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About Me

Racing Name
Kevins Favorite
Date of birth
10 sep 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Evans ExpressIE-FEB-00-F
Family tree & race history


male, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Kevin has been in the Trust since 5th October 2008 and has been continuously overlooked perhaps because he is a big black greyhound. Because of this Kevin has recently gone to a foster home but he is desperate to have a home to call his own. He is living with cats and is house trained and is a sweet and gentle boy. He can be sometimes strong on the lead but this is because he likes to see and sniff everything - walks are exciting you know!

Kevin has had 0 cuddles today (0 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Feb 14:42

What a lucky boy to be loved so much! Kate x
PS: Kev has the same Dad as my beautiful girl Twiggy.

by Emma

Monday 22 Feb 17:30

I can't quite believe it but we've had Kev for one year today - and what a year it's been! We first met and fell in love with Kev on Valentine's Day (how apt) and had a manic week dog-proofing our garden and home. We didn't expect to reserve a grey so quickly seeing as we have 2 cats and were
labouring under the misapprehension that we'd have to wait for months for a cat and child friendly grey?!? We were so lucky to find Daybreaks kennels, and even more lucky to find our beautiful Kev! Seeing him blossom into a magnificent confident boy proudly strutting his stuff with his two grey 'sisters' has been wonderful.

I might have mentioned this once or twice before ;0) but we love Kev utterly and completely and can't thank everyone at Daybreaks enough for helping us find him. We've made some fab friends along the way, but our thanks go especially to Vicky who fostered Kev when he became depressed at being in the kennels for so long, even though it broke her heart to hand him over to us. Thank you for trusting us with this wonderful boy! Em xxx

by Emma

Monday 06 Apr 13:17

Hi Jenny! Every non-grey freaked out poor old Kev when we first had him! We decided on a full-on over-exposure campaign at our local park and he is now brilliant with all types of dogs. He cannot let a child go past without looking for a fuss, and we just cannot believe our luck in finding him as he is such an amazing dog. Vicky did a brilliant job socialising him and because of that we had a really easy ride settling him with us.
It's lovely to know that you still think of Kevin, and hopefully we'll see Ben on one of the walks?

by jenny

Tuesday 31 Mar 21:02

We originally considered Kevin as a partner to our little yorkie but another visiting dog freaked him out on our visit so we couldnt really sense how they got on. We rehomed Ben in the end but have never stopped wondering about Kevin(in fact my husband and i have often gone to call Ben Kevin by mistake!) I just wanted to say how pleased I am that he is settled somewhere new-he really deserves it. I really wish though that on viewing these pages I wouldnt see so many dogs being returned time and time again for so many silly reasons-it breaks my heart! Only death will part me from my dogs and I wish people would think more carefully before taking a grey-or any other dog on. Bless you, Kevin sounds really happy and im chuffed! x

by kallie

Tuesday 31 Mar 09:15

Rossi Toby and I met up with Kevin at the Sutton walk and he is doing brilliantly, he's looking so well and happy and is still as eager to go for a walk as he ever was. Way to go Kevin, lovely to see you doing so well. Ina x

by kallie

Friday 27 Feb 19:40

Hello Kevin, we are both really glad that you are happy in your new home, after all we are all special and we all deserve the best. good luck and maybe we will meet up at Daybreaks sometime soon, love and licks, Rossi, Toby, Monty (and our mum Ina and dad Paul.)

by PamD

Tuesday 24 Feb 14:18

Hi Kevin
Fantastic to hear from you. You lucky boy. Bet you are enjoying the school run, all those cuddles from the little people. You certainly seem to have found your dream home. Keep up the good work. It gets even better with time believe us. lots of love Susie, Sammie, Dino and not forgetting our mum Pam xxxxx

by Emma

Tuesday 24 Feb 11:02

Hi Ruth and the gang, it's Kevin here!

It's been less than 48 hours so I don't want to jinx anything just yet, but I think I might be liking it here! I had a difficult first night as I cried because I was in a strange house and missed Vicky and Johnnie (my foster mum and brother) but I was as good as gold last night and the Kong seemed to help! My new mum and dad said they weren't going to change my name, but they have - they are now calling me "Go-wee-wee-Kevin". Strangely, they started calling me this every 5 mins after I piddled on the conservatory floor - well how was I supposed to know?? I love doing the 'school run' (weird - it's more of a 'school walk'?) as I get a queue of little people and their owners waiting to stroke me. I think Monty the cat wants to be friends with me as we sniff each other though the gate, and there's a rumour that there is another cat living here too, but I haven't seen her yet - apparently she's still hiding under the bed. I met a little Scottie dog yesterday who scared me at first, but then I decided to be brave and walked with him up the road and now I think he might be my friend too. I am learning to let my new mum out of my sight without crying and I even let her go out on her own for 20 mins today - she was very good and came back when she said she would!

Anyway, I better go as I ought to have another nap - it's a hard life you know! Love and licks, Kevin xxx

by kallie

Monday 16 Feb 09:37

how wonderful to see Kevin has found someone to love him, great news and good luck kevin you deserve it. xx

by Jo

Saturday 14 Feb 20:18

Its fantastic to see someone has given this awesome boy a home. Go Kevin! xx