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About Me

Racing Name
Springlawn Gent
Date of birth
01 nov 2013
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Josie and AmandaIE-JUN-11-BEW
Family tree & race history

Bobby (Gent)

male, 11 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Bobby (Gent) has had 0 cuddles today (14 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 20 Jan 23:14

Wonderful news for Bobby! Kitty has a very handsome brother! Xxx

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by NatC

Sunday 20 Jan 21:14

Thank you very much everyone for your lovely comments. We are so happy! Bobby is now part of our family! He spent the last two weeks with us already, we wanted to make sure he and Kitty were getting on fine. He is such a wonderful boy. How amazing to think that his trainers had advised that Bobby would need to be on his own. If it wasn’t for Rosie and Paul we would not have found out that he actually gets on really well with other greyhounds! We are so grateful to Rosie and Paul and last year Carol with Kitty to have fostered Bobby and Kitty over Christmas. More generally thank you to all the families who foster hounds over the Christmas period. We learned a lot from the information shared by Kitty’s and Bobby’s first families. It was so useful for us. Bobby is now settled down in his new bed. We hope to give you a happy new life.

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by helenanddave

Sunday 20 Jan 18:31

Lovely to see that green sign Gent! Love and hugs. Xx

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by RosieP

Sunday 20 Jan 17:38

Yessss!! I knew this was coming but it is so lovely to see the green sign :) Well done Bobby for being such a good boy in your new home and being nice to Kitty. Paul and I are so glad that this was the beautiful boy that was left at the kennels at Christmas needing fostering. We had such a lovely time with him and know that his new family will have the same. Love you Bobby xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 20 Jan 17:06

Be happy in your new home Bobby, love your new name xxxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 20 Jan 13:00

Like the new name. Have a great retirement Bobby!

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 20 Jan 13:00

Like the new name. Have a great retirement Bobby!

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 06 Jan 22:31

Great news for Gent! :) Xxx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 06 Jan 19:59

Yay so pleased to see your sign gent! You look such a lovely kind boy xxx

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by RosieP

Sunday 06 Jan 16:59

We are so happy for you Gent. Carry on being a good boy like you were with us and hopefully you've found your forever home. We'd love to hear how you're getting on with the lovely Kitty xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 06 Jan 16:16

How brilliant - a lovely red sign - well done Gent. Xx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 06 Jan 14:39

I’m so happy to see Gent (the Second) has been reserved. Sadly, the loss of my boy Gent (the First), is still very much fresh in my mind and although I would’ve loved to have come to meet Gent (the Second), it was just a bit too close to my heart for now. If this boy is anything like mine, his new family will have the most loyal friend, who will enjoy just being part of your life. Thanks Rosie P for his foster updates, I have loved reading about him and wish you every happiness with your boy. Mand xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 06 Jan 13:19

Aw bless you Gent, so very happy to see your Red sign, well done fella xxxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 06 Jan 12:08

Way to go Gent so pleased for you. You’re an amazing hound. Xx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 05 Jan 20:00

Lovely glowing report gent, surely it will help find you your forever home xxx

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by RosieP

Saturday 05 Jan 16:47

So we took this gorgeous boy back to the kennels today. It was very hard to do as he is such a sweetie but we really can't keep him unfortunately. He has got on so well with our 3 and would fit in well with any type of family, with or without other dogs. He still needs practise with learning what non-greyhounds are but he learns very quickly and I am sure will be good with any sort of dog in the long run. He loves playing with toys (we'd love to see him in the sand run with some!) and I think would be fine with children, though he hasn't met any yet, although very little wobbly ones might be at risk of being knocked over as he doesn't know where his body is a lot of the time. He was learning 'stay' and 'leave' already and accepting of us leaving the house and not taking him and the other dogs with us. PLEASE someone snap this beautiful boy up. He is so worth it, and as Paul (my husband) said earlier - he will make a mark on someone's heart :) xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 31 Dec 14:24

Our late beloved grey Reggie used to sit all the time, he used to sit by me and lay his head and body across my lap, it was so cute and endearing, I used to love it. If we stopped to speak to somebody on our walks he just used to sit down and wait, he weighed 38 kilos so he was a massive dog, really tall, I don't know how he used to manage it lol. Gent sounds an absolute treasure and will hopefully find his forever home soon. Xxxxxx

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by RosieP

Monday 31 Dec 12:33

My last update has disappeared so here it is again. As jetlucy said, Gent's been to the beach and wasn't fazed by the sea except for jumping back a little as the waves came in by him. The biggest thing though, is that Gent can sit! Properly! Only done it twice but he looks so sweet as there isn't any of the awkward leg angles that you normally get with the way a grey sits. I think his forever owners will be able to teach him to do this for treats as he is very bright. He is getting really good at "leave" and doesn't try to eat the food of the other 3 if he's already finished. He is very highly recommended! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 30 Dec 21:47

Bless gent he sounds like he's having a wonderful time and what a treat getting to go to the beach! Xxx

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by loveheart

Sunday 30 Dec 16:21

It was surely a sign from over the bridge that Gent came to Daybreaks so close to the time that Mands lovely old boy Gent ran free with all our other angels. It sounds as though he is doing his best to live up to his name. Somewhere out there there must be a forever home for this lovely lad. Wouldn't it be the best year ever if all the hound's fostered where reserved within days of the New Year beginning? I still believe in magic and fairy tales but would settle for half the hounds getting the red sign if absolutely necessary. LOL Fingers crossed xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 27 Dec 21:52

Great to hear how well Gent is getting on. We are so grateful to his foster family for giving him a chance to show what a great lad he is. Hopefully a forever home will soon be his. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 27 Dec 18:31

What an absolute sweetie Gent sounds, Gent by name, Gent by nature. Hope this special boy finds his forever home soon xxxxx

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by RosieP

Thursday 27 Dec 15:46

Next update on this lovely boy. He has now found the bed!! But not bothered trying the settee yet. He is such a star, no grumbling or growling, if one of ours grumbles at him for treading on them or sniffing their bottom for too long (!), Gent just walks away. He is also improving when meeting other dogs. He still can't really work out what a small dog is and stares intently at them, but is now relaxed with any dog around his size. He's improving every day and learns very quickly. He even seems to be getting the hang of 'leave'. We can't recommend this lovely boy highly enough for someone to share their home with. We definitely can't keep him but would love him to be in a home soon for good and not back in the kennels. He's an absolute treasure ?? Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 24 Dec 15:33

So very happy to see Gent is doing great, thank you for taking him in for Christmas, he really is a lovely boy. Have a good one all. Love Jo and gang. Xx

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by RosieP

Monday 24 Dec 13:29

All going well with Gent. He mastered the stairs at the second attempt but hasn't so far followed the example of our lot by getting on the sofa or bed. He is very interested in everything and doesn't want to miss out on anything that may be happening, but is also happy to lie down in a different room from us. He's not sure what a ball is all about, even if it does squeak, whereas he's picked up playing with other toys straight away. He is a real sweetie and giving Snip a run for her money as to who can push in the hardest to get the fuss! Xx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 22 Dec 17:06

Yay well done Rosiep for taking gent! Have a wonderful Christmas with your now brood of 4! Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 22 Dec 17:04

Aw thank you so pleased his found a foster home for Christmas! Xx

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by RosieP

Saturday 22 Dec 15:24

So we've brought this bright and happy lad home for the Christmas and New Year break. Considering he apparently hasn't had to share before, he did really well in the car with our 3. Just a few little grumblings if someone trod on someone else's paw. So fingers and paws crossed it keeps going as well - especially with a 3 hour trip to Devon on Monday!

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 21 Dec 20:25

Please someone offer this lad a foster home over xmas.... Surely we cant leave just 2 of them in the kennels. X

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by bluesfan

Tuesday 18 Dec 15:50

Gent by name and a real gentleman by nature. Had a lovely walk with Gent today and a lovely cuddle with him when we got back. A lovely, gentle, friendly boy. Hope you get your forever home very soon Gent. xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 15 Dec 16:42

Gent lives up to his name. He’s a distinguished chap and really enjoys company and his walks.

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by jetlucy

Friday 14 Dec 21:10

I always think things happen for a reason and people/animals come into your life when you need them

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 13 Dec 23:28

What a handsome boy Gent is on his new photos! Xxx

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by willerby

Thursday 13 Dec 15:52

I always look for a connection or sign too Mand this seems a sure sign for you x he is a gorgeous looking gent x

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by PamD

Thursday 13 Dec 14:32

Of course Mand!!
Gent would love you to help another Grey xx

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 13 Dec 13:52

Hi Mand. I always look at the family tree if all the new dogs so I’d noticed this too! I have to admit it gave me a little shiver. X

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by helenanddave

Thursday 13 Dec 12:41

This boy arrived whilst we were at the kennels yesterday and what a friendly happy boy he is! When we left he was enjoying his warm bath. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 13 Dec 07:46

Maybe? Xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 13 Dec 00:24

We lost our 13 year old boy, who was also called ‘Gent’ just 2 weeks ago. Noticed that this boy’s Mom is called ‘Josie and Amanda’ .... Is that my boy Gent sending me a message from the Bridge? Mand xx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 12 Dec 21:47

Oh gent aren't you handsome! I bet you live up to your name of a gent too xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 12 Dec 19:45

What a little smasher, such a lovely kind face Gent has got xxxx

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