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About Me

Racing Name
Parkers Buick
Date of birth
01 nov 2019
Ear mark
Left SPN Right VB VC254

Buck (Buick)

male, 5 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Gorgeous Buick!
Some vital stats!
He measures 28" to the top of his shoulder and would measure in at wearing a 28 sized coat.
He currently weighs 29.9kg
He walks very well on the lead and is very inquisitive!
He loves being cuddled and enjoys having a groom.
He was very good meeting the cats and has met small dogs too!

Buck (Buick) has had 0 cuddles today (7 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Jul 22:09

A cuddle for Buck tonight...hope his paw feels better soon. Xxx

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by RobT

Tuesday 23 Jul 07:08

Hi Lisa, Greyt to see Buck and Claire meet. I met Claire when she first arrived. Such a lovely girl.

Hope Buck is feeling a bit better, by the sounds of it he had bit too much fun in the sand run and caught his toe! Bless him.

Volunteers are the wonders of the charity. I have volunteered for nearly 3 years and it has been one of the best things I have ever done. If you do ever want to help out on Saturdays when your free on Roadshows let me know - drop me an email ( this is my personal one as I am having few issues with my Daybreaks one at the minute. Roadshows mostly happen on Saturdays and I welcome anyone that can help out with any amount of time. I can ten add you to my mailing list when new events come up.

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by lisaBaker

Monday 22 Jul 22:53

Buck made a visit to the Kennels today to meet his sister (Claire)….I so wanted to bring her straight home with us and Buck was very well behaved which was good. He is still a little bit reactive and can grumble at other dogs but he seemed quite taken with Claire. He apologise’s for the drama of painting the run red (and thank you to Kate for looking at his paw as I think I went into a bit of startle mode). One bent claw that looks to not be troubling him at the moment and no clue how it happened but he has a Vet check up/vaccination already booked in this week so we will get it looked at.

I also really loved to be back at the Kennels, I miss my Saturdays volunteering but life just seems to be going at such a quick pace I can’t fit everything in. You are all amazing for what you do for the Greyhounds and I’m so glad I’ve been a small part in rehoming three over the years (I just wish I could make that four after today)

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by RobT

Friday 15 Mar 07:18

Happy 2nd Gotchya Day Buck. Bit late... but if I remember rightly, you were one of the first dogs I helped take into the kennels on arrival. This is when you were joined by the now Peanut, Jo's little gem. Well done young gun!!

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 03 Nov 22:52

Hi Lisa, sending your gorgeous Buck a big Birthday cuddle! Xxx
What a lovely update on how he is doing and to hear how he has helped you get through a tough time...Greyhounds are very good at doing that aren't they! He is lucky too, he has a wonderful home surrounded by love. Xxx Lots of love Kate Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Thursday 03 Nov 20:17

Bucks had a very enjoyable third birthday and first in a home…equal measures of belly rub rubs, treats, snoozeys and pressies……he has had a very excitable 6months (at first he was reactive to lots of things and definitely the craziest Grey I have had the pleasure to have in my life)….he is learning manners and becoming less reactive so all is good and I have a lot to be thankful to him for, he came into my life at a quite a sad time and has helped his mommy smile a bit through it all, couldn’t be without him even with the perfected whine to get what he wants!!!!!!!!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Mar 21:56

:)) Sounds like you have all had an exciting day! So lovely to see Buick trot down the drive with you both this afternoon. Xxx I'm sure Shandy is happy to know you have given another beautiful Greyhound the chance of a forever home. Lots of love to you all! Kate Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Monday 07 Mar 20:39

So since Buick got home I think he has sniffed every corner of the house downstairs and garden and already showed us he likes a bit of Bally fun. He has decided the kitchen is his favourite room and worked out that’s where the treats live….gobbled his dinner and been on a walk where as much sniffing was done as walking……….the toys are now scattered across the living room and he is curled up in a corner (I am sure he will work out the big bed is actually his)…….oh and to our surprise all toileting has been in the garden and he hasn’t christened any furniture just yet haha. So far the only thing we need to work on is dinner manners as he found daddy’s diner very exciting and thought his nose should be allowed to go in it.

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 07 Mar 20:36

Congratulations to Buick and his new family. Hope he settles well. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 07 Mar 18:13

All the best in your new home gorgeous - hope you can bring some joy to your new Mum & Dad. xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 04 Mar 12:47

Oh well done sweetheart xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 03 Mar 23:53

So happy to see gorgeous Buick reserved today! :)) Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 03 Mar 16:56

Yay Buick!! Your red sign has cheered up a grey, rainy day - well done gorgeous. xx

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by Liz_beth

Wednesday 23 Feb 16:58

Handsome Buick came with me to Elmdon Park today on another group outing. He was absolutely fantastic! He met lots of different breeds with no issues. He even met a pack of smaller dogs and he just looked the other way. He wasn't interested at all. He loves his cuddles and walks. Joe and Johny were a bit tired on the way back to Daybreaks, but I think Buick would have given a return trip a good go. They made a very good looking trio.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 21 Feb 22:22

Our lovely lad Buick has sadly had to wear a cone when he is in his kennel for the last couple of days. He has been interfering with his neutering op wound and made it very sore! Poor lad. Hoping all will heal up quickly so he won't need his cone...he looked very down in the dumps today. Lots of love to him. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 20 Feb 21:30

Sounds like the boys had a good time at the park! I'm not surprised they turned heads, They are all so good looking....tall, dark and handsome everyone of them. :))) Xxx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 20 Feb 20:45

Buick came with me on a group outing to Elmdon Park today. We were joined by Joe, Mikey and Johny as well and the handsome pack caused a bit of a stir in the park. They had quite a few admirers!

Buick was a good boy. He met several breeds and behaved very well. He is keen to say hello, but can forget what a big boy he is to smaller dogs! If the dogs are a bit further away and running around, he wants to join in with the fun. The poor chap needs to remember that he's on a lead though!

He's a very good looking boy with a lovely soft, thick coat. Hopefully he won't have to wait too long for his sofa xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 18 Feb 15:12

We have added some vital stats to his page and he has just met the cats! What a good boy he was! There will be a video posted on Facebook later......

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by shanishoo

Sunday 13 Feb 11:46

Buick has got such a lovely kind face, I hope his forever home is not too far away xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 08 Feb 23:13

A big cuddle for Buick tonight! He looked so happy when he came back from his visit to the park with Norman today. Xxx

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by Stormin

Tuesday 08 Feb 12:49

Kate was right about Buick being a happy handsome lad..... he certainly is and today paid his first visit to Brueton Park.
He behaved perfectly, travelled there in the car quietly and relaxed and walked beautifully on the lead.
He does come to life when he sees other dogs running free and would certainly like to join in with them.
He met other breeds without any problems although close up with couple of small dogs was quite curious but not in an aggressive way.
He walks with "aerial " ears continually pointing upwards as he is an intelligent boy fascinated by all around him.
Hopefully an active home to give his intelligent outlook the stimulus he'll enjoy will come along for him.

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 08 Feb 09:38

Buick has got the best stand up ears!!! He is a lovely dog who delights in being out of his kennel. He was quite strong on the lead but I think I with the right training he will become a super pet. Cuddles for him xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 03 Feb 22:17

What a handsome, happy lad Buick is! Xxx

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