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About Me

Racing Name
Suirview Mer
Black and White
Date of birth
01 apr 2015
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
Ear mark
James Duggan
Family tree & race history

Sky (Mary)

female, 9 years old, Black and White

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Mary is an absolute poppet her trainer tells us.

Sky (Mary) has had 0 cuddles today (27 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 04 Jan 20:56

So happy to see Mary go home today! Xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 04 Jan 20:12

Brilliant news - well done Mary. Be very happy. xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 04 Jan 19:04

Such wonderful news for Mary, lovely rehoming photo, go enjoy your life girlie xxxxxx

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by lisaBaker

Thursday 04 Jan 18:03

Awwwwww great news, glad you found your home, go and have lots of fun. Xxx

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by cellosmum

Thursday 04 Jan 17:55

Well done Mary. Be a good girl and enjoy your new home.

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 04 Jan 17:21

What a great homing photo! Wishing you and your new family many happy times ahead. x

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by AngieB

Thursday 04 Jan 16:19

Whoop whoop Mary, a new home for you. I know you'll give you new owner(s) tons of pleasure, you're a beautiful, happy girl. Good Luck. xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Thursday 04 Jan 14:27

Yay you finally got your home, have a good life!

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by mary/john

Thursday 04 Jan 13:54

Congratulations Mary on your forever home.. we wish you all the best and lots of happyness in 2018..... xxx

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by steveandwend

Thursday 04 Jan 13:42

What fantastic news, the beautiful Mary found herself a home, clever girl xx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 03 Jan 21:25

Poor Mary, this horrible wind does cause accidents
Hope it soon feels better. Jet sends his get well kisses xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 03 Jan 18:18

In spite of her sore tail Mary thoroughly enjoyed her walk this morning - especially when she spotted a squirrel! So weird at the kennels today with only the four girls back,but the kennels are looking great and the office has had a brilliant refurb. xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 03 Jan 16:57

Oh, you poor little love Mary, ouch!!!. Hope you feel better soon sweetie xxxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 03 Jan 12:55

Oh Mary you poor poppet :(( Bet that hurt! Ouch The wind is terrible I almost shut my finger in the car door this am when wind caught it Hope your tail is better soon sweetheart Big hugs x x

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by AngieB

Wednesday 03 Jan 12:36

Oh Mary poor you. I've sent you a cuddle from us all to help make you feel better. Hope you're not too sore. xxx

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by mary/john

Wednesday 03 Jan 09:26

O no Mary lots of love.Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 03 Jan 09:20

Aggghhhhh!!!!! First calamity of the year! I took Mary into the sand run which she thoroughly enjoyed and as we were going back through the gate, the wind slammed the door shut..... and her tail was in the way :-( Luckily not broken but bleeding and will be sore - poor babe.

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by AngieB

Monday 01 Jan 20:00

Mary is an absolute bundle of fun. She was a delight to have around the house. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and it was sad to take Mary back to the kennels today.
We can only really say good things about her. She was such a happy, playful little thing. She would play around with her toys for about 10 minutes and would then settle down for a little nap. She did love flying around the garden, churning it up, trying to get our own grey, Molly, to join her. Molly was having none of it though (she's a very lazy grey).
Even though it was her first time in a house environment, she was very quick to learn. She would go into the living room to lie down whilst we were eating in the dining room, she didn't really pester us whilst in the kitchen either.
The difference in just the 11 days that we had her was great. She started off really excited and inquisitive on the first day and perhaps a little anxious of a few things. A few days in and she found her feet and voice!
Obviously, she is still a pup and not used to the "outside world". This showed on her walks when she saw other breeds of dog, she would get very excited, crying and barking and jumping about on her lead. Once out of sight she settled back down. Besides this she walked very well on her lead. This is the main area she would need training in.
Every time we went out in the car she travelled really well.
We do hope that Mary finds her forever home very soon as she will make an excellent addition to the right family.
If any potential adoptive families have any questions please feel free to contact us.

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by loveheart

Thursday 28 Dec 23:26

Wow Mary seems you have been a good girl for the hols. You are still only a baby really, but learning fast. However, I think if you sleep with someone that counts as a commitment, but you need to get that in writing LOL

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by AngieB

Thursday 28 Dec 22:53

Can't believe we've had Mary for a week now! She's settled into family life really well. She responds to her name, understands what you are telling her (doesn't always do it the first time, but she knows!!) and she is very bright.
She loves playing with toys with the kids, especially the squeaky ones. Her present opening on Christmas day was great, she knew exactly what to do.
We left her for a couple of hours on Boxing Day and she didn't chew anything. She did unfortunately manage to knock her water bowl out of its stand and she had the kitchen towel off its hook (I don't think she was trying to wipe the mess up :) ).
She sleeps through the night albeit on the bed with Molly, me and my husband. Molly is a bed dog, so there was no keeping Mary downstairs.
She is very good on her lead but gets very excited at the sight of other dogs. I think she only wants to play with them, but they have always been a little distance away.
She is a really good family dog. x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 23 Dec 22:52

Ooh Mary! What a superstar! :))) Xxx

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by mary/john

Saturday 23 Dec 14:48

Thats great news about Mary.. We wish her and foster family all the best... Love Mary/John. x

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by AngieB

Saturday 23 Dec 13:17

Mary is great!! I know Ruth was worried about her chewing but she hasn't chewed anything she shouldn't have (yet!), we haven't felt any need to muzzle her inside. She was very "busy" the first day but obviously everything was new to her. She has settled down really quickly. She walks very well on her lead. She gets on fine with our own greyhound, Molly. She loves her fuss and lies on the sofa with her head on the kids laps. She is a lovely girl. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Dec 22:54

Be a good girl Mary! :)) Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 21 Dec 22:25

It was me who mentioned the ulterior motive. I have had 3 returnees from Daybreaks so far. I fostered Max 2 years ago between Christmas and the new year after he was returned 2 days after Christmas, initially it was for only for a week, 2 years on he is still with us.He is such a gorgeous boy, I hope that as I said previously that there will be many hounds that will not be returned as their fosterers have fallen in love with them. Good luck houndies and Hoomans (please fail, please, please, as many as possible, it is totally worth it). Xxxx

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by loveheart

Thursday 21 Dec 19:57

Good luck Mary. Someone has suggested maybe there is an alternate motive for fostering over Xmas. We fostered a beautiful Grey 8 years ago who was struggling to find a forever home because of a health problem, We already had 3 hounds but after we had him for 6 weeks and no one came forward for him we knew he was joining "the gang" He went over Rainbow Bridge recently and we are devastated. He gave us such love and if it hadn't been for fostering we would have missed out on the joy he bought into our life.
So I hope maybe this Christmas will bring some magic into other Greys lives. God Bless Ollie RIP

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by loveheart

Wednesday 20 Dec 18:23

Saw this little lady today. What a sweetie, full of fun and the joys of life.. Only thing she needs is a forever home with someone to play with.Fingers crossed for the new year baby x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Dec 21:45

Sadly Mary is no longer reserved, but she is a very cute and happy girl sure it won't be long berfore she is reserved again. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 02 Dec 16:39

Oh no, poor Mary xxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 02 Dec 15:28

Oh no her reserve sign has one!

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by shanishoo

Saturday 25 Nov 12:58

Yay for Mary, I am so happy to see this little poppet with a reserved sign on her picture, well done beautiful, big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Nov 20:49

A cuddle for Mary tonight, such a happy little soul! :)) Xxx

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by shaunhelen

Sunday 12 Nov 19:15

A big cuddle for the beautiful Mary tonight....if only I had more room xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 12 Nov 16:36

A cuddle for Mary tonight, our first ever Grey was black and white, so I have got a soft spot for them, what a beautiful girl xxxxxx

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by steveandwend

Sunday 29 Oct 14:33

We met the beautiful Mary today, she was so gentle and loving while we fussed her through her kennel bars. She really is a little stunner too.

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by Jembob

Saturday 21 Oct 14:52

Mary is a very loveable little hound - very friendly and full of beans. Even Mr Grumpy Pants Casey let her jump all over him without complaint. Would fit perfectly in with a family.

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by kelwaylan01

Thursday 19 Oct 18:28

wow she beautiful. she looks just like our olly. they could be twins if she wasn't two years younger lol. hope you get your home soon gorgeous girl xx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 18 Oct 18:37

This little one arrived today together with little Kara. Both are lovely friendly girls and doubt it will be too long until they get a new home! xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 18 Oct 15:58

Just beautiful and a pup too xxxx

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 18 Oct 14:10

Oh, what a cute little girl! A cuddle for you Mary x

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by mary/john

Wednesday 18 Oct 12:26

OMG I really like the name Mary it will Mary meets Mary on Friday. Lol xxx

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