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About Me

Racing Name
Brooklawn Kin
Date of birth
06 jun 2009
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Lusty SandyIU/IE-NOV-04-F
Family tree & race history


male, 15 years old, Brindle

Added by Lewisfuggie

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Kin's trainer says he likes people, We have been told he is brilliant in the house and gets on great with the children. Has been in foster with 4 small children and was fantastic, also in house was 2 male greyhounds and a female labrador, got on great with all 3 after training. Gentle very affectionate boy.

For Info. Kin weighs 31.10 kg and stands at 28" from floor to top of shoulder. x

Kin has had 0 cuddles today (81 all together).
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by PamD

Tuesday 28 Nov 14:20

Hugs xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 Nov 23:30

Sending a cuddle to your handsome boy. Great to hear Kin is doing ok despite his illness. Sure he knows how much you love him. Xxx

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by Kin,Olive&Holly'sMum

Monday 27 Nov 21:35

Kin Update:
Our lovely boy is still doing well considering. He is still eating although nothing hard as he cannot chew it due to the tumor in his mouth.
He is still a character, happy and cheerful and a joy to have as part of our family.
We are glad that it has not affected him as quickly as expected. Gives us more time with our beautiful boy.
He is however still a grump when he sees other breeds but we are used to his grumpy behaviour and always have him muzzled and give other dogs a wide berth. He has his sister Ellie for company and he is happy with her.
So all good for now.
Licks and kisses from Kin. Our very special boy, who we love very, very much <3

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by lisaBaker

Sunday 03 Sep 20:57

Awww so sorry to hear this news...lots of love to Kin and his family and enjoy all the time you have together xxx

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by TheStoneFamily

Sunday 03 Sep 13:00

So sorry. Huge hugs for Kin...he sounds very loved and I hope he enjoys the time he has left.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 03 Sep 12:54

Very sad to hear the news. Wishing Kin and his family lots of fun together for however long you have with your beautiful boy. He will love every moment with you. Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 03 Sep 12:32

Poor Kin sending you big kisses and hugs darling boy xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 03 Sep 12:32

Just completely breaks my heart. Really don't know what else to say. X

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 03 Sep 12:10

Lesley has called me, it isnt good news for the beautiful Kin, he has an aggressive form of Oral Melanoma in his mouth and throat and has sadly only been given 6 months. Lesley is going to spoil him rotten and give him as much as she can. x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 18 Aug 13:56

Oh no........ hugs for Kin xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 18 Aug 13:10

I'm so sad to hear this news about lovely Kin. Keeping everything crossed that something can be sorted for him.sending him a gentle hug. Xx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Thursday 17 Aug 22:57

Devastated to hear the news about the lovely Kin !!
We have everything crossed that something can be done to help him.
Sending all our love to Lesley and the family xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 17 Aug 21:44

Oh lovely Kin I'm so very sad to read this We remember you in kennels gorgeous boy Life is so unfair to these greys sometimes Special gentle hugs to you all x x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 Aug 21:33

Such sad news. Xxx.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 17 Aug 21:24

Hoping and praying for some positive news for this gorgeous boy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I remember you from when you were at Daybreaks and stole so many hearts. Love from all of us. Xxxxxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 17 Aug 20:39

Need to send Kin a huge cuddle tonight. He has just been diagnosed with cancer. Lesley is awaiting news on whether anything can be done. I'm devastated for this boy who stole part of my heart and know Lesley will do everything she can for him. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Jun 21:10

Happy Birthday Kin! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 06 Jun 16:32

Happy birthday gorgeous boy. X

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by TJ

Saturday 06 Jun 15:36

Happy Birthday Kin, have a lovely day gorgeous. xxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 06 Jun 14:29

Hi Kin A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you gorgeous boy Enjoy those extra treats I hope you are getting! Hugs. X x x

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by mary/john

Saturday 06 Jun 13:34

Happy b/day to kin.............Xxxxx

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by Kin,Olive&Holly'sMum

Monday 01 Jun 19:23

Kin has settled in well at home and is clean in the house. His sister Ellie is the bossy one and tells him off if she is not happy especially when he is playing with toys as she sees them all as her toys (poor kin). Have to work with him on socialising with other breeds as he is a big scaredy cat but this will come with time and patience. Our family are glad to have him especially me as he follows me like my shadow. Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments. Lesley xx

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by Spanner

Monday 01 Jun 14:24

At last you can take that cap off. Enjoy you forever sofa. Annaxx

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by blueangel

Saturday 30 May 22:30

Well done Kin be happy handsome xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Saturday 30 May 17:10

Brilliant News!!!

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 30 May 09:10

This is brilliant news, been rooting for this boy to find his home and it has finally happened. Kin be happy in your new home. EXCELLENT

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by susy

Saturday 30 May 08:11

Kin you lucky boy.
Love to you and your new family The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 29 May 22:34

What wonderful news for Kin! Sending him my cuddle tonight, :)) Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 29 May 21:26

Kin has gone from Reserved to HOMED this evening. Had a fantastic Email from his new owner Lesley, who says even with his "problems" she couldnt bring him back now. Thanks to all that helped in Kins training. Well done Kin. xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 13 May 18:41

Had an update from Kin. He is loving his new home. Is getting on with his sister. They are still having to work on him with other dog's that he stillisn't liking but they have carried on the training I started... Fingers crossed xxx

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by Spanner

Monday 11 May 13:58

So pleased to see 'reserved' sign. Paws crossed. Axx

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by Spanner

Monday 11 May 13:58

So pleased to see 'reserved' sign. Paws crossed. Axx

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by DelphysMum

Monday 11 May 00:19

Hope the trial goes well Kin. This lovely lad really needs his forever home so keeping everything crossed. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 10 May 22:42

Do hope all goes well for Kin. Xxx

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 10 May 21:49

All the best Kin - gorgeous boy. Enjoy xx

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by TJ

Sunday 10 May 20:13

Hi Kin, those latest photos of you are great... no wonder you've put a family under the 'adopt a greyhound spell'! We've got our fingers and paws crossed that your trial goes well. Big hugs, xxxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 10 May 18:20

Brilliant! So pleased to see this red sign, Kin. Well done. Xx

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by mary/john

Sunday 10 May 18:17

So nice seeing kin go of to his new home today...XX

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by blueangel

Sunday 10 May 18:04

Good luck mate xxx

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by susy

Sunday 10 May 17:19

Kin you lovely boy, I go out for the day and come back to find Beattie, Billy and yourself reserved, What a great day.
Love to you all from The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 10 May 16:06

Way to go Kin, be a good boy and show them what a great boy you really are x x

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 10 May 13:15

Yay, Kin has been reserved and is doing a trial with them now to see how he gets on with there other greyhound, keeping fingers crossed my boy, you deserve it. xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 10 May 12:59

Oh beautiful lovely Kin...a RED sign at last !! Really happy for you gorgeous Lewisfuggie has somehow kept her promise and worked her magic for you Excellent news for all ! Yey !! Xxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 09 May 21:36

This beautiful boy is coming back with me in the morning... I'm going to miss him hugely.... He is SOOO loving... But he is now ready for the next part of his journey to hopefully his forever sofa... Be good our lovely boy...xxxxx

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by mary/john

Friday 08 May 16:58

Kin u like so happy to be out of the kennels for the week stopping with lewisfuggie ..I hope u do have a home VERY VERY soon he has a lot of love to give...Xxxx

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by Jowolf

Wednesday 06 May 15:09

Kin is my Flo's half brother (same Dad) and they look so much alike, if I could have another I'd be round for him in shot. Apparently she was a bit shouty in the kennels but I've had no issues with her whatsoever. Even if Kin is only a tiny bit like Flo he'll make a fantastic pet and make his new family really happy :-)

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 06 May 14:32

Oh poor Kin Brings tears to my eyes that these long stay hounds (usually boys ) have to work so hard to get the sofa they deserve Yet once they've found it are often the best most loving gorgeous and most grateful grey you could hope for Paddy was a great example and is very much loved Wish we could help Kin but we really would need a bigger!! Hugs to you Kin Someone will have you soon PLEASE x x

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 06 May 09:26

Kin is no longer the grumpy boy he used to be, I have never met a dog so loving and so eager to please than him, no one would believe me if I said he has been playing with all 3 of my dogs, shares beds, eats next to others and all with NO grumbles what so ever, he has totally changed, I can not keep him and MUST get him a forever home asap, i can not let him down, it is my task to get him his forever sofa, he just wants to be with you all the time but can be left with no trouble at all, he does not make a sound and greets you with so much love and waggy tails when you come in,

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 05 May 18:39

Oh so sorry Kin Everyone is working so hard to help you get your paws on your own sofa Still we all believe there's a special one out there somewhere waiting for you...its just a matter of finding it sweetheart Chin up Hugs and a cuddle to you tonight x x

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 05 May 14:47

After Kins viewing last night, the family couldnt all agrwee, so Kin is back up and awaiting his forever home. I will be keeping him with me for the rest of this week to continue his training, but if you would like to view him, I can be available any day or night this week. If there is anyone out there that could continue Kins foster after sunday, please let the kennels know as he is doing so well and could really do with not going back to the kennels. X

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 May 22:09

Will keep everything crossed for Kin! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Monday 04 May 19:46

Kins viewing went fantastically. They have 2 other greys and have lots of experience with them as work as a home checker for other Greyhound Rehoming Centre. Keeping fingers crossed as she travelled over an hour to get to me to view him, he met her greys and within minutes were getting on great. Xx

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by mary/john

Monday 04 May 19:19

Kin love yr new pics on facebook u r looking so happy with Coco and Torres and Lottie...he need a forever home...Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Monday 04 May 17:39

Another fantastic day for Kin, un muzzled but supervised continuously. I have been putting pics up on Facebook, guess what, he has a viewing tonight. X

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 03 May 20:09

Kin is being a fantastic house guest with my 2 greys Coco and Torres and my non grey Lottie. No grumbles from anyone.... Ate dinner together with me being on careful watch..... I think his grumpiness is him assuming the kennels is "his patch"of territory. He needs a forever home. X

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by mary/john

Sunday 03 May 18:08

Kin behaved very well today with Bailey our border collie... good interaction. With more training would make a very good grey forever home......

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 03 May 12:18

We tested Kin with Bailey again today (non grey) and he was fab. Only one very little grumble at the very beginning and then waggy tails all round. This boy really is very intelligent. He just needs a forever home. x

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 03 May 10:32

KIN I hope you will enjoy your weeks holiday with other canines be great for you. Did you pay attention how Podge managed to get his sofa. Come-on boy there must be a loving family out there for you.

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by TJ

Thursday 30 Apr 17:18

Have a wonderful time with your foster family Kin, it'll be great for you to spend quality time in the 'real world'. Big licks from R & B xx

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by chloe06

Wednesday 29 Apr 20:10

Great news Kin! You walked really well this morning :) xx

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by mary/john

Wednesday 29 Apr 18:52

we wish you well kin and so happy you have been selected for fostering...... xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 29 Apr 15:47

Kin is going out next week for a weeks foster and some valuable training... He is going to spend some time with 2 greys and a non grey. Let's hope this helps him and get him a forever home very soon. Xand. Keep your eyes pealed for updates on his progress and if anyone would like to view him. Give the kennels a call. X

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by blueangel

Monday 27 Apr 20:24

Sending my cuddle to Kin there someone out there special for you mate xxx

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by susy

Friday 24 Apr 12:39

Come on folk's Kin had been at the kennels too long, how ever great they all are. Joycey can vouch for him I'm sure. But what ever, he need a sofa of his own. Love to him from The New Icemaid Clan. xxxxxxxxxx

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by Spanner

Thursday 23 Apr 10:28

I hope you are not still wearing that ridiculous hat/toupee. Keeping paws crossed.
Sorry you will have to share cuddles with Billy today.

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by mary/john

Friday 17 Apr 16:39

Hi Kin see u sunday for yr walks..Xxx

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by Rubydog

Tuesday 07 Apr 17:15

Possibly a tricorn hat like Poldark

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by Spanner

Tuesday 07 Apr 12:12

Looks as though he is wearing a beret or possibly a toupee. Keep advertising and hopefully you will get that forever sofa shortly. Ax

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by mary/john

Tuesday 07 Apr 09:25

Kin I love yr new pic.....Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 06 Apr 21:56

What a great couple of days you have had Kin! Maybe not such a good idea to wee on the lady's chair and foot...oops! Never mind you live and learn :)) There must be the perfect home just around the corner for you. Xxx

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by Joycey

Monday 06 Apr 17:51

The gorgeous Kin! How this boy hasn’t found himself a home yet baffles me!
I took Kin to the park today with my dog Libby again, we went to a slightly quieter park for training just to give Kin some time to calm down before being distracted by something else, however he really didn’t need it, he behaved perfectly, he did have two very little grumbles at Libby but these were over in seconds and they were straight back to walking along side each other and bumping into one another. It was an absolute pleasure walking Kin and Libby today!
After the walk we popped into my home for a drink and one or two little treats. Kin was perfect in the house, sniffed around, came when called, even took some of the toys out of Libby’s toy box, he seems to particularly like the squeaky toys.
Before leaving I showed Kin my three rabbits at the top of our garden, he behaved so much better than I ever expected, of course he showed some interested, but there was no lunging or barking at all!! Whenever I walked away he came straight with me and didn’t fuss at all. He’s such a good boy and so affectionate, he loves being round people.
See you next week handsome!

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 05 Apr 22:38

Kin you looked like you had a great time out today with Simon, Jan, Jay and Amber. Xx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Sunday 05 Apr 22:16

Kin's day out to Brueton Park then walking through the park and into Solihull High Street.
Hi everyone, Kin here, here is my story of my day out with my friends Amber and Jay.
We went in the travelling machine, not too far to a lovely place called Brueton Park. We walked along by the duck pond and stopped to look, I wasn't worried by them. We walked through the park, I was a bit silly when a couple of 'fluffies' came past but soon calmed down with the help of Uncool Simon. I walked with Jay and Ellie and Amber and Ontie Jan through the park. There were lots of lovely smells and lots of trees to wee on!
We stopped to talk to two old ladies, one sat on a bench and one in a wheely thing, I had lots of fusses which I loved, then..... oops!! I did a wee on the wheely thing and the ladies foot!- I said sorry with a snuffle and we moved on quickly!
We walked by some shops where we talked to a man in blue clothes with a hat on(policeman). He thought I was lovely and gave me lots of fuss.
We went to this place which smelled funny but nice. Uncool Simeon said we were here because Jay and I were Irish.
Amber lay in the sun and I checked with her that it was okay and I lay down as well.
The hoomans ate some food but saved us a little as a treat, and we started walking back. I was with Ellie this time and I was very good for her.
We stopped in the park and I tried a little bit of Ice Cream (only a little bit honest !!) it was yummy!
We walked back through the park and met an old Daybreaks Grey called Trigger. We stopped to talk and I was okay until he got too close and I grumbled.
Back in the car and back to Daybreaks - what a lovely day I had x x

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 05 Apr 20:23

Kin has been out lapping up the sunshine today with Jay and Amber in Solihull. He really is starting to change and we thank Simon & family for giving him this valued time out. x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 03 Apr 21:43

What a lovely day out for Kin to look forward to! Xxx

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by TJ

Friday 03 Apr 20:19

Oh Kin, have a lovely time being out & about on Sunday gorgeous. xxxx

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by mary/john

Friday 03 Apr 16:47

cool its good for the dogs to be out and about....Xxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Friday 03 Apr 15:48

Sorry Mary, we may upset you on Sunday.....
We are taking Kin out for a couple of hours from 11ish.
We are gong for a walk in the park then through Solihull High Street.
We should only be a couple of hours so if you are about before or after....
Get your glad rags on Kin. You've people to meet!!

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by mary/john

Friday 03 Apr 10:43

Hi kin my m8 plze give me a nice smiled on sunday love mary Xxxx

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by mary/john

Sunday 29 Mar 18:44

I popped in to see kin this morning he was smiled at me! LOL....mary Xx

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by mary/john

Saturday 28 Mar 20:23

kin c u in the morning X

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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 25 Mar 17:46

Ohh Kin you are also becoming a long time resident. That is not what is supposed to happen. Next time a visitor comes to see you make sure you smile (well that may put people off if they do not know about the greyhound smile). Oke just look at them kindly and do the greyhound relaxed pose that is always good. That with your good looks should seal the deal

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by susy

Monday 23 Mar 17:54

Come on folks we have such lovely dogs at Daybreaks, and also need homes or a sofa. Love to all the dogs from The New Icemaid Clan xxxx
Kin will make a great asset to anyone.

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by mary/john

Thursday 19 Mar 19:09

Hi Kin looking forward to seeing u on sunday Xx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 18 Mar 18:35

Kin, you were a very good boy on your walk today. Walked you beside other kennel dogs and our Milly and there were no grumbles at all. xx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 18 Mar 01:41

Sorry Kin, I put this on Facebook but forgot about here for your prospective new Mum and Dad to read...
I must give a report about Kin's overall behaviour at the Stratford Walk.
He was bouncy and happy to be leaving the kennel, but did show a bit of attitude to a dog coming into the kennels but this soon passed with a firm word.
He was nervous to start at the racecourse and was very unhappy with a couple of fluffy's running around off the lead as we approached a kissing gate. He walked well with no real pulling, but did show a keenness to a dog in Stratford town centre.
As time went on he calmed down and just looked rather than reacting to other dogs, so this to me means he will get over it with training and a firm hand from his owner.
He was very affectionate to all who wanted a cuddle, travelled well in the car and was no problem with Jay and Amber as you can see in the photo.
As we were going through Stratford by the river there were loads of swans and geese. I purposely walked towards them but Kin showed no interest whatsoever.....
He is a lovely affectionate boy, and with a firm hand and a positive attitude to his training, his new Mum and Dad will have a stunning addition to the family.
I will happily take him out again as soon as I get time....

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by mary/john

Monday 16 Mar 10:36

I love the new pics with kin....Mary Xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 16 Mar 08:46

What fab pictures of Kin on his day out with Jay & Amber. This is just what this boy needs, time out in the world to get used to what it's all about and how to behave in it. Thanks so much to Simon for taking him, he really is a beautiful big boy who just needs his chance

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by cloggyerik

Monday 16 Mar 08:43

Kin you have some really nice photos here. Looks like you are enjoying a lot of new experiences which should make you great to rehome as you already know so many human rules. Is he not a beauty.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 15 Mar 22:35

Lovely photo of Kin and his new friends Jay and Amber. Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 15 Mar 22:23

Kin (the brindle) I have uploaded a couple of the pics of you today when you were out with your friends Jay and Amber (both fawn) at the Stratford Walk, people this lads really needs his forever home. x

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 15 Mar 12:44

Thanks to Simon for taking Kin out today on the stratford walk. Think he is really going to enjoy it. x

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by mary/john

Thursday 12 Mar 19:33

Hi can it be Kin and Riskys weekend for a new owner or foster parents?.......x

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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 04 Mar 13:26

Kin is a big boy but also beautiful and strong. We met him when we were looking but he did not choose us was to fascinated by a small dog. I am sure him will find a loving home this beauty deserves that.

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by muddypaws

Saturday 28 Feb 19:31

I really love this boy...he is such an affectionate, gentle giant. What are you still doing in kennels deserve to be in your own loving home. lt must be your turn soon. XXX

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 17 Feb 11:29

I wondered about the new photo of Kin, and I'm delighted to read about him going out with Joyce & Libby for some training. He is a beautiful boy, and this will really help him, not only in his quest for a home but also for his own long term benefit. Keep up the good work Kin, and big thanks to Joyce.x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Feb 22:34

Lovely photo of Kin with Libby...he really is a happy lad, loves people! Great to hear he is doing well in his training sessions with Joyce. Xxx

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by Joycey

Monday 16 Feb 21:44

I have taken the lovely Kin to the park twice now for some Tony Knight training, he is a little excited by other dogs, especially when moving fast around him!! He’s picking up the training really well; he calms down very quickly and will happy walk away with you. He even met my crossbreed Libby this week and walked next to her perfectly. He needs a little bit more work but he will get there. He is such a gorgeous loving boy who loves a fuss.

See you on Sunday handsome!!

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 15 Feb 22:30

Lovely to have some fuss time with you today Kin. Such a lovely, friendly boy. Your home will be along shortly I'm sure x

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by TJ

Sunday 15 Feb 12:26

Sending you our electronic cuddle today Kin as you've been at Daybreaks far too long. Big licks, Rosie Po & Brae XX

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by susy

Saturday 14 Feb 10:58

Sorry Kin I have over looked you what with Tommo, Risky and Cadbury but you are a lovely boy and do deserve a sofa, make be its today as its Valentine's Day someone will fall in love with you. Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxx

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by stevensue1

Sunday 08 Feb 17:39

I don't know why this lovely boy is still in the kennels,we spent a few minutes with him in his kennel,he was very friendly and got on great with Scott our 9 year old son. Please give him his forever home very soon. Good Luck xxx

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 01 Feb 21:10

I walked Kin today. I was meant to be walking Laddie but Kin decided he wanted to walk with me by putting himself in my way so Andy took Laddie out. Kin is a beautiful boy who likes a cuddle or two. He got slightly spooked when part of a cardboard box got blown at him which was quite amusing for us but he got over it quickly and was fine other than that. Lovely boy x

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by ettebel

Wednesday 07 Jan 23:10

Love those silly ears

by cloggyerik

Sunday 04 Jan 09:40

Ohh no Kin what a shame that it has not worked out for you and the family. Chin up though there will be a sofa for you somewhere.

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by TwoGreys

Saturday 03 Jan 18:45

Oh Kin, you get definately get our special cuddle today ~. .~ xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 02 Jan 13:00

Sadly things haven't worked out for Kin this time. Many thanks to Heather and her family for giving him a chance. Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Monday 29 Dec 10:36

Good luck Kin, hope you have found your sofa you certainly found comfortable blankets :-)

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by sarah

Sunday 28 Dec 21:26

So sorry to hear about Zak, he was a lovely boy he passed our home check (along with his Mommy) so we could have Toby Bump come to be our forever boy x x x Thanks Zak <3 x Our love to Heather and family at this time, here's wishing Kin will be a good lad and his sign goes green (I think it will !) xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 28 Dec 20:46

Good look Kin xxx

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by PamD

Sunday 28 Dec 20:39

Hope all goes well with Kin. He couldn't have a better 'trial home' .hope it becomes permanent xxx to Heather and her family

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by NMD07

Saturday 27 Dec 18:37

Kin looks comfy snuggled in his blankie. Xxx

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by mary/john

Saturday 27 Dec 14:31

nice pic kin love the blanket...... mary/john x

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by cloggyerik

Monday 22 Dec 13:27

Saw Kin on Saturday. He is a beauty and strong, and was also very curious about a small dog, maybe first time he saw a small dog. Hope he will soon have a sofa of his own

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 20 Dec 18:50

What a gorgeous boy Kin is, with the most amazing ears that fold over his head like a hat!! Such a friendly, cuddly boy, big hugs for you my lovely boy. Xx

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by blueangel

Saturday 20 Dec 17:39

This boy is gorgeous! xxx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 16 Dec 22:27

Looks like Sunny s big brother handsome! xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 16 Dec 22:15

Kin is a very elegant, handsome boy! Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Tuesday 16 Dec 20:44

Handsome lad! Xxx

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 16 Dec 16:59

Uh oh a brindle, keep my hubby away from kennels!

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by TJ

Tuesday 16 Dec 13:19

Hi Kin, Welcome to Daybreaks you little stunner. Big hugs, T, J & R xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 16 Dec 13:01

Hello Kin, you look a lovely boy. Somehow think you won't be having a long stay at Daybreaks and will soon be off to a forever sofa!. Hopefully will meet you tomorrow. for walks. Xx

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