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About Me

Racing Name
Movealong Minnie
White and Fawn
Date of birth
23 jan 2018
Ear mark
TH LET Vet code 262


female, 6 years old, White and Fawn

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Some vital stats!

Minnie measures 25 inches to the top of her shoulder however she couldn't keep still! She would measure in at wearing a 26 sized coat.
She currently weighs 27.5kg – we feel that she is almost at her recommended weight:

She is a very happy and lively girl! She met Pod who is a Parsons Jack Russell and was very interested so needs some socialisation around other breeds.

Minnie has had 0 cuddles today (10 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Jan 23:42

Dear gorgeous Minnie, I hope you have enjoyed your Birthday despite the wind! Lyra says she understands and doesn't like it either! Xxx
I'm sure you have been spoilt by your Mom and Dad today. :)) Lots of love Kate, Skip, Lyra and Cracker. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 23 Jan 10:03

Wishing Minnie Moose a very happy 6th birthday. Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your chicken and biscuits. Sorry you will miss the sand run today due to the nasty weather. Hugs, woofs and kisses from Jo, brother Cooper and the rest of the gang. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 23 Jan 07:58

Happy Birthday wishes to our gorgeous Minnie Moose - 6 today!

She continues to be as mad as a box of frogs and lives life at 110 miles an hour. Today’s proposed visit to the sand run has been postponed due to the awful weather, she gets really freaked out by the wind so is not a happy bunny at the minute bless her - she is ok if you can show her what is making the noise and she can investigate it ( she learned to ignore the hairdryer this way) but obviously we can’t do that with the howling gales that have been blowing. However, chicken and biscuits are a great distraction!

Have a special day our special girl - you may be a bit of a challenge at times but you are so loved and bring so much to our lives. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 25 Nov 23:43

I saw Minnie this morning...we decided that when Santa Paws visits Daybreaks next week, she should mention to him that her Mom and Dad have been eating her Tuna and put them on the naughty list! :))) Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 24 Nov 16:37

Miss Minnie Moose checking in with a mahoosive complaint- my hoomans keep eating my tuna! This is definitely not on and I have asked my Aunty Kate to have serious words with my Mummy & Daddy. Apart from this - I am having such fun and being a star apparently. I had to go to school with a behaviourist to address my reactivity to other breeds, and I am doing soo much better now - I even stood quietly whilst Mummy spoke to our neighbour with his Northumberland Terrier! I love going to the kennels with Mummy & Daddy when they go to work, and I love playing games and sniffing all the parcels that arrive at the house - well, you never know what’s in them!

My Christmas wish is for all my pals at the kennels to find their own forever homes - it really is the best to be part of a hooman home. Woofs & licks, Minnie x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 23 Jan 08:19

A very Happy Birthday to Miss Moose. Hoping you have a lovely day. Cooper thinks chicken casserole sounds like a plan. Love from us all, especially your brother Cooper. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 23 Jan 06:34

Happy 5th Birthday to our gorgeous Minnie Moose!

Can’t believe it’s been nearly 8 months since she came home - she is still living life at 100 miles an hour, wanting to be everywhere and do everything all at the same time!!! She really benefitted from her training classes, as did Michael and I, and she is such a clever little Miss - she delights in playing games, a particular favourite is the “toast game” we play after our morning walk ( we all like a bit of toast!).

Her reactivity is still a work in progress but we’re getting there, and she is much more relaxed around strangers now - time, patience and TLC work wonders for these beautiful creatures and they are worth it.


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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 31 Jul 08:24

Well done Minnie Moose. What a clever girl you are. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 30 Jul 12:53

Minnie finished her training course last night and is now the proud owner of a lovely certificate - well done beautiful. xx

She has come so far in just a few short weeks and, to build on that, we have signed up for the next level course during which Clare has said she will present us with some challenges - eek!!

It is a great experience for her though, and we have all learned a lot. x

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 23 Jul 19:43

Our gorgeous Minnie Moose is doing so well. She is really enjoying her training with her pals Cracker, Padfoot and Woody and is making great progress. Still a nervy girl, her confidence is building and she is handling situations so much better now.

These beautiful hounds deserve our time and patience to help them adjust at their own pace to the big, wide, scary world and become happy with themselves and their place in the world. xx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 27 Jun 17:25

So today was Minnie's 4 week gotcha day & we went to the kennels for her post adoption check and sand run session. Safe to say she had a blast in the sand run, until the rain came! She has put on weight, and is at her optimal weight now so its a balance to maintain this whilst she is doing reward based training - and she does love her rewards!

A day out of routine and full of so many new experiences, she was happy to get back home but is now thoroughly exhausted!! Well done on your first month Miss Moose - you've done brilliantly. xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 05 Jun 22:24

A lovely update on your darling girl, she sounds adorable xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 04 Jun 16:32

So absolutely fantastic to hear. She is such a very lovely girl and very lucky to have found you. Cooper says hello to his sister and we all hope that everything continues to go well. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 04 Jun 16:19

The Moose continues to bring us so much joy and pleasure as she discovers her new world. This morning was a huge change in routine as she accompanied us to open the kennels. She sat patiently in the kitchen run whilst we worked, and was so happy when we finally put on her lead and told her it was time to go home.

She had a mad 5 minutes zoomies around the garden this afternoon whilst we did a bit of tidying, and is currently spark out on her bed snoozing away after a day of different experiences. She is doing so, so,well - an absolute treasure. X

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 May 22:58

Lots of love to Minnie! Wishing her a very happy new life with Angie and Michael. :))) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 30 May 18:11

Yay, well done pretty girl, wishing you all lots of happy times together xxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 30 May 17:05

The Minnie Moose is home! We have had a lovely day - she has been for a walk round the lakes, discovered apple is tasty after all, had a quick play with a squeaky toy, and is now spark out on her bed.

Thanks everyone for your very kind wishes - Minnie had been in kennels for 3 months & we had been houndless for many years, but the time was never right until now - think we were made for each other!! xx

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by RosieP

Monday 30 May 14:29

Congratulations on your new home Minnie. You will have such a wonderful time with Angie and Michael. Wishing you all many many happy years together xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 30 May 13:59

So very happy for Minnie, Angie and Mike, beautiful homing photo. Wishing you all very Happy times together. Myself and the furry four are over the moon for you all. I had a very soft spot for Minnie as she is my Coopers full litter sister and despite their trainer trying to convince me to have her it was not meant to be, I ended up with Peanut another one of his dogs. I am so pleased Minnie has found her best forever home. Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 30 May 13:56

What a wonderful rehoming picture of you all Minnie has bagged herself a wonderful new home with Angie and Michael xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 29 May 21:26

Can't wait to see Minnie's sign turn green!! :)) Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Sunday 29 May 20:50

What an exciting day you are all going to have tomorrow sending you much love Fiona , Rob , Sarah ,Maddie and Toby xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 29 May 19:04

Only 1 more sleep baby girl then you're coming home. See you in the morning. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 May 21:57

Absolutely overjoyed Angie and Michael have Reserved Minnie...she is a very lucky girl! Lovely Minnie you have been with us since February but...Good things come to those who wait! :))) Xxx

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by Carol12

Monday 16 May 18:30

Fantastic news the beautiful Minnie has found her forever home. She really is adorable so very pleased for you Minnie. Will miss you on Sunday walks though. Xxxxxxxxxxx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 16 May 18:11

This is the most fantastic news for Minnie she is going to have the best life with Angie and Michael and they in turn are going to such fun with Minnie well done all xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 16 May 15:42

Oh Minnie, this is just the best news, so happy for all concerned xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 16 May 14:08

It was inevitable really - just took us a while to take the plunge after so many years of being without a hound. We have loved her from day one, but her sleepover with us at Easter sealed the deal - she belongs with us. X

Just 2 ridiculously busy weeks to get through then we can devote ourselves to settling Miss Moose in - can’t wait. Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 16 May 11:12

Fantastic news for gorgeous Minnie and of course Angie and Mike. She has found the most wonderful home and best of all we can still get to see her. Well done sweetie. Xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 16 May 10:24

SCREAM!!!!!!! This is a very happy day! Our longest stayer Minnie has finally been offered a home with the lovely Angie and Michael, Daybreaks volunteers. I am absolutely over the moon and you can just see the love and connection. She is a very lucky girl and off to her new home after the Jubilee Tea xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 10 May 23:41

There must be someone who has the perfect sofa for Minnie! She is such a really lovely girl. Xxx After her dinner this afternoon she was sitting on one of the raised beds enjoying the sunshine. She really didn't want to go back into her kennel. :( What she really wants is to have a home of her own, where she will be part of someone's family. She has been waiting such a long time. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Friday 29 Apr 15:43

My little Miss Minnie Moose - such a gorgeous girl who just isn't showing herself at her best in the kennel environment. She just wants to be out with you, doing whatever you're doing, exploring - and then having some quiet time to chill & relax.

Your forever home is out there somewhere, fingers crossed it comes along soon. xxx

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by 70netty

Thursday 28 Apr 13:17

She could always be apart of our home and injoy walk and a garden if I could Foster her She would have all the fuss and attention that she wants

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 25 Apr 21:08

Pretty little Minnie enjoys cuddles. She is a happy little soul but gets a bit bored in her kennel. She prefers the company of people. Xxxx

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by Carol12

Monday 25 Apr 15:52

Walked Minnie on Sunday she was so great on the lead, settled down well now I cannot believe she's not been snapped up yet. Such a pretty gir too. Time Minnie found her forever home.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 18 Apr 21:38

Sounds like Minie had a lovely Easter weekend! :)) Hope the Easter Bunny finds her a forever home. :) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 18 Apr 19:21

What great feedback for the lovely Minnie, here's hoping her forever home soon comes along. Good luck gorgeous xxxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 18 Apr 16:12

Sorry Ruth for causing you a panic this morning!!

We have had the pleasure of the company of the gorgeous Minnie for the Easter weekend. As our longest stayer, she has been in kennels since 25th February, we thought it would be nice to give her a break from kennel routine and see how she fared in a home environment. Pop over to the Facebook page to see some photos.

She had to be lifted into the car! but travelled really well. She sniffed absolutely everything in sight on arrival at home, but within about 1/2 hour was chilled and settled. She was fascinated by the washing machine, watching the drum go round, and wasn't phased by the TV or game console noises.

She is so inquisitive and out on our walks, she was on alert with her radar ears for every new sight & sound. We didn't encounter any other dogs so can't speak for how she would be, but we saw lots of wildlife in the form of Canada Geese & ducks on the fishing pools we walked round and lots of large birds in the fields - she was interested, but quickly responded to distraction and walked on nicely. She doesn't pull but does like to take in everything that is going on around her.

Cant believe how quickly she settled into the house, and we had no accidents at all. She loves her food, and did try a bit of counter surfing, but again after correction she learnt to go and sit on her bed whilst we ate our meals.

This girl is so ready for her forever home, and will bring so much pleasure. She is confident, likes to know you are around, but also enjoys some "alone" time where she just wants to chill out on her bed and be left alone.

We loved having her as a perfect house guest - and really hope that someone will soon be lucky enough to have her join their family. Good luck sweetheart, and thankyou for a lovely weekend. x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 18 Apr 09:40

I had a heart attack this morning! I opened up the kennels and there was Minnie's kennel, with her sheet on her door but NO MINNIE! I then found out she had gone out for a sleepover with Angie and Michael - phew! Panic over! That will teach me to look at the board first before calling Jo on her day off! Sorry Jo x

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 18 Apr 08:43

You're related to my Sam and Nadie through Crash! Sam's Dad is Crash, Nadie's Grandad is Crash and he's your Grandad. Lovely temperament if my Sam and Nadie are to go on, and other relations I know of. Good luck in getting your own home soon my sweet girl x

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 11 Apr 19:07

Minnie the Minx is a very loving girl. She walked very well again today. She is a smashing little lady. Xxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 28 Mar 15:39

I spent quite a while with this fabulous girl. She is interested in everything but she walked so well this afternoon, no pulling and easily distracted from the pesky plastic bag in the middle of the roundabout which was about to get a piece of her mind!!. She is a pretty, friendly little girl who loves cuddles. Xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 20 Mar 22:39

Minnie is a little whirlwind, so happy and full of life! She does need some help to understand the big wide world but sure in the right home she will be a super star! Sending her my cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Liz_beth

Saturday 26 Feb 12:09

I took Minnie to Elmdon Park yesterday. She's a very pretty girl, but she's also quite a handful! For a small girl she packs quite a punch, and I had to hold on well when we met other breeds. She found the park a bit over stimulating, and as Ruth has said, she will need socialisation with other breeds. She's a real live wire with a bit to learn about life after racing. On a different note, she likes a good lean and human attention. Good luck little lady x

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by RosieP

Friday 25 Feb 22:09

What a pretty girl. And she sounds like quite a character:)

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