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About Me

Racing Name
Droopys Ada
Date of birth
04 jun 2008
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Droopys NiftyIE-AUG-04-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Tuesday 09 Jan

This gorgeous girl broke her hock in April 2013. She has had extensive surgery costing thousands of pounds paid for by her racing owners.

Ada has had 0 cuddles today (32 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 16 Sep 21:49

So pleased for Ada, be happy! Xxx

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by Snipe

Tuesday 16 Sep 20:09

So happy for Ada :-) . Live long and prosper little one xx

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by susy

Tuesday 16 Sep 09:28

What great news. Love to the new family and Ada. The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 16 Sep 06:30

Great news for Ada! X

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by muddypaws

Monday 15 Sep 21:15

So pleased for her.XXX

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 15 Sep 21:04

She has gone green! I popped out again to visit Ada who has been on trial for a couple of weeks and I am so pleased to say she is very settled and doing so well. I am going to visit once a month to weigh her and to take her to hydrotherapy. She looks so content and happy :-) Photos will be taken on her next visit! x

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by muddypaws

Monday 15 Sep 15:22

Great to see the red sign for little Ada ....fingers crossed for you sweetheart. You so deserve a loving forever home after all you've been through!!! Think l know who will be shedding a tear or two to see you go! XXX.

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by lovegreys

Sunday 14 Sep 19:04

Well done beautiful Ada. Xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 14 Sep 17:52

Ada, this is such lovely news - so happy for you. xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 02 Sep 19:21

I can understand how you feel about Ada we do hope she settles really well you know the problem we had with our tinker at first but she soon settled down just to let you know she is now 6 today and we have now had her two and half years time flys when your having fun thanks Ruth for all your surrport over the past 2years or so

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 02 Sep 08:10

I went to see Ada yesterday evening and she was much more settled with the Chinchilla! Since being left I was told she had watched a film whilst curled up on the sofa, eaten her dinner and had a play!

Personally I find it so hard to leave a dog that has been living in my home and been so involved in - I find I become even more protective especially after all Ada has been through with her recovery.... I guess that's why so many join the Failed Foster Club but I am being strong this time!

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by muddypaws

Monday 01 Sep 16:07

l will try again. Sorry , but this phone, you only have to breath on it, and it posts a comment!!! Thank you Ruth for being so patient with Ada, and trying to find her the home that she deserves. Be a good girl with the furry little one my beauty.XXX.

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by muddypaws

Monday 01 Sep 15:52

Be a good girl Ada...and leave that little furry critter be. Thanks Ruth for being so understanding with Ada , and doing everything you can to find her the the home that is exactly

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 01 Sep 15:30

I have taken Ada out to her new home on trial this afternoon. She found the Chinchilla VERY intriguing so I am going to pop out again this evening to check she is starting to settle..... keeping my fingers crossed.....

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by chickman

Thursday 28 Aug 20:49

oh Ada if only u melt my heart every time l look at this site but for now sending lots of xxxxxxxxx's wish i could send all the in mates a cuddle xxxxxxxxx

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by Snipe

Friday 22 Aug 22:44

What a lovely face and those eyes.....!!! Good luck Ada xxx

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by NMD07

Friday 22 Aug 21:22

Loving the new photos, lots of hugs. Xxx

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by Dingo'sMom

Friday 22 Aug 19:54

Just wondering, Pete won't allow another dog, is she cat friendly? She is so lovely. X

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by TJ

Friday 22 Aug 16:47

2nd comment I've posted for you today gorgeous, but "how photogenic are you little lady?" Answer = VERY. Sending you another big cuddle this afternoon Ada. Tx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 22 Aug 15:35

I went to the kennels today to pick up a bag of burns. I had to go have a look around, so many kisses through the kennel bars, lovely. I saw Ada in ghe kitchen with Foxy B. She was so exited and kissy, I did worry about her leg when she jumped up the door wagging her tail like mad and giving loads of kisses. She seemed so strong on her hind legs, it was great to see her looking so good. If only I was in a better position I think I would have taken her with me. She is so cute and lovely and been through so much, but is still so happy. Love to you, you are such a special girl. Take care baby. Xxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 22 Aug 12:10

Bit shocked to see ada was given up on so quickly. It is always a bit hard to take on a new dog and most of us expect a time of readjustment. Ada, in particular, has been through so much. Hopefully another home is not far away. Sending her hugs. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 22 Aug 08:51

Those new photos are lovely Ruth. She is a real beauty. xxx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 22 Aug 08:48

this type of news is just so frustrating and dissappointing and always hits us grey owners hard- we just find it hard to comprehend how you can find the real dog in just a few hours- that being said she always always has auntie ruth in the background to come to the rescue so at least she is a happy girl thanks ruth xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Aug 08:42

Thought I would post a new photo of Ada as it hasn't been updated since she arrived at the Trust in May! She has settled back at our house like a dream :-)

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by TJ

Friday 22 Aug 07:58

Couldn't agree more with 'michelleandbertie's' comment below. When we adopted Rosie, Kate gave us the best advice with her words "remember, time & patience". This beautiful little girl Ada, has endured injury and endless trips to the vets/specialist and surely the 'few hours owner' knew of her needs before choosing to adopt her?!
Ada my little darling, you WILL get your forever home and we have all our fingers and paws crossed that next time will be the right family for you. You have been through so much that you are getting the biggest electronic hug we can possibly send to you precious. Lots of love T, J & R xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 21 Aug 21:38

I am very tired so I hope I dont sound too contraversial ! normally its Roy not me BUT........ how can anyonegive up on a dog only a few hours into thier 'forever home together' as said before most of us have a wobble or two, the enormaty of the responsibility ( especially with your first ) and then again with your second a different kind of worry ie will my first dog feel left outetc etc etc, but if you dont give it time then really its best that the dog does come back as they deserve patience, and love, its a whole new world for them and they need people who will be there and not give up too soon !

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 21 Aug 20:28

I agree with NMD07. How can you in such a short time come to that conclusion???? At least baby girl you are with the lovely Auntie Ruth, Uncle Rob and hounds. Take care Sweetie. It will happen. Love and kisses. Xxxx

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by NMD07

Thursday 21 Aug 17:30

How can you know in such a short time? iam sure we all have had a bit of a wobble after taking on a new dog, I remember just after we had our first sitting in tears cos I didnt think I would cope, he was very strong and keen on the lead, he came straight from racing kennels less than 2 weeks since he last raced. When we had number two wasnt as bad but couple of days in had the doubts again was it right to have two could they both get attention that they needed etc, but we are all here muddling along, doing the best we can. XXX

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by muddypaws

Thursday 21 Aug 15:39

So sorry for little Ada.....but probably for the best. Just one comment many hours??????? l will say no more!!! Please give her a big cuddle from me Ruth.XXX

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 21 Aug 13:02

Yesterday I popped over to Bromsgrove to pick up Ada from her foster home as she had been offered a new home. I dropped her off yesterday afternoon but sadly today I have had to go and collect her as her new owner feels it is not going to work out.

Ada is the sweetest, most beautiful girl going. She is so brave with what she has been through and is an absolute pleasure to have. She is back at our house for now and is currently fast asleep after a busy 24 hours!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 16 Aug 14:51

Good luck little girl. l hope that your meet and greet goes really well !!! You deserve a lovely new home...but then dont they all !!!
Fingers crossed for you sweetheart. XXX

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 15 Aug 20:16

Well done pretty Ada. I came to the kennels on the day you came in. You lay in the office with a sock on which you kept pulling off!!!! So happy that you may have your forever home as you are such a little sweetie. Lots of love and luck to you baby girl, you really deserve it after all you have been through. Love, love, love. Xxxxxx

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by susy

Friday 15 Aug 18:07

Ada such lovely news. Hope all goes well with your new G/hound meeting.
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 15 Aug 14:09

Gorgeous Ada has been reserved! All depends on a meeting with her prospective Dad's other Greyhound....keeping everything crossed they like each other! Xxx

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by Jomarion

Friday 08 Aug 02:11

You are beautiful, Ada. Soft, endearing gentle eyes. And love that white triangle on your nose!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 06 Aug 08:49

Ada had a fabulous day! At her review at Nottingham it was felt she was doing so well she could be discharged from the care of East Midlands Referral Centre - yay! She still has several months of antibiotic cover as a precaution for her leg. She is allowed on short walks of up to 20 mins twice a day and can play with her toys to her hearts content without us worrying now! After her trip to Nottingham, I dropped her off to her foster home in Bromsgrove and she was shattered! Thanks to Maggie and Paul for fostering her whilst she waits to find that forever home out there somewhere........

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Aug 21:37

How did Ada's review go today? Xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 05 Aug 09:05

Ada was dropped off at our house on Saturday as she is off to Nottingham again this morning as I am taking her for another review following her plate removal. She is being an absolute treasure and Maggie and Paul who have been fostering her say she is fantastic! I am dropping her back to her foster home in Bromsgrove later - if you think you could offer this gorgeous girl a home - please give us a call x

ps thanks to Roger who is coming with me - my own personal sat nav! :-)

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 15 Jul 22:33

Hope all went well with Ada in Nottingham and that she is on the mend. x

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by TJ

Tuesday 15 Jul 10:10

Sending you a BIG electronic cuddle gorgeous and paws crossed that you all goes well today in Nottingham. Tx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 15 Jul 07:17

I hope today goes well sweetheart. X

by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 Jul 20:31

Keeping everything crossed for Ada...she really is such a sweet little girl, she deserves some good news. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Monday 14 Jul 20:25

Good luck tomorrow little one...l will be thinking of you...hoping for a good report. XXX

by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 14 Jul 19:06

Good luck for tomorrow baby girl xx.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 14 Jul 18:52

I am off to Nottingham again with Ada tomorrow for another check up following her plate removal 2 weeks ago. She has been limping a lot but she is so keen to play - it is just horrible trying to stop her doing this :-( I would desperately love this little girl to find a home of her own as she is getting so used to being here - she loves the company of the other dogs, is toilet trained and is very good with food when around others. She is just a really truly adorable girl....... xxx

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by NMD07

Friday 04 Jul 21:04

So pleased for you little one, my boy is out the Droopys stable. Xxxx

by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 04 Jul 17:33

Great news! X

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by maddoglady

Friday 04 Jul 16:29

After much deliberation todays cuddle goes to Ada, GO GIRL!! Has to be a virtual hug, and in fairness I could actually hug them all!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 04 Jul 09:32

So pleased for Little Ada, hope her special home comes along soon. Xxx

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by susy

Friday 04 Jul 09:16

Such great news, Ada you deserve it.
Love to you from all of The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 04 Jul 08:19

Oh that is great news for ada! So pleased she is doing OK now, she has been such a brave girl. Xx

by muddypaws

Friday 04 Jul 08:07

Fantastic news!!!!!!!!! Please give her a kiss and a cuddle from us. So relieved. Thank you for taking such good care of her.

by TJ

Friday 04 Jul 07:53

This is great news Ada; Rosie, John and I are sending you the BIGGEST electronic cuddle this morning as you really have been a brave girl. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 04 Jul 07:06

I took Ada back to Nottingham again yesterday to see how she was doing following her plate removal on Monday. I am SO pleased to say she is doing FANTASTIC! She is stopping with me until we can find her the forever home she deserves..... she is house trained and just such a happy loving girl x

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by missfifi

Thursday 03 Jul 19:39

Am so hoping Ada is doing well - my boy Bouncer had plates out after five years due to sudden and unexpected infections in a front leg - my heart was in my mouth all the time for weeks and weeks - but he did recover and all the horridness was worth it in the end. Big kisses Ada - Daisy and I have paws and fingers crossed for you. xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 03 Jul 19:14

any news on how ada has got on today? fingers are crossed for her. xx

by Terry

Thursday 03 Jul 13:41

Thinking of you today little Ada and hoping with all my heart that all goes well for you. I have given you my cuddle today because you so deserve it, you are a very brave and lovely little girl. Lots of love to you from Terry and big big big cuddles and kisses - XXXXXXXXXXXX

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by muddypaws

Thursday 03 Jul 07:47

Good luck today little girl. So wishing everything goes o.k. Will be thinking of you today.XXXXXXXXXX

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 02 Jul 22:08

Hope little Ada gets on ok at the vets tomorrow. Xxx

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by maddoglady

Wednesday 02 Jul 16:28

Ada gets my cuddle today, hope all goes well on Thursday. Charlie has just had his massage so we both send you healing thoughts!

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by susy

Wednesday 02 Jul 15:38

Hope every thing is well on Thursday. All will be in our thoughts. Such a shame she has to go through all this.
Love Sylv, John & The New Icemaid Clanxxx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 02 Jul 00:15

Sending you a cuddle hope all goes well lovely girl xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 01 Jul 22:06

Good luck for Thursday ada. Hope all goes well. Xx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 01 Jul 19:00

Be brave little girlie. Fingers crossed. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 01 Jul 18:03

Sending the lovely Ada loads of healing thoughts. She's such a lovely little girl I really hope all is well at her review on Thursday. xx

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 01 Jul 15:40

My heart really goes out to this little girl. So sad that she is having to go through this....l will keep my fingers crossed for Thursday, and really, really hope, as l know everyone does, that the prognosis is positive and she can make a good recovery. A big than you to Ruth & Rob for taking such good care of her, you are both so kind. Ada gets my virtual cuddle today.X.
P.S lf we can help in any way...just let me know.XXX

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by mary/john

Tuesday 01 Jul 10:56

Just hsd our border collie csstrated st 9 months. Hes not a happy chappy but is been consoled by our grey patch eho loves him.....john/mary xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 01 Jul 07:36

Beautiful Ada was dropped off at Daybreaks on Sunday by her foster parents. I took her home overnight and then we set off early yesterday morning to Nottingham to East Midlands Referral Centre which is a specialist centre for her to have her plate removed as sadly her leg is still not healing.

I arrived back home after a nightmare journey (the M1 slip road was closed off) at around 7.30pm with a very wobbly little girl.

She has had a very settled night, has had her breakfast and tablets and is back in her crate.

The next few days are critical - she is not allowed to move around unless on a lead in the house as there is no plate to support her leg and she has had recurrent infections so the skin is extremely thin and fragile. I am taking her back to Nottingham on Thursday for a review. She is a very brave little girl after all she has been through since breaking her hock last year. She gets my hug today!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 14 Jun 23:21

Pas Mal Manque' fe'e vos Francaise n'est pas si mal que ca continuez a essayer et vous permettra d' amelierer, mais je ne peux pas vous ai der avec notre clavier. desole. XXX

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 14 Jun 22:24

:))) Xxx thanks!

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by Fairy

Saturday 14 Jun 22:15

Hi Kate. It's just to say that my French is really rubbish but honestly didn't look it up. And sorry for the bad French and that I missed the accents etc but really don't know how to do that with my UK keyboard. Just to add now - if anyone can tell me how to do that, I'd be really grateful xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 14 Jun 22:08

Hi Fairy, do we get the English version too?! :))) Xxx

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by Fairy

Saturday 14 Jun 21:55

Cher Muddypaws - mon francais est maintenant tres mauvais mais je t'assure que je n'ai pas cherche "faux pas" dans le dictionnaire. Je voudrais m'excuser a tous qui j'ai agace de mon francais - je sais bien qu'il y a des lettres ici qui ont besoin des accents et cedillies mais je n'ai aucune idee comment les ajouter avec mon clavier xx

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by TJ

Saturday 14 Jun 07:57

Big hugs for you Ada, hope your leg is soon much better. X

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by muddypaws

Saturday 14 Jun 05:31

O.K......l am going to find that dictionary right now!!!! You about kicking a bloke when he is down!!! XXX.

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by muddypaws

Saturday 14 Jun 05:06

Oooh......l so,so reckon that you had to look that one up Fairy Mary!!!!Xxxxxx

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by Fairy

Friday 13 Jun 21:56

Faux pas is all I am saying!

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by muddypaws

Friday 13 Jun 15:16

I hope little Ada is feeling more comfortable today after her trip to the Canine Sports Clinic yesterday!!! :-))) Thanks for getting it sorted Mrs have a good heart and a kind soul. I really hope Ada can find a loving home and a careful and understanding new owner.
l noticed that you have corrected your grammatical Faux Pax ( l was'nt going to mention it....honestly )!!!!!!!! Now...l know that you had a long, hard day yesterday, and it was fairly late....but you really must start adding a little something to that Southern Comfort !!!
XXX. P.S. I am desperately looking for a dictionary to check my spelling of Faux Pax...bloody French...knew l should have used "error" instead !!!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 12 Jun 22:58

I did over 100 mile round trip today to get Ada seen today as she was having problems with her leg. She ended up having x-rays and a screw removed under sedation and she is now on antibiotics. Bless her - she was so brave and I could not recommend Richard Torr at the Canine Sports Clinic more for helping her today. What excellent service!

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 04 Jun 22:55

Oh what a shame for you. Happy birthday. Although no cake for you after Foxy ate that lovely left over cake that Ruth wanted!!!! Hope you are better soon.xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 04 Jun 22:39

Gorgeous Ada came round to visit earlier as she had crashed into the coffee table and scuffed her leg slightly. She went away with a fetching bandage with sheep on it! She was amazing and just lay on the floor in our lounge with our 5 and was totally relaxed. This birthday girl is one very gorgeous girl and I hope she finds a forever home very soon x

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by Fairy

Wednesday 04 Jun 21:07

Happy birthday lovely Ada xxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 04 Jun 15:22

Happy Birthday to lovely Ada xxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Jun 14:39

Happy Birthday Little Ada! Xxx

by Spanner

Wednesday 04 Jun 14:21

Happy Birthday. Love Gemma & Stanley & Co.

by TJ

Wednesday 04 Jun 13:22

Sending you HUGE birthday wishes Ada, have a great day. Big licks, Rosie Po xx ps... my Mom's given you her electronic cuddle today as she thinks you're gorgeous.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 04 Jun 08:05

Happy birthday Ada x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 25 May 21:23

Ada is just fabulous! She has settled into our house as though she has lived here all her life! She is very settled with our 5 greys and is fine being left. She is absolutely fine to go for walks despite her previous injury but just cannot go off the lead in case she hurts herself. She is lovely!

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by TJ

Saturday 24 May 07:49

Morning Ada; my Mom's just seen your photo and says you look 'adorable' and has given you her electronic cuddle today. She's just told Dad that she's coming up to the kennels on Monday to get me some food and wants to have a 'munch' of you whilst she's there! I'll give her a kiss to give to you also. Big hugs, Rosie Po xx

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by Fairy

Friday 23 May 22:05

Oh my gosh how lovely are you Ada. Hope to see you when I come up to Daybreaks next week xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 May 19:44

Hope it won't be long before the perfect home for lovely Ada comes along. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 23 May 18:46

I had the pleasure of meeting the gorgeous Ada today whilst my 2 were having the care package, which I have to say I thoroughly recommend. She is loveley and just lay quietly I the office with Ruth watching what was going on and had a lovely biscuit. Such a sweetie. Won't be long before some lucky person gets a lovely hound. X oh and I got lovely kisses off silky Al and beautiful Arthur.

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by lovegreys

Friday 23 May 17:24

Oh Ada, you look adorable. What a beautiful face. You definitely get my cuddle today. Xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 23 May 15:59

Ooops sorry Angie! It is me who is taking Ada home - I wasn't hinting! x

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by Shanesmum

Friday 23 May 15:19

Just realised that I was still logged in when Ruth used the computer, so it is in fact Ruth that is taking this gorgeous girlie home with her, not me! I must just add that she is now fast asleep on a comfy blanket on the office floor, bless her.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 23 May 14:56

This gorgeous girl broke her hock 13 months ago in April 2013. She has had extensive surgery costing thousands of pounds paid for by her racing owners.

She has arrived at Daybreaks today but I am going to take her home as she needs to heal fully and we think this will be easier in a home environment.

Unfortunately due to her injury she is not allowed to be able to run around (even in a garden) as she could seriously damage herself so I am desperate to find her a quiet home asap. She is at the moment very settled in the office and seems very chilled out.

She is adorable and her ears look far too big for her head!

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