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About Me

Racing Name
Karlow Brandy
Date of birth
08 sep 2013
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Lacken QueenieIE-AUG-06-BD
Family tree & race history

Kuro (Brandy)

male, 11 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Kuro (Brandy) has had 0 cuddles today (48 all together).
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by Shanesmum

Monday 05 Jul 17:09

Remember this gorgeous boy so very well and am over the moon that he is living his best life up north with you. x

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by shanishoo

Monday 05 Jul 13:02

Hi, yes I remember you, we were planning to view Brandy as he was then but we adopted Douggie from somewhere else instead. I remember feeling really guilty then he was adopted by yourselves so I felt it was meant to be. So glad to hear that he is well and enjoying life, love to you all xxxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 04 Jul 22:14

Hi everyone, remember us? Well the wonderful Kuro is a happy boy and loving his life up in Yorkshire!

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by AliJ

Monday 09 Dec 10:29

Hi everyone, it's almost Kuro's gotcha day so I just wanted to let you know how he's getting on. All is well, he's a happy healthy boy who is much loved. Still a bit grumpy with small dogs, but we are still working on that. Love to you all xxx

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by PamD

Thursday 29 Aug 20:47

Wonderful Jo
Please let me know how you get on
Pam xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 29 Aug 19:10

Just spoken to Ali G. Kuro is doing really well. He is fab at home and is much better with other dogs. I am hoping to go and see him in a few weeks when I visit my family. X

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by shanishoo

Monday 01 Jul 21:33

Great to hear Kuro is well and happy, I'm sure you will find Jim very helpful, he's a fantastic guy who is amazing with hounds, he has helped us on numerous occasions, he's also quite witty and makes the experience very positive and rewarding, good luck on Friday, please keep us all updated. Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 01 Jul 15:17

So happy to see your update, I am sure you will be a good boy with your training. Xxx

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by PamD

Monday 01 Jul 14:46

So pleased all is well up north xx
Hope all goes well with his training x

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by AliJ

Monday 01 Jul 13:39

Hi everybody, just thought I'd give you a quick update on Kuro. All is well, he's a very happy lad. We have Jim Greenwood coming to see us on Friday to help with the reactivity to other dogs. Love to you all xxx

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by AliJ

Monday 06 May 16:41

Yay, another good day. Kuro didn't woof at a dog running about nearby when in the woods this afternoon. A treat and lots of praise given.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 01 May 19:55

He has heard you talking about taking him to training classes lol xxxx

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by AliJ

Wednesday 01 May 19:22

We've had a breakthrough today! Kuro walked past a cat who was lying on the path right next to him. He didn't react, other than wagging his tail. This is a big improvement on the time he dragged me through a hedge, lol x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 01 May 17:32

Just to be clear, I did mean the doggie Yorkshire accent, not the person, God forbid my sister has lived up there for over 30 years!! Arry is not keen on other breeds either, so I will be working on that with him too. It will come in time, Sarah was a nightmare, now she couldn't care less, still not keen on cats or squirrels, or maybe too keen!!.

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by PamD

Wednesday 01 May 17:06

It probably is fear aggression.
Monty and Maisie were very prey driven when the first came home
After around 6 months they started to improve and are now other dog friendly x
Good luck

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by AliJ

Wednesday 01 May 16:21

Hi everyone, thank you so much for the tips and suggestions. I'm honestly moved that you care enough to respond. Kuro is a wonderful dog and I adore him. I think we will work with a trainer and see whether they can work their magic! Jo you might have a point about the accent lol xxxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 01 May 07:52

Alij, our greyhound Dexter was exactly the same, we rang the kennels for advise and was told about a guy called Jim Greenwood, he is a fantastic dog trainer who mainly trains hounds, I rang him and he gave us invaluable advise and even came to our house, he goes through everything with you, diet, how you react when you see another dog, we couldn't have got through those first few months without him as our boy was so reactive he was hard to control, he is always happy to help, I'm not surex if he still does them but we went to a few training days and we found them most helpful. Good luck, and hope you find a solution xxxx

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by honey'smom

Tuesday 30 Apr 21:30

Hi, my grey was petrified of other breeds, she used to hide behind my legs, trees, bushes and shake but then she had been attacked by two labradors and also a dalmatian running loose. Suggest you try and find someone with a non-grey who is really well socialised (if you have a local branch of RGT they may be able to help you find someone) and just walk them together with the two owners in between the two dogs (so you have dog 1, owner 1, owner 2, dog 2) across the pavement while they get used to each other. I also got a dog coat from Greyhound Megastore (which they will message for you at a cost) saying Nervous Dog in Training. It didn't work for Honey she hated it (I'm sure she could read what it said!) and I would let you have it but unfortunately it is currently in store as I've moved house. Hope things improve - also don't make a big issue of it - you just feed their anxiety. Local dog training classes are also great for building their confidence. Really hope this helps - sorry no dog trainer - but as they say 'been there and done that!'

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 30 Apr 20:43

Hi Ali, so pleased you are still keeping him muzzled, this is so important. Might be worth asking people with dogs off lead to politely put them back on lead and explain he is a little unsure of them being non greys. Maybe worth looking at training classes near to you too. Hope all goes well. Do you think he being a brummie dog he doesn't quite yet recognize the good old Yorkshire accent! Keep us updated. Jo xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Tuesday 30 Apr 20:38

I, too, suggest (and highly recommend) Julie's training class. She teaches lots of techniques and gives great advice. x

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 30 Apr 20:20

Alij... Look at Tony Knight on you tube or you could attend julie sadler training class

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by AliJ

Tuesday 30 Apr 20:01

I'm writing to ask for advice about our boy. Unfortunately he's still reactive to other dogs (non greyhounds), in particular small breeds. We always walk him on the lead and he wears his muzzle, just in case. If other dogs come anywhere near him, he goes bananas and lunges, growls and barks. I'm convinced that this is because he's afraid of them, rather than outright aggression. Most people in the area are good at keeping their dogs at a safe distance, but there's always the odd one whose dog is off lead and comes up to investigate!

We were wondering whether you could suggest any tips or techniques to make walks less stressful?

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by shanishoo

Thursday 21 Mar 19:21

Love the updates on Kuro, he is a very lucky boy bless him xxxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 21 Mar 16:38

Hello friends, time for a quick update on our lovely boy. He's well and happy, enjoys his walks, likes his cuddly toys and is generally a very settled lad in Yorkshire. He's often seen on cat patrol as there are plenty on the street where we live. Xxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 03 Mar 16:40

Hi everyone, just a quick line to say our lovely boy is well and happy. He's a lively lad and that has taken a bit of getting used to, but he's settled beautifully. Thanks once again to all at Daybreaks for everything you do for the hounds xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 15 Feb 22:18

Happy to say that all is well and we've had several completely uneventful walks today! Xxx

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by PamD

Friday 15 Feb 16:27

Hope all ok Ali xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 15 Feb 07:56

There is a beautiful ginger and white cat on our street, it drives our boys crazy, just sits there staring at them and generally owning the street, I always think, don't move, don't move, which it usually does cos the boys really want to meet it then. Just one of those things I'm afraid, you just have to hold on tight to a short lead, little monkeys!!!!!

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by NMD07

Thursday 14 Feb 23:34

How lucky for all !! We had a drama one day out walking luckily only I had any damage - broken finger and a bruised bottom!! After we went back to walking with muzzles it seemed to clam them down as everytime we went past they were a bit ‘keen’. Xxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 14 Feb 21:42

An eventful walk this afternoon. Kuro spotted one of the local cats and decided to give chase. He almost pulled me over but I managed to hold on to the lead. Sprained ankle and wrist for me, mouthful of cat fur for the boy and a rather terrified cat!

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by shanishoo

Thursday 31 Jan 11:55

It's lovely to hear that Kuro has found a lovely home and he is happy, it's great watching their personalities emerge, brilliant, keep enjoying your boy xxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 31 Jan 11:34

So pleased your gorgeous boy has settled well. Xx

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by AliJ

Thursday 31 Jan 11:00

Hi folks, just a quick update for you. Happy to say that our boy is well and happy. He's a very cheeky lad with a playful nature. Very affectionate and loves a cuddle or his belly rubbed! Also loves getting out and about on his walks, even when it's cold. Love to you all x

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by AliJ

Friday 11 Jan 16:42

Hilarious day with Kuro. He nearly dragged me through a hedge when he saw a cat running through a nearby garden. Spent the morning savaging his toys and throwing them in the air. Love my lively, funny boy.

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by AliJ

Tuesday 08 Jan 15:46

Some nice news from Yorkshire. Kuro is continuing to settle into his new home and has made lots of new friends, both human and hound. He also now has a Honktapus toy, which he absolutely loves. Love to all at Daybreaks xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 01 Jan 22:27

Well done kuro! Clearly knew he'd found himself a wonderful family xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 01 Jan 20:03

Kuro, I could not be happier for you and your wonderful family. X

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by AliJ

Tuesday 01 Jan 19:18

Just wanted to sing the praises of our lad. He's coped so well with the transition from kennels to home. He's joined our family at the busiest time of the year (two birthdays plus Christmas, meaning lots of visitors etc). Couldn't be happier with him. Xxx

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by AliJ

Saturday 29 Dec 19:00

Just a short note to say all is well with Kuro up here in Yorkshire. He's settling in beautifully and we are loving watching his cheeky personality come out and blossom. Love to you all xxx

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by AliJ

Wednesday 26 Dec 21:16

Kuro here. I wanted to let you all know that I have found my voice again and I woof to let the staff, whoops I mean Mum and Dad, know that I need my meals or to go out for walkies. I've had a fantastic Christmas, had lots of treats and got a big caterpillar to chew!

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by AliJ

Saturday 22 Dec 22:11

All is going well with this super boy, he's fun and very affectionate. Managed to leave him with his toys for five, ten and then fifteen minutes, all ok. Loving his walks, his meals, his bed and barking at the local cats! Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 20 Dec 21:28

Lovely to hear how your super lad is getting on! We still miss him shouting for his breakfast at the kennels! :))) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 20 Dec 19:43

Sounds like Kuro is happy and is now showing his personality, I find it really fascinating how a Greyhound gradually shows their true self, how cheeky and wonderful they all are, and before you know it, have got you totally wrapped around their paws - just love it xxxxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 20 Dec 13:26

Oh and we've cracked the toileting thing, so no more accidents in the house. His character is really coming out now and he's very cheeky! An extremely loveable boy. Next step is to leave him for a short time and see how he gets on. He's been my little shadow for a few days but today he quite happily stayed in his bed while I was working upstairs. Lots of progress made, he's a clever boy and a fast learner.

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by AliJ

Thursday 20 Dec 13:19

Fun and games with our boy today - he really gave me the runaround, playing and bowing when I tried to put his coat on and when we got back (soaked), did wet zoomies all round the house! He likes hiding his toys on our beds too.

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 18 Dec 20:48

Hehe jet weed up Xmas trees the first Xmas with us but I suppose he thought it was normal to wee up a tree just couldn't work out why it was to love male dogs for cocking their leg! Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 18 Dec 19:04

Oh Alison, I will hold you to that. Might just visit you and Kuro and not the family lol. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 18 Dec 18:37

Ha ha, that's why we haven't put our big tree up this year, the boys we have had have always weed on the tree, glad kuro is settling well, he has found his forever home and I'm sure he knows it. Have a great first Christmas with your special boy xxxx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 18 Dec 14:38

He's an absolute superstar, he weed under the Christmas tree on day 1 but since then no accidents, he even asks to go out. I've never seen a dog finish his dinner quicker than this boy, it's unbelievable! Jo you are most welcome to visit us x X x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 18 Dec 13:32

Alison, I am so very very happy to hear that this special boy is settling in, as you know I had a soft spot for him. He has really landed on his paws. Will give me a reason to visit my family in the surrounding area of Leeds and pop in and see him. Jo Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 18 Dec 12:19

So happy for you all! :))) Lots of love Kate Xxx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 18 Dec 10:34

Kuro is doing wonderfully in his new home! He's settling in really well. He met the postman this morning (woof) and heard the washing machine for the first time (woof woof!) He loves walks, snuggles and not having to wait for his meals. Love to all.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 16 Dec 23:12

Sending a big cuddle to Kuro Brandy tonight! Wishing you all lots of happy times together. Thank you so much for choosing him to share your lives. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 16 Dec 22:16

What a star xxxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 16 Dec 21:44

Well what a clever boy we have brought home. Kuro has just told his Dad that he needed to go out. Early night for all of us tonight, so I will once again thank everyone at Daybreaks and all the well wishers. Love to you all x

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by jetlucy

Sunday 16 Dec 20:24

Yay so pleased for kuro and his new parents, think everyone has been waiting for this day! Tears falling at sirenmelody's comment regarding Barney, but totally agree he would want another hound to be loved and cherished by his mom and dad! Wishing you all a wonderful life together xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 16 Dec 18:58

What a lovely re-homing photo and how lovely to hear you have arrived safely at your new home and settling in. Looking forward to updates. Happy Xmas to you all! Xx

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by skinnyme

Sunday 16 Dec 16:52

Kuro popped into see us on our roadshow at Melbicks today, on his way to his lovely new home. Be happy handsome boy and thank you to your lovely new mum and dad. Merry Christmas xxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 16 Dec 16:42

Thank you everyone for your lovely supportive comments xxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 16 Dec 16:30

Hi everyone! We made it back to Leeds safely and Kuro travelled like an absolute star. He's investigated the downstairs part of the house (doesn't fancy the stairs yet). Has eaten his dinner and been out for a walk xxx

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by sirenmelody

Sunday 16 Dec 15:24

Have shed a tiny tear for you & Nick. Am so delighted you will be in a home for chrimbo. I visited York last year and thought it was a fab place. Wonderful surrounding scenery. Well, my boy what can I say. I wish for you all that you would wish for yourself. Your parents sound loving and caring and I am sure Barney would be so grateful that another boy is being welcomed into his home to ease the sadness of his not being around any more. They are all individual characters with different special qualities. Ali j....I hope you have recovered nicely from your op. May you and your family be blessed for making a long journey to choose this special boy and may you all enjoy many gappy years of adventures together. After xmas perhaps you will let us all know how 'Kuro' is settling in. Fab change of name. Good luck to all of you. Seana, Melly & Teddy xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 16 Dec 14:39

I’m so happy for all of you. I know Brandy is going to have an amazing retirement. Be happy Brandy and have a great Christmas. So happy for you all. Xx

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by cellosmum

Sunday 16 Dec 14:24

Good luck Brandy though I don't think you will need it. Be a good boy and have a lovely time in your new home. Will miss you at the kennels but are so pleased you have found your forever sofa.

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by Jembob

Sunday 16 Dec 14:22

Lovely pic. Have a great trip home Kuro

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by shanishoo

Sunday 16 Dec 14:20

Brandy, what a lovely rehoming photo, we have all waited so long to see it, I wish you all lots of great times together, Brandy is a fantastic hound who so deserves his forever loving home, and I'm sure he has now found it. Enjoy your boy xxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 16 Dec 12:49

Oh Brandy - your big day has come at last! So excited for you. We will miss seeing you on Wednesday walks but are so happy you have your new home. Xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Sunday 16 Dec 10:21

AliJ Your excitement is tangible and I have tears of happiness for you and Brandy. Look forward to the updates. Have a wonderful Christmas. x

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by AliJ

Saturday 15 Dec 23:46

I will make sure we remember to take his special purple blanket with us, I think that's a lovely idea of Julie's. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 15 Dec 23:20

Well Brandy, your last sleep before going home tomorrow! So excited for you! Will really miss you. Xx. Alison, he has a purple knitted blanket in his kennel, please take it with you. Julie, Teddy's Mom knitted several to be put into the kennel with dogs who are reserved so they can take something that smells familiar out to their new homes with them. What a lovely Idea.


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by AliJ

Saturday 15 Dec 22:20

Just wanted to say how happy I am to be giving a hound a home in time for Christmas. As heartbroken as I was to lose Barney, the prospect of another four paws pattering round our home again has really helped me.

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by Jess&Koda

Saturday 15 Dec 21:48

Brandy, it’s been a pleasure to look after you whilst you’ve been with us at Daybreaks. It was lovely to have the last day with you and make you smell all beautiful! (Even if the hair dryer scared you... - nothing a few treats can’t solve!! :) )

Be a good boy and be on you’re bestest behaviour!! Don’t forget your purple blanket! Xxx

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by AliJ

Saturday 15 Dec 20:35

The big day is nearly here! Happy to hear that our boy's had a lovely pamper session today. His new home and bed are all ready for him. See you tomorrow X X X

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by Jembob

Saturday 15 Dec 16:54

Nice to see Brandy having a pamper session with Jess this afternoon, ready for his big day tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll settle in quickly and enjoy his new home. Good luck Mate!

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by jetlucy

Saturday 15 Dec 16:51

One more sleep...! Xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 14 Dec 23:23

That's right Jetlucy, just two more sleeps! Can't wait to get our lad home. His fancy new scarlet coat arrived today and his bed is all ready! See you on Sunday xxx

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by jetlucy

Friday 14 Dec 21:22

Hang in there brandy just 2 more sleeps! I'm counting the days down too I'm so excited for you alij! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 11 Dec 21:34

With all that cosy heating I might check myself in for a night at hotel daybreaks! Xxx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 11 Dec 21:31

Super, thanks Jo. Can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 11 Dec 21:10

Ali, don't you worry, We will kit Brandy out with whatever he needs. See you Sunday. Jo. Xx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 11 Dec 16:47

Thank you Wispa's Mum, what luxury kennels they are at Daybreaks! Underbed heating and wall heaters! I will make sure will keep him nice and warm. Xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 11 Dec 16:41

Hi AliJ - regarding your comment below.... the kennels at Daybreaks have under bed heating as well as heaters on the walls as well as a fleecy coats for the greys when it is cold so he will be used to being warm!

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by AliJ

Tuesday 11 Dec 16:12

I really enjoyed our chat Kate, thanks very much for the info. I'll choose a nice fleece for him on Sunday x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Dec 16:11

When we order collars from Slouching Hound we normally have size 12" - 17" in the Martingales. Xxx :)

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Dec 16:09

Hi Alison, lovely to speak to you today. As discussed we have lovely winter fleeces for Brandy to model when you pick him up on Sunday. We always say if your heating goes off at night they will probably be cold. Our residents will all have their fleeces on tonight....except for Jet who usually takes his off sometime during the night! :)) Xxx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 11 Dec 14:26

Sorry to bother you again - how big is Brandy's neck please? I'm just on Slouching Hound website looking at collars x

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by AliJ

Tuesday 11 Dec 13:14

Daft question! I was wondering whether to buy a jumper / housecoat for our boy at night. However, if he's coming from kennels he might not be used to central heating, so might he be too warm?

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by AliJ

Monday 10 Dec 08:22

Less than a week til we come and collect our boy. Sunday can't come soon enough! Hold on big guy, we are coming for you! X

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by Thethirdronnie

Sunday 09 Dec 14:36

Florence was West Forty Six, Daybreaks called her Westy. She was rehomed for a few days and called Pheobe. We called her Florence. She soon learnt it, especially if you use it alot and offer treats! X

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by AliJ

Saturday 08 Dec 20:42

That's right, he will be spoilt! We are so lucky, he will make our Christmas even better x

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by PamD

Saturday 08 Dec 17:27

Spoilt already!!!! X

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by AliJ

Saturday 08 Dec 16:28

Been shopping for treats for a special boy today. Toys, tag, raised food bowls and a Christmas present. Xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 07 Dec 22:15

We are thinking of calling him Kuro, which is the Japanese word for black!

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 07 Dec 22:15

Hi AliJ. He does know his name, but they can adapt well if it is changed. My latest boy was called Lurch, ok fine if a big black dog, but not so suited to a small white and fawn boy (check out the our dog page and put his name in, you will see what I mean)! we changed him to Flloyd (don't ask)!, he adapted very quickly and within days, although sometimes I do think he thinks his name is Come Here!!!

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by PamD

Friday 07 Dec 22:00

Which name are you considering? X

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by PamD

Friday 07 Dec 21:59

We have always changed ours Ali

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by jetlucy

Friday 07 Dec 21:22

Might have to hold you to that alij! Xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 07 Dec 21:19

We are thinking of changing Brandy's name. I know a lot of people do this when they re-home a hound, but I'm worried he might be a bit confused! How attached is he to his name?

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by PamD

Friday 07 Dec 12:19

We most certainly will pop in sometime xxxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 06 Dec 22:06

Jetlucy- you'll have to pop in and see Brandy (and us) if ever you are in our neck of the woods. Warm welcome assured. A friend of the hounds is a friend of ours! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 06 Dec 20:58

Brandy will look stunning in his new coat! And Yorkshire...he couldn't be going anywhere more lovely, we go alot as have family there and never get bored of the place! You're a lucky pooch xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 05 Dec 22:21

So excited for Brandy, he is finally getting the home he deserves xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 05 Dec 21:33

Brandy, another one that will make me cry, happiness of course. Xx

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by AliJ

Wednesday 05 Dec 21:01

Well Brandy boy, we have started preparing for your arrival in Yorkshire. You have a beautiful new grey and yellow rain jacket. The colours will look fabulous with your beautiful black coat. Xxxx

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by deniseh

Wednesday 05 Dec 00:48

good luck BRANDY you deserve a good home hope everything goes well for you as your such a loving boy

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 04 Dec 21:24

Not long then now brandy, you can start the countdown to your wonderful new life and happiness xxx

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by PamD

Tuesday 04 Dec 11:22

Hope to see you if you pop into Melbicks on your way home

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by willerby

Tuesday 04 Dec 08:08

Just noticed Brandy is a half brother to our Jess, good luck Brandy hope you have a great life in your new home x

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by AliJ

Monday 03 Dec 22:22

Yes it's true Brandy will be in a home for Christmas! Can't wait to help him settle in. We are popping down on 16th Dec so look forward to seeing you then xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 03 Dec 19:55

Great news Alison, hope all is well. Please let me know when you will be collecting Brandy and I will be there to see him off to his new home with you with a box of tissues! Xxx

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by PamD

Monday 03 Dec 19:51

Dear Brandy
Your new mum is recovering well from her operation and will be coming soon to take you home and you will be loved to bits x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 30 Nov 20:59

Hi Alison, so happy to hear you are home, speedy recovery. See you soon, Jo xx

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by AliJ

Friday 30 Nov 16:14

Hello there, happy to say I'm home from hospital. A bit sore, but doing well. Love to all you humans and hounds xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 Nov 11:23

Great to hear the op went well and you can come home today! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 29 Nov 22:42

Hope you're ok alij! If the anaesthetist was a fab convince him to have rocky or jet lol! Xxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 29 Nov 21:11

Hi everyone, happy to say that I'm recovering well after my op and I'll be allowed home tomorrow. It's true, I told the anaesthetist all about Brandy as it turned out he was a hound fan! Can't wait to get our boy home xxx

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by PamD

Thursday 29 Nov 18:48

Dear Brandy
Your new mum had her operation yesterday and is so looking forward to taking you home and snuggling you to bits. She even told her Anaesthetist all about you yesterday xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 29 Nov 18:44

Brandy, I do so hope your new mom is recovering after her op yesterday. Jo x

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by PamD

Tuesday 27 Nov 13:03

Good luck Ali xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 27 Nov 10:47

Hi Alison, hoping all goes well tomorrow, will be thinking of you. I am so excited that he has a home to go to. Speedy recovery. Jo x

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by AliJ

Tuesday 27 Nov 09:50

Brandy's new Mum here! I'm having an op tomorrow, bit nervous but excited because once I'm recovered, we can bring our boy home and he can start to settle in. ??

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by sirenmelody

Monday 26 Nov 00:07

At last!!! Well done sweetheart. Another lovely intelligent boy who has waited so very patiently for a loving home. I shall miss cuddling you but its your turn to shine like the bright diamond you are. Be happy Brandy. Love Seana, Mel & Teddy xx

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by AliJ

Sunday 25 Nov 22:56

Loved your stories of rescuing wildlife Jetlucy and Loveheart. So excited about showing Brandy his new home, new bed, lots of nice places to go for walks and so on. And letting him lean to his heart's content! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 25 Nov 22:08

Hehe loveheart I think we are! Oh I know I can't do without my animals and I adore all my babies, my husband knows his place in the pecking order! Xxx

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by loveheart

Sunday 25 Nov 21:51

Jetlucy we must be sisters separated at birth LOL as my husband says you and I have the same compulsion where creatures of all kinds are concerned. I once chased a cat with a mouse in its mouth and got it off him and kept it quiet in a warm box for an hour then let it go when it had recovered ! I said to hubby if this is a compulsion its one I don't want to loose. It's my addiction to Grey's he should be more worried about lol xx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 25 Nov 19:14

Couldn't agree more alij! I think it's so lovely to think you've given a rescue animal a home and I always encourage anyone to do so rather than a puppy (obviously I try to persuade every one a grey is the way forward!) However, as my husband will verify, I seem to take this abit to the extreme and rehome anything and everything and the mankier the better! We've even got a rescue box going now for the rodents and birds the cats keep dragging in to try and help them survive and our vets just love my bank account! Got to love these creatures as they give us so much xxx

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by AliJ

Sunday 25 Nov 08:57

Last night I dreamt we gave a hound a home and I woke up this morning and it was completely true! It's a wonderful feeling. Thank you everyone for your kind words and well wishes xxx

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by AliJ

Saturday 24 Nov 21:15

Thank you everyone for the lovely warm welcome we received today. I was very taken with the beautiful Reggie's Roman nose but Brandy is a better fit for our family. Looking forward to giving him some home comforts!

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by helenanddave

Saturday 24 Nov 17:39

Oh, brilliant news Brandy. AliJ, thank you for choosing this gorgeous boy. Xx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 24 Nov 17:30

How fabulous well done alij and brandy I'm so pleased! And that's hopefully 2 of the long stayers going now even better news! I can tell brandy is going to be spoilt rotten! Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Saturday 24 Nov 17:09

So pleased to see the red sign for this lovely boy. Everything crossed for him and his new family. Xxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 24 Nov 16:38

Aww thank you for picking Brandy AliJ, I’m over the moon for you both. You really have a lovely boy. Good luck guys. Hope brandy and you have a good Christmas very glad he can enjoy it! Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 24 Nov 16:13

Thanks to Alij and her family for choosing Brandy, I was there as I did say I would try and make it as we had spoken a couple of times on the phone. I have to admit I did have a bit of a cry (happiness of course). Well done Brandy my boy. X

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Saturday 24 Nov 15:52

Well done Brandy. A forever home at last. x

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by shanishoo

Saturday 24 Nov 15:37

Alij I am soooo of happy that you have chosen Brandy, he is a beautiful boy and I wish you lots of fun times together- this has made my day thank you xxxxxx

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by Katyandmoe

Saturday 24 Nov 15:15

Fantastic. I had a real soft spot for him. I hope he enjoys his retirement

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by AliJ

Saturday 24 Nov 14:05

I am delighted to say that we have chosen Brandy to be our new hound! He's a lovely boy, really special. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 22 Nov 21:45

Ah well brandy, now the beautiful Nick is reserved maybe you'll pick alij...! Xxx

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by AliJ

Thursday 22 Nov 16:35

I'm sending Brandy a cuddle today because I've just spoken to Kate and she was telling me what a lovely boy he is. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 17 Nov 22:55

Brandy would really love to have a home and family of his own to share Christmas with. He is a lovely lad who just needs someone to give him a chance to show them how special he is. Sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Stormin

Tuesday 06 Nov 13:44

Brandy has now been at Daybreaks for over 6months apart from a short homing which sadly didnt quite work out due to difficulty sharing food arrangements with the already resident dogs
I took him to Brueton Park today and as when I took hom to Leamington street collection he was a lovely dog to take out
He is fine with other breeds although a warning growl to a lab who wanted to jump all over him was given but normal doggy interaction gave no problems whatsoever..
Hes sensible on the lead and in the car. Very very affectionate and Olympic class leaner.
Definately ready for that long awaited home now.
Lets hope being male and black doesnt hold him back too much longer

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 20 Oct 22:18

Brandy had a lovely time in the sand run with Jess and Stacey, he is a super lad. Very loving and affectionate and loves to lean! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 18 Oct 16:16

Met Brandy today, he was lovely and friendly, I hope this boy gets the loving home he deserves soon, he has been so patient bless him xxxxx

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by Katyandmoe

Sunday 14 Oct 12:36

Oh Brandy you stole my heart today when we took you to Sheldon country park. What a lovely calm placid boy you are and a pleasure to walk. You do like to lean in for a good fuss. I can't believe no one has snapped you up already you'd be such a great pet and you deserve your own sofa. I really hope you find your home soon xx

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by Jess&Koda

Sunday 07 Oct 22:42

Brandy enjoyed his day at the annual dog show, he travelled great on the back seat with fluff fluff with no issues at all. He then spent the rest of the day with Jet and Roary, making sure to say hello to all the dogs and people he possibly could ( they’ll give me fuss and I can lean on them!). He really is a quiet lad once he’s out of the kennels, he just wanted to be with you. We even learnt today that he knows ‘sit’ and ‘down’ so he’s a smart lad too! Let’s hope your home is around the corner very soon! Xx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 16 Sep 21:10

Brandy came with me to Elmdon Park today. He stood patiently to have his lead on but was off like a rocket when I opened the kennel door. Bless him, he couldn't wait to get out. He still doesn't get the concept of jumping in the car, but doesn't mind being manhandled in. Once in, he travelled really well and had no problems jumping out. I took him on a harness today and he was immediately calmer than last week. He is however still quite strong on the lead when he wants to go a certain direction and you do have to be firm with him.

We met lots of dogs and his manners were much better. He stood calmly whilst a medium sized dog had a good sniff of him and didn't all perturbed by the much smaller fluffy standing a metre away from him. There was one dog that he was quite focussed on but after changing direction and then going in for a second attempt to pass the dog, Brandy got the message and walked past calmly. I think he shows a lot of potential Whilst he may be noisy in the kennel, he is not when out and about. He really enjoys his walks and will make someone an excellent companion xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 12 Sep 12:56

Thanks tiggersmum - I have added the photo you sent of Brandy with his lick mat :-)

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by tiggersmum

Sunday 09 Sep 20:01

Well Buddy/Brandy was my guinea pig dog with my new game for a Greyhound ... called a lick mat (also known as my baking trays or a Silicone Baking Mat) ... you smear cheese (Primula is good) or peanut butter or anything that'll stick to the 'mat' and let you doggy friend lick it off - it really occupies them and keeps them chilled out hopefully. Buddy loved his mat and came back to the gate for a top up - not knowing if he'd had much cheese before I didn't give him too much but he really licked away :) We kept an eye on him as the silicon mat could have been chewed but it was great to see him occupied and happy - and he didn't try to eat the mat :) x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 09 Sep 18:10

Brandy had a trip out today to Elmdon park, thank so much to Liz_Beth for taking him. I am sure he enjoyed a break from the kennels. X

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 09 Sep 18:06

Brandy came to Elmdon Park with me today. He needed a hand getting in the car but then travelled really well. He loved being out in the park but was strong on the lead to start with. Once we did some stop, start, change direction he did get the idea and started to walk more calmly. He is quite keen with smaller dogs but is less bothered by medium and large dogs. He definitely enjoyed a taste of life outside the kennels and I'm sure with more visits to the park he will realise that he can take his time a bit more when out walking!! Xx

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by cellosmum

Saturday 08 Sep 19:39

Happy birthday Brandy, hope you've had lots of cuddles today. You get the one from me on here.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 08 Sep 16:07

Happy birthday Brandy, hope your new forever comes soon. Xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 08 Sep 14:42

Happy birthday Brandy, hope you find your special forever home soon xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 08 Sep 12:53

Happy Birthday to lovely Brandy! Hoping a new home will soon be his. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 08 Sep 09:13

Happy birthday brandy! Have a good day xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 20 Aug 16:24

Buddy is lovely He is an intelligent boy who really enjoys his walks and responds well when spoken to. He's a delight to be with. xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 07 Aug 19:29

Another beautiful boy, so sorry you are back in kennels, I hope you find your forever home soon xxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 07 Aug 19:07

Oh no :( poor Buddy

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 07 Aug 18:49

Oh no - so sad for Buddy.

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 07 Aug 15:39

:((( X

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 07 Aug 13:22

Sadly Buddy (Brandy) has been returned to the kennels today. He and the family's existing Greyhounds were not getting along. He is a very loving and friendly lad who loves people and they feel in the right environment he would thrive. They are devastated to have to return him.

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 13 Jun 21:18

Well done buddy! I figured yesterday this might be the case after buddy's mommy said he had fallen in love with her daughter! Wishing you all wonderful times ahead xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Jun 20:46

Brilliant news for Buddy! So happy for him. Xxx

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by Stormin

Wednesday 13 Jun 20:06

Great news for Buddy. He was a star in Leamington last Saturday and absolutely deserves to have found his loving home.

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 13 Jun 17:51

Fantastic news You were a really good boy at Brueton Park so I'm not surprised Well done I love seeing those green signs for the black boys coz black IS beautiful :)) x x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 13 Jun 17:50

That Red sign didn't stay Red for very long, lovely rehoming photo with your new family, and a great new name too xxxxxx

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by cellosmum

Wednesday 13 Jun 17:43

Well done Buddy, you must have been a very good boy for your new mum and dad to decide that quick. Keep up the good work and enjoy your retirement in your new home.

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 13 Jun 17:26

Brandy - sorry Buddy, what brilliant news! Just what you needed, a lovely home of your own. So very happy for you and your new family - have fun. xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 13 Jun 16:23

Oh Brandy well done be a good boy. You are a wonderful hound.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 13 Jun 14:51

Aw Brandy, I am so happy to see that Red sign for you, you must have been a good boy these last few days, well done gorgeous boy, a home of your very own, yopeeeeeeee xxxxxxx

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by willerby

Wednesday 13 Jun 14:33

Well done Brandy good luck to you in your new home xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 12 Jun 22:04

So great to hear Brandy has settled so well, he's a very handsome chap too xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 12 Jun 21:35

Hi deniseh, so very sorry but I accidentally deleted your first comment about Brandy :( Pressed the wrong button!!! I do apologise. It's great to hear he is settling so well with you all. Sending him my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by deniseh

Tuesday 12 Jun 20:27

Brandy has decided to help sonny take a lot of cuddly toys outside today and Also learning that he has his own food bowl. I think he has fallen in love with my daughter and vice versa as he follows her everywhere.

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by shanishoo

Sunday 10 Jun 14:56

Aw well done Brandy, how nice for you to get a taste of family life, I hope everything works out for you and you get a lovely new home out of it, fingers crossed for you sweetheart xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Jun 23:21

What a good boy Brandy! :) Xxx

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by Stormin

Saturday 09 Jun 19:44

Brandy has today been meeting and greeting at the Leamington Street collection. What a very special lad. He travels in the car great and his behaviour to small dogs and the youngest of children was perfect. A fabulous dog just waiting for someone to give him the home he deserves.

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 07 Jun 15:37

Just got home from walkies at the kennels. Brandy walks really well on the lead, he is delighted to see everyone especially, if they have time to give him a cuddle and when we left he was looking quite comfy in his bed. He is a lovely dog. xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 07 Jun 07:13

Lovely new photos of Brandy, he has got wonderful ears lol xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 24 May 10:25

A cuddle for Brandy. Met this bit yesterday and walked him - he is a gorgeous boy. Hope he is soon feeling less stressed. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 May 21:28

A big cuddle for Brandy tonight. So sad to see him so stressed. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 23 May 16:57

Poor Brandy, I hope somebody offers this boy a foster home, it must be awful for him but also awful for you all to see him so stressed, hopefully he will get the help he needs to help him settle bless him, sending him a big hug tonight xxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 21 May 16:18

I have just picked up Brandy from the vets following his castrate. Sadly he had to have three teeth out however he has come back to the kennels and woofed his dinner down!!! I also took Stella to the vets this morning for her vaccination and also to check she is fit enough for her spey on Friday.... which she is and she just loved travelling in the van and couldn't wait to jump in! She is a sweet thing x

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 11 May 20:53

Met Brandy yesterday.He came over with a very waggy tail and seems to be a friendly big boy. xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 08 May 21:09

I was going to say what fab ears! Sooo cute! Lots of love brandy xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 08 May 18:45

Wow, check out those ears, love them, a lovely looking hound xxxxx

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