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Racing Name
Snap Election
Black and White
Date of birth
27 feb 2012
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
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Ernie (Snap)

male, 12 years old, Black and White

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Snap's Trainer says he is a very friendly dog who likes company.

Ernie (Snap) has had 0 cuddles today (72 all together).
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by Jembob

Sunday 26 Mar 20:02

Hope Snap's first night at home has gone OK.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 Mar 21:10

So happy for Snap. :) Thanks so much to Sophie and Andy for fostering him until the perfect home came along. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 25 Mar 19:02

Wishing you every happiness, Snap. Thank you for the walks we had during your stay at Daybreaks - you really are a lovely hound. xx

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by Sophie29

Saturday 25 Mar 16:46

I will miss this little dude.
Im so happy that Snap has found his forever home, he couldnt of ended up in a better place he was like the missing piece to there jigsaw and a perfect fit.
I love a fairy tail ending, have a happy life snap-a-roo xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 25 Mar 15:12

Good luck my friend. We are very happy that you have found a home but gutted that it was not with us. You are a very special hound and we will have very fond memories of the times that you spent with us. Xxxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 25 Mar 15:02

So lovely to see Snap looking so happy in his removing photo, be happy beautiful boy xxxxxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 21 Mar 18:46

Made my day so happy for this lad

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 21 Mar 18:24

So happy to see the red sign for wonderful Snap. A really great houndie - wishing him lots of love. xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 21 Mar 18:04

Oh this has made my day, how wonderful, this boy so deserves his forever home, I bet Jembob will be so happy for him xxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 21 Mar 16:52

Fantastic to see that RED sign for the lovely Snap Really pleased for you mate :) x

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by Jembob

Sunday 19 Mar 19:53

Snap's eyes are looking really good. He's a really handsome hound and has an air of serenity about him that I really like.

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by Jembob

Sunday 12 Mar 15:12

I hope that Snap's eyes are OK. Really miss seeing this chap.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 27 Feb 20:46

Lots of love to Snap Happy 5th Birthday! Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 27 Feb 17:55

Happy birthday Snap! Xx

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by helenanddave

Monday 27 Feb 15:57

Happy Birthday Snap. Hope you are having a brilliant day. Xx

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by TJ

Monday 27 Feb 13:59

Happy Birthday gorgeous Snap. Hope you're getting extra cuddles today. BIG hugs xxxx

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by Jembob

Monday 27 Feb 08:39

Happy Birthday matey. Hope you have a good day and get plenty of cake and kip!

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by Jembob

Saturday 25 Feb 13:36

I hope my pal Snap is doing well. Really missed seeing him at the kennels this morning.

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by Fred's_Dad

Sunday 19 Feb 18:14

We took Snap on the Stratford Walk today and he was a very good boy. He travelled well in the car and enjoyed being with all his greyhound buddies. He didn't mind standing around beforehand and enjoyed walking at the front of the group. He has been with us for 24 hours and is doing brilliantly with his mealtimes, eye drops and letting us know when he wants to go into the back garden. He and Gigi are getting along nicely. He likes being with us especially in the kitchen and also in his bed when we are watching a film.

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by Jembob

Sunday 19 Feb 16:03

Good luck Pal. I'm sure that your foster family have fallen for you already. You are a special hound. We'll keep your favourite spot in our dining room free in case you ever need it!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 18 Feb 20:56

Lots of love to Snap, great to see him fostered today. :) Xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Saturday 18 Feb 17:11

Be a good boy now, you never know you may end up with a new home :) xxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 18 Feb 15:23

How lovely to see you have gone out to foster Snap. I presume you are probably with your best friend Lucy. Have a lovely time. xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 18 Feb 14:49

Lovely to see this beautiful boy has been fostered xxxxxx

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by Jembob

Wednesday 15 Feb 13:01

Just sent Snap a hug. I hope that the new drops are helping his eyes - they looked a bit better last weekend.
I suspect that he may have opened a bottle of port and had a slurp when he was at our house on Saturday. I thought that I heard the bottles clinking and he seemed very happy afterwards.

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by Jembob

Saturday 11 Feb 18:31

Snap is a great help in kitchen. His specialities are sniffing worktops and cleaning up dropped food.

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by Jembob

Thursday 09 Feb 22:27

Agreed. Snap is a top hound and we are both very fond of him.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 09 Feb 21:40

A big cuddle for Snap tonight, he is such a lovely boy. Xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 04 Feb 23:54

At the cafe in Bruton Park this morning, a very nice lady gave Snap some bacon from her sandwich. He enjoyed it so much that he was licking his lips for the next 10 minutes.

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by Jembob

Monday 30 Jan 12:15

I popped in at the kennels on Sunday afternoon and Snap and Lucy were in the sand run. Lucy was enjoying herself with a rope toy. Snap couldn't be bothered and stood next to me watching her - it's all a bit too much like hard work for our Snap. Back in the kennels a few minutes later and he could hardly keep his eyes open. Watching Lucy running around in circles is a pretty exhausting workout for a hound like Snap.

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by Jembob

Saturday 28 Jan 17:36

Another lovely day out with the awesome twosome. We did too much together today to list here, but it's becomming increasingly difficult to return Snap & Lucy to the kennels. They both looked well cheesed off when I left them today!
Snap's favourite lunch is now egg, rice and tuna. Today's bowl was consumed in record time but when we sat down for lunch, both of them patiently waited for us to finish. Perfect!

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 21 Jan 17:34

Snap, sounds like you had a lovely day out today with your kennel mate Lucy and your pals Jeremy & Julie. My boy, you really deserve your own sofa now - fingers crossed you (and the lovely Lucy) don't have to wait too much longer. xx

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by Jembob

Saturday 21 Jan 17:21

We have been fortunate enough to spend much of the day with Snap & Lucy. This morning we took them to Bruton Park where both of them received a lot of attention from passers by. Both are perfectly behaved behaved with other dogs, large or small. Snap takes everything in his majestic stride and is such an easy hound to walk.

Rather than heading straight back to the kennels, we all went back to our house for a rest and something to eat. We were not sure what to expect from these two as we believed this to be their first home visit. Snap clearly enjoys being in a domestic setting and settled very well. Anybody that knows Snap will know that he loves a quick kip. Today was no exception and I am relieved that he did not discover how to get on to the sofa as he would probably still be asleep there. After watching Lucy go up stairs, Snap decided to give it a try but in a less convincing way. He stuttered half way up and did his Bambi impression until he regained his confidence. Both hounds had to be carried down! Snap certainly benefits from having Lucy around and was a wonderful house guest.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 17 Jan 20:49

Hi Jembob, Snap and Lucy are as lovely as ever :) I am sure they will both be pleased to see you at the weekend. Xxx

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by Jembob

Tuesday 17 Jan 15:45

I hope my pals Snap and Lucy are OK. I filmed them in their kennel on Saturday morning, just hanging around having fuss and treats. What beautiful hounds they are - everybody who has seen the clip agrees. Both should really have found a home by now.
I certainly think that Snap needs a bit of time out of kennels at the weekend.

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by shanishoo

Thursday 12 Jan 22:45

Jembob, I am sure Snap will enjoy his walk with you on Saturday. He really is adorable, sounds like my hound Jack, he sleeps like a cat, even falls asleep whilst waiting for his dinner. They are all so special, each one with their own quirky ways, but I do hope this boy doesn't have to wait too much longer for a loving home xxx

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by Jembob

Thursday 12 Jan 15:12

Shani. Sent him a hug too. I have some extra time on Saturday and am hoping that he can come out with me for a while. He's a very lovable hound when you meet him and has the ability to snooze at almost any time.

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by shanishoo

Thursday 12 Jan 10:59

Snap gets my cuddle for today, what a stunning hound he is, and I just love those ears. Hope he finds a loving home to call his own soon xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 11 Jan 19:24

Snap is a real gentleman! He walks nicely, is very gentle and looks after his kennel mate, Lucy, very well! He also has brilliant ears! xx

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by TJ

Saturday 07 Jan 22:28

Hey Snap, I've just had a giggle reading about your antics today in the back of the car with Lucy! How are your eyes this week gorgeous? Hope the treatment is helping. Big hugs beautiful (share it with lovely Lucy) xxxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 07 Jan 19:41

Today's venue for Snap and Lucy was Bruton Park. Snap is such a pleasure to take out and he thoroughly enjoyed our walk around the park.
Snap is a top, top hound and we are very fond of him.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 02 Jan 20:48

What a great day out for Snap, So nice for him to have a break from the kennels. Xxx

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by Jembob

Monday 02 Jan 14:35

Snap really enjoyed his walk around Kingsbury today. He was excited about walking with so many other greyhound but was impeccably behaved as always.
He is such a handsome lad and had many compliments from people in the park. He did however, claim the back seat of the car for himself and forced poor Lucy into the corner for the journey home!

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by Jembob

Sunday 01 Jan 18:08

We'll collect them at 10 ish

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 01 Jan 16:39

Hi Jembob, they both said YES PLEASE! Xxx

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by Jembob

Sunday 01 Jan 14:29

I bet that Snap and Lucy would like to join the walk at Kingsbury Water Park on Monday morning.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 Dec 22:11

Snap gets my cuddle today too! He is a really lovely boy. Xxx

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by TJ

Friday 30 Dec 20:05

Hey Snap, I've just read 'Aunty Angies' daily diary update, stating how good you're being having your eye drops put in, so you just have to get our family cuddle today gorgeous. Keeping our paws & fingers crossed that your poorly eyes are soon much better. Big hugs, xxxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 30 Dec 18:31

The beautiful Snap gets my electronic cuddle for today, I do hope his eyes get better soon bless him xxxxxx

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by Jembob

Wednesday 28 Dec 21:41

Another lovely sunshine walk with my pal Snap today. He was rather disgusted that I did not have any treats for him today. Even so, we still had a nice chill with Lucy after our walk.
Snap has real calmness and grace which is very appealing.

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by Jembob

Monday 26 Dec 21:52

Snap was in very good form today. He and Lucy came out together with me for a walk this morning and were both impeccably behaved. What a lovely way to clear out the Christmas cobwebs - walking two majestic hounds on a cold sunny morning.
Snap is a wonderful greyhound.

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by Shanesmum

Monday 26 Dec 15:51

My clean kennel award today goes to the handsome Snap, and of course his pretty kennel mate Lucy. On opening up I had to double check they had actually spent the night there and hadn't sneaked out to a party! A quick straighten pf the blanket and they were done. Snap is such a quiet and calm boy, and is so very good at standing still to have his eye drops in bless him. I really hope he doesn't have to wait too much longer for his forever home. xxx

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by Jembob

Thursday 22 Dec 16:51

Snap decided that he would prefer to have a nice sleep rather than going to the park. It took a treat to tempt him off his bed.
It's great walking with Snap - every now and again he does a little skip but I dont know why. We walked around the lake by which time he was ready to head back to DB. Snap gets into the car easily, travels very well and is a pleasure to be with. Top hound.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 Dec 21:24

Hi Jembob, that would be brilliant...he has another appointment with the vet in the morning but should be back by midday. He will love it, thank you. Xxx

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by Jembob

Tuesday 20 Dec 21:02

Can Snap come out to play in the park with me on Thursday afternoon please?

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by Jembob

Tuesday 13 Dec 12:19

Snap is a super hound. He is a quiet lad and seems to be under the radar of most people at the moment. I always enjoy my visits to see him in his kennel - we could easily take him home.

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by Jembob

Wednesday 07 Dec 12:25

I hope the drops are helping you matey. See you at the weekend. Hug just despatched to you.

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 06 Dec 22:03

Hope your eyes are better soon Snap xxxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 03 Dec 20:01

Snap made me laugh today. Tina went a bit mad when I went to see them today - she can smell a new-formula sardine oatcake a mile off. While she was jumping all over me (at one point she had a paw in my ear!!!)', Snap stood there watching her and you could see him thinking 'What the ......' His patience and good manners earned him the first treat out of the bag!
Julie took him for a walk this morning and he is great to be with. A very impressive physical specimen and a real character waiting to be unleashed.
Have we got any spare space at Christmas?

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by Jembob

Tuesday 29 Nov 13:34

I hope that Snap is keeping warm. We are sending a hug hoping that it might help.

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by Jembob

Sunday 20 Nov 15:41

Just sent Snap a hug. He's a lovely boy.

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by Stormin

Sunday 20 Nov 14:34

Snap and Tina have today joined 35 other dogs and their 'hoomans' on todays Stratford Walk. Many thanks to everyone for braving the winter weather. Thankfully the rain had passed through and we all stayed dry.
Snap is a happy friendly lad who gets on well with all his fellow greys. He met non greys with no aggression only curiousity. Travelled quietly in the van.
A lovely lad who will be a wonderful addition to a family home.

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by Jembob

Wednesday 16 Nov 22:25

Here are a couple of Youtube videos featuring Snap:

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by Jembob

Saturday 12 Nov 20:10

Another great walk with this super hound. He does come across as nervous to start with but really gets stuck in to his walks. Any lack of confidence at the moment will soon evaporate when he's been in a loving home for a short while.
This weekend last year, we were heading off to Antigua for a couple of weeks but as we have not been in a position to do that this year, what better could you do than to spend time with a couple of wonderful hounds like Snap and Tina.
Last week I summarised Snap's post saying that he is a top hound. He is that indeed and I can't recommend him enough to any prospective adopters.

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by shanishoo

Friday 11 Nov 21:17

Jembob, your posts do make me laugh, very witty. Enjoy your day with the Greys xxxx

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by Jembob

Friday 11 Nov 19:59

Last week, both Snap and Tina thoroughly abused me in pursuit of savory morsels. I found myself pummeled by the two of them into surrendering a small bag of biscuits and treats. Quite shameful.

Hoping to repeat the experience tomorrow, I have baked a batch of sardine & oat biscuits which will be dispensed after morning walks. There are plenty to go around.

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by Jembob

Saturday 05 Nov 12:38

I took Snap to Elmdon Park this morning. He is sharing a kennel with Tina and both were a little nervous when I first went in to get them. An hour or so later both were climbing all over me in pursuit of a bag of treats in my top pocket. Most disrespectful! :) They obviously get on very well together.
Snap needed a bit of encouragement to get into my car but once in he settled quickly and seemed to enjoy the short journey to the park. This was his first visit to the park so I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was that he is a very easy dog on the lead who was very interested in everything. Not too excitable but pleasantly enthusiastic. Snap was fine with humans and other dogs although the lake and it's inhabitants were something of a mystery! We managed the Nature Park and the lake so we did a good 2 or 3 miles and he was brilliant all the way around. Snap had many admirers who wanted to say hello - hardly surprising as he is a handsome lad.
Back at HQ, we had a chill with Tina, and once the treats were consumed, Snap rested his chin on my leg and looked a contented dog. He will soon settle into domestic life and will make a fantastic, loving member of a family. Top hound!

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by Shanesmum

Friday 04 Nov 18:32

My what a handsome boy Snap is. A little wary at the moment, but he has only been with us a few days. Having said that, he happily jumped into the van with 3 pals to go off to the acupuncture study this afternoon. xx

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by Spanner

Friday 04 Nov 11:39

Loving those ears. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Nov 22:22

Snap is a really good looking lad! Xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 01 Nov 18:33

What a handsome chap - and what lovely ears! xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 01 Nov 14:58

Oh what a beautiful handsome chap xxxx

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by TJ

Tuesday 01 Nov 14:22

Simply gorgeous. xxxx

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