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About Me

Racing Name
Ballycanon Boy
White and Black
Date of birth
08 aug 2004
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Niamhs VixenIE-MAY-98-BD
Family tree & race history

Dairylea (Daire)

male, 20 years old, White and Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Dairylea (Daire) has had 0 cuddles today (8 all together).
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by Caz

Friday 22 Jul 12:38

Hi, hope all is well at Daybreaks - we miss you! Annie & Yeuna are settled well in our new home - Daire would have loved the fields that Yeuna gets to run free in! (Annie too old now and cba lol)
Was just wondering if Daire & Annie's photos will ever reappear on here? Wishing I'd tried to get a copy of them!

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by Caz

Friday 26 Feb 14:52

Thanks Jill x

by skinnyme

Thursday 25 Feb 20:16

Hi Caz, we recently moved the website and a number of photos disappeared, we are gradually recovering them so they will reappear soon. Jill.

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by Caz

Thursday 25 Feb 19:14

Can I just ask where Daire's photo has gone?

by Caz

Thursday 25 Feb 19:10

Thank you all for your kind words, apologies for not responding sooner but we moved home shortly after Daire's accident and had no internet until a few days ago (and I'd forgotten my password to log in!). We miss Daire terribly, he has left a huge hole in our hearts. Thank you all again xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Jan 20:07

God Bless Daire....thinking of his family. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 11 Jan 19:47

I didn't know Daire but I read about his tragic accident on Facebook. So very, very sorry for his family - what a terrible shock for them. Sending them love and hugs. Run free Daire. xx

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by skinnyme

Monday 11 Jan 19:31

Oh beautiful boy, will remember all our roadshows together, run free. Love to Caz and Paul. Xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Monday 11 Jan 19:15

So very sorry to read this sad news about the handsome Daire. Our thoughts are with you all.
Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 11 Jan 08:48

Night Night beautiful Daire - I will never forget the day we named you - you were as big and beautiful as a dairy cow and your mum Caz said we couldn't name a boy Dairylea - so guess what we did! I will miss seeing you but so happy you had a wonderful home. Big hugs to Caz and Paul and your greyhound sisters Annie and Yeuna. Run free fella xxxxx

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by PamD

Friday 28 Aug 10:08

Hi Daire and family

Please could you e-mail me with your tele no

by Caz

Friday 28 Aug 08:34

Hi Pam, Daire, Paul & I would love to join you at Webbs on 26 September - can you let us have details, time you want us to be there etc - we're looking forward to it already! Caz x

by PamD

Sunday 23 Aug 13:30

Of course I forgive you its wonderful to find out what a fab home he has got with you both. I hope I see you soon on walks and maybe you would like to join us at Webbs in September for our roadshow there. Because thats when you first thought about a grey as a pet after seeing them at a Webbs Garden Centre Roadshow.

by Caz

Saturday 22 Aug 21:03

Many apologies for the lack of updates - we've been really busy and haven't had the pc set up at home! We're in Grimsby at the moment - Daire is with us and has been absolutely brilliant today....We've had our two of our three grandchildren at our home all week (8 & 10 years) and he's been brilliant. It's my eldest's 30th birthday today so we're staying overnight to celebrate. Daire has met two staffie/collie cross females today and really liked them, he's met my parents and their Jack Russell and although he liked Susie she wasn't too keen on him but he still made himself at home and slept on the living room floor! My mum & dad are really taken with him and Mum wanted to swap dogs! He's found a spot on my sons sofa which is supposed to be our bed for the night but I guess we've got the floor! All in all he's an absolutely brilliant gorgeous wonderful pet & we can't remember what was like without him! We visited the kennels last Sunday and he was happy to be there amongst other greys & I'm sure he's looking forward to his stay there in September when we are away at my brother's wedding. Hope you forgive me Pam! Caz x

by PamD

Friday 21 Aug 11:06

Thanks Emma

by Emma

Friday 21 Aug 07:52

Hi Pam

Ina and I met gorgeous Daire at the dog show and he couldn't have been happier and his lovely new family certainly still seemed very taken with him!

Em x

by PamD

Thursday 20 Aug 16:03

How is Daire getting on

by JaneR

Thursday 30 Jul 10:53

Hi Caz & Paul,Good to hear Daire is still doing well and glad you have met Harry Wass with Copper.We also did his homecheck , i often wonder how he's getting on as i haven't seen him since the Lickey walk last year. Speak soon jane x

by kallie

Wednesday 29 Jul 16:57

Hi Caz and Paul it's so lovely to hear how well Daire is settling in with you all, i am so pleased for you. he's a gorgeous boy and he seemed to bond with you both the day you came to the kennels which is really great. hope to see you three sometime soon. love Ina Toby Rossi and Monty xxxx

by PamD

Wednesday 29 Jul 15:33

My vet said 2mls per dog

by Willow&Ann

Wednesday 29 Jul 11:34

Wow, think Pam's advice is useful for us all, sounds like we should all have some Piriton at the ready? That's presumably 2mls per dog, not for a certain amount of body weight?

by Caz

Tuesday 28 Jul 13:03

Thanks for the advice Pam - will get some on the way home after work. Caz x

by PamD

Tuesday 28 Jul 12:29

If he is that interested in bees keep some piriton syrup handy. If he eats/swallows a bee give him 2mls and get him straight to the vet. This could save his life
Hope to see you all soon

by Caz

Tuesday 28 Jul 08:43

Hi everyone - Daire has settled in really well and his personality is beginnning to shine through - we've had a brilliant first week with him with absolutely no problems at all. It did take him 24 hours to accept his new bed but he has so many places he likes to sprawl out it wasn't a problem. He loves being in the garden (although we're trying to teach him that he shouldn't try to catch bees!) and his walks and has adapted to home life so well that it feels like he's been with us for years! Whilst walking him the other day a lovely man pulled up in his car to chat for a few minutes (he has a retired greyhound from Daybreaks too). On our way back we saw the same car, and the gentleman pulled up again, he'd been home to get Copper (Throwing Copper) to meet Daire! He has also made friends with two children yesterday (aged 4 & 6) and was really good with them. All in all, Daire is absolutely perfect! Caz & Paul x

by TamarDuchess

Monday 27 Jul 22:15

such a nice name!!!!


by kallie

Friday 17 Jul 16:19

Caz and Paul, glad all went well and i am sure Daire will have a great life with you both, hope to see you all soon, i shan't be at the kennels this weekend so give him a big good bye hug from me. love Ina ,Rossi, Toby and Monty dog xxxx

by Caz

Friday 17 Jul 16:12

Thanks Pam - we've seen them and one of the guys here at work has explained 'the form' to me - he also recognised some of Daire's ancestors on the family tree!
We're really looking forward to bringing him home tomorrow!

by PamD

Friday 17 Jul 14:49

There are 4 videos of his racing in Ireland if you go into races via family tree and race history

Glad home check went well he deserves a good home after over 80 races

by Caz

Friday 17 Jul 13:06

The home check went well, Tim & Jane are such lovely people and Billy is adorable! I'm sure he's left Daire some interesting smells to investigate!

by Caz

Wednesday 15 Jul 13:09

Thanks Pam & Susie - glad you like the name - it's a kind of compromise from the Dairylea that Paul & Ruth came up with! We're looking forward to bringing him home and giving him the life he truly deserves and I'm sure you'll see him and us at events & walks in the future! Caz x

by PamD

Tuesday 14 Jul 18:08

Hi What a great name. I remember talking to you at Webbs. He will have a fantastic home. Hope to see you soon at our events or walks
xx and Susie

by kallie

Tuesday 14 Jul 16:22

Daire is a lovely name and it suits him. you'll need a large sidecar for your bike to take him to all the ralleys!!!!

by Caz

Tuesday 14 Jul 11:24

The name dilemma is over and I'm sure Daire will be happy with his new name! Looking forward to bringing him home and we can give him hugs for real! Caz & Paul x

by Caz

Monday 13 Jul 08:20

We've got the home check on Thursday evening and are looking forward to bringing him home but we still have a dilemma with his name lol. Paul just can't steer away from the Dairylea theme! Please give him a hug from us & tell him we hope his tail's getting better & not to worry over his name as he'll soon get over any embarassment! Caz & Paul x

by kallie

Sunday 12 Jul 20:03

Em, don't even ask why the name!!! Ruth and Paul cooked that one up - Caz wanted Shadow - and he started off as Billy...poor hound is having an identity crisis, haha! xxxx

by kallie

Sunday 12 Jul 18:30

he's a gorgeous very big hound and has already found a new home, hopefully the homecheck will go to plan and Caz and Paul will be able to get him next weekend. good luck beautiful boy. xxxx

by Emma

Sunday 12 Jul 18:26


by hedi

Sunday 12 Jul 13:10

can not wait to see your picture hope you do not have too long to wait for anew home and that you will have a lovely life thet you deserve. xx