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About Me

Racing Name
Go Easy Now
Date of birth
24 jun 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Liffeydale LassIE-SEP-01-BK
Family tree & race history

Evi (Tippie)

female, 18 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Her pet name is Tippie. She is very happy to go for walks and be with you. She is good with other dogs and children and much improved with cats. She thrives on any attention and love she gets and will make a loving companion for someone her trainer says.

Evi (Tippie) has had 0 cuddles today (49 all together).
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by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 10 Feb 08:05

I am so, so sorry to hear this sad news. Evi was a sweetheart, I remember her so well and was delighted when you homed her. She had the best life with you. Run free precious girl xxx

by mary/john

Wednesday 10 Feb 06:26

so sorry Run free Evi xx

by TJ

Tuesday 09 Feb 23:44

Another bright star shines in the sky. Run free gorgeous girl. Biggest of hugs to your family Evi. xxxx

by michelleandbertie

Tuesday 09 Feb 22:58

so sorry to hear of the loss of three lovely hounds , its such sad news, try to take some comfort in the knoledge that they had loving homes and knew they were loved, run free my beauties x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 09 Feb 22:09

God Bless your beautiful very sad, thinking of you. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 09 Feb 20:53

So sorry. Run free Evi. Xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 09 Feb 20:37

So very very sorry for loss. Run free precious.xxxxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 09 Feb 19:03

Cinders I was so very sorry to read your heartbreaking news as like many others will too, I remember when you posted after her diagnosis. You gave Evi a fantastic life, loved her to the max and did everything you could to help her fight her condition.
Hang on to all those happy memories of your sweet, pretty, funny and quirky girl and I hope time will prove to be a great healer for you.
Run free Evi, reunited with your greyhound sister.

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 09 Feb 18:43

We are so sorry for your loss we are thinking of you and your family two in just a short while cant imagine how you feel run free beautiful girls big hugs to you all xx

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by cinders

Tuesday 09 Feb 15:30

Our Evi lost her long battle with kidney failure a few days ago. She was incredibly well until a couple of days before she departed then her kidneys just gave out and the vert said it was the kindest thing. She survived for nearly double the time we were predicted, so we feel blessed in that way, but I couldn't even put anything on the website for a few days as I have been so devastated. This time last year we had two beautiful healthy girls and have lost both in 11 months. Both were unique and gave us some of the happiest times I have ever experienced. At the moment, however, we are in one of the saddest. Evi really was the sweetest, prettiest, funniest, quirkiest little greyhound you could imagine. I will always love her with all my heart xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 15 Jul 06:48

Fabulous news.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Jul 22:10

What great news for Evi! So happy for you all. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Tuesday 14 Jul 21:09

Aaaaaw......this fabulous news has made my day!
Really chuffed for you and hope that the improvements continue.
xxxxxxxxxxx for Evi

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by cinders

Tuesday 14 Jul 20:30

Evi has had another checkup. Her creatinine (?) levels have halved! Hopefully thanks to the medication, special diet and homeopathic remedies courtesy of Lori Rose. The vet doesn't want to see her again for two months! Thank you for all your help and advice. We are very relieved! xx

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by cinders

Sunday 07 Jun 19:32

I just cooked one of the recipes from the ngap kidney diet! A type of chicken stew with butternut squash and other veggies. I've never seen Evi eat with such enthusiasm in my life! Thank you DuleekDandy and everyone else. Even though it's awful knowing that she is poorly it's lovely being able to care for her like this and make things that she really relishes xx

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by cinders

Sunday 07 Jun 10:36

Thank you Sebby, it does help a lot! A few more things to add to my shopping list! xx

by sebby

Saturday 06 Jun 22:36

Cinders, I used to give my little ted, the very soft chicken chews (meaty chews) but only half at a time, also which he loved I would give him half dairylea cheese triangle and also arrowroot biscuits but again only half at a time. I also boiled whole fresh chicken for him with vegs, he was not given the skin from chicken as my vet advised me to just feed him the meat not the skin. As a weekend treat he would also have just the egg custard (not the pastry) from a custard tart, his pals would stand waiting patiently for the pastry from the custard tart. I hope this helps, u and evie. (P.S. I read further down someone saying about cooking the raw tripe I really wouldn't cook it, It is recommended to be fed raw)

by cinders

Saturday 06 Jun 21:11

It does have the worst smell doesn't it?! Evi did eat a bit but seemed a little suspicious - maybe she has just got to get used to it! By the way, those of you that have mentioned that you have experience of dogs with kidney problems like "sebby" - did you manage to find any treats that were suitable for your greyhound? Evi always used to get a dentastick or something like that in the evening but I don't want to give her many things like that now. Nothing with high salt content like pigs ears or anything like that. I have the additional problem that she can't chew very well as she hardly has any teeth so a lot of the natural hard chews are out of the question too! I just feel bad that she may have to forego some of the things she used to enjoy xx

by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 06 Jun 16:46

Hi Cinders After reading all the posts re the tripe we remembered we had a bag of the Natures Menu in our freezer so got a bit out for our 2 greys tea to mix with their fresh chicken/Burns Tried it raw this time rather than cooked as I hate the smell when its cooking! Think ours prefer it cooked tho !! Guess I will still have to put a peg on my nose !! Wishing you all the're doing just great trying everything x x x x

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by cinders

Saturday 06 Jun 10:01

Thank you DuleekDandy, that's great! I have a packet of it now and am just defrosting it, I hope she likes it!! It really does seem it has helped other dogs. Also, that's really helpful, I am going to do as you suggest and feed one morning and one evening. The kidney diet page is now in my favourites too! I have just compiled my shopping list for tomorrow and am going to try cooking her some of those recipes. Even though I'm really worried about her, part of me is really reinvigorated by the fact that there seem so many options to help her. And Wispa's mum, I'm going to call Lori Rose and give that a try too, as that is another great avenue I can pursue, thank you! xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 06 Jun 09:16

Hi Cinders, in January 2015 we were told (and saw the scans and blood tests confirmed) of our dear Basil and his liver and kidneys were absolutely terrible - almost non functioning and polycystic. I contacted Lori Rose the homeopathic vet and I am sure to this day that he kept going for almost a year an a half with the assistance of this along with what was prescribed from the vets. We were desperately clutching at straws - literally tried everything going but It was just his back legs that let him down in the end. It is worth a try........ x

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by DuleekDandy

Friday 05 Jun 20:44

Looking at the PaH website it says that it is green, unbleached tripe Cinders xx

by DuleekDandy

Friday 05 Jun 18:31

Hi Cinders, I'm so sorry to hear that Evi is poorly.
I would second what Linda said about getting some from Pets at Home to try.....I get the large bags and find they are good for taking out some to defrost.
As for the raw/kibble mixed about giving some tripe in the morning and then the kibble late afternoon? The reason they say not to mix is that it is believed that the raw is digested much quicker than the kibble.

Also, have a look at this......may give you some tips

Sending love & positive thoughts xx

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by cinders

Friday 05 Jun 18:25

Thank you muddypaws for your kind words and encouragement. And LindaPaul, that's great as well, I have got some minced tripe from pets at home now - I don't think it's the green tripe, but it does look good and I'm going to try Evi on it tomorrow. Sebby, that's brilliant, what you did is exactly what I thought of doing, mixing the dry food with a bit of green tripe on top. I'm a worrier just like you! I also read somewhere that tap water isn't great so I am now filtering all of Evi's water. Trial and error is fine - Evi is worth it! I'm going to phone Julie about the homeopathic vet treatment too. Evi is going to get every single chance she can, and I am so grateful to you all for helping her and me like this xx

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by sebby

Friday 05 Jun 16:29

I first started with my ted just feeding Canin Renal dry diet which I did soak, he ate it at first BUT to me it looked so bland (compared to what his grey pals were getting) I then introduced a small bit of green tripe on top of his feed. To be honest it was all a case of trial and error, I monitord him daily (if not hourly) am bit of a worrier, BUT I can say this ted lived an awful lot longer than was originally thought and enjoyed his life until I knew it was time for him to play up above. I hope this info helps u all.

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by LindaPaul

Friday 05 Jun 16:03

Hi Cinders. You should find the Nature's Menu frozen minced tripe in places like Pets at Home or Just for Pets. It comes in blocks which are about 500g but you can get bigger bags. Really sorry your lovely Evi is unwell. Keeping everything crossed for her. Julie Sadler is the one to talk to about homeopathic vets etc. Sure her number is on the south Birmingham training class link on this site. Xx

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by cinders

Friday 05 Jun 13:38

Thank you, that looks really good. But can I feed a mixture of raw and kibble? The vet really thinks we need to have her on the royal canin renal diet, and I know that this does seem very effective. But I want to give her some good quality raw protein too. Some internet pages say you can't do a mixture, others say it's fine! I want to give her every chance by doing the renal diet and the green trip, which some people seem to swear by, but I don't want to do more harm than good by mixing! Does anyone know? thank you!

by muddypaws

Friday 05 Jun 11:00

Hi Cindy & Phil. l am so very glad that you are staying optimistic about Evi's prognosis. l wish all owners were as caring and understanding as you both are...your little girl obviously means everything to you.
l think maybe the reason that the delivery costs for green tripe is so expensive is because it is so perishable, and would have to be packed in dry ice, which is something distributors and carriers have to be licensed to use. Maybe local butchers shops can advise you, and possibly order it in for you, as their meat is delivered in temperature controlled vehicles and stored in freezer rooms. It might be a case where the internet is not the best option. l really wish Evi and yourselves every happiness for the future, and enjoy your hols. Please let us know how she is getting on. Much love to you all. XXX.

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by sebby

Friday 05 Jun 09:29

Have a look at this website, they deliver to your home I still use their food (the tripe does have a very strong smell - but you'll get used to smell!!!) Cant recommend their food too highly.

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by cinders

Friday 05 Jun 08:57

thank you everyone. I feel a bit more optimistic now and have already been doing some research on how to manage this with natural foods etc. Apparently, something called green tripe is brilliant for kidney disease? Loads of people seem to swear by it. I've looked online, but there doesn't seem anywhere local and the one place I looked at charges 100 pounds for shipping!! Does anyone know of anywhere in the midlands I can get it, or anyone who delivers for a slightly more reasonable charge?! xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 04 Jun 22:23

I am sure Evi will love her holidays...lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by sebby

Thursday 04 Jun 20:05

So glad you got a 2nd opinion. I know exactly how you feel, when my Grey little ted, was diagnosed my vet (who is greyhound specialist & have used for 20+ years) said was one of the worst cases he had seen,BUT he went straight onto canin renal diet (do some research) you can buy it from animal vet or similar site a lot cheaper than vets charge and then as I said yesterday he had his kidneys flushed out periodically. I was very careful with his diet and I was lucky to have his love for longer than I first thought. Best wishes.

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by cinders

Thursday 04 Jun 18:22

Thank you for all of your thoughts. We have been to a second vet and although the news isn't great, there are things we can do. She is going straight on the royal canin renal diet and we are also starting her on a drug tomorrow which is very similar to the Enacard which muddypaws mentioned. She is also going into hospital next week for two days to have her kidneys flushed through as they thought that would be beneficial. They said about 6 months, which gave me a shock, but also said that you can't say for sure and that it could be longer. We are also going to get the book on homeopathic remedies. We are taking all of your advice and I am optimistic that there are things we can do. We intend to fight as hard as we can to keep her as happy and healthy as possible for as long as possible. And apart from that, we are just going to do all we can to make her happy and do al that she likes best. We are teachers and have a long summer holiday, and I don't intend to let her out of my sight! We are going to book two holidays with her, one in the country and one by the sea, so she has something to really enjoy! xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 03 Jun 20:48

So sorry to hear about Evi's problem. Do hope you can find a way to help her. Xxx

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by sebby

Wednesday 03 Jun 16:42

Just reading through other posts and agree entirely about 2nd opinion. Greyhounds blood functions different to other breeds. Have a read of this also one of my greys had chronic kidney disease aged 11 and went on this diet recommended by vet also every few months had his kidneys flushed out, he lived god bless him to almost 14. Best wishes.

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by cinders

Wednesday 03 Jun 15:48

Oh thank you so much. It never fails to amaze me how quick people are to respond, and how much trouble people are prepared to go to. I really appreciate all that advice on the Enacard, and I'm going to read all about Jed now. Thank you xx

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by TJ

Wednesday 03 Jun 13:02

Oh poor Evi, we're sending you HUGE thought cuddles today gorgeous. Is there any chance that your Mom & Dad can get a 2nd vets' opinion? Thinking of you beautiful, xxxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 03 Jun 12:32

Scroll back on Jed's history to the 8th of August and the information is there.

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by Caro

Wednesday 03 Jun 12:14

I have been told on several occasions that Jed has kidney problems, however repeated blood tests have indicated no deterioration and greyhounds biochemistry is very different to other breeds, some vets are not up to speed on this, my vet in the end said that these results were normal for Jed and NOT indicative of kidney disease, we now just monitor them at vaccination time. Please have a look at the information provided by another owner on Jeds history, it's a fair way down you will need to scroll. If it is kidney disease then diet really is the only option but I would seriously suggest doing repeat bloods. Females do get incontinent problems which could be confusing the issue.

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 03 Jun 12:05

Hi again Cindy. l forgot to add that our vet recommended a low protein diet...but she could have a fairly high protein long as it was good quality protein...such as chicken breasts, good quality chicken or beef mince, and occasionally fish. No tinned dog meat.Hope this helps.X.

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 03 Jun 11:47

Hi Cindy. Our own experience of kidney problems is this. About 7or 8 years ago, our saluki lurcher girl called Lizzie started to become incontinent...nothing major...just small wet patches on her bed, and dribbling when she was walking around the house. She was 12 years old at the time. Our vet did blood & urine tests, and said her kidneys were in very poor condition, and if left untreated, the prognosis was quite grim. She also had a heart murmur, which we had known about for several years, but which had become progressively worse. Two of her kidney functions were extremely high, and one was very low. He said he could prescribe two different for her heart...and one for her kidneys. However, he said there was a tablet called Enacard, which had been developed for heart problems, but had since been discovered to be beneficial with kidney problems also. So we agreed for her to go onto Enecard. She had to go for blood tests every month, and after nine months, it was found that not only had her heart murmur improved, but her kidney functions had returned to almost normal. She remained on the medication for the rest of her life, and the blood tests went to every 3 months...then to every 6 months. She lived to be almost seventeen, before old age finally got the better. l would hate to give you false hope as it depends how bad Evi's kidneys are, but as she is only just approaching her ninth birthday...l would certainly not give up hope.
There are other drugs on the market that can help with kidney problems...but l would definitely speak to your vet about Enacard. If we had not had a very good and experienced vet, we may well have given up on Lizzie and just accepted the inevitable. We were so glad that we didn't because the the extra years were filled with joy, for her, as well as us.
l know you won't give up easily...and ain't over till the fat lady sings!!
Love to Evi...and please keep us updated. XXX.

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by cinders

Wednesday 03 Jun 08:18

Hi everyone, we had some bad news yesterday and wondered if anyone had any experience of this. Evi was getting incontinent and we thought it would just be the problem that older speyed females sometimes get which we knew about. However, blood and urine tests indicate kidney disease / failing kidneys. The vet seemed very gloomy about the prognosis. He seemed to indicate that there is no effective treatment apart from diet and we are probably looking at a few moths. I'm really not ready to go through this again. We are still grieving for Mia from March. Has anyone else had a dog with this problem, and is there any chance she could live with it for a decent length of time? She is even more precious to us since we lost Mia.

by cinders

Sunday 23 Jun 21:13

Hello, it's Evi here, (my name used to be Tippie) I just wanted to let everyone know about my birthday - in fact it isn't my birthday til tomorrow but my human mum and dad said we were going to celebrate today instead because they're at "work" tomorrow. I had all of my favourite foods today - sausage at breakfast, scrambled eggs lunch and some chicken on my dinner - then for pudding mum brought out my favourite birthday cake - sardine with cream cheese with my name on it and number 7 'cos I'm 7 tomorrow! I loved my three long walks and my new squeaky toy... but the one thing I didn't like was that mum and dad had bought my greyhound sister Mia a toy too in case she felt left out - it's MY birthday not Mia's so she shouldn't get a present today so I stole hers when I got chance and took it to my bed, so there! Anyway on the whole I enjoyed my day ... I wonder if mum and dad will do the same tomorrow on my REAL brithday?! Kissses and licks, Evi xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 May 20:31

Happy Gotcha Day to your lovely Tippie! xxx

by cinders

Tuesday 14 May 17:45

I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about the passing of two lovely dogs when checking the comments today. I'm so sorry for the people who have lost their companions. On another note though I just wanted to wish our dear Evi (formerly Tippie) a lovely second "gotcha" day while I am on the website - two years ago a beautiful little lady with the most angelic and exquistitely pretty face climbed into the back of our car and two years later she is still thriving - though her angelic looks hide a very funny and mischievous side and a very tomboy-ish character! We wish our Cheeky Little Monkey a happy 2nd anniversary with us, we love you little one. From your "mum" "dad" and greyound "sister" Mia xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 25 Jun 13:38

I hope Tippie had a very happy 6th Birthday yesterday. xxx

by cinders

Saturday 23 Jun 21:36

Just to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Evi our dear Cheeky Little Monkey for tomorrow! We're sorry that you've had to go in for a dental on those poor teeth of yours again just before your birthday - but we'll make up for it tomorrow. Hope you like your new toy, treats and birthday cake from the a la bark cook book! Every single day you bring fun, smiles, laughter and love into our lives and we adore you! Lots of love from your "human" parents and greyhound sister Mia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 14 May 13:42

Evi sounds lovely and very, very happy! Looking forward to hearing her two year anniversary update. xxx

by cinders

Monday 14 May 09:52

A couple of months ago I put an update on about Mia as it was her first anniversary with us - today it's Evi's (formerly Tippie) turn to reach this milestone! We decided to get her firstly because we loved having Mia so much we thought another would add so much more and secondly because we thought it would help Mia as she is quite nervous to have another greyhound around to give her soem reassurance and keep her company when we're at work. When Tippie / Evi's story came up about her rotten teeth and being returned etc we fell in love even with her picture and collected her on May 14th. She's the happiest, funniest, most sociable and confident girl in the world although I've often told her that there was a mistake with her adoption papers - we went to get a greyhound and came home with a monkey instead! The first day she came she just walked in and started playing with the squeaky toys wihout even bothering to sniff around the house! We thought she looked so incredibly pretty and dainty and feminine that we bought all her coats and collars in pretty pastel colours - in fact she's the most unbelievable tomboy and the first week we let her off the lead she had to have a bath every day as she just kept jumping into muddy puddles and swampy ground in the field we let them off the lead in! Being a real "boy" at heart, she loves all ball games, never tiring of her tennis ball to chase. She made friends with some local children who play in the field and loves to join in with their games of football though she doesn't always respect the rules. Once she met some older children playing rugby and ran off with their rugby ball - fortunately they saw the funny side! Her favourite hobbies are trying to dig up moles and scrounging the bread from near the lake where people feed the ducks in the park in Kenilworth and in fact once someone was standing on the side with a large piece of bread in their hand just about to break it up for the ducks and we were passing with her on the lead and she just turned her head and gently took the whole piece out of the man's hand and swallowed it - I was so glad he laughed and thought it was really funny and wasn't cross! She is the complete opposite of Mia who is scared of lots of things - Mia and I are both a bit nervous of the swans on the lake as they always look a bit fierce and I always try to hurry past them - Evi pulls as hard as she can on her lead to get as close to them on the narrow path as possible and she wags her tail in delight if she can get them to hiss at her - she thinks they're just fascinating and seems to enjoy the risk of getting as close to them as possible! She seems to thrive on noise and bustle and whereas Mia tried to climb into the kitchen cupboard in terror in bonfire night, Evi simply stood in the garden with her ears pricked for a while watching all the fireworks in the sky and listening to the bangs then came in and went to sleep on the sofa with all four legs in the air! Whereas Mia is also a bit of a baby when she geth hurt, squealing even when Evi's tail hits her or even when she got a tiny electric shock when I took her coat off once, Evi shrugs off every injury with impatience in case it interferes with her fun and games. Once she ripped out a toenail and came trotting in from the garden as if nothing had happened and I didn't even realise until I saw all the blood coming from her foot - when she was rushed to the vet he said he couldn't believe she hadn't even cried out and seemed far more interested in a hamster in a cage when we got there than having her foot treated. She's just as entertaing at home - it never occurs to her that anyone coming to the house could be coming to see us rather than her and when some workmen came to do our drive she kept going out so they could fuss her and thought it was funny to keep running off with things they needed like their gloves and taking them into the house. She takes everything to her bed - when she first came she took bags, slippers, jumpers, a purse and even a toilet roll off the holder in the bathroom. She loves shoes and takes them to all different parts of the house and garden - sometimes it takes forever to reunite the collection of boots shoes and slippers with their pairs and in fact there is one we've never found which vanished about 9 months ago! She always loves it when I come in with the shopping and always takes a "prize" from the shopping bags if she can - fine if it's just a packet of food of some kind as she never damges or opens anything but once she grabbed a bottle of bleach which gave me a heartstopping moment and had to be retrieved and hidden away very quickly! Because she loves toys so much we've bought her almost every dog toy that has ever been produced and we decided after a while we'd sort of circulate them and let her have a few for a couple of weeks and put some away and then swap them - however one day she discovered the box in the garage where we'd put them and one by one she retrieved them and took them each back to her bed so we decided she's better be allowed all of them all the time as she loves them so much! She's always trying to think of new mischief to try out - currently she loves to dig holes in the garden but fortunately there are a lot of gravel areas where she can't do much harm! She looks very sweet and innocent but she loves to get her onwn way - she's the one who always wants to make the decisions about which walk she goes on and every walk has to be a circular walk - if you try to go back the way you came she thinks that's far too boring and digs her toes in and put her head down and won't move! Whereas Mia is always keen to go home after a walk, Evi would like to stay out all day, every day if possible; she's never tired of running around and exploring and having fun. I've often said that if they were "human" girls, Mia would be the good girl, always quietly doing her homework and going to bed early and Evi would be the party girl, always out on the town and coming home at all hours of the night! We feel very lucky and blessed to have beautiful Mia, kind, faithful, loving and gentle and Evi our Little Monkey, funny, lively affectionate and full of mischeif, always making us laugh and keeping us entertained! Here's to many more years hopefully with our beautiful and much adored girls and thank you for helping us find them and making them such a treasured part of our lives! xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 10 May 13:24

Hi Emma, if you can organise a First Aid course I would definitely like to attend. Kind regards Kate x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 10 May 12:17

Hi Emma. What a fab idea - you can count me in too! Mand x

by crackercharlieX

Wednesday 09 May 22:28

Hi Emma. Hope ur ok? I too wud b very interested in first aid for dogs, obviously all breeds in my case. It myt also b useful to learn what to do if ur dog is attacked or in a fight with another dog or even in my case again wen dogs attack or bite u. All things I think r very useful to kno to try n defuse or stop n incident n how to deal with any wounds that may b caused. Especially as there r now so many 'status' dogs out there now. Hopefully c u soon. X

by cinders

Wednesday 09 May 21:02

I'm pleased I asked now - if it leads to a local course so some of us can learn what to do in these siuationsthat's great! Yes, please do use this page of course - I'd like to find out about a first aid course very much, and I do think this website is so brilliant for this kind of thing - oh and I'm intrigued by "vegetarian" pig's ears - we definitely need to try some of those!!!! x

by Deb

Wednesday 09 May 19:55

perhaps one of the work experience youngsters from Solihull College might be able to identify a lecturer.
Or it would be great if Andre the greyhound vet could be persuaded or one of his nurses or a nurse from FIVELANDS

by Emma

Wednesday 09 May 16:17

I wonder if I should have a look and see if someone can come to us (eg Hobs Moat) and do a first aid course geared towards greys - if we have enough numbers it would make sense. I was tempted to do the intructor training course myself and then offer it as a fundraising event(s) but I think if I try and do any more study I WILL have a nervous breakdown! If Cinders doesn't mind us hijacking Tippie's page, please can anybody who might be interested please let me know here? Or alternatively you can contact me on

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 09 May 14:29

So pleased Evi is ok. Twiggy has trouble with pigs ears sometimes too, I like the sound of the vegetarian ones! A first aid course sounds like a great idea. I would be interested too if there was somewhere local to attend. xxx

by Deb

Tuesday 08 May 20:56

I would love to attend a first aid course if there was one local . It must have been so scary for you all and it would be really helpful if this happens to anyone else to know what to do.
So pleased EVI is well.The kennels now stock a vegetarian pigs ear(no joke) which the greys love and it melts a bit more than a real one so that might be one answer if you are worried about giving the real ones as treats.Not sure Tippie and Evi would be impressed though.

by cinders

Tuesday 08 May 16:53

Thank you Emma - First Aid for dogs does sound good as they're always picking up little injuries and things but this was the scariest yet! Definitely would love it if you could keep us posted on the course - it would depend if it tied in with work, but it would be good to know if you decide to go, so thank you for taking the trouble to post this! xx

by Emma

Tuesday 08 May 11:11

Oh my goodness, I'm not surprised you panicked - please don't apologise! Poor Evi :0( I don't know the answer, but I have been thinking about doing a canine first aid course for just the same reason. I've previously had a quick look around on t'internet and found a few, but what I think looks like a really good one is by Galen, who I've heard positive reports from from various sources. It's quite a way away (West Sussex) but the reason I liked it is because it's a whole day not just a couple of hours, it's taught by a vet, and there's also the option of doing extra study and getting OCN accreditation. This is something I'll need if and when I decide to do the canine chiropractic course after I graduate from the human course next year. Anyway, I'm waffling, if I do go it'll probably be after my exams at the end of Nov so if you fancy a car share I'm up for it! Em x

by cinders

Monday 07 May 19:48

Hi sorry, just wondered if we could ask for advice again?! Had a bit of a scare on Saturday night, every Sat we give our girls a pig's ear for a treat and for the first time suddenly we heard a horrible retching sound and Evi must have got a piece stuck and was choking. She was so distressed and writhing and coughing and we didn't know what to do - my husband tried patting her hard on the back, tried to get his fingers in her mouth - which she wouldn't allow - and I was going to run to the phone for the vet but it was out of hours so by the time I'd called, got the emergency number, phoned it and explained how to get to the house I'm sure it would have been too late. Anyway, after a lot of panic, back patting, throat rubbing etc it moved and she calmed down and is fine now, but if anything happens like that again do you know what we can do to shift anything that gets stuck in their throats? I never give them a treat like this when I'm not here to watch them and I'm now tempted not to give them things like that again but it's been ok for a whole year and they do love pig's ears more than anything else and it's probably just a one-off, but just in case it happens again? As I said, I don't think the vet would be in time would they if they really were choking?! Sorry, it was just a shock!!!!

by cinders

Wednesday 07 Dec 15:51

Oh goodness, that worked out quite expensive with the raisins - at least I knew the chicken wasn't toxic : ) I think we only left it unprotected because the two girls have been such angels so far and never attempted to take anything before ... I think they just wanted to lull us into a false sense of security and they certainly got their reward! I'm determined that next Sundays roast won't find irs way into doggy mouths.....!

by medaftboutdogs

Monday 05 Dec 09:42

Just to add to your fun, my Blossom cost me a fortune a few weeks ago as she got to the back of my work top - and high up & ate an entire bag of Raisins - 500g, in 40 minutes. Well I knew they were toxic so called the vet - £102 later & 2 greyhounds had been given vomit inducing meds. 6 raisins is enough to cause kidney failure - who knew so few could do so much harm!! My poor boy Reubes was made sick and he hadn't eaten a single raisin - not fair. Last week Bloss also ate the remaining half of my fish n chips when I got distracted so I still haven't learned LOL!

by cinders

Sunday 04 Dec 17:58

Just to say how right you were, everyone who told us greyhounds are scavengers! Having believed our two to be above all this thieving business having lived with us for a few months now I made the mistake of leaving three cooked chicken breasts on our kitchen surface to use for our dinner tonight and went into the garden for a few minutes ... when I got back in the house - two very waggy tails, three mysteriously vanished chicken breasts! I don't know what we're supposed to eat this evening - I wonder what Burns dogfood tastes like - ....?! (I've definitely learned my lesson about leaving food unprotected, haha!!!!!!!!)

by cinders

Thursday 20 Oct 19:59

Thank you, that does help a lot. I'm keen to make sure they're comfortable as when you're out in the day it's hard to judge how the temperature falls in the house. Checking the ears is a great idea which I didn't know about. I've just had a feel and all the ears are nice and warm at the moment so I guess the two girls are alright....:) Thank you again x

by skinnyme

Thursday 20 Oct 16:18

hi cinders, generally the rule is if you need a coat then they need a coat. I have been using my waterproof fleece coats lately as the days are quite cold now. If your house is cold during the day, putting on their light fleeces is fine, a good indication as to wether they are cold are their ears, if their ears are cold then so are they. Hope this helps.

by cinders

Thursday 20 Oct 14:59

Hi, we were wondering about keeping the dogs warm as the winter approaches? I always put them in their light fleeces now although I stil see a couple of greyhounds out without one on so I hope I'm not putting them on too early so they won't feel the benefit in deep winter - I haven't used the think fleeces yet. What about when it's really cold in real winter? Should we leave some kind of heating on for them in the house or put them in their coats during the day then? We usually, like most people, have heating on in the evening and morning but it goes off in the day, but now this is our first winter with the girls I'm thinking they are going to be lying around in a cold house not moving so what sort of allowances should we make for this?I've googled some of these self-heating pads you can buy, but I don't quite see how they work and some of them actually need plugging in and I don't lke that idea just in case something goes wrong! What sort of temperature in the house would you all consider too cold for a greyhound before you'd consider leaving heating on or putting her in a fleece while we're out? How would we actually know if they're feeling cold? I've never seen them shiver and actually, even when I think it's a bit chilly in the house at the moment they're always sprawled flat out rather than curled up, so I assume that at the moment that means they're comfortable? Thank you :)

by cinders

Saturday 25 Jun 19:54

Evi absolutely loves her cake and so does Mia, I was quite tempted myself, it looked so delicious! Thank you very much to Vicky x

by LadyVictoria

Friday 24 Jun 15:09

Have a very Happy Birthday Evie! Enjoy the cake. xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 24 Jun 13:27

Happy birthday Evie xxxxx

by kallie

Friday 24 Jun 10:09

happy birthday Evie, you share the day with my little brother!!! sounds like your mum and dad are going to spoil you to your sis Mia also...from Ina Rossi Toby and McKenzie. xxxx

by cinders

Thursday 23 Jun 21:44

As we proabably won't get chance to put a message on tomorrow at work - Happy Birthday for tomorrow to our beautiful Evi. We hope you enjoy your 6th birthday (your first birthday with us!) - and we're sure you'll love the birthday cake we've ordered for you to pick up from Daybreaks on Saturday!! xx

by cinders

Wednesday 01 Jun 14:53

Thanks Deb - I've now tried the liver cake too (I'm doing far more baking for dogs than I do for humans!) and will try the tuna and the cheesy biscuits next - they do sound tasty! Mia and Evi seem very appreciative of all my cooking attempts so far!

by Deb

Sunday 29 May 21:54


by cinders

Sunday 29 May 20:36

...just made the sardine cake! Seems to be going down very well :)

by cinders

Saturday 21 May 19:47

A recipe book for dogs?! That is amazing! That's a very good idea, it would be nice to make them some treats myself, and the sardine cake was definitely very well received by both girls the day we came over! x

by LadyVictoria

Friday 20 May 16:23

Great to hear how well they are both doing. xxx

by Deb

Friday 20 May 09:07

Iam so pleased for you all as I was at the kennels when Evi and Mia first met and I know how concerned you both were to do the right thing by both girls.
Have you thought of making your own treats if so try the A la bark Baking book which the kennels stock.some of the profits raise money for rescue kennels and it is very much geared for greys.
the biscuits are cheap and easy to make and go down very well, though the sardine cake has to be the dogs favourite.
never thought in a million years I would be baking for a dog!

by cinders

Thursday 19 May 21:56

Thnak you for all the kind words. It's fascinating to see how quickly they are establsihing their roles in the household - Evi as the cheeky little sister, full of fun and mischief, the one who jumps into muddy puddles, leaves toys scattered around all over the house and who is pretty quick at sneaking the odd extra bit of food out of the "treat" box or the bin when we're off guard! Mia on the other hand is the sensible "big" sister (even though she's a couple of months younger than Evi!) who generally lies quietly just calmly watching Evi dashing about - except when a squirrel or cat is spotted, then the roles are reversed and Mia is full of excitement and Evi is the angelic one! For the first time tonight we let them have a run together in safe enclosed space and to watch them at full speed, side by side and so graceful, was a joy to see. It seems to have been a good bonding exercise as they're at this minute upstairs on one of the beds right next to each other, paws intertwined. They're an absolute joy to have and we're so thrilled that we've been lucky enough to get two such adorable companions. By the way - we defintitely need some more heavenly treats soon like we got last weekend - are they online yet?!

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 18 May 17:51

It's so good to hear how well Evi is settling in. She is a really sweet girl and has found a lovely home xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 17 May 14:29

What a lovely home she has found! xx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 16 May 21:55

Good luck to you all, it sounds like she has found a wonderful forever home and family xxx

by cinders

Sunday 15 May 20:05

Hi, all going incredibly well here - Phil mailed some photos across actually as we couldn't quite work out how to get them onto the website! Evi (formerly Tippie) has settled in unbelievably well. She didn't even bother to sniff around the house when she walked in - just grabbed one of the squeaky toys and started trotting around with it in her mouth wagging her tail! Then she settled in her basket and in fact she and Mia have been curled up upstairs together on one of the beds today, so I think they're going to be friends! No quarrels so far, just one small growly incident over who got one of the toys! They've had a lovely long walk this evening and are now both flat out. I know I'm going to be a bit anxious tomorrow going back to work but we left them for a while today and they were both asleep on the sofa and in the basket respectively when we got in so should be fine I'm sure. They are both gorgeous and we've already had a number of comments from people out on the walks about how striking they both are. We're really loving having them both. Thank you so much for all the help and for those wonderful treats (is it Kerry who makes them?) - both girls adore them and are getting through them a bit faster than they should do : ) xx

by kallie

Friday 13 May 08:54

she is a cutie Cindy and I am sure that Mia will love her as much as you do...good luck to you all and let us know how you all get on and come and visit with your 2 girlies. :-) xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 12 May 20:16

so pleased for you - she is doing great at ours - absolutely 100% clean in the house - great fun playing with Maggie and Foxy and such a sweetie. She is healing really well - I will miss her so much when you take her Saturday but know she will be going to a home to be looked after and loved and that she call it her own forever xxxx

by cinders

Thursday 12 May 20:13

We're all ready for our new girl this weekend - new toys purchased, beds and duvets ready, plus some nice soft treats she can eat even if her mouth is still a bit sore. We can hardly wait, and Mia had another dog in her house for the first time (my parents' labrador) this week and we were a bit apprehensive but she seemed to love it and shared her toys with him and kissed him on the nose a few times! So we're very optimistic she'll thrive on some canine companionship as well human. Can't wait to bring the fourth member of our family home now!

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 09 May 19:18

Tippie is doing really well - she had a check up today and is healing nicely. She is off to her new home on Saturday x

by cinders

Sunday 08 May 15:49

It was lovely to see everyone at the kennels yesterday and to have a chance to chat with you again, Ina. We're even more excited now about collecting this beautiful little girl next weekend - she seems so sweet and loving already even though we've only seen her twice. We're also excited about seeing how Mia will react to having a playmate - she does so love to play with other dogs when we let her off the lead in the field we found in Kenilworth, so we hope that she and her companion will have lots of fun together. See you next weekend! xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 07 May 18:59

What a happy retirement this little angel will have, your new mum and dad are very excited about picking you up. She is so cute xxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 07 May 18:44

Tippie is one of the most feminine little greyhounds i have ever seen, she is so incredibly pretty and sweet and she will have the most amazing life with her new mum and dad and her sister Mia. it was lovely to see you both today Cindy...see you soon and happy homing next weekend...Ina xxxx

by Emma

Saturday 07 May 17:01

Really pleased to see Tippie today, she looks very happy with her new family and I can't wait to hear how she and Mia get on when she gets to go to her new home. Em xxx

by Deb

Saturday 07 May 13:31

I do hope Tippie settles with her new mum and dad and the lovely Mia.They have given careful consideration to rehoming Tippie with Mia. Both seemed really relaxed together on a blanket at Daybreaks last week.
hopefully Tippie is feeling better after having all those teeth removed and and her breath must be a whole lot sweter.
Good luck to you all.

by cinders

Wednesday 04 May 22:24

Obviously we'll make a donation when we come across as she's going to be ours and we're very grateful for all that has been done for her. Also we'd love to bring Mia over and pay for a "pampering" - we do our best with her teeth etc but we'd love her to have it done by an expert! Poor little Tippie - we're so much looking forward to bringing her home and we promise we'll give her all love and care we possibly can. Getting Mia has been such an incredible experience and has far exceeded our expectations, it's one of the best decisions we've ever made, and we can't wait to have her little companion with us as well. A heartfelt thanks to everyong who is helping to care for her until we can collect her in just over a week.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 04 May 18:26

Hi Julie, as she is reserved, there is no 'donate' button..... If you want to donate on line, click on to any of the photos of dogs available and there will be a donate button to the right hand side of the page.
Many thanks xxxxx

by julie

Wednesday 04 May 17:50

Where's the donate button :$ ?

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 04 May 17:35

I'm up for it, anything to help Tippie, she is the sweetest. Gracie volunteers for any pampering on offer!

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 May 13:09

Greyhound Pamper Day, what a great idea! I hope Tippie is feeling better today. xx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Wednesday 04 May 10:52

Ah poor baby, ill help any way i can xxxxxx

by fake-farm-girl

Wednesday 04 May 09:13

I'm always up for dog washing!!!!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 04 May 08:41

Ill help dog washing xx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Wednesday 04 May 07:41

I think a Greyhound pamper event would be great, washing, tooth cleaning, nail clipping, brushing/deshedding (I'm sure there are more)....each person donating for the "pamper" their dog needs...I'll come and help x

by skinnyme

Tuesday 03 May 22:20

I've got one too Em, more satisfying than squeezing spots!

by Emma

Tuesday 03 May 21:24

How about a sponsored scale and polish? On a serious note, I've just bought a scaler (cost me less than a fiver off amazon) as Moo and Kev's teeth are (were) awful despite regular brushing, and I have to say it has worked wonders! And it's quite satisfying seeing all that tartar coming off - yuck :0/

by skinnyme

Tuesday 03 May 21:06

Me me me! I'll do some

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 03 May 20:25

When we get the bathing unit - I think a sponsored dog wash will be in order to raise money for this little girl. Any dog washing volunteers up for it?

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 03 May 20:09

This poor little girl. At least she will be more comfortable once she's all healed! I'm racking my brains to think of somethin I can do to get sponsors..I thought of a sponsored silence but I'm not convinced I could be quiet for ten mins ha ha!! Anyone got any sponsorship ideas? Xx

by kallie

Tuesday 03 May 19:41

poor little angel, you must be so sore, your auntie Ruth will look after you and soon you will go home to your new mum and dad and sis. much love, xxxxx

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 03 May 19:37

I think this is very sad that a young dog has to have this
Many teeth out. Is it not important that owners look after their dogs teeth. I know it can be difficult to keep dogs teeth clean even with dentasticks etc. But such a shame a dog had to go through this when prevention can help. Also that the trust has such an expensive bill to pay.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 03 May 17:47

I have just picked up Tippie from the vets where today she had extensive surgery to remove her rotten teeth. Sadly she had 25 removed. We are appealing to people's generosity to help to pay for Tippie's operation. If you want to donate on line, click on to any of the photos of dogs available and there will be a donate button to the right hand side of the page.

She was under anaesthetic for several hours and therefore her bill is enormous :-(

She has settled down at our house like a dream and we will be looking after her until her new owners can have her in a couple of weeks.

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 May 15:23

I hope you will all be very happy together! xx

by LindaPaul

Monday 02 May 21:54

Fantastic news!Our very best wishes go to Tippie and her new family xx

by Gracie'smum

Monday 02 May 18:40

I am delighted for Tippie. This beautiful, gentle, sweet girl has found herself a wonderful family. I am so happy for her xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 02 May 15:10

How exciting for you princess a new loving home and a sister too. Well done xxx

by cinders

Monday 02 May 14:41

Hi Kallie, yes i does! We came in Mia this morning and the two of them seemed to get on just fine. Mia has a sister!! We're very excited and looking forward to having our two gorgeous girls at home together! Thanks everyone for your help advice and patience with all our questions this morning xxxxx

by kallie

Monday 02 May 14:24

Hey does that mean that you are going to be living with Mia?...Cindy will you let me know if that's the case? pleased that you have a home of your own and i bet Alison is very pleased for you too. xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 02 May 13:44

Hey Tippie, say you at daybreaks this morning, with you new family to be and your new greyhound sister xxxxxx Good luck poppet,and hope you feel fine after your teeth are sorted xxxxx

by Gracie'smum

Monday 02 May 07:14

I will have her up there for 11 no problem.

by LindaPaul

Sunday 01 May 20:38

We met Tippie today at Webbs. She's a little sweetie. Good luck finding your forever home little girl. You so deserve it.

by cinders

Sunday 01 May 19:01

Sorry for the delay - I've only just had chance to look at the website again. If we came around 11, would that be ok? I hope it's no trouble. She does sound like a lovely dog, rather like our Mia in temperament!

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 01 May 09:01

Hi, I can get Tippie to Daybreaks tomorrow no problem if you or Daybreaks could give me an idea of time. She is the sweetest lady, clean in the house, quiet at night, playful, gets on great with Gracie and Rowan, fancies Wizard, fine with other breeds, loves fuss and cuddles, has the prettiest face, good on the lead ...... Can't think of a bad thing to say about her xxx

by cinders

Saturday 30 Apr 21:49

Will Tippie be at Daybreaks on Monday by any chance? We'd like to come across then if we can. We feel so terribly sorry for her, and so upset and shocked for Wizard whom we remember very well from when we came across to find a dog and settled on Mia.

by kallie

Saturday 30 Apr 19:47

another story that breaks my heart, why do people not care for their dogs? we make it totally clear to them what their needs are and yet we see more and more of our gracious beauties returned in terrible condition,'s simply unforgivable, good luck gorgeous little Tippie when you get your teeth sorted and lots of love to you. xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 30 Apr 14:07

How sad for Tippie xxx Hope she gets sorted soon xxx another one who should have had a forever home. I hope she finds that special loving home soon xxxx wish I had loads of money and space, I would love them all xxx

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 30 Apr 12:22

Be assured that Tippie is receiving lots of love and fuss. It's no problem, she is an absolute sweetheart. Clean in the house and quiet overnight, Tippie is no trouble at all. She has been left with Rowan and Gracie for an couple of hours this morning and was fine. She has the cutest face with an upturned nose and big eyes that follow you round. She loves her cuddles. Once her teeth are sorted (unbelieveable) she will make a great addition to any home! Please let Daybreaks know if you are interested so that I can get her there to meet you. Just to indulge me I have to put a comment about Rowan and Gracie. Tippie is the 5th dog I have brought back and they have accepted each one with barely a murmur. I am so lucky to have two fantastic dogs, what beautiful animals they all are.

by Emma

Saturday 30 Apr 10:01

I'm speechless :0(

by Deb

Friday 29 Apr 23:39


by spencer68

Friday 29 Apr 22:33

totally agree with your comments tash, i too have a busy life with 3 chidren, 1 grandson and a very busy and demanding job as a district nurse, but nothing gives me more pleasure than taking ellie out and enjoying my time to be me! Ellie gives back as much love as we as a family give to her. Hope you find your forever home soon

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 29 Apr 20:50

Poor baby!! Hugs to tippie and ruth she is in the best place now Xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 29 Apr 20:40

Poor Tippie, she deserves a home that will love and take care of her forever, even through the tough times. I can understand the demands of having to juggle dogs, children and life (!) I can even sort of understand the decision to rehome because of a new baby...but not to take care of an animal that needs you is heartbreaking...I've 2 children, 3 dogs and a busy job, BUT, their needs come before mine. Thankgoodness she is with the wonderful Alison and has Ruth and the Daybreaks team caring for her now, I hope she finds her forever home soon xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 29 Apr 19:57

I was sadly appalled and shed a few tears at the state Tippy was returned in. Alison kindly offered to take her for the next few days until I can get her to the vets. Big hugs little one.....

by skinnyme

Friday 29 Apr 07:19

Poor girl, never mind sweet one we will try extra hard to find you a loving home.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 28 Apr 19:21

Poor Tippy is being returned tomorrow.....
She apparently has been nipping at the children but sadly her owner who is expecting another baby has declined our offer of help with this problem.

by skyego

Wednesday 18 Nov 18:06

Just wondered how my sister Ave Mae and her new family are doing?
hope to see you all at the walk in Sutton Park
Grace Jan and Kris xxx


Tuesday 27 Oct 21:41

Hiya really happy that Ava Mae is doing well, if she is like her sister Grace you will have fun times!!! xxx

by sturatcliffe

Tuesday 27 Oct 11:07

Ava is doing really well, no crying at night, although she seems to find the sofa more comfortable than her lovely new bed! She's really good with the girls and seems unfazed by all that is going on around her. she did get excited by a jack russell this morning (he looked like a tasty treat). We have been really blessed by her being with us, and the dog training manual seems to apply to our kids as well!

by Emma

Monday 26 Oct 18:39

Ava Mae - you sound like you've fallen on your paws! Enjoy your new family and have a lovely well deserved retirement little one! Em x

by Rae

Sunday 25 Oct 19:07

so far so good! we brought Ava (nee tippie) home today and she has been amazing, she seems very settled - sleeping on the sofa at the mo : ) she has been sprawled on the floor unfazed by our two noisy girls, Lily 4 and Apphia 9months. shes responding to commands and treats very well, so far no toilet misshaps - fingers crossed this continues. shes been very affectionate, even kissing the baby better when she cried. she did manage to steal some of lilys food and is very interested in all our 'stuff' : ) im relieved she seems so relaxed already. all may change as we try and settle her for her first night but we are praying she continues to take everything in her stride. we are not expecting perfection but so far we are very impressed
Rach (Ava's new, and proud, mum)


Thursday 22 Oct 19:30

Ava Mae not long till you join our family, we can't wait love Dougal and Lynn xx

by sturatcliffe

Thursday 22 Oct 16:27

Sounds like a great idea.i must mention that i have spelt ava's name wrong! Her name will be ava mae with an e not a y.:-)


Thursday 22 Oct 11:52

Really happy Ava May(Tippie) has found a home, we have her sister and she is a joy to have. Maybe we could meet up at the next walk in Sutton Park. Jan and Kris xx


Wednesday 21 Oct 15:07

Ava May looking forward to meeting you love Dougal the Assistance Dog xx

by sturatcliffe

Wednesday 21 Oct 13:20

Passed our home visit today with flying colours! we pick up Tippie on Sunday. We have decided on a new name for her and she's going to go by...Ava May


Wednesday 21 Oct 11:12

Me and Dougie the dog can't wait for Tippee to join our family, Dougal is looking forward to meeting his new friend. love Lynn and Dougie xx

by sturatcliffe

Monday 19 Oct 21:00

We reserved Tippie today! So excited, can't wait for her to come and be with us!

by Amy&Monty

Saturday 17 Oct 18:58

This girl looks so cute!!!!


Friday 09 Oct 18:57

Hiya Pam
Went to see Tippie on wednesday and yes she is a sweetie,
hope she finds a good home soon and like Grace she will give a lot of love and fun times!!! xxx

by PamD

Tuesday 06 Oct 16:11

Hi Jan and Chris
Have been to the kennels today she really is another Gracie !! shes beautiful


Monday 05 Oct 18:21

She looks just like Grace such a sweetie. Big hugs from Jan
Kris and of course sister Grace. XXX

by kallie

Sunday 04 Oct 21:37

this little girl just has the sweetest face, a little upturned nose and she is such a lovely little hound as well. seems a happy well adjusted girl who was not at all put out about the new kennels and all the goings on. xxx

by sas

Sunday 04 Oct 18:12

she's here! and yes she's just as beautiful as gracie! xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 22 Sep 12:45

She should be in by Sunday..... watch this space! xxxxxxx


Tuesday 22 Sep 11:33

Hi Pam
Yes we know but can't resist,have been thinking about her ever since we adopted Grace.
Jan and Kris

by PamD

Monday 21 Sep 14:17

Hi Jan and Kris
That could be very dangerous!!!


Monday 21 Sep 13:30

Hiya this is Graces sister she must be as beautiful, will have to come and see her when she arrives. Jan and Kris xxx