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About Me

Racing Name
Memories Double
Date of birth
02 aug 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Memories JewelIE-AUG-01-BK
Family tree & race history

Jack (Roly)

male, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Jack (Roly) has had 0 cuddles today (21 all together).
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by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 30 Oct 15:46

Run free at that bridge fella..... much love xxxxx

3 others liked this

by Blackcat1

Monday 29 Mar 11:04

ROLY - now Jack - Update. What joy this lovely black boy has brought into our home. He sees the cat as part of the family and something to protect (bless). Jack has a mind of his own - if he doesn't want to walk in one particular direction, he has the trick of changing gravity so his feet become glued to the floor, lol. Areas we are working on are: crossing large spaces, meeting people outside the home (he's fine within), going into shops. We've cracked the toileting with Jack, we've just got to train ourselves a little better in watching the time! Now looking for a lady friend for Jack - now we've got one it seems churlish not to help another and of course get Jack some doggy company. He's copying the cat and picking up some strange, undog-like habits, lol. He hasn't started miaowing yet, fortunately. LoL. Thank you Ruth for helping us choose a mutually perfect Grey. xxxxxxxxxxxx

by kallie

Friday 08 Jan 18:47

hi jill and alison its so lovely to hear how well this fabulous boy is doing. i don't know what time you feed him but i tend to feed my 3 boys around 5ish so i can then walk them for a little walk about 6ish and then i obviously let them out for wees etc before bedtime. seems to work for them. i have noticed that if i feed them much later than that they have had the odd nbr 2 accident at night though. each dog is different and you may just have to adjust the timing to suit your lovely boy. love Ina x

by Jilly

Friday 08 Jan 12:10

Well, Jack has been left on his own for the first time for a full day. He behaved tremendously. No mess at all. He is loving the cat as well so we don't leave his muzzle on any more, he knows who's the boss. We are just having a poo to greet us in the morning, he goes out just before we go to bed but perhaps our timing is a bit wrong with feeding and walking. Any advice would be appreciated.
We are loving him to death and he is getting spoilt, his fur is coming back on his tail and back legs, he's being treated to almond oil massages every day. Gluten free milk in a cuppa some mornings, scrambled eggs with his breakfast sometimes as well. He's learning and we are too and it's wonderful.
Thank you every one for making our life complete.xx

by kallie

Sunday 27 Dec 22:22

Jill and Alison i have just looked at the photos of Jack and he looks so settled with you all already, it's wonderful to see him so happy and relaxed. he is a gorgeous boy and i am sure he will give you as many happy moments as my 3 black greys give to me. love Ina xxx

by Jilly

Sunday 27 Dec 15:46
If you type this link into facebook you can see more photo's of him. We have changed his name to Jack, as in black jack. He has been left on his own on his bed for a couple of hours today. And he has his muzzle off now in the house with the cat, he's very good so far, can't believe our luck.
Thank you Ruth for everything you do for the dogs.xx

by Donno

Sunday 27 Dec 11:59

Well done Roly what a lovely Christmas present for you and your new family. Lots of love & kissess x x x x x Happy New Year to you all .

by Jilly

Thursday 24 Dec 22:16

Well, just to let you know how he's gone on his new home. he was absolutely brilliant in the car going home, the journey was just over 1 hour and he lay down all the time. I got him out of the car and walked him round the house, he peed on the coal as if to say "this is mine now". he went into the home and he is brilliant with the cat, in fact the cat has more of an issue than Roly. His tail was curled up his tummy for about an hour then after repeatidly going outside he started to wag his tail and it hasn't stopped. he didn't eat his tea until 9pm, then drank loads of water then he told us again that he wanted to go out. He is so very clever. he stood still while he was brushed, then wiped down with an aloe veroe wipe. I tell you he is going to be so spoiled. he is in the dining room, chewing on a boiled bone, lying on a quilt with the radio on and a little light. We have closed the door, so he can sleep without his muzzle on. i don't think it will take him long to settle down at all.
We will keep you posted, but just to say this is the best christmas for us both. Thank you all. MWAHHHHH

by Donno

Thursday 24 Dec 21:22

Roly and Tina were kenneled together, think it was a match made in heaven x x

by Jilly

Wednesday 23 Dec 21:43

Hi, myself and Alison have passed the house test so we can't wait to collect Roly and give him all the love he should have and more. We will let him settle in then Ruth, we will want a female who is cat tested please.
i will keep you updated on him when he is the Lord of the country side.xx

by julie

Wednesday 23 Dec 19:11

We are so pleased you have been reserved, you are a lovely boy, we wish you well in your new home.x.

by debbie

Monday 21 Dec 19:35

Im intrigued to know who the cat is!!!

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 17 Dec 14:03

Roly passed his cat test today - fab!

by kallie

Sunday 13 Dec 19:43

he is so lovely and very friendly, if i had a van and a much bigger house he'd be number 'umpteen' greyhound.

by Lauramc

Friday 11 Dec 21:45

A very handsome boy. Gorgeous!

by Ellie09

Sunday 06 Dec 14:13

He's such a handsome little grey x

by shazza

Saturday 05 Dec 21:33

We have just made the decision to adopt and really need our new addition to like our Diva Persian Cat (who is very very laid back around dogs and is a rescue himself). I had to have my dog put to sleep two years ago and the house just isn't the same without him and I am getting fat from lack of exercise! Help!

by Ellie09

Thursday 03 Dec 07:17

Ahhh! Have you cat tested him yet?

by Donno

Monday 30 Nov 21:27

Roly is a loving boy, who love to be cuddled. He is so gentle a true gentleman x x

by kallie

Sunday 29 Nov 19:42

he is even more beautiful in the flesh, has the loveliest eyes and seems such a softie. xxx

by soph

Sunday 29 Nov 18:08

he is such a lovely boy he like having a cuddle. i love him x :)

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Friday 27 Nov 13:56

Same dad as my Molly and he looks just like her. Beautiful!!xx

by paige

Friday 27 Nov 10:43

:-O how gorgeous!!! i want him

by kallie

Thursday 26 Nov 17:15

he is beautiful!!! even nicer on this photo than on his racing picture, i just love the black greyhounds they are so stunning. xxxx

by kallie

Monday 23 Nov 17:41

another lovely black boy, he looks very fit on his photo (click onhis family tree and have a peek) xxx