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About Me

Racing Name
Highview Sucess
Date of birth
01 oct 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Highview HighwayIE-FEB-02-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 18 years old, Black

Added by Paul

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Sadly this lovely girl has been brought in with he brother Beau, after her previous owner passed away.
She is house trained and has been living in a home for the last 4 years.

For Info. Honey weighs 28.45 kg and stands at 27" from floor to top of shoulder. x

Honey has had 0 cuddles today (20 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by susy

Monday 20 Apr 14:46

Hope all is working our well with honey and her new family.
The New Icemaid Clan xxxxx

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by Justine&Andy

Saturday 11 Apr 21:46

Great photo - all the best to all 5 of you. Enjoy xx

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by lovegreys

Saturday 11 Apr 16:55

So happy for Honey, Beau and their lovely new Mum. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 11 Apr 12:06

i,ve already put a comment on yr bro,s site but that picture just says it all- it,s always good when a grey is re- homed but these two were special- enjoy xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Apr 23:20

Sending my cuddle to Honey, Beau and their new family tonight! Xxx

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by MomofTess

Friday 10 Apr 22:30

Such a lovely photo and how wonderful that Honey and Beau are still together.xx

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by blueangel

Friday 10 Apr 20:50

What a lovely re homing photo of Honey and Beau with there new mummy bless them xxx

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by Caro

Friday 10 Apr 19:27

Fantastic re homing picture such a great ending

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by Fairy

Friday 10 Apr 19:08

What a lovely photo!!! Be very happy Honey x

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by susy

Friday 10 Apr 17:29

What can one say but a lovely lady. Love to all from The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 10 Apr 10:15

This is just the best possible ending to this story - absolutely delighted for you and Beau, a new forever home together. XxX

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 09 Apr 13:29

Soooooooooo very very happy for you and lovely Beau. What a lovely lady that has had you both. xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 08 Apr 22:26

Much love to you and Beau as you start your new life. Hope to hear lots of updates! Be happy. Xx

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by Justine&Andy

Wednesday 08 Apr 22:08

Great to see - all the best Honey. Enjoy more happy times with your new family and Beau x

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by blueangel

Wednesday 08 Apr 21:36

Oh Honey i am so happy for you hope your be very happy with your new family much love,kisses and cuddles xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 08 Apr 21:16

Sending my cuddle to Beau and Honey...wishing them lots of happiness for their new life. I am sure their previous owner would be so pleased they have been able to stay together. Xxx

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by Fairy

Wednesday 08 Apr 20:51

As I put on Beau's page, just the best news! Hoping to hear more about you and Beau in your new home xxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 08 Apr 14:56

So pleased for you both Fingers and paws crossed that you get everything you wish both deserve it Here's wishing you find happiness once more Hugs x x x

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by TJ

Wednesday 08 Apr 14:04

Fabulous! Wishing you years of happiness with brother Beau and your new family beautiful. Big hugs Honey, xxxx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 08 Apr 13:34

Like everyone else, l am delighted that this beautiful couple are staying together. l wish them every happiness for the future. We hope that your new Mommy stays in touch so we can hear how you are both settling in, as you ha e touched so many hearts.XXX

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 08 Apr 11:52

honey so glad you and yr bro got a green light- go forward with your lives and be forever happy special- kisses to you both xxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 06 Apr 22:00

Keeping everything crossed for Honey and Beau for tomorrow. Xxx

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by blueangel

Monday 06 Apr 21:33

Wishing Honey good luck for tomorrow already give you and Beau a real kiss and cuddle today xxx

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by TJ

Monday 06 Apr 18:24

Wonderful news for you Honey. This has made our Monday. Look forward to seeing your rehoming photo gorgeous. Big hugs to You & Beau, xxxx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 06 Apr 10:39

i,ve put a comment on yr bro,s site about yr homing but just to add it gives you a great feeling to know there are some wonderful people out there who r willing to give greys such as beau and honey a great chance in life and i know ruth, kate, jill, ang and my sarah will be jumping for joy that these two r staying together xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Monday 06 Apr 08:38

Yay! Keeping everything crossed that both of your signs go green. X

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by susy

Monday 06 Apr 07:21

Such lovely news for Beau & Honey. Hope all goes well for them.
What a lovely lady. Love to all from The New Icemaid Clan x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 06 Apr 06:40

We have had the wonderful offer of a home for Beau and Honey from a lady in Swindon. I have spoken to her - she sounds absolutely lovely so I am off to do their home check tomorrow and if all goes well I will leave them there on trial to check all is going well with the two existing family greyhounds. Keep your fingers crossed - I am sure Beau and Honey's mum will be looking down and so happy that they can stay together x

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by blueangel

Monday 06 Apr 00:20

Way to go! Honey you clever girl xxx

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by Justine&Andy

Sunday 05 Apr 21:59

Great news! Had a lovely walk with Honey today. She was perfect and no problem walking. Hope all works out on Tuesday and so great she gets to stay with Beau x

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by stevensue1

Sunday 05 Apr 21:35


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by lovegreys

Sunday 05 Apr 21:33

How wonderful! I'm so happy. X

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 05 Apr 20:54

Fantastic news sweetheart Not only reserved but you can stay together with your companion Who could wish for more ! Hugs to you both Yay !! Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Sunday 05 Apr 19:31

I really hope I am not dreaming. Baestifiend if itvis you I will love you forever. Bestisdecision. I have been watching all day. Xx

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by bestisfriend

Sunday 05 Apr 18:04

Keep watching! This are moving apace. Roll on Tuesdsy!!!

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by bestisfriend

Saturday 04 Apr 21:24

What this space!!!

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 04 Apr 17:09

i,ve put a comment on beau,s but just to re- cap we have 4 and they r no probs- go for this wonderful pair u will never regret it xxxx

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by bestisfriend

Saturday 04 Apr 13:07

I have emailed them about rehoming Honey & Beau, and am now waiting to hear back from them.

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by skinnyme

Saturday 04 Apr 00:52

We have 7 ! Very manageable, so 5 is nothing, lol xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 03 Apr 23:01

You are an absolute star ! I know 2 lovely greys who would be forever grateful ! X x x

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by bestisfriend

Friday 03 Apr 22:49

By the way I have already donated towards both of them today. I really am sold on them aren't I!?

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by bestisfriend

Friday 03 Apr 22:47

Looks like I'm in for an interesting day, tomorrow, when I make contact. I shall blame all of you if it all goes (sadly) wrong!!!

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by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 03 Apr 22:44

we have 5 now and love them all 4 like to sleep and be lazy 1 is still a little jummpy but they give all there love to us

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 03 Apr 21:23

No that's not too far. Lol. X

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 03 Apr 21:15

Oh please go for it. They are so wonderful and affectionate and clearly love each other. I met them in the kennels run, they are absolutely gorgeous, constant kisses from both. They are absolytely fab. Please please go for it. Xxxxx

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by blueangel

Friday 03 Apr 20:37

Honey and Beau are very calm,quiet,loving and would love to live a lazy life together whats two more quiet hounds.If i didn't have 4 dogs i would definitely offer them both a home they are beautiful inside and out xxx

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by TJ

Friday 03 Apr 20:15

We're all holding our breath here in the hope that the next comments we see on Honey & Beau's pages are showing "Reserved". Keeping all our fingers & paws crossed for you both. Big hugs, xxxx

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by bestisfriend

Friday 03 Apr 19:12

Shall I or shan't I put myself forward to give Honey & Beau a new forever home? I do have 2 already - Dobie 91/2yrs & Cassie 61/2yrs - both very calm & quiet, as we do all lead a very lazy life!! Are we ment to be or not? I'm a sucker for appealing, soulful eyes!! Is Cricklade, Swindon, too far away??

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by mary/john

Friday 03 Apr 15:20

love yr new pic honey...I hope r both in a new home very soon with beau....Xx

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by stevensue1

Wednesday 01 Apr 17:04

Met this beautiful girl on sunday and promptly got covered with lots of licks and kisses. She also pinned me to the back of the kennel until she had received enough attention, if she felt she had not she would paw me for some more!!! Beau was the gent and would let Honey receive all the attention, however when the time arose he would gently push his way through to get his fare share!!!! These two gentle, loving greys would make a fantastic addition to any family, so please guys do not overlook Beau and Honey and make a beeline for their kennel, you will not be disappointed.

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by TJ

Tuesday 31 Mar 20:12

Hi Honey, we've sent a special cuddle to you via Beau so make sure he shares it with you beautiful. We so hope that you very soon find your forever home together; keeping everything crossed beautiful. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 31 Mar 20:06

Honey is absolutely adorable! She and Beau are no trouble at all... All they want is someone who will give them lots of love and cuddles. Xxx

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by lovegreys

Friday 27 Mar 19:44

My cuddle for Honey and Beau tonight. Wishing them a loving home together very soon. Thank goodness they have the love of Daybreaks to comfort them. Xxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 18 Mar 18:38

I love this little girl and her brother Beau. They are both so gentle and loving and obviously love each other very much. So hope they can be found a home where they can be together. They love to snuggle and look quite sad when they have to go back in their kennel. Fingers crossed a new home comes along soon. xx

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 17 Mar 23:11

Lovely lovely Honey xx

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by blueangel

Tuesday 17 Mar 21:13

I hope this lovely girl whom has so much love to give get homed together with Beau they love each other so much xxx

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 14 Mar 11:14

honey that little face is so cute i was glad to see u looking alot happier when i saw u again and u do love your fuss- i don,t think you,ll have to wait too long for that sofa again xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 13 Mar 19:00

Honey was in seventh heaven this afternoon as our disabled visitor gave her a groom and then plenty of cuddle and fusses to follow. Obviously she and Beau are used to home comforts and much human contact and interaction, and it was plain to see how much she is missing this as I swear she had a look of contentment and satisfaction on her beautiful grey face as she was stroked and cuddled this afternoon. She and the handsome Beau are a lovely couple who ask nothing more then a sofa and some TLC. Keeping everything crossed for you sweetheart. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 12 Mar 22:10

Honey and Beau are gorgeous...hoping a new home will be theirs very soon. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 11 Mar 11:19

oh just gorgeous so sad for them but i bet they won,t be around long- good luck beautyxxxxx

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by Rachies

Tuesday 10 Mar 09:39

What a gorgeous girl xx

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by blueangel

Monday 09 Mar 19:49

Honey and Beau are so affectionate to each other both worried about one another when Sarah was cutting there nails today. Bless them both be nice if they could be home together xxx

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by lovegreys

Monday 09 Mar 11:33

So sad for beautiful Honey and her brother Beau, after losing their owner. Wishing them both a lovely new home very soon. x

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 08 Mar 21:26

Honey... Thanks for the nuzzles earlier when you wanted me to keep fussing you and your brother Beau..... I promise the team at Daybreaks will get you a new sofa very soon. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 08 Mar 21:20

Sending my cuddle to Honey and Beau tonight, how sad to hear they have lost their owner. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 08 Mar 21:08

Oh sweetheart, you are looking a little bewildered and no wonder. I hope you soon get a new home, preferably with your brother Beau. If you are still there I will see you Wednesday for a cuddle. Xx

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by stevensue1

Sunday 08 Mar 19:33

Honey came in today with her mate Beau,she is very affectionate but did look a bit lost at times bless her. She is used to being in a house so is Housetrained and would love to be back in a home soon. Good luck little lady xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 08 Mar 15:58

Oh honey you are so sweet you look so bewilded as to what has harperd I do hope you and your brother find an home soon honey you share the same dad as tinker lots of love tou you both xxxx

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by TJ

Sunday 08 Mar 13:51

You look adorable Honey and we are wishing you and brother Beau a very quick foster/rehome as you must be so confused being in kennels after all this time of living together in a home. Sending you big thought cuddles, Rosie Po & Brae xx

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