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About Me

Racing Name
Kaitom Wilma
Date of birth
25 sep 2011
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Mr N Gibson
Family tree & race history

Willow (Wilma)

female, 13 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Thursday 11 Jan

Willow (Wilma) has had 0 cuddles today (7 all together).
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by cinders

Saturday 12 Dec 18:33

It was lovely to meet you today at Webb's near Bromsgrove! And Willow of course. She wears the same coat as our little Evi! (originally called Tippie)I realised, having searched the comments, that you are one of the kind people who offered me words of comfort when we lost Mia (Splash) in March. We will be over at the kennels sometime the week beginning the 21st. I hope all went well today with the fundraising and raising awareness xx

by LindaPaul

Saturday 22 Aug 23:58

Happy Gotcha Day Willow. Sounds like you make all your hooman family very happy. Xx

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 22 Aug 23:27

Happy Gotcha Day to your beautiful Willow! Xxx

by Willow'sMa

Saturday 22 Aug 18:36

Willow has shared the sofa with us for a year today!
My Mum-in-law describes her as a 'dream boat'. I couldn't agree more.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Jun 21:22

What lovely comments about Willow...Xxxx

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by Willow'sMa

Monday 15 Jun 17:06

Willow has been with us for 9 months already and she seems to feel 'at home' now. She prefers company but copes well being left for a few hours. I have the most perfect neighbours who toilet her and listen out for her whilst I am at work so I worry far less these days. They really are the best.
Willow shares our bedroom, sleeping in a corner of the room on a bed that would suit the Princess from ' The Princess and the Pea'. She is very content there!
She eats well, walks well on the lead, loves people and all sizes of dogs, has fabulous recall in the absence of rabbits and squirrels and is an utter joy. We have adopted a little bit of Heaven and although we will never forget the wonderful Iris, we have grown to love this dog.
Last Monday she was assessed to see if she is suitable as a Pets as Therapy dog and I will let you all know if she is successful when I find out. I think she will be very good as she has shown her people skills at a couple of roadshows and of course Crufts.
She really is a lovely, lovely dog, who has her moments - digging in the garden, raking the carpet on the landing and telling me the time... Breakfast time, dinner time, walkies time! Ha ha
We are glad we adopted our black beauty, although it did take time for things to drop into place. It's been worth the time and commitment as Willow gives it all back in spades!
Best wishes to you all.
The Smiths

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 06 Mar 22:21

Hope you and Willow have a great day at Crufts tomorrow. Xxx

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by Willow'sMa

Friday 06 Mar 16:13

Willow has been with us for just over 6 months now and I can't believe how quickly the time has passed! I'm pleased to say she is now more settled. We have had additional training to combat separation issues - all of which was really helpful. It's the humans that needed the training not the dog! Willow is very loving and still a limpet when I'm around but is coping well when I am not. She has a funny and cheeky 'personality' which generally makes me laugh and knows which buttons to press to get my attention! She's young and inexperienced in life and we are enjoying showing her the delights of everything from running free in the Clent hills to getting to know how to use the train. ( Er .....not that she's up to independent travel you understand!) She is strong willed and determined at times - I know she's not alone in having this trait!
Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Crufts and will be on the PBRGT stand all afternoon. So if you are going to be there, please come and say hello!

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by Willow'sMa

Saturday 30 Aug 18:18

Willow went to meet everyone at Julie's Saturday morning training today. She did really well, meeting and greeting in a calm and gentle manner. She took part nicely and than lay down and watched the others with interest. Really very calm and collected.
We are still working on her concerns about being left alone but she has really made some progress here. As I sit here in the kitchen she has taken herself off to relax on the settee. This would not have happened a couple of days ago and I'm so delighted. She is eating well and starting to relax a bit in her crazy new world. She is a little sweetie x

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by Willow'sMa

Saturday 30 Aug 18:13

Hi Muddypaws- how funny! No I meant Willow for sure. Lol x

by muddypaws

Thursday 28 Aug 14:28

Hi Willow'sMa. Having read your comments earlier, l quite naturally assumed that when you said, and l quote -"she has a fine pair of lungs...and ls'nt afraid to use them" that you wr're talking about Ruth! The penny has just dropped! You were referring to Willow!!! Wer'nt you ??? Better stop digging this hole now !!! So pleased to hear Willow is settling in and you are taking advantage of the advice and help at hand. X.

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by Willow'sMa

Thursday 28 Aug 08:25

Hi Linda and Paul,
Really looking forward to seeing everyone and getting going with the training, drinking tea and eating cake!
Willow is a lovely girl. She has met a Labrador dog who was good friends with Iris and seemed to accept him. She has walked past cats asleep on their owners drives-and ignored them more or less. So far she is clean in the house and has learnt to go up and down the stairs.
The part of life she isn't enjoying is being separated from 'her pack' in the day or at night. Ruth is guiding us on this which is so reassuring and supportive. I now know she has a fine pair of lungs and isn't afraid to use them! So this is a work in progress that I hope will get better as we follow all the top tips we are being given. Really looking forward to introducing Willow to everyone and seeing you. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 26 Aug 12:15

Hi Jude. Really looking forward to meeting Willow at training once you have all the Uni stuff sorted for Rachel. You'll recognise some of the old faces who still go along every Saturday (the tea and cake are a big draw!) and a few new ones as well. Maybe even Yony & Beau will put in an appearance again once they know you're coming ;-)
Will catch up soon. Lots of love & here's hoping your bubble is still intact xx

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by Waggawagga

Tuesday 26 Aug 12:03

Wilma is the most loving girl hope she gives you so much enjoyment jacqui

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by Willow'sMa

Sunday 24 Aug 07:59

Thank you for your lovely messages- I really appreciate them.
Pam I think the email address you have for me is an old one that I no longer use. Ruth has my new one if you would like it. I hope you are well.
Willow had another good day and night. She needs a bit of love and reassurance but is a lovely girl and it's so hard to keep my hands off her for cuddles because she laps it all up... nothing is getting done around the house! She was left last night for a while and seemed ok upon our return so fingers crossed she will cope when we all go back to work and school.
For those who remember me from Saturday morning training I am planning to bring Willow once she is ok after her recent spey and when I've got my daughter Rachel to University. I look forward to catching up with you all again then and getting all your advice and top tips. It's amazing what you forget about having a newly homed greyhound in the house so all advice will be well received.
: ) x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Aug 22:06

Willow is a lovely new name for Wilma....Xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 23 Aug 19:28

Willow is a beautiful name.Love the rehoming picture, can anyone else hear her saying "come on then lets go,bye Ruth and thanks!!" Xxx

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by PamD

Saturday 23 Aug 17:21

So glad. I tried to email you when I heard that you had lost Iris, but it wouldn't connect. Hope all goes well with Willow lots of love Pam xxx

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by Deb

Saturday 23 Aug 16:44

She looks lovely Jude- hope to see you soon love Debbie and Milly.

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by Willow'sMa

Saturday 23 Aug 14:23

Wilma has had a name change! She is now called Willow.
A quick update- Willow settled nicely into her new home by having a sniff round, a quick wee and then on the sofa for a nap. She ate all her dinner nicely, had another sleep and then a stroll in the evening. At bed time she had a bit of a cry, but after 10 minutes of soft words and fuss she went to sleep and all was quiet 'till we woke her at 6 this morning. A morning stroll, breakfast and back to sleep! I knew she was happy when I peeped in the sitting room to find her fast asleep, four legs in the air.
She has received all visitors really nicely and so far is just lovely. I am waiting for the bubble to burst! I suspect she will find her feet soon and lead us a merry old dance. But for now I can report she is being a good girl- may long it continue!

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Aug 12:45

Wilma must win a prize for one of the fastest rehomings ever! Ruth brought her into the kennels yesterday morning after her spey, about 15 minutes later she was being viewed and about an hour after that she trotted off to her lovely new home! Be happy pretty girl. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 22 Aug 21:41

Be happy little Wilma! Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 22 Aug 17:43

This homing photo has made me smile lots.
Happy happy happy

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Aug 22:13

Glad all went well for Wilma today. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 21 Aug 20:10

I took the most gorgeous Wilma for her spey this morning..... she met a tiny Lab puppy in the reception at the vets and also cats and she was not at all fazed! She is now curled up asleep at ours and will be back at the kennels tomorrow..... she is a sweetheart...... x

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by Hartstone

Wednesday 20 Aug 10:09

i must stop looking at all these beautiful greyhounds up for adoption , they are so beautiful !!!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Aug 22:43

Wilma is a very cute girl. Xxx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 19 Aug 20:29

What a happy girl xxx