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About Me

Racing Name
My Girl Sheila
White and Black
Date of birth
29 jul 2013
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Boherna BetsyIE-OCT-10-BK
Family tree & race history

Layla (Sheila)

female, 11 years old, White and Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Her Trainer tells us she is an affectionate friendly girl.

Layla (Sheila) has had 0 cuddles today (43 all together).
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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 26 Dec 08:27

So pleased to read this. Bert lost loads of weight and muscle tone when he was on steroids. He was on them for nearly 2 years but has still built up since he came off them and is now almost back to his racing weight again (nearly 30kg - he'd Benn only just over 24 when he first went on steroids (as part of chemo)). I'm sure she'll build back up quickly enough. Hope you're all having a lovely Christmas. x

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 21 Dec 20:40

Really wonderful news for you all We have been thinking of her, wondering how she was getting on I wonder if the Magnatherapy box at Daybreaks would help her Would be worth asking the kennels about it Then maybe a nice pamper session afterwards :)) Wishing you a much happier Xmas than you thought it would be! Hugs to Layla Take care Pam and Alan x x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 21 Dec 19:31

The best of news, and just in time for Christmas. X

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by PamD

Friday 21 Dec 19:06

Wonderful news xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 21 Dec 18:47

Fantastic news, what a great early Christmas present xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 21 Dec 13:02

What brilliant news. Hope you all have Happy Christmasxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 21 Dec 11:45

Wonderful news! Xxx

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by Bookworm

Friday 21 Dec 09:10

More good news from us - Layla has continued to improve. Blood tests show CRP levels back to normal and we have been able to halve the steroid dosage. She’s got to go for more blood tests in the new year, and we hope to be able to tail off the medication after that. She’s eating normally again (ie everything we give her), and has had a couple of short walks. She’s not quite as feisty as she used to be, but is if anything even more loving - she’d have cuddles all day and all night if she could! I was concerned because she’d lost even more weight, but the vet reassured me that muscle atrophy is a side effect of the medication she’s on - and she was always such a stocky little thing, so it’s had quite an impact. I remember Ruth calling her Miss Chunky Thighs when we took her home! I suspect she’ll never be quite as chunky again! Would love to bring her in for a pamper, maybe in the new year. I think she deserves it!
Happy Christmas to all! X

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by LindaPaul

Monday 10 Dec 07:37

This was a very uplifting piece of news to read. You must be over the moon to see your girl getting back to her normal self. I’m sure it won’t be long before she can go for a little walk with you and imagine how happy you’ll all be on that day! Onwards and upwards Layla xx

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by PamD

Sunday 09 Dec 21:57

Wonderful news.
Our Monty, who has always been a foodie!, has also turned fussy after his illness!!
He’s eating more now but if there’s a hint of medication he knows and won’t go near his bowl!!
Good luck x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 09 Dec 21:13

Best news of the day! :) so happy for you all. Fletcher's teeth chatter when he is waiting to go for a walk too :)) ...hope she will soon be able to go out and about. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 09 Dec 14:50

So pleased to hear Layla is getting better, and what a relief for her family xxxx

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by Bookworm

Sunday 09 Dec 14:16

What a difference in only a few days! The dog who could barely move a week ago has been trotting around the garden playing with her squeaky ball. She’s got her appetite back, but she’s turned into a fussy madam where food is concerned. Human food good, dog food bad apparently! She’s even gone off pilchards, which I thought was impossible for a greyhound! She’s coming to us for fuss again, after wanting to be left alone before. Not allowed walks yet, but yesterday she heard the word “walk” and went straight to the front door wagging her tail! She’s also started chattering when she’s content or excited - which is something she’s never done before, it’s so cute! Still not quite her old cheeky self but we’re getting there. More blood tests on Wednesday, after which the vet is hoping to reduce the dosage of steroids. So it’s all looking good, fingers crossed!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 04 Dec 22:16

What a fabulous early Christmas present for you all especially for your beautiful Layla! Sending her a huge cuddle tonight. :)) Lots of love Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 04 Dec 21:47

I am just over the moon to read this news. What a huge relief after such a roller coaster ride. Onwards and upwards for your lovely Layla xx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Tuesday 04 Dec 21:08

so happy for you and little Layla, what a relief :) xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Tuesday 04 Dec 20:21

Wonderful! Xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 04 Dec 19:11

I am absolutely over the moon to hear your good news, still made me cry though lol!!!!, it's clear you all love Layla very much, bet she is getting hugs and cuddles galore, brilliant news xxxxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 04 Dec 18:52

I'm over the moon for you Best news ever beautiful girl Mwah xxxxxxx

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by Caro

Tuesday 04 Dec 18:20

Just the best early Xmas present ever, I would go and belt out those carols too I was were you.

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by PamD

Tuesday 04 Dec 17:49

Fantastic news xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 04 Dec 17:36

So happy to hear this, a very scary time for you, been there done that as they say. Look forward to hearing the news in full. Jo x

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by Bookworm

Tuesday 04 Dec 17:21

I don’t quite know where to start - after we took her home on Wednesday we were pleased that she was eating reasonably well. She had a quiet weekend, seemed very slow getting up and lying back down again, and just plodding outside for a wee from time to time. But we were happy that we didn’t see any of the excessive drinking that was worrying us last week. Took her back to Willows for another blood test yesterday, which showed to our relief that her ionised calcium levels were normal. We’d been worried they would shoot up again when she was off the IV fluids - the fact that they are still normal indicates no cancer. Her C reactive protein levels were sky high, suggesting some kind of inflammatory condition such as poly arthritis. So she’s been back in today to have her joints tapped, and bingo - an inflammatory condition is the culprit. They’re putting her on a course of steroids - intensive to start with and then tailing off. She’s staying in overnight so they can check her reaction to the steroids and we should be able to have her back tomorrow. The vet seemed to think she’ll be back to her normal bouncy self in about 5 days.
She’s been described as a “challenging case” and an “odd greyhound” (well we knew that!).
We’re just elated. I’m off to the kids’ school carol service this evening, I think I’ll be belting out the carols!

Thank you all so much for your kindness. It’s been such a horrible couple of weeks and I am over the moon to have a happy ending xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 04 Dec 16:45

Kept crying at work last year when our boy was sick and vets vets rang. Xxx

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by PamD

Tuesday 04 Dec 15:41

Waiting patiently xxxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 04 Dec 14:18

Great news - so pleased. XX

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by skinnyme

Tuesday 04 Dec 12:58

Fab news Julia. X

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by Bookworm

Tuesday 04 Dec 12:42

Just had the best news! At work at the moment so I can’t fill you in properly but I know how many of you have been thinking of us so I wanted to let you know. I’ll give you the details later, but she’s going to be ok. So so so happy, trying not to cry at work!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 28 Nov 21:45

Great to hear Layla is at home with you. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 28 Nov 21:32

Although you still a diagnosis, it is wonderful to hear your girl is back home with you. Hoping that all is well with her. Thinking of you all. X

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by Caro

Wednesday 28 Nov 21:02

So glad you have got your girl home keeping everything crossed for you.

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 28 Nov 20:26

Phew...and breathe.... at least half a breath! Cautiously optimistic but better news than before at least We are all rooting for her Big cuddles beautiful Pam x x x

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 28 Nov 20:22

So pleased Layla is back home with you. I can only guess the high calcium level must have made her feel really rubbish so are keeping fingers and paws crossed here that she remains stable and starts to gain a little weight. I’m sure the vets at the Willows are on the case and she is in very good hands. For now you have a good few days of love and fuss to catch up on which I’m sure will be lovely for all of you. Keep us posted how she gets on next week. Xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 28 Nov 20:18

So pleased to hear Layla is home with you I'm sure she will recover more quickly with her family around her, I know you don't really know what is wrong with her but the news is more positive that we all feared, I really hope your little girl is going to be OK, I'm sure she is getting spoilt and rightly so, she's a little fighter by the sound of it. Xxxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 28 Nov 19:34

Thanks for updating us. We've all been thinking about you and Layla. So pleased she's home. I'm sure she'll get lots of fuss and cuddles. I know it must be worrying not knowing what's wrong but a lot seems to have been ruled out. If it is cancer but undetectable then it must be the very early stages. If we'd taken Bert to the vet any earlier his lymphoma wouldn't have been detectable. That was nearly 3 years ago. Skip's hopefully cured now too by having the lump etc removed as soon as we found it.

The vet isn't going to rest by the sound of it until he's found what's wrong and then you'll be able to discuss what to do next. One step at a time. Try to be optimistic.

Lots of hugs for all of you. xx

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by PamD

Wednesday 28 Nov 19:26

That sounds promising thank goodness.
I’ve just returned from our vet with Monty (Mikey at Daybreaks) and he’s now been signed off for his parathyroid gland removal due to tumour.
As I posted before the parathyroid gland is the size of a grain of rice so the tumour wouldn’t be obvious on a scan. It was only when he was opened up that the affected parathyroid gland was obvious.
If you want to chat sometime my number is 07714574527
Good luck xxx

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 28 Nov 18:46

Well we now have her home, which is a huge relief. The vet described her as a challenging case. Basically a lot of causes of high calcium have now been ruled out. No evidence of lymphoma at this stage (thank goodness) and she had a CT scan which showed nothing remarkable in the chest or abdomen. So that at least is good news. He hasn’t ruled out a parathyroid tumour, but none of the parathyroid glands are looking enlarged at this stage and he obviously doesn’t want to remove the wrong one. So we might need to revisit that possibility in a few weeks depending on how things go. Kidneys are fine and Addisons is unlikely given the symptoms. They’ve managed to get her calcium levels down to just within the normal range, and they’re re-testing them on Monday. He’s reluctant at this stage to put her on steroids for the calcium as it may mask other symptoms, although we might need to do that in the future. He went through everything very thoroughly with us.

At the moment we’ve got to wait and monitor her. He basically told us that he’s been unable to find cancer in her but that’s not to say there isn’t cancer - it may just be too small to detect at this point.

So it’s not all good news but we’re in a much better position than we thought we were in. A couple of days ago we really thought we were losing her. She seems reasonably happy, and is more alert than she was - although it’s a far cry from her normal bubbly self. She’s lost a lot of weight so we are trying to feed her up. We are just so happy to have her home and so pleased to have some hope - although it is a cautious optimism as we know something is not right.

Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. You really are a lovely bunch! X

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 28 Nov 13:44

Really hoping that glimmer results in a positive outcome for you. x

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 28 Nov 08:47

I too am thinking about Layla and your family. I think most of us who has ever had a poorly hound will be doing the same as we know how it feels. I am hoping and praying that your glimmer turns into something positive. Massive virtual hugs xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 27 Nov 23:04

Sending a big hug and lots of love to Layla tonight. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 27 Nov 21:20

Keeping everything crossed and holding my breath for your gorgeous girl Like PamD I can't stop thinking about her... Pam X x

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by PamD

Tuesday 27 Nov 18:35

We can but pray
I am really upset about your little girl she reminds me so much of my Maisie.
I went to sleep thinking about her last night and said a little prayer
Thinking about you all and poorly baby
Pam xx

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by Bookworm

Tuesday 27 Nov 17:05

Glimmer of hope today....don’t want to tempt fate though so I won’t say much yet. But we’re feeling more positive than we have for a week. She’s at Willows for another night, will keep you posted x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 26 Nov 21:28

Will keep praying for your beautiful Layla. Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Monday 26 Nov 20:21

There are no words... I'm so sorry to hear your news for this beautiful girl Having introduced you to her on the awareness walk we know what a wonderful caring family she chose to be with and couldn't be loved more Hoping for some better news Big hugs to you all Thinking of you 758 Pam x

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by Caro

Monday 26 Nov 19:50

You are absolutely doing the right thing by Layla I recently decided not to proceed with a CT scan albeit my boy is older but you have to have their best interests to the fore front which is exactly what you are doing. Hugs to you all.

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by LindaPaul

Monday 26 Nov 19:37

I’m just heartbroken that you’re having to go through this with Layla as she is so young. Praying the answers you get mean you can have some more quality time with your beautiful girl, but thinking of your whole family while you navigate through all this uncertainty. X

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 26 Nov 19:04

We are so sad to hear the diagnosis for poor Layla. We lost our first greyhound to lymphoma aged 11 but this poor girl is so young. We are still keeping everything crossed,we know how much she is loved by you all. Lets all hope and prey for Layla's recovery xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 26 Nov 18:14

Bookworm - I thought it may be difficult for you today so thought a hello would be all you could cope with. I know how difficult it is because we've been through it all with Bert (a rare type of lymphoma) and Skip (an incredibly rare follicular stem cell carcinoma) and feel incredibly lucky that the outcome has been good for Bert and should be good for Skip, but it makes me cry when I think about what you are going through.

I've taken my cues from the vets for both of ours and they've definitely geared us in the right direction as to what tests and treatment to undertake.

Everything is crossed that there is some good news for you and that everything does work out.

In respect of lymphoma, I know that it depends on the type, but Bert was diagnosed over 2 years ago and we gave him chemo at home (tablet form) and he's still going strong - 13 in February. He's off the chemo now as, after nearly 2 years on it, it was making him weak and he got an upset stomach. We know that it could come back, but I'm glad we made the decision to give him the chemo in the first place otherwise his prognosis was about 2 months.

Keep us posted.


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by Bookworm

Monday 26 Nov 18:06

Thanks Pam, we’ll see what the lymph node results are first. She is in good hands at Willows and if these tests are inconclusive we will look into it. We’re not giving up on her, just trying to be realistic given the information we’ve got x

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by PamD

Monday 26 Nov 17:23

The parathyroid gland is attached to the thyroid gland and is the size of a grain of rice. Hence the tumour will be hard to detect with a scan.
Our vet sent off for further blood tests in connection with his extremely high calcium levels. The results suggested a parathyroid tumour so it was decided that this delicate investigation operation was carried out.
After opening up his neck one of his 4 parathyroid glands looked enlarged so the vet decided to remove it.
They have 4 parathyroid glands and can cope with 1 removed.
The biopsy on the removed parathyroid gland confirmed a tumour which was benign.

Monty is better than he’s been for months

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by shanishoo

Monday 26 Nov 16:48

I am so sorry to read this, I am in tears for you all, how terribly sad. I have to say I absolutely think you are doing the right thing by your girl and not putting her through unnecessary tests, I am sending positive thoughts to you in the hope your baby girl is OK, please be strong, you are doing everything you can xxxxx

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by Bookworm

Monday 26 Nov 16:44

Thanks Pam, that is a possibility that he mentioned. If the lymph node test is inconclusive we will have some more tests done and a CT scan. Given the nodules on her lungs as well I am worried we’re not looking at something benign. But you never know x

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by PamD

Monday 26 Nov 16:32

So sorry to hear about this.
We had similar problems with Monty recently loss of weight and very high calcium levels.
Have your vets tested for a parathyroid tumour? These are usually benign and is what Monty had!!
Montys now full of beans and his weights back on.
He had been going downhill for a few weeks before diagnosis
Good luck xxx

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by Bookworm

Monday 26 Nov 16:00

Thank you Lynne, it was lovely to see you in passing - I think if we’d stopped for a chat I might have broken down! Skip looked great! Thank you also Alan and Pam for your thoughts. Now for the difficult bit:
We decided not to go through with the CT scan today, pending the results of the fine needle aspiration on her lymph nodes which may tell us all we need to know. Unfortunately lymphoma is the most likely diagnosis and the prognosis is poor. They’re keeping her in overnight on IV fluids in an attempt to reduce her blood calcium levels which are quite elevated. Hopefully if they can do that she might be a bit more comfortable.
Beyond that we don’t want to put her through anything invasive or painful if it’s unlikely to affect the outcome. We’d rather have her home, love her to bits, keep her comfortable and help her go peacefully when the time comes. It breaks my heart to say this when she is so young but we are trying to be realistic. She’s been prodded, poked and pricked enough in the last couple of weeks. She’s lost a lot of weight and is very lethargic.
It’s an enormous shock as it’s all come on so rapidly.
Thank you all again for your thoughts - this is such a difficult time but I feel so supported by the Daybreaks community. I will keep you posted x

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 26 Nov 14:21

Lovely Layla and her family are very much in our thoughts today. She gets my cuddle today, just hoping for good news xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 26 Nov 11:51

Thinking about you and Layla today. We were on the way out as you were on the way in (nice to be able to say a quick hello!) as we went in earlier to see Georgina with Skip rather than Amy - for continuity of care. Skip now has just the neck bandage rather than the head bandage but is still sorry for himself.

I hope that you get the best possible result today and that whatever it is is completely treatable.

Keep us posted.

Lynne, Simon, Bert and Skip

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by Bookworm

Friday 23 Nov 15:54

LM, we’re there at 9 as well, I’ll look out for you! Hope Skip is doing well x

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 22 Nov 21:59

Keeping you all in our prayers. Xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Thursday 22 Nov 20:16

Willows is fantastic and they'll look after her well. My 2 like going there too! When we picked Skip up from there yesterday (he had a CT scan and surgery for a malignant lump) he got outside and turned around to go back in! Good luck on Monday. We're there with Skip at 9am! x

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 22 Nov 19:41

We are so sorry to hear Layla is so poorly and we are keeping everything crossed she will get better soon. Paddy sends his best nose snuffles and hopes to see you again at Brueton park. Seems only like yesterday when we first met you with Layla at Brueton. Take care xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 22 Nov 19:27

Bookworm, Daybreaks is such a wonderful supportive family, we will all be hoping and praying that your little girl will be OK, there will be lots of positive thoughts heading your way from all of us. Big hugs to Layla and all your family xxxxx

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by Bookworm

Thursday 22 Nov 18:31

Thank you all for your kind words. The results are inconclusive. She has multiple nodules on her lungs, which could be either tumours or abscesses. She’s going to Willows on Monday for a CT scan which should give us a better picture. If it’s abcesses it’s at least treatable, so we’re pinning all our hopes on that. I really thought we’d be breaking some awful news to the kids tonight, but now at least I feel that there’s some hope. She actually seems quite bright this evening, and is playing with a new toy. Bizarrely, she loves going to the vet! Thank you, will update when we know more x

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by Caro

Thursday 22 Nov 18:20

Wishing you all the best

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Thursday 22 Nov 16:51

Everything is crossed for you x

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by PamD

Thursday 22 Nov 13:15

Keeping everything crossed for you all xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 22 Nov 10:46

Love, thoughts and prayers to you all. Jo xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 22 Nov 10:42

Much love to you and your little girl, I do hope all will be well, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome, stay strong xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 22 Nov 10:31

Lots of love to your little girl. Keeping everything crossed for her. Kate Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 22 Nov 10:00

Thinking of you all. We know just how worrying it can be at these times. Stay strong and fingers and paws all crossed here xx

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by skinnyme

Thursday 22 Nov 08:40

Oh Julia, so sorry to hear your girl is poorly, sending healing hugs. Jill. X

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by Bookworm

Thursday 22 Nov 06:54

Hi, I know I don’t post here very often, but please keep our beautiful girl in your thoughts today, she’s really poorly. Blood tests are not looking good and she’s going in for x rays today. We are so worried x

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 21 Feb 09:32

Thank you Kate, Layla had a brilliant time in the sand run. I thought she’d be worn out for the rest of the day but she was still most insistent on an afternoon walk as well! Lovely to see you and to meet some of the current residents too x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 Feb 22:27

Lovely little Layla came for a visit to the kennels today. She looked great and was very happy to see everyone. :) She went in the sand run and had a super time. Her family told us what a good girl she is at home, it was obvious how much she is loved. :)) x

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by Bookworm

Friday 22 Dec 15:54

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the lovely people at Daybreaks. Thank you for looking after me in 2017 and helping me to find my forever home. I love being in a home - it’s getting quite exciting here at the moment. There’s this funny tree with decorations hanging on it. I had a sniff but mummy said “leave it” so I left it because I’m a good girl. But nobody said anything about the gingerbread biscuits my sister was decorating so I decided they were fair game. I thought it would be fun to make paw prints in some icing sugar. Does that mean I’m still a good girl?

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by Bookworm

Sunday 26 Nov 08:19

One bonkers dog zooming madly around the garden - she’ll be worn out before we even get to Brueton Park at this rate!

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by Bookworm

Sunday 08 Oct 09:35

Well, clearly an improvement - she can weight-bear and the limp has turned into a wonky walk. Very relieved, as she was clearly in pain a couple of days ago. She is really missing her walks, and goes to the door wagging her tail expectantly when she thinks it’s time to go out. I somehow think that running full pelt down the garden when I let her out for a morning wee is not what the vet had in mind when she said to rest for a week!

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 06 Oct 20:52

Oh dear Layla. Hope your poorly leg is better soon poppet Put your paws up and get those human servants to wait on you..after all you are retired ! :)) Hugs to you sweetheart x x

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by Bookworm

Friday 06 Oct 13:34

Our lovely girl is limping - some trouble with her left front leg. The Vet believes it is muscular and has prescribed anti inflammatories and rest. Rest might be a challenge once the anti-inflammatories kick in and she starts feeling better! This does mean we’ll miss the show on Sunday - we were looking forward to it but I think it would be a bit much for her right now. She’s feeling very sorry for herself and getting a lot of TLC. Sometimes I wish she could talk!

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by Bookworm

Saturday 30 Sep 07:46

Well, SOMEONE in our house was playing with a squeaky toy at 5.30 this morning!

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by Bookworm

Friday 29 Sep 19:19

That feeling when you come home from work to a beautiful dog who is so happy to see you ??

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by Bookworm

Tuesday 12 Sep 17:42

Thanks SillySuttons, she is great, and we're so happy to have her. Thanks also for letting Joe walk Tess, he was thrilled to bits! We can't believe it's only been 10 days since we brought Layla home, it feels like she's been in the family forever x

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by SillySuttons

Tuesday 12 Sep 08:24

Hi Bookworm. So so happy to see your rehoming photo. We have Tess, who your son walked at Brueton Park. I'm so delighted that you fell in love with Sheila/Layla. My girls gave a big 'yippee' when they saw your photo. Good luck & hope to see you on a future walk. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 06 Sep 21:37

A cuddle for your lovely Layla tonight. Great to hear what a happy girl she is! Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 06 Sep 20:02

Hi Bookworm Thank you for the lovely update Pleased to hear she's been a good girl..we were confident she would be .. she certainly loves fuss and is very people friendly Had we been looking for another grey ourselves, she was top of our list too She was a favourite at Daybreaks too Give her hugs from us and we will look out for you on future walks Thank you You are stars :)) XxX

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 06 Sep 19:24

Hi blackisbeautiful, she is fantastic! She's settling in really well. She tried to be a bit naughty on the third day - testing the boundaries I think - but she has settled down a lot since. She's quite a clever girl and has picked up quite a lot of commands. She gets very excited when the kids come home from school and loves to go straight out into the garden to play ball with them! She loves nothing better than lying on the floor having her tummy rubbed and will have as much fuss as we can give her. A perfect family pet - we can't believe our luck. Thank you for introducing her to us. When we went on the walk we thought we wouldn't get a dog for months, so we still have to pinch ourselves sometimes! We will make sure we go along to all the Brueton Park walks in future!

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 06 Sep 12:10

Hi Just wondering how the gorgeous Layla( Sheila ) is getting on in her new home ? X x

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 02 Sep 20:57

Bookworm..we were delighted to see the rehoming photo and confirm that you and your lovely young son...who so fell in love with Sheila at Brueton Park were the family she chose to go home with So pleased for you Great to read an update already and fingers crossed she continues to settle in well You may have a few little teething problems until she's used to her new life..but Daybreaks will be there to help you should you need them Be a good girl've chosen well ! Hugs to you all Pam x x x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Sep 20:55

Hi all, have changed your little girl's name to Layla on the computer. :))
It has been lovely to meet you all and wish you lots of happiness with your gorgeous new member of your family. Kate Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 02 Sep 20:47

Lovely rehoming photo Sheila. It was such a pleasure to take you to Brueton park last week and even more of a delight to introduce you to your new family. We hope you will all be very happy together,you so deserve it lovely girl xx

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by Bookworm

Saturday 02 Sep 20:46

Sheila has a new name - Layla. I am happy to report that we have had a fabulous first day with her. She has explored the house, played in the garden chasing a ball AND bringing it back (someone told me greyhounds don't do that- they've obviously never met her). She's been on two good walks and behaved impeccably, even when she met a little dog. Showed some interest in our evening meal but we were firm with her and she responded really well, going off to lie down in the living room when she realised she wasn't getting any of our food! Not sure what the night will be like - she is very people oriented and wants to be with us all the time - but the early signs are good. We are all so happy. Thank you to everyone at Daybreaks x

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by helenanddave

Saturday 02 Sep 20:05

Lots of happiness in your new home Sheila. We will miss seeing you at Daybreaks. xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 02 Sep 17:23

So very happy to see this. I am sure that this is the lovely mom and son from the Brueton park walk last week! Hope all goes well for you all. Xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 02 Sep 17:06

Lovely photo of you Sheila with your new family - wishing you all much happiness together. xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 02 Sep 16:37

Looks like Sheila has bagged herself a lovely family, what a nice photo xxxxx

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by willerby

Saturday 02 Sep 14:26

Awwww lovely family photo good luck to you all xx

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by Bookworm

Saturday 02 Sep 09:25

Today's the day! We are all ready for you and super excited! This is the last virtual cuddle I give you - all real ones from now on. See you soon gorgeous girl x

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Aug 21:29

Wonderful to see Sheila reserved today! Xxx

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by willerby

Monday 28 Aug 17:30


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by shanishoo

Monday 28 Aug 16:22

Well done Sheila, how lovely for you poppet. Xxxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Monday 28 Aug 15:40

Fantastic ! A RED sign for you This has made my day ! After we spent the morning with you on the Brueton Park walk I'm not surprised You are one very gorgeous little girl Big hugs to you Well done x x x

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 27 Aug 17:27 were absolutely gorgeous today and a pleasure to have in our company Fingers crossed that you get a forever home soon The lovely family who met you at Brueton Park fell in love with you and their young son desperately wanted to take you home Paws crossed beautiful You will be a lovely pet for some lucky person Thanks for my cuddles today..I think you are fantastic x x x

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by Alan&Paddy

Sunday 27 Aug 16:26

Today we had the pleasure of taking lovely Sheila to the Brueton Park walk and she was the perfect guest. She was excited to see so many of her friends at the park and wasted no time saying hello to as many hounds as she could in record time. Her fun loving happy nature was equally extended to people too both adults and children alike and she loves as much fuss as you can give her. Although she started the walk eager and full of energy she soon calmed and near the end of the walk she had slowed to a more sedate pace in the warm late summer sunshine. Her early eagerness could easily be calmed with a harness. Along the way she met some non greyhounds and after a quick look she showed no interest at all even ignoring a small Chihuahua at close quarters. We are certain that lovely Sheila will make a perfect loving pet for a lucky family,our only surprise is that she has waited so long for her forever home to come xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 12 Aug 20:30

It's about time Sheila found her forever home! She is a super little girl with lots of character. Xxx

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by DelphysMum

Saturday 05 Aug 19:15

What a pretty little black and white hound she is. Think my Delphy may be a tad jealous if I bought this one home!!!

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by Liz_beth

Saturday 05 Aug 17:32

I took this little lady to the road show in Stratford today. She was absolutely fantastic. She demanded fuss from everyone passing by and if they did try
to sneak past her, she made a bee line for them!! I found myself being 'encouraged' down the street a few times! She greeted all dogs politely and was great with children. The street was very busy and I think she may have felt a bit bewildered at times, but still behaved impeccably. She jumped into the car (and out again) with no problems. She's also a lot smaller than my
girl and so would be great for someone after a smaller hound. She is friendly, enthusiastic, sociable and can't wait to explore the world after racing. I hope she picks her perfect owner very soon and they will be lucky to have her xx

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by skinnyme

Sunday 30 Jul 00:12

Sheila spent her birthday afternoon with us at melbicks, she was an absolute star.

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by TJ

Saturday 29 Jul 23:52

Biggest birthday wishes gorgeous, you get our cuddle today beautiful xxxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 29 Jul 17:25

Happy Birthday Sheila, hope you have had a lovely day xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 13 Jul 22:09

Sheila is a real bundle of fun! She had a great time making her own snowstorm this morning when she discovered a couple of pillows in her bedding. I am sure she had a big smile on her face when we found her surround by white fluff! :)) Xxx

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by bluesfan

Thursday 29 Jun 13:25

A cuddle for you today Sheila. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 Jun 22:02

Another cuddle for Sheila, hope she will feel better tomorrow. Xxx

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by bluesfan

Friday 23 Jun 21:38

A big cuddle for Sheila. Hope you feel better soon after your spey and enjoy being back with your kennel mate Nifty xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 20 Jun 16:47

Very pretty girl, love the name xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 20 Jun 15:21

Ooh, she looks lovely! Xxx

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