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Racing Name
Pearl Jam
White and Black
Date of birth
06 oct 2011
Ear mark
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female, 13 years old, White and Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Charlotte has had 0 cuddles today (9 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Nov 23:09

I will always remember Charlotte as the perfect lady. Xxx A gentle soul, beautiful inside and out. I am so sad. Dear Erik, Irina, Sofia, Caesar and Barney thinking of you all and sending lots love. God Bless Charlotte his newest, pretty Angel. Kate Xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 06 Nov 20:23

Erik & family I am so very sorry to read your sad news. Run free at Rainbow Bridge sweet Charlotte. X

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by shanishoo

Saturday 06 Nov 20:03

Just so very sorry to read that your gorgeous girl has gained her wings, what a fantastic character she was, our thoughts are with you all at this very sad time, rest in peace little one, your star will shine brightly xxxxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 06 Nov 20:03

So very sorry to hear your news. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Much love. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 06 Nov 19:14

Erik, Irina and Sofia, I am heartbroken to see this news about Charlotte. She was indeed a true greyhound ambassador and certainly did put up with a lot from Barney and Caesar. She will run fast and free at Rainbow Bridge with all of our beloved hounds that have passed before. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. She is no longer by your side, but she is forever in your hearts. Much love to you all. X

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 06 Nov 18:47

It is with great sadness that I need to inform you that our beloved Charlotte, passed away this afternoon when we were 2 minutes away from our vet appointment. The comfort we feel is that she passed away in the presents of her 3 humans as if we were going on a fun trip somewhere. Whilst we are currently very upset, we also want to remember the brilliant dog she was. She did fundraising for (now) Daybreaks kennels, awareness raising during road shows. Her kind spirit and wanting to be center of attention made her a real character. She was kind, patient with our baby, now 5 year old daughter. Charlotte was a great ambassador for the breed. We shall miss her dearly.

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by shanishoo

Sunday 10 Oct 14:14

Happy 10th birthday Charlotte, i hope the good naughty boys were nice to you on your special day xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Oct 23:53

A very Happy Belated Birthday Charlotte! I'm sure you can keep those two good naughty boys in line! :)) Xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Saturday 09 Oct 21:33

Happy birthday Charlotte x

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 09 Oct 10:43

Earlier this week it was Charlotte's 10th birthday. Happy she is still relatively active and in good nick :-). Not sure she appreciates Barney and Caesar as she probably would have liked a quieter time at her age. Specially Caesar (our ound cancer patient) who is 2 and full of live and jumps on HER!! sofa without permission from her ;-) Happy birthday Charlotte hope there are many more to come

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Nov 22:21

So sorry to hear Charlotte is having such problems with her toe, do hope the vet can discover exactly what is wrong. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 23 Nov 22:04

Please don't be too worried. When I re homed my lovely Willow I realised she was missing a toe. Fortunately her previous owner had been at the same vets. She lost hers as a result of a fractured toe. She has no problem whatsoever. Xxxxxx

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by maccasmum

Monday 23 Nov 21:44

Macca had a toe amputated last year after he broke it and it didn't mend properly. It took him a while to get used to it, but now you wouldn't know it had gone!

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by skinnyme

Monday 23 Nov 21:37

Our Mystic had a toe removed in July, he had a soft tissue injury which, despite numerous courses of antibiotics, would not heal, believe me we tried everything, the only solution was to remove the toe, he has coped really well and it hasnt affected his walking at all. I hope Charlotte feels better soon. X

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by SamA

Monday 23 Nov 21:08

oh dear poor Charlotte. I know there are few folk out there whose grey's have had toes amputated who can pass on their advice and experience. Hope the x-rays go OK and Charlotte is OK - sending best wishes Sam, Si, Robbie & Will xxx

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by cloggyerik

Monday 23 Nov 20:16

it is almost a year now since we were allowed to take Charlotte home. She is brilliantly cute and also quite naughty. Everyone who meets Charlotte just adores her and she effects people so positively including the vet.

I would like to ask a question a couple of weeks ago we noticed that she was limping could not see anything on or in her paws. after a couple of days I took her to the vet who could also not see anything but removed some very small piece from her paw. This did not improve so she had a minor operation on her paw. When I picked her up the vet mentioned to me that he is not sure what is going on. He explained to me that when he made the incision clear fluid come out of the pad with some blood. What concerned him was that about 30% of the fat in the pad was 'eaten away' and not clear if this may have affected the toe bone. Today following a check up the vet is not fully content with her progress so we will do a digital x-ray. Prior to potentially removing the toe. The vet has not given a diagnoses or understands what is happening

Has any one come across something like this or knows what might be causing this. We will do what is best for Charlotte's health but also like to save her toe. Just a worry when even the vet does not know what is causing this or even what is happening.

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 May 22:27

So sweet...well done Charlotte! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 09 May 18:29

Bless her and well done

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 09 May 16:47

Well the girl was at Pets at home in Perry Bar today. She was using every trick to get money out peoples pockets. Used all her girly ways to charm and more importantly she did get lots of cuddles and fuss together with Will and Rob. She is now sleeping on the coach as she is very tired from her efforts.

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by cloggyerik

Monday 04 May 16:59

Charlotte will be at Pets at home in Perry Bar on 9 May together with Will And Rod and hopefully lots of other Greys to get some need funds for Daybreaks (we hope). Anyone else coming? Have a look under events and the contact person who is Sam for further details.

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by SamA

Sunday 12 Apr 21:09

Hi Charlotte - I have uploaded the photos from yesterday in the gallery. There are pics from last week as well. You and Star looked really pretty together!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 11 Apr 20:53

So pleased to hear Charlotte had such a good time today! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 11 Apr 17:40

Well done Charlotte sweetie. A true ambassador. Xxx

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by SamA

Saturday 11 Apr 17:06

Charlotte was indeed wonderful today at Pets at Home. She took to it like a seasoned road show professional :) Thanks for coming along, so glad she has a good time and she certainly got lots of lovely cuddles. Hopefully see you all again soon. Sam, Si, Robbie & Will xx

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 11 Apr 14:40

Charlotte had a great morning out at Perry Bar Pets at home. She met 4 other greyhounds and they got on fine. Charlotte went out to get het cuddles whenever possible and went up to people and used her charms. It did not matter if they were young, old even a baby. Of course I am biased but I think she did great and seem to enjoy the fuss and cuddles and not to forget the treats. She is now tired and sleeping.

I think it was a success for both Charlotte, the public and I hope with the collections. I am sure she would enjoy another road show. We need to see where we can get to by train.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Apr 23:18

Hope Charlotte has a great time at her first roadshow tomorrow! Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Friday 10 Apr 20:32

Tomorrow we hope that Charlotte can be her normal feme fatal, so people will, as is usually the case, adore her sweet nature during the road show at Perry Bar. This will be her first one so fingers crossed that all goes well.

She now also has a twitter account and you can follow her adventures and thoughts there. As Charlotte wants to spread the word about retired greyhounds :-) you can follow her at Charlotte Greyhound@GreyhoundCharly (I hope I did that right)

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 28 Mar 22:46

It was lovely to see Charlotte and her family again today...she is quite a expert traveller now! I am sure she would love all the extra fuss and attention she would receive on a road show! :)) Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Saturday 28 Mar 21:11

Charlotte today had a return visit to Perry Bar RGT. That was quite an adventure first on the train and changed twice after which we had a scary bus journey to Falcon way stop.

Charlotte was getting excited and even led the way to the kennels. Once there Charlotte was content meeting the new doggies and socialising with them.

Of course she soon found her way to the office as she remembered that there are lots of nice treats and goodies. She was of course pleased to see everyone and was treated on a pigs ear, lucky girl.

Then it was time to go and do the scary bus journey. Once in Birmingham the girl was posing and getting lots of attention. Everyone saying she is so beautiful and sweet.

Now that the girl seems fine with the travel we need to get her on one of the road shows. We think she would be brilliant with the people.

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 15 Mar 19:51

Hi LadyVictoria and TJ thank you for the places comments I had not spotted them until my wife mentioned it to me just now.

LadyVictoria we will keep an eye on the website and do as you suggested so our girl can seduce people in giving greyhounds a chance. We know she like and enjoys the train but due to her stool issue have not done bus yet.

TJ we shall keep it in mind at this stage we are checking how she responds to food and treats. We are slowly trying her on burns again. Fingers crossed but it seems ok. I am pleased for Charlotte that at least sardines in olive oil is fine because she does love fish.

We are really pleased at the moment as Charlotte is really settling in. Becoming more play full she has even given as a playful bark this week that was the first time. She enjoys her fluffy toys and tosses them in the air to catch again. She is running in the garden or playing with a ball. I have the feeling she would enjoy running around an enclosure for a bit, but we need to ensure we have recall first.

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by TJ

Thursday 05 Mar 14:00

Hi Charlotte's Mom & Dad... have you tried Alpha dried food? We had loose motions from Rosie for a month when she adopted us a year ago; she wasn't losing weight but it was soon evident that Burns pork & potato didn't agree with her tummy and rating her stools from 1 - 10 (sorry to anyone who's currently eating), when she was on Burns it was never more than a 3. Our neighbours who also adopted a Daybreaks greyhound, suggested we try Alpha (green bag) for sporting/working dogs. Cost is between £11-£14 for 15kg from Countrywide stores and it's been a real hit with Rosie and more recently Brae. They have a small amount soaked with each of their meals, along with whatever is on the 'Greys menu' that day i.e. weetabix, cooked chicken, cooked mincemeat, sausages, corned beef, potato, rice, pasta, veg. They seem to eat better than us! We don't give Rosie fish very often, as even tuna in spring water doesn't settle well, but Brae's tummy is more tolerant and she devours sardines in tomato sauce with no side effects. Hope this may help a little. Tash & John

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Mar 21:42

So pleased to hear you have been able to help Charlotte with her eating problem and great news she has put some weight back on. I am sure she would make a fabulous ambassador at road shows....just call the organiser of the event you are interested in. Their contact details can be found on the website, click on MORE alongside the event, or give us a call at the kennels. Sending a cuddle to your lovely girl tonight. Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 04 Mar 13:49

Just want to say thank you for help and support.

Some weeks after rehoming this lovely girl started to have problems with a loose stool. We could not figure out what the problem was. As we were growingly concerned about her weight we took her to the vet. We established that on pasta she was fine and returned to a normal stool. Of course this is not great food and Charlotte continued to loose weight. We tried to introduce back Burns with fish but did not that. So at the moment we are using Purina HA which she is fine with. We are now testing which food she does not tolerate. Sofar we established that pilchards in tomato sauce is a no. Dental treats she is ok with. This weekend we will test sardines on olive oil. Since she is on the new food she has gained back her weight has come out of her shell more, is naughty now and then and enjoys playing with her toys.

I would like to thank the team at Perry Barr for continued support and advice. Also our home assessor also kept in touch and provided support. To all a big thank you from the three of us.

We have noticed that Charlotte really enjoys meeting people. Everyone she meets dog or human enjoys her company. Whilst I am biased of course but I think Charlotte would be a great ambassador for Perry Barr and I am sure she would enjoy doing some 'road show' for you.

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 04 Jan 10:15

Let me do an update on Charlotte. At the vet she was a hit, she is a bit of a femme fatal, everyone loves her and she greets people with joy and love. She is doing really well with going up the stairs but going down she prefers that we walk next to her for that little bit of support and feeling secure. She is walking really well on the lead and it is so fun to see that she gets really excited to go out for her walks in the morning and evening, we are now able to walk longer about 30 minutes each time. 2 days ago Charlotte saw a Pheasant for the first time was staring at it for some time and then the Pheasant had enough and flew away. We also learned something, Charlotte growled a couple of times at us when she was with us on the sofa. We were not sure why this was did some research turns out that Greys sleep with eyes open and can get startled when sleeping, and therefore growl or even snap normal Grey behaviour which we have to take account of. Found a really interesting website for any one new to greyhounds Charlotte is now happily sleeping with a full belly. She is nicely settling in and we are all learning and finding our way, but the main thing is that she is such a joy having around and I can only hope we are equally giving her the same joy.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Dec 21:53

Lovely to hear Charlotte is doing well....hope she enjoyed meeting the vet tonight! Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Monday 29 Dec 10:07

Charlotte is settling really well. All of us are learning each day, school of live never stops does it. She did not know what a sofa is for and was not keen to get on it. She has now learned that it is nice and comfortable bed. When we sit on it she now joins :-) The stairs she still finds scary but is making very good progress and with support of treats getting better each day of going up. Going down is still a challenge for Charlotte. Each morning and evening she is looking forward to her walk. Very curious about the new smells and sounds and what she sees. Although not always, we understand why she failed the cat test, during one walk in the evening she spotted a cat before we did and wanted to go after it. Luckily I managed to control her. Birds are a mystery to her and finds it strange that one minute they are there the next gone. It is a real joy having her around tonight we will visit the vet so we can all meet him/her another new experience for all of us :-)).

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by blueangel

Wednesday 24 Dec 21:50

Lovely be happy xxx

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by lovegreys

Wednesday 24 Dec 19:29

Happy Christmas to Charlotte and her new family. X

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 24 Dec 19:19

What a lovely Christmas Day you will have with your beautiful girl! Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 24 Dec 18:47

Charlotte has had quite a day today, for us to :-), but she has been brilliant. Was nervous about her bed and would lie next to it. She has been drinking a lot, was nervous and curious about her new environment. We have just taken her for a little walk and is now sleeping on her bed. An exciting day for Charlotte, my wife and I. I think we will all sleep well tonight :-)

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by susy

Wednesday 24 Dec 13:58

Cloggyerik. So pleased things have worked out for Charlotte and yourselves.
Have a great Christmas & New Year, love all round. She's a lovely girl.
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 24 Dec 13:41

Well done Charlotte. Be very happy sweetheart. Xx

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by DelphysMum

Wednesday 24 Dec 09:16

Great news for Charlotte and her new family. Be happy you little beauty. XXXX

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Dec 21:08

How exciting! Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Tuesday 23 Dec 17:20

Passed the home visit test today :-) Charlotte I know you been having a great time with Ruth, but now that all is in order we will do the last paperwork and hopefully take you home tomorrow, YIPPI :-) We have a bed ready for you. See you tomorrow

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Dec 13:56

It was lovely to meet you both at the weekend. I do hope all goes well with the home check...she is a super girl! Kate Xxx

by cloggyerik

Monday 22 Dec 13:40

We came, we saw and we fell in love. We saw Charlotte last Saturday and we were initially disappointed to find she may already been reserved. Then fate was on our side as Charlotte failed the cat test. We spend some more time with her had a walkie and desided to reserve her, aren't we lucky!!!! We are just awaiting to see if WE pass the home visit test. Hope to see you soon Charlotte!!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 21 Dec 06:49

I am kicking myself that I didn't reserve her for our friend but I have to believe in fate - had soooo much interest in her and hopefully I will be taking her out to her new home soon x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 20 Dec 22:19

So pleased for Charlotte...she could have found at least four homes today as everyone who came into the kennels fell in love with her instantly! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 20 Dec 15:00

YAY !!! fab news. xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 20 Dec 13:41

AAARGH! Ruth you have just saved my hubbie from my constant nagging to adopt' or at least foster' Charlotte. He's happy and I'm not! Glad she will have a great home though. xxxx

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by susy

Saturday 20 Dec 10:47

Ruth you go with your feelings on this one. You now the situation.
Things will work out. Love Sylv xxxxxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 20 Dec 10:24

lt's me again. You know that old saying "five's a crowd....but six is just perfect" !!! Oh yeah and....if the greyhound fits, then keep her !!!

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by muddypaws

Saturday 20 Dec 09:55

Just reading between the lines here Mrs B, but are you hinting at what l think you are hinting ??? I am sure that there will be another extra special girl in kennels by the time he gets back !!! She has obviously affected you very badly as she has already become " Charlie " and you don't appear to know which day you are in !!! I think Robbie is right on this one. :-)))

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 20 Dec 06:47

I took Charlie up to the kennels today and then I had a phone call from Robbie at lunchtime.... He had a 'you may as well let her stop another night at ours as she is no trouble' conversation....... so guess what - back at ours......! I have been asked to look out for an extra special girl for a close friend of ours who lost his beloved grey earlier in the year but he is away in Australia at the moment.... what should I do?!!!!!!

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by patsydior

Friday 19 Dec 20:28

Another stunner! What is Auntie Ruth doing to us. I think someone else might want first dibs on this beauty.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 19 Dec 15:40

Had the pleasure of meeting this gorgeous girl today - what a stunner. Such a pretty thing with the most fabulous markings, very friendly and quiet - a little dream. Big cuddles for you sweetheart. xxxx

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 19 Dec 07:40


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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 19 Dec 07:26

Oh WOW!!!!!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 19 Dec 05:38

Erm - not feeling like we have an extra at our house at the moment! Little Miss Charlotte has fitted in like she has lived in a home all her life. I have just come downstairs and she is curled up in the bed - we haven't heard a peep from her all night and there have been no accidents :-) xxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 18 Dec 22:15

Oh no - another gorgeous girl! One day I will persuade my other half that two hounds are the way to go! Welcome Charlotte. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 18 Dec 21:59

Charlotte is a very pretty girl. She was at the kennels for a short while before going home with Ruth...she met Biscuit who took quite a liking to her, they make a lovely couple! Xxx

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by MomofTess

Thursday 18 Dec 21:54

Beautiful girl.

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by Snipe

Thursday 18 Dec 21:46

How pretty are you xxxxx I don't think you'll be waiting long :-) xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 18 Dec 21:09

How absolutely gorgeous. I think you will soon be snapped up. Good luck sweetie. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 18 Dec 20:37

This gorgeous gorgeous girl was collected straight from the vets today following her spey and is at home with us. She is so beautiful..... very settled with all of our greys x

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