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About Me

Racing Name
Boher Tess
Date of birth
06 feb 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
January RobinIE-FEB-04-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 15 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Thursday 11 Jan

Tessie is good with other dogs and is a little bit shy until she gets to know you her trainer tells us. She loves her walks and any attention.

Tessie has had 0 cuddles today (16 all together).
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by MomofTess

Sunday 03 Apr 11:45

Thank you, we are all ok just sad but we have Jay (Johnny) to keep us on our toes. Although he is officially our grandsons dog we are all in the same home so we are involved. Tess met and liked him so he must be ok.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Apr 23:38

That's a lovely way to remember Tess...Forget Me Nots are so beautiful. Hope you are all doing ok. Xxx

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by MomofTess

Saturday 02 Apr 15:29

it. been a week since we lost Tess and today we received a lovely card from our vet and staff with a packet of Forget me Not seeds to plant. We have a small place in our garden that has our garden ornaments (all dogs) in so we will plant them there.
Thanks to all for the comments left here and on FB, so many beautiful hounds have left recently which is sad.

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 26 Mar 19:45

Such sad news, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 26 Mar 16:55

So very sorry to hear your sad news that your beautiful girl has gained her wings. Love to you all xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 25 Mar 21:41

So sad to hear you have lost your beautiful Tess. Xxx What a fabulous long and happy life she has had with you. I know how much you loved her. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love. Kate Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 25 Mar 20:29

I am so very sorry to hear that Tess has gained her wings and crossed the bridge. You gave her a wonderful home and she was very much loved. Run fast and free sweetie, lots of our beloved hounds will be waiting for you. Much love to your family. Xx

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by MomofTess

Friday 25 Mar 19:49

Broken hearted to say that our beautiful Tess passed away today, she sadly didn't come round after a dental and the vet couldn't get her breathing again. We had almost 8 years of joy, laughs, and love looking after her and will miss her so much. RIP sweetheart.

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by MomofTess

Thursday 13 May 13:59

Thank you all, Tess has had problems before and she had a scan which showed no problems. After that she stopped for a while but the last week she has been moving from bed to bed and she had always wet so it was getting to be a problem for her and us. The Vet has prescribed Incurin Tablets 1/2 a tablet each day and we have to phone him Monday and if it is no better we can up to 1 a day. So we will see how things go , hopefully the tablets will work and Tess will be more comfortable. She has gained a nice new bed anyway. Thanks again.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 12 May 22:10

Hi Tessie's Mom, my Twiggy also had a blader problem. The vet prescribed Incurin Tablets and Propalin Syrup for her. They were really successful and she had no side effects. Do hope the medication will help Tess. Xxx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 12 May 19:42

Hi there I have no experience of bladder control tablets with grey's, but I had Springer Spaniels for years and one of them had similar problems to Tess when she got to her age, The vet gave her some tablets which I found out later were a form of HRT to strengthen her bladder. It seemed to help but then I think it was too strong and she went into heart failure. It may have been that she was really unlucky but it's always difficult medicating older dogs for anything really. I think they are like us older ladies with bladder's sometimes lol If you trust your vet you have to give it ago. I hope my experience helps. All we can do is our best xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 12 May 19:14

Hi, we had the same problem with our first Greyhound Bridget (years ago now), she as only 7 at the time and it happened all of a sudden, she was weeing when she was relaxed on her bed and she didn't know she was doing it bless her. The vet gave her some medication and it stopped as quickly as it started, hope Tess gets sorted, she's beautiful xxxx

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by MomofTess

Wednesday 12 May 15:53

Hello everyone, just after some advice about Tess. She has at times had bladder weakness but at the moment it is happening several times a day. We took her to the vet today and he said that she is ok and it is down to her old age. He has prescribed some tablets which we get tomorrow to start her on. Has anyone had success with medication controlling or helping this problem. Any advice welcome . Apart from the weeing problem she is still active (for 12 yrs) and a happy girl, she loves her food and snoozing. Thanks for reading.

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by MomofTess

Tuesday 01 May 10:57

Hi to everyone, I have sent my dad over with some bedding to help keep all you houndies snuggly in bed. Mom has also put some greeting cards in for your humans to sell when they do fundraising she hopes they are ok. Off to sit in the garden for a bit while mom does housework, don't like the vacuum it's very noisy and steals all my treat crumbs . Byeee and take care.

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by MomofTess

Thursday 24 Aug 12:13

Helloeeeee , it's Tess here. I haven't given you all an update for ages but I am still here with my mom and dad and I have been living here for 3 whole years now!!! We are still going to our caravan for holibobs and there are still lots of rabbitty smells as well as neighbours that have some funny little furries that mom said dogs but I don't think so but they do make a strange yappy noise at me and I ignore them. I am much to well mannered to shout back. I am still a bit scared at times and not so keen on going out for walks but I am ok going in lifts and on trains. Mom thinks I am weird cos she don't like lifts. hehehe! Anyways Love to all from Tess xxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 01 Jan 11:10

Happy New Year, Tessie. Glad you were ok with the fireworks. xx

by MomofTess

Friday 01 Jan 11:05

Happy 2016 to everyone, Christmas was great fun here, Dolly and I had lots of new toys and treats and I have had great fun 'killing' some of them long wiggly snake things. I was very brave when the neighbours sent some fireworks into the sky and I wore my thundershirt and hid under a blanket and went to sleep. Hope everyone else was ok with all the bangs and whizzes. lots of love to all of Daybreaks hounds wherever you are and to the lovely people who look after them. Tess. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 13 Oct 22:00

Oh Tess, what a lovely summer you have had! :) Xxx

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by MomofTess

Tuesday 13 Oct 21:37

Hello everyone, thought you might like a little update on my home life. I have had lots of exciting things to do over the summer. We have been on lots of trains to the seaside and played on the sand, had walks( some in the rain).I quite likes the rain.
We went to close up the van this week and I discovered that there are lots of interesting smells to smell at 4am so with my nose to the floor I took dad a walk around the site, he didn't seem impressed when I didn't want to go back in, but I was good and went back to bed.
Today I tried again but dad wouldn't go as far, I knows there are rabbits about though. I managed to open the gate by myself but I was spotted and mom told me I must NOT go off by myself but she was pleased that I came back when she and dad called me. I did gallop around the vans first though. Back at home now so no more rabbit smells so will have to find something else to hunt. I did try helping in the garden but don't think the hole I dug was in the right place cos dad filled it in again. I shall look for spiders tomorrow as I quite like playing with them but they don't play for long once I have whacked then with my paw.
Bye for now. Tess xx

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by MomofTess

Saturday 20 Jun 21:42

Hello everyone, I have had a great day. Mom & Dad took me to Daybreaks new run, my friend Dolly came with her mom and boys and it was great fun running and playing with the toys . Not so keen on the bus journey though but we was good girls and behaved ourselves. We got home just in time for our sarnies and a treat or 2 before Dolly went home. Then it was a long snooze for me. Mom said we can go again as we was so good there. love Tess xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 13 Apr 21:39

Tess, hope your Mom doesn't mind but I had to laugh when I read you and Dolly managed to destroy the Plum Tree! Maybe you could put your pocket money together and buy her a new one....:) Sounds as though you had a great time on holiday despite the rain. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 13 Apr 21:28

Lovely to see your update Tessie. I remember you very well. Such a shy girl. Looks like you are having a really fun time now and enjoying your life very much. Don't worry about the plum tree, it was an easy mistake to make! Sending you hugs. Xx

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by MomofTess

Monday 13 Apr 20:02

Hello all, thought I would update you on my life here with mom and dad. Well we went on holiday to the seaside but it rained a lot of the time and the wind did blow very hard. One night it was very loud and I got scared so I jumped on top of mom and dad and tried to get in between them but I sort of pushed dad out of bed (whoops) then I went and got on the bed with one of the grandsons heehee. I loves those boys. We went for lots of walks and we got muddy paws (that's me and Dolly not mom and dad), and we had lots of treats as well. Me and Dolly were very very good on the train and the buses so our moms are very proud of us.
Today mom told me that me and Dolly were silly, I think we did something we shouldn't have. We saw a big twig in a pot so we chewed it and pulled it out and it broke into bits, mom said it was something called a plum tree that they had just bought, I did try to look sorry but don't think it worked but they still love me anyways. I'm going for a snooze now while I wait for dad to come home. Bye bye for now. xxxxxxxxTess

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by MomofTess

Saturday 27 Dec 17:35

Me and Dolly had lots of pressies and treats on christmas morning, mom said we were being very good girls and we had over turkey dinner and we ate it all yum yum. I have been very brave and have started to go for walks without hiding first, I like going to the park now. On Boxing day we all went to visit moms sister, auntie lyn, I likes her she gives me lots of cuddles and kisses but I was cheeky and stole a bread roll off the table, whoops I got carried away seeing all the food. Mom said I was very cheeky but she gave me some sausages later on.(big hounded grin) Mom and Dad said it was lovely having me in their home and they is so happy I came to live here. I is happy too. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Dec 22:04

Happy Christmas Tess! Hope you, Dolly and your Mom and Dad have a great day together. Xxx

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by MomofTess

Monday 22 Dec 19:52

Hi everyone Tess here, Just want to wish all me fella greys and the lovely humans at Daybreaks a lovely lovely christmas and a super new year. I am really looking forward to Santapaws coming and me mom and Dad said I can have christmas dinner. Whoopee can't wait. My best friend Dolly will be here as well and we love bouncing around together. heeheehee. xxxxand licks to all.

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by MomofTess

Friday 21 Nov 21:40

Tess can still be a wary of going out but once past the gate she is usually ok and walks off nicely then when she is near home she breaks into a trot to get home quickly. She is a bit of a home girl and loves her bed. Up to now she hasn't attempted the sofa which is ok by us. Going upstairs is something she has tried only a couple of times which is good because she refuses to come down by herself. Fun and games all round in our house,lol.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Nov 20:17

It is just wonderful to read your comments about were definitely meant to be together. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 21 Nov 18:38

So pleased to see your update on lovely Tessie. I was at the kennels the day she went out to foster and she was so afraid and timid it broke my heart. I couldn't even get her to go for a walk with the others. So glad she found her forever home and is now settled and happy. Sending her hugfs. Xx

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by MomofTess

Friday 21 Nov 15:42

3 months on and it feels like Tess has been part of our family for much longer than that. Tess is no longer a timid shy girl who hides when someone comes in, she bounces around when my daughter and her boys come here and is always first in line for a cuddle and a treat off them. We are happy that she also gets on with their dog and is happy to share her bed and toys with her friend. When we first had Tess she wouldn't go to eat her food if someone was by it but now she is quite happy to push past (quite gently) to get to it, she has so many funny little ways that every day is happy with her. I can't imagine being without her now. So glad she had gone back to the kennels for training that day, we were just meant to have her.

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by susy

Wednesday 15 Oct 14:31

Such lovely news and train journey as well, just shows what home life can do. Love to Tessie's family The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Oct 21:24

Great to hear how well Tess is getting on...who would have thought she would be brave enough to get on a train when she had trouble just coming out of her kennel when you first met her! She is lovely and has a wonderful life with you. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Tuesday 14 Oct 17:59

So pleased to hear that Tess has settled well. We came with you take her home - it was plain to see she was going to be dearly loved. Such a sweet girl. X

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by MomofTess

Tuesday 14 Oct 11:29

Just a quick update on our lovely Tess, she has really settled down here and has fitted into our family so well. We went on holiday and we were slightly worried about the train journey but she was so good and well behaved and we had a lovely holiday with her. Tess still has her funny moments when she doesn't want to go for a walk, she can be very stubborn,lol. Glad to say she has made a lot of progress and now seems to enjoy meeting people and having a fuss off some of them. Also Tess has discovered how to play with a ball and various other toys she has.
Tess is a fabulous girl and we are so happy we met her and were allowed to adopt her.

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by helenanddave

Monday 08 Sep 19:32

so pleased to hear tessie is settling well. she is such a sweet little girl. sending her hugs. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Sep 22:02

Lovely to hear Tess is doing well and is making friends. She is such a sweet little girl. Xxx

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by MomofTess

Saturday 06 Sep 21:39

Well it's 2 weeks today since we came to the kennels and met Tess. It seems like we have had her longer than that.
Tess is still a little timid about some things like being in the garden when she can hear the neighbours but she is making progress and goes out by herself most days. She has met our daughters dog (a Saluki) and today has shown an inclination to play ball with her.
Tess has become a loved member of our family and she seems very taken with our daughter and her 2 boys, they get very waggy tail moments when they call to visit her.
Every little progress is great, she is eating and sleeping well and we just love her.

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by blueangel

Wednesday 03 Sep 20:53

Well done be happy xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 25 Aug 20:19

tessie, i am so happy you have found a lovely new home. i am sure you're confidence will now grow and grow. be very happy little one. xx

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by Tillysmum

Monday 25 Aug 13:48

Really pleased that Tessie has found a home so quickly. She was a lovely girl despite her occasional funny episodes, sure she will grow out of these with plenty of TLC. Pleased too that there will be no temptation to adopt her ourselves!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 24 Aug 21:05

So pleased to hear Tess had a good night, do hope all continues to go well. She is a very cute little girl. Xxx

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by MomofTess

Sunday 24 Aug 16:04

Hi, Thanks for the good wishes. Tess ate her meal yesterday and had a good night. Woke early and went outside in the garden, then had her breakfast and had another look around the kitchen and garden. Still very quiet as expected but seems very happy to stretch out at the hearth and snooze. xx and licks from Tess and family

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by lovegreys

Saturday 23 Aug 22:04

Wishing Tessie and her new family lots of love and happiness together. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Aug 21:52

Wishing Tessie and her new family lots of happy times together! Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 23 Aug 19:31

best new photo of the day. Xxx

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by susy

Saturday 23 Aug 18:02

Great news Tessie. Love to your new family.
The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Aug 17:45

My goodness Tessie, you've found your very own home already, quick work my pretty girl -well done! x

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by TJ

Friday 22 Aug 16:48

Hi beautiful Tessie; good luck for your training with Auntie Ruth this weekend. Hope you both have fun. Tx

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by helenanddave

Friday 22 Aug 12:06

Hope Tessie enjoys the training weekend. She is a lovely little girl and it would be great to see her with a bit more confidence in life. Hopefully will see her next Wednesday for a cuddle. Xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Aug 09:00

Tessie is arriving back at the kennels today as she is going to be the dog I am going to work with for the Tony Knight training this weekend. I am really looking forward to the training so I can hopefully pass on more advice to those owners with dogs having issues.

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by Tillysmum

Tuesday 19 Aug 11:55

Tessie is doing well, gaining confidence, still very frightened of some people, workmen unloading vans etc, getting better with general traffic. Is always reluctant to leave the house, as if she associates leaving her safe haven with unpleasant experiences but okay once we get her moving. Can be very boisterous, which is fun but bothers our poor old Tilly!

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by helenanddave

Sunday 10 Aug 19:06

hello tessie, so pleased you are doing ok in your foster home. met tilly on the day you went and thought she would be good for helping you settle. hope your confidence continues to grow as you are a beautiful little girl. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Aug 22:07

So nice to hear Tilly is looking after Tessie. Xxx

by Shanesmum

Saturday 09 Aug 17:40

It's lovely to read that Tessie is in a foster home and being shown the ropes by Tilly. Hope she continues to grow in confidence, thanks Tillysmum for having this little girl in your home. x

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by Tillysmum

Saturday 09 Aug 11:21

Tessie is with us. She is making slow progress, still very timid and scared of everything but slowly gaining confidence and recognising this house as home. Has been very good toilet wise, no accidents so far, fingers crossed, and peaceful overnight. Tilly has been very patient and helpful, she is a lovely girl, they both are!

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by helenanddave

Friday 08 Aug 19:05

Just wondered if anyone had heard how Tessie was getting on in her foster home. She was so timid on wednesday when she went off. Hope she is feeling a bit more settled now.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 06 Aug 22:10

So pleased to see Tessie has been fostered. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 06 Aug 17:56

Met Tessie today at daybreaks and tried to walk her but she was to scared to go. Luckily while we were there,she went out to a foster home. So hope she learns there is nothing to be scared about and settles down. She is a lovely little girl, so tiny and does like a cuddle. Sending her my cuddle today. Xx

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by TJ

Wednesday 06 Aug 10:20

Hi Tessie, I've logged on whilst Mom's not looking so I can check on my Daybreaks buddies and having seen your photos and read that you had 146 (wow!) races, I just have to send you the BIGGEST electronic cuddle today. Arriving somewhere new can be a little daunting, but please be assured that all the humans at Daybreaks are there to keep you safe, give you loads of cuddles and look after you whilst you wait for your new family to walk through the door. I know my Mom clicked on your details yesterday and went a little misty eyed, so I'm sure that you'll have that effect on lots of our two legged companions. Thinking of you, Rosie Po xx

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by Ripple&Toney(+Flash)

Tuesday 05 Aug 23:18

Don't worry Tessie, a nice home will come along, you sound so much like Ripple (scared of everything) and she turned out to be the best behaved dog in the world, but she is still scared away from her house. Ripple thinks timid lady greys would make a perfect pet for quiet houses or where a more outgoing Grey is already in residence.

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by blueangel

Tuesday 05 Aug 21:13

Giving this little girl a cuddle tonight she is scared and she so deserve a family to love after 146 races xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 05 Aug 20:03

hello tessie, i hope you are settling down now and are not so scared. don't worry, they are a friendly lot at daybreaks! looking forward to meeting you tomorrow for walks. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Aug 22:18

Sending Tessie my cuddle tonight too. She is a very petite and pretty girl. It must be so traumatic for some of these beautiful dogs to suddenly find themselves somewhere completely new and unfamiliar to them. Hopefully a lovely home will soon be hers. Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 04 Aug 22:08

Poor little Tessie, so scared of the world! On our walk she tried to go back to the kennels she was so scared of all the cars and the noise. I've given my cuddle to her tonight as she so scared, don't worry your in good hands now princess xx

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by blueangel

Sunday 03 Aug 21:09

Just looked at that face adorable! xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 03 Aug 20:05

Tessie looks lovely! Xxx

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