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About Me

Racing Name
Maxie Jack
Date of birth
01 nov 2004
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 20 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Max has had 0 cuddles today (43 all together).
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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 18 Apr 19:01

I wanted to say how happy I was when Val, Ray and Peg visited and said Max was to become a permanent member of their family. I am soooooo pleased. Thank you for giving him a wonderful home xxx Sending Max a cuddle today x

by zalthered

Thursday 15 Apr 09:03

Well, Max is home now for good. He's been & had his first injection, next one in two weeks. His foot is a lot better but he's got a slight ear infection. Reading the comments, noone seems surprised that we've kept him.I didn't make it that obvious that I wanted another grey did I ? Val, Peg & our

by PamD

Sunday 11 Apr 11:54

I am so pleased for you all. I just had a sneaky feeling he wouldn't be coming back.
See you soon on a roadshow

by lindylou

Sunday 11 Apr 09:42

So pleased for you, Max!

by kallie

Sunday 11 Apr 00:11

this is such wonderful news Maxie boy, you could not have found a better home than the one you have got. much love to you all. Ina and the boys xxxx

by Emma

Saturday 10 Apr 19:20

Well done gorgeous boy, I had a feeling you'd be stopping there! Keep us updated on what you and Peg get up to, won't you? Be happy sweetie, you deserve it. Em x

by tinabina

Saturday 10 Apr 18:06

Hey Maxie, was great to see you today - you brought a tear to my eye. And so so happy that you're now going to be a permanant resident with Aunty Val & Peg. Hope we bump into you all again soon, lots of love. x

by suejo

Saturday 10 Apr 13:39

What fantastic news that he has a forever home! Hope his foot is better.xx

by zalthered

Tuesday 06 Apr 20:29

Poor Max has got a poorly foot, he must have trodden on something while out for a walk. The vet said she can't see if anything has been left in his pad. So he's got antibiotics & painkillers & if no better by Friday he'll be sedated so the vet can examine the foot properly. He's feeling really sorry for himself but he's enjoying all the extra fuss & attention. He's so lovely. Val x

by kallie

Tuesday 30 Mar 17:19

Max sounds like he would make the perfect companion for someone out there and he does want his own home although he is being very well looked after and loved by Val and her family. give this gorgeous hound a chance and a bit of room on your sofa or on his own bed in your home. xxx

by zalthered

Monday 29 Mar 09:38

Max went visiting yesterday. We went to see family in Gloucester who have a little yorkie called Simba.Max was wonderful with him, no problems at all. Then my niece came with her 2 black labs. So there were 6 adults & 5 dogs in the house. Max went & quietly lay on the settee in the conservatory,he was so good all day. Everyone fell in love with him.He's just so lovely natured. Val, Peg & Max. xxx

by zalthered

Friday 26 Mar 20:20

Just an update on Max. He's doing great. Still timid around men but I'm sure with time & patience he'll overcome that. His tail wags so much of the time, I tell him it'll fall off one day.As I'm writing this he's curled up on his favourite armchair fast asleep.He's such a very lovable dog. Val. xxx

by zalthered

Monday 01 Mar 18:42

Max is getting on so well. Perfectly clean in the house. enjoys his food,walks lovely on his lead. He likes to lie on the chair rather than the settee. But he's never tried to go up the stairs.He's just such a lovable boy, he'll make someone a wonderful pet.

by kallie

Wednesday 17 Feb 21:37

is it out of sight out of mind for Maxie? just because he is not at the kennels at the mo does not mean that he does not deserve a consideration, he is now a fully fledged pet grey and will be a wonderful boy to have in one's life. someone please have a look at him and you will see what i mean. xxx

by zalthered

Tuesday 09 Feb 18:22

Max is doing fine. He's definitely settled in, he's getting a bit cheeky. He keeps trying to get my toast off my plate if I turn away for a minute, he's succeeded a couple of times. He also ate some cherries the other day stones and all.
He's still a bit timid with Ray, also with my son Dave when
he visits. I think he may take a bit of time to get used a man. But apart from that he's really good with everything else. He's a sweetheart. I'll really miss him him when he finds
his forever

by kallie

Tuesday 09 Feb 17:00

how is our special boy doing? i hope he is being a good boy and learning how to be a perfect pet so that some lucky person will give him his forever home very soon. give him a very big hug from me, Ina xxxx

by zalthered

Tuesday 02 Feb 14:50

An update on Max. He's settled in well, it took him a while to get used to Ray because of his home & away working life.He does need a little time to get to know someone, but then he's absolutely great.He eats well & his toilet habits are really good. Only 1 accident, which was my fault as I slept through the alarm. He comes to you now for cuddles & lots of fuss, his tail very rarely stops wagging. Him & Peg still have their daily play together, while they get on together I also feel that Max would be happy as the only dog in a home.I think having all the love & attention would make him more confident & a wonderful first grey for some lucky family.

by kallie

Wednesday 27 Jan 19:11

thank you Val for doing such a wonderful thing by fostering Maxie and bringing him out of his shell. over time he got more and more withdrawn and i am so pleased that he is enjoying himself so much. you are a star as is Peg and of course the boy himself!!! love Ina xxx

by zalthered

Wednesday 27 Jan 17:26

Max is coming on by leaps & bounds, he's really making himself at home. No problems at all overnight, he's waiting by the door when I come down in the morning,tail going ten to the dozen.Then he's straight into the garden. Then back in & onto the settee. You can see his personality starting to come to the surface.He's a lovely boy, walks really well on the lead. He's good around other dogs in the park. Peg & him are getting on great, they have their playtime every day. As I'm writing this he's behind me on the settee, legs straight out , I'll be on the floor in a minute.

by tinabina

Wednesday 27 Jan 13:46

So please to see you've been fostered Max, it was breaking my heart to see you week after week. Just got to sort Miss Joy out now.. Good luck for finding a permanant home, big kisses. x

by court-family

Wednesday 27 Jan 12:52

Just bumped into Max with Peg over the park! Was lovely to have a chat and hear how well he is getting on! Nice to meet you Val. X

by liddysmum

Tuesday 26 Jan 14:22

Its is lovely to hear that Max has had a good first night with his new family, please give him a love from me.. I had no doubts in my mind that he was a lovely boy but just didnt seem to bond with my Lydia, may be she just likes being the queen in her castle!. Good luck Max you deserve a lot of love x

by zalthered

Tuesday 26 Jan 09:28

Max was very quiet & unsure when he arrived home with Peg & I yesterday. We gave him lots of fuss whenever he came to us.He ate most of his dinner & settled down for the night well. No problems overnight,he was really good. This morning after they'd had their breakfast, him & Peg had a mad 5 minutes together. They were running around chasing each other having great fun. It bought a tear to my eye watching Max with his tail wagging , enjoying himself so much. They're both flaked out now, Max is lying next to me on one settee & Peg is on the other one. We're off for a walk in a little while if I can prise them both up.

by court-family

Monday 25 Jan 18:21

Oh bless you Lydia's mum - I bet that was a toughie for you! You will find the grey for you - you did absolutely the right thing. It would have been awful for you if anything had happened. X

by kallie

Monday 25 Jan 17:17

oh Maxie what did you do that for, chase the cat especially when you had been so nice with Kerry's cats!!!! hopefully you'll do well at your foster home and with a bit of luck once you are all house trained and acclimatized to a home environment someone without a cat will just snap you up in a jiffy and give you your forever home. Becoming Lydia's brother was obviously not to be so onward and forward and i am sure that Val will look after you and make you into an irrestable hound for somebody in no time. big hug and see you soon xxx Ina xxx

by PamD

Monday 25 Jan 14:11

Max is now going out for a foster period with Val and her lovely Peg. Unfortunatly Max did not get on with the previous owners elderly cat and with much regret they had to return him. This was the right decision for all concerned
Pam D

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 25 Jan 13:59

Hi Lydia's mum, you did the right thing in bringing Max back who was only on trial anyway, for the sake of your cat and also for Lydia as you said they had been grumbling a lot at each other during the night.

Like I said - I believe in fate and I am sure the right grey is out there and although he was great with Kerry's cats and with training he could of got there - it is not worth upsetting the balance in this case.

by LadyVictoria

Monday 25 Jan 13:50

Poor little Max...xx

by liddysmum

Monday 25 Jan 12:59

The decision to bring Max back was not taken lightly and some of the comments that are being made are quite hurtful! My cat is a very old at 16 years and is most definately on her last legs as it is without being chased, i was worried for her and for my girl lydia who up until now has not batted an eye lid at the cat and did not want her to change. Max is a lovely boy and yes someone that is at home all the time to give him 100% time to adjust and come out of his shell is what he needs, but i would be careful if trying to home with a cat even if he did get on well with Kerry's!

by court-family

Monday 25 Jan 11:46

Never mind Maxi boy - it just wasn't meant to be chap! Things always happen for a reason . . .

by lovemygreys

Monday 25 Jan 11:28

People sometimes need as much patience as these lovely grey's have while they wait for a forever home!
Poor Max, but then as Ruth says fate is very wise and I bet Max will realise that. Good luck fella fingers crossed you will find the right people and a cat you can have time to get used to. Patience is a virtue!

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 25 Jan 10:29

Poor Max is coming back today. He chased the cat....... I know he only went out yesterday and with training he would have been ok but I believe in fate.........

by Emma

Monday 25 Jan 09:02

Reserved at last - well done Max! Em xxx

by suejo

Monday 25 Jan 07:05

Hurray! Well done Max!

by julie

Sunday 24 Jan 20:29

You've been reserved! Hope all goes well for you, good lad!.x.

by kallie

Sunday 24 Jan 18:38

i am sooo happy that this gorgeous littlee boy a. passed his cat test today and b. has been reserved and gone out on trial to see whether he can live with Lydia ( a lovely greyhound girl) and the resident puss cat. be a good lad Maxie and hopefully you'll have got your forever home. love Ina xxx

by kallie

Friday 22 Jan 18:39

you must be thinking of Myles, he's got a fine white line in his face and his brother Milo has a much fainter line as well. Maxie has a gorgeous black face with a little grey muzzle. he is such a sweet boy. xxx

by Emma

Friday 22 Jan 10:55

Poor Max, I'm so surprised somebody hasn't already jumped at the chance of having a quiet good natured little boy who you barely notice is even there! Em x

by lovemygreys

Thursday 21 Jan 15:38

When I had my first grey Izzie from another grey rescue she had been there for a year for the same reason as Max, dhe just didn,t sell herself.
She loved people but was "stir crazy" and put people off because she lay in her kennel covered in sawdust and her own wee licking the metal bars on the entrance door!!!
She looked at us as we passed and we just had to ask about her and . After hearing her story we took her for a walk and that was it, we where in love,
Yes she was a bit confused at first and was a real thief with food, but she was soon clean in the house and once she realised she belonged to someone at last her loving personality shone through.
Please someone give this lad a chance. x

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Wednesday 20 Jan 16:20

Is Max the one with the white line along his nose??

by kallie

Tuesday 19 Jan 21:33

Maxie makes me so sad as he does nothing to sell himself to prospective owners and yet he is the sweetest little boy who so loves a cuddle. he really is lovely so please someone out there go and have a look and spend some time with him. he is getting overlooked all the time because he is not pushy but he so wants a home of his own. thank you. xxx

by zalthered

Monday 18 Jan 21:53

Saw Max today,he looks so sad.Wanted to make a fuss of him but he stayed in his bed.He's so lovely, I found it hard to walk

by Emma

Sunday 10 Jan 20:18

Aw Max, you need to sell yourself a bit more mate! Somebody will give you your forever home soon. Big hugs, Em x

by kallie

Saturday 09 Jan 14:48

Max is such a wonderful little boy, he is gentle and affectionate and really sweet natured. please someone out there go and see him, he is the one who is being jumped all over by his kennel mate Joy which is possibly why you have not noticed him so much.

by liddysmum

Tuesday 05 Jan 12:18

Max looks so cute and small would make him a good match for Lydia, has he been cat tested?

by lovemygreys

Friday 01 Jan 21:10

Max Cracker and Magic how could you choose from theses 3 black beauties? Well tell you what, why not start with one and then come back for the other 2!!! That's how we ended up with our 3!!! and we Luv them all good luck to all x

by kallie

Friday 01 Jan 18:46

Maxie is such a little love, so dainty for a boy and so sweet and well behaved, i just can't understand why noone has chosen him yet. someone out there who is looking for a smallish well behaved grey please go and spend some time with this lad and see for yourself just how lovely he is and offer him the home he so wants and deserves. xxxx

by lovemygreys

Monday 28 Dec 21:05

He is such a little grey I though he was a girlee! but he is very sweet and reminds me of my boy Dylan who because of his steading influence on my big girls I call " The Gent "so many lovely greys looking for a forever home

by Emma

Sunday 20 Dec 09:32

Poor Max, why is he still here? He's such a quiet little boy, he'd make a perfect companion for some lucky person out there. Em x

by kallie

Sunday 13 Dec 19:45

Max came for a walk with us today and he is such a good lad, someone could not do much better than this boy. xxx

by kallie

Sunday 29 Nov 19:43

Max is a really nice small boy, you'd hardly know he is there ( owning 2 very large boys i would hardly notice him, haha) xxx

by soph

Sunday 29 Nov 18:14

He is onley small but is so handsome! He is a lovely boy! xxx

by kallie

Monday 23 Nov 17:36

just look at this handsome boy, Em you are right he does look like your Kevin...and he is a stunner too. xxxx

by skinnyme

Monday 23 Nov 10:24

Yet another stunner, he settled straight into his kennel yesterday

by Gaffa

Sunday 22 Nov 15:01

he is the double of woody! hope he keeps his eyes open longer than woody lol

by Emma

Sunday 22 Nov 13:20

Goodness me - I thought for a moment he was Kevin! He's GORGEOUS!!! xxx