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About Me

Racing Name
Queen of Scholes
Date of birth
10 nov 2005
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
DB ANX BGBG form sent 2 7 09
Family tree & race history


female, 19 years old, Black

Added by PamD

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Queenie has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 10 Nov 20:09

Happy birthday tilly, we'll get that walk in soon Claire xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Jan 13:58

Hi, I was wondering how Tilly and Belle are doing? Kind regards Kate x

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Friday 01 Jan 18:14

hi all. thanks for the well wishes for tilly.
she is getting better each day. the swelling has gone down loads and vet said so far so good as for saving the eye. she will defo not regain sight but i am praying the eye will stay.
she has become a bit scared of things as she is adjusting to seeing with one eye, but getting braver and is very clingy. but we havnt left her side once since it happened with us taking it turns to sleep next to her at night on the floor so she dosnt bump into anything. we are back ar work tomora so its up to the grandparents now.
vet again on monday so by then hopefully it will have gone down even more.
Our other grey belle is now going round on 3 legs, the vet said she has got a corn. great, one dog with 3 legs and one with one eye.
we hope 2010 will bring our babies some good luck.
love claire, matt, tilly and belle.xx
happy new year to you all.xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 01 Jan 17:31

Any news on how Tilly is? Thinking of her and sending much love xxxx

by kallie

Monday 28 Dec 19:58

that sounds awful, i hope that she will recover from her injuries and that they can save her eye. thank you for the warning, i hate this icy weather walking 3 of them on slippy pavements is a nightmare. much love and a big hug to tillly. xxx

by Lauramc

Monday 28 Dec 17:31

Fingers crossed for you and Tilly. A very unfortunate accident, it's very kind to share your important message at an upsetting time. Thinking of you all. X x

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Monday 28 Dec 13:48

To all greyhound owners.
we want to raise awareness of black ice. we took our greys for a walk xmas morning, and there was no white frost on the thick grass. so as it seemed not slippy we took them off for their run. unfortunately there was some black ice on the track around the field and queenie (tilly) slipped and slid into a fence. she has huge trauma to her head which has resulted in her losing her eye site. we have got the vet again tomorrow to see whether the eye has to be removed.
we are soooo sad and upset, and wish we hadnt taken her.
just be really really carefull of the ground. even if the grass isn't white with frost, in some areas it is still slippy.
we are very responsible owners having had greys for 6 years and only take them off when it is safe. but this time we were caught out and will always regret that things are never what they appear to be.
please keep fingers crossed for tilly that she will keep her eye even though she is blind in it.
from claire and matt.x

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Sunday 15 Nov 20:27

hello all at daybreaks. a tilly update again. ( queen of scholes). as u know we have sent you updates about her new showing well we took her to discover dogs in london yesterday. we were very lucky to have even been selected as so many entrants wanting to enter. on arival we filled out a comment paper about our dog and where she came from and all that, so when we was in the show ring the commentator could read it out to the spectators. it was a brill way of advertising daybreaks for you and after the event we had so many people asking where she was from and how they could get one. in the best rescue class there was so many sad stories and we was actually pulled out in the top 5. i was over the moon, while tilly lay on her back in the ring having her tummy ticked by the judge. soo funny. the judge talked to the spectators about ex racers and i told her to say about the blacks being harder to rehome. it will be on the tv on horse and country soon so keep you eyes open for us. such a proud day and im sure tilly has done a good job for her fellow greys needing a home. we love our tilly so much and wouldnt ever be without her. love claire, matt and tilly.xxxx

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Saturday 04 Jul 19:00

we have taken queenie home today. had her for 4 hours and she has slept for 2 of them. she is so chilled and sweet. we will keep you updated and send you some pics of her wen she meets our horses, and the stable friends. thankyou so much for introducing us to our new baby. keep up all the good work, you are very inspirational. she will have a brill life. see u soon, love claire and

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Saturday 04 Jul 18:54

we took queenie today to her new home, had her 4 hours and has been asleep on the rug for 2. she is brilliant already. she is now called Dora, ( the explorer). very sweet, chilled little girl. thanks ruth. we will send some pics soon of when she meets my horse, her new big sister. keep up the good work.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 29 Jun 21:50

Well done Queenie - you were brilliant on your cat test - she wasn't too bothered by them at all!

by kallie

Thursday 25 Jun 19:34

now here is a face that looks like she has not got a clue what;s going on - bless her- Rossi looks just like her when he's not sure of something either, gorgeous little chisled features - just like himself, haha, can't wait to see her in the flesh. xxx