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Racing Name
Charter Cantara
Date of birth
20 jun 2004
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history

Mysty (Tara)

female, 20 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

What beautiful eyes.... they melt your heart xxxx

Mysty (Tara) has had 0 cuddles today (52 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by kallie

Saturday 23 Jan 10:06

well Mysty it looks like all the waiting you had to do to find your forever home was worth it in the end and you are now happy and settled. i am so pleased for you and hope to meet up with you and your new family sometime maybe at one of the walks. the boys Rossi Toby and Kenzie say hello as well. Ina x

by Angies

Friday 22 Jan 21:11

Mysty is doing ever so well. My boyfriend has stayed a few times now and she gets on well with him, it may be all the treats he gives her. He does the morning weekend walk and discovered parts of the village that even I didn't know about.My thanks to zalthered for the work they did with her during her fostering at christmas it has made the transition so easy for us.Mysty has only been with us a short while but already feels as if she has always been here.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 16 Jan 08:28

Hello zalthered, if you repost your comment about Joe under Joe, I will can delete the comment posted under Tara!

by zalthered

Friday 15 Jan 18:26

Sorry I put the message re Joe on here by mistake.

by zalthered

Friday 15 Jan 12:08

So sorry to hear about Joe, had been hoping it would be better news for him.But what a wonderful thing Ruth is doing to make his last days as happy as possible.What a lady!x

by zalthered

Friday 15 Jan 12:03

Got back from holiday last night to find out that Tara had been rehomed. So very pleased for her as had been thinking about her while away. Have a wonderful life Tara with your new family & thankyou for making our Christmas special.x

by kallie

Sunday 10 Jan 20:31

so happy to read that she is settling in, Mysty deserves to be loved and spoilt and it looks like she has found the right home at last. xxx

by Emma

Sunday 10 Jan 20:15

So glad Mysty is settling in well - she's a lovely girl and thoroughly deserves her fab new home! Please keep us updated, I'd love to hear how she gets on. Em x

by Angies

Sunday 10 Jan 13:10

Mysty had a good first night with no noise or mess.She is chilling in her bed alot of the time. We are all enjoying the walks.

by TraceyS

Friday 08 Jan 16:54

So pleased to see that Tara has found a new home & a new name!! We adopted Ottie now known as Honey a couple of weeks ago & she is an absolute delight. Wishing you all many years of happiness together. Well done Tara xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Jan 14:07

Great news! wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. Kate xxx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Friday 08 Jan 11:30

Well done little girl! Big hugs xx

by Jilly

Friday 08 Jan 11:12

What fantastic news. Well done Tara,

by jaycee

Friday 08 Jan 10:48

Logged on today 'as usual' and it made my day to see you have been reserved !! SO SO pleased for you Tara - I'm sure you will be very happy in your new life -
loads of hugs!!!!

by kallie

Friday 08 Jan 09:11

Mysty is a lovely name goes with your deep brown mysterious eyes, could not be more pleased for you. xxx

by bullett

Thursday 07 Jan 22:03


by Donno

Thursday 07 Jan 19:40

Well done Tara good luck with your new family. Big hugs x x

by Angies

Thursday 07 Jan 18:15

My daughter,myself and my boyfriend are really looking forward to taking Tara or Mysty as we plan to rename her, in to our family. I just hope the weather gets no worse so we can pick her up Saturday.

by skinnyme

Thursday 07 Jan 18:06

Well done you beautiful girl, at last a forever home, you deserve it. xxxx

by Lauramc

Thursday 07 Jan 16:44

Well done Tara :-) really pleased that another deserving grey has found a home! X

by kallie

Thursday 07 Jan 16:28

well done gorgeous little girl you have been reserved and there is noone more deserving than you to be taken into a loving home and to be made a huge big fuss off. i am so thrilled for you. xxx

by Amy&Monty

Thursday 07 Jan 16:24

Oh Tara! I'm over the moon you've been reserved. I really hope things work out for you and you will finally get to your new home! Good luck little girlie, fingers crossed xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 06 Jan 17:57

Tara has come back from being fostered over Christmas. She is now house trained and got on fantastically with Peg the greyhound. Please don't let her stop in kennels much longer - she deserves a home to call her own.....

by Lauramc

Tuesday 05 Jan 17:48

What are current cat thoughts? My cat only comes home at night and that's not all the time as he has another home! Would that make it harder for her to adjust to cats? Hate to see she's still on here! :-(

by lovemygreys

Friday 01 Jan 21:30

If you are on the kennel site looking for a deserving little Grey, she must stand a chance with you. From what has been said about her she sounds like she deserves a chance with a lovely new home, is yours the one? I hope so x

by kallie

Friday 01 Jan 18:54

had a chat with Tara's foster parents today who sang her praises and told me how well she is settling into a home environment, that should make her re-homing so much easier as she will be already adjusted to being a pet greyhound. please someone give Tara a loving forever home, she is a beautiful little girl and she will reward you with lots of love. xxx

by zalthered

Thursday 31 Dec 16:43

Tara has been really good over Christmas, not fazed by all our visitors. Enjoys her food, also her walks over the park. Just found out that Peg & her have actually raced against each other twice. (Score 1 each) She will make someone a lovely pet once she's settled in, hope it's very soon for her.

by Lauramc

Wednesday 30 Dec 17:24

She is so sweet looking. We had home check yesterday, just need to improve one of the garden fences. We need cat friendly grey, although I love the boys the maisonette would probably need a little girlie. Hmmmm

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 29 Dec 21:33

She is just in a home over Christmas - if anyone is interested she is available to view.....

by Lauramc

Tuesday 29 Dec 20:23

If Tara is fostered does that mean she won't be rehomed now?

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 29 Dec 18:29

I really wan't to take Tara home to come and live with us all and Monty. But there is no way my dad will even consider another one. I really hope she finds a home very soon, hopefully before the year is out. It's crazy she's still here, she's gorgeous.

by Jilly

Saturday 26 Dec 10:43

Have a lovely christmas Tara. Jill & Alison

by kallie

Thursday 24 Dec 17:16

Happy Christmas littleTara. so happy you will be spending it with a companion hound in a comfy home. xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 24 Dec 12:41

Lucky lucky Tara! She is off to spend Christmas in a foster home with Peg the greyhound!

by Emma

Thursday 24 Dec 09:34

I wish somebody would reserve Tara - I can't bare to see those beautiful eyes looking at me when I venture onto this website! I'd love to whisk her away, but my cats (and husband) keep looking at me with "don't even think about it" glares! Em xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Dec 18:59

i have just send you another cuddle little girl because my heart breaks every time i see that you are still waiting to be chosen. hang on in there beautiful Tara and someone will fall in love with you soon, you so deserve to find your forever home. xxx

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 22 Dec 16:09

Tara :[ WHY are you still here?! I wish my Dad had taken me to see you today, seeing as he went without me. I would've had a big cuddle with you and tried to sneak you into the car. You're a gorgeous girl and those eyes make me melt. I just can't understand why no one has reserved you, you'd be so much fun to have round! I hope someone grants your christmas wish xxx

by lovemygreys

Monday 21 Dec 22:50

Please someone spare time from shopping to show some Christmas love and reserve this little lady for the New Year!
She could be the best present you will ever get. I should know we had 2 Greys last December!!! good luck sweetie x

by Emma

Sunday 20 Dec 09:30

This little lady has had 141 races - she deserves a nice comfy bed in a forever home to put her paws up, and wouldn't it be nice if she could find that home for Xmas? I would love to put Tara on my Xmas list but I'm not allowed another one :0(

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 18 Dec 08:02

I dearly hope someone falls in love with Tara soon. She is a lovely girl. When people come to look around the kennels, she doesn't 'sell herself' as she is so quiet. We took her again on her cat test and she behaved herself (she failed before). I think she could learn to live with cats if she had a sensible owner willing to be on their guard initially.

by lovemygreys

Thursday 17 Dec 18:17

All those cuddles listed and still no forever home! someone must see she is an ideal grey just waiting to be loved. I already have 2 girls and a boy so I really need another fella to help poor little Dylan (the gent) out. If I was looking for a girly she would be the one (I love the Blacks) fingers crossed that you will at least be reserved by Christmas x

by skinnyme

Wednesday 16 Dec 10:39

Please please someone give this beautiful girl a home for Christmas.

by kallie

Sunday 13 Dec 19:39

another grey who pulls at my heartstrings. Tara is a truely lovely girl with eyes to loose yourself in. she walks nicely is friendly and does not show any interest in small dogs when out (we walked past some small yappy dogs today and she only had a cursory glance at them), so how come she has not been snapped up yet? have a look at her and go in for a cuddle and see for yourself what a cutie she is!!! x

by Ellie09

Sunday 06 Dec 14:16

Why have you not found a home hun?
I would LOVE to have you but you'd chase my little furry monster. 8(

by kallie

Sunday 29 Nov 19:36

why has this gorgeous little girl not got a home yet? she really is a sweet natured little grey and will make a wonderful pet. surely someone will fall for her sweet little face before too long?! xxx

by Emma

Sunday 29 Nov 18:01

Poor Tara - how can anyone resist those beseeching eyes?? Hang on in there - your perfect home must be just around the corner xxx

by kallie

Wednesday 18 Nov 17:42

poor little girl having to wait for a home because she does not like cats too much, i am sure someone out there won't mind you not liking cats and give you a happy home very soon. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 15 Nov 16:34

Tara unfortunately failed her cat test today so became unreserved. :-(

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 07 Nov 07:11

Ha ha Em - you only get this treatment if you are 4 legged and furry! The two legged type have to fend for themselves (just ask poor Robbie!!!!!!)

by Emma

Friday 06 Nov 19:29

Gosh, it's a hard greyhound life isn't it? Or at least it is when you're a Daybreaks grey! Please can you let me know when there is a vacancy in Hotel Boswell as I would really like a nice holiday! Em xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 06 Nov 18:22

Scrambled egg and sausage went down nicely..... so far, so good!
She is not even reacting to the fireworks :-)

by kallie

Friday 06 Nov 16:01

what a little beauty, i am sure she'll be right as rain after a little of the 'Boswell treatment', x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 06 Nov 15:38

Tara arrived today - she is still not eating following her spey so she will come home with me tonight and we can tempt her with some scrambled egg!