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Racing Name
Date of birth
01 jun 2005
Ear mark

Hannah (Moomin)

female, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Her trainer says she is a quiet girl in the kennel. She is lovely to walk and good with children.

Hannah (Moomin) has had 0 cuddles today (8 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 07 Jun 13:09

Happy Birthday for yesterday Moomin! xxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 06 Jun 22:17

Ah.....happy 7th birthday lovely Moo. Hope you are having a great holiday too. Lola was 7 on Sunday (3rd June) and sends a snore... (she's snoozin' for a change) - she says 7 is not so bad after all especially when there is pilchard cake to look forward to xxxx

by Emma

Wednesday 06 Jun 18:24

Happy 7th birthday to my beautiful gentle Moo - I've since discovered through IGB that her birthday is actually the 6th not the 1st, but hey, she gets spoilt every day anyway! Moo is currently enjoying her hols in Wales so she shall have a pilchard cake (and a nice long lie down) when we get back! Love you lots sweetie pie xxx

1 others liked this

by kallie

Wednesday 01 Jun 18:50

happy birthday Moomoo, lots of love from your Derby cousins xxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 01 Jun 17:54

Happy Birthday Moo. I'm sure you're being spoiled rotten - just as you should be! Mand x (with love and licks from Gent & Emily x)

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:53

Happy Birthday Moomin! I am sure you are being spoilt today. Lots of love Kate and Twiggy. xxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:23

Happy Birthday Moo!
Sniffs'n'tail wags from Lola xx

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 01 Jun 13:13

Happy Birthday Moomin.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 01 Jun 12:19

Happy birthday xxxxxxxx

by Emma

Wednesday 01 Jun 08:55

Happy birthday my precious girl, 6 years young today! xxx

by Emma

Friday 31 Dec 09:13

Today is my 1st Gotcha Day Anniversary in my forever home and I've been having a lovely time! My peeps are always fussing over me and I get lots of love and attention. My most favourite things in the world (apart from bedtime and dinnertime, obviously) are to; pinch mum's slippers; stretch out over 2 beds so Kevin has to lie somewhere else; have my tummy rubbed whilst I'm lying on my back with my fangs showing; drink out of the shower tray; pinch the cat food; eat cat poo; lick my peep's faces (though I get told off when I do it in this order); bark at squirrels, and last but not least; bark at other dogs!

I'm definitely a daddy's girl and my mum is always telling me I'm her "best girl", but she also says that to Sadie too, so I'm not sure what that's all about? I've won lots of rosettes with my mini-peep Abby and I'm always a good girl at dog training with Auntie Sally. I can do tricks such as 'paw', but my best trick is to dig my bed up, look beseechingly at someone until they get up and sort it out for me, meanwhile I sieze the opportunity and hop up on their seat on the sofa heh heh!

Happy New Year! Love and licks, Moo xxx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 07 Mar 09:28

Well done Moomin!! That's fab!! xx

by suejo

Saturday 06 Mar 16:40

Lovely picture, and great promotion for Daybreaks!

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Saturday 06 Mar 09:03

Em, thats brilliant, we dont get that paper, but its on line too no pics on there of her though, its an amazing figure ! and obviously Moomin is a special girl !! XX

by Emma

Saturday 06 Mar 07:24

My gorgeous little Moo is now famous! Turns out Moo was the 1000th rehome since Perry Barr RGT moved to Daybreaks kennels. If you live locally, check out page 59 of the Solihull News. I'm hoping there will soon be some coverage in the Birmingham Mail too, so keep your eyes peeled! Em xxx

by Emma

Wednesday 13 Jan 18:34

Hi Hannah

I'm so glad you saw for yourself how happy Moomin is. It's natural that you'll be sad (I'd be worried if you weren't!) but it was the right decision made with Moo's best interests at heart. She is completely loved, adored and maybe even a little spoilt here! She continues to flirt with Monty the cat and is having the most wonderful time playing in the snow with Kev and Sadie.

You know where we are if you ever want to pop in and say hello again, and all being well, we'll see you at the Sutton Walk.

Em x

by HanC78

Tuesday 12 Jan 17:43

I went to Emma's house with Evie and Mark at the weekend and it was soooooo nice to see Moomin all happy and relaxed in her new home with her cousin and aunty. I love her new pink collar. I do feel sad still, but I guess that will pass over time. She is so beautiful and she is lucky to have found Emma and her family. See you soon Moo xxx

by HanC78

Monday 04 Jan 14:00

Hi all, We loved moomin to bits. She is a wonderful placid pretty doggy. It was stupid of us to think in the first place we could cope with a grey in a first floor flat with no garden. We are busy full time working parents to a very demanding 18month old toddler. We decided life just wasn't fair on Moo no matter how much we tried to kid ourselves. I am so so happy Emma has had her and she said we can take our little girl to see her from time to time. I hope one day down the line when we have older kids and a garden we could be considered again to have a grey. I would like to still attend some of the trusts events and help in whatever way I can. Moomin had a lovely time whilst she was with us, spoilt rotten and with not one but two xmas dinners, lucky doggy! (She smelt delightful after those sprouts!!) I will always miss you Moo.

Please dont think badly of us. We have just done what is best for her. There was no way of knowing until we tried. xxx

by Emma

Saturday 02 Jan 10:39

Oh yes, she loves the garden - she needed a wee at 4.30 this morning so she went out like a good girl...then wouldn't come back in again! Meanwhile Kev woke up to discover somebody was in 'his' garden, went out to investigate along with Sadie, and the 3 of them had a lovely time barking their heads off and chasing each other! Eventually my lethal weapon of cheese encouraged them back in, much to the relief of my poor neighbours...oops!

by kallie

Friday 01 Jan 18:59

i am so thrilled to read that Moo is doing so well, i am sure she is loving it at your's Em and that she can have a run in the garden with her bro and sis as well. happy new year to you all. xxx

by Emma

Friday 01 Jan 15:54

Hi Pam, we decided to keep her pet name as 'Moomin' or 'Moo' because she knows it and I think it's sweet! Will get some pics sent soon. Em x

by PamD

Friday 01 Jan 15:10

So glad Emma that you have taken Hannah into your home. We now await the new Bryce name for Hannah. Much love Pam

by Emma

Friday 01 Jan 13:33

Well well well, beautiful Moomin never even made it to the kennels! She arrived here at home yesterday lunchtime and is now a much loved member of the Bryce family which now consists of (deep breath) Emma and Dave, kids Abby and Lauren, greys Kevin and Sadie, and cats Poppy and Monty!
She has settled in remarkably well, even though none of us got a wink of sleep last night because Kev was stressing over the fireworks.
She loves the garden and has been asking to go out for wees (although I do think it's also an excuse to go out and play!), has been ignoring the cats (but not the cat food!), and is just an all-round loving, playful, cuddly and delightful girl.

Happy New Year!

Em x

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Friday 01 Jan 10:42

Im so glad you have been chosen again little sweetheart I was shocked to see you here again ! - if you would still have been available we would have come and taken you home with us ! XX

by kallie

Thursday 31 Dec 17:49

happy new year little girl with your new family and brother and sister, you'll have a fab life!!! so happy for you all..Ina x

by skinnyme

Thursday 31 Dec 15:23

Clever girl being reserved so quickly xxx

by CathnToby

Thursday 31 Dec 11:01

So sorry to see another beautiful girl being returned to the kennels. Sending you a big cuddle from me and Toby xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 30 Dec 18:14

The family couldn't bring her in today but she is arriving tomorrow now.

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 30 Dec 17:55

Oh sweetie it's such a shame to see you returned, I'm sure you wont be here long seeing as you're house trained and good with cats and children. Fingers crossed for you xx

by Jo

Wednesday 30 Dec 16:28

So sorry to see you back, hope you will find a forever home soon. xxx

by kallie

Wednesday 30 Dec 16:01

it's so sad that she was returned but hopefully Hannah will be able to go into a new home asap as she is already house trained and known to be ok with cats and kids, soneone out there will be able to give her a wonderful home and life for the new year. big hug little girl. xxx

by Lauramc

Wednesday 30 Dec 14:20

Sorry to hear this lovely girl has been returned, I'm sure the family are disappointed too.

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 30 Dec 08:38

We have been informed by email that the family cannot keep her anymore and she is going to be returned today due to no fault of her own. She has been in a home for several months now so we are anxious to find her a home as soon as we can.

by HanC78

Wednesday 11 Nov 12:02

Moomin is doing just fine, she hurt her leg though when we let her off the lead in sutton park! Vet said just a sprain and is meant to be common? She came back to us which was a relief and great to see her run. I love her so much and Mark is so falling for her! She has a quiet cheeky character! She is so good in every way possible :0)

by Emma

Wednesday 04 Nov 14:37

What a great pic! Hope Moomin is doing ok? Em xxx

by HanC78

Tuesday 03 Nov 13:52

Love the photo Ruth.... any chance you can send me the full size one by email? You should have my email...if not send to Ina and she can forwards it??? Will let you know about the lump on neck...Mark has just found a vets that specialises in greys.... xxx

by HanC78

Sunday 11 Oct 17:48

Finally we have our baby Moomin at home with us...she has taken to sleeping on the hard kitchen floor! She didn't take too well to the cats after about half an hour previously of not being bothered at all...then started pulling and barking....will persevere! Had a lovely family walk out! Will send a pic Ruth for here when I have one. xxx

by HanC78

Saturday 10 Oct 07:53

Moomin, I hear Emma kindly gave you a love yesterday, we will be with you tomorrow to take you home to a new lovely

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Wednesday 07 Oct 16:45

Fantastic name ! the old ones are the best, cant imagine having a Grey called Clanger though..... LOL Good luck with her, they are really good with the little ones, our big boy is so gentle with our young son its as if he knows he has to be more gentle around him than he is with my teenage lad ! who when together playing foorball is quite a sight..... ! X

by HanC78

Wednesday 07 Oct 16:14

Haha, we like mad names and am not too keen on normal "person" names for animals. We have 1 cat called Hendrix (who has a "person" name but unusual), Kooki the cat and Kalico the cat.... so Moomin will join them and hopefully get on and make a happy family! x

by Willow&Ann

Wednesday 07 Oct 08:37

What a fantastic name - I used to love the Moomins, but had quite forgotten about them 'til I read this! This could start a whole new trend for greyhound names, Clanger, Flump, Penfold, the possibilities are endless, or am I just showing my age now!! Happy new home little Moomin, that's just a great name!

by HanC78

Tuesday 06 Oct 22:46

Hannah's Official new name....wait for it...... "Moomin" decided by Mark coz I loved Moo and he said ....Moomin and we can call her both!! Ordered tags today :0) Oh and we loved the Moomins when we were younger! x

by HanC78

Monday 05 Oct 23:31

Hi Emma, I looked at that link and it confused me, I am used to looking at the one that links from this site? On that you can see the family yours, Ina's and mine are all related?! Thats nice :0) I am really happy, I can't wait! Evie loved her and got kisses! xxx

by Emma

Monday 05 Oct 19:45

I'm sensing that you are a tiny bit pleased?? :0)
Your new baby is related to both of my 2

by kallie

Monday 05 Oct 19:02

Hannah i am so happy for you, i thought you might like this little girl, i think she is gorgeous and she will be great to have around little Evie. can't wait to hear what you'll call her. love Ina xxx

by HanC78

Monday 05 Oct 16:25

Here is our girl....Hannah met Hannah today!! She is really calm and quiet which is what we need...I would fall in love with any grey though! Mark got involved today and seemed to enjoy himself too! We are picking her up on Sunday...YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Will have to call her something else for sure though or it will be very odd! xxx

by kallie

Sunday 04 Oct 21:33

Hannah is a lovely little girl, really sweet natured and she has passed her cat test today. someone will have a gorgeous addition to their family when they adopt this little dot. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 03 Oct 19:23

Hannah is a gentle girl - why don't you pop up to visit her?

by goldie

Saturday 03 Oct 18:45

Hi Ruth,

We keep checking the website to see if you may have a suitable grey to fit into our family. Hannah looks very sweet. We are looking for a calm dog who would be ok around our 18 month old toddler, and we also have small furries in secure hutches in our garden . Would Hannah be ok, or do you have any other suitable greys to suit our household ?

by Didee

Friday 02 Oct 21:08

Hope Hannah has a better night tonight. X

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 02 Oct 06:27

Hannah was speyed yesterday. She has been a bit restless through the night which is understandable. Put on the new animal relaxation and healing CD I bought and she is now fast asleep! She is so very sweet.

by kallie

Wednesday 30 Sep 17:18

what a lovely face. xxx