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About Me

Racing Name
Leeview Lleyton
Date of birth
01 oct 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Leeview TanyaIE-JUL-98-WBE
Family tree & race history


male, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Cracker has had 0 cuddles today (82 all together).
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by Presh

Monday 10 Oct 13:30

Hi Cracker! U have seen me a lot before! I am maisie's best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think u r soooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!! love Chloe xxx

by crackercharlie

Monday 06 Sep 19:14

Well done Cracker. It's amazing u were in the kennels 4 so long. Now your true potential & character is showing through & thankfully u were taken into a family where u r so loved & looked after. X

by kallie

Sunday 11 Apr 22:04

it was wonderful to see Cracker today with his new family looking so well and happy, he seems to have bonded so well with the kids and his new mum and dad. i am so pleased that he has found his forever home where he will be loved to bits. Ina and the boys xxx

by Emma

Sunday 11 Apr 18:07

It was such a treat to see Cracker today, he's certainly got his paws under the table with his lovely new family! Well done honey! Em x

by lindylou

Monday 05 Apr 15:14

Now there's a happy, contented boy! So please for Cracker that he's found his forever home at last.

by liam_dave_&_cracker

Monday 05 Apr 13:07

whoops, wrong link...

by liam_dave_&_cracker

Monday 05 Apr 12:40

Hi everyone and many thanks for your kind comments. Cracker is fitting in very well with his new pack as you can see from the new pics. He's a big beautiful beautiful bundled of fun!!

by shivon

Sunday 04 Apr 23:03

Hi Cracker and of course liam and dave. Hope things are going well. Please let us all know. Think of you every day and even though i couldnt take you it looks like you are happy in the photos and with ur new brothers have a lovely life a head of you. lots of love x x x x x x x

by sally

Thursday 01 Apr 23:17

What a lucky boy, George, Jasmine and Jet can't wait to meet up on local walkies!!

by Emma

Wednesday 31 Mar 17:33

Oh I am soooo pleased! I love the photos - Cracker looks like he can't believe his luck! Em xxx

by lindylou

Tuesday 30 Mar 23:40

So so thrilled that Cracker finally has a home of his own. Good luck, beautiful boy!!

by tinabina

Tuesday 30 Mar 21:57

So happy for you gorgeous boy. It's just what you've been waiting for. You've made my day .x

by Willow&Ann

Tuesday 30 Mar 19:51

Well done Cracker, congratulations on your new family, that's such wonderful news! It's been "one of those days" today (you know the type, if anything can go wrong, it will and has) but looking at those lovely photos of you in your garden has completely made my day. I can't believe how your new grey brothers look so pleased to see you, like you've always been there! Good luck little man, you've really landed on your paws (good things come to those who wait!!!)

by Lauramc

Tuesday 30 Mar 18:26

Yay! So excited for Cracker, the pics show how happy he's going to be! All that waiting has obviously paid off in the end. x

by starkie

Tuesday 30 Mar 18:19

Cracker I am so happy for you and you look soooo at home in the pictures on Bluboxes. Soooo very very chuffed. Good luck and I wish you all the best for your future in your new home with your 4 legged & 2 legged companions.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Tuesday 30 Mar 17:24

Absolutely brilliant !!! so pleased for you cracker boy !! cant see the pics but im sure your going to be so happy with your new family ! XX

by kallie

Tuesday 30 Mar 17:07

the photos of Cracker in the garden are so lovely, he seems to look totally amazed at it all and i do so hope that he will be a good boy for you all, Henri and Ian, keeping my fingers crossed that this will be it for Cracker, his very own special home. with love Ina x

by shivon

Tuesday 30 Mar 16:13

So happy for you cracker. Im at college meant to be doing work but now im sitting here like a cheshire cat. Love ya loads. So happy you got a home x x x x x

by PamD

Tuesday 30 Mar 16:01

Lucky boy. Henri(etta) and Ian took pity on our Cracker. What a fantastic home he now has with his grey brothers Liam and Dave and human sisters and brother!!
Good Luck lovely boy
Thank you Henri and Ian

by kallie

Tuesday 30 Mar 15:57

oh Cracker i am sitting here with tears in my eyes as i am so happy to see that you have fianlly been chosen to go into a home. i hope that i will be able to give you a last cuddle when i am down on friday. well done gorgeous and the best of luck. Love Ina and the boys xxxx

by liam_dave_&_cracker

Tuesday 30 Mar 15:26

Cracker is settling in well with his new buddies, Liam and Dave. He's performed a thorough inspection of his new house and garden and I think it's to his liking! Some piccies of his first couple of hours in his new home...

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Tuesday 30 Mar 14:49

Well done and good luck!!
Big sniffs
Love Molly and Reggie

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 30 Mar 14:03

So pleased that Cracker has been reserved as he has been at the kennels so long. We have been following his progress on the comments page. Seems like the black males are there for some time but they are so lovely and deserve a good home.

Sometimes we think that the black greyhounds get left behind but having two black greyhounds of our own we know how lovely they are.

Alison, Richard, Rose and James

by goldie

Tuesday 30 Mar 13:31

Good luck Cracker. I truly hope that you are heading off to your forever home real soon. Soooo pleased to see you are now reserved. You are such a big, handsome boy, with loads of character, and so much love to give. Best of luck Cracker xxxxxxx

by starkie

Monday 29 Mar 12:27

Cracker you are an angel. If things don't work out for you ask Ruth to give me a ring - I'm sure I can come up with something to help you..........big cuddles and kissess xx

by shivon

Sunday 28 Mar 22:12

Cracker baby why has no one given you nthe home you deserve yet. It kills me walking past your kennel every monday. I wish I could take you I really do. Love you loads x x x see you in the morning

by jodie

Sunday 28 Mar 13:05

Cracker is lovely he has a very kind look in his eyes and what a lovely nose I hope someone chooses him soon he deserves a loving home Jodie x

by kallie

Saturday 27 Mar 20:43

all these lovely new hounds have got a home and this gorgeous loving boy is still here, i so hope that someone will fall in love with Cracker soon he so wants a home of his own and he will be a great hound to own. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 27 Mar 07:07

Hi Kate, Cracker is absolutely brilliant with other greys. He used to share a kennel with Kylie who used to leap & tread all over him and hog the bed but he loved her!

by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 26 Mar 21:32

im starting to fall in love with him ruth dose he get on with other greys pat and katie

by jodie

Friday 26 Mar 18:52

He is so gorgeous

by Bartleygreen,crew

Tuesday 23 Mar 17:22

hay baby hopeing to come and see u on the 4th of april if u dont have a home by then

by skinnyme

Tuesday 23 Mar 16:13

I adore this boy, he is such a bundle of fun and always happy to see you and get some fuss. I really hope someone will give him a home soon. If only I didnt have cats

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Monday 22 Mar 20:45

Still no one for the beautifull Cracker ? big ((HUGS))) to you special boy, hang on in there a lovely family will surely be along and fall in love with you soon X

by julie

Friday 12 Mar 22:58

just thought i'd mention if no-one else has, you can see this beauty racing on the greyhound data site, just put in his racing name and you can watch the 4 that are on there.

by julie

Friday 12 Mar 22:44

We took Cracker out for a walk yesterday with Cleo and we fell in love again, what a gorgous boy he is,( think even Pickle had an eye for him which is very good for her as she can be very stroppy esp when they have a sniff round her butt, but she never battered an eyelid, was that a smile I saw! lol) as they all are, if only it was me that could come again and choose some more of these lovely grays, the only problem being I would have to have them all! sigh.....x.

by kallie

Thursday 11 Mar 20:38

i just so adore Cracker, he is a lovely lovely boy, lively and beautiful but not rough or uncouth with it. i can't understand why he is still at the kennels as he is so well behaved when he is out for his walks and he loves people and making a fuss of them. he is stunning to look at and surely to goodness someone out there is going to want to offer him a home soon. he and Geezer both deserve a home of their own as soon as possible. xxx

by starkie

Thursday 11 Mar 13:16

Oh Cracker! I have deliberately not logged in to Daybreak Kennels for AGES 'cos of feeling guilty about having to leave you there. I was sooo happy when Ruth told me you had been reserved and a trail had been arranged. I still love you & REALLY want you but circumstances are not right for having you. You are a gorgeous boy!! You deserve a platinum coated home!!! xx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Tuesday 09 Mar 13:32

Oh dear Cracker, so sad to see it didnt work out for you all, sending big hugs beautifull boy, Rachel, have you thought about one of the older hounds like Benny ? who may be less bouncy round the little one and has already been in a home environment etc X

by Lauramc

Monday 08 Mar 18:39

Oh Cracker, so sad to see you back again! If I thought you'd cope with not eating my cat I'd come and get you right now. Fingers crossed it all happens for you soon. Xx

by Amy&Monty

Monday 08 Mar 18:03

Oh beautiful boy, my mum and I were so happy when you got home, our heart strings were pulled when you were on here for such a long time and not reserved. I'm sure, with your amazing character, you will be rehomed in no time. You're surely the dog for me and if i could persuade the parents i'd whisk you away to come and live with us and Monty. Hang in there beautiful boy xxx

by goldie

Monday 08 Mar 15:14

First Goldie, now Cracker. I am gutted . I feel so so bad over having to return Cracker after his trial. I am heartbroken, yet again, and I felt guilty having to return him after the terribly sad week you had last week. So sorry.


by LadyVictoria

Monday 08 Mar 13:50

Very sorry it didn't work out for you all. xx

by kallie

Sunday 07 Mar 20:49

Cracker boy my little star, i am so sad that it did not work out for you but be rest assured that we shall pull out all the stops for you and Geezer over the Crufts week to find you a wonderful home to go with your wonderful good looks and personality. biggest ever hugs little man, Ina xxx

by goldie

Sunday 07 Mar 10:12

Hi Ruth, having had cracker on Trial for a few days we have found out just what a loving boy he his!, he has so much love to give as you said, he loves long walks in the park and in the fields. He loves to play ball and loves his squeaky toys, to which three new toys no longer squeak !!. He loves to lye in front of the fire, but always has one eyelooking at you. But after very carefull consideration we feel that he is too much for us as we have little joshua around, cracker is a very powerfull dog and due to his bouncy chariacter, he stops for no one!. Iknow that a dog can be trained ,but you cannot take his bouncy personality away from him!! and we would never want that. After having goldie ,we have taken a long time to think about having another grey, and we really thought that this was the one for us !!. But as you suggested may be Trial one and see how he gets on , we feel that he would suit a loving home were there are no little people , bunnies or CATS!!. He goes bannanas for the small furry variety ,he tries his hardest to get to the bunnie cages as you walk him in to the garden.But the main concern is joshua, we have to keep cracker segregated at all times which is not fair on him, we have to do this to avoid any accidents , like i said he knows no thing different and just barges past . We hope that you nore anyone else think think bad of us or cracker as he a wonderfull boy and we only want the best for him!!, he deserves it !.
Rachel,David, joshua xx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Thursday 04 Mar 13:44

Hi Goldie, I just wanted to reassure you that things will get better if you give it time. I had a similar experience. I homed my first grey,Molly in June 08, I have two cats and two guinea pigs. At first she was very keen on the cats and basically just wanted to eat the hutch to get to the guinea pigs! It was a nightmare. I was very firm with her and eventually she got the message.She just ignores them now and I am so glad I stuck with it, she is the most perfect girl, we all love her so much.
October 09 I homed Reggie my second grey and went through it all again. But he is the perfect gentleman now. They just needed time to adjust. As for size Molly is dainty so easily managed where as Reggie is huge and powerful, much stronger than me.If he wants to go, he generally does with me dragged behind him!! But he knows Im the boss and usually does as he is told. They were both hard work in the beginning but there are so many plus points it was very very worth it. I love them so much.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes
Sharon x

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 04 Mar 13:21

Hi Rachel, sorry to hear that settling Cracker in isn't quite going to plan. When we had Buddy (our first Greyhound, a big black boy as well) I worried about how he'd get on with the house sights and sounds that he'd never known before, but he took everything in his stride, wasn't even bothered by the noisy vacuum. The main thing we had to teach him early on was manners, because he had none! He'd jump up on the work surface, take food off plates, push to be first through doors, whine, dance and pull to get to other dogs. In fairness he did want to say hello and is good with all dogs (he'd probably eat a cat though!) but I didn't know that at the time. "Wait" was a really useful word to teach, wait before going out into the garden/for a walk (I always go out first) wait before eating (saves bowl and food being knocked on the floor!) I get him to wait at kerbs when out for a walk and teaching him wait also stops the awful situation of him jumping straight out of the car when opening the boot. Leave is also a really useful command, especially with your small animals. I don't have a big voice, so saying "no" for me isn't helpful, I say "a,a" sharply (not A,A, that would sound funny!) and that works, he doesn't like the tone of voice, then I praise him when he stops doing whatever he shouldn't.Teaching him took time, patience, consistency and cheese(!) but it was worth it, he was worth it! Good luck, keep asking for advice xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 03 Mar 21:09

Hi Rachel. Well as predicted - I did say that Cracker would be keen on your other pets!!! (rabbits are obviously going to be very exciting to him) but you only took him yesterday and he still has a lot to learn. He can only do this with your encouragement and of course we are here to help you as well.
You have got to remember Cracker has come from a totally different environment and to settle in a home can take days, even weeks of training. Please give me a call, however, if you are having any doubts it is best to return him sooner rather than later which would be a pity as this boy will be a most wonderful pet - he just needs to know and learn what's right and wrong.

by goldie

Wednesday 03 Mar 17:24

Hi Ruth,

Just to let you know things are not going quite to plan with Cracker. There are 3 concerns at the moment ;

Firstly, he is seriously keen on the rabbits, and the budgies big time . I have sqiurted water in his face, and given him, a firm 'No', but he just doesn't want to know. He keeps going back to them. I can move the budgies in to another room, as he was biting at the cage, which is scaring the budgies, but i can't move the rabbits, and it takes some doing to pull him away from the rabbit cages, as he is quite powerful to hold back. He is proving to be quite a handful there.

The other thing is that when I am walking him, he seriously wants to eat small , fluffy doggies.He is always muzzled, but again he is quite a handful to hold him back when you are pushing a small nipper in the pushchair, and trying to hold on to him at the same time.

The other thing is that with Cracker being quite a big pushy pooch, I am frightened that him may knock the liitle one over, which I feel is a possible recipe for disaster. Cracker doesn't stop for anything, or anyone. It is quite difficult to segregate Cracker from Josh, and when I am keeping them apart it is hard to stop Cracker from pushing his way through the baby gate.

I don't want to get too attached to Cracker at the moment, and if I hadn't got rabbits and our young son, he would be a super dog.

On the positive side Cracker is an affectionate, playful, and a very loving dog, with lots of love to give. He loves cuddles and playing with his toys, and a the moment he is lying flat out on is bed, and he definatley loves his food, although treats are the last thing o his mind when the bunnies, and budgies are about for a tasty snack.

I don't want to give up on him yet, and I will keep you up to date on his progress. Any suggestions, or advice would be much appreciated.

See you soon, from Rachel, Dave, Joshua and Cracker xxx

by kallie

Saturday 27 Feb 19:51

had a big cuddling session with Cracker today and he promised me that he will be a good boy when he goes out to his new home next week. he is so lovely and i hope that his new family will give him time to settle in and find his feet, he's been in the kennels long enough now and deserves to have a break. good luck beautiful boy and let us all know how you are getting on. xxxx

by goldie

Saturday 27 Feb 10:41

We are looking forward to collecting Cracker, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will enjoy his new home here with us. We have comfy beds set up for him, and plenty of toys for him to play with. See you soon Cracker xxxx

P.s. give him a big cuddle from us all xx

by tinabina

Friday 26 Feb 22:36

Yay! Georgous boy so happy for you, maybe we'll have time for one last game of 'fetch' tomorrow before you go to your new home. Big hugs xxx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Friday 26 Feb 15:29

Good luck Cracker, be a good boy, we will have everthing crossed for you !! XXXXXXXX

by lindylou

Friday 26 Feb 11:48

Am keeping EVERYTHING crossed for this gorgeous boy!!

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 26 Feb 11:34

Cracker goes tomorrow..... keep your fingers crossed all goes well!

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Friday 26 Feb 11:29

Hi how is cracker getting on did he go for his trial ? XX

by LadyVictoria

Monday 22 Feb 14:07

Great news Cracker, reserved again, good luck this time! xx

by goldie

Sunday 21 Feb 11:44

Hi Ruth,

We were just waiting for the weather to clear up a liitle before we come over, so we will be over this afternoon. Any problems, and I will give you a call. See you soon,


by kallie

Friday 19 Feb 17:12

oh Cracker you gorgeous lad so sorry to see that you are not going to a new home now but hopefully as one door closes another one will open and you'll be going to a new home very very soon. see you sunday sweetheart. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 19 Feb 14:31

Hi Rachel - why don't you take him home over the weekend and see how he is with your little one - that would be the best way to try. Give me a call if you would like to do this and I can then reserve him for you!

by LadyVictoria

Friday 19 Feb 13:16

Never mind Cracker...better luck next time xxx

by goldie

Friday 19 Feb 12:35

Hmmm, Cracker has become unreserved, so I am unsure what to do now ?? We saw him a couple of weeks ago, and we came over again last weekend to have another look at him, but by the time we got there on Sunday he was reserved :-( I would like to pop over to see him again this weekend, but before I do would you be able to advise me as to whether or not he may be a little bit too bouncy for us as we have a 22 month old toddler boy wondering around the house ? I know he walks lovely on his lead, as we did walk him, but last week one of your volunteers said he may be too bouncy around our little one . Any advice would be appreciated, before I commit to calling over again. Thanks. Rachel

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 19 Feb 06:42

The promise of a home has unfortunately fallen through. Don't worry Cracker - we will find you a family soon x

by tinabina

Monday 15 Feb 13:42

Yay! So happy for you gorgeous boy.x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Feb 13:26

So pleased for you happy! x

by shivon

Sunday 14 Feb 20:33

Oh im so chuffed. Cracker you got a home. Im delighted cos you are such a wonderful happy dog. Will miss you on mondays tho cheering me up. x x x x x

by kallie

Sunday 14 Feb 12:54

i am thrilled to see that you have finally been chosen to go to a lovely home of your own. welldone beautiful lad and good luck, xxx

by Lauramc

Sunday 14 Feb 11:26

Well gorgeous boy, I've checked your pic every day since walking you at Xmas and at last see that you've been reserved. I hope you have a fantastic time in your new home, well done and be good! xx

by goldie

Wednesday 10 Feb 18:01

Very intereseted in Cracker. Would you be able to cat test him ??

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Tuesday 09 Feb 17:29

Hi Goldie, just thought id let you know that I have a toddler and our big male grey is far more gentle and aware of his presence around him, than our smaller female grey who is a bit of a lunatic round the house !, so dont automatically assume that a small female Grey will be daintly and quiet, go for the temperment of the Grey as an individual and dont go on size or colour or even sex ... ! XX

by goldie

Tuesday 09 Feb 10:16

Thank you for your helpful comments about Cracker. I have been thinking about him since we saw him on Sunday. We were looking for a small female greyhound, so Cracker is the total opposite of the grey were are looking for.
He is a big dog but maybe he would be a lovely, gentle giant in the home environment. I do like him :-)

by kallie

Monday 08 Feb 20:40

my Kenzie is even bigger than Cracker and he is a gentle giant, in the house he is not even noticed unlike his much smaller brotherRossi who is full of mischief and in constant motion. i don't know about small furries but i have walked Cracker past various small yappy dogs and not had a reaction of him when i have had him out on walks. he is a gentle boy despite being big and unlike my much smaller Rossi he does not barge into you when he is about, bit like Kenzie who is a gentle soul. please go and spend some more time with him in the run maybe having your little son there as well and see how it goes, don't discount him just because he is big. Ina xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Monday 08 Feb 19:24

My Buddy is about the same size as Cracker, outside he is full of fun and wants to play. In the house he is calm...and asleep most of the time! Last weekend we had a party with babies and toddlers running around and he was a perfect gent, even choosing to lie in the middle of all the chaos! Even though he is large he seems to have an amazing awareness of what's around him even when running around the garden. So I wouldn't discount him because he's big, big is beautiful in my Buddy's case!

by goldie

Monday 08 Feb 17:44

Just reading Crackers comments page . Has he been tested with small furries ??

by goldie

Monday 08 Feb 17:41

We came to the kennels yesterday, and walked Kylie and Cracker. I am disappointed that Kylie has been reserved, but I have to say that Cracker was a lovely greyhound with such a playful personality. He does seem bouncy, but he walked perfectly on his lead. He just wants to play, aww bless xx Not sure if he would be too big for our home, as we have a small toddler wondering about :-(

by Lauramc

Saturday 06 Feb 14:28

Oh Cracker, I've been away with school for a week and really expected to see you'd been snapped up by now! Ruth, was he cat tested in the end? X

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 06 Feb 06:05

Cracker is such a handsome boy - very big but loves his cuddles. He would make a fantastic companion for someone....

by swoo

Friday 29 Jan 20:28

i am very interested in Cracker, but as someone is coming over this week-end to see him i will see what happens. if he is still available i will come over next weekend if that is okay.

by Shan

Wednesday 27 Jan 14:54

I would be really interested - will come over Saturday or Sunday

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 27 Jan 14:52

Hi Shan - he has not been for a cat test yet - we may be able to take him at the weekend if you are interested?

by Shan

Wednesday 27 Jan 14:46

How did Cracker get on with his cat test and would he be okay with young children?

by rumblesmom

Tuesday 26 Jan 20:09

along with mindy cracker has to be one of my fav,s- i have 2 greys and my male rumble is a very lrge boy who came via ruth- he was and still is a lunatic but so soft and loving- he also only has a few teeth and when he first came to us had never lived in a home. he thought our cats were real sport and he would use my kitchen floor as a toilet- yet in jst 1 month he was an absolute angel- ruth big boys are always best, and as i also have a black grey i would say they are also complete gems- come on people snatch this boy up or else i might have to try and talk hubby into no 3.

by ally

Monday 25 Jan 21:06

cracker is so handsome he shares some family with my chelsea (wee sal)

by kallie

Sunday 24 Jan 18:54

i simply adore him, he is everything you can ask from a greyhound, handsome gentle and loving...ok so he is a big boy but honestly he is not a bit of trouble to walk and when we met two non greys today he just looked at them and that was all, no adverse reaction to them at all. so if someone out there is hoping to adopt a male greyhound please have a look at him and let his size not put you off, the bigger they are the more placid they can be, i have a very big boy myself and he is absolutely golden in the house. Ina xxx

by sally

Tuesday 19 Jan 11:28

just love Cracker! He looks so much like my George. Can't wait to take him a walk at the weekend if he's still there. xx

by Emma

Wednesday 13 Jan 18:38

Yep, saw Cracker in the flesh today and he is stunning! And he seemed to be getting on so well with his kennel mate Kylie. Ohhhh, why do I do this to myself??? Em x

by Lauramc

Monday 11 Jan 18:24

Emma, smitten is exactly what I am! I've decided to wait till my next school hol though before we can rehome and I hope for this fabulous boys sake that he's homed before then! If not though . . .

by Emma

Sunday 10 Jan 20:31

I can understand why Laura is smitten - he is such a good looking boy! Em x

by kallie

Saturday 09 Jan 14:51

Cracker is a beautiful big boy and is loving and friendly, if i would not have a houseful already i'd be sorely tempted again. xxx

by Lauramc

Thursday 07 Jan 21:21

Hmmm was bad enough when we came down before new year. Would love to come say hi so will see if I can get my car out of my road!

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 07 Jan 21:12

The roads are almostl clear as we are on the A45 which is a main road. Old Damson Lane where we walk them is an ice rink tho!

by Lauramc

Thursday 07 Jan 19:29

Ruth, how's the weather your way? The school I teach at is closed again and after 2 days in on my own be nice to come walk a few lovely greys. Craig will kill me if I choose one without him though!

by Lauramc

Tuesday 05 Jan 17:51

Still think he's the best looking boy on here! Handsome and friendly in the flesh too. Hugs!

by lovemygreys

Sunday 03 Jan 20:34

AHHH reminds me of our Izzy, which could be a problem as she is a Girlie!!! But then again it does go to show you what a very pretty boy he is! and if he has her temprament he will be a great dog for someone.x

by kallie

Friday 01 Jan 18:50

Cracker is such a gorgeous boy my heart melts when i look at him, surely soneone else out there will think just like i do and give him a home very soon. xx

by Lauramc

Friday 01 Jan 17:04

Hi Ruth,
Wasn't sure where else to leave this message and as I was admiring my favourite boy again I thought I'd drop it here. Have you ever heard of 'Music magpie'? It's a website where people can get money for old CD's and DVD's which I just discovered in my new years quest to save some money and I noticed that they have a charity section. By the looks of it you ask volunteers to donate old CD's etc (ideal after Xmas!) and they will then pay you for them. Don't know if it's something you've done before or something that's useful but I thought it could help you guys raise some more money. xx

by Lauramc

Tuesday 29 Dec 22:07

Ah brave boy, get well soon Cracker!

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 29 Dec 21:34

Cracker went for his op today (castrate) and the poor boy had 14 teeth out. He is going to feel a lot better soon and then he can go for his cat test.

by Lauramc

Tuesday 29 Dec 20:20

Any news on cat tests yet? xx

by Lauramc

Monday 28 Dec 17:12

Got to spend some time with this beautiful boy today. He walked very very well and is such a fun and bouncy boy. He seemed to like Kylie's company a lot. Two very lovely greys. Sigh!

by Lauramc

Friday 25 Dec 22:25

Happy Christmas! Glad to hear all the greys have been spoiled today! Anyone around and need a little walk tomorrow afternoon? Xx

by PamD

Friday 25 Dec 18:13

Hope all went well at the kennels today and the greys enjoyed their Chistmas dinners provided by one of our volunteers. Thanks to Auntie Jill Williams who decided to knit a Christmas stocking for each kennel and filled each one with treats. What a wonderfull Mother 'Jill' Christmas!

by Lauramc

Thursday 24 Dec 21:45

Happy Christmas by beautiful Christmas Cracker! I don't go back to won till 4th Jan so am hoping to come and say hello soon. X x x

by Jo

Thursday 24 Dec 16:29

My fiance and I live in an apartment and we have had Preston for 18 months now and it works perfectly for us and him we made the commitment to re-home such an amazing boy, yes it is hard work walking him everyday at 6.30am in the snow and rain but what we get back from him makes it soooo worth while. Go for it! xxx

by Lauramc

Tuesday 22 Dec 22:54

OK - Fourth time this evening I've looked at these pics. I think I love Cracker! Is he cat tested? Would I be unrealistic trying to home him in a maisonette. :-( Dramas!

by Emma

Tuesday 22 Dec 19:02

What a handsome chap, such lovely eyes! Em xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Dec 18:47

Cracker is stunning on the top picture he looks ever so like Rossi. xxx

by Lauramc

Tuesday 22 Dec 17:19

Beautiful beautiful boy! I really love the black boys! So pretty. And a Christmas name, what a sign! X