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About Me

Racing Name
Arizona Dove
Date of birth
01 aug 2018
Ear mark


female, 6 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Penny has had 0 cuddles today (3 all together).
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by Caro

Tuesday 01 Aug 10:04

Well happy birthday to my mad bonkers Penny I love you to bits

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 13 Jul 13:47

Brilliant!!!! Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Jul 23:27

:)) Dear Penny, thanks for making me smile! Although it sounds like Joe was very unimpressed! :)) Xxx

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by Caro

Monday 11 Jul 19:12

Penny here well I have really done it this time, my hooman mum has been trying to keep me cool all day with instructions for the doggy day care but I did get so excited when she got home that whilst she was getting the washing in I did steal a pair of her knickers and did go running around the garden with them and having great fun by the time I did give them up I was so hot and bothered that she did make me wait a long time for my tea as she said I was too hot to eat, Joe was really unhappy with this and did give me the cold shoulder, he is still sulking because he has had to wait for his tea!

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by Caro

Sunday 10 Apr 15:51

Well I is in big trouble again, apparently I is not suppose to take the toilet rolls from the bath room and destroy them! I managed to take 6 before I got found out now is really in the dog house!!! Whoops

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 31 Jan 22:22

Oh dear, probably not a smart move Penny! I would offer to do the washing up for a month. :))) Xxx

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by Caro

Monday 31 Jan 21:42

Well I am in even bigger trouble! My hooman mum ordered a new cable for her router what I did chew and the postman did not read the note about leaving it in the garage instead he did put it through the letterbox well I could not help myself and I did chew the second one as well. My hooman mum is not talking to me at the moment I is in very big trouble I is hoping Ruth does say the kennels are full - PLEASE!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 28 Jan 21:43

Oops Penny! Just tell your Mum we are full up at the kennels and can't possibly fit you in! :))) We both know she loves you lots! :)) Xxx

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by Caro

Friday 28 Jan 20:13

Well I is in real trouble this time I have chewed through my hooman mums router cable she says there is no Netflix what ever that is and it’s all my fault! Apparently there is a kennel with my name on at Daybreaks but I don’t believe her I know she loves me really and besides Netflix doesn’t sound that tasty anyway!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 05 Oct 23:53

Penny, I guess you might have to put your idea of becoming an interior decorator on hold for a while! :) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 05 Oct 17:06

Lol, I'm sure they didn't mean any harm, bet it made you smile though? Xxxxxx

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by Caro

Monday 04 Oct 22:39

Oh dear I is in trouble again I found something called Christmas decorations whilst my Hooman mum was at work and did decorate the whole of the house with the tinsel dragging it into every room, I did think it looked good but my mum was not pleased, Joe did help it wasn’t just me. Perhaps my mum would have been more understanding if I hadn’t got hold of all her wool and did unravel it all around the house the week before and not forgetting chewing her insulated lunch box so she had to take me and Joe to the vets because a plastic buckle was missing off it, she now has to take her lunch to work in a carrier bag and is calling us a really bad double act. I am told there is a kennel spare with Ruth that has our names on it, I’m sure she doesn’t mean it as she says it’s a good job she loves us!

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 07 Sep 08:03

Caro, we have the same problem with our boy Douggie, he is very slender and has always been a nightmare at eating, I have tried everything, this last few months he got really thin so we tried him on tripe and now he's eating really well and is slowly putting a bit of weight on, but I do think some greyhounds are naturally slender and no matter what you do that's just how they are. I have always put grated cheese in my greys meals, helps keep their weight up and they love it. Good luck xx

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by Caro

Monday 06 Sep 22:43

Just a question does any one else have issues with getting any weight on their grey. Firstly Penny is well, has a good appetite, wormed and has a lovely glossy coat. She carries a lot of muscle but no fat at all I would like see her fill out a little bit. Two meals a day Burns plenty of treats and even pigs ears. She was spayed about a month ago and the vet didn’t mention her weight.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 Jul 23:11

The culprits are sticking together and not talking! :)) Sounds like they had fun while you were out. Xxx

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by Caro

Friday 23 Jul 22:21

Well Penny or possibly Joe has been having fun at my expense again, I have been waiting for a detailed quote for my house which I need to read carefully and sign I am sure as fellow hound slaves you can guess the next bit it was like confetti no one is owning up even with the threat of treat rationing!

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by Shanesmum

Monday 31 May 17:19

Oh Penny - you are certainly making your presence felt!! I think you are what we call a character! x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 30 May 22:21

I agree with Shanishoo! I love the update on Penny! Joe must be wondering what on earth his Mom brought home! :)) Sure she will calm down....eventually! :)) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 30 May 16:49

Brilliant update on Penny, made me chuckle especially the bit where she was trying to steal Joe's blanket, bless him xxxxx

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by Caro

Sunday 30 May 12:15

Well Penny has settled really well, clean in the house, quiet at night and good with dogs she has met on her walks, those are the ‘good’ points. Taking a flying leap onto my bed first thing in the morning to remind me it’s walk time, stealing the treat tub at every opportunity and attempting a break in, going into kangaroo mode ever time we see a squirrel and there are lots of them, exploding several cushions, opening the mail, being a counter surfer supremo, attempting to literally pull the blanket off Joes bed whilst he is lay on it and doing all of this with an angelic little face that looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. I suppose you could say it’s going well????

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by shanishoo

Thursday 13 May 08:12

I bet they are going to be the bestest of friends xxxxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 12 May 20:43

Well Penny has made herself at home, she has decided that Joes ears need cleaning on a regular basis with a good lick, that he doesn’t eat quick enough and obviously needs help with this and that his bed is far too big for one hound, Joe I think has realised that this young girl is high maintenance bless him he has been so good with her if a little off his food at the moment

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 10 May 22:34

Great to see Penny has a Greyhound friend to share her life with. :)) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 10 May 08:21

Wishing you all lots of happiness xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 09 May 16:05

Well done gorgeous girl - wishing you a very happy new life. xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 06 May 10:20

Yay. Hope all goes well for this adorable little girl. Loads of love and kisses xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 05 May 22:16

So happy for Penny! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 05 May 13:15

Well done Penny xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 04 May 23:27

Lovely new photos of Penny! She loved her trip to the park with Norman this morning. :)) Sending her my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 03 May 22:56

Penny is a very sweet girl, sure it won't be long before a forever home is hers. Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 03 May 15:07

Penny came for a very wet walk today. She walked very well on the lead and enjoyed being out of the kennel.
She is a super playful young lady. Returned to her kennel one very soggy doggy wanted to play and we had a tug of war with the lead. Hope she doesnt have to wait to long for her forever home. Cuddles for playful Penny x xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 30 Apr 15:04

Hello pretty Penny
Look forward to meeting you xxx

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