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About Me

Racing Name
Cushie Persie
White and Black
Date of birth
26 sep 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Ashwood MiniIE-SEP-02-BKW
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, White and Black

Added by PamD

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Percy is a nice quiet lad says his trainer. He doesn't like raised voices and therefore would suit a quiet home. He is not very outgoing but hopefully with time that he will change.

Flea treated by trainer beginning of January.

Percy has had 0 cuddles today (11 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 25 Feb 09:43

After reading the sad news about Lucy it is so good to hear the great news Percy is doing really well. So happy for you all. Please give him a big hug from me! Kind regards Kate and Twiggy xx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Thursday 25 Feb 09:24

Thats brilliant news, so pleased that Percy is settling in well now and is adjusting to being a loved family pet. x

by specky

Wednesday 24 Feb 21:14

hi this is percys dad just to let everybody know doing very well now percys lay in the lounge very happy and we love him so much thankyou everybody with all your comments and help.

by skippy

Friday 12 Feb 22:10

hello percy's family how are you all getting on?

by court-family

Sunday 07 Feb 22:56

How's it goin guys? It's a toughie, but it will be worth it. Hang on in there! X

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Thursday 04 Feb 14:24

Hi, just read about Percy and his peeing.. we use a baby gate between the kitchen and living room, for the cats safety mainly, but its a really good idea for you too as you will only have a small area to clean and manage him better with his leg cocking, have you tried the squirt of a water bottle with a firm 'NO' as he does it then really praise him when he gets it right ?
I have treated our 2 Greys like you would treat a little toddler, they are not programmed with 'why' they shouldnt do something - they just need to be conned into doing something right LOL ! Plenty of yummy things and lots of love and praise. Please dont give up on your beautiful boy, it can be hard work but they are so worth it, we had our 2nd Grey in October and she isnt very good friends with our Cat, unlike our other Grey, but she is definately makeing progress slowly but surely,they need time to adjust etc and accept the new rules of the house. One day you will notice his eyes will no longer glaze over and something will finally click and the no peeing in the house rule will be in his head. The book that Emma has suggested Jan Fennell's book 'The Dog Listener' is really good and helpfull for any dog owner.
Good luck in your progress with Percy,

by Emma

Thursday 04 Feb 08:56

Please don't give up - you have definately got your hands full but you are not on your own and it is still early days.

I have been so lucky with my 1st and 3rd greys as we've had no toilet issues with them, but my 2nd (Sadie) was entirely a different matter and we too had our fair share of "OMG what have we done" moments! She didn't spray, but she'd wee anywhere and everywhere with excitement and didn't seem to have any control, but now she's really good in everyway possible - so much so that this little horror (as was) is actually going to be representing the RGT at Crufts!

The only advice I can give is lots of praise and lots of cheese when he goes outside. And as mentioned before, teaching him the words ''go wee wee" when he does do anything so he knows what it's all about. Maybe try restricting which rooms he goes in so a) you give yourself a break and are not constantly clearing up and b) he gets to feel at home one area at a time. Take up the offer of the loan of the pet gate - we wouldn't be without ours now. Jan Fennell's book 'The Dog Listener' is brilliant, try and get it, if not google 'amichien bonding' and implement that - it worked for us.

Stick with it, it'll be so worth it. Some take a bit longer than others, but it's like with kids and they do get there eventually, just in their own time.

Em x

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 04 Feb 07:53

I have a pet stair gate to loan if you want to borrow one.... just let me know.

by skippy

Wednesday 03 Feb 19:36

Thats great news hang in there, you could also try a stairgate and confine him to areas where he can't get to the kids stuff till he improves, you will be so proud of both of you once you've cracked it, plenty of people to help if you need it xx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 03 Feb 16:12

Please don't give up on Percy! Ruth is so right, it will be worth it. I adopted Twiggy nearly four years ago; there were times at the beginning when I wondered what I had done, but now with every day that passes I love her even more. One of the best pieces of advice I was given was from my Mum, she said " Give her time and patience, she will settle down", something my Mum is an expert at as she had six children! Kind regards Kate and Twiggy xx Ps Good luck with the parachute jump, you are much braver than I am!

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 03 Feb 14:35

Hi there..... hang in there..... remember he is having such a massive change of life from what he is used to - just keep giving him as much training, reassurance and praise and he will get there - he needs you to help him through.... it will all be worth it - I promise.

by specky

Wednesday 03 Feb 14:05

thanks skippy i will try that see what happens .we find it hard with twin girls and the dog weeing on their stuff its hard and also the border terrier and the cat to fit into i was all for taking him back but will give it some more time as i love him to bits.

by skippy

Tuesday 02 Feb 22:14

hi forgot to say the pound shop sells a camping light which will fit on your patio umbrella or round your door handle great for a night light tried and tested and all for a quid.

by skippy

Tuesday 02 Feb 22:09

hello Percys mom, your not on your own one of my boys was like yours, realisticly it can take 3 months before the penny drops but it will. Look at it from his point of view he is just living in a posher kennel he doesn't know its a home,human term not grey, therefore he can and will wee if he needs to same as he always has whether it be through nerves, scent marking or he just has to go. my boy is very nervy so it was a mixture of reasons, you have to spend as much time with him as you can and catch him in the act, i used a water bottle with the push down top and squirted him in the face area with a firm NO! i Think i only had to do it twice. This doesn't hurt it merely shocks and you feel worse for it than he does. The other thing i did was taught him the term wee wee to associate with the back door, as soon as he went to the back door after i said cum wee wee i treated, he was soon going by himself, getin a treat then going outside to toilet. don't get stressed over it it will work out good luck x

by Emma

Tuesday 02 Feb 15:35

Whilst looking for greyhound coats (yeah, I know I know, just don't hubby ok?) I noticed these which might be useful for short term probs like this;

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 02 Feb 12:07

The crying can last for many days..... give Julie a call on 0774 775 4759 to see if she can help with regard to the weeing..... You could try a DAP diffuser (plug in device from your vets) or some herbal calming pills (we have some at the kennels) to help with settling him at night.

by specky

Tuesday 02 Feb 10:10

hi ruth still weeing everywhere what else can we do? helped himself to our chillie last night cheeky monkey and how long does the whining last for at nights.

by specky

Monday 01 Feb 10:35

thanks ruth i will try that.debbie looking forward to the jump.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 01 Feb 09:07

Try something thicker and tighter than a t-towel..... It should work.... give me a call if you are still having problems.

by specky

Monday 01 Feb 08:52

hi ruth or anybody any ideas on percy spraying all over the house tried the tea towel wrapped around him and also keep taking him out and saying well done but still spraying,help please.

by kallie

Sunday 31 Jan 18:39

I am so happy to read that Percy is doing well and that he looks so happy with himself. he is such a lovely lad and i am sure that he will settle into his new home in no time and be a wonderful pet. love to you all, Ina x

by specky

Saturday 30 Jan 20:54

Percy has been an absolute star today. Not bothered by our cat or small dog. We are all sat in the lounge tonight and Percy seems very happy. Excellent on his walk tonight as well. Looking forward to the parcahute jump next week - have spoken to Andrew and now just waiting for the final details!

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Jan 16:42

Good luck with the cats Percy - you have a great new family to call your own..... and your mum is brave enough to do the parachute jump with me next week!

by specky

Thursday 28 Jan 17:32

hi percy bella the dog coming to meet you on friday hope all geos well as we want you home very soon all our lovexxx

by specky

Monday 25 Jan 21:44

Had our home visit today and all seemed OK - so it's all systems go. Really looking forward to him being part of the family xx

by specky

Sunday 24 Jan 20:11

Hi we have been today and waiting now on home visit and then Percy will be well loved with bella the dog and poppy the the cat

by kallie

Sunday 24 Jan 18:44

Percy is a beautiful boy with a lovely gentle nature. he really took to the little girls he'll be going to live with and he stole his new family's heart. he passed his cat test and now all we need is the home check and he can go and join his new family and his little border terrier sibling and the cat. well done. xxxIna xxx

by zalthered

Sunday 24 Jan 17:09

Percy was so friendly. I really liked him.

by court-family

Sunday 24 Jan 13:52

Our Lady was very timid & scared of loud noises when she came to us. So much so, that we were warned she would scale a 6ft fence! She settled with us - kids, Ebony the dog and Ellie the cat, and we haven't looked back since. She is still shy, but no longer afraid of her own shadow! With lots of love and a little time, she soon adapted, and we are now looking for another grey to join our brood. Maybe you are the one Percy?? How do you feel about cats??