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About Me

Racing Name
Surfin Sindy
Date of birth
18 jun 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
IE-GSB ICC (87) id 13852


female, 17 years old, Blue

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Sindy has had 0 cuddles today (12 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Tuesday 06 Apr 17:05

I met the previous owners of sindy at a dog show on sunday. They were showing their 2 lovely well cared for greyhounds.
I feel very sorry for the owners as they were very upset about the whole situation of having to return her because her other greyhounds bullied sindy and wouldnt accept her into the pack and made her very stressed. I feel very sorry for them as negative messages have been posted accusing them of not thinking it through and not being commited owners. that couldnt be further from the truth. i give them 10 out of 10 for taking on a third greyhound and also making the responsible and hard decision of returning her to find a home where she would be happier and not bullied. im sure sindy thanks her first owner for doing the right thing and yes " thinking it through"!

by Naomi

Sunday 04 Apr 19:28

Oh I'm happy she has found another home. Don't let others make you feel bad Hells...sounds like you just did the right thing for all concerned. With the best will in the doesn't always work out first time. I know this well with horses. Luckily my grey...Milo (Larry) has settled very well and I would be heart broken to have to return him, and hope he is with me for the rest of his days...however if he was distressed for whatever reason and I could not have made it work, I would have brought him back if thought it was best for him. I'm lucky that this has not been the case! Well done for trying your best anyway!!!!!!!!! Many people could not have even done that much. I would have been interested in her as my second as she just sounds lovely and quiet :) x

by hells

Thursday 01 Apr 18:47

At least, let us as committed dog owners explain why we thought it was best for Sindy. It is awful to be publicly slated by people who dont know the whole story. I am disgusted!

by hells

Thursday 01 Apr 18:45

In response to Jodie, I do agree it is an absolute privilege to own a grey. We are the proud owners of two gorgeous black beauties and love them to pieces. We did take Sindy, in the hope that we could establish a family and tried very hard to integrate her into the established pack. Unfortunately, she was bullied, bitten, and not a happy dog. She is a beautiful greyhound, very calm, very placid and very loving and it broke our hearts to return her, but it was kinder to Sindy (although my son cried all the way home after returning her) and we are over the moon she has found a new home. She will be an amazing dog. We understand the commitment and enjoy our babies...and give them all the love and care they deserve. Gud luck

by tinabina

Saturday 27 Mar 23:21

Yay! Well done pretty girl in winning someones heart so quickly. x

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 26 Mar 08:26

Hi Littledwee - She is a shy, quiet, reserved little girl so will not stand up for herself and the 2 other dogs in the family are not making her feel welcome to share their established pack :-(

by Littledwee

Thursday 25 Mar 22:25

poor girl, why has she been returned???

by tinabina

Thursday 25 Mar 20:06

Poor girl, she's such a beautiful thing I'm sure her feet wont touch the ground before she's whisked off to a new home. Good luck angel, see you on Sunday for a cuddle and maybe for walkies with your bigger doppeldanger Harrison. x

by kallie

Thursday 25 Mar 16:06

what a shame to read that yet another one of our gorgeous hounds is being returned after a short time, they do deserve better than this and hopefully it will not be too long before we can find her a permanent home. big hug to a lovely little girl. xxxx

by jodie

Thursday 25 Mar 15:05

I really cant understand why this beautiful girl is being returned, dont these people think it through. It is a privilege to own a dog not a right. However it is better for her to have a new home with committed owners.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 25 Mar 09:18

Sindy is being returned on Saturday through no fault of her own :-(

by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Feb 13:37

Obviously couldn't resist your cooking! So pleased she is ok. Kate x

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 14 Feb 17:31

yeeeeaaaahhhhh! Sindy has found her feet - she came out of her cage (door is permanently open for her to come and go) and scoffed a great big bowl of dinner tonight. She hasn't eaten since Friday and I didn't want her to go to her new home until she had bounced back after op.

by LadyVictoria

Friday 12 Feb 14:44

I hope Sindy enjoys her bed and breakfast at the Hotel Boswell! Kate x

by goldie

Thursday 04 Feb 08:54

Sindy looks gorgeous. I just want to say that we are not looking for a particular colour in a greyhound, and our priority is to get the right dog to fit in to our home, as we have a toddler who will be 2 years old soon, and we do have pet rabbits.

Believe me there is no way that I would choose a dog purely on colour, and I also think that black greys are stunning too. We are just looking out for the right grey to fit in to our family.

by lovemygreys

Tuesday 02 Feb 20:33

She does look a beauty, but then the blues always do, and she has so much interest maybe because of this. Please if you arn't lucky enough to get her take a look at some of the black beauties at Daybreaks.
I just wanted a grey who had been waiting a long time for their forever home ,colour was not a deciding factor, I ended up with a black dog and bitch and they are sooooooo lovely I now have another fawn one because she was in need of a forever home as well.
The right Grey for YOU is the important thing, and very often if you visit the kennels the dogs will let you know they have PICKED YOU!

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 02 Feb 12:08

You can pop over today but we have quite a lot of interest in her if she is cat friendly.

by goldie

Tuesday 02 Feb 11:17

Hi Ruth,

I am thinking about popping over to see Sindy today, that's if she hasn't already been reserved. She is a beautiful looking grey. I thought about her all night x

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 02 Feb 05:34

Hi Goldie, yes she is at the kennels - come along to visit her if you want - she is absolutely gorgeous! x

by goldie

Monday 01 Feb 22:00

Oh my goodness. What a gorgeous looking greyhound !! Sindy is stunning Ruth. Is she at the kennels now ? I would like to come and meet her, but I guess there will be a big queue.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Monday 01 Feb 18:42

Oh how lovely! I'm keeping away, cant have number 3. She is stunning i'm sure she will have a queue of lucky people wanting her.

by TraceyS

Monday 01 Feb 16:24

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful girl!! Need to call in to pick up some food & we all know what happened last time I did that, we went home with 'Ottie' as well as the food!! Will possibly be going home with 'grey' No:3 if she is still there!! Soon the 'greys' will be outnumbering the kids in our house!!

by suejo

Monday 01 Feb 10:20

I've been forbidden to visit Sindy, because mt husband knows that if I do come, she will probably come home with me...!

by SamA

Sunday 31 Jan 19:31

What a little doll! Hope you find a loving home soon. Tom & Dreamer

by kallie

Sunday 31 Jan 18:48

when i saw Sindy out walking with Jack i assumed that they were related but they are not at all although they look amazingly good together and walked together very nicely as if they had always known each other rather than just met. she is a lovely little blue girl with the sweetest gentlest nature and she walks like a dream. she had her dinner and ate every scrap and came for a little cuddle afterwards. so so adorable and she is kenneled with Jack her new friend. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 31 Jan 06:54

She's only had 3 races!