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About Me

Racing Name
Headford Chaser
Date of birth
18 jun 2019
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
VC 178
Ear mark
Family tree & race history

Monty (Chase)

male, 5 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Despite his racing name, he wouldn't chase!!!!
His trainer tells us he is nice laid back boy.

Monty (Chase) has had 0 cuddles today (12 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 27 Aug 00:32

After the humans left me to go on a cruise I think its about time I forgive them. They left me for a whole two weeks!! I would like to put in a complaint, as soon as they returned within a couple of days my sister took me work to get my vaccinations. I am not impressed. They did get me treats though to be fair but should nit be left. I declare to come with humans at all times. Anyway while away from my humans I found a girlfriend. A little whippet. We had a great time. I am now back to normal though and have returned to demanding my walks and making sure the humans are on time for my meals. They are doing ok, but I think this is because they are feeling guilty.


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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 18 Jun 23:27

Happy Birthday Monty! Hope you have had a lovely day! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 18 Jun 08:00

Happy 5th birthday to our Monty!!! How has it been that long already? Feels like yesterday when it was your 2nd birthday. We love you so much, your treat demands and endless fuss, wouldn’t change it for the world! We have recently got a new caravan and even though you’re confused you’ve accepted it. You’ve welcomed new people close to us in the family and started to give them your demands! Today is your day so you can enjoy your pawty rings and doggy muffin!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 25 Dec 18:43

Happy Christmas Monty! Hope you enjoyed your dinner, :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 25 Dec 12:19

Merry Christmas!!! Santa Paws has delivered me many toys and treats! I’m having a great morning. Not sure what it is about but it’s greyt! Now I’m watching dad closely while he prepares dinner! Yum!

Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 20 Dec 17:48

So today the humans refused to give me left over chips. I had to take the matter into my own paws and help myself instead. So I grabbed the box off the side, unfortunately for me the fork dropped which ruined my cover!

Then mum was in the way of the door so I had to push her out the way. I needed to go outside!

Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 16 Nov 23:33

Hi Monty, good to hear your update! Although you seem to have lost a little control over your family..... :))
I think next year you need to be firmer with them, no holidays without you and dinner on time everyday!!! :))
Hope to see you at the Daybreaks Christmas Party next month.
Lots of love Kate. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 16 Nov 16:09

Hi everyone it’s been a while! The year goes too quickly…. So here’s an update for you all!

Back in September the hoomans decided to leave me and go on a ship. HOW RUDE. Why couldn’t I come? Don’t get me wrong I loved my little trip away with my greyhound friends but I was abandoned. I did not appreciate it. I’ve since forgiven them though. They did buy me a new toy on their adventures so I can’t be too mad.

These fireworks are horrible thank goodness the hooman got me some calming tablets from work. Holly the vet is greyt! As always I’m bossing the humans around. They have been late with my dinner recently and I’m not impressed.

Monty xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 29 Jun 21:58

Monty, how lovely for you! Please say "Hello" to Florence and Auntie Klaire for me! :) Lots of love. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 29 Jun 17:23

Hello everyone! Last couples days have been ever so exciting. Florence and Auntie Klaire are here! I went mental when they arrived! Last night we did bed swaps and tail wagging competitions.

Today we have gone to TWO pet shops. Which was fun and had a walk around Arden hall. I follow Florence everywhere and check she is ok. I even gave her a kiss!

Lubs Monty xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 19 Jun 18:16

Happy belated birthday and Gotcha Day x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 18 Jun 16:35

A very Happy 4th Birthday Monty! Sounds like you have had a great day! Xxx
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day too! Lots to celebrate today. :))) Hope you enjoyed your special treats! Lots of love Kate Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 18 Jun 07:48

It’s been a while! I’m sorry!

ITS MY BIRTHDAY! Apparently anyway not sure what is means. Humans keep saying I’m 4 years old. It’s only the morning and I’ve been given a new toy, loads of fuss, a birthday bandanna and my morning treat. This is great should happen more often. Apparently I have a birthday muffin and some hand decorated birthday biscuits too later!

As well as my birthday I recently celebrated my 2nd Gotcha Day!! That’s gone fast. Can’t wait to see you all soon at Daybreaks’ Birthday! My cousin Florence is coming over soon for Samantha’s birthday so we will be able to go together!!!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 Mar 23:06

Hello Monty! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 25 Mar 22:43

It’s been ageeeeeeeeeees since we last came to the caravan. Today we finally returned. Bags appeared and car was getting loaded. I knew exactly what was happening. I got so excited. I chucked my toys in the air did Zoomies and did the happy stomps!!

After a couple hours we arrived and after we unpacked we went into the town! My god have I missed it!!! The hoomans went into a few shops and I whined and whined as they were taking too long. I want to go to my pet shop!!

They were finally done so on we went. I was worried daddy would walk past so I pulled and pulled to make sure he was following me. He tried to go past it but I made sure he ended up coming into pet shop one way or another.

After I stormed my way in I entered with a happy tail and went to the desk where the kind ladies keep the treats. I stood and stared at them until they noticed then they greeted me with fuss and gave me the yummy treats! They are best!! As we haven’t been for a while sister hooman treated me to a new toy while I was there.

After that I then dragged my hoomans to where I get my doggy ice cream. So I made them cross the road and led them to the cafe and whined and waited till daddy kindly gave me it.

Much love

Sir Monty x

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 14 Feb 13:13

It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all. My bad!

I had a greyt Christmas I received so many new toys and treats it was fantastic. This advent calendar was lovely. Why haven’t the hoomans kept that going? I even tried to eat the small animals ones.

Speaking of small animals we have a new addition to the family. I can smell them but can’t get them? I’m not allowed in the room. I wonder why? I only want to say hello… or have a feast. Maybe. But I won’t tell them that. I’ve always liked rabbit ears. Not fair!

I’ve recently completed my first 4 weeks of the insight hounds training. I got a certificate and a goodie bag! Look at me go. I loved it and wanted to go all the time. Not sure why I had to go though but not complaining I got free food and lots of it!

Sister hooman just got a new job. Everyone there loves greyhounds apparently but I refuse, let me say that again, REFUSE to go with her. No way am I stepping into the vets. She says they just want to meet me but I do not trust those horrid people…

I’ve also decided to claim the living room chair. If anyone gets on I’ll kick you off. Even visitors.

Lubs Monty xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 25 Sep 20:14

Better luck next time Monty!:))) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 20 Sep 17:19

I tried to steal daddy’s popcorn while his back was turned. Unfortunately I was given away by the loud bag they were in! Ugh!!! So close.

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by BigEars

Sunday 24 Jul 07:55

We have had Monty over 12 months now and the change from being a scared of the big world and other dogs to if you are going out I am coming with you. He does suffer from separation anxiety a little thing we have learned to accept and lucky to be able to work around. He loves plenty of love and fuss and gives a lot back in return. He loves his time at the caravan and has his favourite stopping off places in Burnham on sea. Can’t get past the pet shop for his treat from the girls behind the counter and his doggy ice cream from the sea front. We all love him and he loves us. So happy that he decided to stay with us after the loss of beloved Russ. Life does work in mysterious ways.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 10 Jul 00:01

Lovely to hear from you Monty. :)) I see you still have your family totally under your control! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 09 Jul 21:08

I have had some conversations with the hoomans today. I said ‘wooooooooooo woof’ and if you’re not sure what that means it’s ‘can I have a treat please’. As you’re saying it though you need to look at the hooman then where the treats are and repeat. Then put the cutest face on. Mine was resting my head on the stool and giving the cute eye. Hope this helps!

Lubs Monty xx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 18 Jun 10:32

Huge Happy 3rd Birthday to our beautiful boy. We love you so much and we can’t believe you're 3 already!! It’s been a pleasure to care for your needs. Monty will have a special doggy cupcake, treats and a new toy! Happy Birthday Monty xx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 04 Jun 20:45

This Burnham on sea is not a bad place you know. I can now tell when we are going to the caravan, I get so excited. I’ve learnt quite a few words actually. ‘Walkies’, ‘Din Dins’ and Caravan. If these are said I get excited.

We went into town today to see the display of vintage cars. I wasn’t interested in them. Instead I lead the hoomans to the pet shop. It’s great in there!! I took two yummy duck treats off the shelf and ate them! Daddy didn’t look too pleased. He said to me he had to pay for them! Oops! Then the nice lady at the counter gave me a couple more. I love that place.

Then later I found a bit of left over pizza. I ate that too of course. The hooman went into a shop and came out with a toy bunny for her new pet coming soon. I tried to steal that but I was dragged away! Was very upset!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 02 Jun 08:34

Last week was greyt, me and the hoomans loved the afternoon tea and entertainment. Me especially loved the lovely brown bag full of goodies!!! I wanted the whole bag but the hoomans made me save some for later… Of course I offered to help share their tea too but that didn’t work.

Apparently we have a long weekend for this jubilee thing. This queen, who ever she is, gets so much treatment and celebration I’d like the same. I’ve heard she has two birthdays! I have one coming up this month but I feel a second one should happen after that! If the queen can have two why can’t I?

Lubs Monty xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 15 Apr 21:37

Sounds like Monty is a very happy lad! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Friday 15 Apr 18:24

The words ‘Din Dins’ and ‘Dinner’ is banned in this house. Monty has now learnt the words and when they are mentioned hoomans don’t get a second to relax! Oh no. It’s tail wagging, barking, howling, talking, jumping, the lot. Oops. Haha!

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 10 Apr 15:00

We visited the Kennels today for the Easter Event. My favourite thing was definitely the sausage bopping!!! I kept dragging the hoomans over there to have more. I got the hang of it! I tired to get 3 at a time but didn’t quite work.

Unfortunately my hoomans made me have a mini pamper session. Which was horrible. Apparently I was a good boy though! My nails are a lot better!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 22 Mar 06:19

A update on Monty. He still gets me up on my day off or holiday very early and let’s them all sleep till late when I am at work. The cat friendly greyhound definitely don’t like cats. He loves his humans very much and loves to go out with us all the time. We take him everywhere and he will wait and not move if somebody is lagging behind when on walks. We are all very proud and amazed at the most loveable clever greyhound you could ask for. Gone is that very shy scared to go out don’t come anywhere near me grey to come on humans it’s meal, treat and walk time. We all love him so much.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 29 Jan 22:53

Dear Monty, so very sorry I didn't get chance to say a proper "Hello" to you today...hopefully we will have time for cuddles next time you visit. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 29 Jan 11:51

I had a lovely appointment at the sand run this morning. It was lovely to see everyone shame it was busy. I had a great run around with the hoomans. See you all soon!

Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 03 Jan 14:15

Hello everyone!

We went to see Wales this weekend. I don’t know what the hoomans meant but I definitely didn’t see any! I looked! Auntie Klaire and Florence was there though. We were in the car for sooooo long! We finally arrived at Uncle Ian and Uncle Michael’s house where we stayed for 2 nights!

I had a greyt time. Florence and I did bed swaps and had loads of fuss/ treats. The little holiday rooms were lovely! I was a very good boy. Yesterday we all went to Aunite Klaire’s bungalow and spent most of the afternoon there. Me and Florence both got our own dinners YUM!

There were cats there! I was taken to see them very cautiously with them in a room and me in the hallway. I was attached to a lead! Apparently I’m trainable and was very good. I didn’t pull or anything we just had a staring contest.

Anyway last night was great I slept all night but at around 7:30 a huge bang and lightning kept happening. I was scared and shaking. It woke the hoomans up and they turned the light on. I went straight on the bed for comfort with one Hooman each side. Scary but it’s all over now, phew!

Happy New Year

Lubs Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 25 Dec 11:11

This Christmas thing is greyt!!! Santa paws came and got me loads of yummy treats and squeaky toys!!!! Me lubs Christmas! It’s my first with my hoomans and I’m enjoying every second of it!!! I’m getting my own Christmas dinner later!!! Merry Christmas to all hounds and hoomans!

Lubs Monty and Family xx

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by BigEars

Sunday 05 Dec 06:04

Just because I get up early for work Monty it doesn’t mean I have to get up every Sunday and Monday on my days off at 5am. Monty is off to see Santa today getting ready for his first Christmas with us. Everyday is Christmas Day for Monty.

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by BigEars

Thursday 25 Nov 09:36

I am definitely doing something wrong Monty when I am at work sleeps in till the wife wakes up. When it’s my day off gets me up about 5am wanting breakfast and fuss even when I let him out at normal times for toilet. When I am eating his nose is in my food and he never bothers anyone else. He even tells me when it’s time to cook dinner because he likes to watch. He is such a lovely boy and we have an amazing time with him. He has gone from a scared boy to a boy full of confidence and knows what he wants.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 31 Oct 09:56

It was lovely to see you yesterday Monty! Xxx The young lady you fell in love with was Luna, she is a very pretty girl and obviously liked you too!

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 31 Oct 09:25

We went to the kennels yesterday to use the sandrun! My hoomans were quite disappointed as they expected me to actually run. I did for 5 seconds then I wanted to go back to the office to see the greyhound I fell in love with!

I was very happy to see everyone! I had a very happy tail. Hope to see you all again soon!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 24 Oct 21:42

Good to hear from you Monty. :)) Sounds like you have your family well trained! Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 24 Oct 21:31

I think it’s about time I updated you!

I now like a morning treat from my Favourite Treat Giver (FTG)! All I have to do if as soon as she appears downstairs in the morning I whine, wag tail, stand by treat draw, walk over to human again, back to draw then give the cute eyes while my tail wags. Works every time.

It’s very nice down here in Burnham! Yesterday there was a food festival. I love food. We went to the pet shop on the way where I got loads of fuss and the lovely woman behind the counter gave me a treat! Yum! I’ll definitely be going there again. Then there was a stall that sold doggy treats. I lead my hoomans towards it and it made them buy me some treats yay! The lady who had the stall gave me a sample. I can confirm it was very lovely! So after spending the hoomans money we went back to the caravan so the hoomans could eat their chips. Of course I helped.

Hopefully we will come and visit you all at Daybreaks soon!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by BigEars

Thursday 09 Sep 10:34

Every time I go in the bathroom Monty likes to rub up against my bath towel and grab it afterwards. I keep finding it on the floor and was thinking it was the others knocking it of the rail. He loves his family very much and we get a lot of love from him. He has just started reading ABBA books he takes it off the shelf. Must of heard about there new Album.

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 26 Aug 17:02

I went to the vets!! Don’t worry it was only a booster… i don’t know why I have to go to that horrible Place! All they do is stick needles in you. I refused to go in but didn’t have a lot of choice. The vet said I have very good teeth and I’m the perfect weight. I’m in good condition too! Yay! Hoomans have given me sardines for being a good boy! Yum

Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 19 Aug 21:16

Today was crazy! I went in this tardis! Well I think it’s that anyway! We went in and daddy pressed a button and boom a minute later we were in a different location! Amazing!

Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 18 Aug 21:04

Monty, sure Florence didn't mind you winning the tail wagging competition :) but sure she will try and beat you next time! :)) Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Wednesday 18 Aug 19:27

First of all thanks for the lovely comments on the last post!

Today we went to the beach. On the way back yesterday a lovely man with 2 greyhounds was outside his caravan and he came out to give me fuss and treats. I love him already.
I went straight to the caravan today to see if he was there as I want my fuss and treats! Nope he wasn’t just the greyhound. I don’t want the greyhound I want fuss and treats!!!

Monty Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 17 Aug 19:40

Monty, so pleased you and Florence had a greyt time together. You are certainly coming on in leaps and bounds with your confidence, all thanks to your wonderful family. Xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 17 Aug 17:56

Great updates on Monty, sounds like he has gained so much confidence and so happy that he and cousin Florence got on so well together xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 17 Aug 17:21

Well done Monty, sounds like you are doing so well and really settling into home life with your lovely family. It's great that you are able to see Florence now - bet she told you a few secrets!! Carry on being a good boy, but maybe leave Mummy's wine alone!! xx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 17 Aug 12:23

Hi Monty’s hoomans here! We just want to say that Monty’s confidence is getting higher and higher. We are so proud of him and he is a delight. We have had him for 2 months now. That’s gone very fast by the way. However when we first had him he was a little unsure on walks and didn’t like other dogs as he was quite scared of them. Now he is completely different. His really enjoying his walks now and every time he goes out he is getting better and better. With dogs he now wants to play with them instead of avoiding them. We are very proud. He has also been excellent with everyone who has wanted to fuss him and give him attention. He is good with children too.

He has been after mummy’s wine though. Back to Monty now to give him some fuss!

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by MontyMoo

Monday 16 Aug 14:06

Hi Auntie Kate, the hoomans really thought about the winner but it was me in the end! I have a very happy tail.

We also played games of bed swaps. That was fun. Unfortunately Florence has gone home now. It was lovely having her and we had loads of fun! I hope to welcome her back soon!

Lubs Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 15 Aug 00:02

Monty, great to hear you and Florence are having a lovely time together. Let me know who wins the tail wagging competition! :)) Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Saturday 14 Aug 21:13

Today has been interesting…

We had a long slow journey down to the caravan today… very slow with all the other cars in the way! I was good but got fed up towards the end. The hoomans were telling me I was going to meet Florence, I wasn’t sure what they meant but it sounded good.

About an hour after we arrived the hoomans took me to the car park and there waiting was Auntie Klaire and Florence!!! So that’s what they meant! They have come to stay for the weekend. How exciting. We have got on very well. We have already had a tail wagging competition.

We got some sausages from the fish and chip shop too!!!!

Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Thursday 05 Aug 22:13

Those orange balls are fun! I took them out of this bowl with other things in. There were yellow things there too! I wanted the balls so I took them and played with them! Mummy came down to them on the living room floor. She said something about ‘oh no my oranges’. They have teeth marks in now… Hehe

Monty Xx

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 01 Aug 19:33

Hi everyone! Just thought I’d update you. This weekend has been eventful and the hoomans have been very proud and disappointed at the same time.

We went to visit the two Labradors again to get me use to dogs. I was excellent with them and I didn’t growl once. I was very happy with them and we each shared kisses and waggy tails. Another dog was added this time which was a spaniel. Considering I have never met her I was excellent straight away with her. Massive progress made and that’s why the hoomans are very proud!

However during that time the bin seemed to have exploded! Oops…. Mess everywhere.

When we got home the hoomans decided to bath me! I couldn’t believe it. All this water suddenly started to come at me. It was horrible. I suppose the shampooing part was ok but everything else was awful. I’m not going in that room again.

Lubs Monty xx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 20 Jul 17:49

I have to say I have had a greytttttt few days here in Burnham! I’m getting so much attention and fuss. Loads have come up to me saying ‘you’re lovely’, ‘you’re beautiful’ and ‘you’re so cute’. I have also got a lot of fuss from people. If they don’t give me fuss which is rare, I go to them myself! Always works.

The hoomans put these boots on me! I looked ridiculous! Apparently it’s to stop me pads burning or something like that. I let them do it because I love them and they said I was very cute wearing them around the town today.

I wonder what the rest of the week has in store.

Monty xx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 20 Jul 08:44

Monty is really enjoying his life with us at the moment. His confidence at home or the caravan is really good and his nose is everywhere but especially the bin getting all the rubbish out. When he is not lying next to us you know he is causing mischief somewhere chewing up something he shouldn’t. We have been taking him to the beach in the evening because it’s been too hot for us never mind Monty. He loves his walks but don’t like other dogs coming up to him. We will take him to our friends dogs again to get him used to other breeds and gain his confidence. The outside world is a challenge for him that he is starting to really enjoy. A cat came up to him yesterday and he just stared at it and let it be on its way. Good job it wasn’t a squirrel.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 19 Jul 20:37

Well Monty, if you didn't have so much character you would be in the wrong home! Well done you, keeping your family on their toes. Xx

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by MontyMoo

Monday 19 Jul 17:40

So we are at this caravan thing this week and I lubs it here. Since I’ve been here ive stolen chicken, ham and also decided to steal the chips that were left over. I recycled the packages to by making a mess. Hope the slaves appreciate it.

Lubs Monty xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 06 Jul 22:08

Lovely to hear Monty has settled so well. :) Xxx

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by BigEars

Tuesday 06 Jul 16:27

We have had Monty 3 weeks tomorrow and you would have thought he had been here for years. He likes to wake me up nice and early for breakfast when it’s my day off around 5am. When I am at work he likes to have a lie in and wake the others between 8am to 9am. He loves his meal times and loves a good lean. We all get plenty of love and wagging tails. His confidence with other dogs is improving but he would rather be left alone after a introduction. We have got used to having his nose in every draw, cupboard and fridge we open. He loves our company and we love our boy who just wants to be loved and shown the big wide world.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 27 Jun 22:36

Well done Monty! :)) Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 27 Jun 21:29

What a very good boy Monty, you will soon learn that dogs come in all different shapes and sizes. Yes, you may not like all of them, but do we like everyone we meet? Well done you, Labradors can be very excitable and you sound like you dealt with the experience well. X

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by MontyMoo

Sunday 27 Jun 20:56

I just want to say we are really proud of our Monty Moo today. As mentioned earlier we went to visit some friends who had a couple of dogs. On walks Monty has been a little scared of other dogs so we went to try and help him get more confident around them. We went with caution and Monty again travelled brilliantly. We arrived and our friends dogs were very excited and Monty was quite unsure when he went in which we expected. He had a couple of growls if they came a bit close but nothing major and it soon stopped. He settled quite quickly and realised there is nothing to be scared of! They all got on very well in the end! Very proud of him. He is a fantastic boy.

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by BigEars

Sunday 27 Jun 09:58

Monty has really settled in now. He loves his food and he is very nosy and likes to put his nose in every cupboard, draw and bag he can. He likes to lean on you and show his love and is a big fuss pot. He gets scared when around other dogs but is always interested. We are going to go to some friends later who have 2 Labradors and get very excited so that will be interesting.

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by MontyMoo

Friday 25 Jun 15:38

There are some strange things going on! I was having my hourly rest and all of a sudden this loud noise appears. I get up to investigate and a piece of white stuff with writing on came flying out at me!!! Im staring at the weird noise machine and it’s not doing anything now! Where did that white thing come from????

Anyway yesterday I decided to be helpful by taking all my toys out of my toy bag. Then take the toy bag out into the garden and leave it there. Very helpful I think.

Lubs Monty Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 24 Jun 22:35

Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 24 Jun 15:44

A lovely update on a lovely lad, so happy you found one another xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 24 Jun 12:11

What a lovely update, I am so very happy that he has been able to help you all to try and ease the awful pain since the very sad passing of Russ. X

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by BigEars

Thursday 24 Jun 08:34

We have had Monty a week now and the love he has given us in that time is huge. I woke up this morning and he was by the side of the bed fast a sleep. He followed me downstairs for a cuddle. I let him in the garden before I went to work and he just stared at me and went back to bed. He is starting to realise that he don’t have to follow us everywhere now. He is amazing and has really helped us all the past week. He has settled in well and just goes where ever he wants. Don’t be late with meals because he will tell you.

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 23 Jun 13:08

Sending you all very best wishes as you start your new life together. x

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 22 Jun 22:49

A big cuddle to Monty tonight. I know he is loved so much already! Xxx His previous owner is so happy for him and his new family. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 22 Jun 22:22

So wonderful to read this and like I have said before, monty sounds a total dreamboat and definitely Lucy's cup of tea. I always believe things are meant to be and barney and russ will definitely have sent him to help you and will be in monty so still with you in their own little way. Love to all xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 22 Jun 22:11

This is such a heartwarming story to read, I wish you all lots of many years of enjoying being together, Barney and Russ wil be watching and nodding their approval. I hope happier times are ahead for your family after everything you have been through. I think it's great that you have found it in your hearts to welcome Monty into your hearts. Xxxxx

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by Greytness

Tuesday 22 Jun 20:42

So so glad that Monty is in his second home now after leaving us. I know that you will bring joy to your new family and hopefully ease the pain of their recent loss. Have a long and wonderful new life young man xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Tuesday 22 Jun 19:11

Well Monty, welcome to the family! You are healing hearts. Can’t wait to see you on our next visit. Florence sends her love. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 22 Jun 17:51

This is just brilliant for Monty and his wonderful new family. All things must pass and after the heartache of losing Russ so suddenly and also Barney I prey that your luck will change. To suffer such a loss and be there to offer Monty a fabulous new life is fantastic. May you all have a very happy and long future together xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 22 Jun 17:20

P.S ....Lovely homing photo, so very pleased. Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 22 Jun 17:18

I am so very happy that you have all given Monty the chance of his forever home. I know how incredibly difficult this has been for you all after losing Russ so very tragically. He is one very lucky boy and I wish you all lots of adventures and happy times together. Love from Jo and the furry four. Xxx

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by MontyMoo

Tuesday 22 Jun 16:39

So it’s been an eventful week. We wasn’t going to rush into anything but we read Monty’s story and we felt he was our perfect dog. We couldn’t really resist and had to go and meet him. So we took him home for the weekend and he has been golden. He sleeps all night without a fuss, no accidents at all, he does what he is told and he is so laid back. He is a little fuss monster who loves a lean. He greets us every morning with a waggy tail and a hug. We have learnt a few things though.. he likes to dust the house as he ran off with the duster, he likes to take out the rubbish because he ran off with the bin bags and he is also an alcoholic after drinking mummy’s cider… We will need to work on that.

He had a great birthday. We took him to Pets At Home and let him pick out a toy. We ended up with Maisy the cow! We also ended up with a doggy cupcake and some popcorn…

Monty came with us to the caravan. He really helped us as it would have been a very hard weekend. He travels very well in the car and sleeps all the way. He found the sofa and seemed very relaxed. He isn’t sure about the beach yet but I’m sure he will learn to love it!

Lastly we are convinced both Barney and Russ sent us Monty. He is the mixture of them both. They are always in our hearts and we thank them for making our lives special. We still think about both of them so much and still miss them everyday. Monty has been a huge help since our loss and we are happy to give another hound a home. Thank you to Daybreaks too for everything they have done.

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by Mich

Tuesday 22 Jun 16:18

So happy for you all. I fostered Monty and he was adorable.

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by jetlucy

Friday 18 Jun 22:29

Happy birthday gorgeous boy! You do sound (and look!) like Mr perfect to me! Big, black, cat friendly, boy...what more could anyone ask for?! I hope your new home is as perfect as you xxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 16 Jun 16:44

Oh my lovely boy - what a roller coaster for you! You may be a cat friendly dog - but we need to find you a dog friendly cat to live with!! Lets hope things work out this time for you sweetheart. x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 16 Jun 16:38

Ha ha, well done Monty xxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 16 Jun 12:52

Oh what a shame, I'm sure he will be snapped up soon xxxxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 16 Jun 10:12

Sadly Monty is being returned through no fault of his own. He is totally cat friendly however the family cat has not eaten since he arrived and is clearly unhappy. He has apparently been absolutely fantastic and will make an amazing addition to a family.

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by Greytness

Monday 14 Jun 20:56

Well done Monty, i'm sure that you will enjoy your retirement much more than your racing :) have a fantastic life with your new family x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 13 Jun 21:36

Wishing Monty and his new family lots of happy times together. :)) Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 13 Jun 18:12

Great news my lovely - be so very happy in your new home. xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 13 Jun 13:54

Lovely rehoming photo, and a fab new name, wishing you all lots of fun times ahead xxxxxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 06 Jun 07:39

Well done beautiful boy xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 05 Jun 16:28

Chase what great news - well done lovely boy. xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 21 May 17:13

Clever boy for not wanting to race xxx

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