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About Me

Racing Name
Silkstone Lola
Date of birth
13 aug 2015
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


female, 9 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Thursday 11 Apr

Lola is a very happy girl who is better on her own her trainer tells us. She loves all the attention she can get!

Lola has had 0 cuddles today (24 all together).
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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 21 Jul 16:26

Delighted to hear that Lola is doing so well after her terrible ordeal. Keep up the good work my lovely, all good wishes to you and your Mum. xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 21 Jul 15:02

Great to hear how Lola is getting on, and that it's not made her afraid to be around our dogs, what a poppet xxxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 21 Jul 07:02

I last saw Lola a week ago and she looked stunning. All that's left of the wound is a small red patch the size of a 2p coin. Its hard to imagine how bad the injuries were. Lola is still a very bouncy happy girl, she thinks she's been fixed for some time and wants to have a run. Fortunately she is still very friendly and continues to improve towards other dogs even after suffering such a bad attack. I will be seeing her next week, I get searched by a pointy nose whenever I visit as she knows I come with a treat in my pocket. She is much loved by all especially her owner who thinks the world of her xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Jul 22:56

Lola is doing great! All her wounds have nearly healed up and when I spoke to Cath last week she said Lola is more beautiful than ever! Xxx

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by Caro

Monday 20 Jul 07:20

How is Lola now?

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 03 Jun 13:47

Fantastic news for Lola, and now a local celebrity! Love to you and your Mom. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 03 Jun 09:49

What a lovely update on the beautiful Lola, I am so happy she is doing well. It certainly sounds like she has captured the hearts of her friend & neighbours. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 02 Jun 23:09

So happy Lola is doing well....have just read her story from the local paper. There is a lovely photo of her wearing pink ear muffs! It's great to hear how supportive everyone has been to both Cath and Lola. Sending them both lots of love :) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 02 Jun 22:07

Such great news about little Lola, what a little star xxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 02 Jun 16:43

I've been to visit Lola and her owner Cath today and I'm very pleased to say Lola is making a good recovery. In fact we have to remind her she isn't fixed yet but she thinks she is and wants to do zoomies. Hopefully the vet will remove the stitches from one wound on Thursday and the worst will hopefully be behind her as she looks to continue healing in the weeks ahead. The local newspaper has featured her story recently and the support Cath has received from her neighbours is wonderful. Lola can now have short walks along her road which instead of taking 10 minutes can take nearly an hour as everyone comes out to say hello to local celebrity grey Lola and see how she is getting on xx. Read her story at

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 21 May 08:16

Lovely to read a positive report for you my pretty girl. How nice too that your friends and neighbours have been so kind. Sending you a very gentle hug and hope you continue to improve. Xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 20 May 12:59

Well done Lola, you brave little girl, so very happy that you are feeling better, how lovely that friends and neighbours are helping too, great news xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 20 May 09:08

Lola, what a brave girl and what lovely neighbours and friends you and your Mom have. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 May 23:19

Great to hear Lola had a good report from the vet today. :)) How lovely she has so many friends! :) Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 19 May 22:22

We took Lola to the vets for a check up today. I'm very pleased to say the vet said that she is making good progress. Lola is sporting a luminous pink bandage tonight, very lady like. It was nice to see she still has a waggy tail and is eating well too. Going back on Friday for another dressing change,she was very brave and was a very good girl having her dressing changed as it must have hurt. All the neighbours have been very kind sending get well cards and a large donation towards her vet care, lovely people xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 16 May 16:56

Am so glad that Lola has been able to go home, it's the best place for her to recuperate and recover. Fingers crossed for a speedy and trouble free recovery my gorgeous girl. x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 16 May 08:01

So very happy to hear Lola is back home with Cath. Speedy recovery now in order. Lots of love to you both. Xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 15 May 22:32

So glad that Lola is st home with her mum, take your tablets girl, you will soon feel better xxxxx

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by Caro

Friday 15 May 21:19

So glad to hear this regarding the tablets try baby bel cheese works every time with my diva.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 15 May 21:09

Lots of love to Lola and's been a very tough few days for them both! Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 15 May 20:50

I'm very pleased to say that Lola is now home with her Mom. She has a long recovery ahead but she is in the best place possible now. Lola is being a little stubborn and won't take her tablets but its early days, sure she will feel more like eating tomorrow. we are mightily relived now xx

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by Caro

Friday 15 May 19:45

Any news on Lola been so worried since I read the comments hope she is home with her mum.

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by helenanddave

Friday 15 May 09:50

Big hugs for Lola. Hope she is soon on the road to tecovery and able to go home

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by Shanesmum

Friday 15 May 07:29

Oh no, I am devestated to read this news. Praying that she will be able to go home to her Mum soon. Thinking of Cath at this very worrying time. Xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 15 May 07:12

Good news that Lola has made it through surgery, she has been on my mind all night, fingers crossed that she is well enough to go home to her mum today, get well soon little one xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 May 21:30

Sending a huge but very gentle hug to Lola tonight....she has given us all a very worrying time. When I spoke to Cath earlier today she was distraught after being told by her vet Lola's injuries were worse than first thought. xx She then had to wait until this evening for more news. Thank goodness that news was good! Please keep Lola in your prayers that she has a good night and will be able to go home to her Mum tomorrow. Lots of love to Cath....Alan is right it's waiting for news that is the hardest. Sure we all know how that feels where our dogs are concerned. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 14 May 21:23

Will be keeping you all and especially Lola in our thoughts and prayers. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 14 May 19:49

Update..Lola has come through the surgery for her injuries and will be kept in the vets overnight. Hopefully she will be able to go home tomorrow. Her owner absolutely adores her and had been very upset with worry. I think I've aged about five years too today waiting for news.Thankfully its good news so far. Thanks also to Kate for her help, where would we be without our Daybreaks family xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 14 May 19:43

Prayers and cuddles for Lola. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 14 May 18:42

Oh no, so upset to read this, poor Lola, come on girl, we are all hoping and praying that you will be OK, get better soon gorgeous girl, my thoughts are with Lola's owner xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 14 May 18:39

Omg, I am distraught to hear this. Of course my heartfelt thoughts and wishes are with you and her. Lola, fight through this, please. I do hope the offending owner can be traced. Xx

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by Caro

Thursday 14 May 18:20

Oh I am so sorry to hear this wishing her a speedy recovery hugs to you all.

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 14 May 18:00

Please everyone keep poor Lola in your thoughts this evening. Lola was attacked yesterday and is currently being treated for some nasty injuries. Her owner is distraught with worry and we are too. Just keeping everything crossed she pulls through xx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Feb 16:45

Well done Lola - training classes can be fun and very helpful too. I am so glad you have found your forever home poppet, wishing you many happy times ahead. x

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 15 Feb 22:58

We took lovely Lola to her first training class today. We know there is a happy confident little girl in her trying to come out and the class helped a lot today thanks to Julie and co. After class we took her to Daybreaks for her official adoption. She now has 2 cat sisters for company and a lovely new mom who loves her loads. We wish them all many happy times together xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 15 Feb 22:11

Wishing Lola and her lovely new Mom lots of happy times together. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 24 Jan 16:47

Lola, this is such good news. Fingers crossed for you my lovely.xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 23 Jan 23:59

Well done Lola! You need to be a good girl. :)) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 23 Jan 15:42

This has made my day, lovely little Lola, a forever home for you, well done poppet xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Jan 23:43

Norman took Lola for another outing to the park this morning. She was a little better with other dogs today...Norman said "She knows what she is doing is wrong but sometimes she can't resist letting them know she is there!" :)) She is the same at the kennels too and has a right old grump at some of the other dogs when she comes out for her meals. Lola is a super girl and a quick learner. She just needs a little guidance. Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 20 Jan 19:19

Sweet, lovely Lola loves fuss, is a smashing walker and a very happy girl. xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Jan 00:28

Norman took Lola for a trip to the park this morning. She was happy to have a break from the kennels. :)) She is very excited at meeting other dogs but Norman said after she had been in the park for a while she started to calm down. Lola needs someone who is able to help her understand new situations, relax and enjoy life! Xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Thursday 09 Jan 22:35

You get my cuddle today sweetheart. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you this time. You'll be well looked after at kennels again and you'll find the perfect home soon. I'll see you on Saturday if you're still there. x

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by shanishoo

Thursday 09 Jan 19:10

Oh Lola sweetheart I'm so sorry you are back at Daybreaks, your perfect home is out there, don't worry poppet xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 09 Jan 17:35

Very sadly Lola has been returned today. Her family are distraught to have had to make his decision but they feel their home is not the right one for Lola and they have decided to do what is best for her. She is a lovely, affectionate girl who needs someone who can help her adjust to life in the big wide world. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 12 Nov 23:08

Lola's family sent a lovely photo of her in her new collar and beautiful new fleecy coat earlier. She looks like a Princess! Sending her a cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 12 Nov 21:11

Aw Lola, I think you have landed on your paws, lovely rehoming photo, be happy sweetheart xxxxx

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by SpecialK

Tuesday 12 Nov 19:45

Lola is officially ours! We are over the moon to have brought her home. She is an absolute dream, the perfect little lady, and a very special addition to our family.
Her ears have a mind of their own, and her little ways have melted us. Thank you Daybreaks, to Lisa, Kate, Ruth and Helen, for everything x x ??

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by SpecialK

Monday 28 Oct 22:06

Lola is the only greyhound I’ve seen who ‘smiles’ even with her mouth closed! Can’t wait to visit you tomorrow, our Black Beauty x ??

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by LindaPaul

Monday 28 Oct 07:10

Popped in on Friday and couldn’t resist paying this little sweetie a visit. When she went on the website admit I had a little emotional moment having had my own Lola, so she deserved a few minutes of my time. Sitting with her in her kennel she’s such a little sweetie. She gave me some very coy looks to draw me in and then we had lots of fuss and cuddles. She’s beautiful and if she brings her new owner as much joy as my Lola did to me, then they should feel very blessed indeed. Be happy little one xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 Oct 21:27

Lola is a lucky girl, she has found a lovely home! Xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 27 Oct 17:36

Lovely to see your red sign, Lola. Xx

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by SpecialK

Sunday 27 Oct 12:13

We came, we saw, we fell in love with Lola, and reserved this beautiful, dainty black beauty x x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 26 Oct 16:34

Ah my little Princess Lola!! Well done my lovely girl, so happy for you. xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 26 Oct 15:18

Lovely Lola, great to see a reserved sign for you, who could resist that gorgeous little face xxxxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 14 Oct 14:52

Met and walked lovely Lola this afternoon. She was easy to lead up and walked really well on the lead. She's a delightful, dainty little girl. Xxxxx

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by alfieboy

Sunday 13 Oct 21:33

We took this lovely girl to the dog show today and what a pleasure it was. After giving her a little assistance to get into the car she settled down straight away and enjoyed the journey. She was good and calm on the lead, she was a little baffled at first by the small dogs, she did not know what to make of them but soon got used to them and then took it all in her stride. She does give out a little growl to those dogs who upset her. Sorry Jet - you did nothing wrong! Considering this was her first trip out she was not phased by noises and accepted all the fuss given to her. We did not want to take her back to the kennels, I had a little lump in my throat having to leave her, especially when she starting crying when I left. I’m sure she it will not be long before she finds her forever home.
Good luck beautiful girl. X

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by jetlucy

Sunday 13 Oct 19:35

Met you at the show today lola and you are a very pretty girl! You weren't impressed at my advances but once i played hard to get you realised i am a handsome boy (or so my mommy tells me, she says i am the most handsome). My mom thought you were very calm and sweet and liked a fuss. Good luck finding your forever home, hope you don't have to wait too long. Lots of love jet xxx

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by SimonfromWorcester

Friday 11 Oct 16:15

Lola was checking out things in the laundry area when I caught up with her today.Lots for her to see and find out about.She has very distinctive little eyes for a grey.

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by Sillasmum

Friday 11 Oct 15:46

Love the name, L.O L.A. Lola x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 10 Oct 23:11

Welcome to Lola, she is such a cute and cuddly girl! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 10 Oct 19:34

Lola looks like she is smiling bless her xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 10 Oct 18:15

Take care. Hope to see you soon. Xx PS. I'm sure Andy could cope with another female in his family! X

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 10 Oct 16:35

Hmmm Helen - that's not nice! At least Andy thinks I am cute ha ha!
It was great being back at the kennels for a few hours - I was able to sit and do paperwork and Momma and Tig came with me and Rummy who I am looking after for a couple of days whilst his owners get married! It was lovely to see everyone and thank goodness it was a Thursday as it meant there were donuts from Alan - it was worth coming in for! Anyway, enough from me - Lola really is a beautiful girl - so very happy and loving - I was very tempted to pop her in with mine to take home but could Andy cope with another gorgeous girl at home?!!! Ruth x

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by helenanddave

Thursday 10 Oct 15:48

What a cute girl. ( sorry Ruth, I'm talking about Lola! Nice to see you looking better though) xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 10 Oct 15:21

Lovely photo, are you both looking for a home lol xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 10 Oct 14:01

Ha ha - here is me with our new arrival Lola! She is absolutely adorable and a bundle of fun.

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