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About Me

Racing Name
Mays Fonze
Date of birth
01 feb 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Skilful SabenaIE-OCT-00-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

This little treasure has been in a home for 6 months.
Her owner has lost his job and with a new baby imminent, they are unable to keep her.

She is a real sweet girl but very tatty with lots of bald patches and tufty fur. Hopefully soon she will be looking better and will catch someones eye.

She is housetrained.

May has had 0 cuddles today (29 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by maysfamily

Tuesday 02 Mar 15:32

hi mays family here just giving you an update. her fur is now growing back lovely and is still eating well.she thinks our bed is her bed even though she has two lovely ones of her own . she loves lots of fusses(24/7) going to re-weigh her this week to see how much weight shes put on. oh by the way nobody told me how stubborn grey hounds are,if she doesnot want to do anything she wont move. but all that said and done she is soft, caring.funny and we wouldnot be without her lots of love may and her family xxxx ps will write again some

by kallie

Wednesday 10 Feb 18:56

hello May's family, i am reading her progress with interest as i was so very shaken and shocked by her condition when she came in and so taken by her gentleness and her trust in people despite obvious neglect. it's wonderful to read that she is settling in so well and that she is obviously loved and pampered and i am sure that with all that love and care she will flourish and be the beautiful girl that she should be. with love from Ina xxx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Wednesday 10 Feb 16:49

Sounds like May has settled in lovely and is now a very lucky girl. Well done May!! Best wishes xxx

by maysfamily

Wednesday 10 Feb 16:18

hi mays family here its day 6 now and shes settling down really well we changed her food on day 2 as she wasnt eating very much shes now eating chicken and rice (plus her no 2`s are a lot firmmer) and wolfing it down, we havent left her a lone yet thats a thing for the future.she has stopped trying to pinch my priceless bears and dog .she loves her walks and is well behaved ,will up date again soon love mays familyx x x x x

by maysfamily

Saturday 06 Feb 12:36

got may home yesterday i thought she would be very timmid for a few days ,no such luck she came upstairs and promptly helped herself to my price forever friends bears and my very dear two and a half foot stuffed german shepherd and decided to try and take the stuffing out of her ,i had to sleep with it last night as i feard for its life. she slept well last night . she had a small accident this morning {JUST A WEE} She seems very relaxed this morning she enjoyed her walk this morning will update shortly with more antics love mays family x x x x

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 31 Jan 16:08

Reserved!! Well done little girl, big hugs and good luck. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 29 Jan 11:39

We were told she had been speyed...... she came into season this morning :-(

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 27 Jan 14:33

Hi Shan - as per comment 19th January - she LOVED the cats!

by Shan

Wednesday 27 Jan 14:17

Any idea how she is with cats and with young children?

by Emma

Tuesday 26 Jan 14:10

I managed to pop in yesterday and had a lovely cuddle from this beautiful girlie - she's soooo sweet! When I was tickling her neck, her head got lower and lower until it was on the floor, and when I stopped she lifted her paw up to beg me to carry on - awwwww! Em x

by kallie

Sunday 24 Jan 19:08

what a difference a week has made to May, she is much happier, has put on a little weight and her skin seems to be a little better too. with time and lots of love and good food and grooming she will soon be a beautuiful little girl. she has the sweetest ever nature and seems to have forgiven the human race for the mistreatment she has had so far. what a little star. Ina xxx

by suejo

Friday 22 Jan 13:53

She is such a sweetie and seemed happier today.

by kallie

Tuesday 19 Jan 21:31

how is the gorgeous little May doing apart from chasing 'puddy cats'? i am sure she thinks she is in heaven at Daybreaks with all the love and attention she'll be getting and all that lovely food to put some weight on her. can't see how much she'll have improved in a week when i come over this weekend. xxxx

by court-family

Tuesday 19 Jan 17:42

Who'd have thought such a quiet girl would fail a cat test! Just goes to show you! That must be your fighting spirit May - kept you going girl. Never mind, you are in safe hands now and getting the love & care you need until you find you forever home. XX

by goldie

Tuesday 19 Jan 17:28

I cannot believe that poor May has been allowed to get in to that kind of state by her owners. The photos of May are shocking. How can people be so cruel to allow her to get into a poor condition like that ?? Poor May. I guess she just needs some tlc now, plus lots of love and hugs . Just reading her comments, is child friendly, and ok with small furries ? I am sending May a big hug Xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 19 Jan 16:08

May was very excited to meet Kerry's cats today and wanted them as play mates - they were not impressed!

by court-family

Tuesday 19 Jan 15:19

You are pulling at my heart strings girlie!

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Tuesday 19 Jan 12:24

I keep thinking of May, her very sad history and her cute little face. Hope she is chosen very soon. Somebody out there will be very lucky to have her, I wish it could be me.

by annie

Monday 18 Jan 22:48

oh my god what a lovely little girl but looks so bad hope you fnd your foreve home soon hope to get you a hug xxx

by lovemygreys

Monday 18 Jan 22:30

humans expect so much from dogs, dogs on the other hand expect so little from us and are all forgiving,
Which in Mays case is a good job! I am sure she is way better off with you at the kennels getting pampered and loved, until she gets the forever home she deserves so much. No dog should come out of a home looking like this.
good luck sweetie x

by zalthered

Monday 18 Jan 22:04

Saw May today,gave her lots of fuss & her tail was wagging.Hope someone loses their heart to her very soon & takes her home.She deserves all the love in the world.I left her with tears in my

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 18 Jan 18:21

Oh my goodness, all I want to do now is rush on up and sit with her on her bed feeding her lots of fattening sausages and giving her loads of cuddles! Wouldn't you just love to see her blossom into a well groomed couch potato? Mand x

by PamD

Monday 18 Jan 17:37

May's eyes didnt look so lost today, its all the love and care she is receiving at Daybreaks. My heart still went out to her the poor poor little girl. I really hope she finds the right home soon where someone will give her the tlc she needs.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Monday 18 Jan 16:52

Oh your poor little girl, your photo has really shocked me, I thought our Poppy was a skinny girl when she came to live with us, but my speechless and reading Kallies words have just brought tears to my eyes, Im sending you a very big cuddle, I so wish I lived closer and I could give you a real one, im sure a new family will be along soon to love, cherish and spoil you, as you so deserve to be, good luck beautifull XX

by Emma

Monday 18 Jan 15:49

Aw, she looks so lovely, I wish I had time this week to come and give her a cuddle - she looks like she needs lots of cuddles! Em x

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Monday 18 Jan 10:29

My Reggie was very sad looking when we homed him in October, he was very bald with no hair at all on his tail. Now three months on he is a completely different boy, with a lovely shiny coat and no longer a baldy. You can only see it is the same dog because of his bit of missing ear!! With love, tlc and time they improve so much. And how rewarding it is for you also. Best of luck for the future May. I hope you find your home very soon. Lots of love and hugs. xxx

by zalthered

Sunday 17 Jan 21:50

Poor girl,she looks so sad & thin. You just want to give her a big hug & lots of

by kallie

Sunday 17 Jan 18:26

this little girl caused me to have a few tears today. in all my time at the kennels i have never seen a more sad looking neglected hound coming out of a home and her beautiful eyes are dejected looking and yet despite the obvious lack of care she still wags her tail and wants you to come and give her some love. with some love and attention she will soon return to her good looking little self and her confidence will soar so hopefully somebody out there will find it in their heart to give May a wonderful home very very soon. xxx

by Littledwee

Sunday 17 Jan 18:14

Saw May today, she is a beautiful girl, in need of some love and tlc. Aww those eyes! xx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 17 Jan 14:11

If I could sneak in another one she would be the one!! She is so lovely bless her. xx