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About Me

Racing Name
Droopys Cowboy
Date of birth
04 dec 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Droopys PreciousIU/IE-MAR-04-WBK
Family tree & race history


male, 19 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Wilson has been returned as his owners feel they can no longer give him the care he needs. They told me: 'They find it difficult to find time to feed him due to work commitments'. He was adopted in 2009.

We are told that he is good with other breeds of dogs. He is house trained. Great with kids.

Wilson has had 0 cuddles today (51 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by Spanner

Friday 10 Nov 10:03

So please when I saw the HOMED sign. Paws crossed for Wilson.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Thursday 09 Nov 18:06

Ode to Wilson.

You have found you self a comfy bed
No more nasty drafty shed
No more wondering when you will be fed
A lovely family to call your own
A very special forever home.
Please dear Wilson let us know
From time to time how things do go. Xxxx

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by BigEars

Thursday 09 Nov 12:27

Well deserved Wilson should never of been in that situation. Enjoy Wilson and get the love and sofa you deserve.

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by Caro

Wednesday 08 Nov 20:45

So pleased a happy ending Wilson finally gets the life he deserves and should have had 8 years ago. Lovely photo

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by NMD07

Wednesday 08 Nov 19:35

So pleased (my hubby more so as he won't have to listen to "what if" "how about" anymore). If he is anything like his baby brother Archive you have wonderful dog. Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Wednesday 08 Nov 19:29

So happy to hear Wilson has a lovely new family who can give him the love he deserves xxxxx

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by steveandwend

Wednesday 08 Nov 18:27

Fantastic news, a new sofa for Wilson to take over well done boy x

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 08 Nov 18:23

So very happy to hear Wilsons wonderful news. Wishing him and his new family loads of happiness and really pleased to hear he has found his spot on the sofa! Be happy handsome. xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 08 Nov 17:30

Brilliant news for this lovely old fella, a real happy ending for his twilight years. xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 08 Nov 13:29

What a lovely photo and what wonderful people, brought a tear to my eye lol xxxxx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 08 Nov 12:49

Oh yay I am so pleased for him! What a lovely family. Let's hope he has many years of happiness with them xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 08 Nov 12:30

So happy for Wilson!! He Deserves it :) xxxx

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by Bookworm

Wednesday 08 Nov 10:27

Wonderful, wonderful news. Be happy old boy x

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by Jembob

Wednesday 08 Nov 08:37

What brilliant news first thing in the morning.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Wednesday 08 Nov 08:07

What fantastic news, Wilson so deserved this (as do all of the hounds) after all that he has been through, lovely comfy sofa, greyhound company and a lovely family too. xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 08 Nov 07:26

So pleased for Wilson, he so deserves to be happy, bless him xxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 07 Nov 23:47

Fabulous news! :)) Xxx

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by Melysa

Tuesday 07 Nov 23:28

So happy for him x

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by RosieP

Tuesday 07 Nov 23:02

Yes he has. We took him to meet a family who live in Newbury on Saturday and he met their 3 greys and they all got on really well. So he went home with them! I only saw Ruth tonight to pass over his paperwork and photo so it will be updated soon. I was sent a photo on Sunday of him lying at full stretch on a huge sofa and looking totally relaxed so, as much as we miss him, he has now got a wonderful loving and caring family to love him and look after him xxx

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by jetlucy

Monday 06 Nov 21:21

Has Wilson had any of the viewings yet? Xxx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 01 Nov 19:51

Bless you Wilson. I don't like going out in the dark either so i don't blame you! Keeping everything crossed the viewings will be a success and you're in a new home soon xxx

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by RosieP

Wednesday 01 Nov 19:44

Wilson keeps on progressing. No accidents at night for quite a while now and good in the day so long as we keep taking him out every few hours. He doesn't like going out in the garden in the dark for a wee unless he's on a lead and we walk out first but at times he is asking to go out now which is great. He's put on some weight and is very assertive if his tea isn't on the table when he's ready for it! He tries to bark (sounds as if he's got a frog in his throat!) and the long pointy nose goes overtime on the nudging of the hand!! There are potential viewings being arranged so we'll see how they go....

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by flatfoot

Monday 30 Oct 18:47

Big hugs to Wilson soooo fab to hear his got company hugs and some love he soooooo deserves to have cuddles such a special boy x

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by Caro

Monday 30 Oct 18:28

I think being allowed only one electronic cuddle per day is too restrictive given all the gorgeous hounds in the kennels at the moment. Wilson you get an electronic kiss today as you are so lovely.

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by shanishoo

Monday 30 Oct 12:25

A kiss and cuddle for Wilson today, I hope you are OK and happy sweetheart xxxxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 24 Oct 15:14

Lovely to hear how Wilson is getting on, from what I've read on here, it doesn't sound like this boy has had a nice life, but we can't do anything about that, but we can do something about the rest of his life by making him as happy as can be and treating him with the love and respect he deserves, I am so glad he is in a home until he finds his special sofa, getting loved and spoilt by the sound of it. Well done to you for looking after him xxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Oct 22:58

Oh, bless him! It sounds as though he is a very happy boy! Thank you Rosie and Paul. Xxx

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by RosieP

Monday 23 Oct 22:45

Wilson has been staying with us and our 3 greys since Friday and is doing well. He has met our neighbour's bouncy collie/GSD cross, and a French bulldog, with no problem. He's not great at going outside for a wee unless he's on a lead, but will hopefully improve with the praise and treats he's getting when he does go out there. He doesn't seem bothered by fireworks, partly I think because his hearing isn't great, but he comes for his food if you call loud enough! He loves pigs ears and has learnt what to do with a Dentastix by watching the other dogs. He loves loves loves being fussed and uses his long nose to nudge your hand if you stop!

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by shanishoo

Monday 23 Oct 20:10

Yes Caro, Thank God for Daybreaks, can't praise everybody there enough, just wonderful people xxxxx

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by Caro

Monday 23 Oct 18:56

In light of all the comments regarding Wilson’s return of which I whole heartedly agree with. I am in pieces over it and I don’t work at the kennels on the front line so to speak goodness only knows how Ruth and her team cope with this, but thank god you do you are all stars.

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by Pawsome

Sunday 22 Oct 20:30

Many thanks to Rosie (and her hubby) who introduced us to the very lovely Wilson today, he soooo deserves a loving, caring home. Fingers crossed fella????

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by shanishoo

Sunday 22 Oct 18:59

Big kisses and cuddles for Wilson tonight xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 21 Oct 23:17

Wilson was taken home by Rosie, one of our volunteers last night and he has stayed with them today. I am sure he is being well and truly spoilt!

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by jetlucy

Saturday 21 Oct 17:58

Hope you had a settled night Wilson, been thinking of you a lot! I was panicking abit just when i checked in as could't see all the hounds from yesterday, then thought oh look down...and there they are are either rehomed or reserved...yay!! Looks like it's been a busy day today and so good to see so many signs...hoping the next sign is a rehomed for you Wilson xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 21 Oct 17:36

I was so hoping somebody had taken this boy home today when I logged on, I would have him if I could even though we don't have the room, but one of our Greys is too grumpy, and the other one is a crazy fool, and Wilson just needs a quiet life, please, please somebody give this boy his sofa xxxxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 21 Oct 14:56

It sounds like Wilson is much better off at Daybreaks until he finds a caring home. How on earth a majestic hound like him can be neglected is beyond me but he’ll soon be sorted I’m sure.

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by helenanddave

Saturday 21 Oct 09:56

Good morning handsome! Hope you have had a settled first night. Been thinking about you loads. Don't worry, you will be spoiled rotten at Daybreaks!! xx

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by PamD

Saturday 21 Oct 09:43

It makes you wonder what sort of life this poor chaps had!
Thank goodness they’ve had the decency to return him to Daybreaks.
AND thank goodness for Daybreaks

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by NMD07

Saturday 21 Oct 08:39

As everyone has said feel so for this boy, he is our Archives big brother. He has been treated like a car traded in when a bit clanky. So wish we could find the space but sadly don't feel we can. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 21 Oct 08:35

This boy was the first thing I thought about this morning, I hope he's OK and had a good first night. I'm sure he will be all snuggled out by the end of today, everybody's concern for him is very heartwarming, there are still some lovely caring people in this world and I hope Wilson soon finds his forever loving home, bless him. Big kisses and cuddles from our family to you. Xxxxxxxx

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by Amyflower

Saturday 21 Oct 07:49

How awful I've just seen this on Facebook and come straight on here. Poor boy. If I had ways and means I would over like a shot to have as he would be perfect for us. I can't believe how someone could return a dog who has been with them for such a long time and all because they "didn't have time to feed him" I can't believe that was their excuse

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by Georgesmum

Saturday 21 Oct 01:10

I thought same thing.. an underlying condition. But simply cannot get my head around how you could abandon a family member you have looked after for 8 yrs.This is heart rending, I would love to come & scoop him up. But my very special boy Bunnie is only just settling in.

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by jetlucy

Saturday 21 Oct 00:57

Sorry me again. Just looked at your 1st photo Wilson, oh my word you are an absolutely gorgeous boy...that photo has got to pull on someone's heart strings! Come on public ! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 21 Oct 00:55

Poor Wilson, again if he was cat friendly I would have tried to twist my husband's arm! You'll find a loving home you so deserve very soon I'm sure. And too true jo, what are these people on about no time to feed him, jet just eats when mommy and daddy do, correction eats with mommy and daddy as shares our food at the table...! Sending you big hugs tonight xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 20 Oct 23:01

Sorry, me again, does he maybe have an underlying condition they didn't want to pay for, sorry playing on my mind?

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by TJ

Friday 20 Oct 22:57

I know I've already commented on your arrival at Daybreaks wonderful Wilson, but I haven't stopped thinking about you since seeing your beautiful face earlier. You've already had 16 cuddles today matey and me thinks you'll be getting even more hooman snuggles over the weekend, as not all us 2 legged creatures are bad uns! We have 2 gorgeous greys who 'rule the roost' otherwise we'd have been up to smuggle you into the car by now; but believe me that before too long you will be roaching on your own comfy sofa and be treated like the little prince you are. Night night poppet xxxx

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by FamilyCaspar

Friday 20 Oct 22:00

I too am totally devastated for Wilson. I just can't understand how anyone can return a dog that has been a member of the family for so long and at a point when he needs them in his twilight years. Totally beyond comprehension. We would have taken him like a shot if one of our two had been more accommodating, but Amber does not like other dogs, sadly. I so hope someone out there can help. Good luck Wilson xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 20 Oct 21:45

Terribly sad, but I'm sure this handsome boy will get more cuddles and treats than any other Grey this weekend. I might even pop in this weekend to give him some myself.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 20 Oct 21:40

I think that this should be shared far and wide to stop these people homing another younger grey from elsewhere. Shame on them. Let's make these people known to all rehoming centres, not only greyhound ones so they cannot treat another hound like this. My blood is boiling the more I think of this poor boy. Better off at Daybreaks than with those terrible people, at least will be loved and cared for and Fed. Oh by the way it took me 5 minutes to feed my 4 greys tonight. Xxx

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by steveandwend

Friday 20 Oct 21:09

Devastated for this poor boy and as usual I am in tears. What is wrong with these people? How can they think it's o.k. to treat Wilson like this? He must be feeling very confused but I bet he is relieved now that he is safe and well fed at Daybreaks!

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by Lucy&Ellie

Friday 20 Oct 21:09

So so sad. What a lovely looking boy. Huge cuddles for you tonight Wilson, it must be such a shock being back in kennels at your age, you deserve much better. xx

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by Melysa

Friday 20 Oct 20:55

Please rant on Jo! My blood was boiling when I heard the whole story!
Yes, I am very sad not to have him here with me now. Having spoken to Ruth on the phone, Sam and I were waiting - car keys in hand, this afternoon, for the outcome of the cat test, but as mentioned - it was not good!!! We were so disappointed, but hope there is someone out there who will give him a home filled with love.
PS Bloody fireworks already! Charlie Mouse has resumed his shaking jelly position!

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 20 Oct 20:52

I wish he were cat friendly too! This guy still has lots of love to give. Fingers crossed a sofa materialises very soon..... X

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 20 Oct 20:21

So sorry he is not cat friendly, I knew Sam and Melysa would be on the case. Please, please someone foster or give him a home, he so deserves this in his twilight years. Cannot believe that someone would return him at this age, poor little mite. Wish I could help, but with 4 I seriously can't. Sorry, but there are some heartless people out there. I hope that they don't try to get a younger grey that they do want from elsewhere. I completely understand that there are genuine reasons to have to regrettably return a hound, I know this I have had 3 returnees from Daybreaks in the past, 2 of which I still have and would not be without, but this is an absolutely horrendous excuse. Sorry, I know I have ranted, but this ihas really upset me. X

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by shanishoo

Friday 20 Oct 20:19

Can't get this beautiful boy out of my mind, makes me cry to think how he's been so easily discarded, how could they, shame on you!!!!!!!!!!

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by Snipe

Friday 20 Oct 20:03

How heartless.......:-(((. Wish we could take him

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 20 Oct 19:56

I am heartbroken for Wilson....Sending him lots of love tonight. Xxx

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by flatfoot

Friday 20 Oct 19:18

I met this beautiful boy today he is such a gentle sweet boy who desperately needs a loving home somewhere he has his own soft bed with a mum and dad who will feed him and give him love and tender care that he deserves somewhere he can spend his last years in peace and knowing that he is loved this special gentle boy touches your heart please don't over look him his eyes are so loving and he desperately needs some one to love him

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 20 Oct 18:51

Oh that's heart breaking :(( Returned like an unwanted item at the time of life when you need your comfy home the most ! I'm gutted for you I really hope you don't wait too long gorgeous A BIG cuddle for you tonight x x

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by helenanddave

Friday 20 Oct 18:41

Oh Wilson - how very sad for you, you must be so confused. You look a very handsome hound (in fact you actually look very like our Milly!). I so hope someone can find you room on a comfy sofa. Sending you a cuddle. xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 20 Oct 18:37

My heart is breaking for you Wilson, how can you not find the time to feed your dog, bet they found time to feed themselves!!!!. I hope somebody gives this beautiful old gentleman the love and care he needs and deserves, you poor baby, so sad xxxxxxx

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by Caro

Friday 20 Oct 18:26

Oh Wilson your poor boy I think perhaps you are better off at Daybreaks and hopefully a loving and caring home is out there for you.

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by Melysa

Friday 20 Oct 17:57

Hi Jo.
Yeh, we said, bugger the room - if he needs us - we're here!
Unfortunately the cat situation scuppered my fast drive down to Daybreaks! I knew you would be thinking of us! It seemed a bit like fate, as he has my surname as his name and is slightly related to Ash! It was not to be for us, but there has to be a home out there just for him.
Melysa x

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by LindaPaul

Friday 20 Oct 17:56

Very deserving of my cuddle today. What a crying shame for this lovely old fella. Xxxx

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by Melysa

Friday 20 Oct 17:50

Yes, I was ready to pick this gentleman up in the car, this afternoon from Ruth's, to come and stay with myself, Sam, Charlie Mouse and Star, but unfortunately he was deemed to be less than cat friendly!!! As we have 4 cats (the one black cat now comes on walks with the greyhounds!) it is sadly impossible for us to take him.

So, please, please somebody give him the home and love he needs (he seems to have had none where he has come from) - there is not a single moment when Sam and I regretted taking on Ash who was 12 x

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by bluesfan

Friday 20 Oct 17:29

So sad that you have been returned. I hope that you are back on a comfy sofa with someone to love you very soon. A big, big cuddke for you tonight. XX

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 20 Oct 16:24

You poor thing!

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by willerby

Friday 20 Oct 15:22

awww so sad, he looks such a lovely old boy too xx

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by TJ

Friday 20 Oct 14:53

How very confusing for you wonderful Wilson. You're a little stunner & I'm sure with that gorgeous face you'll be snoozing on your own sofa again soon. We've already cuddled another beauty today, but you'll be getting our big electronic cuddle tomorrow beautiful boy xxxx

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by Bookworm

Friday 20 Oct 14:27

Oh Wilson, you poor old boy. So sad for you. I so hope there’s a loving, caring home just waiting for you. A cuddle for you beautiful x

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 20 Oct 14:05

What??? Sorry, but how long does it take to feed a greyhound, how very heartbreaking for this lovely senior hound. I hope someone out there has room in their home and their hearts for you beautiful. I can think of a couple of people if only they had the room. xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 20 Oct 13:42

Wilson has been returned as his owners feel they can no longer give him the care he needs. They told me: 'They find it difficult to find time to feed him due to work commitments'. He was adopted in 2009.

We are told that he is good with other breeds of dogs. He is house trained. Great with kids.

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