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About Me

Racing Name
Onto Katie
Date of birth
19 oct 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Toronto KatieIE-JUL-97-DKBDW
Family tree & race history


female, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Katie has had 0 cuddles today (46 all together).
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by adrianbeaver

Friday 22 Oct 22:00

Guess what another caravan holiday with mum and dad and Milly - This time to Pwelhi in wales. Loved the sand dunes and disappeared for ages exploring. Now back home to sleeping and resting (and resting) as we walked my little legs off. Had a birthday treat pigs ear (YUM YUM).Love to everyone at daybreaks KATIE.

by PamD

Saturday 24 Jul 11:26

Lucky Babes

by adrianbeaver

Friday 23 Jul 21:41

Just been on another holiday - Whitby in April and now Wells - had fun on the beach with Milly as well as exploring the woods. Im free now as Daddy lets me (and Milly) run free off the lead. Daddy calls me explorer Dog as I love to find short cuts when I go through the woods.
Love to everyone at Daybreaks - KATIE XXXxx

by adrianbeaver

Tuesday 16 Feb 22:26

Hi - ive been really busy settling in to my new home. Its so exciting - a nice big garden which me and Milly have turned into a race track (daddy is not to impressed). Get on well with other dogs and enjoy a nice refreshing pigs ear after a hard day at work (its so tiring so sleep alot) if im good also looking forward to our holiday in Whitby in April. Had Milly's boyfriend round for a dirty weekend (Yes we all carved the garden uo again and got covered in Mud - Great) . I'm not very good at coming back under orders so had my lead put back on by daddy). Cant wait to see everyone soon Love Katie (Buggs).

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 06 Dec 14:47

I will chase up the trainer and track again!!!! So sorry to keep you waiting.

by adrianbeaver

Sunday 06 Dec 13:55

Just checking if you have had any of katies paper work in yet from the trainer. If we dont get any we will take her for her jabs in Feb when Millies are due.

by PamD

Monday 30 Nov 20:22

So glad you enjoyed your first walk. You are truly loved now. Enjoy your Christmas holiday and let us know how you get on in the cottage

by adrianbeaver

Monday 30 Nov 20:09

i really enjoyed the sutton park walk on sunday - cant wait for the next one.Hopefully it will not be as wet next time for me and my mum and dad. xxxxx

by Amy&Monty

Sunday 15 Nov 21:05

Oh yaaaay! Well done Katie, I'm sure you're going to an amazing home, by the sounds of it ;]
I'm SO pleased for you little girlie xxx

by PamD

Sunday 15 Nov 20:03

please let us know what it is like and we can add it to our greyhound friendly cottages

by adrianbeaver

Sunday 15 Nov 13:53

we are staying in a massive house just mins from the beach at carrdigan bay. lots of room for us 3 dogs. can't wait to meet bart, mums friends dog. he is staying with us on weds for 3 nights so i will meet him before the xmas hols. milly gets on fine with him so i should too.mum says quality cottages are really good, they have loads of dog friendly places to stay in wales. check it out.

by PamD

Sunday 15 Nov 11:22

You lucky little girl. Where in Wales are you going for Christmas ?

by Donno

Sunday 15 Nov 07:49

Well done Katie, good luck with your new family x x x x

by adrianbeaver

Saturday 14 Nov 21:27

i have at last found a loving home. Getting on really well with Milly - Sleeping and eating together. Going on a nice walk tomorrow. Thank you to all at daybreaks - Katie xx

by Emma

Saturday 14 Nov 16:42

Yay, Katie's been rehomed! I wonder if she's gone with Millie?? Em xxx

by kallie

Friday 13 Nov 18:29

I hope that you manage to take Millie to meet her, she is so lovely and Millie is so good with other dogs i am sure they get on really well. let me know what you decide to do...i shall have to bring my boys over to meet you sometime soon. love Inaxxxx

by Amy&Monty

Friday 13 Nov 18:22

Met Katie again when we went to pick up Danny, who had been kenneled with her. She was hilarious to watch bounding around the run whilst waiting for her dinner. Such a cutie and we wanted to take her home too!! When she'd eaten she came over for some fuss then went to lie on the sofa like a little princess! I really can't understand why she is still there, cat friendly, house trained and with such an amazing personality. I do hope someone takes her home soon!

by adrianbeaver

Friday 13 Nov 18:15

Well well well, the holiday company have said we can take another dog with us so we have some very serious thinking to do this eveniing. Hopefully we can pop in sat 14th b4 you close and bring Milly to see if they get on xxx

by PamD

Friday 13 Nov 10:37

Hope you go for her Adrian Beaver. She has so much love to give. Dont know why she hasn't been snapped up. Surely the holiday company wont mind another dog. Perhaps someone will offer to have her for you if they wont let her go. She would certainly be loved to bits if you had her and it would have been worth the wait for her

by Ellie09

Friday 13 Nov 07:30

Aah! Poor sweetie! Here for just under a month! Shes just SO cute...I hope someone snatches her up soon. xxx

by adrianbeaver

Thursday 12 Nov 19:25

Bev & Ady, so so tempted. We are away Xmas week in a Welsh cottage with are lovely Milly, some friends and their dog. Only 2 dogs allowed so we really need to think about it as we wouldn't be able to take Katie. Unless the holiday company would let us. She is so lovely xxxxx

by Amy&Monty

Monday 09 Nov 17:44

I don't know why Katie is still at the kennels, she's a darling!!! She is so lovely and so dinky, but her personality makes up for it. She was trying to give my mum and kiss and she just loved all the attention.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Sunday 08 Nov 18:17

I cant believe little Katie has not been snapped up yet ?! she is so sweet and cat friendly... and house trained..... Perfect little girl for some one x X

by kallie

Tuesday 03 Nov 17:39

Haha Adie and Bev, i told you when i did your check that the greys are addictive and here you are having a look at the beautiful Katie, she'd make a wonderful sis for Millie. Ina xxx

by skinnyme

Tuesday 03 Nov 10:17

Katie is such a little darling, she has so much love to give.

by adrianbeaver

Monday 02 Nov 21:56

I really like the look of Katie - She has a similar bloodline to my little baby Milly and if she is half the same then I no that someone will get a loving and caring pet. If you dont go in a couple of weeks you can come and lodge with us . XXXXX

by andy

Monday 02 Nov 20:39

whoever picks katie will get a loving happy girl just ask my little girl andy

by Emma

Monday 02 Nov 20:02

Why oh why is Katie still here? I had another lovely cuddle with her today and she licked my nose! Such a sweetie, and such beautiful colouring. Em xxx

by Donno

Thursday 29 Oct 20:33

This little girl has so much love to give she just need a chance and she will love you forever x x x

by kallie

Thursday 29 Oct 17:27

can't believe little Katie is still here, she is such a lovely girl and will make a fabulous pet hound. surely someone out there will fall for this gorgeous little girl soon and offer her a lovely forever home where she can retire in style. xxx

by Emma

Tuesday 27 Oct 19:11

I had the pleasure of having a lovely big cuddle (and kiss!) off this sweet little girl today! So gentle and kind natured, somebody will be very lucky to have Katie as part of their family. Hmmm, cat friendly too...noooooo - too much temptation!!! Em xxx

by skinnyme

Tuesday 27 Oct 08:25

This gorgeous girl has so much love to give, she has a very waggy tail and looks at you with her beautiful brown eyes, your heart melts.

by annie

Monday 26 Oct 20:30

oh katie you are a real sweetie you are such a lovely little girl you will find a home soon xxxxx

by Emma

Monday 26 Oct 18:33

Oh Katie, what a shame - a taste of the good life then back to the kennels. Someone will snap you up in no time pretty girl. Em xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 26 Oct 16:48

She is a gentle girl - not sure what she would be like around a toddler - pop up and visit her..... you will get a 'gut feeling' whether she is right or not......

by goldie

Monday 26 Oct 16:44

Poor Katie. Does she need to have a companion or would she be ok to be the only dog in the house. Also, what would she be like with our toddler ?

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 26 Oct 15:25

Poor Katie was returned after only ONE night in her new home as she didn't get on with her new owners dog. She is a real sweetie but a little timid (we had her at home with our 6 greys for several days after her spey and she was great with ours). She is house trained and cat friendly.

by Donno

Sunday 25 Oct 12:20

Well done Katie, good luck with your new family x x x x

by Donno

Wednesday 21 Oct 06:59

Such a happy lovely girl loves fuss and that tail never stops wagging. Huggs and kisses xx

by kallie

Sunday 18 Oct 19:34

oh what a cutie. xxx

by ally

Sunday 18 Oct 14:21

katie looks really sweet