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About Me

Racing Name
Tromara Voyage
Date of birth
11 nov 2014
Ear mark


female, 10 years old, Blue

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

This pretty little girl weighs 26kg - she is very affectionate and loves giving kisses!

Tess has had 0 cuddles today (20 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 29 Jul 22:23

Great to hear how Tess is getting on and you all enjoyed your first roadshow. Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Saturday 29 Jul 18:49

We can hardly believe that it's already been 4weeks since we adopted Tess. We no longer have sole rights to our sofa or bed and there are more yellow patches on our lawn than ever before. However, we have gained a true delight to our family and have many treasured moments in the memory bank. Today we enjoyed spending an hour at our first roadshow sharing our experiences to date and meeting other 4-legged friends. Cx

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by shanishoo

Monday 17 Jul 22:13

So lovely to hear that your beautiful girl is getting on so well, she is a lucky lady to have such a lovely caring family. Xxxxx

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by SillySuttons

Monday 17 Jul 13:14

Hi all! Just a quick update: well we've had Tess 2 weeks now and we couldn't be without her. She has slotted so well into our family & has such a lovely temperament. I love the greeting and genuine excitement when I return home from work. She displays some air chattering and nuzzles her head under my leg on the sofa. It's quite amusing to watch!

I love seeing the dogs photos get their red/green tags. It's immensely satisfying to know they've gone into their forever home. It was lovely to bump into Ruth at the vests last week. She was picking up a couple of daybreak dogs as we were collecting the monthly few/worming treatment.

A moment that broke my heart a little: we'd raised the cat food into a window ledge before Tess arrived however, sneaky Tess managed to reach it one day and I heard an almighty clatter. I came to investigate and saw all the cat food/biscuits/water upturned on the floor. Tess looked guiltily at me and I went to lead her out of the room and she flinched thinking I was going to hit her! This took me by surprise and made me wonder how she was treated during her racing days. At least we know that she's now surrounded by love and affection ;)

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by shanishoo

Sunday 09 Jul 10:47

What a lovely thing to say, yes our lives are richer for having these wonderful hounds in them, they steal your heart xxxxxxx

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by SillySuttons

Sunday 09 Jul 08:44

I asked my eldest-'So - it's been a week since we've had Tess...what are your highlights?' Her response resonated with me, 'I feel good inside...our family has grown!' What more can I say?

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by shanishoo

Friday 07 Jul 12:33

Cheeky little monkey, she just needs to be with you all, as long as she's happy and settled that's all that matters xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 07 Jul 12:28

Brilliant! :)) Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Friday 07 Jul 12:01

Another sound night's sleep. Upstairs bedtime with us it is for Tess ;) if she's happy, we're happy!

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Jul 22:38

So pleased to hear there are no broken bones! :) I'm sure Tess loved the extra cuddle time with you. Hopefully it won't be long before you are joining in with the walks again. Fingers crossed she sleeps well again tonight and you too! Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Thursday 06 Jul 22:21

Thanks for the comments. It was so nice to see Tess have a good nights sleep-bless-she just wanted our company which is fine by me. Ankle update: Nothing broken thankfully just a very painful sprain that's going to take time to heal. I stayed home and had lots of extra Tess cuddles whilst resting my foot with frozen veg as ice pack -Tess just kept trying to eat them!!! I've got walkies envy ;) you don't know what you've got til it's gone -right? Hopefully it can only get better now.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Jul 22:04

Hi Carol, hope you are ok, how is the foot? Kate Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 06 Jul 16:42

Oh my goodness Carol, hope you are ok and that nothing is broken. Tess sounds just like our Shane was - we said he wouldn't come upstairs, but the first 2 nights home he was so distressed and stressed, even chewing the skirting board and throwing himself against the door to get to us! We took him upstairs, and he slept happily at the side of our bed - no disturbances, never tried to get on our bed, he just needed the reassurance that someone was close by. It never caused us a problem, and was actually quite nice to have his presence quietly snoring away - and such a lovely face to wake up to in the morning!
Tess has had a huge transition from kennels to home life, and just needs time to adjust, learn that she is safe and secure, and build her confidence.
Angie x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Jul 15:09

oh no! I do hope you are ok? :( So pleased to hear Tess slept much better last night, good girl! :) Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Thursday 06 Jul 07:44

I have good news & bad news...the good news is-Tess took residence in our room last night-wasn't interested in the bed on the landing but she slept soundly by the side of our bed and seems very content this morning ;) However, the bad news is-I am typing this in A&E waiting for an X-ray! I slipped getting the washing in last night & passed out this morning when I put weight on my foot:( fingers crossed there's nothing broken!

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by SillySuttons

Wednesday 05 Jul 20:47

Thanks for the advice. We tried the last thing we hadn't yet done-use a radio during the night. Started off ok but then Teal got upset again. I ended up letting her have the sofa to herself which helped. Tess is such a lovely dog and has been such a great addition to our family that I don't like the idea of her being anxious at night. The main reason we've not wanted pets upstairs is so that there's no disruption to our children's sleep. However I've discussed it with my other half and we've now set up a bed for Teal on our landing - wish us luck for tonight! Thank you so much Kate for being able to give me your listening ear this morning...really appreciated it and we're so lucky to have the benefit of your experience and support. We're willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Tess is happy.

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by NMD07

Tuesday 04 Jul 17:23

I think you answered your question, she will have had canine company if not human. It is early days she will learn you are coming back but will take her time. Our middle grey was returned to Daybreaks before we had her cos she can't be left alone and she will sleep on the landing if she is stressed(she isn't meant to) can Tess have a bed upstairs? Or is that the cats area? Fingers crossed. Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Tuesday 04 Jul 12:29

I'm sure Teal would take great delight in that task. We'll bring some books and her best singing voice when we next visit! ;) Any top tips for bedtime? Tess was whining and howling for most of last night-I'm shattered as I didn't get much sleep (don't know how but my girls slept through it all-thankfully). We've tried nightlight & a piece of clothing but that didn't seem to have any effect. Tess kids seems to crave company.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 03 Jul 22:45

Do you think your little girl would come and read a story and sing to the kennels residents?! Sure they would love it. :)) Great to hear how well little Tess is doing. Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Monday 03 Jul 22:30

We all had a great time at the party yesterday. We met so many lovely people and dogs. Left with a bag full of goodies too!! Tess enjoyed a lovely morning walk and made me giggle so much as she stretched out on our bed and promptly fell off! Her cheeky face lights up my day and the greeting I got when I returned home from work was priceless. She loves checking out the garden and having a good old sniff. Tess and Seek(the cat) are sharing rooms and the garden in harmony-i still think Tess is rather intimidated! Our youngest read a bedtime story and sang a lullaby for Tess and it did actually send her to sleep...bless! All good fun in the SillySutton household!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 02 Jul 22:37

It was great to see Tess and her lovely new family at the party today. Hope she sleeps well tonight. Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Sunday 02 Jul 12:12

Tess whined a bit during the night. Don't think she liked the fact that we were all upstairs and she was not. She slept right by the stair gate and was happily greeting us all when morning came. Hopefully, she'll get used to this routine. Seek (the cat) was very wary of Tess yesterday. They've started sharing spaces around the house and approached each other (I think Tess is scared of Seek-as she retreats back to the sofa for a cuddle!).

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by SillySuttons

Saturday 01 Jul 20:18

Thanks to everyone who made this morning so special. Lovely to see the family photo. Tess seems to be settling in well and getting familiar with her new home. She keeps following us around everywhere but really enjoyed her meal and walk earlier. She's found a space on the sofa already ;) look forward to seeing you all at the party. (So happy to know Tommy has been reserved too-great news!!)

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by shanishoo

Saturday 01 Jul 17:25

Such a lovely rehoming photo, everybody looks so happy including Tess, wishing you many years of happiness and fun with your new little girl xxxxx

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by willerby

Saturday 01 Jul 09:10

Good luck Tess hope you have a wonderful retirement in your new home love from your kennel mate Jess x

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by SillySuttons

Friday 30 Jun 22:04

Only one more sleep to go Tess! We've finally made it...contacted fivelands vets and registered you and Seek with them this evening. Final tweaks around the house donr and we are all set to come and collect you tomorrow. Are you ready for your forever home?

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by SillySuttons

Thursday 29 Jun 22:01

Well it's been a busy day for us as it's been Imogen's 7th birthday. Even after all the presents, fuss and attention she went to bed saying '2 sleeps til Tess is with us'. What have you been up to? Having fun with Tommy? Did you enjoy your walks in the rain? I'm very glad we got those coats yesterday because even though it's nearly July-we're going to need them!! Night night sweetie xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 29 Jun 08:00

I think Tess is going to be one spoilt little girlie, she's so pretty. Xxxxxxxx

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by SillySuttons

Wednesday 28 Jun 21:34

Hi Tess! Had a good day? Was very relieved when Ruth sent an email to give the garden work we've done her seal of approval for you-phew! Have received some greyhound coats we ordered for you in the post today-let's hope they fit! (I followed the size recommendation from Kate so I'm sure they will!) Its been lovely to see so many Daybreaks dog photos get the green 're-homed' sticker today...just a couple of days until you join the club! Xx

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by TJ

Wednesday 28 Jun 07:18

Morning Tess, thought of you yesterday whilst at Castle Nurseries, as I noticed a beautiful pink carnation plant named... 'Adorables Tess'. Look forward to seeing your rehoming photo. xxxx

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by SillySuttons

Tuesday 27 Jun 20:04

I was fortunate to have a gap inbetween jobs today and popped in to see you today. It was lovely to see how well you're getting on with Tommy - you are two totally different characters. Tommy was shy and timid but by the end approached me for a bit of fuss. It was lovely to spend some time with you - thank you for letting me share some cuddles. I took a couple of photos for Imogen and Teal to see and we tried to draw you at home. It gave us many giggles as we kept getting the shape wrong. My 1st attempt looked more like a donkey and not the graceful beauty you are. I think I need to practise more!!! Hope you have a good night ahead-sweet dreams! Xx

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by SillySuttons

Monday 26 Jun 22:32

How's your day been Tess? My girls surprised me when I brought them home today-they'd covered the living room door with pink love heart post it notes and each one had a picture and note for you Tess! Once the girls were in bed, Ryan and I completed the side fence-my fingers are throbbing now!!! Nearly done in the garden now-phew! Imogen has two count downs this week-one til Thursday when it's her 7th birthday and the other for when you come home. When she tells me she's 'so excited' I'm never quite sure which she's looking forward to more!!! Sweet dreams Tess x

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by SillySuttons

Sunday 25 Jun 20:08

I've just read the update and see that you've had your stitches out today. Well done brace girl...Hope it feels better now Tess. Imogen had her birthday party this morning and was talking about you to family and friends. We've mentioned the Daybreaks party next Sunday and some of our family want to come and meet you there which will be lovely. Ryan and I were putting some time and effort this afternoon into the garden to continue adding height to our fences. DIY is not our strong-point but I'm sure seeing you exploring the garden soon will make it all worthwhile. Sweet dreams Tess xx ????

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 24 Jun 22:04

Tess loved seeing you all again and I am sure she will love the toys the girls chose for her. :))) Xxx

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by SillySuttons

Saturday 24 Jun 21:55

Thank you SO much everyone who helped us spend time with Tess today. It was lovely to spend time with her in the penn, the girls loved giving her lots of fuss and attention. Tess however was desperate for a walk (first since her op?). She pulled a bit at the start-especially once she saw a squirrel-however by the end she'd calmed and was walking at a steady pace. Back in the penn the girls explored which toys Tess liked (fluffy rabbit and tennis ball got the thumbs up) before we bought a few Tess essentials from the shop. Poor Ryan was at home sorting out the garden fence but he loved seeing all the photos and hearing the girls re-tell their Tess adventures. Wonder what they'll be dreaming of tonight?!?!

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by willerby

Saturday 24 Jun 13:29

Lovely to see Tess new mommy today i can see she is going to be a very loved and spoilt baby good luck to you all x

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by SillySuttons

Friday 23 Jun 19:51

A goodnight cuddle from Imogen & Teal. They're super excited about seeing you again tomorrow. Are you ready to teach them how you like to be walked? They've also been given the task of picking a toy each for you from the shop. Any requests?

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by SillySuttons

Friday 23 Jun 09:34

From the update, it sounds as if you didn't quite enjoy being bathed! Hopefully, the kisses and cuddles you'll get tomorrow when we visit will make it all worthwhile! Will we smell and feel the difference? Teal and Imogen picked a martingale collar for you which we've received in the post. We will bring it with us tomorrow for you to try out on your walk for you to give your seal of approval! ???? Hope you enjoy your day ahead Tess. Xx

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by SillySuttons

Thursday 22 Jun 08:34

Morning Tess! Hope you're doing well and enjoy a bit of a cooler day today. My girls are still talking endlessly about you and Teal shared her news of you in circle time at nursery yesterday. She is already very proud of you! My bedtime stories have been all about you. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

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by willerby

Wednesday 21 Jun 12:33

So pleased that Tess has a new home to go to we had a really hard decision to make whether it be Jess (Rosie) or Tess she is a beautiful girl so much so when we got home we were really thinking of taking both of them, i hope you have a lovely life with Tess x

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by SillySuttons

Tuesday 20 Jun 21:03

You can happily have my cuddle today Tess! You are all we can talk about in our family. We've bought a few things to make sure our house is Tess ready. Imogen and Teal have excitedly selected a mightingale collar online and even taken off their art work from the fireplace in case you get the munchies! I hope you're coping with the hot weather ok. Hugs & kisses from all of us SillySuttons xx

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by SillySuttons

Monday 19 Jun 20:46

Thank you Lisa for the home visit and advice. Much appreciated! We are all super excited and looking forward to seeing Tess again next weekend and being able to walk her will be a great treat. Imogen & Teal both drew some pictures that Lisa took with her to put on the kennel for Tess! Thank you Lisa-that really made their day!

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by skinnyme

Sunday 18 Jun 21:24

No Pam that's Rosies new mum and dad. X

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by PamD

Sunday 18 Jun 19:50

Are you ,The adopters, the family we met at Melbicks on Saturday?

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by mary/john

Sunday 18 Jun 19:03

So happy for u Tess she was very good with the cats 2day Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 18 Jun 18:44

What lovely news - well done sweetheart. Now you can give out your kisses to your very own family. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 18 Jun 17:32

Wonderful news for little Tess :) Great new photos of her; Sara took them just before we left last night...lovely. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 18 Jun 16:07

Excellent !!!! So pleased for you gorgeous Not surprised at all that you have been chosen so quickly On your way now to a happy life Hugs to you x x x

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by SillySuttons

Sunday 18 Jun 15:57

Our whole family fell in love with you this morning Tess ... so much so that we have reserved you! You made a massive impact on us & really pulled at our heartstrings. We're already counting down the days and have just need to make sure one of our garden fences is made a bit taller to keep you safe. Enjoy the rest of your day xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 18 Jun 15:28

Yay for Tess, well done sunshine, what a stunningly pretty little girl you are, love the photos xxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 17 Jun 16:51

Tess is doing so well and was brighter still again this morning. Still giving out lovely kisses, despite the heat today, she really is a special girl. xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 17 Jun 15:15

I'm rooting for you now Tess Hoping some lovely family fall in love with you soon beautiful x x

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by Flutterfan

Friday 16 Jun 19:56

Another lovely 'little' girl who I'm sure will soon find her own comfy sofa x

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by mary/john

Friday 16 Jun 19:43

Tess thank u for all the kiss 2day love u Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 16 Jun 13:17

A big cuddle to gorgeous Tess today as promised coz Rosie had mine yesterday Hoping someone snaps you up very sooo deserve a loving home :) x x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 15 Jun 22:10

A big cuddle for lovely little Tess tonight. Hope she will be feeling better tomorrow. Xxx

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by TJ

Thursday 15 Jun 14:36

A little stunner. Sending you BIG cuddles gorgeous xxxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 15 Jun 11:50

Oh my, what a cutie pie xxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 15 Jun 11:25

Tess, you look a very sweet little girl. Hope you are settling in ok and getting lots of fuss! xx

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by willerby

Wednesday 14 Jun 21:59

Interested can't wait to see what she looks like :)

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