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Escaped Ectasy
Date of birth
01 jul 2005
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IU Ireland or United Kingdom
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UK United Kingdom
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male, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Louis came to Daybreaks as his owner very sadly and unexpectedly passed away.

Louis has had 0 cuddles today (18 all together).
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by Deb&Rich

Saturday 03 Oct 20:13

So very sorry to hear the sad news about Louis today from our friends. We fostered him for a short time and he was the most friendly & loving dog you could ever meet. Our hearts go out to his owners who have given him a wonderful home for the last months of his life. Rest in peace lovely boy xx

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by Justine&Andy

Saturday 03 Oct 18:35

So sorry to read this about the lovely Louis. Only just back from a week's holiday so only just logged on here. Love from us and licks from Louis' sister Kylie. Thoughts with Louis' family both human and canine. Such a shame x J

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by blueangel

Friday 02 Oct 16:11

Run free beautiful xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 01 Oct 22:48

Very sad to hear about Louis...God Bless him. Xxx

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by sandypand

Thursday 01 Oct 17:00

Very sorry to hear about Louis however Emmie is still here and sleeping off her dinner and no doubt dreaming about supper!!

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 01 Oct 16:13

So very sorry to see the sad news about Louis All the famous five are so very special and will never be forgotten Another shining star in the sky tonight Run free Louis x x

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by Melysa

Thursday 01 Oct 15:44

So sad, Louis. We didn't know about Emmie either.
Both run free with your brother/our lovely Ash.
Only Kylie & Isla left now, out of the Famous Five.

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by Admin

Thursday 01 Oct 13:36

Louis sadly passed away under anaesthetic yesterday. His owners have asked that we put on a comment on their behalf. We are sure he will now be reunited with Emmie and Ash and his original owner.
Rest in Peace Louis.

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by Justine&Andy

Thursday 26 Mar 21:50

Good to read that Louis is getting on ok following his dental. I can believe that the vet staff fell for him as he's a lovely boy and it sounds that he is as happy and waggy a lad as his little sister Kylie. Hope Louis continues to do well. All the best J

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by muddypaws

Thursday 26 Mar 10:56

Louis went for his much needed dental on Tuesday. His teeth were so bad that you couldn't see them for the massive amounts of plaque covering them. He had a course of antibiotics prior to his dental to help with the infection. His pre-op blood tests came back as normal. He had fluids during and post op to make him more stable and comfortable. When we collected him on the evening, you would not have known that he had just undergone a dental. He was totally with it and so pleased to see us with a waggy tail. We were surprised to hear that he had only lost 13 teeth, as we feared he would lose them all. His mouth has been very bleeding at all,and his remaining teeth look brilliant !!! The vet and all of the nursing staff have totally fallen in love with him. He ls back tomorrow for post op check up, and again next Friday for a final check up. We had a phone call last night...and another this morning from the head nurse to ask how he is doing. l can not recommend Manor Vets highly enough for their attention to detail, their caring attitude, and their fantastic facilities. We have been using them for several years now, and they have just been incredible. lf l could mark them out of five stars...l couldn't ...l would have to give them ten !!! They are slightly more expensive than most vets...but boy oh boy...are they worth it.
We have never had a problem with them.......
and l know l am seeming like an advert for them...and l am...but if you are looking for a vets that is soooo caring, then take a look at them. I'm sure that you won't be sorry...our doggies never have been. :-)

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by muddypaws

Thursday 19 Mar 20:37

Bought some new dog beds this week to replace the hotchpotch of beds/ duvees that we were using. We were fed up with the constant arguments between our six greys over the comfiest bed. So we purchased six matching beds from Costco. We were doubtful that they would be large enough for a grey...but even Flynn, who is 42 kilos...and the size of a small horse, fits comfortably onto one...and joy of joys...there fur does not stick to them, but the dogs do...they barely move off them...and no more arguments. Think l have died and gone to heaven. :-)))

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by MrsMuddypaws

Tuesday 13 Jan 13:46

Hi - just a little message for my previous lovely family. It was great to see you all again on Sunday and you dont have to worry about me, I love it here with my new buddies and mom and dad are real sloppy with me. I get loads to eat (although I always want to eat more, mom has said she may change my name to Oliver 'cause I always want more!) Lots of love to you all. Thanks for coming to see me. Louis XXXXXXX

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by Justine&Andy

Wednesday 31 Dec 21:29

Happy new year to Louis and his new family from us and Kylie x

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by Justine&Andy

Monday 29 Dec 22:40

I totally agree Mrs Muddypaws!! We had our Lucy at just over 2 and a half years and Ben seven weeks later at just about 3 and a half years old and have had them for just over 4 and a half years now. The older they get, the more I have an affection for the older dogs. The girl we fostered last year was almost 9 and now of course, we have Kylie who is early 9 and a half. All are beautiful, loving dogs and have plenty of energy and character. I definitely would also encourage others to give the older houndies a chance.

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by MrsMuddypaws

Monday 29 Dec 13:56

Now the Louis boy is official, he continues to be extremely well behaved (not so much at food times though because he has found out that he loves his grub and does not believe he has to wait his turn!) We are hoping he will calm the others down and teach them how to behave whilst also praying that he does not follow in their 'paw' prints! If Flynn gets a bit grumpy with him he just looks at him as though he has a screw loose (which of course he has). Louis has many traits of Bobby (Pumpkin) who also looked at Flynn the same way. He has fitted in perfectly with the others though and seems to think he lives here now - must have been when I showed him his adoption papers and put on his new house collar on Saturday. To anyone who is thinking of adopting a grey, please do not discount the older dogs - they need homes too and you will have so much love from them you will find it so very worth it. I am sure that anyone who has adopted an older grey will agree with me.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 27 Dec 16:53

Well done Louis and of course Mr & Mrs M. Love to you all, great news, would like to say it was a surprise!!! X Jo. Xx

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by susy

Saturday 27 Dec 16:28

Muddypaws you have finally made if official and your a double member of the FFP Club. Love to you and ( The Muddypaws Clan) from The New Icemaid Clan. Have a Happy New Year xxxxxxxx

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by susy

Thursday 25 Dec 08:52

Sorry not too sure were to put this, but wishing Ruth and all the volunteer's a very Merry Christmas. Also love to the grey's in there super warm kennels at this time. Love Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan xx

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by blueangel

Wednesday 24 Dec 21:46

Fantastic! news Well done Louis xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 24 Dec 19:28

Well done Mr & Mrs Muddypaws and well done Louis! Happy Christmas! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 24 Dec 17:13

Mr & Mrs M. You made us all wait long enough, blimey. Such fantastic news for Louis and of course for all the other rehomed and reserved houndies over the past couple of days, nothing like waiting until the last minute, did everyone think that there wss going to be a Christmas sale or buy one get one half price!!!! Great news, so happy. Hope you have a really lovely Christmas. Jo xxxx

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by susy

Wednesday 24 Dec 16:44

Come on Muddypaws and sign those papers, your already a FFP.
But so kind of you in his sad times. But thank you, love to all, have a lovely Christmas & New Year. The New Icemaid Clan. xxxxxxx (you will soon have a clan like ours)

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 24 Dec 16:19

whoooo hoo! It seems Christmas Eve has brought Louis a permanent home for Christmas too - yay! xxxx

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 21 Dec 18:01

Hi muddypaws, sorry we haven't been able to put a comment on for a while. it's wonderful to hear that you are adopting Louis. You are right, he is such a lovely boy and we are still really sad that things didn't work out with our dogs. We don't go a day without thinking about him and he'll always be in our hearts. We are so pleased to hear that he has found a lovely home with you and your dogs and we hoped that you would keep him in the end. He is a very lucky boy and you are also very lucky owners to have such a beautiful loving boy like Louis. Love to him always, Deb & Rich xx

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by MrsMuddypaws

Thursday 18 Dec 12:44

Come on Wispa's Mom ....You know that we joined the failed foster parents club last year with Bobby!!! We are more than failed now, we are perpetual members - but it is worth it!

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by muddypaws

Thursday 18 Dec 09:44

l keep telling you Ruth....we are already multiple members of this club. We have been total failures for ages now !!! lf we do adopt Louis...and l said IF, then he will be our sixth dog from Daybreaks in just over 2 years, four of them were foster dogs originally. How much of a failure do you want us to be !!!!!!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 17 Dec 20:35

Well Mr and Mrs Muddypaws - when are you going to make it official?!!!!! The FFC needs another member! :-)

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by Justine&Andy

Tuesday 16 Dec 19:10

Kylie has moments of being a bit Shadow-like too and is also quite quick to find the kitchen. It is lovely to see her happy it's true. Her eyes were massive and practically out on stalks when she came here but she is pretty much the same as Lucy and Ben now. We've had another proof of her feeling happier as she did backing vocals on Lucy's cat screeching when we were out walking this evening - to be fair though, there were TWO cats in the same place! Luckily the dogs are all black and it was dark so not as obvious as they may have been. We've bought Christmas treat biscuits for the three of them - and tinned salmon for Christmas Day and New Years Day meal topping - as we were going to get toys but there's lots barely used upstairs so we're bringing a few of those down. It should help Kylie to have a pleasant Christmas with us all. They've all been through so much change the past 6 weeks or so but they're obviously quite resilient dogs. I'm just glad we were able to offer somewhere for Kylie to be safe and that all her brothers and sisters are too.

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by MrsMuddypaws

Tuesday 16 Dec 13:56

Well Justine&Andy - I think I may try and make Louis a 'stroking hand' but I dont know how happy he will be wearing an alice band! He would definitely lose his street cred. I will have to make sure I dont get a pink one. I guess they are all as fussy as each other and just loving the attention. I think we should rename him Shadow because whenever we turn round - there he is but muddypaws is not that keen to change it. Mind you, it is very often in the kitchen and he has certainly learned that is where the food is. Lets just relish in their affection and be grateful that they are happy once more after being suddenly separated from their previous Dad.

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by MrsMuddypaws

Tuesday 16 Dec 13:43

All is forgiven muddypaws - you called me young and a lady ! Much better than chubbychops and the other names you have given me.

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by Justine&Andy

Monday 15 Dec 19:21

Mrs Muddypaws - if you get a hat with a nodding hand for stroking could you please also send the details our way as it would be quite useful in this household too. If things stay as they are, my mom (and hopefully my brother) are on stroking duty for little Ms Kylie on Christmas Day so I can actually get us some dinner cooked! I really would be interested to know which of the 5 is the biggest fusspot but I suspect it would be hotly contested! Actually I spoke to my mom on the phone yesterday and put the phone on speaker so mom could speak to Kylie and Kylie was there taking it all in, ears twitching and wondering where my mom was hiding.

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by muddypaws

Monday 15 Dec 16:00

Nahhh...still haven't got a Scooby- Do who she is...and with an attitude like that young lady...l think l am mightily relieved that l don't know you !!!!! Deary me.

by muddypaws

Monday 15 Dec 14:59

Touchy.....or what !!!!!!

by MrsMuddypaws

Monday 15 Dec 13:52

Ok muddypaws, cast your mind back (a very very long time). I was the one who turned up on the eventful day at the Registry Office - I should have washed my hair - again! Remember me now? chubbychops as you recently called me from my photo - yeah me. I wont forget that in a hurry. Fairy - feel free to add as may comments as you like about him, in brackets or not. Little Louis continues to be a good boy although he is fast becoming a greedy devil and loves his food. I am going to get him a hat with a nodding hand on the top to keep stroking him and give my hand a rest - he is such a fusspot and such a very loving little chap. He has also found out how to wag his tail and is now using it lots!

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by muddypaws

Sunday 14 Dec 14:22

Thanks Fairy. Still trying to decide if that was a compliment !!!
You were doing so well.....until you added that bit in brackets !!!
You have to know me to love me. lol.
Still haven't a clue who this Mrs Muddypaws is ??? Spooky !!!!!!!!!!!

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by Fairy

Saturday 13 Dec 20:46

Muddypaws - always the voice of reason (on greyhound matters anyway). And MrsMuddypaws too. Lovely to hear that Louis is adopting you x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 12 Dec 20:46

Brilliant news Mr & Mrs Muddypaws! Louis is a very lucky lad. Xxx

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by MrsMuddypaws

Friday 12 Dec 13:54

Well I cannot disagree with muddypaws' comment (as upsetting as it may be for me to agree with him - for once!) Louis is a wonderful lad and I too have given him a piece of my heart although it is shared between the other greys and the ones we have already lost to Rainbow Bridge. A lot of patience and understanding is needed when rehoming any animal but they give so much love and affection that it is well worth it in the end - but always remember 'A dog is not just for Christmas'. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the hard working kennel staff and greys at Daybreaks and to all of the rehomed greys and their families. Also, a special get well soon to the lovely Belle, rest that leg little girl. XXX

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by susy

Friday 12 Dec 13:53

Oh Muddypaws another new member of the FFP Club. As you and most of us know how addictive they are, its lovely for you take on Louis his owner would have been very happy.
Love Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan, I also have the FFP tag.

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by Hartstone

Friday 12 Dec 12:41

Great words written from the heart Muddypaws, I take my hat off to you both for once again taking another greyhound onboard. Bloody Marvellous x

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by muddypaws

Friday 12 Dec 11:25

Louis has been living with us for just over a month now...although it seems so much longer!!! He has been the easiest dog to look after, we honestly have had no problems with him whatsoever. He has been totally clean in the signs of aggression...and after a little bit of aggression from two of ours, they have all settled in really well together.
Most greys have problems initially, settling in, but you have to persevere, there is always a solution if you sit down and think about it.
We have re-homed some really problem greyhounds over the years....but we have never given up on any of them...there is always an answer if you look hard enough. There is always help at hand if needed, both from Daybreaks, and from experienced owners on this website. l could never imagine my life without this beautiful breed being part of it. l love them so much, and they give so much in return. Please... if you are thinking of adopting a greyhound...have patience and may well need it...but the rewards are so worth it !!! l think Louis has found his forever home, he has taken a piece of my heart. X.

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by muddypaws

Sunday 07 Dec 15:45

Thanks Jo. It was this time last year that we had to rush Bobby to the emergency vets with bloat, so we were a little concerned, but he did'nt show any signs of his stomach bloating. He is much happier today ! He is a lovely boy, and is my constant shadow. Hopefully, all being well, he will go for a pre- dental check up and blood tests early in the New Year...and then have his second dental done, as his teeth are pretty awful...and so is his breath. lt has been a very traumatic period for him, and the other four, but if anything good has come from what was a very sad and tragic situation, it is that all five are now getting the attention and treatment that they so desperately needed. Thank you once again to Ruth and Daybreaks for taking them have turned their lives around. XXX.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 07 Dec 14:13

Omg. So relieved to hear that Louis seems much better. It is awful when you know they are not well, if only they could tell us. Keep well now beautiful, will be looking for updates. Xxx

by muddypaws

Sunday 07 Dec 13:00

Louis had been under the weather for the last 2 or 3 days. He has been having spasmodic bouts of crying with pain and looking towards his stomach area. We thought initially that he might be suffering pain connected with his castration, so we booked him into the vets for tomorrow. Yesterday, he became much worse, and was in quite a bit of distress. Then we wondered if it may be a stomach problem, as we realised that we had'nt noticed him go to the toilet for a couple of days. He was very lethargic and not a happy bunny. However, l spent most of last night gently rubbing his tummy, and over a few hours he expelled quite a lot of very smelly wind. l reeeeaally know how to live it up on a Saturday night !!! This morning he is as bright as a button, ate his breakfast, had a poo...then spent a mad five minutes chasing Flynn around the garden...and barking at our next door neighbour !!! lt's the first time that we have heard him bark !!! Hopefully it was just trapped wind...or a bit of a blockage. Fingers crossed it is sorted now. My apologies if you were eating your lunch whilst reading this !! X.

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by Deb&Rich

Saturday 06 Dec 10:40

Brilliant news for Louis, thank you muddypaws for looking after him so well. Love and best wishes to Louis as always x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 05 Dec 19:40

Great news to hear Louis has put weight on. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 05 Dec 19:05

Well done Louis and your Foster family. So great to hear how well you are doing now. Keep it up!!! Xx

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by muddypaws

Friday 05 Dec 18:00

Stopped in at the vets today to weigh Louis. He was 25 kg at the time of his castration....he is now 28.4 kg. So he is gaining steadily. Really pleased that he is going in the right direction :-)

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by Melysa

Thursday 04 Dec 20:31

I hope Louie is ok now, Ash sends him much love x
& also to Kylie x

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by Deb&Rich

Thursday 04 Dec 09:01

Hi muddypaws, I did try and reply to your message the other day after you let us know how Louis was doing but my phone kept freezing and it didn't save it, sorry. Doing it on the ipad now just in case. I just had a call from Andy, Kylie's foster parent to tell me about Louis, I was so shocked. Hope that Louis is ok, I can see from your reply to Ruth that he's doing better today which is such a relief as I started to panic when Andy asked if I'd seen the message today. Hopefully it's a one off thing and that he'll be fine. Please let me know how he gets on at the vets and I'm sure he will have put some weight on. Send him our love, Deb xxxxxxx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 04 Dec 08:09

He has seemed o.k since Ruth, he slept right the way through last night , no problems. Will pop him into the vets on Friday to weigh him,see if he has gained any. He still looks quite thin,even tho he eats like a horse!! May take Dave as well, for a brain scan....see if we can find one !!! X.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 04 Dec 06:44

Hi Muddypaws - wasn't able to log on yesterday but have just seen your post - how is Louis today? Hope he has been more settled......

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 03 Dec 23:29

Louis has been fine so far today. We had a dog a few years ago, also called Kate, who when she was an old girl, used to have seizures all the time, so luckily we are used to spotting them and dealing with them. Hopefully, it may have just been a one off !!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 03 Dec 22:41

Poor Louis, I do hope he has been ok today...Xxx

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by Justine&Andy

Wednesday 03 Dec 22:37

Hope Louis will be ok and that you all have a better night tonight. A cuddle from us and sister Kylie x

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 03 Dec 14:14

Louis had a very unsettled night last night. He was asleep on his bed and suddenly jumped up and started yelping and became very disoriented and confused, and was quite wobbly on his feet. l spent the night cuddling him and trying to comfort him. lt lasted a few hours, until he finally fell asleep. He seems fine again today....more than l do, l'm shattered !! l don't know if it may have been a fit or seizure of some sort, but l am keeping a close eye on him, just in case. looks like another sofa job tonight !

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 25 Nov 15:15

Hi Deb & Rich. Louis is doing really well. He is such a lovely boy....he is no trouble at all and is so well behaved. He is eating well and had put on a little weight. He wasn't keen on the Burns at first, but is eating it o.k now. We soak it in water for an hour, then mash it with a potato masher, then we crumble chicken...ham...or corned beef, and mix it in well with the Burns, and he loves it !!! He has got to have another dental done...but we will sort that early in the new year. Our boy Pip has taken him under his wing and taught him the house rules...not that there are
Will give him your cuddle. X.

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 23 Nov 19:08

Hi muddypaws, how is Louis doing? Hope he's O.K, give him a cuddle from us xxx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Thursday 13 Nov 19:16

We have the same thing happen with isla it must run in the family

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by Justine&Andy

Wednesday 12 Nov 21:45

Mr Muddypaws...can I just say that I know what you mean... Kylie also has tried to be my hobby horse a couple of times - amusing for me, being female. Andy's too tall for her to have much impact if she does it to him. Must be a family trait between Kylie and Louis! :)

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 12 Nov 13:56

My Sarah did that to the receptionist at the vets. She didn't seem to mind (the receptionist that is), see seemed to quite like it. Won't be able to show my face around there for a while. x

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 12 Nov 10:59

Just thought l would share this with you might brighten up what is a wet and cold Wednesday morning. Louis thinks this is hilarious...l'm afraid that l don't. He has a "quirk". He loves to creep up behind us, and push his head between our legs, and try to lift us off the ground.He prefers the sneaky rear attack...but failing that...he is quite happy to go for the full frontal assault !!! This is not so bad for Mrs Muddypaws....actually she seems to have a big smile on her face the last few days !!! But for me....not so good. My voice seems to have changed from a tenor... to a falsetto, and l'm convinced that l'm starting to walk like John Wayne. This is obviously much more painful for me if he is wearing his muzzle !!!!!!!! l am thinking of going out today to try and buy a wicket keepers box !!! Come on a bit of sympathy....and share my pain. Has anyone else experienced this......or is it just me !!!!
He is a lovely lad.....but l sound like l am sniffing helium. Please, please help me !!!
Yours Painfully....Muddypaaaaaaaaws !!!

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by Deb&Rich

Tuesday 11 Nov 13:03

It's lovely to hear that he is doing so well with you and your dogs. He does seem to go from having a cheeky face to a very sad one within seconds. He wasn't very keen on eating dog food while he was with us but he seems very keen on human food so he had chicken, ham and fish mixed in but picked those out! ;-) I imagine you're already becoming very attached to him as we did. Please give him another extra cuddle sent from us xx

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 11 Nov 11:12

Hi Deb & Rich. He is doing great. After a few initial grumbles from two of ours, they have settled in well together. His appetite is improving all the time. His character is really starting to come out now and although l don't think he will ever be a really boisterous lad, he has a cheeky side to him and he loves his fuss and cuddles. He still needs to gain some weight, but that will come in time. He does still sometimes get a very a thoughtful and rather sad look on his face, but that's to be expected, after everything that has happened to him. l will give him a really big cuddle from the two of you. (((X))) Luv to you both. X.

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by Deb&Rich

Tuesday 11 Nov 08:42

Hi muddypaws, how is Louis getting on? Xx

by Deb&Rich

Sunday 09 Nov 21:31

Thank you for your message LadyVictoria. We feel much better knowing that he is in a wonderful foster home with muddypaws and it sounds like he is getting on very well with the other five dogs. This is exactly what he needed and we are so grateful that he was offered another foster home at such short notice. He is such a lovely boy and he is very lucky to have gone to muddypaws xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 09 Nov 20:34

Sending my cuddle to Louis, Deb and Rich sorry things didn't work out for you all. Xxx

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by Hartstone

Sunday 09 Nov 19:55

6 is a nice number Muddypaws , good luck with Louis

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 09 Nov 19:49

Hi muddypaws, we actually weren't looking to adopt any more but wanted to foster Louis as our friend has fostered Kylie and we heard that Louis still needed a foster home and we wanted to help out. It wasn't until we had him that we realised we would have liked to have kept him as we grew so close to him. We are just so glad he has settled in with your crew and it would be so lovely if you were able to keep him xx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 09 Nov 16:31

Hi Deb & Rich. l would also like to thank you for giving him a chance, and thanks to Ruth for everything. lf we don't keep him, then we would like to have a say in where he goes to,if Ruth will allow us. l know that certain dogs pull at our heartstrings, but please keep looking at daybreaks, l 'm sure that another one will capture your hearts. Please be assured that he will have everything that we can give him whilst he is with us. l think that six is just a nice number too. We will see.X.

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 09 Nov 16:05

Hi Ruth, it was a pleasure to try and help and very sad it didn't work out. Unfortunately our girl (who is very nervous anyway) was too unsettled by him trying to get too close. It has made our day to hear that he is settled with muddypaws and her dogs. Even though he was only with us four days we really fell in love with him. He deserves a really loving home with some dogs who like a snuggle xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 09 Nov 15:33

Hi Deb & Rich, I know how heartbroken you were at bringing Louis back yesterday but I am so very grateful to you for giving him a chance xxxxx

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 09 Nov 15:24

Hi muddy paws, thank you for your message and we are so relieved that Louis has settled in. We have been thinking about him ever since he left. He is definitely not a 9 year old in spirit! He is absolutely gorgeous and if he had settled in with ours we would have adopted him straight away. He loves being close to other dogs which is really sweet and I think it helps him feel secure. He's also really good on his walk and doesn't pull at all. We have sent his wooly hat as he likes to wear this on his walk to keep him warm. We really were so heartbroken to take him back that your message has helped ease the pain, knowing he is settled and happy with your five. Six greys including Louis is a very nice even number ;-). He would steal anyone's heart xx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 09 Nov 14:22

Hi Deb & Rich. Louis has come to us to foster, l collected him from Ruth's house last night and he has settled in really well with our five greys. l have to agree...he is a lovely, sweet boy. He certainly does'nt look...or act like a 9 year old. lf anyone would like to meet him, then l am happy to bring him to kennels. l think he would appreciate the company of another grey....possibly a he seems to be a bit of a flirt !!! We really hope that he can find a loving ...permanent home, but please hurry, as Mrs Muddypaws eyes are already becoming very misty. l reckon l have, maybe...about three days at most....come on peeps...l can't become an FFP.....again....,l will need a bigger house at this rate !!!!!!!!

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by Deb&Rich

Sunday 09 Nov 13:17

Louis was initially fostered by us and he is a really lovely boy. He had a very unsettled first night last Wednesday (which is understandable after all he has been through) and I slept with him downstairs. The next night he slept right through in the kitchen with our other two greys. The decision to return Louis was not made lightly and I have been crying for two days but it was primarily because of our own dogs being unsettled. Louis liked to try and sleep in the same bed as them and also likes to lie very close to another dog so he is touching them. Our two were not keen on this and resulted in them growling or snapping at Louis to move. This was not fair on Louis or our dogs and so we made the very hard decision to return him as long as he had another foster home to go to. He is a very affectionate boy and likes the company of humans and dogs. When you fuss him he nudges your arm to give him more fuss which is adorable. PLEASE DO NOT be put off by his age as he looked and acted younger than our two who are five and seven! He is well behaved in the house but is also very playful when he comes in from the garden so another friendly playful dog would suit him very much. If you have greyhounds (or another breed) who don't mind snuggling up to another dog he will be perfect. Please bear in mind that he needs a lot of care and patience to help him get over all that he has been through. I Once this is done he will be the most loving dog anyone could have. We miss him very much as we were hoping to adopt him but sadly it was not working with our own. We both hope he finds a lovely new home soon and he will remain in our hearts. Love Deb & Rich xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 09 Nov 11:23

Louis was kindly fostered but sadly he has not been settling so he came back to Daybreaks yesterday. He has gone back out to another foster home and I am desperate for him to find a permanent home to settle in. He really needs the company of another dog who is willing to curl up and lay with him. If you think you could help in offering him this sort of home, please give me a call. He is very distressed at losing his owner, his home and needs quite a bit of TLC until he gets used to a new life. :-(

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 05 Nov 21:24

Do hope Louis is feeling better and is doing ok in his foster home...he is such a lovely lad. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 05 Nov 01:30

Poor poor Louis - he was castrated yesterday and had 6 teeth out, however the majority of his remaining teeth are not good and he will need to go back in a couple of weeks for another dental. He is very unsettled but this is so understandable - it is not the best day in a lad's life when he is castrated and teeth removed! I had tried to settle him but I think he will just feel much better soon :-( He is off to his foster home later - he is a beautiful boy who has lost everything - let's hope he can find a forever home very soon.......

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 04 Nov 21:39

Sending my cuddle to Louis and his brothers and sisters tonight. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 03 Nov 21:44

Muddypaws is right Louis and Isla are both so lovely as are the rest of their family. Sad to think they are no longer together but brilliant they have all been welcomed into foster homes with wonderful people and their Greyhounds. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Monday 03 Nov 17:06

l popped into kennels today to pick up some Burns, and met Louis & Isla. Though they are obviously sad, and lets face it ,their world has been turned upside down, they are so beautiful. l am so glad to hear that they have all been offered foster homes. lt never ceases to amaze me, the generosity of people, especially those connected to Daybreaks, who step forward , especially in times of real need, to help. l would like to thank all of you for being so kind, and thank you to Ruth for taking these dogs in, when you did'nt have to.
To all the people who say that the RGT are uncaring, please take a look at Daybreaks, and see the work that they do.l think that you will change your minds. Thank you to everyone involved, you are so kind. XXXXX

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by susy

Monday 03 Nov 16:07

Well fostered and will get some attention from the foster folks. But so happy this has happened for Louis. Love Sylv & The New Icemaid Clan xxx

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by susy

Monday 03 Nov 11:50

My cuddle today has to go to Louis who must get a foster home asap along with the rest of his siblings. Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxx

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by NMD07

Sunday 02 Nov 23:16

So very sad, thinking of all five fingers crossed for homes soon and a foster home for this lad. Only wish we could offer but work and i know there is no way could let them go. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 02 Nov 20:48

Fantastic to see foster homes have been found for Louis's brothers and sisters, Daybreaks has some wonderful hope a foster home will come his way too. Xxx

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by Minnie&Ted

Sunday 02 Nov 18:03

Oh Louis you are such a lovely boy I really enjoyed fussing you today hope you and the rest of you doggy family find homes very soon

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by susy

Sunday 02 Nov 11:13

Love to you with this and missing your owner. Love The New Icemaid Clan xxx

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