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About Me

Racing Name
Selecta Ice
White and Blue
Date of birth
02 jun 2009
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark

Arthur (Ice)

male, 15 years old, White and Blue

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Tuesday 09 Jan

Arthur (Ice) has had 0 cuddles today (57 all together).
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by patsydior

Tuesday 30 Dec 16:36

Arthur, you are a very, very special boy and we love you dearly, even if you did put one of my wellington boots and a croc on the sofa whilst we were out at lunch. And you have ragged a bed to death. His fluffs on his bum are growing back and are like baby hair, much longer than his normal coat. Currently upside down on the big sofa with his designer tail wagging from time to time. He really is adorable.

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by Melodysmum

Friday 12 Dec 13:42

Your family sounds Greyt! Joyeux Noel Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 09 Dec 20:24

What a lovely update on Arthur and the rest of the gang! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas together. Xxx

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by patsydior

Tuesday 09 Dec 18:02

I need to put some more pictures and videos of Arthur up on La Provotais Retired Greyhounds. He is a wonderful boy and has settled so well. Six and a bit months and his paws are well and truly under the table. He has pretty much taken over from Fire as pack leader, well except for me, and is the boss. He loves his ear fusses, cuddles, food, attention, visitors and is a total Mummy's boy. If I or we go out his excitement at seeing us is lovely, he gentle nibbles your fingers or shoves his wet nose up your t shirt whilst Belle is leaping around like a mad thing - Belle is bonkers. Arthur, Belle and Sparky have formed a bond in the garden but Arthur can be a bit rough in his play and Noble feels he must step in to 'protect' Belle - which she doesn't need. He is so relaxed and loving albeit a bit too enthusiastic at times and can pin you down with kisses but hey, who minds that. Thank you for letting us give him his forever chaise.

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by patsydior

Tuesday 16 Sep 19:34

Arthur has a new name in addition to Arthur! He is now also known affectionately as Big Fella Thanks - after a pretty good race horse. He is so solid and when he barges past you, you know about it. I have the bruises to prove it when he threw me down the steps outside! Surprisingly, he was only 36 kilos when we had him weighed at the vets. He has put weight on and looks bigger than that but the scales don't lie - or do they - perhaps I should get on them!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 21 Jun 16:52

Hi Tracy. We saved him especially for you !!! We knew that you would appreciate him !!! He is a very special boy. He reminds us very much of our Davey.....but dont think we would have survived two such larger than life characters in the same house!!!!! Give him a cuddle from me ....just luv him to bits.XXX

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by patsydior

Saturday 21 Jun 15:17

Dear All, so many have missed out on this boy, he really is very special and a real snuggle monster. very good on his lead walking and is so, so loving. So happy to have him in our hone and he gets on great with everyone - well except when he steals Fire's sofa and then there are some dirty looks! It is fair to say he is very very content in his forever home.

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by patsydior

Saturday 14 Jun 15:25

Now I know why Ruth was happy to let Arthur come to France. According to the Burns wet food sachets, a dog of his size should have 2 maybe 3 per day. He has just eaten 4 and that is after his mince and rice for breakfast! Not too worried as he needs a little bit of weight on but blimey, hollow legs or what, it must be all that running around in the garden! He got on Fire's sofa last night, woops you should have seen the dirty look Fire gave him before he sulked off into a big Fido bed!

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by patsydior

Monday 09 Jun 17:07

Just posted two short and not brilliant videos of Arthur's first recall training in the big garden. We didn't use treats, just cuddles but he did really well. Will try with treats over a bigger distance tomorrow. Given he has only been here a week and a day he is doing really well. The real test is when he is loose with the others, that could be interesting!

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by susy

Monday 09 Jun 12:05

Such great, such lovely news. Happy days Arthur (ice)
Love to you and your lovely new family. Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 07 Jun 20:49

So sorry - paperwork has arrived...... it is OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx Thank you Tracey and Richard for giving another of our Daybreaks Babies a wonderful home x

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by patsydior

Saturday 07 Jun 20:42

Sorry folks, really sorry, I know it still says Reserved as paperwork still not reached Ruth, but this boy IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE. You have all missed out on this fabulous dog. He may be deaf but he so makes up for it and his senses are heightened so he very aware of what is going on around him. He is a cuddle monster, food monster and totally adorable. Met a friend today and within minutes had cuddled up to him on the chaise. He is a very special boy and off on his first outing tomorrow to a vide grenier. Thanks Ruth for letting us love another one.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 04 Jun 19:58

I love it. X

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Jun 15:16

Brilliant, what a happy boy!! Xxx

by patsydior

Wednesday 04 Jun 15:13

Awesome Arthur you are a nutter, complete utter nutter. Stole three cushions so far today and raided the bin. Went outside to watch Richard mowing the lawn and fascinated by the ride on then bounded in at a million miles an hour and leapt on me on the sofa, kiss, kiss, kiss. Belle then joined in. Don't need a shower now! He is a real character already and we are only on day 3. What more personality is going to come out over the coming months I wonder?

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 03 Jun 19:25

Oh Arthur. Not stealing again. I thought you were partial to a cheese cob. Bacons gotta be much tastier. Proper stealy dog bless xxxx. Just leave the books and cushions alone!! Be happy (well you will be with stolen bacon).x

by patsydior

Tuesday 03 Jun 14:17

Oh Arthur, we have forgiven the accident in the night but chewing the cover off a book I had borrowed and ragging a sofa cushion is a big No No! It's not as if we are not feeding you and don't knick the bacon off the work surface again! Bless him.

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by patsydior

Monday 02 Jun 22:46

Just put Arthur's jim jams on and he is settled in a bed with a blanket too in the night time dog's room with everyone. Good as gold went out for a wee and has settled down. I think it is fair to say he has had a good birthday and has eaten very well so nothing wrong with his appetite following his big journey. I think it helped coming over with Bertie and Blade and thank you to Michelle and Roy for bringing him over. they are welcome to stay with us anytime and Bertie, do you want to come for long holidays with us, you are a lovely boy but then so is Blade! More photos to follow tomorrow.

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by patsydior

Monday 02 Jun 16:13

Arthur is enjoying his birthday by trying out every seat in the house. Has had mince and rice for breakfast, then a whole pouch of Burns Chicken Rice and Veg and best part of a whole chicken (minus bones). He loves the Chaise as he can watch Richard through the window (think he is going to be a Daddy's Boy). He has slept a lot but he has had a big journey and experience. What have we learnt so far - he seems to 'hear' a knock on the window or the front door opening, he can pee up his front leg very well and he loves cuddles and giving kisses. Just need to get his fluffs to grow back on his bum now.

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by Winniethepooh

Monday 02 Jun 15:22

Hope that you are having a super birthday in your new home Arthur.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 02 Jun 14:23

Happy Birthday Arthur! What a lovely way to spend your day - with your new pals in your lovely new home.xx

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by blueangel

Monday 02 Jun 11:31

Happy birthday xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 02 Jun 10:22

So pleased to hear Arthur has arrived...thanks so much to Michelle and Roy for being his chauffeurs! Joyeux Anniversaire Arthur! Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 02 Jun 07:40

Happy birthday! X

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by patsydior

Monday 02 Jun 06:56

Arthur arrived safely yesterday afternoon and some photos have just been put on La Provotais fb page with Bertie and Blade. Settled in really well and slept all night. Went out for a wee and now back asleep!

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by blueangel

Saturday 31 May 19:28

I will miss ya Arthur but so happy for you be happy i am sure you will you lucky boy xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 31 May 16:19

It's so exciting! Safe journey!! X

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by Danny'smum

Saturday 31 May 15:46

Omg I'm so excited and he's not even my dog! Tracy I am sooooo excited for you and looking forward to seeing all the photos on your facebook page. When is he due to arrive?

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by patsydior

Saturday 31 May 14:52

Love it. Bought two chickens this morning to cook up for him. Love the one of him in his bed too. It seems Arthur has the most photos on his profile, getting quite a famous boy already! YIPEEEEEEEE

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 31 May 14:33

Hi Patsydior, hope you like the photo of Arthur leaving Daybreaks this morning, complete with his passport!....he is on his way to you! Xxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 31 May 12:51

Forgot to say....Bon Voyage Arthur...have a great life fella, we will all miss you very, very much. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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by muddypaws

Saturday 31 May 12:31

Not long to go now Tracey before the Hurricane blows into town!!! If you like a dog with character, then you have chosen well...because this boy has it in Bucketloads!! l must admit that you tend to forget that he is deaf because he compensates for it so well...he is very nosey...he watches everything that is going on, and loves to be involved and be the centre of attention. He has a great sense of humour and is very, very funny!!! l can guarantee you that his antics will make you laugh!!! Hope that you both have fun with him and he enjoys his retirement in France with you and the other greys.XXX

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by patsydior

Saturday 31 May 07:12

OK Arthur, no pinching food this morning. Go round and say thank you to everyone and good bye to your mates still looking for their forever sofa. See you soon. xx

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by muddypaws

Friday 30 May 20:34

Hi Tracey....forgot to mention this!!!! Your boy wandered into the kennel kitchen this afternoon...and dropped the smelliest fart that i have ever had the misfortune to inhale!!!!! He cleared the kitchen in one second flat !!!!!!!! Then, while everyone was outside, gasping for air, he then proceeded to nick everything he could off the worktops!!!!!! So there is a double meaning to Hurricane Arthur!!!!! You have an ill wind blowing your way!!!!!! But don't worry...he is just can't help but luv him :-))) XXXX P.S Think that's how he lost half his tail.....he blew it off !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by patsydior

Friday 30 May 19:56

How is it that I am now really finding out what a huge character this boy is. the video from Jess, the comments, what am I taking on? There really are going to be some intersting videos of this boy to follow. They will all be posted on La Provotais Retired Greyhounds FG page. Welcome to Hurricane Awesome Arthur!

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by muddypaws

Friday 30 May 18:36

We stopped in at kennels today and bid a fond farewell to this big rascal. What a character.....he is into everything!!! Tracy, you will never have a dull moment with this boy around !!! Have a safe journey are really going to be missed at kennels.Batten down the hatches.....Hurricane Arthur is about to hit France!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXX

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by patsydior

Friday 30 May 17:41

Well Arthur, this is your last night at Daybreaks before you start on your journey to La Provotais. I bet you have had loads of cuddles and will get more tomorrow before Michelle picks you up. You could be here as early as Sunday but if not Monday depending on their journey, but as long as it is safe and pleasant, we are happy to wait for you. Still trying to work out where your huge bed will go but you have a smaller one for night time and blankets and jim jams. I do so hope you are going to be happy with us and there are loads of snuggles waiting for you. Make sure you say thank you to everyone for looking after you and bring any messages over for Fire, Sparky and Belle. @excited,com x

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by Deb

Friday 30 May 13:37

Hi Tracey met your new boy again this morning he is one big snuggle monster so be prepared for lots and lots of cuddles.This morning he was having his ears rubbed head on the lap of one the volunteers making a strange kind of purring noise absolutely loving all the fuss and attention.He is one lucky boy going to France and you are also very lucky to be welcoming this gorgeous boy into your home.He is a bit of a favourite down at the kennels and will be missed but everyone is so happy he is going to live with you.Bet you cant wait to meet him.

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by patsydior

Thursday 29 May 20:43

Bed arrived, yippee but Ruth says it is huge so heaven knows where it is going to go but we will fit it in. Just done a count and we have an assortment of 15 beds plus the one that is coming with you. I think you will be OK! x PS Plus 4 beds outside!

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 29 May 20:41

Arthur's bed arrived this is BIG! :))) Xxx

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by patsydior

Thursday 29 May 13:41

Two more get ups and Michelle will pick you up (and hopefully your new bed) and then you will be en route to us in France. Very excited about you coming and I hope you settle in quickly. I think you will be missed though.

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 28 May 19:14

arthur walked you today for the last time before you go to your great new home in france. such a lovely boy. have a really great new life. looking forward to hearing how you are getting on. bon voyage! xxxx

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by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 28 May 06:56

Bonjour Arthur. You are a lucky lad, I am sure that you will have a lovely home in France with your new buddies. Maybe you will be able to watch the Tour de France go by in July. Bon Voyage, be happy.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 27 May 21:20

Arthur. What a proper greyhound, stealing!!!. Preparing for your trip to France eh?. Hope you enjoyed the cob. Better cheese over there i'm sure Lol xx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 27 May 18:39

Arther really enjoyed my chesse cob today my fault he nicked it of the side x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 26 May 18:40

Good luck in france Arthur and thanks for the loveley big kisses on Friday. Take care and lots of love to you and your lucky family. Lots of love jo, Stevie & Sarah moo xxxxxx

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by patsydior

Monday 26 May 15:56

Not long now Awesome Arthur! I hope your new bed has been delivered for Michelle to bring with you. Could be interesting when you arrive if Fire is still on three legs but we are hoping he will be much improved by the time you arrive. Got loads of chicken to cook up for you for your first meal after your journey. Lots of cuddles are waiting for you.

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 24 May 17:37

We popped into the kennels this afternoon, and I couldn't resist going in with this gorgeous boy to give him a farewell kiss & cuddle. I gave him an extra kiss too, and asked him to take it to Sparky when they meet up in just a few short days now. Bon voyage you special boy, have a great life in a fantastic new home - loads of good wishes go with you from all your friends at Daybreaks. xxxxx

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by patsydior

Saturday 24 May 13:48

You brave boy Awesome Arthur.x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 May 22:36

Hi patsydior, your lovely Arthur was a donor for the Pet Blood Bank earlier this week. He was a very brave lad! Xxx

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by Terry

Monday 12 May 13:51

Hi Arthur - I met you at the Kennels and you are gorgeous. I was there when your photo was taken with Jess and Louis and you were such a good boy and posed like a true professional. Good luck for ever and enjoy your soon to be new home. I am so pleased that patsydior is adopting you and is prepared to help you with your deafness. We had a little dog (not a greyhound) who went very deaf and we just had to make sure we were facing him when giving him commands and did not frighten him by walking up behind him and surprising him. He coped very well and was a very happy little boy. I am sure you will give so much love and affection and I just loved your 'little' tail, so cute - those long ones only get in the way ! - you have a designer one. Lots of love and kisses from Davey, Flynn, Millie, Nell, Pip and from one of the many failed foster carers - me, Terry. XXXXXX

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by patsydior

Sunday 11 May 19:57

Hello Awesome Arthur, getting closer now and the weather is set to improve so you will be getting lots of walks in the countryside and perhaps we will take you to a Vide Grenier to introduce you to some friends and find you some toys.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 07 May 22:12

Hi patsydior, your new boy is awesome, he such An affectionate lad, who loves human and doggy company as you can see from his picture he's great with all breeds of dogs! The little dog in the picture is little Jess who is a small as a little terrier and not to forget Louis (aka Fluff Fluff) xx

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 07 May 20:11

Ok ! Arthur is fantastic !!! Not long now :)

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by patsydior

Wednesday 07 May 18:23

What no updates on my boy, is he OK?

by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 04 May 20:41

Arthur was in the Kitchen today with another 5 greys... He was fab not a peep out of him at all... we have dog coloured floor when they all lay down and was like an obstacle course. He just LOVES company and loves being around other dogs. x

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by patsydior

Sunday 04 May 17:49

We are loving all these updates on Arthur and the photos which help us to get to know him before he arrives. bed arrived on Saturday so that is ready. SO looking forward to him arriving and settling in with us. it seems he has quite a following already!

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by blueangel

Saturday 03 May 18:36

Arthur had another great day in the kitchen with al the dogs and my little Jess and Sunny was not bother at all good boy xxx

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by muddypaws

Friday 02 May 17:25

Hi Tracey.We used to have a deaf boy - non greyhound - and we never found his deafness much of a problem, in fact, after a while we used to forget he was deaf ! We did'nt use any pre-arranged hand signals...but just improvised as we went along...and soon realised which ones worked best.In fact.we both used several different ones for a particular command, and he always seemed to understand what we were saying. If you think about it... we tend to use hand signals all the time with our dogs...probably as much as vocal commands !!! Our boy used to take a lead from our other dogs and usually knew what was going on. Even when he was lying or standing with his back to them or us, he knew when one of us moved...don't know if he could feel the slight vibrations in the floor or if it was his sixth sense. So l would'nt become to pre-occupied with his deafness...but you do need to bear it mind in certain situations. Good luck...everything will work out fine.Oh... and you will adore him...he is totally gorgeous, l'm sure many of us are very envious of you.XXX

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by patsydior

Friday 02 May 16:33

This will be our fifth dog we have adopted before ever meeting or seeing in real life so it is a little daunting but I go with my instinct on how a dog looks (and some advice!) and so far so good. I just wonder who Arthur is going to team up with as Belle and Sparky are joined at the hip. Hope is a loner, Fire is a sh*t and Noble does his own thing too. If Kate comes round tomorrow for walkies then I will video the chaos which is lead time with Belle leaping like a gazelle. A sight to behold I promise you.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 02 May 15:11

patsydior he is lying as good as gold in the kitchen now with Sara's 2 boys so I'm sure that he will fit right in with your gang, and he will enjoy those sofa cuddles! Have been doing a big smile and a "thumbs up" sign for when he has been a good boy, and he only has to see a lead in your hand and he ambles across and waits beautifully for it to be put on. He definitely loves his bed though and loves to snooze.xx

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by patsydior

Friday 02 May 14:26

We plan to be here every day with Arthur when he arrives for at least two weeks so he won't be left alone and I've got loads of films recorded so we can have sofa cuddles if the weather doesn't let us sit outside. His new bed is due for delivery on Monday so will have to shoe horn that in somewhere!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 02 May 11:56

Arthur is keeping me company in the office today, it is a bit chilly so he's snuggled under a blanket. However, he has somehow managed to lie with his head underneath my chair leg, and looks sooo comfy that I don't want to disturb him so I have been perched on the end of my chair for ages trying not to move!!!!! He really is a fabulous boy who just craves the security of company. Good luck in France with the gang my beautiful boy. xx

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 02 May 00:48

MICHELLE - I have ordered a book & had it sent here as it couldn't be sent to France.....I will give it to someone at the Awareness in Stratford on Saturday & get them to take it to kennels so it can go in Arthur's suitcase :-) xx

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by crackercharlieX

Thursday 01 May 23:11

As blueangel said Arthur spent the afternoon in the kitchen with 2 greys n my 2 non grey boys today n he was so good! He got on great with the other dogs straight away, found himself a bed n then just chilled out n slept! All he wanted was the company n the stress just went away! He is going to love having lots of other dogs n people to be with in France. He will be one very happy boy n patsydior you're gonna love him!!!! X

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 01 May 22:51

Hi Tracey ice may have a little hearing, ask Ruth, when you call his name, he cannot hear you, last Sunday when we opened up the kennels everyone else was making a right racket, but Arthur, was still fast asleep, he did not see us come into his kennel as he was facing the wall, it was so touching, we had to wake him up , gosh he is a special boy, anyway I am digressing a bit, what I wanted to say was when he was in the kitchen run with me I clapped my hands and he turned round !!!!!! I don't know if it was a vibration thing or what but I did it again later and he turned round again so he must of sensed or heard something !!!!

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by blueangel

Thursday 01 May 20:53

Arthur came in the kitchen today along with Smartie,Norah and Charlie and Louis for company as he was a little upset in the kennel he love it and was great with all the dogs xxx

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by patsydior

Thursday 01 May 17:05

'Sign' Hello Arthur, I've just realised that we already do a sort of sign language when we call the others. Slight crouch, call their names and arms outstretched, palms out, fingers spread out and then they rush to us for cuddles. Perhaps it will work with you as you seem to like cuddles. On countdown down.

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 30 Apr 18:50

arthur (ice) thanks for the nice cuddle at the kennels today. you are so gorgeous. tracy is so lucky to be adopting you.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 29 Apr 22:09

Hi patsydior, no ill effects for Arthur after his injection at the vets yesterday. He is such a handsome lad! Xxx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 29 Apr 19:37

Such a loving boy loves the company of people thanks for my cuddle Arthur xxx

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 29 Apr 16:54

Had the best cuddles with Arthur (ice) today. X

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by patsydior

Tuesday 29 Apr 16:45

Hello lovely boy, no nasty after effects from yesterday's visit to the vet I hope. Big cuddles x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Apr 19:23

Arthur visited the vet today to arrange his passport ready for his new life in France! Xxx

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by patsydior

Monday 28 Apr 17:27

Hello Arthur, your passport has all been paid up so you are truly on the way now. I have the feeling there will be lots of cuddles for you before you leave as you seem to be grabbing a lot of attention. Big hugs.

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 27 Apr 22:13

Arthur spent the day either in the kitchen with all the Volunteers today or in the office. He was SO good and a real character... Passport time tomorrow... the Bon Voyage end of may to the lovely Patsydior... with the lovely help of his escort Michelle and hubbie, Bertie, Blade.

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by patsydior

Sunday 27 Apr 21:05

Sign language, Hello Arthur, ordered your new bed today, it should arrive in plenty of time for your arrival here so won't let the others on it! Off to get your passport tomorrow I believe and we are getting so many good reports on you we cannot wait to welcome you to La Provotais Retired Greyhounds and all the space and all our friends for you to meet. Big hugs my new gentle friend.

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by blueangel

Saturday 26 Apr 19:55

I had a lovely cuddle today with Ice such a loving boy xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 25 Apr 23:48

He's going to have a great life with Tracey, Fire, Noble, Sparky, Hope and Belle x

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by blueangel

Friday 25 Apr 21:13

Yay! xxx

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by susy

Friday 25 Apr 14:25

What lovely news, wish someone would give me a home in France. But Arthur (Ice) you will be well cared for by patsydior, me I think I would need to go around the vineyards for the necessary. Also If I came I'd need to bring my 4 girlies.
Love Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan x

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by Caro

Friday 25 Apr 08:43

Bon Voyage Ice aka Arthur have a lovely life.

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 25 Apr 06:43

This is fantastic news. I'm so happy. X

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by patsydior

Thursday 24 Apr 20:07

Plans are really afoot now for you to come over Arthur, aka Ice, cannot wait for you to arrive here, I do hope you will be as happy as the others.

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by patsydior

Thursday 24 Apr 18:49

As you are a little deaf boy, I think we are going to rename you Arthur but more likely to be known as Arfa. Stumpy was just too cruel!

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by patsydior

Wednesday 23 Apr 17:34

Well, if things go to plan, Ice may well be walking with his opposite ie Fire!

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 23 Apr 17:30

I have spoken to ice ( telepathically ) and yes he does want to live in France he says wee wee !!

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by Deb

Wednesday 23 Apr 13:44

so wonder who is his new family might be?

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by Bexhewitt

Wednesday 23 Apr 11:45

This lovely dog keeps sticking his nose right in my face, hehe! He's fascinated by his own reflection in the oven door and TV. He's now quiet at night so I think he'll be fine with his new family :)

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 22 Apr 20:22

Ooh this sounds exciting! X

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by patsydior

Tuesday 22 Apr 19:10

I think there is a very much Watch This Space coming on!

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by Danny'smum

Monday 21 Apr 20:57

It certainly would be an 'Extra Special' home at La Provotais Retired Greyhounds :D

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 21 Apr 19:20

Hi Tracey if you are interested in Ice, we are more than happy to transport him over to you, we are going to France on the 30th May !!!!!!!

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by Razy36

Monday 21 Apr 18:18

I reckon he would love a new forever home in France with the Haden's he would fit in so well i that means I could have a cuddle aswel then x

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by Caro

Sunday 20 Apr 15:33

Some lovely new photos of Ice!

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by Bexhewitt

Friday 18 Apr 23:51

Sorry, no stunt cats here but he's getting on well with our male greyhound Jack, letting Jack take the lead.

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by helenanddave

Friday 18 Apr 20:08

oh ice, i see someone has kindly moved you out of ruths way - who will she cuddle now! can't blame her though as you are the most beautiful boy. enjoy your hols! xx

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by blueangel

Friday 18 Apr 19:22

Great stuff Ice xxx

by michelleandbertie

Friday 18 Apr 19:05

Wow wee who is the lucky person who has reserved ice........... Rooth???? Or is he wanting a lift to France ( we are going in 4 weeks) :)

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by Julez1

Friday 18 Apr 17:10

Don't suppose you have any cats there that you can get him used to do you? I love this boy, my Taz and he could be twins but I also have a cat and 2 little dogs to consider. Life is so tough sometimes!!!

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by patsydior

Friday 18 Apr 16:50

He is stunning, I wonder how he would like to live in France?

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by muddypaws

Friday 18 Apr 16:33

Ooohh Bex...Ruth will be so lonely in that kennel by herself !!! Has she removed temptation from her grasp....or did you win by a technical knock-out???

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by Bexhewitt

Friday 18 Apr 15:32

Ice is on his holidays to my house on foster. Got quite excited about chickens and TV's and kitchen cupboards...and and and. Bless him.

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by muddypaws

Friday 18 Apr 10:52

Me thinks this lovely boy has sent poor Auntie Ruth's brain into meltdown !!! Oh...the's written all over her little face - will i..won't i - can i..can't i - should i - should'nt i ??? I can see her finger hovering over that REHOMED button even as i write this!!!! I will watch this space with much interest !!

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by Fairy

Thursday 17 Apr 22:28

I met Ice for the first time today - his photos don't really show just how stunning this young lad really is. I have to give him a cuddle today as Ruth got all the real ones xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Apr 21:21

It was lovely to see Ice cuddled up with his kennel mate Ruth today, they both looked very comfy together! Xxx

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by Julez1

Thursday 17 Apr 21:13

Why oh why do I always fall for the ones that hate cats!!!
Upset now x

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by lovegreys

Thursday 17 Apr 20:57

Ruth, I have a lovely picture of your cuddles with Ice. I'll try posting it tomorrow for your approval. X

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 17 Apr 20:40

Ahhhhh my boy! we had cuddles in the kennel today!!!! You are fabulous xxx

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by Danny'smum

Thursday 17 Apr 19:45

He looks lovely, really hope he finds an extra special home really soon. If I didn't have 6 dogs already I would snap him up.

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 17 Apr 18:11

Gosh Ice you are a georgeous boy ... its all in those lovely round dark eyes !!! xx

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by Jess&Koda

Thursday 17 Apr 17:59

Hi Julez1 - sadly he is not cat friendly :(

by Julez1

Thursday 17 Apr 10:53

Is Ice any good with cats?

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 17 Apr 06:38

If there was a fella I could adopt (now Ringo has gone and apart from my favorite Albert at the mo!!!) this boy would be the one. He is ADORABLE!!!!! His trainer tells us he is deaf and he has an incredibly short tail.....bless.... everything about him makes my heart melt. So.... if you pop along to the kennels today and I am not in the office.... check out his kennel as that is where I will be <3

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 16 Apr 18:49

Lovely boy. My hubbie walked you this morning and you were great. Hope your forever home comes soon. Xx

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 16 Apr 17:59

Ice is such a sweetie, he loves cuddles ( well any type of affection really!)

by michelleandbertie

Tuesday 15 Apr 21:04

gosh what a stunner !!!

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 15 Apr 18:29

This boy is the cutest! His ears always flop the wrong way! Xxx

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 15 Apr 17:21

Go on Julie, you know you want to! Xx

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by Julez1

Tuesday 15 Apr 16:26

OMG I cant believe it I thought someone had stolen my Taz and popped him to the kennels. What an amazingly handsome dog .......hmmm I wonder!!

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by savocat

Tuesday 15 Apr 14:13

Awww, soooooo like my white boy Buddy (as mentioned below, from the same litter). He is gorgeous ! If I get chance, we will come and see him XX

by skinnyme

Tuesday 15 Apr 13:29

Was at kennels when he arrived, so very handsome!

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by savocat

Sunday 09 Mar 18:09

I'd be interested to see the photos of this lovely boy. One of our boys is his "full" brother, from the same litter I think. Awww....... no we CAN'T have another, tempting tho that is ! :O)

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