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Racing Name
Westmead Isla
Date of birth
28 jan 2010
Ear mark


female, 14 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Tuesday 02 Jan

Isla has had 0 cuddles today (147 all together).
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by lovegreys

Friday 24 Apr 22:02

Remembering beautiful Isla. X

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by blueangel

Friday 24 Apr 20:52

Sending my cuddle to Isla at the bridge beautiful girl xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 23 Apr 21:22

Lots of love to you all...Kate Xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 23 Apr 18:10

Sending love to Isla at Rainbow Bridge. Hope she is running fast and free with all our other precious Bridge hounds. Xx

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by lisa1875

Thursday 23 Apr 05:37

To my beautiful girl, its been 4 weeks since we lost you and we miss you every day. We hope you have found your sister Milly over the bridge and that she is young and bouncy again so she can keep up with you. X We are so sad that you are not here with us anymore, your lovely photo book of memories has arrived this week and has made us cry and smile. Sully is looking after us though so don't you worry up there. He is being very patient with mommy being so over protective, he's not even allowed to look at a bee or wasp poor boy but he is marvellous and takes it all in his stride. We are very proud of all you achieved in your short life, you were brilliant. Sleep well Isla, good girl. Xxx

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by NMD07

Friday 27 Mar 22:32

Shocking. Thinking of all. XX

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 27 Mar 21:37

To lose a beloved hound is terrible and very hard to take.Even more so when you lose them in such tragic circumstances as with poor Isla. When we lost our first hound Don last August the pain of our loss was unbearable! We avoided our neighbours for a few weeks and could not mention his name without breaking down for sometime. Our friends did tell us the pain will ease with time and so it did but we still miss him. In time you will look back and cherish the memories you have of the good times secure in the knowledge you gave Isla a loving home xx

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by michelleandbertie

Friday 27 Mar 21:13

I am so very sorry for your loss, run free Isla, I also remember her well, she was so lucky to have had a lovely home, its just heart breaking that she was taken too soon.

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by PamD

Friday 27 Mar 20:39

This is such tragic news. My heart goes out to you, your family and

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by Tinker'sNan

Friday 27 Mar 20:37

I am so sorry to hear this sad news she was so lovely run free beautiful girl over rainbow bridge please give scally a big hug from me I am thinking of you all at this sad time xx

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by lovegreys

Friday 27 Mar 19:55

I have just read this sad news. So so sorry for Isla's family. Such a beautiful girl. Brian and I were so very fond of Isla. What a wonderful family she had. Our thoughts are with you. Xxxxx

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by susy

Friday 27 Mar 18:03

So sorry so see this news. Love to the family from Sylv, John & The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxx

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by MrsMuddypaws

Friday 27 Mar 17:11

So very sorry to hear the sad news about Isla. I remember her from kennels and such a beautiful girl. Run free at The Bridge sweet one. My thoughts are with your family having lost you. You have my cuddle today. XXXX

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by Melysa

Friday 27 Mar 16:02

So, so sorry, I remember her well x

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by LindaPaul

Friday 27 Mar 08:59

I can only imagine the pain you must be feeling. A precious girl tragically taken from you far, far too soon. My thoughts are with you all.
Run free beautiful Isla xx

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by blueangel

Friday 27 Mar 05:17

So so sorry Lisa and all the family its heartbreaking run free beautiful Isla with the Angels much love thinking of you all xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 26 Mar 22:17

So very, very sad to read the news about Isla. She was such a beautiful girl and I walked her many times when she was at Daybreaks. Sending you all loads of love. Run free Isla. Xx

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by Fairy

Thursday 26 Mar 21:59

So very, very sorry to hear this news. Isla was such a lovely girl and we were so pleased when she found her forever home. Sending lots of love and hugs to you Lisa, Sully and your family at this awful time. Mary, Champ and Surprise xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 26 Mar 21:22

So very very sorry for you loss. Love to you all. Run free precious sweetheart, run free. Xxxxx

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by missfifi

Thursday 26 Mar 20:13

How dreadful for Isla and all who loved her. Such an unexpected way to lose a beloved grey. Daisydog and I send many hugs. Run free forever Isla xx

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by mary/john

Thursday 26 Mar 20:12

I'm so sorry beautiful girl gone so soon run free...Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 26 Mar 20:03

Oh that is just awful! I'm so, so sorry to hear your news. Run free sweetheart. Sending love to you all. You are in our thoughts sending love and hugs. Xx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 26 Mar 19:59

Unbelievably sad. Your beautiful girl was one of our favourites.
We are both truly heartbroken for you all. Run Free little will be sadly missed by all who knew you. XXX.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 26 Mar 19:58

Dear Lisa, I am heartbroken for you all. Isla was such a lovely, vibrant and beautiful girl...and so very happy with you. so, so sorry. God Bless his sweetest little angel. Xxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 26 Mar 19:47

OMG such a shock for you all Your poor beautiful such a tragic way too Words cannot described how upset we feel for you all So sorry Hugs x x

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by Caro

Thursday 26 Mar 19:47

It's hard to lose any dog but to lose one so young and in such a manner is heart breaking biggest hugs to you all and Sully.

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by TJ

Thursday 26 Mar 19:27

This is just awful and our hearts go out to you All. Sending you the biggest electronic hugs possible at this sad, sad time. xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 26 Mar 19:21

I am devastated to read your news...... I cannot put into words how upset I am for you...... Sending you the biggest of hugs :-( run free precious girl - you have been taken too soon xxx

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by lisa1875

Thursday 26 Mar 19:09

I am completely heartbroken to say we have lost our beautiful, clever, sweet girl Isla suddenly today to what appears to have been a severe allergic reaction to being stung by a bee/wasp that she swallowed. I cant believe she s gone, we will miss her so much and were looking forward to many more years together. He new brother Sully will miss her loads too. We are so so sad and shocked, it has been an horrendous day :( xxx never lost a young dog before and the pain is unbearable. RIP my Isla pila xxx

by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 26 Mar 18:29

Thinking of you. >3

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Feb 21:45

Brilliant news for little Isla! So pleased for her...great to hear she is getting on with her new brother :)) Xxx

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by lisa1875

Monday 23 Feb 21:00

Histology has come back fine, nothing nasty just a type of warty growth. Phew. X Also Isla is proving to be quite a kind sister to her new brother Sully (paco) <3

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Feb 23:21

Great news to hear Isla is feeling better! Hope you get more good news from the Histolgoy. Xxxx

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by lisa1875

Thursday 19 Feb 20:35

Pleased to say that after a rough first night and wobbly day, Isla slept normally last night and is completely back to normal today, phew. Histology should take about a week but vet wasn't overly worried so fingers crossed xx

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by Snipe

Wednesday 18 Feb 18:17

Poor Isla. Hope it's nothing horrible !! Xx

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by TJ

Wednesday 18 Feb 13:27

Sending you BIG electronic cuddles today Isla and we all hope you feel much better very soon. Big licks, Roise Po & Brae xx

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by susy

Wednesday 18 Feb 11:28

Oh Isla how sorry to see this post. The New Icemaid Clan wish you and your lovely family all the very best xxxxxxxxx and of course better soon.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 18 Feb 00:08

Sending Isla a huge cuddle sorry to hear about her tongue. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 17 Feb 21:59

Love to Isla. Hope she will be feeling better soon. X

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by macca

Tuesday 17 Feb 19:35

Poor Isla! I hope she feels better very soon x

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 17 Feb 19:34

Poor Isla, her mouth must be very sore. Glad vet was happy with her though. Sending her hugs and hoping she feels losses better tomorrow. Xx

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by lisa1875

Tuesday 17 Feb 18:07

Isla is feeling rather sorry for herself tonight after being sedated and having a strange white lump and part of her tongue removed earlier. :( The vet was pleased with her though so hopefully she will feel better in the morning xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 21 Jan 22:50

Hi Lisa, great to hear how Isla is getting on...Xxx

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by lisa1875

Wednesday 21 Jan 22:26

A little Isla update for you, we are slowly weaning her off her crate, its still in the lounge but we no longer have to close the door at night she now choses if she is going to sleep in there, at the bottom of the stairs or on the landing depending on what mood she's in. She still relies on it for reassurance when we leave her in the daytime but again we are practising leaving it open when we leave her for a short time and she is coping well. I've just re read all off her comments and cant believe how far she has come. She really enjoyed the beginners obedience training course too and passed with flying colours. So proud of her. X

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 11 Sep 22:02

I agree, would love to have seen a photo of Isla rolling around in the sawdust! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 11 Sep 21:50

Oh Lisa. If only Vince was there, you would have had a fab photo. Lol x

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by lisa1875

Thursday 11 Sep 20:26

Note to self: don't leave a big bag of sawdust in the garden ready to put in the guineapigs cage then leave Isla out there too!!! She looked like she d had a great time shredding the bag, running around the garden with it, shaking sawdust everywhere, making a pile to dig in and rolling around in it !!!!! Should have taken a photo!!! She was a very good girl at her first dog training class on Tuesday though :) xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 Aug 22:23

Yippee! Well done little Isla...and well done Lisa for all your patience with her. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Thursday 14 Aug 13:00

Woo! After lots of practice, patience, chunks of cheese ( on every other step ) and encouragement Isla has finally mastered going down the stairs!! See you on 31st for the photo shoot xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Aug 21:43

This is just so lovely to read...Isla sounds such a happy girl! Great to hear she is one of the gang. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Saturday 02 Aug 08:37

Isla is doing well, loves being part of the family, I'm sure she can feel it's for good this time. She still wakes in the night sometimes and wants reassurance but I think we will get there eventually. The boys have set up tents in the garden to play in and she finds it highly amusing diving on top of these and sitting in them thinking she is one of the gang. I popped her 2nd leather lead on yesterday while she was in the garden and tied it to the table for 2 minutes just while we had the front and back doors open to carry some ladders through the house and before I knew it she d bitten straight through it again! Must remember to muzzle her ! lol. Thanks for all your help with Isla. We love her lots xxx

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by Melodysmum

Tuesday 29 Jul 13:30

I have to say this is one of the nicest re-homing photo's I've ever seen! The only smile to top that of Lisa's is Isla herself! She looks so happy. And after reading her history since retiring from racing, I can see why. She's a very lucky girl to have had the love and patience bestowed on her by her now forever family! Good luck to you all Xx

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by Spanner

Tuesday 29 Jul 12:52

Fantastic news. So pleased. Take care Gemma & Stanley and their humans.

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 29 Jul 11:41

So happy for you Isla x

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 29 Jul 08:27

Wishing you a wonderful life with your new family, Isla. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Jul 23:05

Sending Isla my cuddle tonight! Hope she sleeps well. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Monday 28 Jul 22:45

Isla happily jumped in the van, knew exactly where we were going, jumped out when we got home and carried on as normal as though she d never been gone. Has gone to sleep in her crate fine, fingers crossed she sleeps tonight. Xx

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by blueangel

Monday 28 Jul 22:16

WOW! look how happy Isla looks it brought tear to my eye have wonderful life Isla whic you have waited so long for be happy darling girl xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Jul 20:39

Isla was over the moon when Lisa and her family came to collect her today....she dived off her bed and threw herself at them! We were all so happy to see her go home for good; be happy lovely Isla and thank you Lisa. :)) Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 28 Jul 20:04

Great news!! Xx

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by helenanddave

Monday 28 Jul 19:07

isla, i am so happy for you. you have been so patient and now you have a lovely home. be happy little one. xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 28 Jul 17:13

Yay - a green sign for the lovely Isla, delighted for you sweetheart. Be so very happy. xx

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by EmilysQueen

Friday 25 Jul 18:17

Fantastic news well done Isla xxxx

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by Rachies

Thursday 24 Jul 10:42

So so pleased for Isla. I've been watching her for ages now and so glad that shes on her way to a loving home. Hope Liam is next...fingers crossed. Good Luck Isla xx

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by helenanddave

Monday 21 Jul 20:19

isla, just logged on after being away for a few days and am so happy to see that reserved sign up for you. well done little one. now we just need to find liam a lovely home as well. xx

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by lovegreys

Sunday 20 Jul 22:28

So happy for Isla and her family. X

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 20 Jul 07:09

Brilliant news! X

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 19 Jul 20:35

Yay go Lisa !!! You adopted her, im so happy and so is Alyssa, Hugh and Charlie. xxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 19 Jul 19:32


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by beryltheperil

Saturday 19 Jul 18:40

This has so made my day - as the homechecker for her last (short) homing I was so disappointed it didn't work out despite all the help offered. I am so so pleased, thank you so much.

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 19 Jul 17:36

Isla my sweetheart this is just fabulous news! You can have a little holiday with us, and then it's back home for good - yay. xx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 19 Jul 17:24

Well done Isla - so pleased for you x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 19 Jul 15:31

It gives me great pleasure to tell everyone Isla has been Reserved by her foster family! She is back at Daybreaks for a week as her family are away on holiday but they will be coming to get her as soon as they get back! happy for her. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 11 Jul 22:39

Oh Isla... I really wish someone would make your forever home come true, you have waited to long. You have been here since January :( x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 28 Jun 21:12

This is fantastic news! Xxx

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by lisa1875

Saturday 28 Jun 19:18

The crate is working really well for Isla . Settling to sleep much better and we leave the door open all day and she pops herself in and out when she wants a snooze. X

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 27 Jun 12:57

Well done Isla...we all knew you could do it! Really hope this is the turning point for her. Lisa, you and your family are fantastic for sticking with her and doing everything you can to help her, thank you so much. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Friday 27 Jun 09:27

Don't want to speak too soon again but after more unsettled nights Isla settled really well in her new crate last night and did not make a sound until nearly 6 this am, phew. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 26 Jun 19:35

Lisa I think a certain little girl loves you very much! Thank you so much for fostering her, she obviously thrives with you. Xx

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by lisa1875

Wednesday 25 Jun 20:51

Whilst sitting on the drive watching me do the weeding Isla has just casually chewed straight through her lead and sneaked up behind me! Not an escape attempt just wanted to be right next to me as usual. Cheeky hound! :)

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by blueangel

Monday 23 Jun 21:39

Isla so nice to hear your happy again you now need a forever home my darling wishing you all the luck in world xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Jun 20:52

Hope Isla had a better night last night. She is a very smart girl! Xxx

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by lisa1875

Sunday 22 Jun 22:30

Isla had unsettled nights again Friday and Saturday but has had a lovely day out at Stratford park today having a picnic, snoozing in the shade and she even had a go on the river ferry :) she is a quick learner and keen to please, she lies down on command now and bows and waits for food. Clever girl. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 20 Jun 10:54

Hi Lisa, great to hear Isla is settling again with you....especially happy to hear "the boys" are pleased to have her back. Keeping everything crossed you get your wish! Xxx

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by lisa1875

Friday 20 Jun 10:47

Also she looks beautiful after her bath and pamper session at daybreaks, had lots of people comment on her glossy coat. thank you xx

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by lisa1875

Friday 20 Jun 08:54

After 2 very unsettled nights ( to be expected ) Isla only moaned for about 30 seconds last night when put to bed, slept quietly in her t shirt all night and was calmly pleased to see me when I went down to let her out first thing. X she's had a stand off with next doors cat through the fence. She can now cope well with having a little glance over at the guineapigs cage and then ignores them completely :) They aren't worried by her at all. Still practising builder her confidence when left alone. Xx The boys are pleased to have her back xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 18 Jun 20:14

So we dont need Alyssa to come give your hubbie puppy dog eyes now ;-)

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 18 Jun 11:47

Isla I am so happy that you have gone back to your favourite foster home for a while. How clever of you to remember your routines there too - you obviously feel quite at home.....!!!! xxxxx

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by Fairy

Tuesday 17 Jun 22:55

Hi Lisa. Have to agree but it seems like she knows where she is happy after everything. You know what they say.... xx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 17 Jun 22:26

Hi lisa1875 i think you and Isla are meant to be she has been through so much xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 17 Jun 20:26

Oh this is so lovely to hear. Enjoy yourself sweetheart. X

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 17 Jun 20:19

Hi Lisa, so pleased to hear Isla feels so at home with you again. She was very excited to see you this afternoon! She has been very reluctant to go on walks since she came back to the kennels...It was great to see her trot happily down the drive with you all. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Tuesday 17 Jun 19:01

its like she s never been gone xx so far she s remembered where everyhting is and what she is and isnt allowed to do, clever girl.

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 17 Jun 12:46

Fingers crossed for you Isla - really hope you get a green sign soon x

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 17 Jun 08:07

So is Isla finally going home? X

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Jun 22:23

Hi Lisa, not sure if Lorna is in tomorrow....but we will see what we can do. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Monday 16 Jun 22:00

fab thanks xx see you then :) is it too short notice to book her in for a bath and pamper before i pick her up? will pay when i collect her xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Jun 21:49

Hi Lisa, tomorrow will be fine to collect lovely Isla! Will have her bag packed ready!! Kate Xxx

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by lovegreys

Monday 16 Jun 21:25

Wish it were possible to double 'like'. X

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by lisa1875

Monday 16 Jun 20:51

LadyVictoria, Is it ok if i come to pick up my girlie tues about 3.40 or would thurs about 11 be better? xx

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by lisa1875

Monday 16 Jun 20:09

Have sent an email about Isla xx

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by Terry

Monday 16 Jun 13:23

A big big cuddle to the gorgeous little Isla. We met you again on Saturday and you are such a friendly, happy girl I cannot understand why you have not found your forever home yet. Good luck beauty you deserve a chance to prove what a good girl you can be. You remind me so much of our Millie and althoughs he has her 'mad' moments we would not be without her - she makes up for them in so many other ways. I gave you a cuddle today Isla and hope that soon your new family will be giving them to you for me all of the time. Love Terry (lots of licks too from Flynn, Davey, Millie, Nell and Pip). XXXXXX

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 14 Jun 18:06

lisa1875,this fabulous little girl would love to spend some more time with you. Reading your posts again, she certainly seemed to be making good progress and was happy with you. I know it can be hard having another dog in the house if you have recently lost one - particularly if they are very similar in appearance or temperament, but think of it as a testament to your dog that they have inspired such love in you that you consider welcoming another into your life - even for a short term thing like fostering. xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 13 Jun 22:00

oooh oooh fab news if you can foster her again ;-) Alyssa will be pleased. Actually you could borrow Alyssa to give him her puppy dog eyes and her "Please adopt her" whine. xxx. xxxxxx. lol. x

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by lisa1875

Thursday 12 Jun 11:56

I've even bought him some earplugs for bedtime ! X

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by lisa1875

Wednesday 11 Jun 23:16

Still working on him :) we are away again at a wedding this weekend so we didn't want to mess her about this week but I think I could make good progress with her given a bit more time ? He did say I could pick her up to foster again but I don't want to confuse her even more either?! So tricky. :( also he did admit after she was rehomed last time that it was a bit strange for him having Isla as she looks so much like our milly that we lost in Feb :( Will keep trying over the weekend ;) xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 11 Jun 22:13

Lewisfuggie, sounds like a great idea! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 11 Jun 21:52

Lisa1875. She was so happy at yours and you did wonders with her... can you not persuade hubby to give in and adopt her :-)

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by Spanner

Monday 09 Jun 09:24

Oh no so surprised when logged in to see you are back. Paws crossed again. I would love to have you but not sure Gracie (the cat) would and also work full time. Love Anna, Gemma & Stanley and their human Mum & Dad xxx

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by bluesfan

Friday 06 Jun 12:51

Sorry that you are back at Daybreaks - you will be well looked after there and fingers crossed that you find a forever home very soon - you are very sweet and will make someone very happy x

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by tiggersslave

Friday 06 Jun 09:14

Often you can certainly 'cure' separation anxiety at night time if you let your grey sleep in your bedroom - all their family are together so they usually settle. If you don't want them in the room then put a child gate on the door, the dog's bed outside your room so they can see you but not get to you nd agin they will usually settle :) Some will never be happy alone- my first grey Tigger was very nervous and needed another dog to hold her paw (even tho she weed on their bed when they annoyed her LOL) but you can usually reduce it by using tee shirts on them (sleep on it first so it smells of you and don't use them in hot wweather), giving them a good long walk (an hour+) in the countryside so they are nicely tired having had lots of nice smells, leaving them with a Kong or two full of really lovely treats so they are occupied and not missing you, learning TTouch and most of all teaching them to be confident on their own so using a child gate to keep them in one room with a Kong (all assuming they are an only dog otherwise never leave food out in case they argue). Once they're settled with a Kong, don't look or speak to them, leave the room, shut the childgate, come back in and sit down without touching or speaking to them till they are settled again... once they stay eating the Kong then you can stay on the other side of the childgate for longer but in sight, when they're happy to stay eating you go out of sight BUT come straight back into view, as long as they're settled build up the time you are out of sight ... if at any point they get distressed cos you're out of sight then go back a step and work at that till they're OK. Don't forget to check you're not shutting them behind a solid door as greys never have had a solid door to keep them out and that can spook them, use a childgate. There are various calmers and DAP diffusers so chat to Ruth at the kennels about them too. Check out your kitchen doesn't have sounds that spook them - don't forget all is very new (and scarey) to recently retired greys :) Often it helps to give them run of more of the house when you leave them but you have to be brave- and hide anything they may eat or hurt themselves on. We find too - if their food is too rich they are less likely to settle so check there's not more than 20% protein in your dogs food and reduce it to see if that helps (unless of course your vet has told you differently). We sell Burns at the kennel cos it's an excellent compete food and suits the greyhounds :) Julie x

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by Fairy

Thursday 05 Jun 23:08

Hello Isla, I have given you my cuddle tonight too as it must all be so confusing for you. I have to agree with TJ as you are lovely but equally with Melysa and Sarah, just not enough time to show how fab you are. Champ still has separation anxiety and as Pastydior says, it is difficult so I can understand how your owner is feeling but prospective owners, you have been ace at home in the past and you will be again so don't worry sweetheart, someone will turn up. Champ and Surprise send their love xxx

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by sarah

Thursday 05 Jun 22:29

I have to echo Melysa !!! This poor little girl surely can't know if she is coming or going !

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by Melysa

Thursday 05 Jun 22:22

4 days........?

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 05 Jun 20:47

Isla. So sorry sweetie. Xx

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by TJ

Thursday 05 Jun 20:05

Isla, you just have to get my cuddle today sweetie-pie, as I can't believe that after just 5 days you are back at Daybreaks. You're adorable and we have our human fingers & greyhound paws crossed for you that the family and sofa that you are meant to adopt forever, are just about to walk through the kennel door and fall head over heels for you. Big hugs from us All. xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 05 Jun 18:54

Oh no, poor isla. So, so sorry sweetheart. Don't worry, there will be the perfect place for you soon. Xx

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by lisa1875

Thursday 05 Jun 17:19

Isla so sorry it didnt work out for you, im trying hard to work on dad! xxxx we are trying to figure out what is the best thing to do for you xx we know what a special girl you are. xx

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by RadagastTheBrown

Thursday 05 Jun 17:10

Poor Isla, what rotten luck she's had! Does anyone know whether she's cat friendly? It's just that with us having her old kennel mate Angel (Angie), the cogs are whirring....

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by patsydior

Thursday 05 Jun 16:44

Poor Isla, such a shame but separation anxiety is a difficult one. Even with the company of other dogs, Belle still suffers a little during the day and she has been with us since February. You will find a home soon I am sure as you are such a good, pretty girl. Lots of paws crossed for you. x

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by blueangel

Thursday 05 Jun 16:20

My cuddle goes to Isla you poor girl xxx

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by Lisaestelle

Thursday 05 Jun 16:12

We are sorry Isla that it did not work out for you. You will soon find a home like we did, we will keep our paws crossed for you xxx

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by terristar

Thursday 05 Jun 15:44

Oh no poor Isla. Hope you find the right home soon xx

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 05 Jun 15:04

oh no!! Poor Isla, I thought you were going to have your forever home....

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by Melysa

Thursday 05 Jun 13:37

Oh no! Poor Isla x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Jun 13:17

Isla has been returned today. Sadly she has been suffering with separation anxiety both during the day and night. Her owner would like everyone to know she is a fantastic dog, great with her grandchildren and other dogs and has such a lot of love to give. She is desperately upset to return her but doesn't feel able to cope with the problem and hopes the right home can be found for Isla as soon as possible. So sorry for all concerned. Xxx

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by Spanner

Monday 02 Jun 12:35

So pleased for you Isla. Love Gemma & STanley and their humans.

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by Melysa

Sunday 01 Jun 19:14

Well done Isla!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 31 May 21:04

Isla was very happy to go off to her new home today. Wishing her and her new Mum lots of great times together. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Saturday 31 May 20:54

Your new mum, is going to spoil you x

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by helenanddave

Saturday 31 May 20:12

Yes! Oh isla I am so, so happy for you. Be happy beautiful girl. Xxxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 31 May 19:20

YAY!!! have a great life Isla xxx

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by stevensue1

Saturday 31 May 18:40

Excellent news. We met you on Monday and we know the decision between Silky and Isla was a difficult one for you but we think you have made the right choice!! Best wishes to you both.

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 31 May 18:35

Be so very happy in your new home Isla, you certainly deserve it. All the very best. xx

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by lisa1875

Saturday 31 May 17:44

Brilliant !!!! be happy beautiful xxx love the photo!

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 31 May 17:23


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by lovegreys

Saturday 31 May 16:39

Isla, I've just seen the rehomed sign and feel like jumping for Joy. What a lovely rehoming picture. You and your new Mum are very lucky girls. Wishing you both so much happiness. Xxxxx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 31 May 16:29

Wonderful news Isla - have a happy life in your new home x

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by Melysa

Saturday 31 May 05:37

Not saying anything until I see that rehomed sign go up!!!

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by Fairy

Friday 30 May 22:13

Well done Isla - FINALLY! xxx

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by muddypaws

Friday 30 May 18:48

So pleased for you sweatheart :-))) We really,really hope everything goes o.k, and that you have finally found the loving forever home that you so,so deserve!!! You are such a beautiful,loving little girl.X.Will miss you.XXXXXXXXXXXXX

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by lisa1875

Friday 30 May 18:06

Omg, amazing news ( although has made me she'd a tear too! ) was a pleasure having you visit my beautiful girl xx hope you will be very happy xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 30 May 17:49

Isla my sweetheart I am delighted for you, you stole your new Mum's heart with those lovely eyes of yours! All the very best to you all. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 May 16:44

Fantastic news for Isla! So happy for her. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Friday 30 May 16:42

Isla, this is the most wonderful news. So happy for you lovely girl. xxx

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by bluesfan

Friday 30 May 16:29

So happy for you Isla - hope the sign turns green very soon xx

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by blueangel

Friday 30 May 16:09

WOW!!! well done Isla xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 30 May 15:18

Oh isla, just seen your reserved sign. Have everything crossed that you have found your forever home. Lots of hugs. Xxxx

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by EmilysQueen

Friday 30 May 14:44

Well done Isla, so pleased for you, paws crossed that all goes well xx

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by blueangel

Monday 26 May 18:25

Giving Isla a cuddle she needs a sofa of her own xxx

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by lisa1875

Sunday 25 May 21:54

Was sad to drop you back to kennels beautiful girl, hope you catch someone's eye this week. Xxx love your foster mom xxx :(

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by lisa1875

Wednesday 21 May 23:37

She has surprised me again today, whilst out walking beautifully she spotted a cat on someone's drive, told her to leave it and she did straight away and didn't give it a second glance. She is such a lovely girl I don't know why she gets overlooked in kennels?? She is always overjoyed to meet people and tries her best to give you a friendly smile and big wag of her tail. Isla will be back at daybreaks for viewings over the bank holiday while we are away xx

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by lisa1875

Sunday 18 May 12:37

Isla foster family update.
She has settled into a routine now, we let her out in the garden about 6, breakfast at 7, happy around the house, leaving her for 2/3 hours with no problems, although if I leave the lounge door open she will stand on the sofa looking out of the window, mid morning walk, lounge around or sunbathing in the garden, throws her squeaky duck around for a bit, evening walk around elmdon park, rest, tea at 6ish, let out in garden before bed, tuck her into bed about half 10/11 with a denta stix, leave the kitchen radio on for her and she stays there quietly until she hears someone get up in the morning. Really pleased with her progress. She still likes to be close to people and follows all of us around the house for reassurance and learning new things. Hubby said she will be back at kennels for viewings soon as we have some hols coming up, will let you know dates asap. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 13 May 22:19

That's great news, well done to Isla...sleep well. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Tuesday 13 May 16:33

now i dont want to speak too soon but Isla is now sleeping soundly through the night! wish you could sleep train a human baby in a week! xx

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by lisa1875

Monday 12 May 17:43

Isla said thankyou very much for her gravy bones :) xx

She said thankyou for sorting out my new coat, much better! Xx :)

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by Terry

Monday 12 May 13:39

Good Luck Isla in your new foster home - I sincerely hope it will become your 'forever' home and I am glad to see that you are being a good girl. You are truly a gorgeous little beauty. I dont know why it took so long for you to find your wonderful new family but I am so glad that you did - it is obviously fate ! Lots of love and kisses from Davey, Flynn, Millie, Nell, Pip and from me too, Terry. XXXXXX

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 11 May 21:58

Do you want me to pick up a raincoat on Monday from the kennels as will be there in the morning and bring to school on Tuesday ? xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 10 May 23:30

Hi Lisa, I am sure we can find a bigger raincoat at the kennels for Isla, please pop in whenever you want to. Xxx. Ps Keep working on hubby!

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by lisa1875

Saturday 10 May 12:07

Also can i pop in a some point and pick up a Mac for Isla please, I have been putting Millys one on her but didn't realise just how much bigger Isla is than milly and it looks funny! Xx thanks

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by lisa1875

Saturday 10 May 12:03

Hubby has agreed to atleast 4 weeks fostering at the mo. He is still not giving in to adoption :( Isla is doing well though, she is settling at bedtime happily now but is waking at 4 am? Small improvement each night. She would love a forever home where she could sleep in your room with you really but we are being consistent, she sleeps downstairs. Happy girl in the day, eating well! Walking nicely, the guineapigs are now ignoring her, she has lots of love to give. She did not like the look of a group of 4 boarder collies yesterday and kept checking over her shoulder but did listen and carry on walking when told to leave it. I missed Torres and Coco at school too! Heard all about it though. Xx

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by Ben'smum

Friday 09 May 19:34

Hi Lisa1875. Got everything crossed for you, Isla and the family. So pleased you might be considering being back under the paw! Did I miss Coco and Torres visiting School?!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 07 May 20:10

So pleased to hear lovely Isla is doing well. Xxx

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by lisa1875

Wednesday 07 May 18:17

Ha, I know! what a small world, I couldn't believe it when Alyssa said oh I know Isla!
Isla is a clever girl, showing good understanding of simple commands, clean and dry in the house, less moaning last night than the 1st night and a pleasure to walk. She loves the boys too. Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 06 May 23:03

Lisa1875.... My daughter Alyssa has told me all about you you had a very good convo with her earlier about Isla and she told you all about Coco and Torres - small world. xx

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 06 May 16:35

Great news Isla - have fun and be good in your foster home. x

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by lisa1875

Tuesday 06 May 07:45

Isla has had a dry night, let her out in the garden at 7 and she has happily eaten all her breakfast. Xx

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 05 May 22:25

A huge congratulations Isla, finally your sofa awaits !!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 May 21:47

Great news for Isla, she is a very sweet and happy girl. Xxx

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by blueangel

Monday 05 May 20:03

Isla i am so happy for your being fostered be a good girl xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 05 May 18:55

isla sweetheart - what great, great news. enjoy yourself and be a good girlie (know you will) you really deserve this. lots of love and hugs, xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 05 May 18:23

Isla this is fantastic news! Sounds like you are doing well so far, enjoy your time in your foster home pretty girl - it's just what you deserve. xxx

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by lisa1875

Monday 05 May 16:20

So far so good, 3 wees in the garden, a nice calm walk to the park, good mooch around the house, she keeps noticing her reflection in the oven door and we 've had a practice at ignoring guineapigs. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Monday 05 May 15:58

Great news Isla. Xxxx

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by muddypaws

Monday 05 May 15:26

Fantastic news!!!!!! This has really made my day....or year even!!! And i know her fan club will be ecstatic!!! Although it's Foster at the mo...l'm sure her family will fall head over heels for this little beauties charms.All the luck in the world to Isla and her foster family. XXXXXX

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by tinabina

Monday 05 May 14:28

Isla has happily gone out to a foster home this afternoon with a lovely family for a few weeks.
All concerned are hoping it will all go well.. wink, wink.. Good luck pretty girl. x

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by lisa1875

Sunday 04 May 20:44

Lovely cuddles and kisses from Isla today, hopefully see you tomorrow! Xx

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 04 May 16:24

Isla had two walks with us today in the sunshine and she is a little darling. Greets you with a kiss and a lovely waggy tail and she was so good on the lead. Really hope you find your home soon Isla, you deserve a sofa to call your own after being so long at the kennels. X

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by muddypaws

Saturday 03 May 19:30

Had another lovely cuddle with the beautiful Isla today. She is just the happiest...loving little girl!!! Really can't understand why she is still at kennels !!!!!! Come on folks...please someone give her a chance...she has been so patient and really deserves a home to call her own!!! She has to have my virtual cuddle today as well. XXX

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by clairelbob

Saturday 03 May 11:14

Isla you look a gorgeous girl, I would love to give you a home but my nearly 12 year old grey doesn't is a bit scaredy of other dogs. I hope you find a good home soon xxxx

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by bluesfan

Saturday 03 May 10:57

Met the lovely Isla at Mell Square yesterday - she is so sweet and affectionate - fingers crossed that you find your forever home this weekend. A cuddle for you today. x

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by blueangel

Friday 02 May 18:59

Well Isla travel well in the car along with Smartie in the back was great with all the people and other dogs love the kids and all the treats xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 01 May 20:58

I will be taking Isla to Mel square tomorrow for a day out let hope someone wants to give her a lovely home xxx

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by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 29 Apr 20:49

Isla was great today with my 2 non greys n Lorraines little dog Jess as too were Prince n Cadbury! I really hope she finds a forever home soon cuz she's been waiting long enough now! X

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 Apr 21:25

How nice for beautiful Isla to have a day out from the kennels....she has been waiting so long for that special home. Hope she won't be waiting too much longer. Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Sunday 27 Apr 17:34

Isla kindly accompanied Paul & I to Pets At Home in Sheldon this morning, chaperoned also by the handsome Max. She was a little darling and seemed to like looking at the world by peeking out from underneath Max! She didn't react to the various dogs who were out shopping today, including the lovely whippet puppy they both met. She also had a lovely cuddle from a little girl who took a real shine to her and didn't really want to leave the shop with her mum!
I really can't understand why she is still looking for her forever home after what we saw this morning. She's affectionate and sociable so there must be a home for her out there.....come on folks.... someone must have space in their life for this real black beauty. Love you Isla xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 25 Apr 18:35

You get my cuddle today isla. Can't understand why no one sees how lovely you are. See you on Wednesday. Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 25 Apr 08:47

Isla. What a beautiful little girl you are. Why are you still at the kennels as you really are super.xx Come on girl show everyone how good you are and yourll soon have your home. x

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 22 Apr 13:33

She was a real pleasure to be with, Shanesmum. X

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 22 Apr 07:18

lovegreys thank you so much for taking this beautiful little girl out for a lovely trip. It sounds like she & Peanut had a great time, and she must have really enjoyed the change and being out and about. I agree that she is a very pretty and friendly little girl who wants nothing more than a home to call her own, she has been waiting so long now I really hope it happens for her very soon. Big cuddles for a very special girl. xXx

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by lovegreys

Monday 21 Apr 20:27

Isla came with Peanut to visit Brueton Park this morning and as always was very well behaved. We have been out and about with this lovely girl a few times now and are getting to know her quite well. As I have said before she always gives wonderful greetings, is so affectionate and walks very well on the lead. Today was no exception. She and Peanut got on well together; when we stopped for tea and a bowl of water at the little cafe she rested her head on his back (you are truly honoured Peanut). Although she and Peanut were naturally excited by some of the very small dogs off-lead she was indifferent to the other breeds and settled well. Many people commented on her prettiness and friendly nature. As with Peanut, we felt proud to be out and about with her; she was a credit to Daybreaks. Someone is going to fall in love with you very soon Isla and give you the forever home you deserve. Thank you for coming with us today and for leading the way in showing Peanut that the world isn't such a scary place. Lots of love. xxxxx

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by salsa

Sunday 20 Apr 10:40

You're Easter wish is to find a new home!
Love Charde' :) xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Yes, my daughter again! lol!

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by lovegreys

Thursday 17 Apr 17:28

Isla, my cuddle for you today. You always give such lovely greetings and make me feel so special. To anyone looking, Isla is a gorgeous girl. She is loving, affectionate and sweet and will make a wonderful companion for a lucky person/family. I have had the pleasure of taking her out for the day on the Stratford walk - she was a delight and friendly with other breeds. Her lovely picture shows her waiting patiently and what a real black beauty she is . An Easter wish for you lovely Isla - that you find your forever home this weekend. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Thursday 17 Apr 17:28

Isla, my cuddle for you today. You always give such lovely greetings and make me feel so special. To anyone looking, Isla is a gorgeous girl. She is loving, affectionate and sweet and will make a wonderful companion for a lucky person/family. I have had the pleasure of taking her out for the day on the Stratford walk - she was a delight and friendly with other breeds. Her lovely picture shows her waiting patiently and what a real black beauty she is . An Easter wish for you lovely Isla - that you find your forever home this weekend. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 14 Apr 10:33

Island sweetheart - why oh why has no one given you your forever home yet. Don't worry there is a special one out there for you somewhere. See you Wednesday. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 13 Apr 17:34

No luck again this weekend sweetheart, oh dear. I know that your special forever home is out there somewhere - it's just taking a bit longer, so keep smiling and being the beautiful girl that you are. Big cuddles. xxxxx

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by Spanner

Friday 11 Apr 09:13

Have given you my cuddle again today. What are we going to do you really need a forever home. Only wish I could but work full-time and have a cat. Paws crossed Isla. Axx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 09 Apr 20:20

Oh come on! there must be someone out there that can give this sweetheart a home she is beautiful inside and out xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 09 Apr 19:20

Hello Isla, you have my cuddle today as you seemed a little down when we walked you. You are so affectionate. Can't understand why you are still there. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 28 Mar 18:43

Isla is just the sweetest, most friendliest little girl ever. She loves to be around you, but will also lie quietly on her bed just watching the world go by with her beautiful ears pricked up with interest. Fingers crossed that the right home her comes along, she really deserves it. xxxxxxxxxxx

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by lovegreys

Friday 28 Mar 11:46

I know what you mean Spanner. All the hounds at Daybreaks need and deserve loving homes, but i'm especially hoping that Isla will find hers very soon. Such as beautiful, sweet girl who loves to watch what is going on around her. She will make a wonderful companion for a lucky family/person. Hoping it will be your weekend, Isla. xxxxxxx

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by Spanner

Friday 28 Mar 08:57

Isla, what are we going to do with you? Axxx

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by Fairy

Sunday 23 Mar 21:46

Oh Isla, such a shame that it didn't work out this time. Keep up the smiles sweetheart and your new home is just round the corner xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 23 Mar 18:21

Oh dear Isla, so sorry things didn't work out for you again. We will find that perfect forever home for you sweetheart, just be patient a little longer. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 23 Mar 10:48

Oh Isla, so sorry to hear you didn't get on with Molly....Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 23 Mar 10:38

:( The right home will come Isla xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 23 Mar 10:34

Sadly Isla clearly did not like Molly the Bearded Collie who came to visit her today and therefore she is unreserved :-(

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by Shanesmum

Friday 21 Mar 18:59

Woo hoo , the beautiful Isla has been reserved. Delighted for you my lovely girl. xx

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by Spanner

Friday 21 Mar 11:11

Congratulations. Paws crossed. Axx Gxx Sxx

by susy

Friday 21 Mar 09:08

Isla I said the eyes and ears would do it, took a bit of time but you have a sofa.
Love to you The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxx

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by sarah

Thursday 20 Mar 21:42

Way to go beautiful Isla ! Looking forward to seeing red go to green, fingers crossed xxxxx

by lovegreys

Thursday 20 Mar 21:01

Isla, I'm so happy for you. You are such a beautiful girl. xxxx

by michelleandbertie

Thursday 20 Mar 21:00

Congratulations Isla !! Wow with Isla now reserved and boo fostered nicki is the only girl at the kennels !!! Xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Thursday 20 Mar 20:41

Well done Isla you are a very pretty black girl hope you will be very happy in your new home a big wooof and likes from tinker and nanna xxx

by Fairy

Thursday 20 Mar 20:31

Well done Isla!!!!

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by blueangel

Thursday 20 Mar 20:15

Well done girl!!! xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 18 Mar 07:24

Isla, I'm delighted you had a lovely day out at Stratford on Sunday. Sounds like you were such a good girl and enjoyed the change of being out and about for a while in the sunshine playing with new friends. Big cuddles pretty girl. xx

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by lovegreys

Sunday 16 Mar 21:15

Isla came along to the Stratford walk with Liam today and what a good girl she is. She entranced us with her happy nature and beautiful good looks. A Great Dane puppy caught her attention and they played nicely together - her tail didn't stop wagging. She enjoyed plenty of fuss and the treats on offer, and snoozed in the car on the way back to the kennels. Isla you are a delight. Thank you for being with us today. xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Mar 17:48

Not your weekend again sweetheart. Keep smiling though, you are a very pretty and friendly girl and I'm sure you will be on your way to your own sofa again very soon. xxx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 12 Mar 20:47

Isla is such sweet heart xxx

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 09 Mar 17:37

Isla you are such a beauty, you steal my heart every time i see your picture! I hope you wont have to wait long now xx

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 09 Mar 17:23

Lovely little Isla was a pleasure to walk today and she loves lots of fuss. I always bring a treat with me to coax her back into her kennel as she would rather stay with you for lots of cuddles. Such a sweet girl.

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by Spanner

Tuesday 04 Mar 09:32

Morning Isla. Sorry gave my cuddle to Boo today. keep smiling too and hopefully your forever home is around the corner. Love Axxx Gemma & Stanley.

by Shanesmum

Friday 28 Feb 17:52

Isla is sharing a kennel with the beautiful Angie and is looking after her nicely. She is a lovely girl, hope her sofa comes along very soon. xx

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by salsa

Wednesday 26 Feb 17:50

Thank you Tinker's Nan, we are going to give it a little time to get over Isla before we start looking again, but Im sure we will find the right family member for us. xxxxxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 25 Feb 19:25

We are sorry this little girl was not for you have you thought about the lovely little black girl snip or Angie they are so great girls and very friendly they might be right for your family good look to you xxxxx

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by salsa

Tuesday 25 Feb 15:10

Thank you Julie, it wasn't easy. I hope this lovely little girl gets a new home soon, she just wasn't right for our family, many a tear have been shed as she is missed so much. Good luck sweety, big cuddle. x

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by tiggersmum

Tuesday 25 Feb 13:35

Way better for everyone - kiddie, parents and hound that isla returns to the kennels ... It's a brave decision to accept you're not right for each other but the right dog is there somewhere :) Julie x

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by Spanner

Tuesday 25 Feb 10:02

You can have my cuddle today seeing as we share a birthday. So many gorgeous greys could do with more than one cuddle.

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by susy

Monday 24 Feb 12:44

isla the eyes have it and the ear come in second. Better flash them, your sofa is near.
Sorry things this time didn't work out.
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 23 Feb 21:09

So sorry to hear things didn't work out for Isla and her family. Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 23 Feb 18:48

My cuddle goes to you Isla better luck next time babe xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 23 Feb 17:52

Such a shame it didn't work out this time sweetheart, but don't worry too much - the right home for you will be out there somewhere. Big cuddles in the meantime. xx

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 23 Feb 14:47

oh Isla I am sure it wont be long before your forever sofa comes along xx

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by skinnyme

Sunday 23 Feb 10:46

Sadly Isla is unreserved as she is becoming stressed around the child in the home, we support the families decision to bring her back.

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by sarah

Monday 17 Feb 21:31

Hi Hayley have been wondering how Booke (nice name) has been settling but didn't want to crowd you xx Bless Charde she loves her loads xxxx Will give you a call tomorrow hun to catch up, sounds all good ..... here's to forever ;-) x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 17 Feb 21:11

Hope you all have a more settled night...nice to hear Brooke is starting to relax and enjoy her new surroundings and of course the sofa! Xxx

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by salsa

Monday 17 Feb 18:15

After a difficult first night, Booke (Isla)) has started to settle a little better in her new home. She's very much loved by our daughter who insists on a second lead to walk her. She's very excited about the local park checking out the ducks and swans and does a little dance whenever she meets another dog. She loves the sofa resting her head on whoever's there to stroke her ears, or lying on her back waiting for her tummy to be tickled! Its nice to see her tail wagging and the excited look in her eyes, she is such a beautiful girl!

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by Sarahphe

Sunday 02 Feb 17:29

Not suprised Isla has found a home, she is so sweet and happy! Enjoy your new family lovely girl x

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by blueangel

Saturday 01 Feb 22:08

YAY! Isla such a lovely girl x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 01 Feb 20:06

What a wonderful belated Birthday present for Isla! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 01 Feb 17:23

Well done Isla, such lovely news. xx

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by susy

Saturday 01 Feb 15:25

Lovely news Isla, your sofa has arrived.
Sylv and The New Icemaid Clanxxxxx

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by Sarahphe

Tuesday 28 Jan 21:50

Happy birthday Isla!

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 28 Jan 21:13

Happy birthday Isla! Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 28 Jan 21:10

Isla did have a nice Birthday, Lorraine bought her a lovely pigs ear! Xxx

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 28 Jan 17:52

Happy Birthday to the sweet and lovely Isla. xx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 28 Jan 17:00

Happy birthday Isla xxxx

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by Babesmum

Tuesday 28 Jan 11:41

Sweet Isla your picture is lovely. Happy Birthday. Sending a special cuddle for you. XXX

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by 5shadesofgrey

Tuesday 28 Jan 10:59

Big hugs from one birthday girl to another. Please get someone to pass it on to you. I hope your birthday wish comes true and someone finds a place in their heart for you soon. If I didn't have 4 already I would definitely have you on my birthday present wish list today. I hope you have lots of cuddles today. Lots of hugs xoxox

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 28 Jan 09:04

Happy Birthday pretty girl! Have a lovely day and lets hope you get the best present of all very soon - your very own home. xxxx

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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 28 Jan 08:57

Happy Birthday to Isla.

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by lovegreys

Sunday 26 Jan 17:49

When I arrived at the kennels today Isla was 'next' to be walked. What a lovely start to my day! She was so excited to be going out and then such a joy to walk, no pulling whatsoever and occasionally nuzzling into my side. Despite the rain she obviously enjoyed her walk, stopping to look at some 'humans playing a game' in the rugby field and a happy, gentle skip and a jump now and then; just like a gazelle. When we arrived back at the kennels she enjoyed lots of fuss and cuddles - nearly as much as I did. Gorgeous - in every way. xx

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by 5shadesofgrey

Saturday 25 Jan 21:15

Hope this Black Beauty doesn't have to wait too long before she catches someone's eye, such a cutie. She shares my birthday, so fingers crossed she'll be a lucky birthday girl next week and will find a home to call her own very soon. Big hugs to Isla. xox

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by Caro

Saturday 25 Jan 21:00

Isla you have such a cheeky face in your photo you get my cuddle today.

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by Sarahphe

Thursday 23 Jan 16:23

Met Isla briefly today but what a happy girl she is! She never stopped wagging her tail and was so pleased to have a quick fuss

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Jan 21:20

Isla is very happy girl and very pretty too! Xxx

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by TJ

Sunday 19 Jan 19:33

I met Isla for the first time today and had the privilege of walking her this morning. She's a beautiful girl and very relaxed on the lead (even when walking next to the extremely busy A45). Back into her kennel and we had a 15 minute 'cuddle session' which I'd like to thank her for. I hope she finds a good home soon but if not, then I'll see you next Sunday Isla.

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by blueangel

Sunday 19 Jan 10:20

A lovely girl xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 18 Jan 19:14

Love the Photo. Xxx

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