffy greyhound who is also sporting Lottie's spare collar, pink with daisies as I could not find his, that will teach him street cred and manhood in tatters!

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by Caro

Tuesday 07 Jun 18:40

Well Jed and Lottie the "intrepid duo" have spent their first afternoon visiting a local care home, they have been up two flights of stairs and even came down in the lift! They are both exhausted this evening having been thoroughly patted and fussed over. Afterwards I took them to the local pet shop for treats, Lottie still seems to think this shop is self service! I know I have said this before but these hounds are so adaptable when you consider Jed did over a 120 races and how he now calmly walks through a nursing home and greets really in some cases quite fragile residents. For anyone considering a greyhound as a pet for the first time I canmot recommend them enough they really are gentle souls.

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by Caro

Sunday 08 May 22:11

Jed and Lottie spent a lovely day at Evesham Country Park both are now absolutely shattered!

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by Caro

Thursday 05 May 18:35

Well Jed is obviously fed up with the food on offer and decided to source his own on the menu wood pigeon complete with feathers! Yes folks Jed not Lottie! On the Lottie front she is currently patrolling the fence where she saw a hedgehog last night convinced it's still there waiting for her.

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 21 Apr 16:19

Don't some people know it's the law to have all dogs on leads now where we live like you people let their dogs run wild when there's trouble they try to blame the other people not right we are having notices up to say dogs should be on leads take heed hope these go up all over the place x

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by NMD07

Thursday 21 Apr 11:15

Wendy, must agree with every word. The worst owners are the ones that aren't even in sight when their dog comes running up - like you then holding on to two strong dogs is not always easy. As you know like Jed, Archive is very calm but he will believe that Breeze and I need protecting. I have found that if I shout to the unseen owner not in a angry way but just to let them know that a little help might be useful !!! Archive really starts then with the barking, which makes the other owner believe that he is aggressive. Why do they think shouting "oh hes friendly will make it ok" ?. Xxx

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by TJ

Thursday 21 Apr 10:45

Hi Caro, rant away! Similar thing happened to us last week, when walking our two along Hollywood Lane, when an 'off lead' collie on the opposite footpath spotted our girls and decided that Brae looked 'fair game'. It all happened in slow motion and how that dog didn't meet it's maker is a miracle, it was just feet from being hit by a moving car as it raced across the road. The stupid, foul mouthed female owner somehow thought it was our fault when John bellowed at her to "get that dog on a lead"; she got her phone out to take our photo and report us (to whom I'm not quite sure) and then promptly shouted over the traffic for us to F*** Off!!! There are numpties all around us and there's me thinking it was illegal to have a dog off lead in a public space! Hope Jed is okay. Tx

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by Caro

Thursday 21 Apr 09:24

Why do some owners think it is perfectly acceptable to let their dogs come running at full speed to my dogs who are on their leads without any attempt to recall them, they don't know whether my dogs are friendly. Jed is one of the calmest dogs you are ever likely to meet, doing awareness days and fund raisers but even he reacted. If one of my dogs had bitten who would they have blamed! Sorry rant over it just makes me so cross.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 Apr 22:38

Wishing Jed a very Happy Birthday! Xxx

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by TJ

Thursday 14 Apr 19:34

Happy Birthday Jed, trust that you've been truly spoilt today by Mom & Lottie. Big hugs, xxxx

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by Caro

Thursday 14 Apr 07:40

Oh and meant to say that despite now being 8 Jed still has hardly any grey hairs I wish I knew his secret!!!!!

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by Caro

Thursday 14 Apr 07:39

Happy birthday my beautiful Jed.

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by Caro

Sunday 10 Apr 07:21

Well Jed's corn has been removed and he has also had his back, stifle and hocks x-rayed all show no arthritis or in fact any joint degeneration at all so the limping was just down to the corn. For those who know Jed it's hard to believe that he had a racing history as he is so quiet, however now the corn is off the speedy version has materialized, the vet wanted me to keep his plastic boot on whilst in the garden, well no chance it's gone flying in the air at least 5 times so far!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 30 Mar 19:05

We Jed's limping is down to a corn so both Jed and Lottie are going in next Thursday, 'job lot'! I was concerned about Lottie going in for her dental as I know she would get stressed feel more relaxed now knowing they are going in together, going to seem really odd having a house with no dogs.

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by Caro

Saturday 05 Mar 14:44

Well for those of you who know Jed it's time to log another 'incident' this time the master has managed to tear another dew claw off add this to his aggravated back injury and he currently only has two good legs!! Bubble wrap suit has been broken out of storage yet again!!! As I have said before Jed I love you dearly, but REALLY!!!!!! This latest injury must have happened whilst in the house as he was sound coming back from his walk, and for those of you who know Jed's speed, or lack of it it's surprising how he managed to completely remove it with not even any blood!! I now have one very sorry looking and slightly grumpy hound. Lottie I am sure is laughing at him as she does high speed passing, fast turns and emergency stops with not so much as a chipped nail!!

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by Caro

Tuesday 16 Feb 16:52

I'ved cracked it, open up the conservatory doors, let Jed have his tatty old sofa for the day and he leaves my possessions alone, strange dog!!!! I had only left the doors closed because I thought it was too cold at the moment.

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by Caro

Monday 08 Feb 19:46

Well Jed's latest escapade is to help me with my paperwork by arranging it in pieces on the floor. Squeaky Sid the snake didn't work back to the drawing board! I am sure someone switched dogs between house moves!!!

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by Caro

Saturday 06 Feb 21:33

Well I have bought Jed a squeaky snake toy in an attempt to get him to leave everything else alone! He has never really played with toys but guess what he loves the snake has someone swapped dogs between house moves I wonder!

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by lovegreys

Wednesday 03 Feb 15:30

Wendy, I know just how you feel. We have had two moves in the space of a year and Lilah has gained a little more 'confidence' with each one. She has been most helpful; insisting on helping with unpacking the boxes and repositioning the tea-towels (a very important job, she tells me). We have had to re cat-train each time, especially on this occasion as Oscar has decided, after thirteen years, to become an 'indoors only' cat. His new favourite hobby is sitting half way up the stairs teasing Lilah! (she has been a star with learning to ignore him - again). Lilah's new favourite hobby is sitting guard at the bottom of the garden watching the 'passers by'. As a greyhound who can actually 'sit' she looks rather like a beautiful garden ornament. Life here in the Dorset countryside is lovely,(I think Lilah and Oscar would agree) but we miss our friends and the hounds at Daybreaks. Hope you are settling well in your new home and that Jed is recovering from his recent injury x

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by Caro

Monday 01 Feb 18:57

Well my iPad charger is the next casualty on Jed's hit list found on the lounge floor with chew marks, can I have the old Jed back please! Only joking he has also rolled in something really disgusting by the smell!

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by DuleekDandy

Saturday 30 Jan 23:08

Seeing you more relaxed??

by Caro

Friday 29 Jan 22:33

Well it's only taken two years and a house move but Jed has found my bed! I have caught him on it three times this evening! What is it about this house move that has brought out his cheeky side

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by Caro

Monday 25 Jan 20:46

Well the books have had to be relocated Jed has definitely developed a book fetish! He seems to prefer thrillers!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 24 Jan 21:20

Oops! Sure they were just trying to improve their reading! Xxx

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by Caro

Sunday 24 Jan 21:12

Well moved house and both hounds settled really well, unpacked my books today and left the intrepid duo alone for about half an hour and guess what I now have about six books with no covers and various pages scattered over the floor! Jed looking guilty and Lottie with an expression "he made me do it!"

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by TJ

Sunday 17 Jan 19:43

Oh Jed, we're sending you huge thought cuddles my lovely for a speedy recovery for your poorly back. xxxx

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by Caro

Sunday 17 Jan 18:14

Jed has we think agrrivated an old racing injury to his back he is now on reducing Metacam doses and at the moment is still sound. I didn't think I would push things by bringing him on the walk today. I have also started him on Green Lipped Mussel which has been recommended hopefully we will be on the next one. Seen you all soon.

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by Alan&Paddy

Sunday 17 Jan 15:36

How are you getting on Jed? We were wondering if you were getting better now. We hope you have recovered xx

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by NMD07

Thursday 31 Dec 18:22

Sorry to hear Jed is not a well boy, Much love to all 3 of you. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 30 Dec 20:41

So sorry to hear Jed is not well. Do hope he will feel better soon. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 30 Dec 19:33

I unfortunately spoke too soon have a very poorly Jed. It would appear that his lameness was not as first thought a corn but has now been isolated to his back lumbar sacral and could be an old racing injury. At the moment he is non weight bearing on his left hind, dosed up on a pain killer which has sent him on some sort of 'trip' he is completely spaced out and anti inflammatory's. If no improvement then an X-ray next week. Really worried about my lad.

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by Caro

Sunday 27 Dec 16:01

Well Jed is continuing to improve he is now sporting a lovely 'pink' bandage which is doing his manly image no favours! Unfortunately he seems to have acquired quite a liking for the cat food and the return to soft dog food is somewhat of a let down, he went into protest mode this morning also leading his partner in crime Lottie to come to the same view! I have a feeling they both may have a different opinion at tea time judging by the tummy rumbles!

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 24 Dec 22:35

We are very sorry to hear you hasn't been very well,poor Jed. We hope you soon start to pick up and can enjoy Christmas dinner. Paddy and Ele sends you bestest noze snuffles xx

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by NMD07

Thursday 24 Dec 12:39

Poor Jed, hope he is feelig better soon. I also feed my to a white fish when they are feeling off, but Breeze has a sensitive tummy so they have a lot of fish. much love to you all. XXX

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by Caro

Thursday 24 Dec 11:54

Just back from the vets, Jed has had additional injectable pain relief as I couldn't get any medication into him. We have tried him on feline id tinned meat, yes feline!! Hay presto my lad starting eating yay. Foot has also been rebandaged and we over came the problem of a dressing change on Boxing day as fortunately my friend coming over for the day is a veterinary nurse so left the vets with a bag full of bandages and dressings for my friend to earn her meal! Vet explained that the roots were very difficult to get out and he wasn't surprised at how poorly Jed was. He seems brighter today so fingers crossed he will continue to improve.

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by Melysa

Thursday 24 Dec 08:45

Big hugs, Wendy x

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by Gracie'smum

Thursday 24 Dec 08:43

Hi Caro, When Wiz had a couple of teeth out recently he managed some cooked cod well checked for bones x

by Caro

Thursday 24 Dec 07:45

Cannot get Jed to eat or drink anything back to the vets this morning. Tried him on rice and scrambled egg any suggestions would be appreciated.

by DuleekDandy

Thursday 24 Dec 00:07

Oh no......stressful enough without all that!!
Sending healing thoughts for Jed and a HUGE hug for you Wendy xxx

by TJ

Wednesday 23 Dec 23:05

Hope you're soon feeling much better Jed. Sending cuddles to you and your Mom. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Dec 21:56

Oh dear, poor Jed. Do hope he is doing ok tonight. Xxx

by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 23 Dec 20:18

Oh stressful for you all We all know exactly what it's like when our babies have to go and stay with the vet I hope he's safely back home with you now enjoying his usual home comforts and you can wind down ! Have a big glass of something lol Hugs to you all x x

by Caro

Wednesday 23 Dec 15:58

Had an absolute nightmare with Jed. Took him in at 9.00 checked that there was only a cat spay on the op list ahead of him told the nurse he gets stressed at the vets and I would collect as soon as he was ready. Rang at 1.30 to be told they were just starting him I asked had there been emergencies only to be told no just "stuff"!! Rang again at 3.00 to be told still on the table call back again at 3.45!! Only just found out that he is now recovering but cannot collect him until 5.30!! Really upset sorry for the rant had to let off steam with people who would understand the day I have had.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 22 Dec 21:35

Happy Gotcha day to Jed! Hope all goes well with his dental tomorrow. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 22 Dec 18:48

Happy gotcha day Jed. Hope you have a supa day. Luv from Paddy and Ele xx

by Caro

Tuesday 22 Dec 09:47

Happy second gotcha day Jed!

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by Caro

Monday 21 Dec 21:48

Well tomorrow is Jed's second gotcha day I can't believe it's been two years. I will be really glad when I have got him back from his dental in Wed's I can then look forward to Christmas.

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by Caro

Friday 18 Dec 07:09

Jed and Lottie did a visit to a care home yesterday and were brilliant and I think the residents loved it. I find it amazing how these dogs adapt to everything from the race track to walking calmly through a care home

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Dec 21:24

Sorry to hear Jed has to have a dental next week. :( How did his visit to the care home go? Xxx

by Caro

Thursday 17 Dec 18:27

My poor Jed has to have a dental next Weds and have two of his big molars removed, hate the thought and really worried about it.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Dec 20:12

Good luck to Jed on his first outing to meet the residents of the care home on Thursday...sure they will absolutely love him. Xxx

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by Caro

Monday 14 Dec 17:36

Well Jed has a big day on Thurs he is off for his first unofficial pet as therapy dog to a local residential home one that my mum stayed in a few years ago. I haven't volunteered Lottie yet might see how Jed handles it first!

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by Caro

Saturday 21 Nov 15:25

Well they say that having a greyhound means never a dull moment. I broke out the intrepid duo's lovely super warm coats this morning they are the ones that fasten through the front legs and over the back. Jed decided that he didn't like this and for those of you old enough to remember the children's programme The Wooden Tops Jed was walking like Spotty Dog! Hilarious he kept it up for about 30 mins until he realized that I wasn't going to take the coat off.

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by Caro

Sunday 01 Nov 08:29

A bit of advice please. Jed is starting to bully Lottie over beds, he keeps making her get of what is her bed and lying on it himself it seems to just to make a point, sometimes poor Lottie just ends up lying on the floor, I have put more beds out now to try and resolve the situation. Is it better to just allow them any bed rather than having one of their own? Lottie doesn't seem to have the confidence to just take his bed when he is being like this. Jed knows he is in the wrong because he scuttles of the bed as soon as I tell him off!

by Caro

Friday 16 Oct 20:53

Well guess where we ended up today when someone managed to stumble over an apple in the orchard and partially remove his claw!! Yep I feel it's time to unpack the bubble wrap suit again.

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by Caro

Sunday 11 Oct 18:55

Jed managed two fourth places at the show we all had a lovely time many thanks to the organizers and to Scott Billings who very kindly showed Jed for me whilst I took part with Lottie.

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by Caro

Wednesday 16 Sep 18:22

Well Jed has literally had a light bulb moment! I found the card wrapper off a light bulb cover in shreds and the (thankfully) un broken bulb in his bed!! Cheeky monkey!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 09 Sep 20:31

No injuries to any of us but probably hilarious to anyone who saw us!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 09 Sep 18:22

No for once no vet involved!!

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 09 Sep 17:43

…..or the A&E Department! Mand x

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by TJ

Wednesday 09 Sep 14:29

Hi Caro, please tell us this morning's mishap didn't result in another trip to the vet?!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 09 Sep 06:49

Well it was an interesting walk this morning Jed gets his foot caught in his lead as we go through a self closing gate. The gate hits me in the rear whilst I am freeing Jed and Lottie who is through the gate sees a cat! Picture the scene folks!!

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by Caro

Sunday 16 Aug 20:59

Well it's been a different weekend on 'poo patrol'! Jed seems ok we have another appointment at the vets on Monday a conscious X-ray on Saturday didn't show any abnormalities!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 15 Aug 20:40

Hope all is ok with Jed...Xxx

by Caro

Friday 14 Aug 19:02

One of my hounds has consumed the hard plastic cover to a biro pen, I suspect Jed as the remains were on his bed. I now have to play an awful waiting game, if he is sick in the next few hours then a dash to the vet or possibly a trip in the next day or so! Now going to have a worrying few hours!!

by Caro

Friday 07 Aug 16:35

Well it appears Jed has taken up reading again, left him along with Lottie in the lounge whilst we sorted some plumbing out in the rest of the house, result three chewed paperbacks and a photo frame!!! Definitely Jed looking very guilty!!!

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by Caro

Saturday 25 Jul 22:01

I have two very confused hounds they have just seen a pol cat in the back garden and are now patrolling the conservatory!!!

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by Caro

Friday 10 Jul 20:27

Well I have told Jed that he needs to put his running shoes on for Vince on Sunday, however I have a feeling that when the lead comes off he is just going to smell the grass!! Sorry Vince but I don't think you will need a particularly fast shutter speed to catch this chap in action!

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by Caro

Friday 10 Jul 20:22

I tend to do a lot of thinking when I am out walking Jed and Lottie and for those who don't know my two they are completely different Jed is as chilled as it's possible to be and Lottie more bouncy which set me thinking. It is easy to walk pass the dogs that might not come up to the kennel bars for a cuddle and who are not really waggy tailed, but please prospective owners don't over look these dogs. I cannot say how glad I am that i didn't with Jed because he is a really stunning dog, incredibly loyal, an absolute joy to walk, brilliant will all breeds of dog and yes he does like his cuddles. Please if you go to the kennels and see a dog like Jed who doesn't come forward spend a little time with them don't dismiss them you could be missing out on having a wonderful companion.

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by Caro

Monday 06 Jul 18:48

Well Jed is keeping to his accident prone career, he managed to fall out of the car when we got home from Hatton, I think Lottie stepped on his lead as he was leaving the car! Lottie also seems to be learning from the master she managed to put her leg down the gap between the seats, so I have one dog limping on his left leg and another limping on her right. Hopefully they will be sound before their photo shoot on Sunday!! Never a dull moment!

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by Caro

Saturday 20 Jun 14:45

Well had an interesting walk this morning. Our golfers have a match on today so there were white notices on the tees which Jed decided he didn't like so he was growling at each one all nine of them and crab stepping round them, Lottie decided to walk behind me and tripped over my heels doing a nose dive into the fairway! Never a dull moment with my two!

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 02 Jun 19:56

Caro. They are as you come through the gate to kennels. Between main gate and gate by treatment wash room. Where the notice board originally was. Xx

by Caro

Tuesday 02 Jun 16:36

Does anyone know where the plaques on the memorial wall have gone, I went up to the kennels last week and noticed they were missing?

by NMD07

Friday 29 May 13:02

What a great mental picture of you running up and down watched by two houndies. Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 28 May 19:21

Well Jed and Lottie had a trip to investigate the new run, what a fabulous facility. Jed in true style decided that one run down its length was more than enough exercise and surprisingly Lottie was not far behind with just two lengths. I on the other hand had quite a lot of exercise running up and down trying to encourage two very reluctant hounds!

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by Alan&Paddy

Wednesday 13 May 21:54

Oh dear Jed,you remind us of our Ele! She manages to have accidents and ailments as a matter of routine,will have to tell you the grass seed story when we next see you,We were on first name terms with the vets at one stage as were there more than at home.Little miss accident prone we called her! ,Ele has had the same injury twice! Poor Jed I just hope he is putting on the sorrowful eyes routine. Paddy however is more like a rocket than a tank....everything at top speed including crashing into Ele lying on the decking!! xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 13 May 21:36

Oh dear the wars again Big hugs to you mate Some dogs are just born to be clumsy If mommy does resort to putting you in bubble wrap- take a selfie..we would love to see it ! Lol Hugs to Lottie too x x

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by Caro

Wednesday 13 May 20:19

Ok injury free run at an end, casualty one dew claw, one sorry looking greyhound. I would say normal service resumed. How on earth did Jed manage to have a long and quite successful racing career with legs like glass. I really will put him in a bubble wrap suit if he carries on like this. Why can't he be like Dotty Lottie who seems to be built like a Sherman Tank!

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by skinnyme

Saturday 02 May 22:42

Hi Caro, the new run will be up and running very soon, you will need to book, there will be an announcement about what you have to do so watch this space!

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by Caro

Saturday 02 May 21:19

Does anyone know when the run is likely to be open and if you need to book? I would love to see if my two have any recall at all!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 24 Apr 21:11

Well done to Jed...his own kind of housework! Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 24 Apr 10:47

Ha ha Love it ! They never stop making us laugh do they ! Love em all Bless um !!! Hugs to Jed x x

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by Caro

Friday 24 Apr 07:05

Well Jed has been helping the builder again, Alex had cleared up using a dustpan and had gone for a coffee break only to find on his return that Jed had taken the dustpan to his bed emptying the contents on his way! Priceless

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Apr 21:24

Hope Jed has had a lovely day...Happy Birthday! Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 14 Apr 19:20

Happy birthday jed 7 today hope you have had a lovely day beautiful boy love tinkers nanna and a big lick from tinker xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 14 Apr 17:41

Hiphip hooray...7 today ! Hope Lottie is being extra nice to you gorgeous Jed and you get lots of hugs and yummies for your Birthday x x

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 14 Apr 15:10

Happy birthday Jed,Ele and Paddy send their lives and hope you have a supa day xx

by TJ

Tuesday 14 Apr 13:29

Wishing you a lovely sunny 7th birthday Jed. Big hugs, xxxx

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 14 Apr 07:51

Happy Birthday lovely Jed. X

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by Caro

Tuesday 14 Apr 06:57

Happy Birthday Jed seven today, love you loads.

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by lovegreys

Monday 23 Mar 19:06

So pleased to hear this news - love and cuddles to Jed. X

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 23 Mar 18:56

Hi Jed,we are so pleased that your blood results came back normal.Hope to see you and Lottie soon.Best wishes Ele and Paddy xx

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by Caro

Monday 23 Mar 16:33

Just to let my fellow handlers from the Stratford weekend know that Jed's bloods came back 'normal for a greyhound' phew huge relief!!

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by Caro

Sunday 01 Mar 08:05

Jed has made a full recovery thank you I couldn't make Stratford due to work unfortunately!

by Alan&Paddy

Sunday 22 Feb 18:08

Hi Jed,we hope you are feeling better today. We missed you and your mommy yesterday at pets at home Stratford. Hope to see you soonest Paddy and Ele xx

by Caro

Saturday 21 Feb 08:09

Well I now have a hound on three and a half legs some improvement on yesterday. I could give Jed an Oscar for the "woe is me look" he has perfected this performance, the slightly averted downward gaze with the head at just the right angle and the two light chocolates looking at you - pure drama and guess what I fall for it every time - the biscuit consumption has tripled these last few days!! Who's the mug!! Jokes aside glad he is on the mend. Wishing all my fellow fund raisers a successful one at Pets At Home Stratford - pity I have to work. I would suggest you take the thermals with you!

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by NMD07

Friday 20 Feb 21:05

Poor lad hope your feeling better v v soon. Xxx

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by Caro

Friday 20 Feb 15:48

Alas no improvement so far. If Jed doesn't get better over the weekend then it's back to the vets for an X-ray.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Feb 23:34

Do hope Jed is feeling better today. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 19 Feb 21:35

How is your paw today? We hope your feeling better. Maybe a visit to Daybreaks to woo the ladies might help.Edwina(Annabelle) looks like a sweet thing who's looking for a dark handsome lad to whisk her away to a forever home xx

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by TJ

Thursday 19 Feb 19:17

Oh poor Jed, we hope that your paw is much better very soon. Big licks, Rosie Po & Brae xx

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by Alan&Paddy

Wednesday 18 Feb 19:55

Poor Jed,we hope he will be better soon.Greyhounds are such whimps when it comes to their paws. Paddy trod on Ele's paw the other day and the screams were deafening. Two minutes later she's running around xx

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by Caro

Wednesday 18 Feb 19:39

Well it was to good to last came home to a greyhound on three legs, he was fine this morning as he came to work with me, I think he banged his foot getting into the car this morning. Vet has said he could have a hair line fracture on pain relief for three days and if no better then X-ray! Have a very sorry looking hound!

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by Caro

Friday 06 Feb 19:52

Jed and I will be at Stratford tomorrow hopefully we will have another successful fund raiser we will both be wearing plenty of layers!

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by NMD07

Tuesday 03 Feb 10:14

At least 2 of us drive micras and fit two greys in. !!! Xxx

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by crackercharlieX

Monday 02 Feb 20:49

Hi, sorry u didn't get the chance to take Rosie! I don't know what happened there! You could also maybe look at cadbury n Laddie, 2 lovely lads who have both been returned n have spent time in the kitchen with my 2 non grey boys n where both great n very chilled! I'm sure u will have a new friend for Jed very soon! Good luck! X

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Tuesday 27 Jan 21:00

OMD OMD OMD CITINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by NMD07

Tuesday 27 Jan 18:21

So you are really doing it, !!!! Kizzie is pretty to. Do you want a girlie or are you leaving Jed to make you your mind? I think greys might be addictive how I feel and reading comments on here. We cant make the feb walk cos of a work thing but hope to see your little family in march. Best of luck. Xxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 27 Jan 12:40

Going to see Rosie on Sunday if she hasn't been homed before this, but I am keeping an open mind the ultimate decision will be Jed's

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by Melysa

Monday 26 Jan 23:34

Oh Wendy, I knew you would! We never, ever wanted 2, but they have lived all their lives with other greys & Sam & I saw that Charlie really did appreciate that other grey company, even though he loved being with us! We introduced Charlie to Ash at the corner of our road & then walked them into our home together & luckily they took to each other straight away. When Ash was away the house actually felt empty with only 1 & so did the walks! You & Jed will know the right one for you, but I think Tommo is lovely & is the same age as Jed. I really think another will bring Jed out even more too! You can't beat the greeting of 2 as well! Just take it steady & take the new one out on walks, then on days out with Jed, then a trial maybe. Looking forward to seeing you guys again on the next walk with Charlie Mouse too & sorry Jed was off his food for a while before! x

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by NMD07

Monday 26 Jan 22:36

So glad you have decided to get Jed a friend, We think the best thing we have done for Archive was bringing Breeze in. We met Breeze on a road show and took Archive to meet her, and had her on 4 week trial. Thinking that 1/2 hour at daybreaks in a run and a walk up the lane with Ruth wasnt much time for them to get to know each other. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 26 Jan 22:18

Its best to let Jed decide,sure he will let you know in his own way. Don't think it matters if its a boy or girl although I believe they are kennelled boy and girl during racing. Good luck,think Rosie is a little stunner. Try walking her with Jed and see how it goes. Paddy sends his best nose snuffles xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 26 Jan 22:15

Jed...please come and meet the current residents at Daybreaks, you might just find the perfect brother or sister! I have to say Rosie is an incredibly sweet little girl and would really benefit from having a lovely big brother like you! Xxx

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by TJ

Monday 26 Jan 22:02

Hey Jed, get yourself down to Daybreaks and choose yourself a little buddy. There are sooooo many beauties there at the moment, you'll be spoilt for choice! Bet you'll make a great big brother. xxxx

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by skinnyme

Monday 26 Jan 20:27

I have 8 greys, 3 boys and 5 girls, they all get on fine, I think Jed will choose who he wants! And you go with your gut feeling. Best thing to do is pop to kennels with Jed and see who he gets on with. X

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by Caro

Monday 26 Jan 20:17

Ok some advice please,as some of you know I have been seriously considering a companion for Jed, some of you may even have bets on how long I can hold out! So very nearly succumbed but fortunately Paddypaws found a wonderful home! My question is do I look for one Of the opposite sex (tempted by little Rosie!) or does it not make any difference and I let Jed decide, knowing Jed this could take an awfully long time as he doesn't do anything at speed, very odd I know for a greyhound you have to know him to appreciate this!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 20 Jan 10:22

Hi Wendy - I have just sent you an email. Sorry, I am not at the kennels until around the end of March but Kate is there to help with the smooth running of things :-)

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 19 Jan 21:42

It might be worth giving Daybreaks a ring tomorrow and have a chat with Ruth. It may be she can suggest a cause and remedy. We hope Jed will be back to his normal lovely self soon,we know how it can be a worry,if only he could tell you xx

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by rolohound

Monday 19 Jan 21:11

We have had the same thing with Rolo in the past. He didn't eat for about two weeks properly. He just refused everything. His kibble even if it was mixed with fish. We tried fish on its own, no joy, he also refused all biscuits & treats inc sausages. I contacted the suppliers of his food to see if they had changed the recipe but no, I even contacted the kennels he came from to see if they had had any kennel hounds do the same but no. I tried feeding him by hand but no. In the end I took him to our local vet who checked him over & said they could see nothing wrong with him and said he will eat when his hungry. He was fine in himself wanting to go for walks & to training but wouldn't eat the treats. We tried moving his bowl to a different location in the house as it was suggested he may have a fear or something may have happened which was causing him concern where he bowl was. Still no luck. Then someone bought a nature best wet food pack to training & we tried Rolo on it there. He eat it straight out of the packet. He did then promptly wee over his bed & my leg & the food smelt foul & was making me heave but it started his tastebuds going again. He then started eating small meals of burns with either the tray food or with raw mince. Then after buying a large bag of burns deciding he was now going to eat that he decided he preferred his old kibble if it had mince on it. So that is where we are today but he still goes through fazes of no wanting food. He needs a lot of encouragement to eat his meals. We were very worried too as Rolo is a slimmer greyhound but amazingly he did not lose very much weight at all whilst he was not eating. We think now in hindsight that maybe he was in pain through his neck or back as he was diagnosed shortly afterwards with a trapped nerve in his neck & spondalytis in the bottom of his spine. We take each day as it comes, feeding him up on good days & trying not to worry about the odd skipped meal. Not sure if this helps but hope Jed starts to enjoy food soon.

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by Caro

Monday 19 Jan 19:21

Really worried now Jed's barely eating anything at the moment have tried to keep him on Burns and not keep 'trying' him on different things in case he is holding out for something better but no joy he has only had half of a 100gm scoop today, refuses his favorite biscuits , will just about eat a few charcoal biscuits and that's about it. I gave in this eve and put some tuna in his food and he walked away from that too! Vet can't find anything wrong. Has anybody experienced this, it started when I went back to work after Christmas I am wondering if he has developed some sort of anxiety problem? His teeth are ok by the way.

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by Caro

Tuesday 13 Jan 22:00

Poor Jed failed to negotiate the turn into the kitchen at high speed this lunch time for his biscuit and collided with his food bowl and stand which in turn up ended his water bowl and stand as well. He was one sorry mess of greyhound covered in water. I have also just found out that Jed doesn't do snow and we have loads of it this evening the morning walk is going to be interesting.

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by Caro

Saturday 10 Jan 15:40

Well nothing to report from the vets, temp norm,tummy norm, heart norm. I think just playing me up, got a small bag of Burns Sensitive mixed it with some of his old Burns put some sardines in Olive Oil and he inhaled it!!

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 09 Jan 22:21

I wouldn't worry too much about him.Ele can be fussy sometimes and won't eat much or nothing.He's probably sulking as your back at work but maybe just get the vet to check him over for peace of mind.They are just like having little kids sometimes,probably why we love them so much.Hope he's ok,Paddy sends his luvs xx

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by Caro

Friday 09 Jan 20:48

Well tried Jed again with some tea and only put a few crumbs with two fat pilchards he's just wolfed it down so he may just have gone off the Burns typical bought a 15kg bag instead of a 7kg just before Christmas!!!

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by NMD07

Friday 09 Jan 20:10

Good idea to have him checked out, He has cheweda bit of plastic this week maybe given himself tummy ache? Or he could by sulking Breeze eats but Archive will stop if he thinks he has reason. Hope hes ok. XXX

by TJ

Friday 09 Jan 19:17

Hi Caro, so sorry to read that Jed is off his food and hope the vet visit tomorrow resolves the problem. You just wish they could speak to you and let you know what's wrong. Tx

by Tinker'sNan

Friday 09 Jan 19:06

Hi Jed this may sound silly but it may be that you have gone back to work tinker our grey did the same when our son went back after the Christmas holiday all we did was still put the food down just put it a bit latter then we used to if she didant eat it we would take away then made her wait till tea time if she's hungry she will eat it our soon got back into the routine he won't starf he will eat when his ready good luck tinkers nanna xx

by Caro

Friday 09 Jan 17:58

Some advice please Jed has been very picky with his food over the last week and has refused to eat his morning meal, there have been no changes in his diet over the Christmas break and he is on his usual Burns, he is now refusing to eat his evening meal, has gone off is favorite biscuit treat but will eat a dentastix so not a mouth problem and his charcoal biscuits. I have been working on the principle that a dog will not starve itself but I am now starting to waiver. Have booked an apt at vets tomorrow although he seems his usual self in every other way, has anyone else had this problem, I have been home for two weeks over Xmas and been back to work a week if this has any significance.

by Caro

Wednesday 07 Jan 17:47

Well Jed has been busy today whilst I have been at work. The count was one thermos lid (chewed), one cup for said thermos (chewed), one sandwich box (yes also chewed) and the TV remote (thankfully unchewed). I can only assume that the TV wasn't much good and he was going to have a picnic! Not sure I want to see too much of his cheeky side at this rate, don't you just love these hounds. His expression was priceless probably you would interpret it as " I have no idea mum how these got here" followed by wide eyed innocent look!

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by Caro

Thursday 01 Jan 19:43

So proud of Jed today had friends round with their dogs, one Jed knew a collie/lab and a little Boston terrier whom he had not met, as a precaution I put Jed's muzzle on (having eventually found it) but we soon all realized that it was not necessary. I now have one exhausted greyhound who is not used to partying! On the collecting front Jed managed to take my apron to his bed and the new bath mat I had just put down I do love this cheeky side of him that is emerging!

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by tiggersmum

Tuesday 30 Dec 18:52

Hi Caro, I like to see the last three ribs on my hounds, the other ribs should be covered and I can see the tip of their pinbones :) My Lucy has a line of muscle along her topline with a normal dip about a third of the way along her back :) J xx

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by Melysa

Tuesday 30 Dec 15:11

Hi Wendy! Don't worry, Ash is a really big dog, bigger than Charlie! I feed Charlie 2 cups of burns for breakfast, 1 for lunch & 2 for dinner & he has Yumega oil everyday for his coat! He also has occasional chews & bits of fish, chicken, bread or cheese sprinkled on his meals every now & then x

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by Caro

Tuesday 30 Dec 14:01

Having read the great news on Ash being up to 28 kilos I'm now a little worried Jed is only 28.7 and has always been around this weight, he. Is having said that small for a boy can anyone give me an indication as to what to monitor. I can feel his ribs if I run my hands along but they don't protrude and his pin bones are well covered. Any advice would be appreciated, he is on Burns with sardines added and does get plenty of treats.

by Caro

Wednesday 24 Dec 12:32

Merry Christmas to all the hard working Daybreaks team. Thank you for letting me have one of your wonderful hounds and becoming a member of the greyhound owning community which is fabulous.

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by Caro

Sunday 21 Dec 08:02

Well Jed's gotcha day has arrived I can't believe he has been with me twelve months, without doubt the best decision I have ever made. I have also made some lovely new friends as a result.

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by Caro

Friday 19 Dec 21:00

Well as we approach Jed's gotcha day this Sunday his rarely seen naughty side seems to be appearing! The count today is my lovely new wooly bobble hat is now minus it's bobble and a whole pack of foil food containers bitten and squashed!! Perhaps I should threaten to return him!! Only joking!

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 19 Dec 07:25

Jed Wes hinstructeds Muvva ons da sossij cukins *nods*

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by Caro

Thursday 18 Dec 22:19

Jed and I will be going to the Christmas walk see you all there, will be bringing a draw prize bought not home cooked you will all be relieved to know! Jed wants to know if the sausage lady will be there!!!

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by Caro

Friday 28 Nov 16:05

Well what a small world we live in Jed and I were sat in our favorite dog friendly pub in Leominster having lunch and the table next to me asked about Jed and where he came from they all knew about Daybreaks, Ruth and all the good work you do, they could not speak highly enough of you all, as can I keep up the good work.

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by Caro

Monday 24 Nov 18:38

Jed took a dislike to my furry winter hat today and took it to his bed and sat on it. I did think he gave me a funny look when I put it on my head before we went out for a walk!

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by Caro

Monday 17 Nov 18:58

Jed is much better thank you and ready to go to the Evesham awareness day next Sunday. I have also put in an application for Jed to become a PAT dog hope he passes the inspection!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 16 Nov 22:56

Sorry to hear Jed is not very well, wishing him a speedy recovery and sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Sunday 16 Nov 17:40

Hope Jed feels better very soon. X

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by Caro

Sunday 16 Nov 07:15

Unfortunately won't be at the Stratford walk today have a poorly Jed who must have eaten something that disagreed with him. Hope to see everyone next month.

by Caro

Thursday 13 Nov 10:13

Well Jed's cheeky side is definitely starting to show through, I have had workman in the house this morning and Jed managed to take a screwdriver and box of disposable gloves off to his bed without anyone noticing until they needed them!

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by Caro

Wednesday 12 Nov 08:52

Can anyone tell me when the first Stratford walk will be in 2015, I'm trying to do the work rota for next year and if I put myself on the wrong weekend I will miss them for the whole of next year, it's usually the third Sunday of the month so will it be on the 15th Mar or the 22nd as the first Sunday in March is actually on the 1st of March. Hopefully someone can tell me. Thanks

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by Caro

Wednesday 05 Nov 15:11

Jed now shines and smells lovely many thanks to Lorna for her care package.

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by Caro

Tuesday 04 Nov 09:08

Well we have been having very short walks hobbling on three legs dong the ministry of funny walks until we got caught out in the rain and then suddenly poorly paw wasn't so poorly anymore!!

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by SamA

Friday 31 Oct 20:31

Hi Caro - yes just had a look and every February, April, June, September and November is affected. I will put some links in a news item to help get to whats working, but you can use the up and down arrows on the left hand menu to see whats coming up. Or you can click on the calender items icon at the bottom of Octobers vie and this adds it to your email client (If you use something like outlook and possibly windows mail).

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by Caro

Friday 31 Oct 19:29

Is anyone else having problems scrolling onto the events calendar for next month? It keeps saying page not available.

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by Caro

Thursday 30 Oct 18:17

Well according to my vet Jed is officially clumsy and accident prone but he did say gorgeous so that sort of makes up for his comments. He has been dosed with an anti-inflammatory so he has a comfortable night, felt at home on my reserved seat in the waiting room, going to breakout the bubble wrap suit for Jed!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 29 Oct 21:43

Poor Jed, hope he is feeling better today. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 29 Oct 06:35

Jed recently had two blood tests as part of his becoming a blood donor so it's not auto immune, it may be he is just very accident prone or have brittle nails due to a previous dietary deficiency. He is feeling very sorry for himself at the moment.

by missfifi

Tuesday 28 Oct 16:39

Hi caro, two of my greys developed auto immune condition which meant they lost claws on a regular basis. Sometimes the blood loss was so bad on on one boy the wounds had to be cauterised. If it keeps happening it may be worth talking to your vet about it. I always used the willows when I lived in the midlands. My other greys rarely if ever lost a claw and daisydog hasn't as yet! Lots of salt water bathing of claw bed and then a few days for the nail bed to dry and start to heal. Salty hugs from us both at the seaside xx

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by Caro

Tuesday 28 Oct 14:08

Well our injury free run has come to an end, yet another claw torn off one of his hind paws, blood foot prints all over the house and a very sorry looking hound. I know everywhere Jed has been today literally by the foot prints. Jeddy I love you to bits but SOMETIMES!!!!!!

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 26 Oct 11:35

That's easy, just ask Emily. She'll tell you to just wake your hoomans up an hour earlier!!!!! Mand x

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by Caro

Sunday 26 Oct 06:29

Oh dear how do you explain that you haven't forgot breakfast or the morning walk but the clocks have changed!

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by Caro

Monday 06 Oct 06:53

Lie down protest this morning due to weather conditions! I won we still went for a walk now being submitted to filthy greyhound looks!

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by Caro

Saturday 04 Oct 18:24

Well I officially have a dog that does not do rain! We had the fastest walk ever this morning and a filthy look as if it was my fault! I wouldn't mind but he had a waterproof coat on so it was only his head and feet that were actually getting wet!

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by Caro

Thursday 02 Oct 19:22

Well Jed is still "normal" for a greyhound phew. They certainly know how to worry you.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Oct 21:59

Do hope all is well with Jed tomorrow...good luck with the sample collection! Xxx

by Melysa

Wednesday 01 Oct 19:30

Wishing u that luck! xx

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by Caro

Wednesday 01 Oct 19:08

Well off to the vets again tomorrow follow up blood sample to see if Jed is still normal for a greyhound or (hopefully not) rising creatinine indicating kidney issues! Deep joy have to get another wee sample!! Wish me luck!!

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by Caro

Friday 26 Sep 15:28

Spent the best part of half an hour looking for my torch this morning, eventually found on Jed's bed!!!

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by Caro

Tuesday 16 Sep 06:53

Just back from holiday early house awful, dirty etc. Jed decided to 'kill' the very fluffy decorative cushion on the sofa! Gave it a comb hopefully it won't be noticed!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 13 Sep 22:16

Love it! What a clever boy, fame at last! Xxx

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by Foggie

Saturday 13 Sep 19:25

We have the builder in at the moment and when we opened the door on his newly laid concrete there were huge doggie pawprints, by the size we suspect Duggie but he's keeping very quiet about it. xx

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by Caro

Thursday 11 Sep 20:20

We'll Jed decided to help the builder repairing the conservatory today by chewing up one of the skirting board pieces this evening hope it's not a vital piece!

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by Caro

Sunday 31 Aug 18:43

Had a lovely day at the BBQ many thanks to all the organizers. It was lovely to sit and chat with fellow grey owners and great to see two dogs reserved and on their way to new homes.

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by Caro

Thursday 28 Aug 20:25

Took Jed with me when I left my car for its MOT got back early and was allowed to wait in the hospitality section opposite to a spiral staircase, well the look of bewilderment on Jed's face as the people disappeared upstairs was priceless you could almost see the cogs in his brain saying I don't understand this he provided much amusement to everyone waiting

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by Caro

Wednesday 27 Aug 20:08

Marigolds found on Jeds bed again pity he couldn't help with the washing up!

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by NMD07

Friday 22 Aug 21:30

Busy day for Jed. Xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Aug 22:15

Bless him! Xxx :))

by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 21 Aug 20:06

Way to go Jed. I do so love a mischevious greyhound. Try for something more edible next time!!!!! Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 21 Aug 18:43

Well I know I said that Jed didn't do very much and was very chilled he seems to have taken your comments on board, two thermos flasks, two chewed lids, alarm clock and pair of rubber gloves on his bed this afternoon with a look on his face saying "nothing to do with me"!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Aug 21:48

So pleased for you and Jed! Great to hear he is "normal"! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 13 Aug 18:15

So glad that Jeds results were good. My only query is, is there any such thing as a NORMAL greyhound?????!!!!!! Xx

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by Hartstone

Wednesday 13 Aug 11:48

That is great News

by Caro

Wednesday 13 Aug 10:54

Woohoo Jed is normal, for a greyhound that is!!! No further blood tests required. Had great fun getting a wee sample this morning!!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 12 Aug 21:58

Do hope all goes well for Jed tomorrow. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 12 Aug 21:06

Hi Caro. Sincerely hope all is well with your georgeos Jed. Thinking of you both. Take care. Love to all. Jo xx

by DuleekDandy

Tuesday 12 Aug 20:50

Oh Caro :-( very sorry to hear this but good that they are investigating to see if there is a problem. Poor lad & poor you!
Bob & Orla send lots & lots of houndie xxxxxx

(Good luck with the sample!!)

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by Caro

Tuesday 12 Aug 19:03

Unfortunately my vet feels that the elevated levels warrant further investigation even allowing for greyhound bio chemistry. Apparently this is on the recommendation of the laboratory. So tomorrow I have to somehow get a wee sample from Jed!!! Really worried for my lad, he is certainly going to give me a lot of grey hairs.

by tiggersmum

Sunday 10 Aug 19:36

The other really serious thing to remind all vets is that greyhounds (and lurchers with a lot of greyhound in them) can't tolerate some anasthetics ... if vets don't know this they can use the wrong type and that can kill a grey. I always ask my vet if they know about greys needing special anasthetics so they can look after my hound properly.
I changed my vet when one of them said my greyhound had too much red blood corpuscles in her blood and would need to come into the surgery every 2 weeks to have some blood taken off to reduce this serious problem ... I had her checked by another greyhound-savvy vet and she was normal - for a greyhound!!!
If you have high liver and kidney readings can I recommend a really good vet boook by Dan Hamilton Called Homeopathic Care of Cats and DOgs - I used his advice and reduced my old lurcher's kidney function readings back into normal :) J x

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by Caro

Sunday 10 Aug 16:27

Thank you everyone for your bio chemistry information. Needless to say I have now read up on it and will be contacting my vet on Monday to find out exactly how elevated Jed's creatinine is (as I was told it was only slightly over) and if it is worth re testing as I only received the information from one of the veterinary nurses and don't really want to take him in again for what might be an unnecessary blood test. When you read the information on their blood chemistry it's hard to believe just how different they are and it does beg the question how many vets who don't see many greyhounds would actually be aware of the differences, no disrespect to my vets who have always been excellent but greyhounds are not common around where I live and you don't see that many of them.

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by muddypaws

Saturday 09 Aug 11:53

Maybe that explains why they have found cave drawings of them next to flying saucers that are thousands of years old.....makes you think...does'nt it ???? OMG...l think l've just entered The Twilight Zone !!!!!!!!!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 09 Aug 11:42

l have to agree with you DuleekDandy. Greyhounds body chemistry is so diverse from all other breeds. We have lost count over the years how many times we have been told over the years by vets, after a blood test,that our greys creatinine levels are slightly elevated. They also tend to have slightly lower protein levels than other breeds. lt is well worth the effort to study as much as you can about greyhound anatomy as they are complete freaks (l mean that in the nicest sense) where their physical and biological construction is concerned. l sometimes wonder if they are dogs....or if they have been beamed down from the Mother Ship.
l think ours certainly were. lol. X.

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 08 Aug 23:15

Oooops, pressed add too soon.....
Hope that it was just a blip & he's fine Caro ((xx))

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 08 Aug 23:14

I am sure your vets are experienced & know all about the differing bloodwork in Greys, but scroll down and have a look at Creatinine.

Greyhounds: .8 - 1.6
Other dogs: .0 - 1.0

Greyhound creatinines run higher than other breeds as a function of their large lean muscle mass. A study at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine found that 80% of retired greyhounds they sampled had creatinine values up to 1.6 times as high as the top of the standard reference range for "other dogs." As a lone finding, an "elevated creatinine" is not indicative of impending kidney failure. If the BUN and urinalysis are normal, so is the "elevated" creatinine.

I was told Bob had very low WBC (white blood cell count) but it was in fact quite normal - his was 3.5
Greyhound: 3.5 - 6.5
Other dog: 6.0 - 17.0

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Aug 21:33

So sorry to hear you have something else to worry about with Jed. Hope all will be well when he has the test again. Xxx

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by Caro

Friday 08 Aug 20:47

Volunteered Jed as a blood donor at my vets today, he had the routine blood test. Vet surgery phoned to say he has slightly elevated kidney results! He has to have another test in two weeks now worried sick! I am hoping he was just dehydrated at the time of the test fingers crossed.

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by Caro

Wednesday 06 Aug 21:59

Once again thank you everyone for your comments. I think I was just doubting myself a little. I like the comment "thinker" that does sum Jed up he watches the world go by at his own pace!

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 06 Aug 13:13

Hi Caro. Sorry to arrive late at the party, but I thought I'd add to what everyone else is saying too. We also have two Greys at home and just like Lola and Lena, they are totally different. Gent is my quiet boy; granted he loves his food, but he's not particularly interested in playing with toys and doesn't want to be cuddled - I say he's a 'thinker'. Emily on the other hand is a total cuddle-monster too, wants to be involved in whatever you're doing (all the time!!!!!) and often does the wall of death in our house when Daddy comes home from work! I guess if we'd had Emily first and then Gent, I may have wondered if he was unhappy as well. As everyone else says, like humans, they all have different personalities, some take longer to completely settle than others (I would say it was 12 months before Emily totally settled with us, whereas Gent seemed fine from day one). I can't deny though that while I was decorating a few weeks ago and our two went to my Mum and Dad's, I was more than a little put out when I popped over for a visit and neither of them could be bothered to even get up out of their beds when it was time for me to go!!!! What I had to tell myself was that they were happy, felt safe and secure and didn't feel the need to 'fly' from their environment and not that they were unhappy being with me. From your earlier messages, you sound like you're doing great, so don't be too hard on yourself, Jed may just need to take things at his own pace. Sounds like you've got a few suggestions involving training, which you may both enjoy together, but who knows, maybe you've just got a 'thinker' too! Mand x

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by LindaPaul

Monday 04 Aug 08:57

Hi Caro
we have 2 polar opposite greyhound girls, Lola & Lena. Lola is very waggy tailed and gets excited to see us when we have been out but her affection at other times is all on her terms. She's got a superb temperament though, and is a PAT dog.
Lena used to be much more reserved in the 'been out-return home' scenario, but in the evenings she is a total cuddle monster however she is a very keen, reactive, nervous dog when out walking.
I don't know if you've ever tried it, but some simple clicker training might be a way of further engaging Jed's channels of communication with you. Just simple things like hand targetting to start with. It's really lit up Lena and she wags her tail much more since we've been doing it, basically once they get the hang of it they can have a lot of fun. With Lena though, her tail wagging means she is thinking, processing information and usually that she wants something! There's lots of stuff on Youtube on clicker training (Paul found the kikopup ones good I believe). Lola was very slow to start with and couldn't be bothered, but we persevered and now she loves it too, almost to the point of going over the top! Just a thought.......
Linda, Paul Lola & Lena xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 02 Aug 18:16

I have had Sarah moo since november. I feed her and Stevie and do everything else for them. Their dad does nothing, yet when I get home Sarah will wag her tail a bit. When he gets in she goes nuts. Headbutting, kissing, jumping up and that lasts for about 10 minutes. So basically I get nothing. How does that work?????? But I have to say she loves her treats and toys, that is when Stevie is not on our bed with 2 honking ducks, 2 squeaky foxes, 1racoon and 2 snakes tbat have seen better days. Oh sorry and a Santa!!!!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 02 Aug 18:00

We used to have a big black grey named Jay. He never used to show any excitement, he vary rarely wagged his tail, if we wanted to fuss him...we had to get on the floor with him...and even then he was'nt keen.They are all so different. The fact that he did'nt look for you at Stratford could just be that he trusts you to come back for him. l don't think you should worry too much long as he is ok physically, maybe he just needs some stimulation, like a bit of playtime with a ball etc. l sometimes wish ours were more laid back !!! XXX

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by Caro

Saturday 02 Aug 14:53

Thank you everyone for your comments just needed a little reassurance. Jed has always been quiet and in a lot of ways is an ideal dog, he walks beautifully on the lead, good with all breeds, fine with children he meets just incredibly quiet. I think I was just comparing him to all the dogs I had been reading about on this site and was worried he was not 'happy' also my last dog Tess not a greyhound was the polar opposite and I have tried really hard not to fall into the trap of comparisons but I guess I have unfortunately. Once again thank you for the advice much appreciated.

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by NMD07

Saturday 02 Aug 13:02

Again as everyone says they are all different, I have two unknown to us when we met Breeze they are uncle and niece, but also chalk and cheese. Archive i think feels he is a proper grey , slightly aloof, maybe even standoffish. He is calm most of the time. Breeze on the other hand she is silly no other word, Archive had many races and was very fast if he gets excited its connected to this he may see something run on the TV and then try to find it behind TV or in the room, Breeze will just dash about with him she knows something must be going on but not what. Breeze will take their toys and drop them here and there Archive likes them in his toy box and tidies up after her. Saying this he will wag his tail when its walk time unless it is raining then he lies on his tail so cant see if tis wagging. We had Breeze last nov Archive we have had 2 years this month, i have lost count the times Breeze has split her tail wagging it usally when we come home Archive? Never.Does Jed have cuddle toys? Archive really likes having his cuddlies, often he will lie with one snuggled up against him. But shhh he has his macho big black greyhound thing to protect. Xxxx Hope some of this ramble has helped. Xxx

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by rolohound

Saturday 02 Aug 11:43

As others have said they are all different. For peace of mind it may be worth just having a check up with a vet. Rolo is very laid back & most of the time just wants to sleep in his own quiet corner. We have had him for 3 years now & he rarely gets excited with us. We sometimes get a wag of a tail at walk times but not always. He tends to get more excited with others than us. He almost turns into a different dog when he sees his old kennel hand Joy where he is trying to jump up barks growls for attention & bounces round in circles, something we have never managed to get him to do for us. He reacts sometimes like this for a few people at dog training but not us. He will play with toys at home but prefers to do this when we have left the room & no one can see him almost like he is embarrassed to be doing it. His favourite playtime is just before dinner time when he knows we will be in the kitchen sorting out his tea. It might be worth trying to attend a training class if possible as it will teach him to bond with you better & you might find he gets excited knowing where he is going every week. Ours look forward to weds nights for training. Hope you feel like you are his friend & you are both happy together soon.

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by Fay&JaysMom

Saturday 02 Aug 09:52

If his behaviour has altered alot it might be worth taking Jed to the vets for a check up to make sure he is okay. If he gets excited at the prospect of walks or food. ears up, wagging tail and running towards lead or food then I think he is okay. With our two Roxy is the live wire into everything but Jaylo is more laid back only getting up for walks, toilet breaks and food. Each greyhound is different.

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by DuleekDandy

Saturday 02 Aug 09:35

Oh Caro :-( Please don't feel that he's not happy with you. Just like us, they're all different. He may just be a bit of a quiet character.
As you know, I have Bob who is just like that.
When we were at the Show at Solihull last year, the gentleman with the clipboard by the rings commented: 'If there was an award for the most p'd off look, he'd win it!'

I always say Bob is more like a cat....a bit more aloof. All he's interested in is food & sleep....he's quite famous for his "drop 'n' snooze" as someone on facebook said!
He does like to be near me & have a cuddle when I'm sat on the sofa, but he's a bit like Jed in that I could leave him with someone & he wouldn't be bothered, whereas Orla would be.

As Sarah suggested, would he be interested in some toys? (Bob doesn't know how to play....he just gets them in the back of his jaws and 'kills' them in 3 seconds)

((xx)) PS Bob rarely gets all excited or wags his tail either, whereas Orla gets so excited she doesn't know what to do with I say, they're all different & he may just be a quiet character

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by Sarahphe

Friday 01 Aug 22:58

I dont know what to suggest to help but I am sure Jed is happy to have you, maybe he's a bit under the weather and not feeling his usual self? They are all individuals and some are quieter than others. Does he like toys? Squeeky things always cheer Jack up so maybe a few new treats will get him interested again x

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by Caro

Friday 01 Aug 19:55

How do you know if a greyhound is happy? I have had Jed since December and he is a lovely lad but very quiet. I read of the antics some of your greys get up too and worry that because Jed doesn't do any of these that he is not happy. He is eating and sleeping but I barely get a waggy tail these days it's like he has just switched off completely. I have taken him on the fund raisers at Stratford and he has behaved impeccably but for example when I left with a fellow owner to pack my car up prior to leaving he didn't even look for me. I am open to suggestions, I don't have the option of taking on another dog at the present time for company.

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by Caro

Thursday 31 Jul 19:20

So many red signs hope they turn green soon!

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by Caro

Sunday 29 Jun 12:14

Sorry to be missing the celebrations but I have to work this weekend and I'm on call as well. Hope you all have a lovely time.

by Caro

Thursday 26 Jun 14:17

Thanks for the comment I hope he heals quickly too! It's getting so that my friends think I'm having an affair with my vet due to the amount of 'accidents' Jed keeps having they don't believe me when I tell them that I have the most accident prone greyhound in the country who could injure himself on fresh air!!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 25 Jun 19:07

Od no....poor Jed! Are you sure he doesn't have shares in your veterinary practice?? Hope his latest injury heals quickly. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 25 Jun 18:56

Well we were using our reserved seat at the vets yet again. Jed I love you to bits really I do but sometimes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why oh why when you have opened up you nicely healed claw do you then feel the need to walk absolutely everywhere in the house!!! I suppose at least I know where you have been today literally!! One moping session, one happily fed greyhound and one yes still smitten greyhound owner later! I think I might try and find a large supply of bubble wrap for when Jed ventures outside again!!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 18 Jun 15:17

I was talking to a friend of mine who is a vet and he has advised me to get Jed's vaccination checked (I couldn't remember the name) to see if it contains the lastest strain four of Lepto as he is seeing dogs come in with Lepto who's vaccinations are up todate. Lepto is a disease that comes from rats urine and gets into the body through small nicks and cuts, so if you live in the country or your dog regularly goes near rivers, pools and ponds it may be worth checking with your vet.

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 13 Jun 12:34

Yeah, we've got one of those at home too - only works to her own agenda!! One day though, he'll decide he's sniffed all the grass and.....VROOOOOM!!! Mand x

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by Caro

Friday 13 Jun 12:04

Well finally found the courage to let Jed off the lead in our 8 acre field. I don't know quite what I was expecting at the very least he would brake into a run, possibly chase some of the rabbit's in the end he did NOTHING just carried on sniffing a particularly interesting blade of grass. So there we were at 5.30 this morning me running round the field shouting Jed and him stood looking rather confused and with that sort of expression on his face that just says "look what I have to put up with!" I suppose I should be grateful that I didn't have to spend two hours catching him but I do feel less guilty about not letting him off the lead sooner he obviously is not fussed about running!!

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by Caro

Sunday 08 Jun 18:56

Had a lovely day at Pets & Home Stratford with Jed always worth the journey, people are so friendly and generous. Jed even lay down on his mat this time instead of his usual habit of standing all day. See you all again on the 22nd!!

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by Caro

Monday 02 Jun 07:34

Well Jed had a really different evening yesterday we had an escaped pet pig on the park from a neighbouring property. No self respecting greyhound should have to turn pig herder but there we were trying to coral said pig with a little help until the farmer arrived! The expression on Jed's face was priceless!!!!

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by Caro

Wednesday 28 May 18:29

Now the tests prove Jed doesn't have malabsorption I am trying to get him off the REALLY expensive and now unecessary but highly palatable dog food my vet suggested. Burns doesn't seem as appealing to Jed as it used to even laced with pilchards and fresh chicken - guess what was left in the bowl all the Burns crumbs not a single piece of chicken or pilchard - who's being played here I wonder!!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 24 May 19:29

Great news to hear Jed is almost back to normal; a bubble wrap suit sounds like a very good idea! Xxx

by Caro

Saturday 24 May 18:38

Well Jed is nearly sound - hooray!!!! My friends have suggested that he be covered in bubble wrap next time we do any serious exercise just in case he damages something else!! I am sooooh relieved he is on the mend the last 14 days have been truly awful, its heart breaking to watch them when they are not well. Many thanks to everyone for their comments and support they were really appreciated. We hope to see everyone at the next grey hound walk and will be at Pets and Home Stratford for the next fund raiser.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 May 15:33

well lets hope its just his foot and nothing serious! xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 21 May 11:47

Vets decided not to xray and believe Jed's only problem is soreness around where his claw was removed. They have poked, prodded, manipulated his back, pelvis and hock with no pain response until you touch where his claw used to be. Such a relief, however the vet has said he needs to keep improving, but if he is still as sore next week then it will definitely be sedation and x-ray. I think my boy is being a little 'precious' and milking the sympathy vote for all its worth!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 21 May 08:06

Thinking of you and hope the vets can get Jed sorted...... xxxxx

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by TJ

Wednesday 21 May 08:06

Hi Jed, will be thinking of you when you visit the vet again today. I have my paws crossed that you are very soon trotting alongside your Mom. Big licks, Rosie Po xx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 May 08:04

Hope you get some results today so that Jed can get better. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Wednesday 21 May 06:09

Hope all goes well with Jed today. X

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by Melysa

Tuesday 20 May 22:31

Thinking of you both,
Melysa & Charlie Mouse X

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 20 May 21:10

So very sorry to hear that Jed is still struggling. It's bad enough to see your much loved hound when they are unwell but the very worst thing is the uncertainty and not knowing what is wrong. I always say it is much easier to deal with facts than speculation and the emotional turmoil it brings. When you get the a diagnosisyou have your facts and can then crack on with whatever treatment is needed, knowing you are helping your baby to get better. I'm keeping everything crossed that the xrays get you all to that point where you have answers you need and a way forward.
Your boy is incredibly gorgeous and his dad and our Lena's dad are brothers (which also makes him related to the lovely Bob - Duleek there a gene for higher than average vet visits?) so I've always admired him and am hoping to hear very soon that he is on the mend.
Fingers & paws crossed....Linda, Paul,Lola & Lena xxxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 20 May 20:22

Hoping all is well. Take care thinking of you all .xx jo

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 May 20:19

Really hope you get the answers you want tomorrow. Sending lots of love to Jed. Xxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 20 May 18:19

I just want my lovely boy back to normal and trotting at my side when we go for a walk, at the moment he is shuffling along behind me and it's heart breaking. Going for an xray tomorrow and hopefully some answers good or bad I just need to know.

by DuleekDandy

Monday 19 May 20:45

I am so sorry to hear of all Jed's he trying to take over Bob's record of most vet visits???

I know how stressful / worrying it is when they have something wrong with them (even worse when you don't know WHAT!) Hope that it can be worked out what his problem is - does he have a corn??
Sending lots of love from the 3 of us xxx

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by Caro

Monday 19 May 18:39

Jed improving a little bit but still very sore and lame, vet has suggested an xray on Weds if no significant improvement over the next 24 hours.

by Stormin

Saturday 17 May 23:09

Best wishes to Jed. Sorry he cant make the walk but he really is having tough time at the moment. Hope we see you both out and about again before too long.

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by Caro

Saturday 17 May 20:32

Wishing everyone a lovely walk at Stratford tomorrow, would love to be there however Jed has ruled himself out with the rabbit chasing escapade! At the moment he is feeling very sorry for himself and loaded up with pain killers, should things not improve by Monday we will be back to the vets (yet again) for an xray to see if there is anymore going on than a claw removal!

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by Melysa

Friday 16 May 10:07

Poor Jed! Yep, a glass of red always helps matters!! x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 15 May 20:20

Poor Jed....please give him a big cuddle from me. Xxx

by Caro

Thursday 15 May 18:02

Well Jed what can I say, I love you dearly but despair!! Yes we have ended up at the vets yet again folks! Unloading my shopping, Jed in the garden with me, chases a rabbit and partially takes off a claw on his R hind toe, this balances up the one he removed exactly the same way less than a month ago from his left, oh and not to forget the glass in the right front pad and the thorn in the L front pad! My vet suggested that I have my own reserved seat, which having consumed a medicinal glass of red wine seems a very good idea at the moment. Do Petplan suppy claim forms in pads I wonder???

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by Caro

Wednesday 14 May 19:57

Jed's last result came back normal, had a discussion with the vet and we are going to monitor his weight and treat with antibiotics should it become necessary, I cannot say how relieved I am. I can now look forward to taking him to Daybreaks on Friday for a pampering session with Laura and for me to have a cuddle with a few more lovely greys!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 12 May 21:38

Great news for Jed, do hope the last result is normal too! Xxx

by Caro

Monday 12 May 18:46

Well two of Jed's blood samples have come back normal - Phew!! The last one is for pancreatic function and the vet said she would be surprised if this one came back abnormal after the other two. I could have a greyhound with a bacterial overgrowth which can be treated with long term antibiotics. I will still be happy when the last result is in but I am certainly feeling more hopeful that I did last week.

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by TJ

Saturday 10 May 13:15

Hi Jed, so pleased to read that your paw is much better. My paws are crossed for good news from your blood test results. Big licks, Rosie Po xx

by Caro

Friday 09 May 19:57

Well Jed is back from the vets minus his bright pink foot bandage and everything has healed really well, alas no blood results yet so still on tender hooks, but at least one thing is sorted so we went for a celebration walk!! It was soooh good to be out walking again, I know it's only been 5 days but I really love my dog walking.

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by TJ

Thursday 08 May 20:54

Hi Jed, so pleased to read (via my Mom & Dad) that you're no longer limping and enjoying the delights of a varied menu! Will be thinking of you tomorrow when you see the vet again and will look out for your next update. Big licks, Rosie Po xx

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by Caro

Thursday 08 May 18:48

Well Jed is eating better than I am, he has sampled the delights of pasta, pilchards, tuna, I have even purchased him chicken (and I'm vegetarian!) Oh and he likes Brie!!! His poorly paw I think is on the mend he is not limping any more and the bandage comes off tomorrow. His mouth is still very sore but he is being incredibly brave! I just have to try and get some weight back on him and see what the blood results say they may be back tomorrow when we go to the vets, really really hope it's good news!!!

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 07 May 11:40

Next stop on the list of sick visits is the handsome Jed. Poor boy you are really having a tough time of it. He will cope well without the bad teeth but we are keeping everything crossed for his blood test results. In the bottom picture he looks so like our Lena (when we rehomed her at 3 not now as she is going grey!) and I have a soft spot for the black ones. Plenty of tlc for you Jed over the next few days. Lots of yummy sardines I expect. Get well soon xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Wednesday 07 May 08:29

Poor Jed ( you Caro!) Hope that he feels much better very soon & fingers crossed for the blood results. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 06 May 23:41

Do hope Jed will feel better tomorrow...Xxx

by Fairy

Tuesday 06 May 20:33

Oh dear Jed you are having a rotten time - fingers and toes crossed for a speedy recovery xx

by Caro

Tuesday 06 May 19:45

Well Jed is back from vets and feeling very sorry for himself and minus 22 teeth but has had a nice 'soft' tea of pasta and pilchards! His manly image is completely shot to bits by the 'lovely' pink bandage he is now sporting on his poorly paw! Just the dreaded blood results to wait for next week to see if we have a malabsorbtion problem have fingers and toes crossed we don't!

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by TJ

Tuesday 06 May 15:15

Oh blimey Jed, sending your big electronic hugs for a speedy recovery in all areas.

by Melysa

Tuesday 06 May 14:51

oh, poor Jed! Hope he's feeling better soon x

by Caro

Tuesday 06 May 14:09

Poor Jed not only a GA for a thorn in his pad, Vet telephoned to say most of his teeth also need to come out and that he has brittle nails which is indicating a nutritional deficiency add in blood test for possible mal-absorption and he's not having a very nice day - collecting him this evening poor lad.

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 05 May 22:31

So sorry to hear about Jed. hope he gets better soon :(

by Melysa

Monday 05 May 13:33

Thinking of you both x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 May 12:47

Do hope Jed is ok. Xxx

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by Stormin

Monday 05 May 12:19

So sorry to hear about poor Jed. Hope all goes well and he'll soon be fit and well again.

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by Caro

Monday 05 May 07:07

I have a very poorly greyhound this morning - complete non weight bearing on his left hind leg - trying to get an emergency appointment with my vet - really worried about him, he was a little lame over the last two days but I thought he had just pulled something as I couldn't see anything in his paw.

by Caro

Friday 02 May 12:08

Cannot make it to the Pets at Home Stratford next week due to work committments Jed and I will be thinking of you all and wishing the volunteers and their Greys a good fund raising day.

by Caro

Friday 02 May 12:06

Well what can I say Jed has yet again been mistaken for a Whippet!! I am thinking of getting him a racing jacket with "I'm a Greyhound" printed on it - poor lad!

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by Caro

Sunday 27 Apr 13:28

Jed's street reputation is in tatters second time in two weeks someone has thought he was a Whippet!(no offence to Whippets).

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by Caro

Monday 21 Apr 08:28

Poor Jed just when he thought he'd got a handle on everything he meets in the wood we 'run' into three deer this morning!!! I didn't think a greyhounds ears could be quite so vertical and for so long!!!!

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by Caro

Friday 18 Apr 08:48

Here's hoping that lots of lovely greys find their forever homes this Easter.

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by Caro

Tuesday 15 Apr 21:45

I never been stopped so many times when walking a dog by people who want to know about Jed - there is something about greyhounds and their character that seems to draw people, ended up giving one couple Daybreaks info, fingers crossed they seemed very interested!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Apr 21:49

Hope Jed has had a lovely Birthday. Xxx

by Caro

Monday 14 Apr 08:08

Jed's birthday today!! Don't think he appreciated my singing this morning!!

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by Caro

Thursday 10 Apr 19:04

Jed has now claimed the rug in the middle of the lounge as his and as soon as I go into the lounge he joins me staying all evening until our last walk. The difference in just four months is absolutely amazing.

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by Caro

Sunday 06 Apr 19:53

Jed now comes into the lounge most evenings with me can't say what an achievement this is and he did it all by himself. It's so fantastic to see how this beautiful lad has come out of his shell, learnt to trust and taken to home life.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 31 Mar 21:48

Sorry to hear Jed doesn't like thunder storms... Twiggy doesn't either. She sits on the sofa shaking and panting. It's hard to see them so upset isn't it? Xxx

by Caro

Monday 31 Mar 19:53

Oh dear Jed doesn't like thunder storms and we are in the middle of a bad one. I'm trying not to give him a cuddle or react to his behaviour hoping that he will calm down and realise it's nothing to be frightened of.

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by Caro

Saturday 29 Mar 19:20

Poor Jed managed to partially tear off one of his claws on his back foot this afternoon, the vet had to remove the rest, going for the sympathy vote big time at the moment but what a brave boy let the vet take off the remainder without so much as a whimper!

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by Caro

Thursday 27 Mar 13:35

So sorry Ruth to hear your sad news, it's always heart breaking when you have to say good bye, but take some comfort in knowing that you gave her the best 10 years of her life and you will always have your memories. Wendy & Jed

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by Caro

Monday 24 Mar 21:27

I think Jed is objecting to our early morning starts, found my alarm clock on his bed this evening, good job I saw it dread to think what would have happened if the alarm had gone off underneath him in the morning!!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 17 Mar 23:09

Well done to your lovely Jed. Xxx

by Caro

Monday 17 Mar 22:25

Jed came into the lounge and stayed, he lay down on the rug and snoozed away for at least an hour. I can't say what a milestone achievement this is up until now he has only popped his head round the door or come in and gone straight out again. So so proud of him tonight!!!

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by Caro

Sunday 16 Mar 15:35

Jed and I really enjoyed our first Stratford walk, I now have a very tired greyhound, particlarly as we also had an hour and half drive as well! Look forward to making it to many more. It was really nice to meet all the other grey owners such a lovely atmosphere

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by Caro

Wednesday 26 Feb 19:21

Can anyone give me directions to the Luddington entrance of the Stratford racecourse, Jed and I would like to come to the next walk. We will be coming from the Worcester direction.

by Minnie&Ted

Wednesday 12 Feb 18:40

I had the problem of not being able to her my husband over the sound of two greyhound squeaking toys so I bought the dog toys that they can hear but you can't called Hear Doggy they are fab they have a great time and I can now have a conversation with the family Have fun you could always use some ear plugs if it get too bad x

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by Caro

Tuesday 11 Feb 21:27

To everyone one who suggested a squeeky toy might encourage Jed to play a little - Jed says fantastic!! Wendy says thanks VERY MUCH!!!!!! Ha Ha no longer have a quiet house. There is always the chance he may lose it now and again I suppose (will a little outside help)!

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by Caro

Saturday 08 Feb 18:59

Jed and I both enjoyed our morning at Stratford and will certainly be back again we are going to try and make it to the Stratford walks as well. It was lovely meeting all the other grey owners as well. We will see you all again soon.

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by caroline&Fred

Saturday 08 Feb 15:17

Hi it was lovely to meet you and jed,such a good boy today at Stratford pets at Home, really good to see how happy he is. look forward to meeting you again love from Caroline Max Gracie and Shanti. xxxx

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by Caro

Saturday 25 Jan 21:01

Gave Jed a bath today, now have a very fluffy greyhound who is not impressed with me!!!

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by Caro

Saturday 28 Dec 20:25

Jed continues to amaze me, he has adapted to home life so well and taken in his stride things like hoovers, washing machines etc without any problems at all. He was not sure what to make of the ducks and the resident swans on our park but behaved beautifully. Cannot imagine life without him now and I've only had him a week!

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by Caro

Monday 23 Dec 20:38

Just to let you all know that Jed has settled really well in his new home and is an absolute delight.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 23 Dec 07:23

Ah Jed I am thrilled that you have found your own home so soon. Be happy handsome boy - all the best. xx

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by blueangel

Sunday 22 Dec 21:45

Well Jed i only met you once but have a happy life xxx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Sunday 22 Dec 12:31

just noticed jed is archie's (flicka) brother,well if jed is like archie you have a fantastic grey xx

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by wilf,archie&rosie

Sunday 22 Dec 12:24

wow that was quick,all the very best to you and your new family x

by Shanesmum

Friday 20 Dec 18:30

I meet the handsome Jed today, and what a beauty he is. Such a calm boy, he wasn't interested at all in the barking Labs at the farm this afternoon, just raised an ear on the way past. He trots along at your side just like a horse and is such a sweet boy. Fingers crossed for you gorgeous. xx

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 19 Dec 20:01

What a gorgeous boy, he has such lovely eyes!

by blueangel

Wednesday 18 Dec 19:16

what a lovely boy xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Dec 22:08

Jed is gorgeous, he has a beautiful face. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 16 Dec 07:22

Ooo! I thought this boy looked like a stunner, he is the brother of the fabulous Zac who we fostered at the beginning of the year - if he is anything like him he will be an absolute sweetheart. Can't wait to meet you handsome

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by blueangel

Sunday 15 Dec 23:03

What a sweet looking boy xxx

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by lovegreys

Sunday 15 Dec 21:56

What a gorgeous face Jed has - he looks such a soft and gentle boy. I look forward to the chance of meeting him this week.

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by NMD07

Sunday 15 Dec 20:38

Dont know if tis the photo but Jed looks vv BLACK!!!! Saying that he looks v sweet,got the cutie eyes. Xxx