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About Me

Racing Name
Russmur Rioga
Date of birth
01 sep 2015
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
VC 1
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 9 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Russ has had 0 cuddles today (60 all together).
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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 01 Sep 21:17

Lovely memories of your handsome Russ, he made us smile with his antics. Watching over you all with Barney. Much love to you all. Jo xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Sep 19:38

Thinking of you all. Xxx I'm sure Russ has been celebrating his Birthday with all his friends at Rainbow Bridge. Xxx Lots of love to you little Russ. Xxx
Shani,Wishing Dougie a Happy 5th Birthday....I know how much you love him. Kate Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 01 Sep 12:54

Reading this brought a tear to my eye, it is also my hound Douggies birthday today, he is 5, makes me appreciate him even more reading your post. Your boy was taken far too soon, sure he is playing with his brother Barney..thinking of you today xxxxx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 01 Sep 12:21

Today would have been Russ’ 6th Birthday. We still miss him and his funny ways. The washing up bowl no longer on the floor is the saddest. We know he would be up there watching down on us with his squeaky balls. Happy Heavenly Birthday Russ. Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 20 Jun 17:23

So very true Kate, Russ, Fletch, Sarah Scare Bear, Wiilow, Kitty and so many more. Sadly so very many taken too soon. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 20 Jun 16:59

Everyone who has lost a beloved four legged member of their family knows exactly how it feels and it's so comforting to know we are all there for each other. Lots of love and hugs. Xxx

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by BigEars

Sunday 20 Jun 06:55

After the sad loss of our beloved Russ I would like to thank all at Daybreaks for there support especially Ruth and Kate who have been like a shoulder to cry on. We went to our caravan this weekend that we brought for Russ because he just wanted to be with us all the time and it was a place where he was so happy and loved the beach. Coming here was the hardest for me after losing Russ. Daybreaks have really been brilliant and I could never thank them enough.

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 16 Jun 12:55

First of all we would like to thank everyone who has left a comment and showed their support. They were all so lovely and are really comforting. We really do appreciate the kind words. It was so shocking and it came out of nowhere for us. He was so happy until his last day.

It was a hard day yesterday and we are still trying to get over the shock. He was so loved and everywhere we went he came too. Everyone loved him. I’ll never forget the moments he gave us. His washing up bowl and his weird ways. He is always in our heart. Run Free Russ xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Jun 17:21

Dear Ian, Debra and Sam, I am heartbroken to hear your dreadful news. Russ was a super, special lad and I know how much you all loved him. Thinking of you...I know how devastating it is to lose them so suddenly. God Bless Russ. Lots of love Kate, Skip and Lyra. Xxxxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 15 Jun 16:27

So very sad to hear the news about Russ. Thinking of his family. Run free Russ. Xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Tuesday 15 Jun 15:25

I'm truly saddened to hear this heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with the family. Run free Russ at the bridge. x

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by MomofTess

Tuesday 15 Jun 14:50

So very sorry to hear this. x

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 15 Jun 13:45

Just devastated to read this, your darling boy was taken far too soon, run free fella, now with Barney, your star will shine brightly, keeping you all in our thoughts xxxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 15 Jun 09:55

So very sorry to hear this awful news. Thoughts are with the family x

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 15 Jun 09:16

Absolutely heart-breaking news. Sending love and thoughts at this tragic time. Run fast & free fella - taken way too soon. Angie & Michael.x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 15 Jun 08:24

I am absolutely heartbroken to see this, thinking of the family at this terribly sad time. I know how much they truly loved him, he will be sadly missed. Much love to his family. Russ...Run fast and free, now with Barney and all our Rainbow hounds. Xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 15 Jun 08:10

I’m devastated to hear Russ sadly didn’t make it.

Massive heartfelt hugs and love go to his family. I’m so so sorry x

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 15 Jun 07:32

Hi everyone. Please pray for Russ who has gone into surgery overnight. We are in total shock. We just returned from the caravan and he was his complete normal self and all of a sudden he was screaming in pain and became bloated. We knew something was seriously wrong and took him to the vets. He is still in surgery now and we are praying he pulls through.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 20 May 23:51

It was lovely to see Russ today. He came along with Sam, Klaire and Florence to use the sand run. It was great to see you all's been a long time! :))

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 20 May 12:33

Yesterday was another greyt day!!! First of all we went to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens and it was great to help water the plants. Me and Florence really enjoyed ourselves. After that we went off to Pets At Home!!!! Omggggggg it was Doggy heaven! Toyssssss and treatsssss everywhere!!!! I tried to eat everything but wasn’t allowed. Rude. We got to the toy section and I tell you there were loadssssss of toys. Florence wasn’t interested, I don’t know why they are amazing. I tried to show her by stealing a pizza that was on the shelf. I ripped the tags off and played with it in the middle of the isle. She still ignored them! What’s great about that is I got another toy as the hoomans had no choice hehe!!! I also got a hotdog!

This morning we went off to the kennels to use the run! Shame it was just me and Florence but hope everyone is ok! It was great. Florence was barking at me like a lunatic trying to get me to play, I wasn’t having any of it. I chased after the ball and Florence followed. We had a great time.

It was so good to see everyone and thanks for all the fuss. Especially from Auntie Kate she gave me loads!! I will see you all soon.

Florence I hope you get home safe it was amazing to see you after a long time. Thanks for the company. We had a lots of fun and I can’t wait to see you again and invite you down to our caravan. Lubs you lot xx

Lubs Russ Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 19 May 00:01

Russ, how lovely for you to have a visit from Auntie Klaire and Florence! Xxx Hope to see you all on Thursday when you visit the kennels to use the sand run. :))) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 18 May 19:19

This week has been sooooooo exciting! We were at the caravan at the weekend and came home on Monday. An hour after getting home guess who turned up!!!! Auntie Klaire and my girlfriend Florence!!!!! I was sleeping and I saw her and went completely mad and we both shared kisses!! Great to see her again.

Today I took Florence for a walk with me around my wood. Unfortunately we didn’t see any squiggles but she had a greyt time. Then we went off to the pet shop and got some yummy treats that lasted ages! We both had lots of fuss from the hoomans in the shop!

No bed swaps yet as I have used the sofa but I’ve let Florence sleep in my TWO beds as I’m such a gentleman. Tomorrow we are off to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens unfortunately it might rain and I hate getting wet but it will be a nice walk! Then we will go to another pet shop! Pets At Home yay! I have to have my best face on so I get some more treats!

Then Thursday Florence goes Home :((((((((( but in the morning I think we are going to the sandrun!!! Yayyyyy! Apparently I’m getting my nails done but I’m going to try my best to not get them done. Can’t wait for a good run around and see everyone!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 07 May 19:46

The hoomans seem to think me stealing the washing up bowl is hilarious! They laugh every time I play with it. What’s so funny? It’s my favourite toy.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Florence soon if the covid restrictions are eased as planned! Florence just so you know you will love the wood by our house. So many squiggles and so many beautiful flowers to water. I’ll show you around you will love it! I might get distracted if I see a cat though just to warn you. Can’t wait to see you!

A couple of weeks ago we found out that there are more Greyhound friends on our caravan site!!!! How exciting! The beach was amazing and it’s so good to be back. I decided to take my whole toy box on the sofa and make a mess. Hoomans just let me do my thing hehe.

Lubs Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Wednesday 05 May 09:29

Russ does not like to get wet. So we thought he needed a bath. When you mention the word bath he runs off down stairs and it’s a battle to move him. So I came out the bathroom wetter then he was. It was funny but hard work.

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by BigEars

Monday 26 Apr 03:33

Russ was a naughty boy on Sunday. We all sat down for a lovely meal Chicken with all the veg and gravy. However when we left to tidy up the table someone had grabbed the gravy jug and licked it clean and then got into the bin and took the leftover chicken. So here we are worried about him eating chicken bones and watching him like a hawk.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 24 Apr 23:28

Good to hear you have been able to back to your holiday home Russ! Sounds like you had a great time. :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 23 Apr 23:04

So last week the slaves and I went back to the caravan in Burnham! I had a greyt time. So good to be back on the beach. I just love the sand so much. We actually walked all the way from our part of the beach to the town. It was about 15 minutes away maybe??? Not sure. Was a very nice walk and I got doggy ice cream! It was SO nice.

They slaves left me at the caravan the one day to go and get garden furniture so they can eat outside. Looked very nice but they looked quite funny struggling to get the boxes out the car.

I’ve also done my own gardening. We have a lot of unexpected flowers which are lovely that came out! It makes the garden look very nice! I give them a good water. I’m so helpful. I also helped cut the bits of grass that were in the ground by doing a cow impression. The hoomans weren’t impressed. Can’t believe they didn’t appreciate the help.

I also made a great human friend with mummy’s uncle! He has a cat so I can’t visit him but he comes and see us as he is part of our bubble. No clue what that’s means but sounds good. I demanded fuss off him and cuddled up to him! Can’t wait to see him again.

That’s all for now! Speak Soon!

Lubs Russ xx

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by BigEars

Sunday 18 Apr 06:49

Last year we left Russ in the kennels for 2 days and he got very stressed. So we thought never again would we do that to him. We take him everywhere with us now and even brought a caravan for him. We have been away for a few days in Burnham on sea and Russ has really enjoyed himself. He loves the beach and waits patiently if we go in any shops or sit outside. He had doggy ice cream yesterday and treats me like his personal slave. Russ loves his family very much and where we go he goes.

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by MontyMoo

Friday 09 Apr 16:03

There is a new hamster in the house. Sigh. You would think I’d be happy about this. NO! This new boy Oreo is hogging my favourite human. I’m not getting as much attention as I did before even though my human has still fussed me when asked. She has still fed me but I want all the attention! Not fair.

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 04 Apr 09:24

Happy Easter!!! I love Easter. Me and the hamster both have our own Easter eggs! Have a good day everyone.

Yesterday I had a greyt day as I met my friends Freddie and Bella in the garden!! I love them. It was sooooo fun. I followed them everywhere. I stole their toys and went mental. We also got a mini chocolate doggy egg each!!! The walk was amazing and it was a fantastic day out. Towards the end I was ready to go home and I went straight to my sofa for a nap.

Hope everyone is well!

Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 30 Mar 07:28

We have to keep the washing up bowl in the middle of the living room because as soon as you put it back Russ gets it and puts it back again. He goes to his treat draw and tells us that he has been good and it’s treat time. Russ don’t bother with squirrels anymore but he is like a dog possessed when he sees a cat. He is a true pleasure to have and you would think he was human at times. He never forgets anything and knows where all the cats live in the area.

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 25 Mar 23:15

Russ, you certainly keep your family amused! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 25 Mar 17:24

Mummy was eating chips and all of a sudden a cute head came through the paper!!!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 21 Mar 11:57

Apparently it’s naughty to chase a cat that was in our garden! I spotted him, chased him and decided to jump up the fence. The hoomans didn’t see him under the hedge as he/she was well hidden. The cat ran away from me... I’m not scary am I? I can’t get over the fence though! How do these cats do it so easily!

Anyway I love my hoomans even though my dinner was late again yesterday!!!! They said I was an hour early? Surely not. I’ve been giving them a lot of attention and I have worked out how to get a treat out of them. Doesn’t always work though. Stand over by the treat draw looking cute and it works most of the time. Sometimes they will say no if I’ve had enough. Which isn’t nice of them.

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 03 Mar 15:17

Hello everyone! Thought I’d give an update! We haven’t really done much as we are in lockdown but I have had fun on my cat patrol in my wood! It’s greyt!

The washing up bowl is on the living room floor as always! I also brought a toy football goal to mummy as a present! Hope she likes it.

I’m currently waiting for my dinner! The hoomans are currently ignoring my signals! They say I’m too early???? Surely I know the time!

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 08 Feb 23:23

Hey Auntie Kate,

Thank you! Tell Skip I wasn’t very impressed either! It wasn’t that bad afterwards as I got a treat! I gave the sad eyes! Always works....

I have checked every clock in the house and they all tell the correct time! Well apart from my sisters bedroom clock! She mostly uses her phone these days! Hers is an hour late! Silly hooman.

I luckily got my dinner on time today! Phew... in return I’ll go and sleep on the hoomans bed!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 08 Feb 21:59

Russ, how exciting to have a Valentines pressie from gorgeous Florence! :)) Xxx

It's good to get your booster done, great to hear you are a healthy boy! :))) Skip has to have his later this month too. Don't think he will be very impressed!

Hope you have got everyone to check their clocks today and you got your dinner at the right time!? :)))

Lots of love Kate Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 08 Feb 17:20

So I went for my boosters today! I was a very good boy and I’m a very healthy dog! No problems at all. Even though I didn’t like it there! Christian was very nice though....

It was strange as I had to go on my own without daddy! I was rather happy to see him standing outside waiting for me afterwards.

I’ve received a package for Valentine’s Day off the lovely Florence! Can’t wait to see what she has got me! I’m so lucky thank you! I also sent her something! Hope she likes it.

Also it can’t be a story without some drama! Yesterday I decided to bark and whine for my dinner as it was late. The problem was mummy was on a zoom call at the time so I asked them too. They didn’t do it though. Luckily my lovely sister did it for me! I love her!

Lubs Russ

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by BigEars

Friday 22 Jan 09:24

We have had Russ just over 12 Months and not written anything in a while so I will tell you what I have learnt about Russ in that time. 1 Favourite sleeping place is anywhere we are at the time. 2 Favourite hobby eating and sleeping. 3 Favourite toy The washing up bowl. 4 Dislikes the rain. 5 Annoying habits trying to pinch anything Dad is eating or cooking. 6 walking habits got to be ahead of everyone else so I can get to the cats easier. 7 Fuss rules you can only stop fussing me to get food. 8 Dinner time rules mornings When you get up. Evening times 3.30-4pm don’t be late. 9 When I bark you have broken the rules 10 Don’t forget the rules and everything will be fine. Got to go he wants to go out for his morning cat patrol.

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 14 Jan 13:25

Thank you for the Gotcha Day wishes! I had a lovely day with my hoomans! Kate I’m keeping my eye on that washing up bowl and I’m making sure it doesn’t leave the room.

Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Jan 22:52

Happy Gotcha Day Russ! Lovely to hear how much happiness you have given your family and how much they love you! Look after your washing up bowl! :) Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 13 Jan 21:14

Happy 1st gotcha day, hope you have had a greyt day. X

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 13 Jan 20:30

Happy 1st Gotcha Day x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 13 Jan 12:58

Happy 1st Gotcha Day Russ, you sound like you have got your family wrapped firmly around your paw!!!, have a great day xxxxx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 13 Jan 09:11

Today is my 1st Gotcha day! Wow it’s been a year already! I’m so glad I chose my hoomans. I had a greyt foster home over Christmas 2019 which helped me get my forever home! Im thankful to them and especially Daybreaks for all the work they did to get me here. Apparently I’m spoiled rotten haha! Well I guess squeaky balls have taken over the house. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my hoomans.

Hooman: Thanks Russ for making a horrible year better with your fuss demands, washing up bowl saga and not forgetting stealing all mummy’s Christmas presents. Christmas time in 2019 was hard after losing Barney. We still think about him now but Thanks Russ for giving us a good Christmas this year when we couldn’t do our original plans. Also thank you for letting us stay at the caravan with you Russ. We know it’s yours. We wouldn’t have it without you! Lastly I can’t wait to see what this year brings with you! Happy Gotcha day and let’s hope there is many more to come!

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by MontyMoo

Friday 25 Dec 21:12

MERRY CHRISTMAS. (Whatever that means, I heard the hoomans say it) it’s been a very good day though! It all started with the hoomans giving me a stocking full of treats. Which I tried to take all in one go. Then the hoomans opened their gifts. Don’t know why I thought it was my special day or something. Finally I got my next lot of gifts after! A squeaky sprout, a squeaky Christmas pudding and a squeaky present from Florence which is no longer squeaky. I also got treats from my pal Scooby.

After our Christmas morning walk I pinched one of mummy’s presents. It might have been destroyed... oops. After that the hoomans made me a Christmas dinner and then they had their own around this big table! Now I’m sleeping off the big day!

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!

Lubs Russ and Family Xx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 21 Dec 18:49

Apparently I made the hoomans laugh. Don’t know why. I decided to take my lickmat into the living room to put in my washing up bowl (which the hoomans gave to me early). Daddy tried to take the mat back in the kitchen but before he even got out of the room I took it out of his hands again. In the end this went on for 10 minutes and daddy gave up. Finally got the lickmat just where I want it!

Lubs Russ

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Nov 21:22

Russ! At last your very own washing up bowl! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 29 Nov 23:08

A tree has appeared in the house! Tree in a house? They are supposed to be outside! Silly hoomans. They have told me not to pinch anything off the tree. Very strange who puts things on a tree? I have helped dad with the dinner recently. Not sure how appreciative he was though. I got in the way, stole to empty packets, jumped up the surfaces, tried to steal daddy’s dinner and best of all hit daddy with the washing up bowl every time I stole it. I think I was very helpful.

Lubs Russ Xx

Note from hooman: we have decided to declare the spare washing up bowl Russ’ Christmas present! One of them anyway. He is very spoiled.

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by BigEars

Saturday 21 Nov 03:01

Russ did stop getting the washing up bowl for about 30 mins and stick to me like glue to help me with the dinner. Food comes before anything else.

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by MontyMoo

Friday 20 Nov 21:36

Ever since that last post we have had about 20 games of get the bowl. Even the hoomans joined in! They took it back and I stole it! Was a very fun game. Unfortunately they have given up now and it’s left on the living room floor just where I like it!

Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 20 Nov 21:05

:)) Well done Russ!! :))) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 20 Nov 11:06

I have found a way to get the washing up bowl! For anyone wondering all you have to do is stretch and use your paw to pull out the bowl. Then pick it up with your long snoot and make a lot of noise taking it in the living room. After that just leave it on the floor.

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 13 Nov 22:11

My hoomans are not doing my food on time! I ask for it and they say no and say I’m too early!? How it’s my feeding time my stomach is empty and I need food! Apparently they said the clocks went back and I still think it’s the same time! No clue what they are on about. I’ll just follow you around and bark at you until you do it. Yeah that will work.

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 05 Nov 21:47

It might be a bit late but we are thinking of everyone with scared hounds tonight. We know how bad it is as we experienced it when we had Barney he was shaking the whole time and was absolutely terrified. We feel very fortunate that Russ is the total opposite and not fazed at all. Xx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 25 Oct 17:17

I might have drank the milk for mum’s coffee! She was about to pour the coffee in but I came and drank the milk for her first... can’t go to waste!

I really wanted the bird seed that the hoomans brought earlier but I wasn’t allowed instead it’s sitting there in a plastic thing in the garden??!

We went to the garden centre earlier to look for a few things for the caravan! It was greyt and I was a really goooood boy! :)

Lubs Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 19 Oct 20:30

Lovely comment about your lovely little Russ...I'm sure your right Barney chose him just for you! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 18 Oct 22:44

We are very lucky humans! Russ is a golden boy and we couldn’t be happier with him. He is adorable in his little ways. Looks at you for fuss, steals your bed and steals your bin. He has be exceptional in the caravan. Asks when he needs to go out and no trouble at all. He is a very special boy! Thanks Barney for sending us one of your special friends!

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 17 Oct 21:41

Hi everyone! I’m back at the caravan and I’m sooooo happy to be back. I got so excited to come in. We went to the beach after unloading the car! Oh boy was it fun! I wanted to go in the water and I don’t normally like water! I nearly pulled daddy in there with me! There were loads of dogs and I was really happy!

I’m currently lying on the sofa demanding fuss meaning there is only one paw writing this! I’m very excited for tomorrow!

Lubs Russ xx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 12 Oct 16:50

Well we are at home now! It was sooooo fun in the caravan! My own secure garden, own private path to the beach, a sofa and my lovely hoomans! We had a greyt time! Can’t wait to go back again on Saturday!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Sunday 11 Oct 16:26

Oh wowzaz Russ dat orl sownds MAYZINS!
lubs Goldie n Ruby Roo
Mwah mwah x

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 10 Oct 22:47

Russ, great to hear you are all having a lovely time in your caravan and have been on the beach! Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 10 Oct 20:03

Wow what an eventful day! I finally understand what a caravan is. It’s very nice... I’ve already stole the sofa, the bed, all the food and oh the bin. There is a washing up bowl but unfortunately it’s inside this silver thing which I can’t get to!

I FINALLY GOT ON THE BEACH!!! Yay I was so excited to get there I was dragging my hoomans along with me. They looked very silly trying not slip on the sand while I was pulling! It was very cold in burnham though...

There were so many boxes earlier you couldn’t see the caravan! It’s all sorted now! There is a lovely fenced garden so it’s all secure for me.

I look forward to tomorrow now!

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 10 Oct 08:20

Thank you it’s starting to sound exciting. I hope so Auntie Kate! I’ll let you know when I get down there!

Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 09 Oct 22:22

Have a very happy holiday in Burnham Russ! Does the caravan have a washing up bowl for you to play with? :) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 09 Oct 20:00

Someone help me please! My hoomans have gone crazy. They have stocked the house up with boxes! I have no idea what is going here. They tell me that we are going to the caravan for the first time tomorrow. I have no idea what they are going on about! What’s a caravan? What is burnham on sea? They say I will like it as the holiday park have a private beach for doggies! Sounds exciting I love the beach. They say we can go when ever we like to this caravan thing. Suppose I’ll find out what it is tomorrow!

They also stole a handful of my toys and put them in boxes! They are mine why are you hiding them from me not fair... and my blanket I want them back. They brought me a new bed and put away in a box straight away! RUDE!

Daddy put the recycling by the back door earlier ready to go out to the bin. I thought I’d be helpful and recycle them for him by ripping it all up and leaving it on the living room floor. Not sure how impressed he was though!

Lubs to all Russ Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 24 Sep 18:22

Oh Russ, hopefully your static caravan will be ready soon and you can have lots of adventures. Better not tell the furry five, they will want one too! Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 24 Sep 17:42

Hey everyone!

Last Saturday we went to Burnham-On-Sea! It was fantastic, the hoomans brought this mini house thing. I think it’s called a static caravan. They brought it so I could come with them everytime they go now as they go down a lot! I couldn’t go before as I was bad with cats... personally I think I’m great with them I love them and want to chase them but the hoomans said that’s a bad thing. Anyway after we brought the caravan we took a walk in the town. I was desperate to go on this giant sand run but dogs weren’t allowed apparently! I sulked all the way home! There is a picture of me on the Facebook group desperately trying to go up the steps!

My hoomans told me not to worry as we will have a private bit of the beach I can go on when we get our caravan! YAY!

Lubs to all,

Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 15 Sep 09:42

Russ went to a little dog party on Sunday and had the time of his life. 4 dogs all eating doggy ice cream and playing with the squeaky toys. He has done it twice now and he never wants to leave. It’s took him almost 9 months to realise he can have a lot of fun and show how much love he has got for everyone. We forgot to put the kitchen bowl back and I just turned to see him run off with it.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 10 Sep 16:50

Well, don't sleep, fuss your dog and he won't growl, bark and then kick you off the sofa. Does he care you were at work since 1am, honestly, he should report you to dogline! The shame!! X

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by BigEars

Thursday 10 Sep 10:48

It comes to something when you can’t sit down on your own sofa.Russ will let you sit down if you fuss him and if you stop you get a big sigh then a growl and a bark and then kicks you off. All day growling and kicking at you to wake you up after you have been to work since 1am is very tiring.

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 01 Sep 23:02

Thank you Auntie Kate! I really wanted one but the hoomans thought it would get in the way if it stayed on the living room floor! Russ Xx :)

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Sep 22:34

Happy Birthday little Russ! Sounds like you have had a great day...thought you might have got your own washing up bowl for your Birthday! :)))
Lots of love Kate Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 01 Sep 21:08

Oh Happy birthday Rusty Bucket once again . So pleased you have had a lovely day. Oops, sorry Russ Bouquet! Predictive text! Xxs

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 01 Sep 20:22

Thanks for the Birthday wishes! I had a fab day... it started off a bit strange as the hoomans started signing to me. Then they made me wear a ‘it’s my birthday’ bandana! I may have sulked a bit after that!I had a special breakfast and got my present! A new ball! I think I might have deafened the hoomans though. I got my own doggie cake and loads of fuss. I ended the afternoon by getting drunk! Don’t worry it was for doggies. What a day!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 01 Sep 16:13

Happy Birthday Mr Russ Bouquet!! Bet you've had a lovely day with lots of well deserved treats. xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 01 Sep 13:58

Happy birthday Russ, have a lovely day, love from Jo and the furry five. X

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 01 Sep 11:37

Happy birthday Russ, hope you have a fab day, you share your birthday with our gorgeous grey Douggie who is 4 today........have fun xxxxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 01 Sep 08:39

It’s Russ’ Birthday today! He will update you all later about his day! He is going to be very spoiled :)

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 18 Aug 23:13

Hi Auntie Kate,

No I didn’t! Unfortunately it’s now being used and I’m not allowed to have it! However I did have fun ripping up the box that dad had in his boot on the way to Broadway! I made some great art with all the gloves inside! Hope you’re well. Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 18 Aug 23:01

Russ, great to hear you have been getting out and about and enjoying yourself! Did you take your washing up bowl with you?? :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 18 Aug 19:36

Hello Everyone! Thought I’d give an update...

This weekend we went down to broadway to meet with my best friends Freddie and Bella! We had a blast! I followed Bella around everywhere! (Don’t worry Florence we are just friends) I was very well behaved apart from stealing their moms bed oh and stealing their sofa. Oh and stealing the food and keeping everyone awake at night but apart from that I was fantastic!

We found a great pet shop in broadway! I got spoilt. I got new balls and treats! Also something secret for my Birthday in a couple weeks! We had great walks and I got to see loads! It was my first stay away from home so it was very strange! I experienced new things and ate at a cafe with the hoomans. It was great!

Hope you’re all ok!
Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 10 Jul 20:12

Hi Kate, nice to hear from you too! :)

I have found daddy's bin again! I found it after barking at him to take me out! He was sleeping so I made sure I woke him by taking the bin. He knew it was me as all the rubbish fell out and I left a trail... whoops

Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 07 Jul 23:09

Russ, lovely to hear from you! You have been making yourself "useful" :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 07 Jul 16:35

Well I have been a very busy boy! I’ve been helping with some cleaning. These hoomans left these plastic boxes around so I decided to help by chewing them. It made the process of getting rid of things a lot quicker when I got hold of them. I don’t know if they appreciated my help! I left wonderful teeth marks in everything!

I also thought I’d have some fun with Mommy’s headphones. I wanted to listen to some music but I couldn’t figure out how it worked... I left them on the ground hoping mommy wouldn’t find out I borrowed them. Unfortunately I may have left some teeth marks in them too.....

I am very good boy now as I am obeying the command ‘wait’ at the road when crossing! Unfortunately the command doesn’t work when I see a cat or squirrel. We will have to work on that hehe.

I am a fuss monster. I don’t let my sister rest. If she is in the same room the rule is to Fuss me. If I’m ignored I will bark!

Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 23 Jun 08:52

We have had Russ over 6 months now and his confidence is fantastic you could say too confident. He wants fuss all the time and once he has had his late night walk you can’t shift him till lunch time the next day. He can’t be bothered to even get up for breakfast because he knows it will be still there when he gets up. He never forgets anything and chasing cats and squirrels are a hobby of his and he know where they all live in the area and looks for them when he goes out. He is a born leader and he tells us so everyday. He is always telling us what to do and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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by MontyMoo

Monday 15 Jun 20:31

Today was fantastic! It was my first long drive. We went for a social distanced meet up! I met my new friends Freddie and Bella! I got on so well with them.

I was MOSTLY good however I might have stole a sausage off one of the hoomans friends... oops. I’m shattered now!

Russ Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 07 Jun 21:28

Russ, sounds like you have had a lots of fun! :)) Sure Florence was very impressed to receive the homemade treats in the post. :)) Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 07 Jun 11:14

This week has been amazing!!! It all started with the hoomans making me these homemade treats. They are so nice! I shared them with my Girlfriend Florence so we posted them to Wales! Mom said the postman thought we were mad... Then later on in the week they were making doggy ice cream! I’m in heaven! I got to lick the bowls after and the jug they put the peanut butter in! Best week ever!
Stay Safe, Russ! Xx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 21 Apr 11:41

Wow retired life is good! I’m in charge of everything and the hoomans pamper me all day long! I always get what I want! I bark when I need to go out, I bark when it’s dinner time, I bark when I want fuss and best of all I barked last night to get on the bed! The hooman was silly enough to get up so I could take her spot! She was squashed for the rest of the night! Hehe!

I’m not allowed to have daddy’s bin as now there is a door in the way when I try to get it! At least I still have the washing up bowl!

Russ Xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 16 Apr 16:59

Oh Russ you do make me smile! Washing up bowls & bins?? You are certainly keeping your hoomans entertained - long may it continue! Stay well & safe all. x

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Apr 21:13

Russ, thank you for making me smile tonight! Bless you and your strange fixation with the washing up bowl and now the bin!! :))) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 15 Apr 20:57

Yesterday I was laughed at! How rude! I followed daddy upstairs to have some food but I didn’t get any. I was going to go back to mommy but on my way I spotted the plastic thing the hoomans put their food packets in. Think it’s called a bin. I grabbed it and put it by the washing up bowl that I also stole in the living room! The hoomans laughed as I made a lot of noise trying to get it downstairs!

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 12 Apr 11:30

I have no idea what day it is but I love it! I got a piece of my chocolate egg! I wasn’t allowed all of it which seems unfair and they didn’t let me share Peanut the hamster’s egg! Happy Easter everyone, the Easter bunny came today and I have been looking for it as I love bunnies. I’ll let you know if I find it!

Love my hoomans they were outside for most of the day yesterday. I was trying to join in with badminton but I ended up playing with my squeaky ball instead. As the hooman said down below I stole the bowl again. Mommy thought I took into the living room but turned to look outside to see me trotting along taking it to daddy at the bottom of the garden. HeHe.

Very devastated to hear Kate’s Bobby has gone over the rainbow. Run Free and we will visit the kennels once covid has gone whoever that is.

Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Friday 10 Apr 13:53

Russ is in charge of our house barks and growls at me if I stop stroking him. Barks when it’s time to go out. Likes his biscuits dunked in coffee and even brought the kitchen bowl to me in the garden and then run off. He tells us when it’s dinner time and has the best seat on the sofa and cushions to lie on. Very clever boy who is loved very much.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 25 Mar 15:37

Such a lovely update, it's nice to hear that Russ has brought so much love and joy back into your lives after losing your beloved Barney, stay well and safe xxxxx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 25 Mar 14:40

Hope everyone is safe a well! Washing their paws! It’s very odd that the hoomans are here all the time but I’m very happy because I love them so much! It will be very weird when life is normal again! I get spoilt! The hoomans give me treats and when they Fuss me they can’t stop! Daddy was fussing me and he fell asleep! I barked and kicked him to wake him up! He can’t stop! Not allowed! Lubs Russ! Xx

Note from hoomans: It has been just under 3 months since we adopted Russ! How time flies! We wouldn’t be without him. He gives us so much comfort especially in times like this! He makes us laugh everyday with his funny moment. Washing up bowl in the living room all the time and toys hitting our faces every time he gets playful! Stealing the sofa and roaching! Little greyhound farts when stretching in our faces! He is funny. Ever since we have lost Barney, Russ has really helped with his love. We still miss him everyday and wish he was still here with us to meet Russ! I know he is looking down at us smiling knowing we are happy! Anyway off to severe master Russ! Thank you daybreaks and Barney for giving us the perfect Grey! Hope you all stay safe! - Russ’ Family! Xx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 18 Mar 23:18

Apparently there is someone called Corona here. They don’t sound very nice though and everyone wants them to go away. I just want fuss! Rumour has it that hoomans will be at home more often. Especially mom and Samantha. Maybe more treats coming my way? Hope so!

Dad has tried talking to me about stealing the washing up bowl! He said it’s very kind that I want to help wash up but he would rather the bowl stayed in the kitchen! How can I do the washing up in there! It needs to be by my bed. I guess he doesn’t understand.

We had a couple visitors who I met for the first time! I was such a good hound and my hoomans are very proud of me! I got lots of Fuss and attention! Love my fuss. Even got a treat for being so good! Then after I stole the washing bowl about 10 times again! Whoops.

Russ Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 05 Mar 17:13

Hi everyone!! Russ here! Going to update you on my relaxing retirement. I still like to steal the washing up bowl. I trapped myself in the kitchen! The bowl was so big it shut the door on me. Luckily hoomans saved me but they wanted the bowl back! I told them it belongs in the living room now but they still try and take it back to the kitchen!

Hooman sister has got herself into a vets and she said she is going to practice on me! Send help.... I miss my girlfriend Florence but hopefully I’m going to see her soon!

I am getting a big collection of toys, especially squeaky balls. Samantha came home from crufts today and she came back with two balls, a squirrel toy and some treats for both me and the hamster! Bit mean they should be mine!

I’m stealing the sofa everytime a hooman gets up. I then kick all the cushions off! Hehe! I’ve also decided to take daddy’s pillow down from the bed just so my bum was comfortable!

Hope everyone is well,
Lubs Russ Xxx

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by BigEars

Thursday 27 Feb 05:36

Russ has certainly made himself at home since we have had him. He nudges you to move out the way when he wants to get on the sofa or wants some of the food you are eating. He still loves the sink bowl and moves it at least 3 times a day. He takes himself to bed at night and this morning went downstairs and gave a little bark to go out in the garden then went back to bed. He don’t let you forget breakfast and dinner. Russ is a fabulous addition to the family.

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by BigEars

Tuesday 18 Feb 05:13

I got up this morning to the bowl out the kitchen again in the middle of the living room floor. I put it back 3 times yesterday and cleaned the mess up after knocking your water bowl over again getting your food bowl. Toys everywhere after we put them away and little Russ fast a sleep in the middle of the sofa.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 14 Feb 22:29

Happy Valentines Day Russ! Lots of love to you...Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 14 Feb 20:55

I have a secret admirer..... I got a card through the post that had “I love you” on it with a very cute hound on the front. The hound was so beautiful it reminded me of my girlfriend Florence! I know the card is from her! There was even a dog biscuit inside! Yum! I lubs Florence so much and when she next comes I am taking her on a date to Ward End Park to chase squirrels! Hope you had a good day Florence and happy Valentine’s Day! Xxx

Also a big happy Valentine’s Day to the slaves as they do a lot for me and feed me when I go slamming my bowl all over the place at dinner time. They also put up with me stealing their seats and their washing up bowls, socks, dusters and other things! Wow, boy do I love them!

Last but not least happy Valentine’s Day to all of you at Daybreaks! Wouldn’t have found this loving home without all of you!

Lubs Russ Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 12 Feb 21:48

Great to hear from you BigEars :) So happy for Russ, he has a fab home! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 12 Feb 17:57

Lovely update for Russ, he sounds adorable bless him xxxxx

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by BigEars

Wednesday 12 Feb 16:49

We have had little Russ Bucket about a month now and you would of thought he had been here years. He has taken retirement very seriously with him taking the sofa and going to bed at night when he is ready. We all get a lovely greeting and a bark when we come home and he is still into playing when you grab his lead by playing hide and seek. Fabulous boy that we all adore.

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by Thethirdronnie

Monday 03 Feb 21:07

Or Rumbustious Russ! Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Monday 03 Feb 20:41

Don’t know about Russ Bouquet, maybe we should call Russ the Rascal! Keep having fun. Xxx

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by TheRetroShed

Monday 03 Feb 18:43

Love the new REHOMED photo of gorgeous cheeky Russ with his new family.. massive hugs xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Monday 03 Feb 17:48

I love this game called Food Bowl Madness. Everyday after my dinner I grab my food bowl and play with it. I even take it to my bed and chuck it everywhere. Today went to the extreme where I pushed over the whole stand which means the floor is a bit wet now..... must have been a cat! I’ll get it......

As said by hooman I like bread. This is also one of my games. Snoot Shopping. Pinch all items and eat what is edible. Don’t think I’m allowed out of the room when shopping is being put away now..... Lubs Russ Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 03 Feb 15:06

Oh Russ, never mind being called Russ Bucket, the only bucket involved here is the bucket load of character you have taken to your new home!! Xx

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by BigEars

Monday 03 Feb 04:50

Never leave your shopping on the kitchen floor with a little Russ Bucket having the freedom of the house. There goes Samantha’s bread for college. Lucky he didn’t fancy my caramel cream egg.

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by TheRetroShed

Sunday 02 Feb 09:27

By the way, Russ likes cups of tea too! He used to stick his 1 mile long snout into the tea cup whilst you were holding it, never mind when it went on the floor... Little Russ Bucket!! xx

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by TheRetroShed

Sunday 02 Feb 09:24

Massive hugs for Russ from your Christmas foster family! So happy for you, you gorgeous cheeky pointy hound. Lots of love x x x Barry, Mandy, Reggington and Crockington xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 29 Jan 20:07

I have found the sofa. Mom decided to get up and make my bed so I stole her seat. I was very comfortable! She turned around shocked! Hehe.

Told the hoomans to get up this morning. They were taking so long so had to bark for me breakfast. It is not allowed to come late..... Lubs Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Monday 27 Jan 06:19

Little Russ bucket getting more cheeky every day and if you don’t shut the kitchen door something will go missing. Every time I pick up his lead its catch me if you can. Thank you for making me get the vacuum cleaner out yesterday.

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 26 Jan 22:18

After I posted my update, I decided to play a game of “steal hoomans items” ! This is a game where you find any item that belong to hoomans and runs round the house with it! This will cause you and your hoomans to have a game of “catch me if you can” hehe. Today’s items were a long duster and a towel! Lubs Russ Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Sunday 26 Jan 20:31

Oh Russ, I’m keeping a really close eye on mom but no sign of a puppy yet. I like the idea of using the stick things to get to the squiggles, I’ll get mom to bring them next time we come but I think that will be some time away.
I love fish and chips, so mean of you mom and dad not to give you the leftovers straight away. Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 26 Jan 17:57

Hi everyone! Today has been fun, I decided to pinch the fish and chips from the bin and eat them!!!!!!! The hoomans went out the room for a few minutes so I quietly went to the bin and stole the left overs! Oops...

Florence I hope you find the puppy soon, if you do I want to meet him or her! Maybe those long sticks that your mom has might help us climb the trees in Ward End Park! Lubs Russ xx

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by BigEars

Thursday 23 Jan 05:03

Russ had really made himself at home. For the first time last night he took himself to bed. He came downstairs with me at 1.25am before I went to work for his walk without being asked. Only thing is now when I pick up his lead he gets in his bed so I have to give him a treat to get up to go out.

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by Thethirdronnie

Tuesday 21 Jan 20:53

Russ Bouquet, glad you only drank a small amount of coffee, could have been a disaster! Florence is very well and had a good run on the beach this morning, can’t wait till you can visit. Fuss Bouquet sends here love. Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 21 Jan 07:30

Luckily Auntie Klaire I only had a small amount! Otherwise I would have kept them awake all night! HeHe! Hope Florence is well! Russ Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Monday 20 Jan 20:33

Did he spend all afternoon on a high? Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Monday 20 Jan 17:21

Today I was cheeky apparently! Well all I did was walk into the living room and had a drink! There was a mug of liquid which is where daddy dumps his biscuits. Apparently it’s called coffee. He is always drinking it and I like what they like so I tried it! I didn’t really like it but afterwards I saw daddy run into the room like a lunatic saying my coffeeeeeeeee! HeHe. Mommy didn’t help him much and was just laughing! Lubs Russ! Xx

Note from Hooman Slaves: Russ is a lovely boy he is just so well behaved. It’s incredible. Hasn’t messed in the house and asks to go out! He even moves for you so you can get past when he is eating! He is an amazing handsome lad. So lucky to have him here with us. His Christmas foster parents clearly taught him well! Xx

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by BigEars

Monday 20 Jan 11:49

I wonder who drank my coffee ?

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 19 Jan 20:05

Florence has gone home now! It was sooooooo good to meet you and I lubs you soooo much. Couldn’t ask for a better cousin and girlfriend! I really really hope we see each other soon! I had great fun over the weekend! Xxx

Launch day was fantastic and it was great to see everyone there and to know all that money was raised so incredible! It was very busy and was wonderful but I did get slightly anxious as it was so crowded but I got loads of Fuss. Me has greyt free samples of food. Me lubs food. See you all soon, Russ Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 18 Jan 19:28

Hello everyone! Today has been mad but amazing at the same time! It all started at the kennels! It was amazing! I saw Auntie Jo and Auntie Kate, love them to bits and was great to see them! Me, Florence and the gang all went in the sand run. We went mad and was running for ages! So fun and afterwards I got a great new collar! I just love these hoomans.

When we got home the slaves left me and Florence with a dog sitter! It was great, fuss all day. I even got the chance to ask Florence out on a little date!!!! It went well and I think she might be my girlfriend, well I hope so anyway! It’s been a great day and when the slaves got back they brought loads of people back! FUSS! The house was full and it was great meeting new people. I have now learnt the doorbell brings me fuss and love! Yay!

Launch day tomorrow, very excited to go and see everyone! Hope to see TheRetroShed too! What an exciting weekend! Unfortunately Florence has to leave tomorrow but I have had a great time with her. Our waggy tail competitions in the night and our musical beds. I really hope to meet up soon!

Lubs Russ Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 17 Jan 18:31

This is strange. A new hound has entered my house.... she is pretty so I’m trying to get on her good side! I want her to like me so I’m protecting her. We went on a walk and I didn’t leave her side. I am thinking of asking her on a date while to hoomans are out for their meal.... any tips??? I hope Florence likes me too....

On another note me and Florence have already shared games of Musical beds and had a competition of the most waggy tail. We are getting on and we are being very good! The hoomans are proud! I’m excited for the Run tomorrow with hopefully my new girlfriend and Aunite Jo with the gang. Sorry Flloyd I hope there are no hard feelings about me having a crush on Florence! Lubs Russ xx

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by mamamoo

Thursday 16 Jan 16:06

Very happy for Russ and his new home :)

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 15 Jan 22:42

Last night I slept very well! Today has been eventful though... It all started with going to the vets... Not a great start to the day in my opinion but oh well. They were the horrible people that made me feel pain. Nothing to worry about today though just had my vaccination. All went well and apparently I was a very good boy! The vet checked me over to see how I have recovered from the op! Again she said it has all healed amazingly well! I saw two cats there. I was giving them a good stare but nothing worryingly and didn’t go for them or get excited.

After that eventful morning we all went to Pets At Home! That was fun. While we were there I saw a spaniel who I was very good with. We got to the till and I saw this pig toy. I instantly wanted it and gave my hoomans the sad eyes so they could get it for me... for £3 they couldn’t grumble... I think the only time they will is when I play with it for about 2 hours... whoops! Russ Xx

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by BigEars

Wednesday 15 Jan 07:30

Don’t know why they thought you were mischievous. Russ had a big sleep last night on my day off and never moved all night.

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by Thethirdronnie

Tuesday 14 Jan 21:08

Oh Russ, please don’t be naughty, we might not be allowed to go to the run at Daybreaks! I can’t wait for Friday either, I am watching mom very closely so she doesn’t sneak off without me on Friday morning. Lubs Florence xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 14 Jan 17:35

Hello everyone! I’m apparently an ‘official rehomed dog’! Yesterday was amazing we all went to the kennels and the only thing I remember about it is sleeping and seeing cats! Was very interesting. Then as I was having the picture taken I caught interest on a bird it was so much fun, I didn’t want to leave. When I got home it got better! I was given a huge caterpillar which has now lost an antennae, whoops I might have got a bit too carried away! After that I got a doggy muffin. How exciting. All I can say is it didn’t last long....

Last night I had an excitable moment! Daddy left for work and I decided to go downstairs and take interest in the hamster! I can’t reach it but I was staring at it and moved everything from the cabinet next to it! I was soon caught out. After that I happily slept! Hehe I am being trained to leave hammy alone! I was left for an hour today! Very rude. I didn’t damage anything which was good but I dug the rug up! Hehe! When they returned I barked at them for ignoring me because they were too busy putting the shopping away. Just rude! I forgave them when they gave me a new toy. It’s a pig but sounds like a duck. Very strange. So that meant I had a mad 10 minutes taking all the toys out and annoying the hoomans with squeaks. Not long now until I meet Florence, very exciting. The good thing about our house is we have been getting a lot of squiggles recently so it very exciting! We can chase them down the garden together! See you Friday! Russ! Xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 14 Jan 10:58

Little Russ Bucket has been a little mischievous while people are a sleep.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 13 Jan 21:24

Lots of love to Russ and his new family! :)) Xxx

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by Greytness

Monday 13 Jan 19:28

Congratulations on your new home russ, hope that you have a wonderful retirement.

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 13 Jan 19:01

Kongwatyoulayshuns Russ, yous landis on yous pawsys dere mayte! Spoyult isnt a wurd dat qweyet cuvvaz how yous life is gonna bes *nods*
Lubs n kissez
Miss Goldikova ans Da Ruby Roo Pearce
mwah mwah mwah xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 13 Jan 16:31

Aw well done Russ, wishing you lots of great times with your new family xxxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Monday 13 Jan 15:55

Welcome to the family Russ Bouquet! Can’t wait to meet you on Friday. You’ve got a wonderful home and family. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 12 Jan 21:22

Glad you're feeling better Russ. .Sounds like you are in for a good day tomorrow! Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 12 Jan 20:49

I’ve just been caught moving daddy’s pillow to a better position. I needed it to make sure I’m was comfy, sorry daddy your pillow is mine now! Russ Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 12 Jan 20:15

Last night went a lot better and he quietly slept which he did before his op. He is a great boy! He has definitely got better as he has started pinching things from the kitchen... Tomorrow he will be spoilt! He will have a new toy, little doggy cake and of course an official home with love! Russ will come back tomorrow with his own story!

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by TheRetroShed

Sunday 12 Jan 13:15

Thanks for your comments and I'm so glad Russ is settling in. Would have kept him for sure so he means the world to us! Poor boy must have been in pain, he slept silently through the night with Reggie, so we know he can do it.It was a pleasure to have him here with Reg and the general Crockmeister! Best wishes to Russ and family. You have a special hound there.. x

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 11 Jan 19:19

After a restless night, Russ seems a lot better. He definitely found his bark and was whining in pain all night bless him! He must have been in so much pain. He ate his breakfast today and had his medication which I think helped. His been a good boy today apart from trying to lick the private part shell we say... Definitely loves his food and follows us immediately into the kitchen. We hope tonight goes well and hopefully he will be slightly more comfortable.... We absolutely can’t wait until it’s all official in a couple days! He is one special boy! We want to thank everyone at Daybreaks and TheRetroShed and family for taking such great care of Russ during his stay at the kennels and Christmas! He has definitely learnt a lot with his experience of a home! Xx

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by TheRetroShed

Saturday 11 Jan 09:51

I'm just catching up on Russ's news, its been a busy week! So very very happy for gorgeous Russ. We were only wondering about him this morning. He's such a very gorgeous and gentle boy. Wonderful news and we'll look forward to seeing him at the launch day. We miss him but so glad he's found his loving place to call home x x

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by BigEars

Saturday 11 Jan 04:19

A restless night for Russ think he is in a little bit of discomfort but that is understandable I would be. Keeps coming to us for sympathy.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 10 Jan 21:43

Hope Russ is feeling better tonight. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 10 Jan 20:28

Russ, mom told me that you were my new cousin. I can’t wait to meet you next weekend and play in the sand run! I just love squiggles so will be sure to try and sneak a spade into my bag. Looking forward to wagging tails together. Lubs Florence xxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 10 Jan 19:42

Russ has come back to us now he has been neutered! His operation went well and the vets said he was a good boy! There were no teeth removed just a clean. He is very wobbly which is expected and not up to eating. Tomorrow he should be feeling a little better, bless him! Thanks for choosing us as your Slaves Russ! Xx

Ps I can’t wait until Florence and Russ meet! They are going to be very cute together and I’m sure Barney will be very happy watching on. Russ likes to change beds so I’m sure there may be a few games of musical beds! Don’t worry Florence he also has a waggy tail! Russ thinks you should also bring a spade so you can build a tunnel to ward end park! We went there the other day and I think the whole population of squirrels were there! He thinks you two should dig your way there! Xx

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by BigEars

Friday 10 Jan 15:34

Picked up little Russ who is a little groggy and back at our house in 1 of his 3 beds being pampered. That’s it now is permanent home and I hope he enjoys his retirement with us.

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by BigEars

Friday 10 Jan 09:46

Poor boy Russ don’t worry we will pamper you later. The girls don’t understand.

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 10 Jan 08:50

Good Luck with your neutering operation today Russ! Thinking about you and we will see you later! :) xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 09 Jan 19:12

So happy for you Russ xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 09 Jan 17:40

So happy for Russ :) He has found himself a lovely home! Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Thursday 09 Jan 15:15

:)))) So happy and excited to officially give Russ his forever sofa. I can promise he will be well cared for. I guess we are part of the FFP club???..... Russ will be coming along with us to the launch day. Very exciting!!! We hope that all of Russ’ friends get their sofa soon! Xx

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by BigEars

Thursday 09 Jan 15:02

Well done little Russ Bucket we passed all your tests xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 09 Jan 13:46

Way to go Russ! You have found your forever sofa. Sending love. Xxx

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by TheRetroShed

Monday 06 Jan 19:08

Has someone new fostered the gorgeous Russ? I think of him every day the lovely boy. We've got our fingers and paws crossed for him and hope his forever home comes very soon x

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by TheRetroShed

Thursday 02 Jan 13:54

Miss you already gorgeous boy. Huge hugs for you fella x x

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by BigEars

Thursday 02 Jan 10:51

I want him but got out voted to the other gorgeous cuddle monster. Sounds a dream.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 02 Jan 10:21

We have welcomed our first dog back to Daybreaks! Russ has been an absolutely brilliant boy whilst out on foster and loves his fuss..... want a cuddlemonster - this is the boy for you!

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 31 Dec 21:44

Theretroshed and Mamamoo please reconsider this, you were if I remember rightly tempted by another girl! I am not one to encourage (really) but this sounds like the perfect match. See you or the kennels!!!

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by mamamoo

Tuesday 31 Dec 17:07

I can only concur - he is a little treasure and I can only hope he gets the best forever home that he deserves xx

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by TheRetroShed

Tuesday 31 Dec 09:48

Christmas Foster Report: We are nearing the end of Russ's Christmas holiday with us and its going to tougher than you lot know to bring him back! In all honesty, if we didn't already have 2 big dogs we would take Russ in a heartbeat. What can I say? Russ is one of the most gorgeous dogs I have ever met. Very quiet, polite, gentle, loving and considering he's never been in a house before - a very quick learner. I don't know if its because he's here with Reggie and Crockett and learned from them, but he sit quietly to have his feet cleaned, toilets outside properly, beds down quietly and is just a dream of a dog. He deserves the best forever home in the world! Great with kids and other dogs. Gets a bit excitable when he sees small dogs and squirrels etc, but to be expected until he learns. Walks well on the lead too! Someone please take this dog into your heart and home - Don't overlook him at the kennel as he does sit on his bed quietly. The twice we saw him, he just sat quietly on his bed and showed no intention of getting up! He will come to you for hugs - lots of them once he gets to know you. He's simply gorgeous xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 29 Dec 08:00

Great update on Russ.......what a dreamboat!!!! Xxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 28 Dec 22:47

Great to hear Russ is doing well in his foster home...I always said I wouldn't have more than two Greyhouds, but I now have four! All beautiful. :)) Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 28 Dec 18:37

How lovely to hear how Russ is getting on. It can be quite daunting going into a new environment, yes he has had a couple of hiccups but sounds like he is doing well. Three dogs is very rarely more difficult than having two....just saying. Thanks so very much for fostering him over Christmas. Love Jo and the furry FIVE!!!!!! X

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by BigEars

Saturday 28 Dec 16:52

Russ also sounds a darling and also keeping an eye on his posts. Could be a tough decision ahead.

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by mamamoo

Saturday 28 Dec 15:53

Day 7 fostering - Russ is such a lovely boy. He is a quick learner and has already learnt (mostly) to pee outside,- only 3 'accidents' in total, climb stairs, stand still while his paws are wiped, and not to steal food off the worktops - again, mostly.
He walks well on the lead - gets a bit excited when he sees smaller dogs but nothing worryingly so. He was great with visitors and small children over Christmas.
He sleeps in our bedroom with Reggie all night. No whining and can wait until morning for a pee.
We left all 3 dogs for 3 half hours yesterday and I think he may have got a little stressed out as he managed to bolt the front door (locking us out) of home and knocked a plate off the drainer smashing it on the floor. Whoops!
He is very loving, wants lots of cuddles and is very affectionate. We would have no hesitation in keeping him but for the fact that we have 2 dogs already.
He will make a lovely companion and pet for the right humans. We will miss him very much when it is time for him to go back to the kennels.

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by TheRetroShed

Monday 23 Dec 15:11

Russ is a lovely, loving boy who follows us around the house! Walks great on the lead, loves to lie on his bed and so far has been a lovely boy. His only issue at the moment is he's far too interested in Reggie who doesn't share his "enthusiasm" shall we say! x

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by jetlucy

Sunday 15 Dec 21:32

Lucky boy Russ...good luck and have a fab Christmas! Xxx

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by mamamoo

Sunday 15 Dec 16:02

We have been to visit Russ today and he was so lovely on a walk and with our Crockett & Reggie that we are going to 'borrow' him over the xmas period. Big hugs & kisses Russ xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 09 Dec 18:38

Russ is a super boy. So good on his walk and so lovely in his kennel. Kisses for him tonight xxxx

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by mamamoo

Monday 09 Dec 17:50

Russ seems so sad - my heart breaks for him.

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by shanishoo

Friday 06 Dec 19:39

I wonder if Russ and Princess remember each other, he's very cute xxxxx

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by RosieP

Friday 06 Dec 19:16

Ahhh Russ. You look a bit despondent. I'm sure you'll soon perk up with all the love you'll get at Daybreaks. Big hugs to you and you have my cuddle today xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Dec 17:26

This lad is the litter Brother of Princess! How exciting!! :)) Xxx

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