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About Me

Racing Name
Highfire Charlie
White and Black
Date of birth
21 aug 2007
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Liosgarbh JudyIE-SEP-02-BEW
Family tree & race history


male, 17 years old, White and Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Charlie has had 0 cuddles today (36 all together).
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by Angelbella

Wednesday 06 Aug 20:23

I was also a kennelhand for Charlie and fell on love with him instantly such a lovely little fella. Makes me smile to see so many of the dogs I used to care for finding lovely homes. Love you lots Charlie X

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by maddoglady

Wednesday 06 Aug 08:46

Charlie went for a long countryside walk yesterday (1.5 hours) over fields, including stiles, woodland, including fallen trees and a bit of walking on the road. He was accompanied by MIsty and his two little friends, Rose the Lhasa Apso and Bert the spaniel. (I was there as well obviously, I wouldn't send them on their own, they'd get into all sorts of trouble!). He was a good as gold, negotiated all stiles with aplomb and didn't need to lifted over anything. He got on really well with his little friends and after the walk we repaired to Little Heath Garden Centre for a restorative coffee & cake, purely to socialise the dogs of course! Whilst there we met 2 Greys and their people from Hall Green RGT. They were very complimentary about how lovely Charlie was, Dog Mom was so proud!
Incidentally if any one is out walking that way, Little Heath Garden Cente is very dog friendly, we were invited in and made to feel very welcome & offered water for the dogs. The coffee is Lavazza (my personal favourite, we'll go again!)

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by maddoglady

Wednesday 16 Jul 16:14

I'm delighted to report that Charlie is now fully on his raw food diet. We've had no problems with his tum and the food is agreeing with him. It's all a matter of finding the right portion size now, at the moment he's eating like, well like a greyhound really! He is saving up his tins of fish, which I'll pop up to the kennels, however you are to physically stop me looking at any of the dogs! We loves are little Charliefarley although lately he's become Sir Charles!

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by maddoglady

Friday 11 Jul 07:53

Thanks LadyVictoria, Charlie is healing remarkably well. He is now a little bit more wary in the garden, however thats no bad thing! and it hasn't spoiled his good looks! (of course I'm biased)

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 10 Jul 23:18

Oh dear pleased to hear the cat was ok. Hope Charlie's wound is healing well. Xxx

by maddoglady

Wednesday 09 Jul 18:39

Charliefarley is in the doghouse!! A random cat got into the garden today, I'm not sure how, the catch netting at the top of a 6 foot wall usually stops them. As you can imagine both Charlie & Misty went for it, but fortunately Misty responded immediately to "Leave It". Not so Charlie (obviously!) However he did leave, reluctantly after I'd bodily picked him up!and after shutting the pair of them in the run I was able to check the cat, which was still growling and spitting. Fortunately Charlie's lack of teeth saved the cat. He unfortunately hasn't been so lucky, he has been bitten (yes by a cat!-it was a big one!) and scratched. Trip to the vet later (more money!) and apart from feeling a bit sorry for himself he's fine. One positive (I always look for them!) I picked him up when his dander was well and truly up and he never showed a glimmer of temperament to me. We just have to work harder on "Leave it", he'll learn. I hope you aren't worrying that he'll be heading back your way, he won't. He is what he is, he'll learn!

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by maddoglady

Monday 07 Jul 16:00

Charleyfarley has now started a slow & careful introduction to raw food. So far so good, no problems with his tum and he seems to be enjoying it. I didn't want to rush him and wanted to make sure he was completely settled & happy. Don't worry I have been raw feeding for years and do know what I'm doing. It has been a challenge finding food he can eat as chewing is beyond him, but we've cracked it. The dog freezer is full of Misty food & Charlie food and we're all systems go, I'll keep you posted.

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by maddoglady

Sunday 29 Jun 08:09

Sorry LadyVictoria...I ate it!

Wags & wuffs from CharlieFarleyxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 28 Jun 21:10

Charlie....where was our postcard?! :) sounds as though you all had a great time. I think my two would definitely try the caramelised bacon ice cream! Xxx

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by maddoglady

Saturday 28 Jun 19:17

We have just arrived home from Charlies first holiday as part of our family. I must admit to a feeling of trepidation as to how he would settle in yet another strange place, I needn't have worried, he has taken to this holiday lark like, well like a Greyhound on tour. He has tried playing on the beach, paddling in the sea, wading in streams, trying dog ice cream (yes really, caramalised bacon! actually it tasted disgusting but he tried some!) He sat outside cafes and even inside cafes (when invited). He met & played with dogs of all shapes and sizes, politely. At one point he was even walking along the coastal path with a Sheltie on one side and a Cavalier on the other without any problems at all. In short he was a pleasure to have around, he was able to have a run around the enclosed garden with Misty Moo. He took the whole experience completely in his stride and met so many people calmly and graciously. Thankyou so very much for entrusting my perfect boy to my care, love him to bits!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 15 Jun 20:11

Sounds as though Misty Moo has fallen for Charlie at last, especially as they are raiding the bin together! Xxx

by maddoglady

Sunday 15 Jun 17:53

Charlie was introduced to a small dog today & a small child in a pushchair & bless him he was perfectly well mannered with both. He is only reactive to small dogs when they are walking away from him and usually when they are a few yards ahead. Up close & personal he is fine. We have introduced the "Dogmatic" headcollar which keeps him focused on where he is going. I've used it before with other breeds & can honestly say it's the best headcollar on the market, because it actually works!! Doesn't rub, doesn't ride up & gives gentle control. The look on his face the first time we tried it when he's like "Wanna chase, wanna chase, oh ok perhaps I don't then!!" For anyone out there with a strong hound of any breed, worth a try.
Bless him he is a real sweetheart & the more he settles in with us the more his personality is starting to come out. His head is in the fridge every time the door opens and bin raiding is fast becoming a fun pasttime, which even the incredibly aloof Misty Moo is joing in with! It is actually funny seeing two waggy bums in the air with heads vanished in the bin & then both pretending it wasn't them when caught out. I thought Misty was going to be a good influence.......!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 10 Jun 22:15

What a wonderful home he has! :))) Xxx

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by maddoglady

Tuesday 10 Jun 18:13

Charlie & Misty have been to the farm shop & cafe today, there is also a childrens farm with all manner of unusual & interesting animals including llamas, alpacas, emus and a slightly demented shetland pony. Charlie was the perfect gentleman and although I'm sure he really wanted to whizz round the paddock with the pony he was brilliant. There was a large group of children & adults all with special needs and all wanted to give him a cuddle and he happily obliged. Dog mom was so proud!
I can honestly say his puppy paws are now well & truly under the table and Charlie is quite simply my darling!

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Jun 22:30

Well done to Misty for giving Charlie stair climbing lessons! Sorry to hear his teddy is now headless! Xxx

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by maddoglady

Thursday 05 Jun 16:29

Had to leave the grey beasties alone today for a couple of hours. I came home & I still have a kitchen! The only casualty was Charlies new very smart corduroy teddy bear arrangement, it is now the headless teddy of old Redditch town! Bless him!!
He has mastered the stairs Misty has given him a masterclass even walking up and down the stairs next to him until he got the message.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 Jun 21:28

Brilliant to hear how happy Charlie is, so pleased Misty has realised what a fab young man he is! Xxx

by maddoglady

Tuesday 03 Jun 15:16

To us he has become Charlie Farley! or when he is being cheeky, Chaaarles!

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by Melysa

Tuesday 03 Jun 09:53

Lovely! I love this dog - he was at Daybreaks when my Charlie was there. Hence he got named 'Charlie Cow' as mine was 'Charlie Mouse' to differentiate between them! You are very lucky, he is so bouncy & loving!

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by maddoglady

Tuesday 03 Jun 07:58

Just when you thought it was safe......! Had a few log in problems logging in! Charlie is doing great, he & misty are now bessie mates and cut quite a dash when walking out together, after all we now have a Greyhound and a grey hound. (I'm not called maddoglady for nothing!). Seriously though we were quite notorious around the village with the Saints and Charlie is attracting as much attention, everyone wants to meet him and he has been the perfect gentleman wagging and smiling at everyone he meets. Took his first trip to the country park (evesham) yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed his walk by the river.

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by maddoglady

Thursday 29 May 15:49

Almost a week has gone by since Charlie joined us and I can't imagine life without him! He is a lovely boy full of "Joie de Vivre". He is walking better on the lead every day and although a bit reactive to small dogs really isn't a problem. He met a Springer & Border Collie up close & personal today and apart from headbutting the springer (You really can't kiss a dog with a muzzle on, son!) he was brilliant with them. Delighted with him & doubly delighted to hear that Albert has now got a lovely new home.

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 29 May 09:12

Lovely to hear how well Charlie is getting on in his new home, Misty is being a good role model for him. x

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 27 May 20:46

Well done Charlie...what a star! Xxx

by maddoglady

Tuesday 27 May 16:36

Charlie saw his first cat today, he looked did a kind of "strictly come dancing "hop from foot to foot, checked to see what Misty did and then just carried on walking! Dog mom was so proud! He really does walk so well on the lead I have to keep checking he's still there.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 25 May 21:10

Great to hear Charlie is doing well...I can just see him lounging on the chaise! Come on Misty, you have to admit he is a lovely chap. Xxx

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by maddoglady

Sunday 25 May 12:42

Charlie is continuing to settle well, he looks so good draped across the chaise in the kitchen! He has also introduced Misty to peanut butter sarnies! He is enjoying his walks, he has seen a couple of small dogs and apart from whingeing a bit he just carried on walking, wasn't so sure about the Samoyed though, anyway so far so good. We are thoroughly enjoying him and although Misty is pretending for all she's worth that she isn't bothered, I know different! Sending today's cuddle to Albert, hope you are lucky soon fella.

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by jojopoppet

Saturday 24 May 09:27

Oh Charlie we are so pleased!! Your new family are so lucky. Have a long and happy life - you so deserve it. xx

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by blueangel

Friday 23 May 18:14

Have a happy life Charlie with your new family xxx

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by maddoglady

Friday 23 May 14:47

Charlie is home, so far so good! He & Misty are getting on well, they've been for a walk together and both were very good with each other. He was quite fascinated by a stone lion in my neighbours garden, but decided not to chase it! At the moment he is lying in his bed, destroying his squeeky toy!

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by Melysa

Friday 23 May 13:50

I so agree Kate re the feet! Just lovely x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 May 13:41

A fab homing wonderful to see Charlie with all four paws on the ground! Wishing you all lots of happy times together. Please let us know how he is getting on. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 22 May 21:34

Gave Charlie a great big hug and kiss before I went home happy little lad! Xxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 22 May 19:09

charlie! just got back from cuba and seen your good news. so happy for you. have a great life with your new family. xx

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by maddoglady

Thursday 22 May 10:57

Morning Charlie, big day tomorrow! Dog mom, Dog Dad and Misty Moo are coming to take you home! Sooo looking forward to getting you home and spoiling you rotten!

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by blueangel

Tuesday 20 May 18:38

WAY TO GO CHARLIE!!! you so so deserve a loving family and sofa mate xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 20 May 18:37

Be happy Charlie xx

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by Melysa

Tuesday 20 May 16:14

Charlie, we love you! So happy! Please bring him to training on Sats!

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by maddoglady

Tuesday 20 May 14:54

Met Charlie for the first time today, loved him so have reserved him and am so looking forward to getting him home for a life of cuddles & fun!

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 20 May 14:21

omg !!!! Yes Yes Yes, You done it Charlie. Fantastic news. xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 20 May 13:55

Charlie, I can't believe it - at last! This is brilliant news, I'm with you LadyVictoria, love him to bits and hope everything works out for him. A special boy who so deserves a lovely home of his own. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 May 13:06

Our little Charlie has been reserved!! I am so very happy, keeping everything crossed this will be his perfect home. I love him! Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 13 May 22:12

Charlie and Albert's feet look so much better. :))) Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 09 May 23:35

Saw Charlie at Ruth and Robs house tonight. His paw looks so much better and he is so happy....he and Albert were bouncing around, not easy when wearing a big plastic cone! :))) Xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 04 May 20:38

I just wanted to say I totally agree with lady Victoria and shanesmum about Charlie and Albert, my heart went out for them today, despite all that they have and are going through they are still happy waggy tailed boys , greyhounds are just so amazing a breed , they just love people and want to be loved !! I feel so sorry for Charlie and Albert as I think that the bandages are off putting prospective families off perhaps, but please look past this, as it is only temporary and they are on the mend, they have waited so long and really deserve a forever home now where they can coverless and get better , fingers crossed not long to wait now xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 04 May 14:15

I so agree with LadyVictoria - both Charlie & Albert have been so restricted for ages due to their poorly paws, but they are such good patients, taking their medication and wearing their trendy socks & rubber gloves on their paws without protest! They are the best of friends and all they need now is a home to call their own. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 03 May 23:08

It must be Charlie's turn soon to get a sofa of his own....he has had a tough time recently with his poorly paw but remains a very happy and friendly boy. Sending him and Albert my cuddle to share tonight. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 02 May 13:48

Glad your op went OK Charlie. Hopefully those short walks will soon become long ones! Xx

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by jojopoppet

Friday 02 May 09:28

Oh Charlie! Just seen the comment about an op! Whats going on with the toe! You desperately need adopting soon. Just cant understand why you haven't been snapped up. Good luck and love to you little man xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 01 May 21:20

Charlie's operation went well. :)) Xxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 01 May 20:55

Charlie my darling i hope you feel better soon xxx

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by Fairy

Thursday 01 May 20:02

Kate, you and Ruth do a fabulous job for all of the dogs at Daybreaks. As Melysa says, they will just be so pleased to see a friendly face and be back with their friends xxx

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by Melysa

Thursday 01 May 14:13

So sad, Kate x
But they will be so glad to see you, just like Charlie Mouse still is, after you were there for his removal of 20 teeth!

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by helenanddave

Thursday 01 May 13:04

Best of luck Charlie. That nasty toe has to be sorted for you. Take care. Xx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 01 May 11:06

Just taken Charlie and Albert to the vets for their toe very teary at leaving them. Just wish they had families waiting for them when they come out. We do the best we can at the kennels but nothing beats having a home of your own. Xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 25 Apr 21:36

Great photo of Charlie standing on the chair in the treatment room! Xxx

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by jojopoppet

Friday 25 Apr 11:30

Hi Charlie. Havent checked you out for a week or so cuz of giving Misty and Rolo lots of attention. So pleased about the paw! I do hope you will find your new home soon!

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by helenanddave

Thursday 24 Apr 20:52

Oh Charlie, have just seen the news about your poorly toe. So sorry it has not cleared up as expected. All the best at the vets. Hopefully you will quickly get better and find your forever home. You are such a lovely boy. Xx

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by helenanddave

Friday 18 Apr 14:03

So glad to hear that bandage is off at last Charlie. Hopefully everything will continue to improve for you. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Apr 21:25

So pleased little Charlie doesn't have to wear his bandage any longer. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 17 Apr 20:39

I took Charlie to the vets today - his bandage is now off, his pad is healing well and hopefully he will start to weight bear with that foot now. He really is lovely - he leaned on me at the vets, taking little interest in the small fluffy dog at the vets. He is such a sweet boy x

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 16 Apr 18:54

Hello Charlie. We did walks again today. Sorry it can only be a short one but you need to get that paw better first. You are a very sweet boy. Xx

by Shanesmum

Tuesday 15 Apr 18:05

Charlie, we will have to get you and Albert your own chairs at the vet's you are there so often!!! Let's hope that these antibiotics will finally make your paw better and you can get rid of that bandage. Big cuddles. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Apr 22:00

Another visit to the vet for Charlie today. His paw is looking better but he has more antibiotics and another dressing. He has to go back to vet again on Thursday. He and Albert love going to the vets, it is a big adventure to them! They met several dogs in the waiting room today and were great with them all. They really will make someone very happy, they are both so very lovely. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 14 Apr 10:34

Hello Charlie - are you being good and not eating your paw covers! See you on Wednesday for walks. Xx

by Shanesmum

Sunday 13 Apr 17:37

LOVE this boy. He is happily sharing with the very regal Prince Albert, and is such an affectionate and cuddlesome boy. His paw has been all bandaged up for a while now but he is so good and is not licking or nibbling at it. Oh Charlie boy, your very own sofa is out there somewhere, I really hope you don't have to wait too much longer. xxxx

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by stevensue1

Sunday 13 Apr 15:49

We met Charlie today at the kennels,very friendly Grey,loved our 8 year old son,didn't jump up him just followed him round like his new BFF !!! Very gentle and loving , Charlie would be great with a family on this showing today,Good Luck Charlie you deserve a fab new home xxxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 12 Apr 20:35

Loving your new photo Charlie handsome xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Apr 16:44

Lovely new photo of gorgeous Charlie! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 08 Apr 07:21

Oh Charlie, hope that paw hurries up and heals soon. And now you have a poorly paw partner to keep you company too - we shall have to put a red cross over the kennel door!! Big cuddles sweetheart. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Apr 22:26

Charlie had his stitches out today but sadly he still needs a dressing on his paw as his pad has not healed completely yet. What would really speed up his recovery is a forever home where he could spend the day lounging on the sofa and being spoilt rotten! Xxx

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by jojopoppet

Sunday 06 Apr 10:14

morning charlie came to visit misty on saturday and you just keep catching my eye! Cant believe you are still at daybreaks. Youve worked so hard and yet so happy! I'll keep watching you and you never know, once misty has settled in I might be back for you too!!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 04 Apr 17:56

Ah Charlie, such a friendly and affectionate boy. Despite having a heavily bandaged paw he just loves to be out and about and would spend all day cuddling you if you let him!! Charlie, I am keeping my fingers crossed that it happens for you this weekend. xx

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by Melysa

Friday 04 Apr 09:55

So will we! We are coming for a visit & you were the first person Sam & I took Charlie for a walk with!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 04 Apr 09:36

Oh Jess, we will miss you on Saturday....Xxx

by Jess&Koda

Friday 04 Apr 07:36

Sadly I'm not :( so won't be able to take some pictures, as this one defiantly doesn't do him justice at all x

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 03 Apr 21:48

Charlie has been back to vets for a dressing change on his paw today; all is looking good. Hopefully he won't have to have the bandage on for much longer. If Jess is at the kennels at the weekend I am sure she would like to take some new photos of him! Xxx

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by Melysa

Thursday 03 Apr 11:10

More photos of Charlie Cow please!

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 02 Apr 18:47

Took you for a short walk today Charlie. You managed well in spite of your bandaged paw and you were so excited to get out. But you must stop eating your paw cover! My husband walked your friend Albert also with a poorly paw. Both of you are lovely dogs.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 28 Mar 18:35

Charlie is Albert's poorly paw partner - they both have a blue bandaged front paw which they raise up and hop along on 3 legs!!! He is such a lovely, friendly boy who wants nothing more than a sofa to call his own. Fingers crossed for you this weekend my lovely boy. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 25 Mar 21:08

Little Charlie has been at the vets today having a corn removed....he is a smashing, happy lad. Hope he won't have to wait too much longer for a home of his own, he has so much love to give. Xxx

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by blueangel

Monday 24 Mar 19:42

Good luck with your op tomorrow Charlie xxx

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by blueangel

Friday 21 Mar 20:12

Charlie just loves human company his a big sofie x

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Mar 17:45

I just adore Charlie, he is so friendly and fussy and happy and he loves to be around you. Such a handsome fella, here's hoping you don't have to wait too long for a comfy sofa to relax on sweetheart. xx

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by Caro

Thursday 13 Mar 19:58

You look such a happy chap Charlie.

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by NMD07

Tuesday 11 Mar 19:26

Giving Charlie my cuddle cos i likes his smile. Xxx

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by blueangel

Monday 10 Mar 21:35

Charlie really is such a sweetheart xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Mar 20:58

Charlie gets my cuddle today, after 173 races he really does deserve a happy retirement. Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 05 Mar 21:38

Charlie you have a very happy face!!

by mary/john

Wednesday 05 Mar 10:18

morning all... Charlie is the spitting image of our patch.. if his temperament is like patch then someone will be very happy with him.... mary/john great barr xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 04 Mar 20:26

Charlie is a very happy, bouncy lad! Xxx

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