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About Me

Racing Name
Drahbeg Gold
Date of birth
19 may 2015
Land of birth
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
IE Ireland
Family tree & race history


male, 9 years old, Fawn

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Sunday 15 Sep

Gold has had 0 cuddles today (19 all together).
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by cloggyerik

Wednesday 17 Feb 08:43

I been keeping an eye on developments with Gold. I am really pleased he is re-homed, third time lucky :-). Be patient and clear boundaries will be the key for him and lots and lots of love. Good luck Gold

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by Shanesmum

Monday 15 Feb 16:38

Keeping everything crossed for you sweetheart, be happy. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 14 Feb 22:37

Lots of love to Gold, be happy! :) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 14 Feb 15:30

Ouch!!!!, poor Gold, I hope he is ok, it must be sore bless him, wishing Gold and his new owners lots of fun times together xxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 14 Feb 11:24

Gold had a visit from his previous owners this morning to say good luck and goodbye. As they left I threw a ball for him to distract him from them leaving and he ran into the kitchen and caught his dew claw again! Blood dripping so I had no option but to pull the fractured claw off. He was so brave!
His new mum and dad arrived shortly after and he is already gone! Good luck fella xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 13 Feb 08:10

Well done Gold, fingers crossed for you sweetheart. X

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 12 Feb 23:45

So very happy for Gold. He is a lovely lad just a bit grumpy at times, but who of us isn't? Best of luck, you deserve it.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 12 Feb 22:22

Wonderful news for Gold! Hoping he will finally be able to relax and enjoy life. Really hope this will be his forever home. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Friday 12 Feb 22:02

Fabulous so pleased for you gold xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 12 Feb 19:12

Such fantastic news for this special boy, I am so happy for him and his new owners xxxxx

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by rumblesmom

Friday 12 Feb 18:21

just got back to find gold reserved yay!!! made my day infact my week funny how sometimes things are meant to be as shanesmom quite rightly says

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 12 Feb 17:28

I have been assessing Gold since he was brought to my house on Monday and what a fabulous boy he has been.
Today a very good friend of mine (and very experienced greyhound owner) and her partner came to see him... Gold was absolutely besotted and couldn’t get enough fuss!
We went for a walk and back at our house he showed his passion for his ball and as it was thrown across the room he ran into my granddaughter clock and it fell over and the front smashed scattering glass everywhere!
This didn’t phase Gold or deter them and therefore I’m pleased to say he has bagged himself a home! He is off on Sunday and I’m so happy for him.
He has become a totally different boy in just a few days - every day building more trust with us and I am sure he will thrive with his new owners x

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by Shanesmum

Friday 12 Feb 16:39

Hi rumblesmom - good to hear from you, it's been a while! We always say that just as there is a dog for every home, there is a home for every dog. Sometimes a particular hound needs the right environment in which to thrive, and occasionally it can take a while to find that for them. Gold is such a beautiful boy whose needs are just a bit different from most other Greys - and his environment is out there.

Good to hear that Cadbury is doing well and enjoying life in his world. Stay safe & well, Angie x

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by rumblesmom

Thursday 11 Feb 18:58

just had to make a comment on this beautiful boy.Many of you who know me will be aware i have a dog called Cadbury who displayed many of the traits Gold has.Well we took him on 5 years ago, we have had alot of guidance and help from Ruth and kate and we now have the most wonderful loving dog.Don,t get me wrong he still has his moments but what we have learnt is that with training on both sides we live within a structured pattern and Cadbury is very happy with this. He only trusts 5 people in the world but that,s ok.If i didn,t have 2 already at home he would be in my boot.He will need alot of love and patience but with Ruth alongside you you will end up with the most fantastic dog someone give him a chace.

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 10 Feb 21:15

I love the daybreaks policy and actually wasn't aware of it! So pleased 'troubled' dogs have people like you Ruth as like with people, there's normally an underlying cause and previous owners have done exactly right by gold to give him back rather than give up on him, so well done them too. Good luck gold xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 10 Feb 14:01

Just noticed that Gold has Ben fostered, great news for the boy xxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 10 Feb 12:33

Oh bless him, I hope he finds the home and help that he so obviously needs, I'm sure things will come good for him xxxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 10 Feb 09:07

Unfortunately Gold was returned to my house on Monday.

We had seen him at the kennels on Saturday after he had been in the sand run and unfortunately he had caught his dew claw which he happily let me look at. He has gained weight and looked great.

However intermittently he has been getting very grumpy with his owners and snapped at them on several occasions in different circumstances which we have been trying to help and advise on.

However on Sunday evening whilst having his paws wiped after a walk, he went for his owner and caught his arm and chest.
Understandably his owners are getting more anxious and upset with his unpredictable behaviour.

I have therefore been assessing him at mine and yes - he can be very grumpy if he is made to do something he doesn't want to do!

He had a crate with his previous owners which I had lent him which he liked as it was a safe den but at our house he has a bed that he seems quite happy on.

The first day he ran up our stairs but couldn't get down and when I put a slip lead on him to guide him down, his growls were frightening - but equally he was frightened. We popped a muzzle on him and Andy carried the big fella down without a peep!

Yesterday at the kennels he was able to wander about but during the course of the day - happily greeting our handful of volunteers and visitors, however one of the volunteers caught his toes as he was shutting the kitchen door = growl (but his foot had been hurt).

He has looked so sad since he was returned but I found the way to finally make him happy! A ball! He spent nearly an hour bouncing around with his flashing ball last night and I have put footage on Facebook.

At bed time (he sleeps downstairs quietly and is totally and perfectly clean) However Andy went to put his fleecy coat on to be greeted with a growl (oops just like me - I am grumpy when I am tired!) so he slept without a coat last night. This morning, he happily stood to have it put on!!!!

This is the second time he has been returned - unfortunately the first time was when he jumped onto the owners bed whilst she was asleep and when she moved without knowing he was there he snapped at her arm causing her to bleed.

He seems to know he has done wrong when he snaps as he looks so sad afterwards.

The Daybreaks policy is NEVER to put a greyhound to sleep unless it is ill and it is to relieve suffering recommended by a vet. Therefore I am going to keep working with him and will be searching for a very experience owner willing to take him on as a foster hopefully soon.

He has been brilliant with Tiggy and Momma but I suspect he may prefer being a home that is quiet (definitely no children).

Sorry for the essay but this is to give a clearer picture of Gold as we want what is best for him. Give me a call if you think you can help or have any questions.....

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 19 Oct 15:06

Have been thinking about you Gold and hoping you're being a very good boy for your new family. Look forward to getting updates. x

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 18 Oct 22:18

Fabulous news gorgeous - I really hope all goes well for you and your new family. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 18 Oct 20:23

Brilliant news Gold! Be happy. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 18 Oct 16:01

Over the moon for you Gold, be super happy in your new forever home xxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 07 Oct 17:11

So very sorry things didn't work out for Gold and his family. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 07 Oct 16:11

Gutted for you Gold, so sorry things didn't work out this time, your forever home is out there just waiting for you, you get my cuddle today xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 07 Oct 16:00

Sadly Timmy (Gold) has been returned today. He is a lovely boy, clean in the house and loves his food. He is quite strong on the lead and it was felt by his owner that he needs a home with a stronger person to walk him, he seems to respond well to male voices. He would also benefit from being the only dog in the family.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 28 Sep 18:03

So very happy for Timmy (Gold), he has a wonderful family and fur sister. Thanks for giving him a lovely home. X

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Sunday 27 Sep 22:22

Happy retirement gorgeous Timmy. Lovely new name (although I'll still sing "Gold" if I see or hear about you). You're related to our Skip. Skip's Dad is Vans Escalade who is Timmy's Grandad. x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 Sep 21:45

Wishing Timmy a very happy new life! Lovely new name for him! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 27 Sep 17:15

All the very best to you and your new family my lovely boy - wishing you all many happy times ahead. xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 27 Sep 16:54

Aw Gold, something tells me you are going to be spoilt in your new forever home, enjoy your retirement sweetheart xxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 24 Sep 22:24

Gold went off to the vets for his neutering operation this morning. He was such a good boy in the car. He was very wobbly when Richard and I collected him this afternoon. His front legs walked one way and his back legs another! He enjoyed his dinner when he got back to the kennels and we left him snuggled in a fleecy coat. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 18 Sep 17:34

Ah Mr Gold, thankyou for my kisses today. You enjoyed yourself lounging outside in the feeding run, keeping an eye on what we were getting up to.

You also had fun playing with a ball in the sand run this afternoon - not long now until you will be off to your forever home. We had plenty of cuddles during the day, but you can have another tonight too my gorgeous. xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Sunday 13 Sep 21:44

Gold is such a lovely boy. He walked well and was very good when Simon and I did his health check. It was lovely to meet his new family. He's going to be very spoilt and I don't think it will be long before he's eating well (he liked the frankfurter sausages we brought in for all the residents as a treat for their tea).
As Spandau Ballet were my favourite group when I was a teenager, I spent a lot of the day singing "Gold" and had others joining in! x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 13 Sep 21:09

So pleased for our handsome boy! :)) Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 13 Sep 16:33

Oh my gorgeous, a red sign already - well done. xxx

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by RosieP

Sunday 13 Sep 11:14

So happy to see you’re reserved Gold. You are such a handsome boy with a lovely temperament xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 12 Sep 18:04

Well done gorgeous boy xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 12 Sep 12:13

There is always much noise & excitement when we open the kennel blocks in the morning, which is understandable as the dogs are happy to see someone and know its almost time to go out for a wee or two!!

However this gorgeous fella gets down off his bed and stands quietly and calmly looking through the bars at you, then after you have said "Good Morning" and passed by, he gets back on his bed and waits patiently until its his turn to come out.

Sadly he is not eating too well at the minute - so I brought him a tray of Crave chicken pate this morning which went down rather well (not really favouritism you understand, he is a big boy and we cant have him losing weight!!). xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Sep 22:32

I agree with Shanesmum...Gold is a super lad! John said if we didn't already have three gorgeous Greyhounds he would let me bring him home! :)) Gold loves a cuddle but he doesn't like Dentastix! :))))

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by Shanesmum

Friday 11 Sep 20:28

Oo I am smitten!! Although I am usually a "black Greyhound" person, this gorgeous, unusually marked boy is a stunner. So quiet and clean in his kennel, well mannered out and about, he had great fun playing with a ball in the sand run this morning, and enjoyed a walk this afternoon. He will make an amazing companion. Big cuddles for him tonight. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 08 Sep 23:16

Gold is a really lovely lad. He is so good in his kennel and he loves going for a walk. He is good with the other Daybreaks residents. He hasn't been eating very well at the moment, he is enjoying dinner more than breakfast. Otherwise he is quite settled; just waiting for that special someone to come along and take him home! :) Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Sep 23:23

Many thanks to Erik for taking Gold to the park this morning. Great photos of him enjoying the scenery. :) He is a lovely lad, who is very quiet in his kennel and enjoys going out for a walk. Xxx

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by cloggyerik

Monday 07 Sep 13:15

Today I took out Golden for a walk. He was keen to leave his kennel, I suppose we all would. He went in the car fine. He either stood up or laid down most of the journey to Kingsbury Park today. He did the same on the way back. He travels well, but he is not a happy traveller seemed stressed. This is not an issue if I think of our Charlotte, who always wants to come with me, not keen to go in the car and is stressed, but she does travel well never had any issue. Same for me and flying.

When we arrived in the Park you quickly jumped out. Ears pricked-up and very attentive. We saw a lot of ducks but not overly interested. We also came across a Husky who greeted you eagerly and you had a good sniff. They also had two Labradors but you were not interested. Our walk took us through some forested areas and you explored all keenly.

I must say, that I was a bit disappointed that it was so quite in the park, the rain did not help so I could not fully expose you to different experiences. Nevertheless, you still managed to investigate a pram. There was a tractor and cars non bothered you. A toddler was looking at you and again you were not interested. There were two animals that did interest you, as small dog running in the distance and geese on the lake

Gold thank you for the walk today, I really enjoyed walking you. At no point was there any pulling, you responded well to direction changes. You appear to be a relaxed boy who will love his cuddles and be easy to have around. I am impressed how you behaved during your first walk in the big world. Well done and hope you soon have your forever home.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 05 Sep 23:17

The viewing for Gold were the family who took Diva home :) So.....
If you are interested in meeting this handsome lad please give the Kennels a call, :))

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 05 Sep 19:40

He is a gorgeous boy, and a viewing already for tomorrow. X

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by shanishoo

Saturday 05 Sep 18:15

How gorgeous!!!!!! Xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 05 Sep 16:58

Welcome handsome - am guessing your stay with us will be a short one!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 05 Sep 13:30

Gold is a very handsome boy! Xxx

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