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About Me

Racing Name
Blueboy Jack
Date of birth
01 sep 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Hypnotic HeatherIE-MAR-04-BE
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, Blue

Added by Emma-Rae

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Jack has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
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by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 02 Apr 08:22

Jack is doing much better, the limp is hardly visible now and he seems perkier in himself. He's still on anti-inflamitories, anti-biotics, he's having weekly glucosaming injections and monthly B12 injections (it was found that he wasn't "absorbing"...or something like that, this vitamin) He is getting much more confident, cheeky and loving each day and we are so pleased he's part of our family. Hope to see you soon x

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 23 Mar 22:47

Well, the vet thinks he has bicipital tendinitis, nothing obvious from the x-ray. Not heard of this before, hope it's something that can be "mended", just nice to have him back home again. Was lovely that when the nurse brought him out he looked so pleased to see me, reassuring to see he's bonding with us even after a short ammount of time. Still keeping my fingers crossed...thankyou for the kind messages x

by Emma

Saturday 20 Mar 15:55

Poor Jack, hope he feels better soon xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 20 Mar 09:59

We have Jack back at home, very annoyingly we were told that they don't x-ray on a Saturday, so we were asked to bring him in Saturday starved for an x-ray because...?! So he is booked in for Tuesday (when they DO x-ray!) and has more anti-inflamitories and antibiotics because his glands are up, he has a slight temperature and a periodic cough (as well as diarrhea!) I asked about warts and was told he doesn't have anyway, Tuesday he's being x-rayed and bloods done...fingers crossed again...

by kallie

Friday 19 Mar 17:09

oh dear poor little boy, we are all sending him our love and best wishes that everything is fine and easily mended. love and licks Ina and the boysxxxx

by sas

Friday 19 Mar 16:33

yes definately get him checked for corns. my boy had corns and this was missed by our original vet, he was given xrays and metacam etc, they even implied that i was making his limp up! a greyhound trainer took one look at him jump off the van and told me straight away that he had corns and that was causing his limp. changed my vet to fivelands and his corns have been removed now and he's fine. greyhounds are the only dogs to suffer with corns, so a vet that is'nt experienced in greyhounds may miss this and as Pam says they are not always easy to spot.
good luck with ur boy, sending lots of healing thoughts xxx

by PamD

Friday 19 Mar 15:55

Is he as lame when you walk him on grass. If he is better on grass look for a corn. Sometimes the skin heals over the corn so it is not visible to the eye. Hope your news is good. Good Luck

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 19 Mar 14:51

Please send positive vibes Jack's way for tomorrow, he's having an x-ray to try and find out why he's limping. After a week of anti-inflammatories and rest, he's still no better, I'm praying it's something easily fixed and nothing sinister...

by welovegreys

Tuesday 09 Mar 19:01

We agree Ruth is one in a million she loves all of the dogs at Daybreaks and this has been a sad week .We have rehomed 4 dogs from Ruth in the last 3 years and everyone at daybreaks really love the greyhounds. Ruth think of all of the greys who have sucessfully been rehomed and we hope you have a better week next week.

by zalthered

Tuesday 09 Mar 16:31

Hear ,hear to all the comments about Ruth.You have to be a special kind of person to do what she does for all the dogs that come into Daysbreak. And she is VERY SPECIAL Val, Peg & Max.

by Emma

Tuesday 09 Mar 14:55

Hear hear! Em x

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 09 Mar 13:37

Hi Ruth, I agree 100% with the comment of earlier; without people like you the world would be a much sadder place! You have had such a tough time recently, but look back at all the successful, happy homings you have achieved since you opened Daybreaks, inlcuding allowing me to adopt Twiggy for which I can not thank you enough. Love Kate and of course Twiggy xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 09 Mar 13:00

ahhhh thank's Tash - I really appreciate your very kind words. It is really hard running the kennels sometimes but your comment makes things much easier! xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 09 Mar 12:20

I just wanted to say thankyou to Ruth for everything that she does for these wonderful dogs and their owners. It takes a very special person to give so much of herself to make the lives of retired Greyhounds happy and fulfilled. Thankyou for being you (and I'll try not to have anymore dramas!) xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 20 Feb 14:06

We've had Jack 2 weeks now and it is lovely seeing him develop into a house dog. His confidence has grown and he is learning the house rules, though he is a bit of a thief, not just food, I found him cuddling my jumper the other day on his bed! We have had no accidents, which is amazing, and he loves going for walks, though I think he's a bit miffed that he can't run free with Buddy and Charlie! His tail is healing (fingers crossed) and he just wags it all the time, a very happy Jack! I worried that 3 dogs would be difficult, but we and they have just adjusted to an extra one, all good fun! Hopefully see you soon xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 19 Feb 14:55

Thankyou Pam for putting my mind at rest today. I've just enjoyed seeing Jack blossom from a shy dog into a loving, playful little boy, that I've let the rough play carry on. I'll be firmer with both of them, thankyou xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 14 Feb 07:22

Happy Valentines Day from me, Jack, Buddy and Charlie. We hope the dogs at Daybreaks find their true loves and forever homes today xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 07 Feb 06:23

Well first day went well, 2 walks with 3 dogs and didn't get tangled! He ate tea with gusto, slept well last night and no far. Buddy was beside himself when he saw him, whining and doing a little dance and Charlie gave him a kiss (Jack wasn't impressed, they had only just met after all!) Much to my relief his tail doesn't stop wagging and he's started to play with the toys. At the moment he's sleeping behind me on a duvet, bottom to bottom with Charlie, very cute!

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 06 Feb 06:06

I can't sleep because I'm so excited about picking you up, really, how old am I?!! See you later Jack xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Wednesday 03 Feb 17:45

Really excited to have you join our family on Saturday, be prepared to be smothered with love from me and the boys (that includes children, husband and dogs...I'm slightly outnumbered by males!) xxxx

by katey

Tuesday 02 Feb 10:23

Would Jack be ok with other small dogs and hens do you think? x

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Monday 01 Feb 18:33

what a gorgeous boy! After the black the blue are sooooo

by kallie

Sunday 31 Jan 18:45

Jack is a beautiful blue medium sized boy who is a real gentle lad. he went out for a walk and was perfectly well behaved. in the run he ate his dinner well and even wagged his tail at me when i gave him a fuss. he is a stunning boy. xxx