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About Me

Racing Name
Greenwell Tank
Date of birth
14 mar 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Greenwell PumaIE/UK-JAN-04-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 15 years old, Fawn

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Henry's trainer says Henry is happy with his own company, a little shy & doesn't like loud noise. I think he would be happy as the only dog and a small family with older children.

For Info. Henry weighs 33.45 kg and stands at " from floor to top of shoulder. x

Henry has had 0 cuddles today (77 all together).
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by Spanner

Thursday 17 Mar 09:15

Many happy returns for Monday. Hoping you have settled nicely on your sofa. Axxx

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by Princessellie

Monday 14 Mar 19:09

Happy birthday Henry!xxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 14 Mar 18:33

Happy Birthday Henry! xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 14 Mar 09:29

Very happy birthday to Henry. Lots of love to you from us all. xxxxxx

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by Ramar

Monday 14 Mar 08:12

Dearest Henry. Happy Birthday xx

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by Spanner

Thursday 10 Mar 10:18

So pleased you have got a forever sofa. Stanley & Gemma xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 08 Mar 15:48

Great news, well done Henry, you are so handsome and deserve all the happiness in the world xxxx

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by lovegreys

Monday 07 Mar 20:38

Well done Henry. X

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by Tinker'sNan

Monday 07 Mar 19:30

Hi Henry we do hope you will be very happy in your new home, just be good and like me you will get lots of treats, I am so happy with my family be here now four years love it love it so my big brother Henry you have a great life now I miss you and our other brother and our little sister be happy love big hugs and licks to you your little sister tinker and her family big hug to your new mom and dad ???????????????? xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Monday 07 Mar 19:10

Oh Henry I am so pleased for you. So very very happy, has made me have a little cry. Good luck to you sweetie and lots of love. Xxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 07 Mar 18:22

Oh this is fabulous news Henry! Well done gorgeous, be very happy in your new home - you are such a handsome houndie. xx

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by mary/john

Monday 07 Mar 16:15

so very nice to see Henry is Rehomed lots of love to u....Xxxx

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 22 Feb 09:25

Don't know who you are.
But from Henrys posts I just know he's having a fabulous time and thank you for giving him the support that he needs and deserves. Being the only dog I am sure is the way forward.
If we didn't have the two boys his paws wouldn't touch the ground, he would be here sorting us out.
Once again thank you
Cant put Michelle even though this is one special boy that as found his way into her heart ! she hates me posting under her account, but I cant be asked to set up my own.

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by Ramar

Saturday 20 Feb 18:42

We would like to reassure everyone that Henry is being extremely well looked after and afforded the utmost respect, love and care that he deserves.

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by sirenmelody

Saturday 20 Feb 17:11

My darling boy, I am so pleased you are having fun. I guess Mummy has spoilt you too much & should have said that you are not always keen to go out in the rain, let alone walk in puddles!! Heaven forbid!! I do hope you have been kept warm with a nice fleece on whilst out. I am so proud of you Henry for coping with these difficult circumstances. Mel is also being a brave soldier and was able to have his stitches out today. Archie hasn't been completely comfortable due to his back legs being so weak so we are increasing the pain meds a little. Your grandmother has not been good either so I had a meeting with her GP and district nurses this week. Like Archie, we are all trying to keep her comfortable. It is very difficult situation. I think you need to explain to your hosts that you are used to sleeping either with Mummy in her bed or in a bed next to hers. Maybe they could consider bringing you upstairs even if they dont want to share their bed with a furry child!! You have to try to understand that not everyone does. Our bed is very lonely without you although I have now got more room to move!! I am thinking about you every day sweetheart & will come to visit you on your return. Keep being the beautifully behaved boy that you are & enjoy the rest of your stay. All our love & hugs, Mummy, Mel & Archie xxxxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 20 Feb 15:40

Oh Henry, what a fabulous update. I'm so pleased you're enjoying your mini-break and you are obviously getting your hosts very well trained! I had to laugh at the fact you like to keep your lovely paws nice and clean. Enjoy the rest of your stay! xx

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by Tinker'sNan

Saturday 20 Feb 14:28

I Henry it's your little sister here tinker I am glad you are having a little break for a few days hope like me you are being good I don't like the kitchen so my nana put me by the fire in the lounge it's very nice when they have gone to bed I pinch the sofa so you could try that you to don't like to get your paws wet me to I don't like going in the rain but my family say I have to I am very happy in my home I'm still nervous but they give me lots of cuddles and kisses to help me l hope Senna will help you she loves you so much just like my family be happy brother and please keep me up to date on everything I still miss you and our other brother and sisters big lick to you and big hugs to your hosts to love tinker and her family ????????????xx

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by Missysmum

Saturday 20 Feb 09:52

Henry, you're so lovely...thank you for your update! Seanna is missing you terribly, and I do hope that your little update will help her a bit. Love to Seanna and Henry...look forward to another update Henry...Enjoy your day! Xxx

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by Ramar

Saturday 20 Feb 08:18

Good Morning Daybreaks, Henry here,
I was too tired to post last night so I thought I'd update you on my mini break this morning.
My hosts are learning quickly that I don't like to get my fawn paws dirty. They appeared quite amused that I should skip over the puddles on the tow path during our canal walk yesterday....what did they expect me to do!
Also I have to ask, how many times must I move my bed into the middle of the kitchen before they realise that I don't want to sleep by the radiator....they're clearly not listening!!
Not sure exactly what plans we have for today however I think they are getting the message that my preferred mode of transport is 4 wheels so hopefully a trip out will be on the cards. This will mean that if I am needed to 'interview' prospective 'forever parents' I am only a phone call away.
Love to you all Henry x
P.S. Just between you and me, one thing my hosts have got right is that I do enjoy my medication wrapped in a few pieces of you think they'd get me 'honey roast' or is that pushing it...LOL

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by Missysmum

Friday 19 Feb 10:32

Love to's such a hard decision. Glad Henry's enjoying his stay with you.Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 18 Feb 21:37

Great to hear Henery is enjoying his stay with you both. Love to Seana who I know misses him terribly, hope knowing he is being well looked after helps.Xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 18 Feb 19:42

I am so happy to hear about Henry, Henry has touched both my husbands and my heart, we had the pleasure of meeting him a couple of times and he had a run with our two at daybreaks, there is something very special about him, he reminds us so much of our first greyhound, if we were in a different position and we had not got our two, we would have apopted Henry in a heart beat, I would say to anyone Intrested in Henry please do not be put off by his age he has years ahead of him , it would be so wonderful to see Henry settled, I look forward to hearing how Henry is progressing, fingers crossed for Henry, I know many people love this very special lad xx

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by sirenmelody

Thursday 18 Feb 17:29

Thats my boy!!! He has always been well behaved and I would like to stress to everyone generally that there are no behaviour issues other than if he sleeps with another dog, which again I must stress is my fault. Mel & Henry both had real separation anxiety if forced to sleep away from me. However, they have no problem in sleeping in their own beds next to mine. At the time of this incident they had been in their own beds but then without my knowledge as I was downstairs they both ended up on my bed. He is wary of men, for what reason I dont know, but does come round. Like my other 2 boys he has always enjoyed going to different garden centres, Solihull town and various parks. There have never ever been any issues around food or when I'm giving treats to them all. We are still very devastated and missing him like crazy. It is some small comfort that he is being treated like the special boy that he is. He too will also have been affected by being taken out of his home so he also deserves extra love and attention at this miserable time. He probably had a tiny accident because hes not in the bedroom. I hope he enjoys the rest of his stay. Please keep showing all the love and kindness to my very special boy. With more gratitude than I can say here. Seana x

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by Ramar

Thursday 18 Feb 16:07

Last night Henry tucked himself down on his bed by the radiator in the kitchen and that is where he stayed with night lights and classical music playing all night, not a murmur to be heard. He did have an accident during the night but nothing a mop and bucket couldn't sort out!
We visited a garden centre today, Henry was a touch apprehensive to start but settled quickly. He appears on occasions somewhat shy, especially around men he doesn't know however he soon overcomes this with a wag of the tail.
Henry is exceptionally well behaved when we are eating our meals, he lies patiently on his bed until we have finished and then is rewarded with a treat.
As the day draws to a close it has become very clear that Henry asks for nothing yet gives so much......bless him.

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by shanishoo

Thursday 18 Feb 08:39

So pleased Henry is having a mini break, he looks so lovely. He seems to be tugging at my heart strings, hope he finds his special loving home soon. Xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 18 Feb 05:22

Thanks SO much Ramar - I am so grateful to you for agreeing to take him for a break. He is a beautiful boy and will definitely suit a home as an only 'child'. On Sunday we had cuddles in his kennel and he is so affectionate and loving x I will add the photo you sent me to his profile later x

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 17 Feb 20:36

I dont know who Ramar is but thank you very much for making time to look after my boy. He loves going out and about as you have found out. He is very food orientated so make sure you lock everything away!!!! I hope you all have a wonderful time together. Please give him hugs and kisses from us. We are so appreciative that he having an adventure. X

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by Ramar

Wednesday 17 Feb 19:31

Henry has come to stay with us for a few days for a change of scenery. He snuggled down In the back of the car for the 25 minute journey home, not hearing a peep out of him. Within a couple of hours of him exploring his new surroundings he had found himself a place to 'chill out' and take a nap. We went on an afternoon stroll by the river and around the estate, he was a dream on the lead, clearly enjoying the different sights and sounds. When we got back he was ready for his didn't touch the sides!! He is so gentle and responsive, it is a real pleasure to have his company.

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 17 Feb 17:35

We had the pleasure of meeting Henry a while back, he and our two had a good run round at the kennels. He is one super hound. My understanding at the time was that probably he would best as an only dog. So on occasions we have to do the right thing, and accept that as much as we love them, their needs must come before ours.
So don't beat yourself up, he not yet be in his forever home, but he is in the second best place.

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by sirenmelody

Tuesday 16 Feb 20:06

My sweet Henry, the last 6 days have been horrid without you and so I was really glad to see you today. As soon as you saw me you threw your arms around my neck kissing me all over. I was so worried you might ignore me as a punishment for having to take you back. Please, please know I have only done this for all our sakes. Mel is feeling much, much better and keeps sleeping in your bed! I will not give up hope that we can sort the problems out so that you can return to your rightful place in our family. Its my fault Henry, not yours. I should never have let all of us sleep together and as this is the main issue I'm afraid we would all have to learn to sleep independently. Time can help enormously when situations and feelings are raw. I know you don't understand why you are back in the kennels but whilst you are there make Mummy proud and show everyone what a well behaved brave soldier you are. Everyone there is there to help you Henry and all your kennel pals. When Mel has healed more I will bring him to see you. Ultimately, it will be up to Mel to forgive you and decide if he can move forward. I think you have a good chance if you give him lots of sniffs and eskimo kisses. However, as you know Archibald is not so forgiving and I know he has been winding you up a bit. Hes very sad that his time is more limited than others and he cant do what others do. I have to think of him also and I believe he needs peace and more of Mummy's love for himself in these final months. Try to understand it doesn't mean I love you any the less. I am trying to consider everyone in these difficult and sad times. I will come and see you later this week. I love you with all of my heart darling and that will never change. Xxxxxxx

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by Missysmum

Monday 15 Feb 19:04

Very hear this as he is such a lovely lad..who just pulls at your heart strings...His home will come, if you would be interested in more info on this beautiful boy, then give Ruth or Kate a call on 0121 782 7702...anytime daily after 10am. Either Ruth, Kate or one of the volunteers will be happy to talk to you, and perhaps arrange a suitable time to pop in and meet him..Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 13 Feb 19:25

How very sad, my heart breaks for all concerned xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Friday 12 Feb 22:44

oh Henry , you completely pull at my heart strings, I hope your wait is not to long, you are a very special buy, xx
you totally remind me of my rainbow bridge boy charlie.

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by Tinker'sNan

Friday 12 Feb 20:45

Oh Henry I am so sad for you you are tinkers real brother and we are all sad for you beautiful boy but we hope you can find a new mummy and daddy we love you so much your sister tinker and family big hugs to you xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 12 Feb 20:39

Sirenmelody I have just read your post and my heart breaks for you. I have not been in the exact same position but I have been in a similar one and I know how your heart is ripped into shreds. I don't have the wisdom or experience to advise you but I am thinking of you all and hoping you find an answer to your problems. Xx

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by tinabina

Friday 12 Feb 14:38

Very sorry to see that Henry is back at the kennels. His family must be heartbroken. Your perfect home is out there somewhere sweetheart xx

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by sirenmelody

Friday 12 Feb 14:11

To say I & Mel are traumatised & devastated is an understatement. I cant see properly as my eyes are swollen from crying & part of my heart has shrivelled away. Considering this is the second operation in 7 weeks that Mel has had to endure he is dealing with things very well & we are grateful that things weren't even worse. However, having spent a last night with Henry having several bad dreams about it all, and trying to comfort him, & last night & this morning with Mel softly crying regularly because he misses Henry I am at a loss. Archie isnt bothered as he has never forgiven Henry for biting him some months ago, albeit a small bite on his ear, but Mel is a truly pure soul with not a streak of badness or grudge in him. Whilst the incidents have occurred when I am at home what happens if Im out??? Yes, I could lock Henry in the kitchen but is that fair on Henry?? Have I over reacted to everything, but, when I look at Mel's injuries which I feel are dreadful I wonder what else I should have done. Our vet, & friends who have no experience of greyhounds, say I did. The house feels like someone has died. It is little comfort that Henry is safe & knows the kennels. No one can love him as much as his mother. My little family has been ripped apart. Yes, I do believe that Henry could also thrive as an only child. However, with Archie facing his own mortality in the probably not so distant future, that leaves Mel as an only boy. I believe it would be hateful for me to get another dog if Henry is still in kennels & with the epilepsy & new problem I think it will be years before there is someone like me of a certain age, single, only part time working, who would devote their whole being to having an animal family. I am grateful for people's understanding but I don't want sympathy. I want someone to tell me if there is any way I can help my child & bring him home whilst keeping the others safe. I believe normal loving caring people do not gey over traumatic events but if they are fortunate they come to terms with things. I can not imagine either in this situation. Too many people return animals to many different charities, sometimes without real thought about the consequences for that animal. I don' t want to be one of those statistics. Henry always slept next to me with his arms around me or his head cradled in my neck. It was simply horrid this morning to see the empty space. I would gladly lose a limb rather than be in this position.

by helenanddave

Thursday 11 Feb 18:25

So sorry for everyone that things didn't work out. Hopefully Henry will soon find a home where he can be the only one. A cuddle today for Henry and a hug for Seanna who had to make this hard decision. xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 11 Feb 15:41

How very sad for all concerned. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 11 Feb 14:18

Sadly Henry has come back to the kennels today. Despite every effort by his owner to make things work; after a third incident involving her other Greyhound she decided it would be best for everyone to return him. Seana is devastated that it has to come to this conclusion. After much discussion we all agree this is the right decision for Henry. We are sure Henry would be much happier as an only dog. He is a very affectionate and friendly lad. Our thoughts are with Seana for making such a hard decision. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Tuesday 18 Aug 17:40

that re- homing picture is the best one i have ever seen- it brought me to tears cos it says mommy i love you so much thank you for picking me be happy wonderful boy xxxxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 16 Aug 20:15

Great re-homing photo be happy with your new family xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 16 Aug 19:53

Lovely Henry, be very happy in your new home. You have been a very good, patient boy and now your turn has come. Loads of hugs. Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 16 Aug 18:59

Was lovely to see Henry today with his new family, both 2 and 4 legged. X

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 16 Aug 10:45

Brilliant, this is great news. They had to wait and make sure all are happy and look at that photo, happiness galore. Wishing you ALL a great time together.

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 15 Aug 20:37

Henry...what a fantastic rehoming picture ! It's obviously meant to be Happy days mate Hugs to all x x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 15 Aug 20:34

Henry was such a happy boy when he went home with his Mummy today! Wishing him and his new Brothers lots of great times together. Xxx

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 15 Aug 19:25

We are sooo very happy for you all, please keep us updated, both Roy and I completely fell for Henry we are so relieved that he has landed into a lovely family it's just fantastic news x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 15 Aug 17:34

Henry my sweetheart, you look like you're in a hurry to get to your new home "Come on Mum - let's get going!". Wishing you a very happy life with Seana, Mel & Archie. xxxx

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by mary/john

Saturday 15 Aug 16:29

Henry gone to his forever home today.. wish you well with your wonderful new mom who we know will give you lots of tlc.... all the best mate..... xxx

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by sirenmelody

Thursday 06 Aug 21:32

Cant wait for saturday sweetheart. Sorry we didnt have long today. I should have called but whilst you were at the vet I had lovely cuddles with everyone else. Little Josie was so affectionate & Tommy was doing his best to show me how gorgeous he is too. And as for noisy Nosey he is just adorable but sooo strong. I know you will be a brave boy when you go next week and no matter what the problem is, if there is one, just know that we all love you very much and nothing will stop you coming to live with us. We will have a chilled saturday evening with village walks and then if the weather is in our favour we will go to sutton park on sunday. Be a good boy until saturday. Collect you about 2pm. Auntie Danni is popping over to see Mel and you a bit later. Live you baby boy. Mummy, Mel & Archie xxxx

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by mary/john

Wednesday 05 Aug 18:33

Henry so nice to walk u 2day c u on sunday...Xx

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by helenanddave

Monday 03 Aug 21:14

So happy for you Henry. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 03 Aug 21:09

So very happy for you all! Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Monday 03 Aug 19:08

Yayyyyy....the sofa will be arriving sat 15 August. We all had a lovely weekend. All the boys were good in Elmdon Park. They didnt even really raise an eyebrow at the ducks, not in the water or whilst waddling along the path. We couldnt all quite fit in the bed......may have to consider a king size if it will fit Henry had to sleep in bed in bathroom whete he could keep an eye on us all. However, he got a couple hours cuddles with me in the morning when Archie gallantly gave up his space. He still loves my neck, choosing to sleep with his front legs entwined around it although he is learning not to dangle from it but just put them round for a cuddle. Hes a tall lad, bit bigger than Melly. He will come home next weekend for another sleepover and then we are a go go soon after. They all seem to get on well enough to tolerate any differences so Im delighted. We are really looking forward to this super placid affectionate lad joining us for many years of good times. Thank you everyone for your interest and support. Its been so appreciated. Live Seana, Mel & Archie xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 31 Jul 19:35

Henry loves you Seana! :)Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Friday 31 Jul 16:49

Ok sweetheart, not long till the morning so pack your pyjamas & toothbrush & I will collect you between 10 & 11. Cant wait but better ensure I hve my armour on. Dont think you sticking the claws in so you can dangle from my neck & lick me to death is the best thing for my neck!!!! Still whats a few open scratches between loved ones:-P Sleep tight baby boy. Love from all of us. Xxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 26 Jul 16:44

Henry,so pleased to hear you had a great day out. Love to you and your potential new family. xx

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by susy

Sunday 26 Jul 11:46

Henry, great news RESERVED.
Love to you from The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 26 Jul 10:29

This sounds like it is heading in the right direction for all, not just for Henry. That is just brilliant, and I am impressed that time is taken to ensure it has a very good chance of working out for all. BRILLIANT!!! I will keep everything crossed and Charlotte (our Grey) although sleeping just now is also having her paws crossed.

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by blueangel

Saturday 25 Jul 22:14

It all sounds good Henry paws cross and know your be spoiled rotten xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 Jul 20:43

Henry was a very happy boy when he came back to the kennels for his dinner this pleased he got on well with Mel and Archie. Perhaps he will be a good influence on Mel with other dogs. :) Hope all goes well on his sleepover next weekend. :) Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Saturday 25 Jul 17:28

We have all enjoyed a lovely day & so the sofa is nearly there. We walked thru Brueton Park which wasnt too busy & stopped at Costa for treats & drinks. We spoke to several people & polite children who asked if they could stroke each boy!!! The boys lapped up the attention & then we walked back thru the park. Henry walked beautifully & took no notice of others but Mel as usual did! I certainly wouldnt let him off the lead!! We then had a nice lunch of freshly cooked mince & biscuits & went for another long walk into the village to visit the boys Godmother, Sheila & whilst Mel was squeaking to get at the 3 tiny dogs she had locked in the kitchen (she does dog walking for people), my boy Henry snuggled up to me on the sofa. We then walked back up the village visiting another friend & then it was time to drop the boys off & take Henry back to Daybreaks. They all got on well in the car & there wadnt a squeak between them so we are off to an excellent start. I will visit my boy during the week & take the boys probably then Henry will come for an overnight stay next weekend to ensure they are all happy with sleeping arrangements etc. So, thank you everyone for the support & interest. We all really appreciate it. Will let you all know how next weekend goes. Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Friday 24 Jul 16:00

Not long now my lovely boy.....eta 9.30 tomorrow morning for Brueton Park, Solihull to see how you find people generally then lunch somewhere & back to Hampton for intro to cottage. We cant wait to see you. Sleep tight.
Lots of love Archie, Mel & Seana xxx

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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 22 Jul 21:22

Hi seana,

I am following this very closely so nice to read your posts and how you are enjoying being with Henry. I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you and that it will be a happy ending. Good luck on Saturday and I am keeping fingers, toes and legs crossed for you all.

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 22 Jul 19:47

Fingers crossed all goes well at the weeekend. Such a special boy. No trouble at all on his walk this morning and loves cuddles! xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 22 Jul 19:43

Will keep everything crossed all goes well with Mel, Archie and Henry at the weekend. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 22 Jul 19:19

I soooo hope this works out for all of you. What a wonderful lovely person you are. Got everything crossed that all goes well. This boy deserves a chance. I know they all do, but he is special in his own way. Good luck, really waiting to see a green sign, as many others are too (Michelle and Roy in particular I'm sure). Love to you all. Xxx Jo.

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 22 Jul 17:06

Have totally fallen in love with my boy!! Hes so gentle & affectionate. Hve visited him every day this week & this afternoon we snuggled up together in his bed for a little snooze & lots of tlc. Even when all the others were kicking off for whatever reason he just snuggled with me nicely. He was very vocal when I left so I hope that means he likes me too. Mel & Arch are looking forward to saturday. I am praying they will all be alright, especially Mel as he is glued to me at home & might need a bit of help with separation anxiety. He doesnt bark or chew etc but he follows me everywhere. I cant even go to the loo in peace!!! Plus he sometimes leaves parcels of poo & wee when I go out. Thank god for laminate flooring. I would be so blessed to hve 3 hunky handsome & generous loving boys. Wish us all luck for the wkend. Xx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 21 Jul 12:58

Hi Seana. Was so lovely to read your post.I hope all goes ok with your visits to Henry. It is wonderful to think there may be a new chance for him. xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 21 Jul 09:44

Hi Seana What an absolute star you are ! Lovely to read your thoughts on Henry and sharing them with us all Fingers crossed for you Bless you x x

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 20 Jul 22:33

Seana its lovely to read your post about Henry, he has many admirers, I have totally fallen for him big time ( along with my husband ) who normally says 2 is one too many !! we have also done a lot of soul searching and if we were down to one, we would have Henry in an instance, but at the moment we are not in a position to have another.
I spent a little time with Henry on Sunday, he is a very special boy, Its marvellous that he even potentially has a sofa with you.x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Jul 21:41

Seana, thanks so much for considering offering a home to Henry. You are right to be cautious and make sure it is the right thing for you all. Do so hope all works out. Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Monday 20 Jul 18:46

A sofa is looking a bit more promising. I hve given quite a bit of thought to Henry over recent weeks but had tried to tell myself no as I wasnt sure if I was confident enough to manage 3 plus having lost 1 in a severe epileptic fit in february I didnt think I could go through that again. However, I always tend to want what other people dont & Im sure it is the epilepsy & maybe the fact that he had an argument with his foster sister that puts them off. I did visit him last week & had a little chat with him that went well, so, I introduced him to Mel & Archie yesterday & they had an uneventful couple of hours together so that was a good start. I went back today & took him for a little walk & he kept nuzzling into my leg as if to say see I can be good!!! I had a good chat with his foster parents yesterday who are soooo upset that there was a problem between him & 1 of their females. It might hve been something really silly but as the female is very timid anyway I can understand she feels more timid after Henry displaying unpleasant behaviour. I think he is adorable & not having had a great start to retirement urgently needs a lot of love & stability. I know we can all give him that. I just need to be 101% as sure as I can that he will be okay with my other 2 boys. So we are going to hve a day together on saturday & if that goes well we will hopefully do an overnight visit & then decide. I hve to tell myself that Cheets's onset at 10 of seizures were most likely as a result of a brain tumour & Henry has only shown a couple of very mild symptoms so no full blown seizures as such. It may well be that he has had problems due to stress which would not surprise me in the least considering what he has been through this year. So, for all those taking an interest I would say that the onset of a sofa is 85-15 at the moment. I am praying for a positive outcome. At least I know there is fantastic support once he has left Daybreaks & that is a big factor in my decision process. My heart says go get him tomorrow but I realise that 3 isnt quite the same as 2 & as I am on my own I must be certain as I would not want to return him. Seana

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by cloggyerik

Monday 20 Jul 17:13

Ohh no is this boy still not rehomed? Read the story he seems like a great addition to any home with all the support from Perry Barr RGT. We are still learning about Greyhounds but trust me, they are brilliant. My wife calls Greyhounds addictive. Surely there must be a sofa out there

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by michelleandbertie

Thursday 16 Jul 22:06

I just cannot understand why Henry is still here, he has totally stolen our hearts, even Roy is totally smitten, we have had many discussions to try and make 3 work for us but realistically at the current time as much as we would love to its just impossible, please if you are considering adopting don't over look Henry he is just a very special boy ( they all are ) Henry you get our cuddle tonight x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Jul 20:35

Henry had a great time in the run yesterday with Michelle and Roy's boys, Bertie and Blade...what a happy boy he is, he has a real "helicopter" tail!!

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 12 Jul 21:38

Harry happily accompanied me today to snitterfield, with Pam and Marti He travelled so well and after handing over the other two stayed with me and my other 3 dogs.. one of which is a non grey .. He was fantastic, so loving, playing, happy and also loved my 3 very noisy children ( which we use to child test the greys at the kennels) hubbie and me. He is so adorable. hubbie said if we had room for a 4th, out of all the greys that he has seen come through the doors, Henry would be the one he would keep. He even jumped into my own van with mine to go home and it broke my heart to get him out to take back to kennels.Lol. This not needs his forever home now.

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by cloggyerik

Sunday 12 Jul 09:05

Reading about Henry just makes you want to give him a home and a sofa. The seizures may put people of. From the comments it should not and there is RGT support + Perry Bar support which in my experience is great. Henry I hope you will find your sofa soon.

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by Jess&Koda

Saturday 11 Jul 22:57

Henry is great fun in the run! He loves to run around and jump around. Tail never stops wagging x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 10 Jul 08:47

I sent myself crazy last night continuously checking on the cameras at the kennels to see if Henry was settled. After initially stressing (some herbal calming tablets, a sausage roll and some chicken helped) I didn't need to worry and he slept well - apart from throwing one of his blankets on the floor in the night! See you later fella xxxx

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - I am desperate to find this boy a home x

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 09 Jul 21:23

Please don't be put off by Henry's seizures. My old dog Fuggie used to have1 weekly and you really do learn how to deal with them. Henry is a fantastic dog and if it wasn't for me already having 3 I would happily have him. Please please consider this boy. Xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 09 Jul 18:25

I have taken Henry to the kennels today as one of my greys (Joe) seems stressed at him being around at home. It was with great heartache that I left him back in a kennel but I have to do what is right by my own 4 legged family also especially as I have a bunch of oldies - Maggie being nearly 15.

I am appealing desperately for a foster (or permanent) home for Henry - he is an adorable boy but I feel he would benefit from being an only dog or with one with a strong personality who will put him in his place!

Unfortunately Henry is on medication as he has had a couple of seizures but now on his meds, he (fingers crossed) has not had any further episodes.

If someone was to offer him a home (or foster), the cost of his medication would be covered. If you would like more information about him, please give me a call - Ruth - 01217827702

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 06 Jul 19:32

Henry is SHATTERED! He has been at the kennels all day and has come home with me, eaten his dinner and has crashed out! He is being golden x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 05 Jul 19:18

Henry has moved foster homes and is back with me. He has walked back in our house like he has never been away. He is such a beautiful boy who would love a home of his own on his own. He does like his own company however he is currently curled up next to me on the sofa! He has had a great time playing in the run today and has just eaten a big bowl of dinner :-)

Unfortunately it appears that H may have developed epilepsy..... he is on medication which if he finds a home, the Trust will support him for the rest of his life.

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by Springy

Friday 19 Jun 18:30

Hi i am going to the kennels tomorrow please come and meet me x i am simply the best . X

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by susy

Saturday 13 Jun 14:14

Can no one think of taking on the lovely Henry, wish I had room.
A sofa has to be out there. Love from The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by Springy

Friday 12 Jun 16:58

Hi all i am going to be at the kennels tomorrow ( Saturday ) if anyone would like to meet me, i really need a forever sofa xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 08 Jun 09:08

I had the pleasure of meeting this fabulous boy yesterday afternoon. What a beautiful boy he is, happily playing with a ball & greeting everyone for an ear scratch and fuss before heading off to investiagte again. Sending him a big cuddle today. xxx

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by susy

Thursday 28 May 10:06

Henry what a lovely photo of u taking a little sleep, must have been worn out after your sandy bank run. Love to you from The New Icemaid Clan xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 26 May 21:25

They do all look very comfortable don't they? Especially Henry! :)) Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 26 May 15:50

Ha ha Just looked at latest photos of Henry Often wondered how people cope with more than 2 greys and their I can see that they just take over the lounge !!! Lol Great ! X x

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by Springy

Monday 11 May 15:38

Last weekend Henry was watching morris dancing this weekend he has been on D of E helping a group complet there six hour walk the photos are on the kennels face book site

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 14 Mar 22:30

Sending a Birthday cuddle to Henry tonight...sure he has had a good day. Xxx

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by susy

Saturday 14 Mar 11:01

Henry you have a lovely day, 6 today. Love to you from The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 14 Mar 10:26

Happy birthday nose snuffles from Paddy and Ele xx

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by TJ

Saturday 14 Mar 08:49

Morning gorgeous Henry... wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Hope you get lots of treats and birthday snuggles. Big licks, Rosie & Brae xx

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by blueangel

Friday 13 Mar 19:46

Happy birthday Henry hope you had a super day! xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 13 Mar 18:21

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Henry! Hope you have as great day. You are a very lovely boy and I am sure your forever sofa is not far away. Xx

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by Springy

Friday 13 Mar 17:16

Hi all its my birthday tomorrow any one wont to meet me and give me a forever home xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 12 Mar 23:01

Henry sounds perfect! :)) Xxx

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by Springy

Thursday 12 Mar 21:00

The most loving fawn young man is staying with us he gets on well with our hounds, walks so well on the lead , he is great with other breeds, all he needs now is a forever home for his birthday on Saturday .

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by tiggersslave

Saturday 28 Feb 14:06

Hmm may pass on the toast at Chez Boswell till the loaf has gone ... can't see a trip round the patio in H's mouth would help the flavour too much LOL

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by fatharry1

Friday 27 Feb 13:18

Glad to hear he's keeping you on your toes Ruth! I have met Henry,he is a very affectionate confident boy,who strikes up an instant relationship with you,I think he's great and I am sure he'll have the bright future he deserves .

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by blueangel

Wednesday 25 Feb 21:11

Sending cuddle to you Henry so glad your safe xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 25 Feb 17:29

Oh Tinker'sNan - there is no ounce of nervousness in this lad! I have just had to chase him around the patio hopping around with my bad foot trying to get the loaf he nicked off the side out of his mouth!!!!!!

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by Tinker'sNan

Wednesday 25 Feb 16:43

Oh Henry I am sad for you you are half brother to tinker I hope it's not to bad what as happernd yes I know you Amy and tinker are all quite nerverse but I know auntie Ruth and all the staff will take good care of you big hugs to you tinkers nanna xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 25 Feb 09:47

Oh Henry, i am so sorry to hear that there have been some problems for you. Don't worry, Ruth will take good care of you. I met you at Daybreaks during your previous stay and you are such a lovely boy. Do hope something is sorted out for you very soon. Sending you loads of hugs and nose kisses from Milly and Laddie. xx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 25 Feb 09:23

hi ruth i,m sure he,ll be happy at chez boswell until things r sorted i hope that foot is getting lots of rest- he is beautiful xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 25 Feb 07:51

Henry was brought to my house yesterday by the police due to a very unfortunate incident in his home on Monday. I have ownership of him but he is unable to be rehomed until the police matter has concluded which currently I am unable discuss. He has settled in really well here and apart from a few accidents he is being golden.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 08 Feb 21:48

Great news for Henry! Xxx

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by blueangel

Sunday 08 Feb 18:17

Be happy Henry lad xxx

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by susy

Sunday 08 Feb 10:04

Lovely news, rehomed. Love to all Henry & his new family from The
New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxxx

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by Tex

Friday 16 Jan 19:47

Henry has settled right in and has become a part of our pack. He still has no interest in the bunnies. He is very affectionate and like Jet, he loves his bedtime dentastick.

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by Tex

Friday 09 Jan 20:09

So far so good, he knows the bunnies are there but is not bothered by them so far. Keeping everything crossed, he is a stunning boy.

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by Tex

Thursday 08 Jan 15:41

I'm looking forward to meeting him, hope he gets on with the bunnies. I hope Jet finds a new home soon, she is awesome.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 08 Jan 11:00

I have just dropped Henry off at the vets for his castrate. Unfortunately he will be having a big op as he has a retained testicle...... good luck fella x

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by Spanner

Thursday 08 Jan 09:50

Paws crossed. Axx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 07 Jan 18:54

Well done Henry. Only met you this morning and you were already being cat tested ready for your new home. Hope all goes well for you gorgeous boy. Xx

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by toothfairy

Wednesday 07 Jan 16:58

way to go Henry, that was quick work, well done you xx

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by susy

Wednesday 07 Jan 16:11

Such a lovely looking boy,
Love to him & his new family The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 07 Jan 14:10

did somebody read my comment and think i,ll have him- wow u r a quick mover henry well done xx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 07 Jan 11:35

wow henry u r gorgeous- i have a large fawn boy at home myself similar to you- not that i,m biased these lads r fab to have xxxx

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by TJ

Wednesday 07 Jan 08:30

Welcome to Daybreaks Henry you little stunner. Big hugs, T, J & R xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 06 Jan 21:53

Henry is a handsome lad very affectionate and a very waggy tail! Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 06 Jan 20:38

Hi Henry you are handsome just like me you and myself both have the same daddy isant that good hope you find your forever home soon just like me it would be nice to meet you but my daddy said my nanna is not allowed to vist you in case she brings you home my nanna knew you were my half brother just by looking at your photo our love to you tinker and nanna xxxxxx

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by Spanner

Tuesday 06 Jan 15:07

What a handsome fella. Paws crossed. Axx

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by toothfairy

Tuesday 06 Jan 13:39

Welcome to daybreaks.what a beauty x

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